! PAGE SIX MEDFORD MATL TRTBTT v MEDFORD. ORF,CiOsT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER fi, 1013 r.' . THS PICTURE BELOW SHOWS THE CROWD WATCHING THE HUMAN FLY CLIMB THE SMITH BUILD I NO" IN SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Wouldn't You Like to Get Rid of That Catarrh? HOTEL' MEDFGRD TO BE CLIMBED AT T" 2:30 SATURDAY V-Jaok Williams, tho Human Flay, who li to climb the Hotel Modford building Saturday at 2:30, rain or ehlne, blindfolded, under tho aus pices of the Mall Tribune, Is the real original Human Fly and the man to Whom goes tho credit for originating , that oxhlbltlon. Medford haB boon visited once before by a man who claimed to be the Human Fly. and needless to say his exhibition was a dismal failure. ' But this time Med ford la to see the real Human Fly In . action. Like all good things Mr. Wil liam has Imitators and several Ore Bon towns where IMr. Williams has given glron hi:) exhibition haro no ticed the difference. ..- Some of the largest papers In the country credit this young man with feats of daring that sound almost lm. fosslblo and the Seattle Star de scribes his exhibition In that city in tan following terms: "Starting from the, sidewalk , in front of the tallest building west of ibo Mississippi river, Jack Williams tetter known as tho "Human Fly, started his climb to tho top of the it story U C. Smith building while thousands with open mouths watou ; bd his overy movement minutely. ..Ho approached the building with a, smile on ms race, nia ngnt arm snot up . his fingers grasped hold, his must cleg working like the parts of a well oiled machines and he was going up ward. His hand would grasp a fin ger hold, his body would shoot up ward while, the other hand grasped one above, while his feet were brought Into play in the most dexter ous manner, and seemed to be always just at tho right spot to assist him. l.etore the crowd realized it he was At the fourth floor. He faced a bare wall 7 stories, but It worried him hot one bit. Crouching on one of the led Res beside the window he paused a moment to judge the distance, his miiacles , were drawn up and of a sudden he shot upward, while below thousands gasped In horror. As he icat upward, his bands shot out, they, had grasped the ledge nearly six feet above him, a swing, a sudden lurch and his body was shot out hor izontally, and he was on the next lodge. . Going over the cornice at the top of. the thirty-first floor was the most daring, death defying feat ever performed in Seattle; Arrived at the 31st floor, he -wiped h!s hands on-a towel which was handed to him from out the window; and prepared to go over the ledge above, which projects nearly five .feet dut from the .wail proper. Crawling up until his head, was under the projecting cornice he crouched once more for one of those deadly-springs. "Of a sudden his body was catapulted up ' ward and outward and the thous ands turned their heads away, and would not look,' while others stood in horror stricken amazement. Seven ladles were carried In fainting condi tion from the crowd. It did not seem possible that such a feat could be performed and those who had the courage to look saw those flaying arms grasp the edge of the cornice. The jump had been judged to the fraction of an Inch. Of a sudden the body began to swing, back and forth like the pendulum on a clock. Sud denly his feet came even with his head, his toe caught tho gutter and with a swing he lay -panting on the balcony that surmounts the top of the tower. He had accomplished whet one minute before, any person In the crowd would have deemed the holght of the ridiculous as well as Impossible' to even attempt." . ; PARIS, ' Dae. 6. -The Palais de f!aco In Paris, which the Y. M. C. A. has opened as an amusement place for American .and allied soldiers,', is hidden among the trees--' In ' tho Champs Elysees and had long been ona ol the v world-famous skating rinks'. -. It was opened in October and fi going to be a life saver to the lone ly iboy who has no money to spend In oxpenslvo music halls. The theatre lev this palace' seats 1300 and every artbrnoon and. every night there Is Vspciflthlng doing.',' And it Is open to all.' , ; , - J:';JThe itlred French Pollu; the Brit- ( leh' Tommy, the Polish Legionnaire, tho, Greok, anybody on-the allied side can walk up to the counter and re fresh his hungry body with hot soup and salad and sandwiches; alongside . of the American boy. The bKowb are absolutely free to all men and women in the uniforms of the allied nations. 1 The weekly program is made up of two professional boxing matches a week; two vaudeville shows given by Broadway's best talent, - Chicago's latost hits and FTIsco's popular teams; one religious evening begin ning with movies, and one night a week of informal talks and Interest ing loot u res about' France: The audi ence at these, educational nights Is phenomenal, , proving that our , sol diers want to learn about this won derful country In which they fought. The Palais de Grace la under the ':. V'-; . :' -. ' , i &ftvi6 ftMfflgqi iwSlfl wl'V Tnnmimii '-ii a At-- ?tUf , fl .. cooooooooosooouceoaaooooooxooocx!o Theaters and Movies OfJOOCOOOOOOQCOOOCOCOOXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOQ CLASSIC OF i c u.x.ra "l&. 't-ti t . ';--' "JWafOKiEH -71. The finest production of its kind and tomorrow. AT tIBERTY THEATER To portray the heroine of on6 of Robert Hirhcns.' novels, . or. irive a Ibsen creation; then-to step out into the wild west and present the char acter of a vourur woman reared on the Canadian horder line, is proof- ol elastic versatility of which any uo- trcss may be prond. But.thiB is v.bnt Ehsie Fcmupon. the beautiful anil lu! ented Artcraft star record's as only a tnflmcr, matter, and ok far as slip is concerned, merely in 'the 3av"s work, ' , , ' In her latest photoplay, ."Heart of the lids", an ArtcrnfU picture bas ed on Kdenr heiwvn s famous plav, "Pierre of the Plains" and Sir Gilbert Parker's storv. "She" of :ie 'Triple Chevron; which will be; presented at the Liberty theater toduv'nnd tomor row. Miss Fcreuson appears for the first time in nor screen career ' in what is 'commonly terms & Western" Photoplay, that is to Sav.iii storv ot tbc plains and .mountains';, in which cowboys doine daredevil- stunts on ponies, Indinns-nnd tho motlev char acters that lurk on the frinao of civ iliz.'ition, arc the chief fieures. Fancy Aliss Kursuson (loins darihs. ndiiis stunta hi emulation of f'riskv cow punchcrrfl Yet this is wlmt she doer, as jeh Galcraith, the hrayc.i-esoi:r: ful dnimhtor of a tavern keeper oil me uanuqian iiouiKlarv n-no uciic.- tlwsexcisc lii:and. lonntod- Pe-lioe a !' ', ' - Li'. '. COURT HOLtSE 8FF0RT ,. .in., ... m ; , , ,, , ; t, Reported, by' Jackson .foiinty Ab stract 'Co., Sixth and Central Ave. '; , iftciU KstaU Transfers : . .' Addle ''Rlppey,-to Mrs. WU-V J .. Hani Palmor, lot ?,, 'ulk.- ; v : ' 1, pak . Park addition ;;to , ;' ,:- the city .of .Medford::.'....:.:.;? .-1,00 John W, ArmBtrong ct ux to Jamao 3. Vincent, NK or.iN'W' " : '; :' of sea. 21,-twp. '35, R. 2W.' 355.00 Cora A.. Mitchell et al to A. V , B. Chapman, land in D. Ij. V C. 45, twp. 3!), It. 2 E..:......6000.00 James Barrett, et ux to tC:.: :. Brown ct ux, land In Auh- . laud :.. .: Mrs. Eva L. Beagle to P. C. Homes ct ux,' land In Ash land 10.00 10.00 direction of Dr. Thomas W. Oraham of Mlnncaijlio, Minn., and Miss Eliz abeth Oilman of Baltimore, Md.f who runs the canteen with- tho assistance of four other American girls in the unlfvrw .vl tho V, Ji.c, Atv ,. fewA '.mI - - -. ..... ., ! ' THE BIG SHIP ij- ts - T IN K, P t ,. ever screened at the Ttialto tonis':'. 1 y MUSICAL SUCCESS AT PAGE SATURDAY Arthur Ilammcrstein's bewit china Iv beautiful musical corned -cntUleii "You're In Love," bv the authors of "The Firefly." "Hiali Jinks", unci "Katinka." will be the attraction a the Vttao tlicnter Saturdnv. December 7. hiehlv endorsed bv all of the Port land newspapers.- The storv is verv Unlit, as is 'proper for a musical dnhcinir plav. -with a love storv runnins thronchout the action that leaves nothing to be do sired 'in tho wav of au cvenimi's cn tertainnu nt. Otto finrbacb has written a full ubota of joyous eomedy, Edward Clark has furnished many entrancing Ivrics nnd Hudolf Kriml has provided 20 odd lihitm mcicviios thai arc uli distinctly whistlcuble. ',- ' . ' , A.s ' to scenery and cbsliimcB, "You're in Love" can claim ns elabor ate and effective; an fcivestiire as any company en tour. Sldoin has there been provided A more no "el piece of stase setting than the bourn attached to the n:nst of the ship (sccoud net si-cnc) on which :l prcttv airl Hittintr on the end suinss out over the honns of the iiiulicncc This calls' forth storms of npuiutisc and necessitate 'cunv manv encores which will not be forgotten in miinv a day.- - , ' Thfi spiwii'.llv selected ciLst.o prin-cip'.-Js vi:i include 3Ir. Oscar L. l"i'iBii:i. Mr. V. H. White, ?rlr. Kimton Vjr.ce, Mr. lion Wells. Mb.-)', Elinor McC'une. Miss Viririnin Watson,. Miss AKtso Johnson. Messrs. Musson and Hroivn .nnd scvcrnl ,otlicr4,' tpTclhcr i-jtli a liirirn clionis of. preilv.aifls of Pscmii-itc ,dain;iiK;,;' thit- hayc' been elioftcri and drilled. ith t.riH llam-mcrstt-m tliarcmslincKS'. ,. :.,?? - ir'. ' VALK Irficriiliori iiondri luiproycd. I'rdioot of- cost - .7ij(l,0(MI,:' eov6rifi 32.01)0 ''ucrcH, " i ' '. ;";" ; POIiTLAXD. Miiltno!) nh co'mtv's 19X9' rond nrosrtim JH- lor tf'XiAHJ enchdirr'. ,v f V. cloett. priMir w & 'COLLARS' EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Bj A. C. Uowlotl Oeorne Admnson of Trail viuno in Sttttirdiiv niitht nnd rcmiiincd until Monday. lie was vuiraixcd in haulinit iniint-'ani'so from tho Lake creek mill. Tho Tacniim Metal conumnv have been huulintr the ore out as t'nr us Ja C harley's nnd Hrowjisboro with teams u ud Mr. Aitumson .hauls in from there to the P. & K. depot on. a truck. Mr. A. savs that the roads from Mr. Charley's to the mine are m very muddv thtitr it Is almost impossible to set through with n truck. He savs that the road supervisor has put fresh eravel ou tho hill known us the Lcm Char)rv hill end that fn eoimi n few rods with his truck he broke the two chains on his wheels. It seems like poor encouragement for capitalists to come into this eotitrv and have to l'o to double or thriblc tho exix'nse nec essary to cet tho product of tho mine out to 'ii mtrkct, having to handle the ore six .-times to cet it into thn rriihond car. Hut, perhaps we will have a chnno or the better under our nest county officials, nut saviuir anvtliin? uiraiust -o-ir present cotintv boprd, but nrliap, Hie new ones, the new connuissioner and the new couiuv liidito. people out Here seem to place a '-rent 'ileal 'of onfidenco in them. Mr. Adnicsoh snv'i Hint tho miinan 'sc mill is sliut ijiwu nt the prosen: ti:i:c. .nwinv to iiJcrco slide having' lipped into theic rt wlicro thev have b"ca ycttimr o'.d the ore .md t!in the dehris wi'l nll 'ne to be l.'cn ( hcloro Ihcv I'nn crush nnv tnoi". rock. Mr. A. Icl'tf his trnck with us while he went to his home for a few davs. 'lie wivs that thev have nliimt 23 or :10 tons of iro out that he'ex nccts to hci:l this winter nnd Hint with vln I the eompnnv have ul- t tie (ienot. will make a car load. J; F. flule, general inanii'.'cr of the lln'.o Piano Iloiisc. Medford. was here Mondnv for dinner, and ('. j H. AutWiCK. our boS road maker, nnii Joo J.toriiimi. the K. I'.-Dcrbv tuaii contnicfor and Mrs. V. C. Clrmenis. o.ir postmistn ss. Klu; savs that she is looking' for her husband, who went to t'ainp Pike. Ark., a few months nao, to - ioin the officers' (rninint: P-liol. libool the tenth or twelfth of this nmnt-li. Jack O'C'ociicr was one o ft he busi ness callers Alop'lav.' lie is interested li a lociria mtrnet near Iiiittc Falls. ... - Ham Cov. one of our hustliiii; farm ers, was here Mondav to meet n friend and ti have his plows sharpened up. Thomas C'inecnda brotmht his cuiiir plows in Tncsdnv to have scrap ers put oh it lo clean the wheels when he is plowing sticky. Oh, that sticky is" the limit . , ; - Gcoitre Ktownll was in town Tnes- C0DGH1G SPELLS Put a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King's New ". Discovery v'tnat raw, hecrn-j throat murt bo Doothcd. 'i'l-it phli-pm-loadcd chest must be botencj. Ihat cough mutt be checked to you can sleep. ' Pr. Kinj's New Discovery hs bsen .r:liev-in? coldt, ind coughs for half a century without the leant disaQrecablo "nfter-cffecM , . ;Youf drugjlrt noo !t because it Is vc!Wenotvri and in bin demand.' 60c . and $1.20, , ' ' :".i-'- ' - -' :'.-. Tf y this for Constipation Keep the' bowels on schedule time with Cr. King's New, Life IPills, tha system freed from poisonous wastes, the complextion clear, th stomach nwcet, the tonpie uncoatcd, thd breath untainted. . Mild yet positive. 25c. I 11 IC I f - i3 '"' yZt A homelike place, and con venient to the buslnocs section Rates from fl.60 up. ; . j' Under Management of ' ' . '.' - Richard W.-Chllds " BREAK YOUR REST ' dnv to brinir in his cirus and crvaiii. j llu makes the poultry busiiicis u i specialty and dovetails in tho duin 'business with it, sollimr the e renin and fvedinir the milk to his chickens nnd pius. C. F I'lldws,-' another one of oin prosperous farmers nnd diiirvinen iiiu" wii'c were hero Tuesday. Mr. Jov who is livinar. on the Fred Pcttiurew nhiee, chine in with them mid whili thev were here witnessed the pussnui of an ivirp'niio. It was witnessed lr unite u nuiiihvr of our eitir.ens as il missed over, hill it was so liikh tha' it was bevond the vision of us o!d ueonle. I was InU.inir at the timi with J. L. Kobertson and he said tha' ho could hear the noise but could no: see the machine. Mrs. Sherman Woolev went out to Medford on the P. & K. Tuesday am! ennio near leavitur her batruaci. Slit had set it oil the platform, n snitcusi and bilbv cart, and spoke to one of tin tr.tintnen to put it on tho ear lor her. mid etilercd the coach, hut the train man was not in that department se necleetcd to attend to it mid ins! as the train started 1 i nlled attention to it and the two hrukemcu made a cruh for it mid threw it on the ear on the run. Wis have no neeut hero so she didn't check it. J. P. Met'iihc was a business caller Wodnosdii'v. arraii'.-iii'j to shin bi lious (brooch Ucoruc Hrowu and Sous, who have been dointi tiuito u Ihimiioss in that line this fall. 1 .A.. Petty, one of our. s'.iecns.-.rV farmers, was hc-c Wfilnc-cl.iv. He is- furniinvi the lliomns liiiev. Jr. l--e. en'l J llliit lm Iim- jP ol II" NERVES ALL ; ON TENSI0N7. A mother in the home, or a man or woman at busi ness, with nerves undone and tho system generally feeling the sirain, -should find vonderful lilp in Povrerful scaa'Jves or cirong medJc.inee are habit forming and clangeroiu. 1'He logical help ip a form oi nounanmsni aDunaanc in ionic properties. Scott's brings strength to llie body, through nourish ment ihat io felt in every part. IF inclined to be nervous, the logical Scott & Iiuwne. cxxkjocxooooooccxocoooooow . i - . Remember; .' . :GAlfc HOLLAND Open All Day 6:30 a.m; to 10 p.m. QUICK SUPERIOR SERVICE rooooooooooocoocoooooococ .ftdSH' AN Dr PARRY: ' ALL THIS VmHK FROM THE TRUAX STORE Barley Mom :. ..: Swidod Raisins, package Savdiiios, ('an , Suurkraut, can ,....,....'....,.,.... i-Toifiatoes, can '.,:j..4.V.....i......i,;....:.' :.15 Peas, caii..:;.-.'v.;....i.;.....;....,.;:.,...;............. 15f Piunpkin, can ...15? 'Pink and Red Dunns, lb ....11....:'.......... 0? Coffee, Polger's,, 3 ,1b; caii.:...::r:.........;.:......... 85, Coffee in bulk, spleiidid qualities No hotter 'values . -. anywhere, at :......';.....'...,.....20, 25, 80 and 35 . Extensive line of Holiday Goods, made in U. H. A.' The Truax Company -'"':'. 327 E. Main. ' Medford. k cl'oiind in t llu spriiiu. ,-Snm t'oiirlnev was u lm :incs eall r Wediusilav. Il w,is to take out n ot of wire limcin;!, TiieKilav cveiiiiur I received bv nail a not lee I ruin (he Medford .Mail Tribune oliiee ihat mv leiviees nu t solicitor and eoleeloi' lor the linilv litil Trihiiiiu and Wecl.lv Mail Trili ine were no louver reuiiirid in (lint inpiieilv, us under tlm uie-ent nr riinceiuent every Ka'i-eiiplion must be paid in advuii c. mid cuiw.r.H ntl '.hero will be no debts to eolleet. And while on this .topic I wish lo exnrcss aiv sinevic thanks t. the iiiunv '.'rieiuls who have ben so cinisideratv ind oliliuimr us to give me their sub scriptions, reueivals ntul tho ndvertis jiif Inisiue-s, during the ninny vencs lint I have been seniiur the public is well as the i n i i i -.li in ir i-umipiiiiv .vlio have been in ehurue of the linsi less from the time of the Medford Monitor, the Medford .Mail. elc. was hut parties who have been scniliiur niirtieularlv siir-o tho eon-oliilntlon f tlic.e with the Jacksonville 'limes, ilui Soiilhen Oroirnniiin, the Ashland Trilwno and the Medford Tribune. So llmt purtise who luivn been Hcndiiuf to me their siiliscriiitions and oilier tnisinc in lint line will pleuse send iroct to the .Medford Mnil Tribune. 1 il 'G KS F. K.vl en-ii c aliinis phinin'd ni Svnr. I"i.i.'iiiir opi'r- . l'(iTI.AXO. lietirwtd nctivitv eon In lion market, Knic'nnd n heavv answer is Scolt's Emuhion. Moc-inficld. N.J. is-a ........;......:....:.....':.;:.........?2.80 65 .....12 : 10 - ....:.;.;;.i.....w...:. 15? wliiiut sown jvid his coin plowed, ready lor pli-.ntiin; Woll. hero Is you opportunity. I urn politic Kivo nwuy, doili-tt 'J ntvu 'U tlny, two tlitniMHHl laek nitcs or tlitusN Oiml'lncil Trtminwn to (lit so who need It. and If relief, slmi th nuMii lit the t thin notleo. mid tlm fee paekiiKf will . Iio rm warded to you at tint ly r,r" eels ist, I want to provu to you thnt daiiHH Comiiluod Troalmeiit will rollov your yiitarrh. Tlm method In oit. live, tir.entno It strikes at tho root of the Iroliblit and (lives pormaumit re lief by removing (ho cnuno, Thla l tho only correct wny to treat ruUrru and If you want uulcli and laslliiK r miltH, loud at one for tho frea piwk ttno. Fill out tho coupon bc-luw miU imeitaiso will ton sunt to you by return mull. J-'HKK Thin coupon Is ttood for pack hru of li.U'KH OOMIII'N'KIJ CA TA It It II TKB.vr.MKNT, sent freu by mnlli' Uluiu!)' fill In yor linmo mid mlilresn on dotted linos holow. and mall to V. K. UAUBS. 0073 Main Ht., Marshall, Mich, (Ideal for Christmas $2.50 ; to $12.00, Xon-liv.hnlil" nml nelf-ftWi in " HtetlliiK nml ttol'l ii:oui!tliiK. I'j tlmnuciililo nfier Xina at any Wnlrr limn denier until owner lint n iitirlect "f." ' ;,' -, '"' Bedford Book Store Oliiiiu flerh &utr Herb curd tor earache, lioudch, caturrah, dtlitberln, soro throat, iung irouhlo, klduey trouble, stomach troiiblu, heart trouble, chills and f er, crwinim, coughs, uoor elrculatloB, earbunuluH, luiuorn, cracked brsast, euros all kinds of suitors.; NO OP EUATio.'m. lloiluSnl, Oregon, Jan IS, 1917 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This Is to certify that I, 'tha un dersigned, had Tory savors stomach trouble- and had boon bothered for overal years nnd last August was not uxpontud, to.llvo, and hearing of Olm iChung (whose Horn Store Is at 111 South Front streot, Modford) I d cldad to Ki barbs for my stomach truublo, and. I storied to feeling bet ter aa soon ns I used thorn and today am a well men and can heartily reu ommoud unyono afflicted as I was to soo Olm Chung and try his Horbs. - (Signed) W, R, JOHNSON, Witnesses: M. A. Anderson! Modford ' 1 S. D. Holiaus, I!at;lo Point, Wm. Lowls, Eaglo Point , ' -, W. h. Clillilroth, Eagle Iolnt, C, R. Moore, Eaglo Point. J. V, Mclntyro, Eagle Point, '; Coo, B. Von dor Hollen, Easjte Point, Tbos, U. Nichols, Eagle Pplnt T WESTON'S Camerti gllop ' Wsssssssssssss tli.c Only Exclusive . CoiniiKii't'iiil I'liotogrupher ' vin Southern Oregon. Negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phono U7-J. ;'-., , , We 'll do the rest. . . J. B. FALMER : ' ' Iiloclford. ' ;-' -03 EustiMain Street ... N''