MEPFOTtT) MAIL TRIBUNE, ftrTCPTORD, OTtKf IPX. MONDAY, PEOTIMRET?,' 2.1, lf)18 PAGE ..STVE MARRY TO ESCAPE THE B0LSHEV1KI COPICNIUOKN. Nov. liH.-fCni-rosiiimilcncii lit' (liu AHNoi'inlml 1'iwit.i IIuiiiiiiicm wns iiilonniiiL'li'il wSlirtnutedv In the Irviuir (Ihvn HlH'ii tli a foreign I'lilmiicM were ullciniitimr to lift pcrini-wion to luiivo itussiit, Ar rant, scnrchcii iiiul throat ol' uxu euliou wore relieved Ijv murriimcs be tween' men of Ihii entente iiowerti mill Itioisiiiii women, . The HoWiuvilvl uovimitiiont would llllt Urilllt l( llttsiu ciliKUIIH llUI'lllitH to uo abroad. Coiisouucntlv foreign men who hoped to le-iivo Hiihhlii short Iv could not hope to see their nwcet hearts for mi imlefiliito neriod, dokmi blv mw, it thev left them in starv itttf, disrupted Itussin, yvhoi-M Until in denied t persons nut regn riled ill "clitH conscious workmen" Hint nil iutmoiik not in NViiiputhv with I(uiIii;- Vfcilii UK" lIlHIIOHKUHBClt, , Miiiiv officials of thu 1-Ycm-h und llritihh colonies nuirriril in tlm Inst Irving iluvM of their stay in Moscow mid iVlrmmid, Init tlm wedding of Captain V. I,. Hicks, milititrv aide to 1'rtieo Lookhnrt, tlm Itrit inii dip lnrmitie, rcprosuntiitivo In Moscow. Mux iieenuiplinhi'd in (ho f'li'O ol liroiittr obsliielos perhaps, tlmnlhom of other entente eiliiecris who muti nied lu iniirrv between inil sentences nml searches, Ciil'tiiin llir-ke witx mto of lln T'rt'iU'h iiiul (Kiuilitth officials who with held us prisoner in tho Anicri fiut Consulate mineral nt Moscow, lk wui emrimod to iniirrv Miidniuu Meliji imi, Lnit dared not lenvq tlm Aini i ii uii in-i'miHpH to iniirrv her. Mnxl of his ufl'it'inl iisHot'iiitns wore in prison churned with -.. contra-revolutionary ni'tivitv nnd in ilnmrer of execution. Hnnxinn priest rel'iiKcd to perform tho ceremony in tho American cunttu- Inlo. its thu orthodox church reuiiirc that marriages liu celebrated in u thnroh, Xln lor Allen Wurdwiril. of the Auimieiin Hod Crown, who wiik look in u iil'lnr thu intercuts of foreiijn pris. oiiern, interceded with HoMieviki of i'ii'lnlB, lint I'oterx, tho head of the coiiiniiwKion for tho suppression of coiilni-ruvolulion. wns linn in his refusal to cront Cuiiliijii Hicks im. lininitv if ho loft tho American prop orlv iiiul walked intti I liu Hussion church which Htood in nn ndioininir eoilrt. liin tin- hour lor lh di-imr turo of (ho Hrilii-h offiidnlK from MihOow iiDnroiiidiud, tho Hituntion ha- linft'ii di'siiiirnto. Finnllv ono of tho I,iltih woimn who wiih irniinline Ciuitnin llicki. ho- piiiiio iiiloroxtoil m Inn nliuht mid tcl linonwl to rfloni, nililrwhiinr Inm in thu IXtndi tonuiii). I li-f niiin-nl wns lii'odcd. Slip imsiimi'd reiMnHtbililv i'oU lhi didivcrv of tho KiikIImIi off). oti lit tho trmii whioli wns to enrrv llllll out of itiiHHiii. A lirii'rit Wiih Iiiik- tilV riiifiitftvl mid tho pnrlv Htoppi'd in nn orthordox rlnindi on tho why to tho Htntion, whnrn tho coranonv wn peri'ormi'd innl linlf nn hour hoforf tho liridu mill Ki'ooiu Htnrtvd lor Km: liinil, , BAKER REQUESTS THREE i WASIIIXnTON, )t. JH.IlpHtow ill nf tho pirmiiiunt rank of itimhu'iiI on ,lohn .1. J'crliinir. coniiniindiT ol ho Aniorican foroi'H in Primer: l'ov ton C. March, chiof oC stiiff, nnd Tanker LI.: Wins, militnrv roprenim .Intivo nt the supremo unr oouneil, nnd n pcrninnent rank nf lieutenant min eral on llimtor Lauiiett and Itobevt L lliillnrd. ooimuiuidiiiir tlio .Kirnt and Huoiind nrmie.i, wnn nsked bv Seero- tarv Maker tixlav in a letter to ( linir- iiinii Dent of thu house, militnrv om- niitleR. .- : ' ! m ' i. ,- .. : U. R. Britiailior General Returns NKW YOHK. Dee. JX On bonrd thu IrniiHport - Hi.iiidnm toduv wore oiiHiuil eOnipanieH 11 1 nnd 104, H'Jnd briiindu hoiidrimirlnrs, eoiiHt artillery oorps; Ninth and J liirtecnth nnli-iiir-e.rnl't NOi'liouc: . ll'ltli ainmunilion Irniiii ;1L nnminl offioors, inelndinif Qi'iiUidini' (luneral (lliui'les iiiiiiiur nmU ' . Tims Brings Happiness . Wiih Tits Dawn Jn Cotnlnt of Baby Marks' A A '(: nt'of Glorlou Futurwy " Solcntldtil nr trrtnt. alrPM utiouW ho lolil ipon ttio rnninrknbte liiUuoiifo jvljlcli Uia tipon-thn Imilth nnd futuro of Hid tumtSr Worn to coino, . . . ' Tlicro ii n uplondld jiropiirnUon women . for iivor ti;ilf a century . hnvo, niiplled lie fore Ilia nlnrlf's nrrlvuli knnwn n MntliarM' Frlcmt.' 'I'hlii In a inont ptnitofut, ponolriillnit rcmorty Hint nt onco enftem nml mintlicn: tlm myrlnil of lirnnil, (lot nlKlqnilnnt iijiimIM tiisilar I ho sl.ln of tho nlitlomcn, lly lis nf nlnr nro ilnrlnff llio period ttia nnrvcii, ten. flinw ami furiln nrn rolnxed nnd tliero In nn Klimnco nf iiniinen, lwnrliriMMw.n pnltw, nlrnln nnd nnichil dlncomfort moro often tlmn ol!i:rvio c.:iorlciicU Mien nnturo ll By "tlii too of Mother" PriehJ'liWit h4 inornlnK llio inimclcs relnit with onso wlien 1 I'ntiy cntnEii, tlio time nt tho crlnln In nlmrtor ami niln nnd dnimor In nntiirnlly nvolilcd, Wilto tlio Drndllold nognlntor Compnny,. Dnnt, K, Lnmnr llnlldliiit, Atlnntn, fleofnla. for (lielr Miillierlmnd llook, nnd olitnm s Imlllo of Mutlier'H Krlend from tlm lirnmtliit, liy nil iivviiih, )id (t lUlit tWJU-UVU til IUC0( thf tMl, f--SieammmimiP r MS Why There Is Little Judicial To tlio odltor; Tlio eoniinlltm) up point ml In purnimm-o of- ti ronolutlon n( I lie Dliito liiMlKlittiiro of 1UI7 to report on lecUliulon to Improvo our jiiillclnl pi'OiMUliii'o, )i it h mitdo u re port or mivonil roporiii, for tlm mil lion, iih In iiKiinlly lllll Clllll) urn liiwyorM cmtld not nuiim. Tlm mibloel autiio lioforu tlio xlutu lmi uinoelntlon licit week ul I'ortliiitd, nnd Its tuition WUH llltiell llllll lin olll-llmo poitlll:it Omivdiitliin 'ihnru vi'u uii ninny illf- tirent oifSnlonn in t lie re worn doUi- nutcB In iKtonttuneo. ' Tlio illvornlty of Ideuii, an well nn tho ubnuril nml hypocritical reiuniiH Klvnii for opiiohIhx liny cliunKco in our Judlclnl procuduru, nro not cnl culnlott to tronlo a vory 'fnvorablo linpronnlon of Oruiion InwyerH, nt homo or ulirouil. Tho t nil Ii I (hut tho Judicial procedure ot OroKou wu compiled In 1 Kit J by Matthew 1'. Dunily, from tho lawn of lowu, i.Sow York and Vli'Kltiln. An oxiimlniitlon at l.oril'u Ori'non Lawn lu voliinio ono which coiitulnti tho codo of procoduro will rovonl tlio fact that llio Rrcnt uiujorlty of (ha aaellonu boar I ha date your 18011. Whllo lown, VlrKlulii nnd Now York lutva Ioiik ulnco nhaiiKvd tholr coda oC procoduru, wo ore clItiKlnK to tho nyiiloiii th one Kliiton followed evonty ynm iiko, as tho codes from which tho compilation wn inudo, wore proliulily publliilicd ton to twen ty yonm tioforo 1SG2. It In amunliiK to rend (ho objec tions of our JikIkch nnd Inwyom to nny cIuiiikoii. und It would bo vory I etc rem I ii it to rood tholr actual, ren- minti for oppohIiik nny amoniliucutH. 1'hcso objections mny he dlvliled Into cIiuwoh: 1 lKiiorntmiiio, who fonr t lult If more Hum ono nuctlon of the codo wan "I'ftiiKod nt a leulslutlvo hch. iilon. they would he unnlile to keep up with luw, Tradition miyu when llelMni'.or & Culture codo wan Hint publlnhod In two volumes, n Inruo numbor of Oroiion lawyers quit prac Itco. HnvliiK lieeTI lined to n ono vol iinio compilation alt their lives, (hey feared tho work of mastering the laws In two volumes was beyond thnlr powont of comprehension. 2- ('heap corporation lawyers,. who fear that It wo over lnvo a IokIs latlvo assombly ot sufficient Intelll Koneo Ao adopt some ronnonable nmondiaunts to tha code, It nilxht go further and puna some laws that mlKht offoelunlly rogiilnto somo ot the corporations they represent. 3 Tho.hoiiehcnds who havo neon overfed on tho wornout, Ho that wo have made Oregon an oxporlmenlal field In luw-mnktnK, when In fact we nro about llio loast progreunlve and most backward state west of too Mississippi river In now lobulation. California, 'nashlnKton, Oklnho- nui. Kansas, South Dnkotu, nil lead us In InRlnlntlvo efforts to mnkn laws to liulhl up their Hliitu and benefit their Inhnliltniits. Tho Jiidloliil codes nro far In nilvaiidi of ours. Califor nia linn n coda built upou the founda tion laid by Dudley Fluids nnd com ploied by John Norton Pomcroy that Is a monument to tho Intelligence of ihnt state. Hut wo In Oregon still struggle nlong with a codo adnptad to tho days of tho pralrlo schooner, In tbo days of the teloKraph nnd the tele phone This Is reflected In tho time fixed In tho codo for tho performance oC acts required In Judicial proceed ings, and reflected In llio work ot our Judges and lawyers who usuully fool that ton days Is tho shortest time within which a Inwyor or litigant should bo oxpectcd to do tho most trivial net. Tho prolific source of dolny In our courts Is codo provision relating' to pleadings. Thoy nro too closely akin to llio old common-law rules. ' Our coda still rotulns tho reply. It Is us usolopt) and unnecessary ns tho old pleadings that used to follow tho re ply: called tho "rejoinder" und "sur rojolndor", "robntlor" and "surro- bultor.'' Tho progressive states have abollshud tho reply, nnd tholr codos provldo that all now matter In nn swor shall lio doomed donlod, Just as our codo does In relation to now mat ters In a roply. 'California, Idaho, und othor stntes havo, such n codo provision tlutt should be ndoptod by this stnto. It would prove a boon to most lawyors. for a roply Is tho most difficult of all ploudlngs to properly rrnmo. Again wo have too many grounds for motions nnd domurror. Other nlntos, somo of our greatest got along with many less. Tho do murror could ho Well nbollshod, nnd all objections allowed required to bo mndo )y a motion, and at. ono time, except for good reasons .apparent to tbo court. Undor such a system causes could be. put at Issuo- In a short time, Tlio , present system makos for dolay., The history of a enso undor 1hn present system rends about nB follows: Complaint Is tiled and sorvod January, 5; 'January' to dofandunt tiles a motion to strlka out part ot complaint; April 11 court convonos nnd motion Is argued nnd nil hm Uteri nnd rullntr rosnrved liv thn court; Afirll. 1(1 court ovorrulos mo tion and gives 'defendant ton days to furtlior plead. April 2(! defendant's lawyer flies a domurror It took him two ml Mt tog to rft'ephre;.-Juno ,12 ooltrt convenes, nnd demurrer Is argued rtnd ruling roservad; Juno 1(1, court overrules domurror and gives tho dnfomliint' ten days to an swer;, Juno H dpTAndiint' I'llcs an- swer; Juno !I0 plnlntltf tllos n reply; July 2 defendant, tllos,.. motion to sblko out part of roply; (no-court In session till cool wouthor); Sopt. ! oourt convenes nnd- motion to roply Is nfgtiod and ruling rdnervod; Sept. 15,; court, overrules motion, and court (given defelidnnl. (en tluvn In '. pleitd tuuiief; jont, 25 aft)HdiH (U Hope ofj Reform in Oregon doiniirnir to reply; Nov, 12 court convones, and domurror to reply Is arguod nnd ruling reserved; Nov, 18, court overrules, demurrer; Nov, 1(1 defendant flies motion fur Judgment on pleadings; after long argument the mollon Is tultun under ailvlHinnunt and court udjuyrns; Dec. 1, court overrules motion fori Judgment and pleadings, It tlio plnlntlff Is allvo the cauo may he (rled at the next term, This may howevor be prevent ed by tho diileiidant's lawyer In v orul ways. To ovorcomo delays a statute should bo enacted, giving a pnrty the to demand his case ho tried wlililn a fixed time, and (ho right to apply to tho suproino court for a wrll nt muiiduuiiis, If n trial Is refused. Tho dcluys llllgiints uro subject to, because of the prncrnstlnutl'"- of lawyers, uro not only onerous to lill giiiiin, luil a men uce in lawyers them, selves,, 1'ronipl trial and decision of cuu new would help the bualnuss of lawyors of ublliiy, und drive the clodhoppers out of tho pretension. Wo huvo llttlo hope, however, of nny Hilng being done. Tho loglsluturc Is overwhelmingly repulillcun as It has been tho punt twenty years, und the record during that tlmo Is not ono that Inspires much hope of renson nblo Icglslmlon. Most ot our legisla tors cxbiiusl their energies fighting over the presidency of the senate and speakership of tho bouse, before tha session begins.' And wo shouldn't expect much of a revolutionary na ture of tho mildest character, as this Is tho day iif Kulty Arbucklcs and Charley Chupllns. '. I 10 IliUl LhULL 0U1IUUL 10 MM FLU SCARE rtKDONDO 11KAC1I, Cul., Dec. 22. (iramtnar schools huvo been closed hero during thu Influenza epidemic hut tho work nt education goos on. lOqulpped with a small portable blackboard und nccessury text books nnd records, each teacher cuIIb upon each pupil enrolled In her classes and hears recitations and assigns les sons. Whom pupils nro living In housed quarantined because ot luflu- onuo tho teacher sots up her black board on tho sidewalk, tbo pupil re mains Inside the property lino and tho school session begins uotwlth stuudlntl tho quarantine regulation. Portland Livestock l'01iTI.ANL, Ore. Dec. UX Cntlle hither : reeeintn (i57, Ktcerg, prime. Tl-'.'iOdilKI.OO; uood to choice. ifll..riO f(M2.i)0: medium t() aood, lO.OOdi1 1 1 .,)(); fiur (o medium. $!).bW 10.00: eomiuon to Inir, H.(IO((i 11.(10 : cows nnd heilcrn. choice $!l.()(l((f 10.00; me dium to aood, t.'ftt(i 8.00: fjiir to uic- liiim, $(i..)0(ir"..'i0: cunncrs, !f3.o0(i) 4M bulbi. $tj.().0(a,8.UO: ciilvos, $0.00 frfl'i.OO: tsoekcM und feeders, S8.00 ((i'.I.OO. lloiis limber: receiptx, 4,2d5. Prime mixed, $1 T.OOWlT.'jri: mediuui niixod. H).i")(i:17.00: ruiiith heavies, $M.j ()U!.(10; piL's, ll.0()(.ia.'.00: bulk of sales. ,1i Ki.8.'. Sheep Ktendv: receipts, 202. Prime lambs, $12.00(tfJ3.00: fair to medium. 0.00(8: U,0(); venrlinus. $10.00( 11.50: wethers, $!).00W 10.00; ewes. .f(!,00((i!H.00: rouah heavies. $14.U0i'; 14.75. 1 , lltittcr ... rOHTLAS'lX Ore.. Dec. 25J.--Bnt- ter firm. Cilv ercuinerv prints, ex tras, box lots, Hoc; cartons, (i(ie: halt' boxes. Vo more: loss tli nil linlf boxes. in moro. Ituviiiic price butter fill, conntrv. U7(i : cubs extras. (ilVdo. Portland Oram i POUTI.AND. Deo. 12. Oats, $55 bid: corn. $50 bid. Mlllstuffs Mill run f. o. b. mill: Carlots $32.10; mixed oars $32.60; less than carlots $34.10(35.10; roll ed barley $55 50; rolled oals$Cl(rj) 65; ground Imrloy $560; nltalfa meal $40(0)44. AsilLANi). Dee. 2:). Kdheiitlonnl Iv, 'menlall-v and socially, tho intv I: brnrv is n londimr Inetor, and it would bo n difficult matter to Iind a resi dent individual who" would b.bjsr'iitliri the 'amount of the ami mil Hpproprui tion' levied for the upkeep ot tbo msti tutiou which: is so livmlv cslnbbsliett on tho CnWeuiu fotindiilioii,' ' -,. l lio litiriirv s "vilHl stiilisiies re vent (lie fact tlmt its cirCiilntliin ik now in tho 8,000 voliinio clussihcii- tttln, nn oiiiiinei'rition which will soon find expression m live lisrnres ni' slciid of four. ..The -circulation. -up to. ditto tliivihalbo' eummt venv hu?( l-n over Mfi.OOO.'n eil'i'iruislimee iniplvtni thnl. nhtuir -seven Volumes-on nri av- 6 BELt-ANS Hot. water Sure Relief RELL-AN erairo have biaeii at -tha ttcrvieo ii cuch person in the citv dnWiitj 118, or figured upon nnollier liimo, the av- ruici) daily (ilreulnlioir niii execflded 114. Jil ft finniieial waV. the cost of iniiiiilcnnm-u has been lens than I'ivo i'ciiIh per person, a result which can be arrived ftt ensilv bv the simple rule of multiplication. In tho selec tion of hooks one Iiiim a widp runuc In I'hooHit Iroiu, nllhiiiiLdi history nnd I let ion lend, nnd (Ic.'ililitf with the-latter elimsifieiitiou,. npiviirdw of 130 new vuliiiiics huVii been added within the pant month. Ah ft mean oof ready reference, nutublv in connection with mtignziiic, literature, u Keiuler's (Juide is nviiiliihle, contniniiiir n complete tu dcf rcbl'tiVo to the lending luihlicii liotiH in the pcriodicul field. Suple meliliiig Hie bound volumes of thu in- Mtittition proper, is ndded a file of lioiiio mid duilv unpers accessible on the publ e rnndini; tables. . It is need less to add that the cosy nook devot ed to the dailv news service has been well patronized bv those' who have snuirht latest intelligence from the ivur zone, und nrc slill walehimr de velopments conccniir.if the nnnistice niict. . In the uiliiiitiiieiit of the librnrv's facilities the children have not been overlooked, ns i wiliicssed bv the 111- Uidlution of n department contiiiniim over 2.000 volumes lor the speeilic benefit of the little folks. Diversified Hicrntiirc not onlv prevails berc. but iiilcnsivo nubicets arc shouirof ull trtclinifdl descrptive mutter in .order Hint the bovs nod itir!" nuiv lenin the urueticnl williout dcbimi in u maze of (heoetricitl comtiliculions ns iiiplid (o the arts, sciences nnd industries, Storv nnd folk lore IcKcnds and beau tiful picture books add their oh arm to the lilcrurv circulating medium on the shelves of this inVcnilc annex: The cilv librarian exercises n con trol, which is not merely wiperfieia over the cntaloi;ucd libraries of the thru public schools, n decided advan tage in behalf of united effort, nnd a plan which works inutuiillvu in sccur- inir best results. Moreover, there is another educational privilege avail able in a ecevrnl wnv. and this Implies that the licr 'ries'tlironiihout the state are oil u reciprocal busis as to inter change . of citrsorv information or Ixmnd vuluiiies, nnd bv filiwr n spe cial reouisftioh Jbcnllv. books mav be obtained frntn'nnv of the library cen teri in OrcKon. Ashland to return the I'onipiiirvct. whenever , renucsted, meiistire for measure. The Ashhuid librnrv. (;lironolouicul,- Iv, is this second oiiCjorunnized In the state,' mid was instituted about the veer 181. l'or Years n faithful co terie of ladies lnborod irr and onf oif scuson in its behalf J abil tliu', result of their faithful '.worU is tciln'irj the splcndil. ji'due.n tional iiiHtitntion ns housefl the''5i:r)sfant)iil:'e(Uitce of the present dav. Kvidentlv "thev buildcd better than, thev knew." ArebilccUirnllv nnd in eiiiiipmcnl it coini'iires. luvornlilv with' nil otli modern improvements' of the citv, nnd finaneiallv its interests uro provided for bv n specific low in the' municipal budget, thus pliiein'r it on the plane of u self Riistninin! institution as compared with the restricted privi leges, monelarv and otherwise, of former (In vs. . Miss Itlnnche Hicks, the librarian, has for'veurs fiiitlifullv served in ibis capacity, her work be ing nblv supplemented bv Miss Estcllu .bines, assistant. Library hours ore from 0 to 12 a. m. and I to 0 and 7 to O p. in.; throughout tiio week except Sundays and lesnl holiduvs. In kecp- The Nation demands strong men strong women and robust children. WiEUom suggests that . every proper means of safeguard ing tha vital iorces and building up of resistance, be utilized, f 9; affords definite help to those who' Bre "flghtinfj to win" against tho inroads ot weakness. SoaSt'Sj abundant in tonic-' nutrient properties, builds up the body by Nature's methods. BcoUSiDownc.BlooiiiSeld.N.J.; -18-14 "W. you G&n . afford iobuy and enjoy the luxury of the fine free running saSt f Sowing from the convenient side SpOUt is FERTILIZERS. VETCH , r ; F!ED OATS. GRAY OATS WHEAT. . BARLEY. :RYE i For Snlo Jlv v, " ": ' Monarch Soeti & Ffieci Co. TO OHDKK itft.lM) tip AMHO-CloAiilnKr n-ossUiM iiiul IMsl() isa mm visum SUITS (fmJ ini.' with Anhbind tradition, Hiiinluv hours ore fyjn 8 to (I p. ni, nod Ihese are for readinir onlv. no volumes be iliU cirejuliitcd oil that ditV. 1 Adlul Dtibcll died hero at his tem porary homo Holiday uflernoon nfler an Illness of several weeks. Auiai was well thought of hero and was considered a Central Point boy altho the home of bis purents Is at Canyon vllle. Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dubell und his grandmother, Mrs, (Illicit of Cnnyonvlllo, were here at his bednlde to the end and his body was shipped to Cunyonvllle for bur ial. He waB a nephew of A. A, 011 lett, oiir transfer man. , " ' i E,;,). Itenollct of the U. 8. navy who has been hero on a short fur lough with relatives and friends, has returned to his duties at Bremerton. l-eonard b recniun and Mcrrltt Houglund of the V, 3.. navy of Mare Island are now at home and will remain Indefinitely. W, K. Price, Holland t'laherty, El mor Kyle, Frank Ross and Clifford Hatfield of the U. S; navy at Bremer ton, are at home to spend the holi days and will remain at home subject to cull. . Floyd Kyi of tho naval training department of the O. A. C, is also at homo, i .... - - Ed P. Wand ot Koscburg, who has bacn. touring California, Is visiting old ncqualntaucfii: here. Mr. and Mrs. Wand resided hero tor many years and at one time was a property own er here. ' - .'.'' '; ' Bert iPankey of the aviation de partment at Camp Taylor," Kentucky, Is now at home In this city having received an honorable discharge. Miss Bertha Welch who has been visiting friends at Portland and Van couver for several months has re turned to her home In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley of 8an Fran cisco, were, calling on old friends hero during tho week, , Mr. 8hlrley formerly had charge ot the wireless plant when It was here. ' .flss Mary and Florence Price who Relief from Eczema Don't worry cbout eczema or- other cxin irouDie. xou can nave a clear, healthy skin by using, a little- zemo. obtained et any dreg store for 35 or uxira isrge ootue at t.uu. Zcmo generally removes punples, black heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zcmo is a dean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle, for each application. It is tlwavs dependable. : ' ThsE. W.KoosCa.aevdimiQ. ' Notice of Solo of Corernmont Timber . General Land Office. - Washington, D. C, November 14, 1918. . .. -. ' roUcc is herebz elven that subject to the conditions and limitations ot the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat., 21$), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of Septem ber 15, 1917, the timber on the fol lowing lands will be sold Jan. 2, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m... at public auction at the United States' land office at Roseburg, Oregon, to tha highest bidder at not (less than the appraised, value" as Shown by- this notice, sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary ot the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum ot one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time or sale- money to be returned it sate is not approved, otnerwise patent will issue for the timber which must bo remoed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens ot the United- States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United states or any -state',' territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a Qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately bofore being included la any otter or a turgor unit. T. 35 .3., R. I B.. Sec -1; SEtt SW. yellow pins in m.. red fir 430 SI., white fir 20 M... none ot .the-yel low- pine to bo sold for less ; than $1.50 per M and none of tpa fir-to bo sold for less than 51.00 per M. T. 15 S., R. 2 W.. See. 25 -NEW SWVl, rod fir 300-M.. yellow Ilr 900 M. cedar 50 M.. N-Wtt SW14, red fir 500 m'.. yellow fir 800 M SW14 SW. red fir 1150 M., yellow fir JU.0...M.,. cedar 60 M., sitvi sw-44 red fir 550, M., yellow fir 100 M., sR BBM: red fir 650 M.. NW i3Ki, red fir 450 M.. yollow tire 900 M... SVV SKH4, red fir 70il M.: yel low fir 850 ; Mi, cedar -0 M'SBH SKi rod fir: 1025 (:.' yellow -fir 300 M.. none of the rod fir, yellow fir-or cedar to no sold for less than- i ner M. T. 14 ST. ft. 6 W.. Be NH-14 .iNBH, red fir 850 At.,-KV N'E 14., red tlr 700 M SW'A NKW,, red fir 825 M SB 14 NE'4, red if ir 800 At.;, NB14 NWVt. red ltr 450 M yellow fir 450 M.. INW14 TO..WI fir 100 M., yellow fir 850 M., cedar 70 M.v aVtt NW1i-.-rod fir 22S M yellow fir 225 0 M.. cedar 70 M.V SE 14 NW14-,;red fir 325 M.. yellow fir 400-ir.f cedar 115 Hf fCE14 SWVi. yellow fir 700 M, cedar .70 M., NW14 SWU, yellow fir 490 if. cedar AO M SW14 SW14, yellow fir 640 M., SE14 SWIi, yellow fir 740. M.i NH14 SB14vloa fir S70 M., yellow fir 360 XL, cedar 65 M., NV14 SE5H, red fir 57S M., cedar 30 M.. SW14- SB 14. red fir 680 M tE14 SB14. r.ed tlr. 8SQ.M., cedai' 25 M., none of the red fir to bo sold tor loss than $1.00 per M., and none of the yellow fir or cedar to, be 'sold for less than $1.25 per M.- T. 17 S.. R. 6 W., Sec. IS, Lot 2, red fir 190 M., Lot 3, red fir 365 M. Sec. 35 iNE SWU. rod fir 525 M SE14 SWIi, red fir 415- M., NWiS, SE14, rod fir 480 M., SW SEVf '-; red flr 620 M., SEH SEH, red fir 335 M.v hone- of- the red fir to be sold for loss. than $1.25 per M. Sec. 27, Lot 1, red fir .190 M., N14 NEV1 NVl4s. led fir .430 M., NVi NW NW14. rod fir 315 M., uono ot the red tlr to he sold for less than $1.4.1 pov M, - CLA-T TAl.KJrAN; Cowmlealqiier, Uenetul Land OllicOi CENTRnLl!f are atlonding srhool at the Odd Fel lows Home at Portland, are hare to spend' tho holidays with tholr mother. 3. K Boswoll, after spending some time at Hcddlng, Cat., Is home again. Owing to tho flu ban, there are no society gatherings hero. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leever arriv ed Sunday afternoon from Seattle. Mr. Leaver has been Id the naval training department ot tho Univer sity of Washington. According to present arrangements schools will reopen here Dec. 30. Beldon Hill, late ot the U. S. army at Fort Stevens, Is at his bomo here In this city having received an hon orable discharge. Fred Smith of tho V. S. army, who has been attending mechanical school at Los Angeles, Was calling on friends here en route to his home at Antlocb, Friday. . Miss Knight, Miss Peterson and Mr. Henderson, teachers ot our pub lic schools are spending the holidays with their- parents at their various homes. "' - - Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Frink, Jesse Class, Theodore Olass- and Ir win Magruder of the- Anttoch' district were shopping here' Friday. STIFF JOINTS SORE MUSCLES IMitr Op QBlddy Uarisr Um SMtbis(, . . rewifiuiiK nppncnmi mi Hamfia't Wizard Bit . In cases of rheumatism and lame back it penetrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff, aching joims ana muscles. Wizard Oil is an absolutely reli able, antiseptic application for cuts, burns, bites, and stings. Sprains and braises heal readily under its sooth ing, penetrating qualities. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money dack. - Ever constipated or bare tick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant -little pink, pills, 30 cents.- Guaranteed..' Advertising Rates ; Clasfllflod-One cent a word. ' Locahj-Ten cents a line. - Legal Five cents a, line. - Display 25 cenW an Inch. . Contract rates oil application. WANTE& Good pasture for . five horses.: Phone 591-R1. ' 235 WANTED Rhode Island Red roosr ter for- breeding: Phone' avo-w. ... - '...':- .- 234 WANTED Cars to wash at the Union Barns. - .- ?-. 2 WANTED Well rotted stabl man ure delivered. Box X-10, Mall Tribune. - - WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your partly paid Liberty. Bond contracts. WANTED Houses to raov, holla. repair or WTeck. . Phone 488-M or 488-x. '.-;;, W ANTED R. H. Toft buye Liberty bonds, also mortgages, notes, lodg ments, escrow contracts, etc, and makes short time loans oa any old thins-. : - ' , : -.- FOB RENT HTT SEXKK PINO ROOMS. FOR. RENT Light housekeeping rooms at 322 South Central. 23 FOB RENT APARTMENTS. FOR RHJNT One. completely ' .fur nished apartment Hotel Holland. FOB RKX1 HOtSBB. FOR RENT Modern four-room - house, ; furnished, cheap.- Party leaving town: Call-at 305 Portland . avenue. ... 233 FOR 8ALK MMOEltfiSLSKOUR. FOR SALE Alfalfa seed and seed corn. Phone 3a 3 Jacksonville. 2 3 FOR SALE Rotten 452-Y. ' Call 234 FOR SALE Popcorn. Phone 452rW ',- -'-.- ,. ,, '-' -.'.' '" " '" ' 24 FOR S ALE-Christmas trees. " 713-X or 211 North Ivy. Phone 233 FOR SALE- Good second hand ..: Fadltless" stamp. puller. Hnbbnrd Bros. . FOR SALE rSulphur, land plaster, superphaaphate. , Ralph Waldo El- - deur Russ Mill.- -.-.: FOR S ALE Altai fa ha'. . Phon . 8 4 2-R,: evenings.; FOR SALE Corn at i ranch...,-. . the Clancy 34 FOR SALEr Two . Cadllae automo biles; -will make' 'good delivery -or : Inquire - at .142 North Front Street.- ';' 234 FOR. SALB--Fine quality baled hay $25.00 per ton. Modoc Orohard. Phone Central Point at. meal : hours. . . ...' - . FOR SAIiK MVESTOCIC , FOR SALE- Five fat hogs, 140 -lbs. each. Alfalfa hay. Phono 869-M. v.-' .". c 234 FOR SALE Milk, goat, will be fresh about Jan. 10. Also -one mate Tog-i-genburg goat.: Write W-. JrMos , senger,'. Gold; Hill, Ore ' 231 FOR SALE Weaned pigs,.. $5:00 : each." Harvey ttu'ekor, R. R.' 1, ; 2 3 3 FOR SALE I have 100 good thrifty brod ewes. D. Rosenberg,- Hotel Mudford. . . FOR RAMI RKAD ESTA1. . FOR SALE Stumpamj, Inuttlri" Iler- DUbfll'dS, i'H OHICHESHR SPILLS r32V ''''t Aiu ypur 1021 tot A ' SOLD bt URUtVilSIS EVRVWHU - f;T'i yi j.- ITi .Ai M .I. Vim- fjli 1 mi --.-. FOR EXCIWNOK. OR EXOUANflE-rSO acres Texan for city property. : .Addross A. B.i" care Tribune. . -.. .... 835 ; ixxra. LOST-r-Rewurd will be puld for re-r turn of girl's bicycle taken, irom Optimo. Phone 89S-Y. - 233 - i r -. .cr ' ..-. . - j-s--!. n"l i jL-s:i TAKlCN UP,. TAKEN U' Light - colored? Jersey lielfer, coming - two years- old. Phone DO-K-3. W. H. Borss. 230 MOSEY TO liOAJf MONEY TO LOAN on - good real estate security; ana Mil buy erty Bonds. -. J. B.' Androws, No. $1 North Orape. Phone 647-j! tf BUSINESS DIIUCOTOBY ' v Attorneys PORTER Z. NEFF, Attorney-t-lw, rooms 8 and 9,. Medford Nauonal Bank Building. A. ' E. Reames, Lawyer, Oamett- Corey Building: " c Auto BnppliM LAHER AUTO SPRIKG8 . Co We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest.". Use onr spring when others fall. Sold' under writ ten guarantee. 84 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. yy' Garbage- GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. - iwu on the city garbage .wagoas for good service. , Phone 85 1-T. ....vl. T. Allen. - - . Export Acconrktant - WILSON- AUDITING. CO-B. H. Wilson, C. P.. A. : Attention gi-ven to anything in Accounting and In come Tat ' re4utrements. Look Into " our - ilmpliflea accounting -method- M.'-F. . Balldlng, Medford- Phone 157-R." rnstrnctlon In Monte FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Haignt music Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone" 72, msnmnce- BARL fl. TUMY General Insurance Agency, 2X0 Garnett-Corey . Bids Good local sendee: Helen Tniltri (Manager. - ALICE HOLLOWAY Fire-, Accident Automobile, Liability policies writ ten with hest English and BasUri Companies. .- Office 408 Garnett Corey Bldg. -..w; i .- nanlngMUl THOMAS ' MOFFAT General, still work; sash, doors, mouldlnes east screens.. . Shop 487. a Fir. Phone 14. , Fhysiclnns aad Borgeome DR: W. W, HOWARB Osteopathic physician: 303 Garnett-Corey build ing. - Phone 130- '' DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon.. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes soies tlflcally tesied and glasses snp- ' piled: Oculist and Aurlst for 0. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. 4 H. Co. Bldg. Phone 567. , 1 . r- DR. F. G. CARLOW ; -i DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW . OSTBOPATHIO PHYSICIANS 416-417 Carnett-Cerey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street. - Printers and PabHshnw MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office lm Southern Oregon.1 Book-binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing aystems, etc Portland prices, r 27 Nertk Fir St. i Transfer. BADS TRANSFER A STORAGH CO. Offico 42 North Front St Phone : 815. Prices right Serrlca guar anteed. ; T- A CHANCE ; To Own a Rome in Medfofd 'A .strictly .' rhbdern 5-xcMm cottage withscreencd porch es, I'CG'nient" walk, garage - and driveway, chicken housAand lot,, and close in, everything paid up, a clear; titie and a bavgain. -; We have several splendid values to ffer : you at this time. '"-'" : ' . ,i , . .- ..." y w-1,'--" .' . . . ..v . 1 Brown & White Real Estate and Insurance, in So. .Fir R. '- '.'' MedfOrd. Oregon IXTEKUUBAN AUTOCAR CO. . Time Card. , : While "flu" ban is on. cars will run between Medford. and Ashland-as fol lows. , - f Leave Medford, tor Ashland dally at 8:00 a. m. (exoopt Sunday ). and at 10 a. m., 1:00, p. m. and 4:00 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally St V-.wO n-, m. (except, SusAar) tad at 11:30 a, in., n:oo inZ and 5:15 ' m. . , IV 'H