Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Nouchulonlly inn! ivllh 'nodiitly
Clllboil Htowurt, 11 .M ml (in d young
liinn. In lliu 4 III engineers, In u ltlir
Just received liy IiIh parents, Mr. nml
Mm, II. I. Hi own rl, mint vm thn netlvo
purl ho luuli in th ii closing drives of
lli'n cninpiilKil In I'Vuiico. In lliu Ht.
Mllilel drive lid rocelvoil n uluco of
tdioll thru lliu raincoat, nml a ilml
shall exploding Hour him scared lilm
''out of sevan years Hrowlli." Once,
by thn Vwtle river ho "kissed liliiimiir
aood-liye." Tliu letter In purl fol
lows: "I ii m writing this from a town In
Alnncn. lliillevu mo I never expected
to lio In Hi In purl of thn country a
faw lllillllllll lino, Home .collapse lo
Wlllla's empire, wohii'I It? Thin Ik
out of the richest iinciliiiiii of Europe
with Homo blic stool iiiIIIh nml some
flno towns as wcill UK a rich funnliiK
country. Tho consorshlp U partly otr
now io I can Hkitii whnt Iiiih hup
poll nil bIiici) I Inmloil hum. Hero It I":
"I.iiiiiIoiI In lliirilcniix nhoiit Muy
13 nml wim shipped lo CuluU nml
billeted Willi llm KiikIIiIi army. Ware
Armed Willi Itrlllsh guns, English In
strticlors, eta. Wore thorn nhoiit
throo weeks nml wore iilven our V.
8. mm again, nml vnl down to the
American sector. Wo wound up In
reserve nonr Cliulonu Th lorry nhout
jinin loth. Dliln't ten liny real fight
ing hut limird n tow of Heinle's shell.
"When tho big attack of July lHth
ntorled wo wore first In roscrvo and
then In active service. Homo of It
wan damned nrtlvn, too. Dure down
by the VokIo river I nhoul kissed my
NNir Kood-hye, but it win n lllila too
early and 1 ramo thru wllhoui being
touched, Wo wore relieved on the
13lh of August am! want luu'k for a
' "Wo moved up nitnln to tnke part
In the Ht. Mlhlol drive. It only hint
ed a few day and then wo moved
over lo ntnrt the lint big drive Ihnl
wont clear Into tho Argniinn. We
llnrted on Hopl. 2lh. (Thern was
ijiiio nrttllery flro Dint morning),
and wore rollovod on Oi l. 19. Things
wore pretty hot there nt time. I
Rot a chunk of nholl thru my rnlnrotit
and a dud nholl that lit pretty clone
and ararod 1110 out of navon yoars
"The work won about tho name for
each drive building rouds or string
ing barbed wire and digging trenchrn.
Of cou mo nt tlmwn tho 11101 Impor
tant Job wan dodging llelnlo's II. II.
holla. That's about all there In to
my war experluncen. Of course I can
add a lot of detulln later (verbally, I
hope. )
"Now I'm with tho nrmy In Alsace
where I nuppone I'll nllck until peace
In signed. Have a job for me some
time In February or March an I am In
liopen of boliiR back thora by thnt
LONDON, Dec. 22. (Correnpoix
denco of Annoclnted I'renn.) Dotco
tlon liy llrltlnh army investigators of
(iormnn "booby-traps" nuved tho liven
of ninny nn' officer or man of tho
llrltlnh nrmlon during: tho period
whon tho Gormuns woro rotroiillug
from Franco. ' "t am convnicod," nayn
one officer, "that wo nipped mnny of
the Hun'n favorite plnnn .by captur
Ing nonr Uray a llttlo factory whore'
he mado bin Iiooby-trnps. When wo
occupied It wo much from
tho purtly comnlotod trnps wo found
lying iibout tly I'laco.
"O110 of tbam wan an Iron pinto.
Thin tho wily Hun dropped In a road
way no Hint it would likoly bo trod
upon by noldlor or horso of our ad
vancing troops. Tho pinto wnn In two
partn, with a spring IiihIiIo, and us-
daily nontnlnad n dotonutnr connect
ing with a heavy charge of explosive
Whon the weight of tho foot wnn re
moved, tho spring nprang Into placo
and exploded tho dotonator, and the
dumiigo wan done.
"TIiobo nprlng dolonatorn woro tho
Gorman's spoclnlty. They cnnslBtod
of a lube contnlulng n llttlo spring
with a hook nt 0110 end. Attached1 to
' tho hook wnn a string or wlro con
necting with tho oxplostva churno.
Any,iirrungomeiit by which Iho nprlng
could ua dlntondod and tbaii Biiitcioii'
ly contracted sorvud lo Jork tho string
and tho churno wns exploded."
: m j 1
I'AltlH, Jim. 22,-.Whllo Iho pence
1-iiiin hi getting Into action, Iho
illli'Hlloii of i'riiiildniil Wlhinii miming
11 fifth iloliiKiito to net on the Amor-
li nn inlimlon when lie himself departs.
for home Iiiih iuiiIm arisen, und the
names of W 1 1 1 In mi II. Tun and Kllhu
limit Iiiivii heuii iiioiilhinoil. Mr. WJI
sou's decision iih to appointment' of
limit her delegate ilopumlH wholly
upon whnllior ho will eoniililur It noc
assnry to ml 11 in to Kuropo nftor the
adjournment of the Amorleiiii con
gress In March. Thiiro hi abnolutoly
no utiosilon Una hu fools ho must re
turn to America In tlnin lo sign hllln
Hint lu'ivo been pummel nt Washing
ton, Ho Iiiih no thought or signing
I horn hero, on tho theory thnt the
emhiiiisy Is American territory.
Ho fur tho president bus not been
ublo to dutiirmlno wholhor to return
to tho peace congress, hut sufficient
hnstlwnv bus mil been made to Indi
cate whut may be hoped for In tho
approximately twenty days before his
ship mills. He has expressed the hope
that It would not bo necessury for
him to mnko another voyngo across
the Atlantic. Al tho sumo tlmo,' how
ever, ho Iiiih told bin colleagues that,
us he considers tho business of tho
peace congress most Important on
concerns his country nml tho world,
tie would not hoslliito to return If his
presence Is necessury to tho success
of his plan for a l.oaguo of Nations.
Until ha decides whether ho will ro
lurii, there Is no wny of forecasting
tho appointment of another Ameri
can delegate. If one should bo nam
slbly' Admlrul W. 8. r.cimon might Ho
ed. Secretary of Wur linker or pos
appointed. Tho possibility of Ad
miral l.ennon being mado a delegate
dopends upon whether It Is decided
(hut thn American navy should be
it Is quilo probable' thnt President
Wilson will take bark wlih him as
many American soldiers as his ship.
Iho (leorgo Washington, can accom
modate. On one of her voyages she
carried 7000 mon.
HO.MK. Jan. 21. A contingent of
'JNO jftiicricnii fciiilor arrived here to
ilav mid wim mo-! enlluihinstioiillv re
ceived. The inini-tcr of the niivv envc
11 luncheon fur the Ameru'iin officer
today, while Amerienn mid Italian
xiiiiuiH were cutorliiinci! tit another
jU RPP'OTn). Ot.'I'ldOV, JVIsDNKKMAY, JANHAIfV 21!. 1010
mi i. ,,.,.,, i.i:.-.ij..j.ii,..i .ma . 1 1 ''"'''jMljg .
AMSTKftrUlvr, Jim. 22. Tho city
of Ilromen Is virtually In tho hnnds
of tho worklngmcn, according to a
dispatch to tho llorlln iAikal Anr-nlger
from tho (Iormnn seaport. Tho work
Ingniim hiiva occupied tho hnrrneks,
tho town ball, tho telephone office
and tho bunks and havo posted ma
rhino guns In tho market pluco und
In public buildings.
Tho soldiers In Iho barracks wore
disarmed by the workers.
A genurul ntrlko has been pro
claimed at Remschcld as a protest
agnlust tho killing of Dr. Karl Mch
knecht nnd Hosa I;uxemburg. Knc
lorles huvo been closed and traffic
Hied of disease: Sergl' Newmnn O.
Dennis, Dallas. Ore.; Sorgt. John U.
''Itsmnurlce. Condon, Oro.j I'vt. Al
len C. White, Klrrky, Oro.
Wounded severely; Mont. William
K. Nottingham. Cnrlton, Ore.
Wounded, dogreo undetermined,
previously Teporleil killed In uctlon:
I'vt. II or man Gardner, North lleiid,
STOCKIIOIf. Tuesilnv. .Tan. 21.
Maxim I.itvinoft'. former Hol.-lievi-it
ainlmssiiiliir in I.onilon. in a stiitement
ti tlie A,-tieintetl l'ress (odnv mlmit-
tetl that llolshcvisl iiroliuu'innia hit (1
been curried on in Oermnnv. hut de
nied any such nettvitv in neutral or
entente count rie.
".Now when tho cnlento nations arc
wilL'iinr war on IfiiKsiu nnd in Russian
territory," lie said, "however, wo feel
just if icil ill enirauinu' in iirniinuaiidn
work ainonc the allied troops. Any
mivernmeiit in our iiluee would do the
snme. '
S.U.KJ.r, Jan. 22.--!liuliwnv liilU
are eominz in strum; in the house.
Ki'lireseiiliilivc Jimivh of I.iiieoln mill
I'tdk counties. nrfMcntcd a hill urn
viilim; for a 4i2,5fit),0lM) uiiiiroiirintitiii
for u Ititosevtdt const mililnrv hiuli
way to extend thrtiuuh t'lat-ui. Tilla
mook, l.iueiiln. 1, 11 nc. I lunulas; Coos
niitl C'urrv eouiilies In the Cnlifoniia
line, heini; ooiitinirent on the federal
uovernineiit iiiiripriatiii2 a like
aiiioiint anil providiiiu for l ion I ins
bonds for the uroieet.
Shehlun introiiucetl a eries of
highway measures. One would tc
uiiire the hiulrwur conunission to keep
11 svslcin of Htandurtl road siuns 011
stnte hicliwnvs; nnotlicr would em
power the commission to ncceid mon
ey 1'rmu counties, indiviiliials or cor
porations fur liiutiwuv work: a third
would allow the commission to sell
obsolete couiimicnt. Still another
would allow 11 sliced limit of 3(1 miles
nn hour nn stnte hiuhwnvs nnd an
other would extend the weight of
lond law to the western Oregon coun
ties, lie also has a hill providing
for the prompt payment of hills for
labor und iniilei'ial and a companion
hill furnishing nn emergency fund of
if.'IO.DDO to nssist in such payment.
In the Semite 1'ieree introduced 11 biil
providing' for salaried state liigliwuv
commissioners nt 4,000 n vear. und
to devote their entire time to the
PA II IS, Jan. 22. President Wii
son, noocrdintr to present plans, will
co to Hrussels next Monday. January
. NI4W YOUIC, Jan. 23 Decision lo
sond 11 commltl.oo to I'arln to pluco
before tho ponco e.onforonco informa
tion showing stops needed to protect
American IntorostB In Mexico wns
reached nt a mealing hold yesterday
of oxocutlvo coinmlltoo of tho Nat
ional Association for tho Protoctlon
of Amorlcnn Mights In Mexico.
Kdward I.. Dnhnoy, bond of Iho
Mexican Potrolotim cornornllon. will
bo n incmbor of tho comniHluo. I
It Keeps Right On!
During the var, Grape-Nuts stood in
the foremost ranks in oroviding the
utmost in food values and food
economy. It Keeps Right On!
Grape -NEts
stands unique among ready-to-eat
.. . cerials in percentage of available
nourishment, ease of digestion, and
flavor. ' Jt contains its own sweet- , : '
ness, self-developed from' the grains
in the making, and it is a delicious
food, eatable to' the last atom!
"There's a Reason"
.AMSTBftOAM, .Inn. 22. In reply
to a l! nolo re'iuesilni; the (!er
mnn Kovernrnnnt to refrain from fur
ther provocation of the i'ollsh popu
lation In Kist and West Prussia, I'o
sen und .Hllcsla, the liimnan novern
mcn't, acconlliiK to u dlspulMi from
llerlla exprc.HBes agreement with
(iroitt Ilrltuln that (ho future of .the
Our 111 nn eastern frontier dopend
upon the penco conference. The Oer
mun. nolo expresses surprise at the
request to refrain from provocation
and says that the request "cun only
be attributed to thn fact that the
British Kovcrnmcnt hi Inadequately
Informed of events in the east."
Tho Ocrmnn note declares that
German had done everything to re
dress Polish grievances and accuses
tho P0I0.1 of continually provoking
the Germans. It says that Posen is
In a state of upheaval and' that the
German population ban appealed for
help from tho German government
who has been forced to take military
measures to restore law and order.
The note asserts that while the Ger
man government has refrained from
action against Polish nationals who
"planned and committed treason and
revolt," It cannot "suffer ambitious
Imperialism to reign supreme."
Kvents in Upper Silesia tho Ger
man note contends, have nothing .in
common with national questions and
regarding Kant Prussia there can be
no talk of a national Polish .move
ment there. Tho note concludes:
"All measures of the German gov
ernment since the conclusion of the
armistice havo only served to carry
out tho prescriptions ot the treaty
toward unjustifiable Polish attempts i
to bring the Polish question to a
head before the peace conference."
tjfou betchai
M 3 1
"THe more a man
knows about genu
ine tobacco, the
surer he is to see
the value of Real
Gravely in compar
ison with ordinary
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch.
Good tnste, smaller
chew, longer life is
what makes Genuine)
Gravely cost less to
chew than ordinary
Wrltt It:
Genuine Gravely
for fooilit on chewing plug.
From the flower gardens of all the -world, from India and .France,
Guiana and Kngland, the Holy Land and Italy, were gathered the
fragrances that go Into the making of Jonteel, the New Odor of
Twenty-six Flowers.
West Side Pharmacy
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Give Way to Soothing Hamlin's
Wizard OH
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and
effective treatment for headache and
neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain
is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured
nerves and almost invariably brings
quick relief.
Its healing, antiseptic qualities can
always be relied upon to prevent in
fection, or other serious results, from
sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites
and stings. Just as good, too, for
sore feet, stilt neck, frost bites, cold
sores and canker sores.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money, back.
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed.
Is now open for business nt 31 North Gr.ipo street. ,
Ilus been inspected by Uie City Health Committee and
and safe from contagions diseases.
I havo contracted to supply one
order of 30 odd second hand stoves
and ranges.
We trado now stoves for second
We accept Liberty Iionds tho sumo
ns cash.
(Successors to Scott Woolf.)
Camera Shop
the Only Exclusive
Conmiercial Photographer
iii Southern Oregon.
Negatives mado any time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-J.
: We'll do tl. rest.
J. B. PALMER . ;
120S East Main Street,
Portland Firm
Wishes to make agency arrangement
with first-class responsible citizen of
Medford as agent for large Stock,
Fire Insurance, Casualty, and bond
ing companies. Man must be high
grade' citizen, ambitious and ener
getic. Address fflepresentatlve,
L. W. V.
Care Mail-Trlbuno.
II With the coming of peace, came ft? I
. fjj nIso "I0 Irol,'ems of reconstruction.
I J, Let everyone take stock of his own I r2H
ICll personal future concentrate on sav- Il
' Your account Is invited. Jf
"fef? 4 Per Cent- Interest 5
rir!$i Paid on . n',.
rSvings Accounta '.
The State Militia is being transferred into a new
National Guard requiring 100 members. The Com
pany in Medford is partially recruited.
The Company will maintain open headquarters.,
for returning soldiers and sailors on tho order' of
theY.M. C. .A.'at the front.
Recruiting Headquarters, 32 N. Central