( Wllllilir iiiiiuk ninke uulck work, il ."of thorn lit'twi overflow -'in the Itml .Ci'iimm Huwlnir rooms, of willing lnmdw ii (lint tvo-uinv tmfko (jlilck work of our iillulmi'iit nl' refugee iiuinioiitit. iVe Jiuve Iiihh limit (10 tin Vh iu whit'li In .linlHh those mid wo wad) every urtU'U on im yvuv before lliv time In linn Mt'Winir. knitting, knitting mill mtw iiitti' 'Xuko Yuui' (IkiU'u vitliuiii iiiuii Hy or without price-, but il will livliii W.niiu of vour lirnu Unit nmv nr tint v ilot b valuable, (.'nine mill IioId UN hint llta'smiie, even if vou can only llirohd lU'iidk'M nml bllo off llnvud. t i, ; ' . , j At inHlituto , for -the .training of jiuikd liitoroiilid i)i homo nvrvivo. will ulil'U in 1'uooinu. WiihIi,, Juniiiirv (Ith. iniil in rtnnkiino Jiiuiiiii'v 'iti, l'lium fur the enlargement of home hcrviue Pro under wov by thd rhnirnntn of lliii wnr pounell, It. I'. Jmvihuii. nnd I lie following rciiHmiM why wo need sklllfcil Murkorn mure lliui) pur be !!,'; : , '. i. 1., r Forlv-t'lulit per vent inr-rrutio. in number of fiiinilivM cured fur in ()( .lohor over Bmitiunbor. a 2; I'riietioullv every cliupti'r now jfttiod problems of dittiibled colilicri. ; II, Kndernl board of vocational oiltu'ftlioii lin iuxt established n dis trii't ofl'ii'O ill Bcnttle fur llw rotmin- illlj And pllli't'liiont of diNiibli'd niid l)otno Hprvivo HOVtitiiiH will lie culled upon for Intotixivo work. 4 4. V. 8. Knnilovmcnt rivrvire in tinned upon for uMtfr'niu' in Ihe tre ninndoiiH problem of rt'i)linniiir dik .charged NoldiorH mid nullum in in Jlttflrv. , fi. '. Slrnudi'd diibnruid nit-ii in nn odlilionol reason for institute train inn. - ' I tour chapter ono of t he 51 nut ivet enoiuped with nn inMilutn grod. llntot , Applicnlion hliould bo mndv to Die division director of civilimi relief tit tllO OtirliUHt tltC IIOhHlhlc. f i : , . rt;4 .!.'.' "V ' , ! ".' S jrr. Davison linn iiint been ore flouted with a bronro titnttietto ropre- M-nlinir tho 0 rou tent Mother in the World ah u tuxtimnnml t ohw louder- HliivAniul tho affection in which lie in Jield uv hin aiMocintoH of the wnr 1 if -Von riin't new or don't like to, iCuniu to the Itod (Vokh tioninir room nnvwnv Itnd helu mwmble (he car itiHUttt. Ibii'iid nccdlcH niid few on bhttoiiK. 0 hnvo u Inruu ulluliiionl ' ' tlrfrilfiiisoo uiinnenltt to lm nuidv nd IrkK tlinn t)t) diivx to finihli them, nml fliiirt. ilieni on tn wuv. lo relievo tur dirti'cH of tliono wntnon, nml iriiildicn Jp .Kruliee mid llclnitini. Winter i.i tiniii) .tlinn and Ihav iiru without !oiot nnd oothin. . f fnei) 'nciiin JoIk rnllv to the ltcd Cron Himnort and ilixiwHO of the bn: ADotmunt (, refuuee enrmcntN in (iliort, order. , : $A ;-v!t ";-:kcu f KPi Vr'ooii. howini: ihd knittitii! fodinn ore onert throe .diivn n woek. v' Cwv ui, Vour, mibHorintiou to tlie t'roiw. ' Villi nl Hod CrosH liendriunrtorN und liny your diiCN.' ' .V (t tnkcH nionev to Imv thrond mid 'ftdlex'.' I'uv vour ltcd CroN iIuch fto .wo enn biiv needed HiiDplioH. . Are' vou doinc vonr-Hbarc of Ited f,'ros . kiiittinu. . iiPientr of vnm - for.'isoeks nnd NV'i'ntcj-H.At Hod (.runH knitliuu rooms. IMohnp .firiikh HWeiiterH" mid Noekn mi hunn Oh nnHHiblo nnd ruturil to'lted (;rif.H knittiuir rooms oh tbi-ill be tint In hI. vnm uiven out for knittitnr o( tlioHO nrtiolOH.-Wo ntill hnvo kmt linff to do, but with dit'fnrenl vnm jnd jfor the -AO layetton; 8Nnin!d'-to' '..Vtltf nn t.ilt'lim IrtKlil Imnit'llnt' III liso.i will vou ulonno loiivo tinme'iil- K(d CroiiH Hewinif roonm. II will be1 orciillv niuiroeinted. A hiiiiiII bundle p Oiik Iinnir will bn pluued ,n' Qinr one (of the 00 Invcttim iiHoWiL'W Jlio! jot'i chontor. ' :' tjt t8loot will omrt Jiihiini'.v' 0. 1'lio I'lu h About tdnmiind out nnd t ulilld ren n r c'nra i'ul uboiil noinir lo moviu.s tl'luiuitltiir (fiilhurlnifM for owhilu tho ...Ill . .Lt 4' Jt i lU'KUUr Will MIIIV .VH'MI . Ul , u. .'L;Tlils'-.bHfc it In Worth Money vW tWyiJ'T.-.MlSft THIS.,.. Cut out this Bilni'.fcnijIiJiio; wltli , So rtnd mall' it' to 'oioy, ..k'..'uo,. . a b :t r , noc(iera avo., ii!okiroii;fli:-,. writing your namo and nddrena' cloarlyA You -will rocolvo dn rotiirh'.ft, trial pnoftiigo" conralnlhit Foley's llonoy ami. Tar jompouna, for fcoiiKhs.' colds and roup; Foloy Kltlnoy Pills, for pain In sides nnd bank; rheumatism, backache, lddnoy nnd 'bladder allmonta; and' Foloy Cntiinrtlo TnblotB,' n wholosomo and thoroughly oloansInK cnthnrttc,,' for constipation, btllousnoss," Miomchd, nnd isliiBRlBh boWols. . Kor 'Siila -by Mudford Phnrmaoy. . , i . -" . . :v'- ' . Cnrd of Thanks ri''W'-wlnh to . thank our. many friends nnd acquaintances for tho beautiful flowers nnd other tokens' of lovo nnd sympathy iuoKMnttd b'mv rucont 'horonvomont In the loss of cur bolbved hiiubnnd and fAthw. V :.'. MRS. RUBY 0. 8TO0T, . '' '' PUUTOHKn- Ci STOUT, ,W i S1U, AND MIV. 0, S. STOUT, ' : im. kfiti"$it&:-W! it: -' I,SI15PEIJ113YE, 1 PHOENIX SCHOOL NOTES i . ' Nl. Mnrk'li Kiilw'oiiiit Cor. Nortli Oiik'diilu u'rid riftli. . H a, in. Jloly (joinrtiiinlon, 1 0 ii, in. Hun iluy hoIiooI, 1 1 ii, in. Holy vaiiiniiiuloii. 1:110 p, in. I'lventnK prnynr. W Oi. II, iluiAllton, Vlcur, , C'ulliolle Cliui'i'h Hoiilli Oukdnlo Avenue, rirwl mnnfi giindns' nt it . in. Hocoiid iiiiib ,.AtJ');;io ii, in, lieiindiction iitler no'eonil iiniitK, f n llvv. jnliu I'owom, lliwtor. (Viifrnf i'olnf t m'iri'tV Buniluy hcIiouI nl 10 a. in. I'rAArliliiit nt 1 1 a. in. Kpworth LeiiHUi) nl lil0 in, A eorillnl wolcpme to all, I.. K. llolknun, I'untor. t irfeuf MorhoilUt ciiimlr Which him been clonad for a month on nccduirt of Influenza will open Humliiy, Jnn. Mb, with ttundny ncIiooi at 10 o'clock nnd I ho ruKular aervlcon at 11-o'clock. All bto Invited 1o at tend. Mm. M; C. Keed. rvilnit.-I.iilli. Kton'tf tlnrrrtr - ' Kolirth Hi. below Oukdnlo Ave. Ilov. Dr. W. II. Moronc-Oeiiiir, Pniitor. Ken. ulS Went Koiirlh Ht. Sunday aehool 10 a. in. , Divine aervlce 11- n. m. You and yours are rordlully In vited. . ' . 1'hoenl Prmhyttirliui- Ctiurrh ; Dr. J. K. llallllo. jantor. 10 u. ni. Hunday iichoul. Iloury W, Kfuuin, Ruporliitondent; 11. I'ubtlc womhli. Bubjwl ot Kvrmon. "Tlie New. Kr .Movemeut.' YopiiK I'eopla'a rally at 1:30 p. m (lood niuale. t ,: Kreo MMhotltiit tliureli Corner Went 10th 4nd Ivy alrneti. There will Jjo preachlnK service Kaobatu morninK at n o ciock. tuu Jet, "Thlno to Torget nnd' Heuiom- bor." . . - ... .No secvloes at nlKht. . ' M. V. Chllds, Pnirlor. 337 Woat tenth street. ' ' M. K. ChdNitf, Hotilh ' ' Cor. Wont Main and Oskdule. ' J. K. Walbock. 1'antor. Bunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "Past. Trtroent and Future." ' No evening service. . . N"e hnvo had a long vacation. Let us start tha -Now Yvar rlRht y every ono being at his place. . (lirlMlim (liurch Tho rngulur morning services will be bold' Sunday, tho Slh. Sunday school at 9 : 4 it. followed by tho com munlon 'sorvlco at 10H5. May wo son all mcmboni and friends present and on time, unless detained at home by Illness. C. W. II. M. will meet at the nome of Mrs. II. A. WCCurdy,. J3 North Orange, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m Pray or meeting Thursday evening it 7:30. j'lrsi (linrrli of Ciirisl.' KclcntlB Drunch ot Tho Mother Church, The First Church of Christ. Scientist. In Unston. Servlco Sunday at 1 1 o'clock subject, "tiod." . . Wednesday evening mooting at which - tcsllinoilles " of Christian Science healing nro glvon.'at 7:30. Uundsy school at 9:43'. All undor tho ago of twonly aro weloomo. . . Church edifice, 2 1 3 North Ookdnle. Heading room In the M. H. bldg.. North Contrnl. Opou from 1. to R dnll oxcopl Sunduys and holl days ' 1 v - . . .. Tho public Is. cordially Inyitod to attond tho sorvicos and visit tha ruudlng room. Klrst rrcsliytortan Church ' ' fCorher West Main and Holly. Sunday seiiuoV nt D:45 a. m: Morning; servlco at 11 a. m., sar mon.S "Unsolved Probloms of 1918 Inhorltod by lSl'v ." JCvonlng service 'n t '1 : Ht)" it; m .vser- mou, "Havo Yon Tkcn n Inventory otatoek?" . ' ; Music In tho mortilng sorvlco: , Bolo, "My Hodoemer and My Lord" (Bucli), Miss Itutb Warner. r'Trlo, "Charity, ifliosstnl). Mrs. Ahdrows, Miss Lncy;"Mrti.-lsaa'csi " in tho evening: -Vi :'- ! .-. ' Solo, "Holy Nlglit" (Adnms).rMins Sndy Uiy. 1 '- "'"'', (loo. Audrown, tlirbetor of- music. Wo Invito you to tlnJ rormntng' of tho church sorvicos. .., ;, J.. Myroh n6muTi;XfInlBtor.! , '.-' i i i i ;.'V I'Mrst Itniit 1st Church A bhoo'i'fil'l chiirollnf praylhflr'peoplb', ' Horo wo nro at the portal of lftl. AIL hall tho . Now Year, tho now chance! :' Straight from tho start lot us enter Upon' tho titsK- OF thd-neV dny with willing hnnds. Koop your oonfldonce and holp us hold tho tort. Tho sorvicos of tho church will all ho -Msnmod tho.'flrst Sundny of tlio Ne-'Vohi. ; ' '- Sundny sohool at 0: 45 n. m. Soo von nro on time. -.. . Public' jworsirip at'Hn. nV. 'Thedio of tho irtsi'mfliVi '"The' ;SDocnid Milo; Tho pastor begins the sooond year of fils sorvlco and ho is n'nxlbiis to have you thoro. Hocoptlon of new mom- bors. Obsorvnnco or tho Lord's sup por. - U. af B:15.il.,ni.,...j ' snictoir o'f tlio oypnliiB , so,ivi6ii; ,"Tho Jllgn cost or how hiving. W. T, 8. Springs, Minister. , ..l''lr.Ht. Mothmllst Kplseopnl Kourth and lliiftlit,, "Klitrf-'out tho did.-rinS in fhVnfiw-;' ' Illn out; t'19 fulBo, '''us 111 Ihe Iruo. mvvopT) matt. TnrmjKK mf,T)Fotit, oirRooy,- AtunhAY; AyTTAur 4, Ill ii K In tho vallunt uion ami fraa!' Itlng In tho Christ Hint it to be." ' Tennyson. ' Wo have the' OpimPtU'nlty' to' sturl the ''.NOW. Yenr right. " It Is possible to "redutm lh nine.'.'. 00 to church tho first Huiiduy In the now year und resolvo to uttoiid every sorvlco In your church during tho year If you nro ul nil well enough. Tho Huuduy school pieots at V:45 m, Tho now lllernturd Is here. At 11 a. in. tho lliidiio , will be 'M'Iiiiih of a' Program for a Successful Year." At 7:30 a. in.: ' Ootlliig Out of the Shudows of the Past Into the Light o'f -tho Present and future, a ltuul New Your's Messiige:"" V. The lender of tho Ep worth l.enguo would plimSed to greet the young peoplo at 0:1S p, in. . Or.- II.' J. Van Kossan, district su perintendent,' will hold tho first quarterly eonferenco Tuesday oveu liig, Jan. 7th. All the officials of tlio church ure urged to be present at 7:30 p, ui. Tbursdiiy evening there will bo held In this church a "Mobilization .Mooting." Including every deparlv rtirnt of tho church work. The heads of departments, will bo prepared to speak-four minutes. All members and friends cordially Invited. ' ; C. K. Carlos, JHInlster, Kuixlny School Convention ' Tlio Jiicksoii County Sundiiy School OHKo.-lutlon will hold Us annual con vention In tho Modford Presbyterian church beginning with a rally on Sunday evening, Jan. It and continu ing Jan. 20-21. Mr. Harold F. Hum bert, stnto aacrolury, will bo prescrit during tho entire session and other prominent Sundny school workers. All Sunday school of Jackson county are Invited to send delegates to this convention. ' Portland livestock 'I'OHTI-AXD. Ore.. Jnn. 4. Cuttle endv. Itecciplx 2(1. Steers, tiriine. l'.'.'i(l(ll liLjll; good lo choice. $11,511 fal'J.OO; medium lo good, 0.."((0 J 1 .50 : fair to niediuni, l)..")0f i O.oO . eoniinon to fiiir. ifS.OUfo 0.00 : cow'h nnd lteil'vi, choice, $U.3ll(a 10.."i0: medium to good; iS.'ilKnll.rill; fair to . medium, $7.O0(u'8.0U: cunners. .tl.t)0(S.0l: bull". 0.')0(u;8..j0: ciilvex, tt.00fn 12..)0 ; ntockcrs nml feeder. 7.(llftfl.00. IIokm uleiidv: reeciplH ."ill. Prime mixed, OUfa 17.50: mcdiuni mixed. ?Hi.8'(ii 17.00: rnuuh hcavie. $1.".U0 (n 10.00: nigs. tM.OUttf '.'.'.'; bulk of siiIok. 1 7.00. ' Sheep Mleiidv: reeeililH. 13(i, Prime IniiibN. ,trJ.tl()((i l:i.00: fair to u.cdium. fO.OOdi 11.00; veiirliiigK. 10.00ti U.00:. wolJierH. .M.OOfa 10.00: cweS. .0.00(ii'.0n. . . - ' Butter . POHTI-ANDl Ore.. .Inn. 4. lint lei firm. ' Will ; hdvunee Mouduv. CilV ciciimerv prinls, exlrns, box lot. t."e: enrtons, Otic: half boxes. Ar u.oro: less thuil luilf Vuxes le more. Lu vim: prire oiirtur' Jut. eounirv. 07c: cube extra. bJuo. . r ; EgW nnd Feed 1'OItTLANI). Ore. Jnn 4. Ese.i. selling price, ease fount,. 08r: buvinc price, 0.rie: M'lliiur prieo eundled. 70of; candled in iMirtons, i lu. ' . Outs, ."il.'-'.'i hid; corn. Gl..ri0 bid. ill feci Mi run f. o. I), mill, ear- lol. 41 per ton: null mixed curs. $41.30; ton lots or over. $43.00: lost tlinn Ions, $44.00. Tha mninbors of tiro tolopTiono line' number 19, mot Wednesday ovonlng' to transnct business and elect Offi cers for tho coming year. , "Mr. and -Mrs.. Roy Nichols woro supper guosts ut tho W.' K. Parker homo 'Now Year's ovonlng. Tim R. W, Eldens enturtalncd Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elden and sons, Miss Uoho Junes, and Mrs. John Slsty of Central Point, at Now Yoar's dinner. ; iMr. nhd iMrs. R. Manning of Sun sot Dl'lvo,' hnvo closod their homo and taken. turnlHliod apnrtmonts lu Modford for tho wlntor. l''nrl Hott lias boon confined to the Hotrso with a light attack of tho in flu"ohi:n,""lrm.. Is -Improving and will ;80Dtl-, bo out.- Trldny'venlng Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Eldon Ontortninod at dinner Mr. and ltrs.R. , O; Drophy. - ' . ' Tho Chnrlos .Taylor .family spont Christmas In Ashland, ,. : .; Tlio Pwien&ronoh'er olub will inoct with Mrs. 'Win. Thompson oh Satur day, Jnn; 4th. .. Miss Anno MoCormlck tll ddmtmstrate tho making of sal- Wediuwiliiy iiiorniiur' n flock of 400 fhaei'i. broke -ihrouijh Tho fence ohto the', raili'oml right of wnv nt Seven Onks.- The stopped the Ihree morn- ing trains for some time ns the sheep wore too frightened' to be driven bai'lt. '.. Jim Iloardmrtn received n telegram this week tollinc of tho death of hi i.Kvti.A';. At i.rtu.r. ,.i v v...i... lU'llll'l iVI in," I .lllllllli Jll- ,ill-Vl4tM. Itv IhinMinnhTfonnnuy- lived in thifi vlly.-,i?'Tfn. ' V i. L ' Jt'ssV Olhss" 'mid wil'o "nml Mrs. llrowii of Doufflo wore ti'ilriing hero tho first of tho week, Sehool opened llevo Monday with if Uitod iVtteiuliince nnd nil theitenehoi's f.uke i'l'iivf and llurrv Lewis of Ihe United, Sjnlos nrnjjVj.'wlio hitY? bevu hero on1 A hurt furlough Willi rela tive- und friend, rt'riiriled the first of Hie week to ('iiiuii l.ewin, where they will renumd their nnnv dutii'M. . IIikx Miirv and Florence Price, who have linen Hcudintc th( hulidnVs here with their mother, returned to l'ori luiiit We'dnisduv evening, i ' ' ' Prims' J. Tiivlor of DiiiiMinuir, Cul niiidn ii hu'MincHK Irip' here during the week. i Mr. JlonderHon of the Cliilcd Ktntes nrniv nt Cnnm l-Wi ig hirls rinltiiKr friends for u few duvs, .Mr. nnd Mr. Ii. If. Luwrcncc. of lleugle, took the Cvcnihg t ruin from here Tlnrmdiiv 'weiirmr for Hetittlc Wntdi., whei1!) Kiev exueci:, to . mikc llhinr hon( ' . , v (h'ovcr Wecden, who w in tho l.ni ted 'rttntoH iihiiv ul' C'liinii D'Wini lifter ii iileiisinit viHit here with bin mother mid other reliitiveH. returned to hm dntin uf I'nrtio liwW dur;iir the week-. ''..... NewK wn r&'civtd here tlie first of the week of .the iniirriiiL'it of' Mix IVnrl Ko-g dud Mr. MfCreedie. nt, Tnmilnii, Wnbh. Xti Ho was one. of thtt nioxt poiiulhr vounir ludleW thnt wax over itt' Central Point. . IShc wnw head of the telephone of I ire here for veniM und wits ulwnvs itleiiHiint and eonrtcoiiK to evcrv one. The groom it I ho Iiiik ihunv frlendx who will Wish them nothintr hut hnppincHK and ne cws in their nih'rried life. There will he union 'nervinex nt the brick' clmveh both nilrninir nnd 'even inlr Sunday. Kvervone. in .eordiuHv invited ' to attend." . . .. , . i r Oflorcc' Simpson of the United HtAtctf nrniV. wlio Iik heen overseas is tli first- Cent nil l'oint hoiW re- timi from "over there." MM5 hoped that many mord will bo nrrivinir goon To ecli'brnto flic' nw. venr und on p rccention to' the reHurnimr of ome if the nnnv iin4 nvv bovs, n dance wns given ut Central .hull...- . Sllss LillW Martin entcrttaihed at an evening party on Saturday even ing- In honor of several- o'. our eol dier boys home on furlougn. Those rrebenl were Misses Josephine Pal hierof OrantS; Pass, MyrtpJ Mngerm Ma-ry AVhita; Oora; Wx, Alice Qwena, Tllelmn OwenSi Era .W41cox;,Uldys SandT'.- Marietta and Lllli Martin Corporal Arllf- Hatch. IUchnrd Kteh. mim. William, kartell; Jr.. pnti:p Morrlam and Don Dlmlck. ... . Miss Marie Hlllls ts home- from teaching nt Murphy for the ChrHt- mas holidays. . ) . . ItanuM Schmidt, ot Grants Pass,-is visiting his .friend Eugene Voore on Evans Croek. . Mtss Edna:, Vart'CoethnAi is home from. Newport where she Li teichlag School for ths holidays. U; Owings and Will Denn's have gone to Gallce creek on a bear hunt. Sohool. opened on. Monday with a fair attendance. Philip Mcrrinm, re turned from the S. A.-T. C. at :oriMl- lls, has started Ui high school ngaln. ; Grandma Sanborn; has benn sp?nd Ing the holidays .with friend!! an reltttfros at Roseburg. , . . ilrs. S. H. Myera returned home from Rosoburg on Monday where: ulre has' 'been nursing tier daughter and. hUBband who "wore sick with flu. , Son-Ices will . he resumed .In the Trosbyterlsn church on JaU. 5th to bo conducted' by Rav. Mr. McVeash'. thncv pastxir. - Srndajr. school- nt ihe usual hour. COURT HOUSE REP0R1 'Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co.; Sixth and Contral Ave. i'.' 1 Ci: cult Court . .Miolvin Stevens vs. John M. Hood et al. Summons. "; ; Corn Larsou vs.. August Larson. Proof of publication. t. Elirnhoth Bush vs. Elber U. Bush. Divorce.- " .' lrobato Court. ' Est. Mlhiilo McArdl'e. Admtttod tb probate ": ... , " ; Est. Herlha Honpro Palmer. In ventory nnd apil'talseniont. list. E. Ed Hull. ; First and final account and ordur.v . " : ltcnl Rstiito Jrarisfcrs . Leslie W0 Stansell to Owen & Smith-. AVH of SE-W of -SW.sec 14, twp. 3G. R. 1 "'W'l' l'ots l-S-9. Nf of NE -; soc. 23. Wp;M.H..;tV...J 53.22 Leslie W. Stansell -to .tlonova 'W.. Allen. NE of NAV, SV4 '--' of NW, SW of NE sec. 8, twp. '3.9, R. 1 W; SE bf NIO' sec.' " 'I1, twp; 39, : 1 AV.; NUof NW soc. 8, twp... 39, R. t ,' lots H-ti -Boulevard "'Park Add. Jn blk.; A....:..-.,... S6.S Leslie V. S'taiisell tb if. Ei' Crelnm,' SE ot SE and lot . . T, sec. 19, twp. 38,- R. V E.. 40.50 Leslie' W. Slansell ; to S. ;. , jjoorohouso. 127.09 acros' , des. page 12, vol. Vo9. In . l)Sfcc. 4, twp. OT,' R. 2,W .221.91 Leslie ;W. Stansell ' to sl 'Spirit I'sfio; :.-oYJ'.aotieiii'4 .V. Catarrhal l)eafncs8 Cannot Be Cured by Iticttl appllcationa. aa'they cannot rvaoll tlie fliaeaaeil portion of tha oar. Thora la on'.y. one way- to -cura- .cntarrhal dvnfncsa, ar.C- ttiut la by a.- uonstltutionul Teme.ly. Catarrhal Deafness 'Ik caused by , all la. Iliimcd comlitutii tih the -nmrous Ihitna of tha . Kustadtlnn- Pube.- -When' Hits -tube la iTitlamail you have aTumbllns sound .or lm peitsot heartus. ' mill when It la tmttrely Closed, 'Drafneiia' la the result. Unlosr tho Inflammation cun bo reduced and this tube resini-eil to Its normal condition; henrine Will Bo. destrokveft jfpravor..: Many cistik' of (leainess, nro osuhdu. py ouiarrn, wiiKn. la an iniloned poiiait,lth;. Ot the mucous aur fnps:. Ualra Catarrh Medlrlno .acts thru ths blood on th rauooue aurrauoa ot tho ayatem. - i , We , wilt .ilya .Ono, Hondred. Dollara tor any'-oaad-of tiatarrliai Deafnssa tnut.ouiinot ha curod by tlall'a Patiin'h Madlolna. Olr culara free. All llruaslsta. 700. Oregon, "ST. purl lots 1-2, McCalls Add. lo Ashland.... 88.4 8 Leslie W. Stansell to Geo. V. (illlotte, laud In sec. ' 8, twp. 38, It. 1 K. des. page 63, vol. 331, NW of sec. 4, fw'p. 30, ft. 1 W 18.10 Ixtslle W. Stunsell to Joseph ine flussull, lots 1 1-12, blk. 13, In Oiild Hill 41.03 Leslie W. Stansell to S. J. Os- lln, hind In 1). I.. C. 42, twp.' 3D. It. 1 K -. 07.64 Leslie W. Stansell to W. .1. Smith, BI-: of SW sec. 33, twp. 35, H. 3 W.... 9. CI Isllo W. Stansell to J. 13. Duggin, NE of WW, .W of NK sec. 31, twp. 37, It. 4 W.j SB of SW, 8'V of SB, sec. 30,' twp 31, It. 4 W.'; NW of SK, NU of BW, Eft ot NW, part of SW of 8E : sec. 32. twp.' 37. It. 4 W' 88.16 LenH0 W. Stansell to C. A. Oora, gov't lot 4, fr. SK sec. 13. iwp'an, K. 3 W..... 10.70 Leslie - W.--SUin:.ll to C. E. Reenlng. lot 10, blk. 21, Cold Hill .....,.... Wm. Hanley et 'ux lo.P...P. Swayne, 814 of HE of. 35. ' 8 of 8W of ses. 3. twp. 40, H, 3 W.; lots 1, 2, 3, ' 8 of NE, BE of NW of KVT of seeV t, two. ft, R 3 W; ,E of SW sec. 30, twp. 34.03 4o, R. 1 Av;'.:;:";....'........ ..:... sooo.oo Security Tnnkyto Stockhold ers AuxHiflr- Corporation, " SW.of wxgi'li SW of NB sec. 34, 8E of sec. SJ,iSE. of SW of sec. 34. twp. '32 R, S.E. Citizens Bftnk oi friiltdale to Socurlty Rank; SJV of sec. 32SW-. of NB sec. ii. of SK of soc. 34, SE of SW 10.00 " of sec. 34. twp. 32, R. 2 E., 10.00 H. V. Henton et ux to Freoj , C. Sander, land In D, L...C. 38. twp. 38.-R. 2 W:....;..,..6n00.00 2378 to 1074 to O. C. Rogss. lot 13. blk. 2 Tuule's 2nd ' Add. to Modford... Ceclle Singer et vlr to Harry Co tin et al; lot 5, blk. 5 of Ross Add. to Medford Geo. P. Fry et ux to H. H. Webber. SB of NW of sec. 1.00 32. twp. 34. R. 1 V............ 350.00 If. H. Weber to Geo. F. Fry I et nx, lots 25-26, . blk. 1, Grand View Add. to Cen tral Point , .350.00 Elmer D. Stephenson- et ax to E. H. Wise, land In Ash land Chas. H. 'Hargadlne" eT lix To' J. R. Casey, land in Ash land ......... i. .'.:... John F. Gafdnerto Robert '.-Teichomt,- land In-sec 35, : twp. 36. R. 2 W...... 10.00 1.00 1.00 A T Eases Quickly When You Apply ;'. a J-ittle Musteroie. .. And Musteroie wont blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It pene trates to the sore soot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. ' Musteroie is. a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck; asthma, neu ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, "colds on the chest (it otlen prevents" pneumonia). Nothing like Musteroie' for croupy chil dren. Keep it-handy for instant use. -30c arid 60c jars;-hospital size $2.50. Advertising Rates Classified One cent a word. .. Locals Ten cents a lino. Legal Five cents ,linek ' ..Display 25 cents an Inch. Contract rates on application. nnid VAJlTin-rrFKsI ALB WANTED r-Lady. for housowork. twa in family. Call 13n- Almond street. ... , : . ... ,. ; 242 CROCHETERS WANTED Positive ly- no .canvusslng; stamped nd tTiesScd eiwolope'for - particulars. Mrs. Moixnl; 517 Lyconfinff street. WiHlamsport.-Pa. - 242 HELP WATfTKte MALE. WANTED Grocery clerk, soldier. X, cure Tribune. prefer 242 WANTED Mem' to clear ' land' rtnti cutwoo'd by'ttor by contract Imme diately. -Apply Webster Ranch, , phono-i!85-J3. . - - - 246 WANTEDMnrrled man for general ranch. Jas.. Campbell, phone , 3U-R . .- , 242 WANTED Pruners. Apply' ' U. - S. Labor Bureau, Front Street.. 24 4' WlVXTEl-.WJEXTS THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN ", A GREATER SELLER. Agonts elthor sex.-Take orders for 'iAmeiv lea's War for Humanity nnd Com plete History of World War." $2.00 book -50 por cent commls sion. Otitfits. and books ready. Presses running day and night. Rig records from every. . state, average commissions per agent $21 n. day. . Send l(e for mailing FREE -outfit. K B. Dlcliersbn oo Detroit, Mich. .;'.,,.' -. .'- .' - -. 243 FOli SAift REAL ESTATE; FOR.SALEHouse ah d lot. 120 ft. by 00 ft'.: throe rooms',' wntor, lights, for $2y0. No Incumbrances. Bpx js E( .Mnil Jrtbutjt), W ioio THE MEN IN CLASS Al A sound. hMlthr aian Is never bsrk number. A man cso be as vltorotia and able st Seventy at twenty. Condition, nut years, pots you in thn dlu-nrd. A system weakmed by overwork and eare leaa living bring old age prematurely. Toe bodily ftiu:liriiia are impaired anil onnieaaant symptom appear, i tie weak yoi Is generally tlis kidneys. Keep rhem clean and In nrooer worltin rnn- dltion arid you. will aeuerally find jour elf In :ia A. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem .Oil Capaulea ptrrlodlealln and your system will always in working order.. . Vnnr apirits will be-enlivened, your muaele snptile, your mind at live. anq your mnj cnpanie ni nara wora. -Uun't wait untd you have been reject ed Cornmence to be n urnt-claas mao q(.w. Go to your drtiiKixt at onee. Get t trihl box r,f . GOLD MEDAL Huarlem Oil Caosds. Thev are. mads r,( the pare, .original. Imported Hilar Irm Oil tliw kind your greut-grandtatli. i..uil. - eapauiea earn nay wur keep jou toned , up and feeling .fine. Money refunded if they do not tfelp'you. Iinemb.'r , td a'ak for the Imported t,OU MEDAL Brand. In three sizes', aeak'd packages. , WANTBD JHtCTiIIiAJrEOC8 WANTED -To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn WANTED Stock and yellow carrots. 421 Oak street. 243 WANTED A rhone Durham or Red Polled bull, milking strain. . 10 months old! M. D. Hartley, Tal ent. 242 WAXTBD To rent, a small place; five or 10 acres, suitable for chick ens, cows and dIks. W. H. Ellis. 707 West Main street. , .246 WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your partly paid Liberty Bond contracts. WANTED Housea to mora, knlld. repair or wreck. Phone 48 8-M or WANTED R. H. Toft buys Liberty bond", also mortgages, note, judg ments, escrow contracts, etc., ana make abort time loans on any old thiol. rOli TtEJll HC4PSE: FOR RENT Five-room modern fur nished house. Phone 105 or 3 70-J. C.C. Pierce. . ; . 242 FOR RENT M1S-JKLLASTEOTJ8. FOR RENT 1 6 acres bearing orch ard.- mostly pears. Good propost -tton- to right party.- - Frank Isaacs. Phone 905-Y. ' ----- 246 FOR RENT Underwood typewriter, Call 92 9-W. . . 243 FOR SAIJ5 LIVESTXJCK FOR SALE! On account of siekness 9 head of cows and calves,-2 fresh and 1 soon; - 4 shoals: also my 14 K acre tract on Boulevard, near State Normal. Cheap for cash. J. L. Miller, Ashland, Oregon. .- 245 FOR SAIE-311-R. - -Good milk cow. Phone - - - 244 FOR" S A LE MISCELLA VEO VS FOR .SALE Brand new ; Maxwell car. run 1,000 miles. Take $775 for It. Phone 484-R, Ashland. Oregon. 243 FOR SALE Brand new player piano, cost 1675, will sell for $400. Terms. Call 4S4-R,, Ashland, Ore gon. .,;:,;. ) .. '. : ..... , 243 FOR SALE condition. -Btilck Six. first-class Phone 52 7-M. 142 FOR SALE White winter seed bar ley. Call C. T. Hamilton, Central Point. . .' 247 FOR' SALE! Three-speed Indian mo torcycle. - A -bargain if taken ot once.; 4S Quince street. .. .. 242 FOR SALE -X 70-dollar cheap. Phone 3S6-M. ; overcoat 242 FOR SALE At a sacrifice, grocery stock, building and fixtures, or will sell stock alone. Apply 221 West Jackson street, Medford", Ore. - - 243 FOR SALE Baby, boggy, psyche; rug, gas range, vacuum cleaner. Phone 170-J2; . v -., 242 FOR SALE Straw in 'barn $4.00 ton. Three miles out. good roads Phone 539-J3. - - - 343 FOR SALE-452-W. -Corn and barley. Phone ,': . . ' . 244 FOR SALE A-t. distributor's cost 1 -ton Truxtlri truck attachment; can be attached to any make of carj now at: Southern . Pacific . freight Uopot, Modford. - Western ' Atito Co., 306-7 Henry Building. Portland. Orer . ..." " FOR SALE Eggs and chicks. , YOu need heavy, layers.. They eat no . more than the poor layers. My hens are heavy layers of good sized bkks. -and eggs are money. Made ?3'.5"4 : profit per hen 1918 under average farm care. Get a start with; the right kind '- rtnd'' -watch them nay the grocery mil, book lng- orders now for hatching eggs and baby chicks from: my grand "White Leghorns, . one-half and three-quarters O. A. C- Big hens that lay eggs and pay big proms Ettas 10c. and every egg guaran- ! teed fertile. . Chicks 20c. E. H. Westerftold. Medford. R. 4. : 263 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, straw. Phone 86 9-M. . barley :.' 242 FOR SALE---Mexican Red beans at Japanese Art Store. - - 34d FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn cockerels, Taricred strain. R. V. Crum. three mllos northeast Med ' foril. ' - , 248 FOR SALE Sulphur, land plaster. - superphaspbate. Ralph Waldo El den, Russ Mill. ' FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Phone S42-R, evenings. FOR SALE Corn at the ranch. . ' Clancy -242 FOR SALE Fine quality baled hay $25.00 ner ton. Modoc orennru Phone Central Point at meal .... PACIE TTTRE15 FOR EXCHA.NUIS. TO TRADE Will accept doslrablo home or pnAnlhlo soinothlng oluo to amount of iiitioo nod $:!.-.di long time on n good ranch. Hox 1 13, Riddle, Ore. 2ii7 TARKN CP. TAKEN If P Onn old white work horse on East Ninth stroot, Thurs day. Plncod In pound at Helms barn.- Chief of Police.' ' - 2 -1 1 TAKEN UP Ono bull calf with crop off right ear nnd under lilt with spilt in left ear. He has born here for a month and a half now. Phono 373 Jacksonville. 248 MOVES' TO LOA'.Y MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate security, and win nuy iid erty Bonds. J. B, Andrews, No. ; 81 North Grape. Phone 647-.T. , BCSIXESS DIRECTORY Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, Attorney-nt-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford .National Bank Building. A. E. Rcamcs, Lawyor, Garnott- Corey Building. Auto Supplies LAHER AOTO SPRINGS Co. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North I Ktoonth St., Portland, Oregon. . Garbage GARBAGE Got your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 351-Y. J. Y. Allen. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. "Wilson, C P. A. Attontlon given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & H. Building, Medford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans AMORTIZATION PLAN 5 -to 40 years--5V4 Money ready when land Is appraised and - title ap proved. E. H. Hurd, secy.-treas.. National Form Loan Associations. Garnett-Corey Bldg., Medford. 263 Instruction in Music FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Haight Music Studio, 401 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phone 72. , Plnno Tuning G. W. CROSS 603 West Second street. Phone 309. Piano tuner and repairer. Endorsed by the leading musical people of southern Oregon. 264 . Planing Mm THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, mouldings ana screens'. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phone 184. ' ''- '".' ' Pbyslclnns and Surgeons DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician. 303 Garnett-Corey build in?. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. Phone 667. DR. F. G. CARLOW "DR. EVA MAIriS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garne4t-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon, Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Transfer BADS -TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. A CHANCE To Own a Home in Medford A strictly modern 5-room cottage with screened porch es, cement walk, garage and driveway, chicken house and lot, and close in, everything paid up, a clear title and a bargain. ! -,.: We have several splendid values to ft'er jtou at this time. ' .. -. Brown & White Real Estate and Insurance, 10 So; Fir fit- Medford. Oregon INTERURHAX AUTOCAR CO. . - t Time Cnrd.' .. ; While "flu" ban ts on cars will run between Medford nnd Ashland as fol lows:' ; Leave" Medford for Ashland dally ht 8:00 a. m. (except Sunday), and at 10 a. m., 1:00 p. m. nnd 4:00 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally at 9:00 n. m. (except Sunday) anil at 11:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m. and 5:15 P. 01'''.: -