Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 14, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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    Cwon Hlsfnrtfs? Soo
Public Asidiiorksm
Medford Mail Tkibun
.The Weather
, Maximum ycKliiriliiy,,,. tl
Minimum lodity.... Ill)
Xtaln TnUtht and W'ninen
iforly-rliililh Your,
(ally 'rlilrisaiitti Yoor,
STO. 230
fills i lesT raoBLEi
First Question to Come Up Before Ac
tual Peace Conference Is League
of Nations and Conferees Will De
vote 12 Hours Dally to This Work
Plans Somewhat Composite, Repre
senting .American, British and
French Views.
France, Greit Britain, United States,
Italy and Japan Have Five Repre
sentatives Each at Conference,
Brazil 3, Belgium, Serbia, Greece,
Poland, Czechs-Slovakia 2 Each.
French Reported to Have Restored
Order In Grand Duchy Soon After
Proclamation of Hew Government
Factions to Send Representatives
to Peace Conference.
'.PARIS, Jan. 11. Hitsidii may lie
represented, toaetbor with nil the
other nations that were enmigml In
tho war mtullml Germany, lit tho firm
formal nmettiiK or tho pear confer
ence. Whthr Uumdn wilt have a
delegation Irrespective ft party, pro
bably wilt be de-elded ut the limit
nicotinic preliminary to tlio cotiKrens.
Thla will bo bold tomorrow.
The flint ijhIoii to como up be
fore the actual peaco cotiforonco will
Imi thai of the proponed lsaguo of
(Nation and II wa mailo known to
day that It had been plannsd for Ibo
conferee to devoto 1J hour dally to
thla work If noraiwnry until It la on
the way to completion. Tho first'
plana for tho atructuro of a League
of Nation probably will bo aomo
what coinooHlte, represenlatlvo of a
consensus of opinion on tho pnrt of
tho Amoricnn, nrlllsh nnd Kronen
atntoanten. It I Intended to servo as
a atartinit point. '
l-'och Uoos lo Trivc
Marshal Koch I today on tho way
to his headquarter at Trove to
meet the Gorman urmlstlco dolomites
and lay down term for extension of
tho armlRtico. Thoro was lorao his
position during yotorday' confer
ence to make tho torm of tho cxten
aton more drastic than had at first
boon proponed, but thla waa not ear-
rlod out.
Tiro extension, however, provide
for tho turning ovor of iho Oorman
commercial fleet to transport troops.
In exchuniie for food; for tho reatttu.
tlon of material taken from Franco
and liolKium and for full compliance
with tho term of tho original nrnils-
Xmv of Conference
A tart has been mndo on tho ma
chinery thru which tho Amorican
republic will learn of tho doing of
the poaco conference. Hitherto tho
Kronen and ItrHlsh press had access
to much moro Information than the
press representatives from tho Unit'
ed Status, The British and Kronch
had also been Issuing thoir own of
ficial oommunloiio rogardlnR the
mooting. It now has boon doclded
to Issue a joint communique, propar
od by a commlttoo representing nil
the nations, this to be tho solo offic
ial 'outgiving. President Wilson has
also decided to oommunlcnto with
the representatives of tho Amorican
nownpiipors of which thoro nio more
than 100 In Paris, thru Iho medium
of a publicity ngont. Ray Stannard
Bnkor, a formor magazine wrltor, has
boon iBlectod as tho ngont,
Tho plan Is for President Wilson
I'AltiH, Monday, Jan, 13. By
AKocltd Press.) Franco, Great
Ilrltalii, tho t'nltmi Hlates, Italy and
Japan each will have five represen
tative In Ibo poaco congress. Thlwl
was decided upon today by the u-
promo council. j
Itruxlt wa given three ropresenta-,
live. Ilutglum, Serbia, Greece. Po-
land, Czecho-Hlovakla, Itoumania and
China woro assigned two ropresonta
tivo each. 'Portugal, and the states
which did not declare war upon Ger
many, but merely Itroko off diploma
ts relation with her, were given one
delegate each.
Dominions ltr-prccntl
The ilrillsb dominion wilt be rep
resent mi apart from Great Hrltnln.
Canada, Australia, South Africa and
India will haro two representatives
each and New Zealand will havo one.
Consideration of tho question of
Russian representation wa postpon
Tho siio of tho representation of
oacli nation was decided upon not as
proposed by Iho French plan, in ac
cordance with the part played by the
nations In the war, but following the
Amorican and llritlsh plan, In pro
portion to tho ostent of the Interest
of each nation In tho peace settle
llraxli owe hor special treatment
to her historic position as a former
emplro and hor population of more
than twenty million, which worked
against placing her secondary to na
tion tnurh less peopled.
Jugo-Klavla Vndorlded
Tho representation ta ho given
Jugo-Slavla was not decided upon,
but It Is considered probnblo that tho
Croat and Slovenes will bo repre
sented similarly to tho Serbians.
Nothing was done about Montenegro
In view of the political situation cre
ated by the refusal of King Nicholas
to rocognlr.o the desire of his people
to unlto with Jugo-Slavia.
The question of representation set
tied, tho council began the discussion
of procooduro. A proposal by Pros!
dent Wilson concerning sending of
problem to technical committees for
examination was adopted. At tho
meeting on Wednesday the council
will fix upon tho mothods of work
and tho guiding principles of Iho con
Preaidont Polncaro will open the
plenary session of tho peace congress
on Saturday with an address, after
which officers will bo elected.
i.OXIlOX. Jnn. 14. The republic
of Luxemburg, which wn proclaimed
on Thursday, Jnled only six bourn,
uemnlins to a report to the Kxperss
from HrUM-cl, whh'h mid that
French military iirtlmrities restored
order in the grand duchy.
TAItlS, Jan. 11. The faction in!
Luxemburg which proclaimed it re
public there has decided to send an
official deiej:nion to i'lirw, nceordinsr
to the Journal de t Mints. The news-
paper udds thnt (lie movement fuvor-i
able to the iinnexiititm to France is
growing hi ronger.
OKXKVA. Jan. 11. Details of the
prorlniimtiim ot" u republic in Lux
emburg which have reached here say
that; revolution!-! forced. iln entry
(i the palace ut Grand Durhess Marie
on Friday mid demnndeu her nbdscu
tinn. The priusd diii'hes refused on
the ground thnt tho parliament had
not made such it request. She was
given 21 hours to leave her capital
nnd was told that she would be per
mitted to take only iter jierjioimi ef
fect. She consented to go to her
luttciiu outside of the city.
It is stated tlml feeling against
the grand duchess duo to tho fact
that she received former Emperor
William, iho crown prince nnd other
lerilinn officers nnd also permitted
her sihtcr to lesoiue engaged to Crown
Prince ISuiipreelit of Havana. It is
said the people desire to be absolutely
independent of Uermiin control.
CSIICAGO. .Ian. 11 The Distillers
committee, recently named to tight
national prohibition effected a per
manent organization here today.
Resolutions adopted staled that
fifteen of tho states which have al
ready ratified the prohibition amend
ment, or aro about 1o do so, have
laws which require a referendum and
provided tiint Segal slops should be
taken to compel reference of the
amendment In these states to
tKX Ot I U .
(Contlnuoa on Page Blx.)
1 ' . i
WASHiNOTON, Jan. 14. Nmni
domohilixtitinn' plans pro in nboynnmi
nnd recruiting for tlio pprtmtnonl sor
vico ia lining prcsKt'tl now ho Unit the
navy may lie prepared to man big
German mercluml Hliips which tlio al
lied war council is considering nilol-
ing to aid in tlio tusk ot bringing tlio
Aiuorieun army homo lrom tnttica
SALEM, Ore, Jnn. 14. After con
sidentlilo debute, the senate of the
eirisliitnre ncentcd today an - oiler
mndo by Dr. A. C. Reeley, state hcaltis
officer, lo como io Sulem mid inocn
lute members of tho legislature, clerks
mid lolibists itgninst iiit'lneit!,,n. Inoeu
latiiin is mnde optional. Many lcgis
ialors cxprosscd doubt us to tlio ol'fi
cnev of I his means of prevention.
An effort is being made by legisla
tive leaders to seenro unanimous vole
of both houses ratifying the national
prohibition miicmimen!, thus estab
lishing what will ho eiiiimcd ns a rec
ord. Speaker Seymour Jones announced
his committee, appointments today.
Among the chiiirmnnsliips woro:
Miiiiiiry nl'l'nirs, Weslorlund; icso
htliims, Slicrdoii; bmiUiiig, flore.
M Cargo Steamers Demanded ta He-
victual Germany and'. Adjacent
Coafitries Restitution f Maaa
facluring Machinery Stolen Fran
Invaded Regions Demanded.
PAHIS, Monday, Jon. 13. The
economic tcraw approved hy lidajV
Warrants Out for Arrest of Leibk
necht, Eichhorn and Otter Radical
Leaders Whs Have Fled From Ber
Hn Ledediour, Meyer and Young
iiebisnecht Taken Prisoner.
COPBXHAGEX, '.Jan, --.It Dr.
Karl I.eibknec-ht, the Spartacaa lead-
tu war coiuM-il reported to hare fled from Ber-
i i- i s - j: t .. - .
re-eh'ed here. Chief of Police Ek'h-
h&mf aierdiBg to the V orwaerts ot
CHICAGO, Jn. 14. naSificntiiin
today of Hie prohiliition coiijititu-
iionnl amendment by five 4f-taies
brought tlie nunibrr wiiidi have rati
fied to 211. '
The stoics wliich toot this nctioit
today were Itidiiraa, Arkmisns,' Iiiii
ois, North Ciiroiiutt nd Kunssf..
iiiitifiention by sei'wi mre " statcis,
mnkin" :l(l in nil, is required to make
the ivhjdecwmtry bone dry, unless the and ordnance detachments, 13Sti
distillers nre sitcecssfal 'in proving amtiulaaeo company ot the 38th dl
in court thnt the laws ot 13 of these vision lar Csoip Ptte; company B,
stutes reijiiirc u vote of the people tor
WASHINGTON', Jan. 14. The
transport Manchuria has salted from
Prance for New York with more than
4000 troops and the transport Can
ada for Boston with aliout 1200.
AmoGB the units aboard the Man
churia, dne January 20, are head
quarters $th division and headquar
ters troop and detachment, 312th
sanitary train; headquarters, medical
UXCOLX, Xcli. Jan. 14. A juint
rcsoiutiim jiroviding for ratificiition
of the national prohibition nmcadiufflst
wbk jiasjicd by the senate of the Jie
hraska icjjislatiire today. Only one
vole was cast uaaint the measure.
The house of representatives is
expected to take final action within a
few davs.
I'ARiS, .fun. 115. President Wilson (
gave a dinnc rtliis pvemns; to niemiiers
of the American peace eomniission
and its technical advisers. Colonel
thej K. M. llmise was the only ahscntee,!
1 lKlli!T 11H 1H 31 ttttillv.
114th ammunition train, 39th divis
ion; 391st trench mortar battery
from the "6th division. th trench
mortar batery, for Camp Grant; Ttb
heavy mobile ordnance repair shop;
466th pontoon train; 9Tth aero
squadron," IMih and 491st aero
squadron; 2nd casual ordnance bat
talion to be distributed among 13
camps; casnai companies numbers
403, (regulars) 126th Pennsylvania,
12,7th Iowa, 12Sth Massachusetts, 7?
casual officers and about one thou
sand sick and wounded and 1.10 navy
The Canada, due January 29, Is
bringing the 23rd balloon company.
casual companies 429, 424, 430, 423,
431, 43S, 432 and 92 casuai officers.
The transport Oioa, scheduled to
reach New York January 20, has only
two casual officers aboard.
to be imposed for the extension of the
armistice with Germany, provide that ;
Germany shall hand oer to the si-;
lies all her cargo steamers in Ger
man and other ports to enable the
allies to revictimi Germany and such
adjacent countries as may be decided
upon. The terms also require restitu
tion of all manufacturing machinery.
etc, taken from the invaded rerions,
which it is possible to identify. This
was decided on i nine view that it
would brin; about a quicker revival
of economic life than the payment of
an ennivnlcni in money. . j
.laerfissaeiat clause concern the
sold reserve of the Reichshank and
the issue of money by Germany. Mar
shal Koch, when he meets the Germ a a
armistice deleeaies, will make su"'
jrestisms regsirding the security oft
government monetary deposits audi
the means of issuing hank notes. ;
Guarantees will be required reeardinsfi
any removal of the Beichbask's gold
from Berlin in view of Bolshevikt ae-;
The naval conditions demand strict
compliance with tiie requirements of
the origins! armistice concerning the
handing over of submarines, which
have not yet been complied with. So
question was raised regardinji the
occupation of German ports by the
allies, as had been reported.
Examination into the question of
allied intervention, in Poland against
the Jtelsheviki was postponed by the
council. ,
The armistice question thus bein
settled, Marshal Foch left tonight for
Treves where the German delestates
will he received. . ,
Berlin, has fed to Denmark,
The government at Berlin has is
sued warrants for the arrest oi Dr.
Letbknerhf, Eosa Luxembourg Biisi
Kichhorn. 1 ' .
Order Restored
BE8LIX, Jan. 12. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Order has bees com
pletely restored in: cities 'outside of:
Berlin where the Spartaeans have es
trjjiished themselves, aeeording to
reports, Spssndaii, which has been
aed iinder isarsl iawj-is-qisiet.
forty-five Bolshevists have been at'
rested, one of their leaders killed and
several wounded. Ml have bees disarmed.,-.
- - '- - : : -
Sjiar'uican leaders at Haniburg havo
arrestea, The sitnatioa Mere.
however, is still tense. Spartaean
leaders at Dresden, when arrested,
admitted they had intended forcibly
to prevent elections to the national
assembly. The executive committee
of the soldiers and workmen's coun
cil at Aiie has resigned as a protest
against the Bolshevists sad has ot-,
cie-red the election of a sew council.
13 ii3SEffl33S
pis- P rW UfilC &
1- ."iVv J
, OvQi : :
This ideturo taken hy N. B. A. Staff Correspondent Thierry, shows Oermans tn a canteen In St. Lud
SK, Aisacu, ISg f ood supplied by the American Bed Cross. It is the first such picture to reach this coutt
TOK10, Jan. 14. (By "the Asso-
ciateil I'ress.) An nndersiandiug has
been reached between Jnjaa and the
L luted Stales, the kakumra Shsaonn
announces, regardinj; joint control
of the Chinese Eastern' and Siberian
railroads, "which for some time lias
been regarded with concern."
The plan, the pajicr says, includes
appointment of John F. Stevens as
president of the operating board un
der a joint commission.
Other newspapers say American
Ambassador 31onis soon will go to
Siberia in connection with the rail-
road ipicstion.
GENEVA, Jan, 14, Vienna exneJ-
led a large band ot Russian Boishe-
vlsts on Sunday, follow the example
of the French and Swiss authorities.
Twenty of these sent out of the elty
were spreading propaganda WBlie be
ing engaged ostensibly as Red Cross
workers. A number of Austrian of
ficers and men from Oaltcia who are
said to havo been Imbued with Bol
shevist ideas huve been arrested.
Iteichter ioiice Chief
BERL1S, Monday 3sb. 13 (By
the Associated Press.) Folic Chief
Riehter, immediately on assuming of
fice in succession io the deposed
head of the department,- llerr Eich
horn, for whose retention the Sparta
eans had fought, issued a decree de
claring invalid all the decrees of the
Eichhorn regime. Ha also announced
that policemen would be given hack
their weapons, which were taken
away from them during the first days
of the ' revolution. The poiieemen
greeted Eichter's decree by taking or
the red bands which they had been
wearing on their sleeves.
"In the interest of safety and cr
3er," said the new police chief, in an
interview, it is necessary that tho
escaped leaders of the uprising such
as Kichhorn, Leibkneet and the oth
ers, be arrested at the earliest moment
possible. e have in eastody
George fdebonr, llerr Meyer and Dr.
teibkaeeht son, but not fiosa Lus-
embourg or Karl fiadek. ' ' -
All the regular daily aewsjapres
apjieared this jnoraing with the
eeption of the Red Flag, the Leibk
necht organ. With one exeeition
they contained jubilant articles n the
restoration of at least n sensDlanee
or order.
WASniNSTON, Jan. 14. Approv
al has been given hy President Wilson
of a report ef the naval board of e
ieetion recommending promotisn of;
the following captains io he perma
nent rear admirals; ' ;r
UaroW P, Sorton, John I. MeDon
ald, Hilary P, jones, Charlie P.
Plunkett, Joseph Strauss.
Approval also was given recom
mendations for promotion to the tem
porary rank of rear admirals af Cp-
!i. Scales, Victor Blue, Frederic"-,
lircwsicr Itiisscttj Jr., Richard li