Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Tho BCliool hoard at a recent meet
inif docldod to open tho public
schools Monday, Doc. 30. providing
conditions relating to tho flu epi
demic remain as favorable as at pros
eut. This put at rest ii rumor which
, wan In circulation yestorday that the
: hoard would reopen the' schools next
Thursday, tho day after Christmas
' and was already sending, word 'to
that effect to tho teachers who are
visiting away from the city. ' The
Modford schools have only heen In
, session six weeks this year and have
' tieen cloBod nine weeks. White many
teachers have been sick with, the fin
; there was only one death. The board
: froports that there are not many pu
' pile and teachers sick-nt present,
"Victory" candy canes at Crow
', son's. , Pure and wholesomn. : 232"
., Leland Jacobs end Reginald Fifer
arrived homo this morning from Eu-
! gene ' where they ! were taking the
. Btudents army course at the Vniver
' slty of Oregon.
Going out of business Closing
out Bale. Men's and boys' shoes at
cost. Sale starts Monday, Dec. 23.
Kto. 10, South Central avenue. '
Many Medford homes were glad-
doned today thru the arrival and dis
tribution of an unusually heavy mail
from Krance. This was regarded at
tho postoff ice, as the . forerunner of
Christmas mail from soldiers, as the
war department urged long ago that
oach soldier In service write a letter
to ilia mother or father in time to
reach them by Christmas.
, Try a Stromnerg carburetor" on
your car. Power Auto Co. tf
Mrs. ' W. Beaton .of Crook'stbm'
Minn., passed thru the city .this af
ternoon enroute from -home to spend
the winter, in southern .California.
, Sho was met during the train stop by
a number of .Medford persons who
were ' neighbors and friends at
Crookston. .
The Sugar Bowl is making enough
candy canes for every boy and girl
In Medford, 5c each. :
" Miss Jeanette Patterson who is a
student at the O. A-. C, arrived home
from Corvallis this morning to spend
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Patterson.
Don't forget to place your orders
for froiten dessert for Xmas. Crow
son's, where thev make it as you
' like it. 232,
. - R. C. Esson and wife of Oakland,
: Cal., arrived in Medford yesterday to
spend a few. days looking oyer the
, city and country.
AH discontinued lines ' of shoes,
: slippers, etc., go at bargain prices at
Schmidt's, 221 North Central avenue.
J lff ' i- . Y "'Vi:- -;- '.233
- ;; Sergeant Chas. -p: Bartlett has ar
rived home for a few days visit with
his folks. He is from Brooksfield
aviation field near San Antonio, Tex.
He has been gone from home twenty
months, and a twenty-doy furlough
' only gives him about a week at home.
Take home a few pounds of our
special "Victory" mixed. The best
candy value ybur money ever bought.
Crowson's, where good candy is
made. . 232
' Harry P. Rice, who is- a flying
cadot at tho Taylor field. Ky., is
visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Rice of Phoenix. He is on a short
furlough and will be at home eight
or ten days.
You can drink a pint of cider for
a nickel at'DeVoe's. ' '
Judge Glen Taylor leaves tonight
to spend the holidays with his par
ents In Lodl, Cal. ''
- Auto curtains and lights, all kinds.
. Medford 'Auto Top Co., 30 North
Grape, phone 104.
Mr.i and Mrs. -M.' H. Simons of
Eagle Point, were visiting friends in
the ity yesterday.
v For fire Insurance phone 64, cor
, ner Eleventh street and S. P. track.
. D. R. WooS & Co. -
James C. Smith who has Ijeen in
the 62d. spruce division at Vancou
ver, Wash., has received his dis
charge and returned home.
Pianos Ellington, Hamilton, sold
by H. N. Inland, at 225 South Oak
'dale. Liberty bonds taken same as
Cash. Phone 691-J. 240
Archie C. Murray who has token In
the sorvico at Fort Stevens, has ar
rived home.
. Wo are selling all short lines In
shoes, slippers, etc., at very low
prices. Schmidt's, 221, North Cen
' tral avenue. ' 233
- Bruce- Wilson of Griffin Creek,
left last evening to Bpend tho holi-
days with his family In Portland.
Medford Auto Top Co., 30 North
' Grape. Auto top repairing, phone 104.
, - ;. -- : -
i: C. A. Tomassere of Seattle, was In
, the city yesterday on business. ' '
. :. Our -clerks wear flu masks.. Shop
whero every precaution : Is taken.
Johnson, the jeweler. . 232
T. T. Gaston arrived In Medford
' Jcstorday from Tacoma, Wash., to
spend a few days in tne-cHy on bus-
inoss. .'; ' :' ::
Magazine subscriptions at prices
quoted or advertised by any one.
Don't bo pestered by solicitors. Do
business with a reliable firm. Med
ford Book Store.- 232
; tl. K. Hasland came up from Oak-
" land, -Cal., yesterday to, visit friends
In the city for a few days. ',',.'
'' Engraved Christmas cards at Has
kinB' Drug store. .- 233
' J. C. Dill of Salem, arrived In -Medford
yesterday to spend a few days
- In tho city on business. '
-' Pleasant, sate, -quick, sure. -Dr.
Hnlfitead, 227 South Central. ' 233
. Mr. and Mm. Fred 'Felouzo and son
Robert of Eagle Point, were guests
at tho Hotel Medford last evening. '
Xmnn candles. Handicraft Shop.
'j - , -.- "'""'"233
i '-';;r-' , '. :- :--- --:
J. W. Swopo and wife of Santa
Monica, Cal., are visiting friends tu
tho city for a few days; ; '
1 ".Tap Art Btoro will open next Sun
day, Doe, 22 nd. '
K. J. Hamilton of. Walla Walla,
Wfcish., is In tho city today ou bus
iness. '
For tho best Insurance see Holmes,
the Insurance Man.
T. O. Bradley aud wife came ovor
from Copco, Cal., to visit friends in
Modford for a tow days.
Shoppers nro finding Johnson's
tho best place to fill their Xmas
needs in Jewelry, diamonds, etc. 232
Ernest V. Glovor came ovor from
Yroka yesterday to visit friends iu
tho city for a few days.-.
Don't forget the babies. We have
a fine line of gifts for thorn, 15c to
SC. Handicraft Shop. 233
H. W. Hush and Roy Q. Stewart of
Spokane, were in the city yesterday
on business. '-.-.
Electrical Xmas goods. Electric
Homo Supply Co., Ill West Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hibbert and
Mrs. J. E. Hibbert of Hilt were
guests at tho Hotel Holland yester
You can always find something for
a quick lunch at DeVoe's.
Sam li. Snndry of Roguo River Is
In the city today. Ho has been hav
ing a slogo with the flu, but is able
to' be out again.
Pottery bulb dish and box of bulbs
$1.03 gift, handicraft shop. 233
J. E. Pool and B. Mtjpkor of Klam
ath Falls, woro guests. at the Hotel
Nash yeBterday.,
Nash Hotel. Special rates, week
or month. Steam heat. 241
F. G. Oleson camo up from Eugone
yesterday for a few days visit In the
city. ' '
Lingerie makes elegant Christmas
gifts. Handicraft Shop. 233
E. S. Messner of Central Point, Is
visiting his friends in Medford today.
He was a member of the 130th Spruce
division at Vancouver, Wash.
Do Voe wants small show case.
' The public market was livelier to
day than for weeks past with an un
usually large supply of country pork
and pork products offered tor sale as
well as a plentiful supply of beef,
veal, turkeys, geese and chickens and
vegetables. Laurel berries, mistle
toe and Oregon grape were also on
sale. The market will be open next
Tuesday, the day before Christmas.
Dr. Heine, Garnett-Corcy Bldg.
All passenger trains passing thru
Medford have been crowded with sol
diers the past two days, many of
whom have just been discharged
from service and the others were
enroute to their homes from the var
ious camps to spend Christmas furloughs.
Handicraft Shop for hemstitching
and pecoting at 10c por yard.
Miss Elsie Lawrence arrived home
this moaning from the University of
with her parents.
Malted milk 50c lb. De Voe's.
friends in Grenada, Cal.
Mrs.-H. L. Edwarda has returned
to her homo at Grants Pass after
spending several weeks here with her
daughter, Miss Marie Edwards.
See Treichlor Pelrsoh ;Inc, for
tires, oils, and auto accessories. '
Sergeant Paul Schuler who ' has
been in the service with the Seventh
company during tho war : arrived
home from Fort Columbia this mor
ning, having been given an honorable
discharge from tho army.
Try a StrOmberg carburetor on
your car. Power Auto Co. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Art La Plant have
arrived toi the city from Los Angeles
and have taken apartments at the
Barnum. Mr. La Plant formerly was
in the employ of Ed Brown when
the latter ran the Brown confection
ery store two years ago and will
enter the service of the Brown and
Brown cigar store and billiard hall
as a clork. . . ,
Christmas cards and stickers. Han
dicraft Shop. 233
There was a real rash at the post
offito today for the first time during
the Christmas package mailing sea
son. The incoming Christmas par
cels -business Is also far below that of
former years, altho receipts were
heavy today. ' -
See us for Xma9 candy 25c lb. in
any quantity. The Sugar Bowl keeps
the prices down.
Mrs. A. A. Flynn, formerly of Med
ford, but for some time past station
ed in Portland as a stenographer of
the Southern Pacific railroad, is con
valescing after a two weeks illness of
Sweet grass sewing baskets filled
with Shasta chocolates make appro
priate gifts. tf
Rex Yamaishlta who is a student
at the University of Oregon arrived
home today to spend the holiday
vacation with his parents.
Handkerchiefs 3ac to S2.00. Han
dicraft Shop. 233
Attorney Paul Blanchard of
Grants Pass who had been attending
tho artillery officers training camp
at Fortress Monroe and had planned
to spend the-holidays at home has
entered the employ of tho Armour
Packing company aB a member of Its
legal staff with headquarters In Chi
cago. , Attorney Blunchard has a
wido acquaintance In Medford. '
Got your milk, cream, butter and
buttermilk nt DeVoe's. - .
Duo to heavy traffic the morning
passenger trains in both directions
were late today.- No; 13, southbound
and No. 14 northbound both arrived
In the city at the same time this fore
noon. ... , . ,, ... .- . ;
' Plenty of choice Christmas gifts at
3oc and 50c. Handicraft Shop. 233
FOR SALK Ono 16 llsc harrow,
good condition; one 2 disc gang
plow, hea.vy, suitable for horses or
tractor, ono saddle, good as new.
Box 13, Gold Hill, Ore, ?32
r mm hi n win i.-i, .
John A lieydlor of Washing
ton. 1. C elected head of tho Na
tional league, has been tdoiuiflcd
with. the affairs of the loaguo since
1909. In which sonson lie . was
elected to Mil out tho unexpired
term of Harry C. Pulllnm as
president, secretary and treasurer.
Since then he has served for
several yoars as secretary nnd
treasurer. ' - -t i
Hoydler possesses tho confi
dence of both ball players and
mngnates. ,111s friends predict
realization of a better era In base
ball. . . o--'
Miss Helen L. Dohl who was re
cently called to Kansas City, Kas.,
by tho illness of her sister with flu,
was taken ill with the samo disease
enrouto and Is now recovering from a
severe attack In Bethany hospital,
Kansas City. The sisters are con
fined in the same room and their
nurse writes to Medford that tho
they are unable to sit up yet they are
convalescing very nicely.
When it comes to candy, that Nut
Sillman has them all going. He
sells candy for what others pay for It.
Mllo Lamb who has received his
discharge from the Bervico, arrived
home from Fort Stevens yesterday.
If quality and a lower price count
you will do your shopping at John
son's, the jeweler. 232
Elmer Cooksey of Gold Hill, is In
Medford today visiting with somo of
the O. A. C. boys. He was a member
of tho S. A. T. C. at Corvallis and
was mustered out a few days ago.
Again the Sugar Bowl is headquar
ters for Xmas candy. 25c lb. . -
F. W. Spuhn who has been attend
ing the training sohool at Corvallis,
arrived home this morning.
uauy s l axi. - raone 10.
E. V. Carter of Ashland, is In the
city today attending to some business
matters and shaking hands with his
friends. . ....-..'. ' ,
We are offering tho finest assort
ment of wrist watches we have over
shown. Johnson, the jeweler. 232
Robert B. Strang who is In the ra
dio service of the navy. Is home on a
short furlough to spend Christmas
with his friends. He is located at
present at Mare Island, but received
his first schooling at th'e Marconi
station which is located at the Ta
malpais bay. ,
Furniture upholBtorlng, mattress
making, crating and packing. Doug
las, 201 S. Rivorsldo, phone .16 2-J.
The latest Issue of the Jackson
County Agricultural News Is just off
the press and is being mailed out to
subscribers today. Tho publication
is full of news of interest to the rural
people and features the Farm Bureau
that is being organized In the county.
The program of the work outlined
for the bureau Is published together
with the names of the various project
De Voe has a fine line of assorted
chocolates at 60c per lb.
Much adverse comment Is toeing
heard over the woeful lack of Christ
mas decorations in the "business dis
trict. Few merchants have their
windows decorated and there is more
of an aspect of gloom so far than of
gladsome holiday cheer.
Fine Xmas mixed candy 23c per
pound at the Shasta.
All phonographs in one, the Bruns
wick, see It, hear It, before buying,
at Palmer's Piano Place, 28 South
Central. 234
"Miss Anne McCormick, the home
demonstration agent. Is spending the
most of her time at present waiting
on influenza patients In various parts
of the icounty. - - .
Shasta candy Is made in Medford.
It iB also the beat.' ' . tf
Children's aprons and overalls,
hand-embroidered. Handicraft Shop.
Earl Ulrich was in tho city from
his -Prospect ranch on business today.
Dennison's Gift Dressings 10c as
usual. Other kinds at 5c. Medford
Book Store. , 232
William Davenport, superinten
dent of the public schools is now con
valescing from a severe attack of In
Dr. H. P. Hargrave, physician.
Rooms 409-410 Carnett-Corey Build
ing, phono 230. tf
Electrical Xmas goods. Electric
Home Supply Co., Ill West Main St.
William Boige of rural route 2,
was a "business visitor in tho city to
We carry only the highest stan
dard in quality and our prices are al
ways a little lower.. Johnson, the
jeweler. . 232
Hemstitching, pecoting. All-work
guaranteed. Variety Hat Shop: . tf
Day Plionei Pacifio 227. , -;,.'..
(fight l'honess P. W. Weeks, 10JW2
;'''' Iiady AMiMnt.'
The funeral of Grant Burroughs,
which was held tit tho Catholic
church this morning was attended by
a largo concourse of relatives and
friends. Tho interment was In tho
Jacksonville cemetery. It was the
first appearance of Father Powers
since he was attacked with Influenza
about two wooks ago.
The flu is under control, but you
can't control SUIImnn, he will sell
Xmas mixed candy for 25c lb.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Valley and
their sons and daughters rush to tho
Japanese Art store to find out some
thing out of ordinary for Xmas gifts.
STOUT Carl David Sout died at
his late residence. No. 417 J street.
Snturilnv. December 21st. 1U18. of
pneumonia, lie was n native of In
diana, need i)4 vcars ami two months.
He leaves to mourn his loss n wife,
two sons nnd one dmiehtur Gordon
hi. und Curl Fletcher Stout and Mrs.
Orn Ncidemcver. of Medford. Funeral
services to bo held nt tho Weeks &
McGowan elinpel Mondtiv, December
23.. at 2 p. nt.. Rev. Dr. liailev ol'fi-
ciiitinc. Interment in Jacksonville
onmctcry. . Services nt tho irruve bv
Warren lodu'c No.10. A. F. nnd A. 51.
BAUOIIMAX Tho death of Pro
fessor H. C. Baiighmnn, principal of
tho Talent school; Saturday evening,
December 14, cast a gloom over the
entire community. Mr. Baugbman
came to Talent only a few months
ago but during his brief residence
among us has made many sincere
friends. His depth of Intellect and
breadth of attainments wore com
blned with greatness of heart and
genuineness of spirit. Ho Immediate
ly won tho re.-.pect and love of the
student body, among whom his loss
Is keenly felt.
For . many years Mr. Baughman
has been prominent In educational
work. He served as superintendent
of the Lane county schools for sev
eral years. For five years, previous
to his residence at Tuicnt, he served
as superintendent of tho Crook coun
ty high school at Princvlllo.
. Mr. Baughman Is survived by his
wife and three children.
BL'TLKK Jesse D. Ihttler died at
Redmond. Ore., Wednesday. Don. 18.
1019.; was n native of Clurindn
Iowa: Hired 4'.i venrs. He leaves to
mourn his hiss, u wife nnd Iwo suns,
Jesse Nichols and Calvin J. Butler,
and one brother. Dr. II-X. Hiitler of
Coos Buv, pie. Interment in I. 0. ().
K. 'cemetery Sunday. Dee.' 22. 1018.
services ut the criivo under the nus
iiii-es of Medford Ijoclire B.' I'. O. K
Will leave the Weeks & JlefJowan
chaijol nt 2:30 t. m. r
continue Military training
BOULDER, Colo.,: Dec. 21 Mili
tary training Is to he continued at the
University of Colorado after tho de
mobilization of the Students Army
Training corps. Dr. George Norlln,
acting president, announced a short
time ago. The training is to be con
ducted under tho Reserve Offlcors
Training corps system.
Itvans.-Lutli. ' ZlonV CliurrH
Rev. Ir. Vft It. Morenz-Oeser, Pastor
No services.
. Still o 1-2 ovor May Co,
. For Sale I!v
Monarch Seed. Feed Qo.
Onlv two new cases of Tin were ro
ported to the health officer, K. ill.
l'iekoi, I'Yidav. one bv Dr. Hull and
one bv Dr. PocllniU. The rapid fa 11
imr off of new cusps tho past week
indicates that the enideinio either hits
entirely spent its foruo or u on the
Advocates of tho eonnitilsorv weur
iiur of flu musks nro elated at tho fol
lowing telegram sent tho Civiu l.enu'iie
of Improvement clubs of San Krnii.
eiseo this week bv Dr. Kupert ltluc
director of (lie United States health
service at WashiiiKtoti, reirurdihtr tho
value of masks:
"Masks iironcrlv tnmlo and eorreet
Iv umdiod anil conscientiously worn
nro of undoubted value. Believe bet-,
lor results can be secured bv educa
tion and appeal fur proper voluntary
use iu the irencnil population than bv
norfunctorv compliance resultiiiL'
from compulsory ordinance. Masks
should lie oompulsorv amonir siek con
tacts and those attemliuu siek, Doubt
ful if compulsory use bv trenernl pop
ulation will Live belter results. San
Krnueisen should ho able to indue:
from its own esperienev."
MONTKVEIDO, Friday, Dec. 20.
Notwithstanding precautions by tho
police, success appears to bo attend
ing tho efforts of ngllutors hero to
start a general utrlko which sociiib to
bo Intended as a revolutionary move
ment. Tho agitators nro reportod to;
be Russian .Maximalists.
Tho -.Montevcldo uewspapero to
night suy tho port probably will bo
paralyzed within H hours and that
the Maxlmnlhils are endeavoring to
bring about port strikes hero and In
Buonoa Alros simultaneously,, while
strlvluK to cause dissension among
tho pollco and flroman in Ihlu city
as in Argontlnn.
' How often have you huurd that
sad cry from tho victims of disease.
Perhaps tho disorder has gone too
for for help, but onnor It Is Just In
its first stages and that pains and
aches aro only nature's first cries for
help. Do not despair. Find out the
cause and give nature ail tho help
you can and sho will repay you with
health. Look aftor tho kldnoys. Tho
kidnoys nro tho moot overworked or
gans of the human body, and when
they fall In their work of tutoring
and throwing off tho poison that
constantly accumulates In the sys
tem, everything goes wrong. GOLD
MEDAL .Haarlem Oil Capsules will
give almost Immediate relief from
kidney and bladdor troubles and
their kindred ailments. They will
free your body from pain In short
order. But be suro to get (iOLD
MEDAU Look for tho name on every
box. In three sizes, sealed packagos.
Money refunded if they do not holp
you. Adv.
To Our Patrons
Stores will be open
Monday and Tuesday
evenings of next week
for convenience of
Christmas shoppers.
No Other Gift Possesses the
Lasting Charm of Jewelry
The Personal Pleasure in .Giving a Diamond will
Make a Direct Appeal to tho One You Love. -
This Will Be a Real Jewelry Christinas .
Sou vis fur Kvoi'vlliititf i lint i New niul
'Up-to-Date in tho eJ owelty Lino. Diu-
llUUlllrS, WlttcllOH, KilvlTWlU'0, (.'hll'lvH,
niul Gents' Loul hor OoodH. ; ' '
Mail Us Yum- Wants . .
Phone 81. Visitora Always Welcome. Medford, Ore
Store Open Evenings. . ' .',; 1
.Modern, Vcll-Mntiuj;fl t'lty, Nluated In Hie Outer of Kplemlld
Finest all-year-arouud climate In tho world, riensantast and most
health-xl'lug plaeo Iu whleh to live. , Kour distinct chuime. of sea
son. Low wind velocity. Splendid rpttds and drlvi. Mild (winter
weather, l'uro mountain water.
These farts vouched for by
.Mi:ii-titi. ohkuox
'it. V. ANTLK. Cashier. IHCLKOV UlCTCill'.LL, I'ronldont
Exquisite Perfumes, -,UJ .
and Toilet Waters H'!
Mary Gni-don, Auron, li Trot lie UJerKUw, (Jjmloniflo.UiLMnvlu.
A M'lort Ion from (jimmI iiuiIicn 6 del lull t fill jiiiiI n('tlililn
iti'Mnt nnd Iiovk tuMo ami refinement, in tho Klver.
" Heath's Drug' Store
Phone 8S4 The San Tox Store
Xf Concentrated v
pi . : ; ''Effort -Vft
7 -" If Knrnoit effort must Uo criifcpntraf. ."; 1 Wc 1
IKJll Cl' "n "l0 wuk locoiiHtriietlon, " ' jlJM
Mmiy roadJuiilmpiirM to meet 'thn '
lwia(J. ehiiTiKed rtiudltliinfi of . Imalnew find .' 'II
ILjiU lnduMry will bo rnulrnl. " ' ' ,; .hJ
I ' v" ... t.'onsult our oftlcoin fnmly about ... jkwf
yA v. yotir fiiinnelitl prolilein.i. yjJ
..vLv V. ClictUInu uceouiltd nro nolicttiMl. II 111
r3f-'. 4 Tor Out, Inlcriwt , Jr II
"miW " Account, ' Jxtjv
ED I88Q - Ji i-'
Brunswick for Christmas
We unhesitatingly indorse the Brunswick. We in
dorse it because, to us, its quality has been con
vincingly proven. Yet we do not ask you to accept
these statements without further proof or without
investigatibn on your own part.' We only ask that
you hear this beautiful instrument hear it repro
ducef records of all makes then decide whether or
not, for you, it is the ultimate Phonograph. Prove
to yourself that the Brunswick is your choice. Let
your ear decide, . Brunswick Resigns are unique
and beautiful, Brunswick cabinet work of superior
excellence and finish. '. .
Prices $32.50 to $1500 Easy Terms
We cordially invite a careful and exacting inspec
tion. No obligation implied by your call. Cata
logs and terms gladly mailed upon request.
Palmer Piano Place
28 South Central . Medford