Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    TVfTCP'KO'UT) 'MATT TRTBTmE,' MKHFOtlP, " (Vftttfloy, SATURDAY, T)FX'VMr,F,n 21, 1013
HAN llKHNAItlHNO. t'ulif.. Don,
'.'J.-Witr nr priMiui arc iirel'd-nlilo to
lilo uloiiu on llui iIdnciH, with iuik'h
t'liiiNciuiii'ii iiiii'kliiif him Tin' IiIm inl'i
ili'lilv 10 iliilv. in thu philoNoiiliV ill'
John Himit'i' who recently win nr
iohIi'iI bv lonil tilTiooi" mi the Mi.
iuvo desert several iniloH from hero,
mi n ohiu-gu dl' ovmlini; miltlnrv sor-
Aiit'iinllnir lu Kiitier' storv (o fod
oral (ifl'icuiri, ho fled I ruin mi ImiiO
. Tin 1 vulli'V town hovoii months nun,
when (iiimimnioiiH titiiiitinif him lor
) i in fuiluru to iihhiiiiiu hi i hi rt in tin'
treat war liv vnllitliinr in thu imtiiiii'
Honor fled lo Ciivo Oniivoii, known
iim tlni "bad lanilx," nn thu fringe of
1 leu III Ynlluv ami thorn croeteil bin
iibndii. (.'oiittiinllv tniiiilud bv In"
t'liiiMoionoo, lin told nfliooin. lil'o vn
a burden for liiin. I In wiih forced In
liiilu biniHulf from limo to time from
Officers finally traced him to his
iloNorl homo and nrreMod him. lie
niivh lie's liiiiminr now.
PAitlrl. Kridnv. I lei, 'in. (,'ounl
l.'oiiiuiioncH. tho Kiinnixli nrcmicr. in
(liNt'UHHiiiK bin vinil to Purls, mi id to
day; "Snalii cannot reinnin ixolutcd. Klio
bun ulwnvx mitiiitaini'il tbo buxt of ru
latioiiM with thu nllii.'H.
"In coming hero to tnkv ntlvnnliiL'C
of tho invitation given mo bv l'roni
tlcnl WiUon 1 havu urofiti'il bv Inlk
itiLT will) him mid al.ii) Willi iiutnihcrH
of th French ininihlrv.
, "I believe my Hoioiirti in 1'iirix will
mlvani'i thu interest of inv I'liun
trv. ,t . "Spain iIooh not uniov iibMiltitu
' tranniiilitr nt thin moment hcciiiir-
of tbo Ciitalonmii movement for which
I find a Hnlihfui'torv solu
tion." -
SALKM". Doe. Jl.Tho Williitiioilc
Vivor fixhiiiK bill. iiihxid bv thu iiuuidn
i-- nt the November idoolion on u rofor
''Vndiitit vote, duo mil interfere with
. (lie riubtH of nhiiltinu hind owner lo
tuko Miliiion from tho olood portion
of I ho river for t heir own and family
line, according to nn opinion given bv
Attorney (lencrnl ltronn.
i WASHINGTON. Deo. 21, flcnernj
.IVn-diinir expressed thu opinion that
Verv few Anierii'an prixinorH remain
in (iormnnv and believeil them would
bo (iiiieklv vvneiialod. Ho miid n
Continued search ix lieiiiL' mado for
Unlaloil prisoners, Hritt.-h and French
olfieinln in Kwitr.orlnnd, Holland and
Swmlen and in Oormnnv itself iiidim:
in thin minmb.' '
t v v First MotliiMUKt Oiurch
' It him boon doomed bout not to
hold any services tn thin church this
com Inn: Biindny. Thin Is to lio ro
.' groltod Localise It Is noar Christmas;
lint the Inspiration of tho day may ho
secured If In our homos wo Ralhor
-tho family toKuthor, nail road the
story of tho birth of our Lord from
the sooond clinptor of I.uko'a goapol.
mid thou HiiKor about tbo miinKor,
vriullo on our knncn a llttlo while,
yro uro oinorKliiK out of some dark
anil anxious days; but hrlcltlor days
' uro ulioad. Malco this a Joyous CIh'IbI
uiiih, ospocliilly for tho "klddlos." 1
. lAVisbliiK a morry Chrlstninn to all,
I am, sincerely,
C. It. Carlos. Mlnlstor.
Tho' "Ford of tho'Alr'liTlioro.1
H has
boon (loslgnod nnd con'
slruc'tod by Cupt'nlii James V. Mar-j
tin of NowYork.V It will travel 32
miles on a gallon of gasoline, will
lund on a country road, or In any-.
' i T V -- : .,T
TOTALS S734.692
HAI-KM. Oro., lieu. 2l - roroHt flru
lin:iiim tills your In OroKou totnliil
T.H,ni, and (Iros sivoiit ovif 75,
707 ni'i'Ot of iiiernliiiiitalilo tlmhur,
iliunnnlim 1,1 07, 74S, mi" font, linunl
nienniii-o of timber, iicenrillni' .(o 1 tin
biennial report of Htiitu I'oiimlor 101-
llotl. .
TUu ureutesf louii o.-eariRil liulvi'Oii
Hi'inenilKir 2 it. nail Ortohur 3, when
crown nroH in unituop, rinamooii
unci Mini Count ieK daiiiilKeil IMKI.IMMI,
000 foot. 'of timber. Prior to Hop
toinber 2(1, tbo flro Ions for tho sea
son nniomited to only ll l,74:t,u0u
foot board muusuro,
Utato KoroHior Klllott estlinalits
Unit r, 4 .l.tiK.'I.OUO fool boni'il inousliro
cd 11 bo snlvaKod, owIiik to Its proxliif-
iiy to cxisuiiK linos or irnasporiu
llba. DurliiK tbo soanoii r , R H I , U 4 :t acres
or timber lund worn piilrollod by
Ire wardens. Mxpendlluruii for flro
patrols ilurliiK tbo sunniin by tlinlior
nwimrs, tho statu and foderul kov
ornmont ainoiiulod tu tlfi'i,Kg.
SAN r'HANCIKO). Ciil.. loe. 21.--All
iuilieatioiiH aro that the l'.ii'ilie
CoiiMt biiNobnll lensuii will reHuiav llio
mime next hoiinun and that followers
of tho national Hnort on tho con,'
will ho iirovided with a rcmilur h"Iici1
11I0. Oriieialri I'lmnei'li'd with the
eoa'l leauMo aro KiiiiL'iiine that there
will bo 11 hii' revival in all liiicx of
miort, in which baseball will parlii'i
imto." Vlctnrv Garden Orlvo On.
UH AX(iKI-K8. Doc. 21. t'ndor
tho illronllon of Douglas Whlto, ro
Klonal Ulrvetor for UKrlculturul
niionts of the rnllrouds, tbo drlvo for
Victory (inrdons Is On. Two thou
sand posters from tho national war
Bunion commission at Washington
arrived today and these oro to bo dis
tributed to tbo uKrh'iilturnl iikoiiIS
tor posilnR at various stations In
tbo noun oporntliiK under Mr. Whlto.
Thoso states aro: California, I'tub,
Kovnda, Idaho anil Urogon.
He's bend rhef on the stenm
nhlp CleoiRo u'psbliiKloir, which
hours I'rosldoM Wilson and other
peiieo coinnitsiOonors lo Kuropo.
' Oi her limes, bo bosses Hie menu,
at Now York's Hotel Ulliiuoio.
" . 1 ii i 1
r ) e'J
4'' ' i.
body's ' back yard,' will ' cost " no'
more to run than tho nvorogo low
priood . auto,' . yet . will give, tho
spood and. carrying capacity of . a
first clans airplane. j "rt
Having a span of only 18 foot,
and wolEliim; only :T,0 pniinils
ieompleto with inolor, mid having
The Outbursts of
Everett True
- .,
rum 1,111 ivi Dll!P! THILBSCW RlCWT IS
unmT, it MnME.
Duty onto th5 TefiCHs.
WASIll.NCTON, Doc. 21. During
tho Gorman occupation tho Letts
woro not allowed to orittnlzo tholr
own army, pollco or nillltla nud the
recent nppoul dacluros that the Ger
mans In retiring now aro carrying on
the movement In such n way that
small bonds of Dolshovlkl troops ad
vanco Immediately behind them along
the road. ,
Tho flolshovlkl are declared to be
taking hostages, pillaging tho coun
try nnd levying contributions on the
woalthlor pooplo. Thoy hovo now
ronched a point about 60 nillos oast
of Itlga and unions chocked can soon
overrun Finland and Cotirlnnd.
Tho Lettish representatives con
tend that the Germans purposely
hand this territory to the HolshcvikI
with n view of having tho pooplo ap
ply lo Gnrmany for help unless allied
assistance Is given.
l'ortlaud Livestock
POKTLANI), Ore., Doc. 21. Cat
tle sloady; rocolpta 131. Steers,
prime, $1212.o0; good to choice
$11912; medium to goad $9.50fe
11; fair to modlum $8.50 Si' 9.50;
common to fair $7.5 0 4i S.50 ; cows
and bolters, choice. $.S.0 5i tl.25;
modlum to good $7. SO S.50; fair to
modlum $6.507.50; dinners $;I.5U
04.50; bulls $0fii8: calves $9 12;
stockorn and feeders $7?f0.
Hogs steady; rocolpta 8S3. Prima
mixed $16.85 fi: 17.1ft; modlum mixed
$16.r0 if 10.85; rough hoavlos
$14.75010; nigs $14Jf15; bulk
$10.85. '
Sheep steady; recolpts 1310. Prlino
a landing .speod of only 37 miles
por hour, this piano, can land on
nnd start from almost any country
road -
t- It Is oxpectod It will soil at loss ,
than $2000. This low price, and
tho low upkeep, dcfftlna Its use In
ktho nlr n Ji'ords nre used 011 laud.
J - 1 1 . I
I . I-'AWJM; "-Mri.- . -J I
ANY TeCHCE That VAl8f.3
cvsywio 1 I") i.r7iv.uijrj
v mv. .1 . -"-. ..... 1
a t JL0
V '
CHMN.-a W.
lambs $12 H 13; fair to medium $9
11; yearlings ilOGi 11. 50; wethers
f'J 10; ewes llftS; rough, heavies
lu.eoci 14.70.
POIITLA.M), Ore., Dec. 2i. But
tor firm. City creamery prints.
'extras, hex lots Cue; cartons CGc
Jinlf boxes halt cent more;' loss than
bait boxes one cent more. Buying
prlco buttorfut, country. 07c;' cube
extras 01 He Turkeys, dressed, 42 Mi
cents. 1
Portland Grain
l'OIiTLAXD.' Dcc., 12. Oats. $55
bid : corn, $5!) bid.
Mlllstuffs Mill run f..o. b. mill:
Carlots $32.10; mixed cars $32.60;
less than carlots $34.10035.10; roll
ed barley $55 ij? 59 ; rolled oats $61
65; ground barley $56 if GO; alfalfa
meal $40044. ,
Wilson to Take Dover Route.
. LONDON. Dec. 21. President Wil
son, when he comes to KneJnml next
Thursday. accoriiiiiL' to a Dover dis-
nntcb to tho Evoninir Kws. will cross
(ho chnr.nol bv the f'jort route and
will land nt Dover.; : .
Mr. and Mrs. Single dined at the
Hugh Porter heme Sunday.
Morrltt Hoa.innd who has boon In
tho navy at Mare Island returned
homo Sunday evening. .
Russoll Ha rl3 writes from Coryal-
lls that they are expecting their dis
charge this week.
Our efficient rond supervisor, O. S
Wolcher, has engaged a crow of men
and; mid Is putting tho roads
In this vicinity In first-class condi
tion. . .
Tho C. C. McCurdy family wore
callers at tho R. W. Ehlens Sunday.
Mrs. Rov Nichols and Mrs. Joe
Honglnnd have charge of the Red
Cross Christmas drlvo in thl6 district.
Miss Leah Parker Is spending
few weoks with her grandmother at
Grants Pass. . ' "
Mr. nnd Mrs. .Minor' returned to.
their home hero Saturday evening,
niter spending the summer and fall
near Victoria, 11. C. Thoy report the
Influenza epldomlc as bad in Canada
as bore.
Miss Miner is planning to make a
numbor of Improvements on .: his
place., -. V v . :.
Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Hoagland's sis
ter, who has beon .visiting here for
some tlmo and oxpectod -to remain
until after tho holidays, was called
homo to Washington by the serious
Illness of her daughter. ; y
Malcolm Anderson' has .'been 'con
fined, to the houso with a Hsht
tack ot the flu, but is much Improved
now and no other member of 1hc
family has taken it...
' The Junior Red Cross of this dis
trlct nro roll In e; chanues on tho hand-
$100 Reward, $100
Tim renders of this paper will be
Pleased to learn that thero Is at loaBt
one dreaded disease that octonce has
been able to cure In all. Its 'Stages and
that Is cntitrrll. Catarrh l,elnir Ki-eatly
inllueucod by conatllutiooal coiullllons
i-eaulvcs conittltutlonul treatment. Hall's
t'ntnrrh Medicine Is taken Internally and
nets thru tho IUond on tbo Mucous Sur
faces of tho Ryateni llu-reby dontroylnff
the romidntlon of tho disense. ;lvlntr tho
putlont .strength by buildln;; up tho con
stitution nnd nnsb'tlnh' nature In doing Its
wnrk. The proprietors bavo so much
fnltli In the. cnratlvo power of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine thtt they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any enso that It fulls
to cure. Bend for list of tetitlmnnlnls.
Address R .1. rilUNUY co Tolsdo,
uiiio. tsoia oy an vrugists, w,
.0: . -. ''. -.'
soma lot; cabin quilt tlioy havs. made.
Any onn intorosteu can pliono Mrs.
Hoy Nichols. " . .
1. .VkNussar has boon sawing wood
n tho iielKliborlioml this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eldon and sons
and Mis Itono Jonos were dinner
Kuosts at the W. K. , i'arkor homo
Sunday. The dinner was In honor of
Mrs. Kklcn's and Mrs. llobort C. Bro
pliy's birthdays. .
Hilly Thoinison ro.tnrned home
Monduy. Ilo Is Improving irlowly
bat will bo confined lo the house for
soiiiu time. .
.Miss Lola Illuckford Is at home
from Bt. Mary's academy, until after
he hollduye. ,
The county n;i- c spont Thurhdriy
niyht with tiio ('bifrn fumilv in I'hoe-.
nix. iik lieln ik vorv Konrco,
l)r. Kmuk KobortH hud a phone put
n 11 1 b? rcsjcii n'-e in North Talent one
ilav thi week.
l!erlio Stimirii",' of rboon'. r'lturn-
ed from Helium l'ulvtoobnic school at
I'ortle.nd biHt week. Amo rrcd Jrv.
Mrs. Noch Chuudler nnd Mrs.
SimiiBon and .Uisn Irr-nc Kt.indlov vis
ited at the hr't-e of Mrs.' A. Ilenrn,
,b i. K. C!c nun. ,Jrs. Joftm. Mihs
Mabel liorrii wr" riiopvioit in Ash
land bust TiMxlnv.
Oi'orjo lfobirls is rtiicndimr 11 few
da vh' with hi" koi), fi. Krank Hobtits.
pt North .
The f!ii ituntiin 'k vcrv much un-
nrovod in both I'hodiix nnd Tniont.
Dr. Mnlmirron bsvimr bud the vixy of aacocss in comhutin-r ths ci-
M'rn. l.n rnoe Crnwford of North
GHietiEsiyrs pills
IXlCK'ai fl.',',-YPW'lr)ttJ4II' a
t'.U hwt-'C JUift,nd UruBiVV
ini--. Ksvki) '6Jlluo RllJ-at:. f
TaLo US olli;-. tlvy mf jvar "
&I A)U.D JIfLMI l' Lf E
(Notice Is hereby nlven In accor
dance with Section 5575 L. O. L. that
after 60 days from tho date hereof It
will be unlawful tor any stock to run
nt large within Willow Sprlng3 Vot
ing Pre:inct, of Jackson County, Ore
gon, under penalty of $10.00 for the
first offense and $20.00 for each and
every subsequent offense, lo be re
covered from the owner of the stock
In civil action in the name of tbe
State of Oregon before a Justice of
tho peace of the precinct in which
such owner or keeper, or either of
them, may reside, etc.
Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, this
13th day or December. A. D. 1918.
County Clerk for Jackson County,
Oregon . .
Notice of Sule of Government Timber
General Land Office.
Washington, D. C, November 14,
Notice Is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the Act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat,
218). and the Instructions of the
Secretary of the Interior of Septem
ber j 5, 1917, the timber on the fol
lowing landB will be sold Jan. 2,
1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public
auction at the -United Statos land
office at RoBeburg. Oregon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the
appraised value as shown by this
notice, sale to be subject to the ap
proval of tho Secretary of the In
terior. The purchase price, with an
additional sum of ono-fitth of one
per cent thereof, being commissions
allowed, must be deposited at time
of sale, money to be returned if sale
is not approved, otherwise patent
will issue for the timber which-must
be remoed within ten years. Bids
will be received from citlsens of the
United Statos, associations of such
citizens' and corporations organized
under the laws of tho United States
or any state, territory or district
thoreof only. Upon application of a
qualified purchaser, the timber on
any legal subdivision will tie offered
separately before being included in
any offer of a larger unit.
T. 33 S., R. I E.. Sec; 1; SEH
SWU. yellow pine 10 m.. red fir 430
M.p whlto fir 20 M.. none of the yel
low plno to bo sold for less than
$1.50 per M., and none of the fir to
be sold for less than $1.00 per M.
T. 16 S.. R. 2 W.. Sec. 25, NE
SWii, red fir 300 M.. yellow fir 900
M.,-cedar 50' M., NW'i SWli, rod
fir 500 in., yellow fir 800 M.,
SWli. red fir 1150 M.. yellow fir
100 M., cedar 50 M SE SWli,
rod fir B50 JL, yellow fir 100 M.,
NEi4 SEVi. red fir 550 M NWi4
SEW, red fir 450 M.. yellow fire 900
V.: SWU' RE V , red fir 7 M.. yel
low fir 350 M., cedar 5H M.,'SEy
SEVl rqd fir 1025 .if., yellow fir 300
M none of tho. red fir, yellow fir or
cedar to bo sold lor less than $1.5U
por M. T. 14 S.. U. 6 W., See. 5,
NEK NK, rod tlr 850 M., NWVi
NEW. rod fir 700 M SW4 NE'.4,
red fir S25 M., SEW NEW, red fir
800 si.; ak H nwv, red nr 460 at.,
yellow ftr 450 M.. iNW4 NWti red
fir 100 M.. yellow fir 850 M., cedar
(o at., svv'i w, rod rtr 220 at..
yollow fir 2250 M.. cedar 70 M SE
W NWW,. rod fir 325 M.. yellow fir
400- M.,; cedar-115 M., SWW.
yellow fir 700 M, cedar 70 M NWVi
8.WW, yellow fir 490 M.. cedar 30
M.. SWV SW-li. yellow fir 640 M.,
SEW SWW. yellow fir 740 M.. NEW
SEW, red ftr 370 M yellow fir 360:
M.. cedar 65 M., NW SEW. red fir
575 M cedar 30 M.. SWW SEW
red fir 680 M., bEW SB W, red fir
$80 M.. cedar 25 M.. none of the red
fir to bo sold tor loss than $1.00 per
Nt., and none of the yellow fir or
cedar to be sold for less than $1.25
per M. T. 17 S., R. 6 W.. Sec. 13
Lot 2, red fir 190 M Lot 3, red fir
365 M. . Sec, 35 KEy SWW, red fir
525 At., SEW SWW, red fir 415 M
NWW SEW. red fir 480 M.. SWW
SEW. rod fir 620 M.. SEW SEW,
red fir -,635 M.i none of the red fir
to be sold for loss than $1.23 per M.
Soc. 27, Lot 1, rod fir 190 JLNS
NEW' NWW. rod fir 430 M.,'iVi
NWW NWW, red fir 315 it., none of
the red fir to be sold for loss than
$1.45 pe,r M..
Coramlssluuor, uuuornl LuU OfUuo
- r
Talent was viNitinir rolnlivc. in T11I
ent Thnrsduv. rt , . -
W, S. Ktnni'liff has been liiiiilintr
irnivel thu- miHt week linprovim; the
Y street, which is a much needed itn
liroveiiicnt. Home of the lnrmerN can
not no to tho low trround lit tin) end
of the atrect with a Car on account
of tho mud. ' - ' -
J. J). Henry's family, who au'forcd
a liitlit attack of -flu have rcovoit'd
nieelv. I)r. Hedires of Mcdford v lis in
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Central Ave.
Circuit Court
Chester V. Dolph (executor)
Protestant Episcopal Bishop et
Stipulation. .
Probate Court '
Verne Baldwin Est. ; Admitted to
probate. ,
Worth Attention of Women
When yon feel too Ured to work,
when dark puffs appear under your
eyes, when you wake up weary with
backache or pains In sides and loins,
when muscles and bones ache, when
you suffer rheumatic twinges, when
lumbago puts you down, then yon
know the kidneys are weakened or
disordered. Mrs. T. J. Bucknell,
Rout 1, Hardy, Neb., writes: "I am
recovering from an attack of lum
bago. by .the aid of Foley Kidney
Pills. -They surely have helped me.
For sale by Medford Pharmacy. t
Advertising Rates
Classified One cent a word. :
Locals Ten cents a line.
Legal Five cents a line.
Display 25 cents an Inch.
. Contract rates on application. ' ,
WANTED Ten bright capable ladies
to travel, demonstrate and sell
Well-known goods to established
dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per
week; railroad fare paid; weekly
advance for traveling expenses.
Address at once Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 707, Omaha, ebr.
WANTED Cars to wash at the Union
Barns. ...... . 234
WAiXTED To buy a fjVe or seven-
room house. Must be a bargain.
324 South Orange. Phone 740-M
WANTED To buy a five or seven
room house. ' Must be a bargain
Phone 740-M. . ',.. -. . 232
WANTED Small place In country
suitable for raising garden and
poultry. Box 10, care Mail Trib
une, -v 232
WANTED Well rotted stable man
ure delivered. Box X-10, 4MI1
Tribune. . ' ; -''.. , :
WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your
partly paid Liberty Bond contracts.
to mora, knild.
Phone 488-M or
repair or wreck.
88-,X. ... ...
WANTED R. H. Toft buys Ubarty
bonds, also mortgages, notes, judg
ments, escrow contracts, etc-, and
. makes short time loan on any old
. tbtna. -
FOR . RENT Modern four-room
house, furnished, cheap. Party
.leaving town. Call at 305 Portland
avenue. 233
FOR RENT Furnished, 1010 South
Oakdale. Tel. 409. 282
FOR SALE Alfalfa seed and seed
corn. Phono 353 Jacksonville. 23
452-Y. . .
-Popcorn. Phone 452-W.
1; ... 1 -!. - 24
FOR SALE Christmas trees;
713-X or 211 North Ivy. .
.... 233
FOR SALE Prime hogs, dressed,
20c lb. delivered. ' Live geese de
livered, 2oc lb. 16-Inch and J2
heating stove, wood. One pet goat.
. Phone 869-Y. ... .... 132
FOR SALE Good - second hand
Faultless stump puller. Hubbard
Bros.. :. ; -. tf
FOR SALE-Sulphtir, lnnd plaster,
superphaspbate. Ralph Waldo El-
den,. Russ Jim.-
FOR SALE-Alfalfa hay. Phone
. S42-R, evenings. . , ..'
FOR -SALE-ranch.
-Corn at Iho '
FOR SALE Two Cadilac automo
biles; will make good delivery or
trucK. Inquire at 143 North
Front Street. 234
FOR SALE Fine quality baled hay
. $2o.00 per ton. - Modoo Orchard
Phono Central Point . at meal
FOR SALE Milk goat; will be fresh
. about Jan. 10. Also one male Tog-
genburg goat. Write w. J. Mes
senger, Gold Hill,-Ore.- . r-23
FOR SALE Weaned pigs, $5.00
. each. Harvey. Ruckor; R. R. 1. 233
FOR SALE I have 100 good thrifty
bred ewes. , .D. Rosenberg,-Hotel
FOR SA'lE Stumpase. Inijuiro Tier.
keloy Orehm'tU,
OST Ulnck lenthor purso contain
ing about $14.00, Plonne loavo at
O. C, Cuto's office and reoolv re
ward. , . i . . . 233
LOST Cameo pin on the street.
Thursday. -Reward If roturnod to
Mall Tribune. Lillian Robinson.
'. 1 .: 7 - f . ,, i, ' , v .' "232
FOCNfj. .'
FOUNI llaby ring. Owner
have sa 1110 by paying adv.
proving property.
FOR KBST One complstely fur
nished apartment. Hotel Holland.
TAKKN UP Light colored Jersey
heifer, coming two years old.
Phone 539-R-S. W. H.- Dorea: 236
MONEY TO I-OAN on good real
estate security, and will buy Lib
erty Bonds. J. B. Andrews, No.
21 North Orane. Phono 647-J. tf
' Attorney
PORTER J. NEFF- Attorney-at-law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medtord national
Bank Building.
A. B. - Reamea, ;
Lawyer, Garntt
Corey Bulliifng.
Anta Supplies
are operating the largest, oldest
and best-equipped plant in the Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others full. Sold under writ
ten guarantee. 34 North Flftaenta
St., Portland, Oregon.-.
. Garbage '
GARBAGE Get yonr premifea
cleaned up for. the summer. . uau
on the - city garbage wagosi for
good service. Phone 851-T. J.
Y. Allen. ' " "
Expert Aecoimtant
Wilson, C. P. A. AtUnUOn grven
to anything In Accounting end In
come Tax requirements. Look
Into ' bur simplified accounting
method. M. F. H. Building,
Medford. - Phone 157-B,
, Instractlon in Hnsle
piano and harmony. Halgnt Musio
Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey - Bldg.
Phone 72. '" '' -
Insurance. '
EARL S. TUAIY General Insurance
Agency. 210 Garnett-Corey Bids,
Good local service. Helen Tumy,
Automobile, Liability poltoiee writ
tea with best English and Easter
Companies. Office 408 Garnett
Corey Bldg. ' .'.-..;
Planing; Mill
THOMAS MOFFAT General mill
work, sash, doors, mouldings aaa
screens. Shop 437 6. Fir. Phone
184. -- -:: v.-' - -
.- PhjrBiclana and ftnrceoai.
DR. W. W. HOWARB osteopathlo
payslclan. 303 Garnetc-Corey bnjio
ing. Phone 130. ; .'-(
DR. J. J. EMMiSNS Physician and
surgeon. . Piictlce limited to eye,
ear, nose and throat .Eyes scien
tifically tnsted and. glasses sup
plied; - Oculist and Aurist for 8. P.
R. R. Co. - Offices M. F. ft h; Co.
. Bldg. '. Phone 667. - '
416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Phone 964-L.
Residence 26 S. Laurel Street
: Printers and Pnbllshera 1
best equipped printing office la
Southern Oregon. Book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir St .v'
Office 42 North Front St Phone
315. Prices right Service guar
anteed. - .1.
To Own a Some in Medford
A strictly modern 5-roora
cottage with screened porch
es, cement walk, garage and
driveway,, chicken house and
lot,' and close in, everything
paid up, a clear title and a
bargain.' " ' . '
We have several splendid
values to ff er you at this
time. . : : ;
Brown & White
Heal Estate and Insurance,
10 So. Fir St, . . ..; Wedford. Oregon
'''."'' Time Card. , '-'
While "flu" bah ts on cars will run
between Medford and Ashland. as fol
lows:. '
Leave Bedford for Ashland dally
at 8:00 a. m. (except Sunday), and
at 10 a. in., 1:00 p. m. and 4:00 p. m.
Leave Ashland for Medford daily
t 9:00 11. m. (oecept Sunday) and
nt 11:30 a. in., 2:00 p. m. and &;15
p. 01.