' i . - '.'' ' '(., '(. 1 " , . ( PAOE TWO MTIDFOTJD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFQBU, OttEGON MONDAY. UKOEMBflr?' 10t8. lOCAL AND . PERSONAL -. . Dr. W H. llsckmnn who has boon In the sorvlce,. lias returned to his homo at Central I'oint whoro ho will rcBumo hU practlco. HomstitchlnR, porotlnR. All work guaranteed. Vanity llat Shop! tf Largely thru the efforls of the dis trict homo demonstration agent of Jackson county, hot lunches are now served In about ono-half of the schools, states County Superinten dent Ager. Thru the untiring efforts of this agent, working in cooperation with, schools officios, much commu nity1 Interest has boen developed In districts, and at tho same llmo pa trons have heoh instructed rewarding certain phases of extension work of 'the Agricultural college and tho re quests of the fedora) food adminis tration. Mr. Woodford, proprietor of the . West Side Pharmacy, the .. Rexall store, has announced another One Cent sale at tho llexall store tor next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 219 Miss HeleiuDahl will leave tonight for Kansas City, Kan., where, her sis- tor, Mrs. Ansel Stubbs. Is ill with pneumonia In the Bethany hospital. Pianos Ellington, Hamilton, sold by H. N. Loflnnd, at 225 South Oak- dale. Liberty bonds taken same as i caph. Phone G91-J;.; i- 240 There will be a regular meeting or Chester A. Arthur G. A. R. Post In 'their hall, Wednesday, Dec. 4. Election of officers. All members urged to bo present. D. W. Luke, post commander. -. Experienced hemstitching and pe coting. .Mrs. B. fi. Haney, Garnctt- Corex Bldg. ' ' v Thero wbb 'a small freight wreck 'south "of Ashland Sunday morning . which delayed the morning passen ger troin for several hours. There was no one hurt by the wreck which was caused by two cars jumping the track. " ' :j Double the purchasing power of , your money. Attend the One Cent ' sale at the Rexall store, Thursday Friday and Saturday. 219 ' Tom Kenney who hasfbeen over to TJdgewood for several days, came home Sunday morning. as the Christmas season ap proaches your , thoughts naturally tarn 'to Christmas and to make the children, as well as the Brown-nps, happy. Of course Santa Claus must come down the chimney and fill all the stockings; It Is necessary to have the chimney cleaned so he will not soil his clothing and the presents The chimney sweep is' in town this week. Phone 623-R. and have the fine cleaned at once 21 W I). Condit Who has been visit ing W. "Wi. Glasgow at the ranch near Talent, left for Los Angeles Sunday. Tie war Is over and the flu is gone. Buy Christmas presents at Japanese Art Store. -' 21 .Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Webster of Seattle, arrived this morning to visit if you do not need two hot water bottles see your neighbor. Perhaps he needs one. Get two for the price of one at the Rexall store sale Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. 219 a few days with hiB brother, W. O. WebBter. "He Is Interested in the orchard 'with his brdther and on their way to Lbs "Angeles to spend the win .for. The "diet during and after Influen za. Horlick's Malted Milk, nourish ing and digestabte. F. V. Medynskl Is remodeling the old Alco building and will probably put In a new up to date front. '. For the best Insurance see Holmes, tie Insurance Man. ' i ft " J. W. Opp who has been In Port land for a few days, returned home this morning. You 'can 'drink 'a pint of cider for a nickel at Devoe's. R. L. Maule who has been visiting In Portland for a short time, came in on the morning train. He expects to leave for Camp Lewis soon. Sure Mike, we buy furniture. Pay more than anybody. Will H. Wilson 215' M. R. Chambers whose headquar ters Is in Portland, is in the city to day. -He Is special agent for the U. 8. land office, and while here "will probably visit Butte Falls.- Proper tools for writing Ever sharp pencils, Waterman pens, Cor ona folding and Royal Standard type writers. Shop mornings now. Med ford Bookstore. 215 Bruce Stephenson and wife of Ros'elmfg, are visiting at the home of J. E. Deveny for a few days. Place order for an Oldsmoble now. Treichler Pairson Inc. John M. Mast came In from the ranch this morning to transact busi ness In the city. We are allowed 00 per cent sugar for December. Anticipating this two months ago we engaged one of the best candy makers on the coast. Eat moro, give more of Shasta candy. Try our now line. Make "business as usual'" a reality. 216 J. W. Kirkpntrick was taken sick Saturday with symptoms of influenza and went to the hospital yesterday. 1 Sure illke, we buy furniture. Pay more than anybody. Will H. Wilson. . ': ' : 2is Ned B. Moore of Los Angeles vis ited in the city over Sunday. D0 LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Saturday night In Rlnlto theater-, ladles' small black hand , purse containing $1 dollar bill and -4 1 .50 In sliver. Finder please re-turn-to this office. '. 2fc WANTED R. H. Toft will buy your partly paid Liberty Bond contracts. The Jackson County Fair associa tion received "a nolico from W. V. Turner, president of the Pacific & Eastern railroad ; cancelling their lease and requesting them to remove the buildings. This is probably to get the ground ready for tho Apple gnto Lumber company mill and pond. The association will have a meeting soon to decide on a new location. llomstitchlng and plcotlng at lOo per yard at Handicraft Shop. W. N. Campbell was iu Eagle Point Saturday checking n tho use, of explosives in that district. Suro Mike, wo buy tjirnituro. Pay moro than anybody. Will 11. Wilson. 215 Wm. ""pars who has a wood camp near Butte Fulls, was In the city Sat urday. He say? that he has two hun dred cords of wood that on account of tho weather ho will not be able to get it hauled to the railroad for ship ment. ' I-P Loose Leaf memos In black leather, red Russia, pig skin, and Morocco. Every man and woman needs one.' Shop mornings, now. Medford Book Store. 215 Ed Wells and family who have been visiting Ed Wilkinson for sev eral weeks, left the latter part of the week for southern California. They went with auto to Yroka, then will probably ship their car to Sacramon to. They are going south for the benefit of their daughter's health. Removal sale now going on at Miss Lounsbury's Millinery store. 126 East Main. Everything ot cost. 216 Several of the boys that have been home for Thanksgiving were very uneasy Sunday morning when they learned that tho train due here at 7:35 was four or fivo hours late. It was not quite so bad for the boys that are attending the training school at Eugene, as If it did not lose more time they would probably arrive on time, but for Elbort Brayton who is at tho school in Corvallls and Horace Bromley and several others from Camp Lewis it would be impossible for them to get In on time to report on Monday morning, so they got busy and wired headquarters. Sure Mike, we buy furnlturo and any Old thingof value. Will H. Wil son. ' 215 W. R. Woodard of Chicago, is in the city for a few days on business. The society chimney sweep Is in town. 2151 Jno. Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Uldall of San Francisco, were Sunday visitors in tho city. r Buy a Dodge Bros., car for Christ mas Treichler Peirson Inc. Z. ;N. Agee of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Portland, were visiting in the city yesterday. Get your milk, cream, butter and buttermilk at DeVoe's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Horton and Will Ensler of Grenada, were guests at the Hotel Medford Sunday. Sure Mike, we buy furniture and any old thing of value. Will H. Wil son. " . 215 - Abe F. Bennett came up from Eu gene to spend Sunday with friends In the city. ,' ..-. Chimney sweep, phone 623-R. 220 Malted milk 50c lb. Do Voe's. J. W. Macdonald and wife of Tolo were in the city for a'few hours yes terday. Daily's-Taxi, fnonc 15. , Mrs. J. H. Mifter and daughter and Mrs. H. R. Brown of Dunsmulr, were visitors in the city yesterday. t Pleasant, safe, quick, sure. Dr. Halstead, 227 South Central. 233 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Esterly of Waldo, are visiting friends in the city for a few days. Sure Mike, we buy furnltnre and any old thing of value. Will H. Wil son. 215 Mrs. Joseph Mohumdro of Seattle. arrived in Medford to spend a few days visiting friends. Yoit can always find something for a quick lunch at De Voe's. Chester Hamnirk came over from Hilt yesterday to visit with friends in the city. Y'e buy and sell everything. High est cash prices paid for furniture, carpets, tools, mattresses. Geo. W. Douglas, 34 North Front street. phone 1C2-X 230 J. Douglas and wife who are visit ing friends in the valley, were guests at the Hotel Holland Sunday. . Nash Hotel. Special rates, week or month. Steam heat. 241 R. G. Masson and wife, W. J. Wood and A. L, Shoupo of Dunsmulr were Sunday visitors in the city. De Voe wants small show case. De Voe has a fine line of assorted chocolates at 60c per lb. Geo. A. Mansfield and wife came down from Prospect Saturday to visit friends in the city. - . ore Throat. Colds Quickly Relieved By Hamlin's Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a simnle and effective treatment for sore throat and chest colds. Used as a gargle for sore throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one night . i -. How often BDrains. bruises, cuts and burns occur in every .family, as well as little troubles like earache, toothache, cold" sores, canker- sores, stiff, neck, and tired aching feet Soothing, healinu Wizard Oil will al ways bring quick relief. ; jet it trom druggists tor JU cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. . . Ever constipated -or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, plejsant .little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. WEEKS & McGOWAN CO TJXDERTAXER Day Phono: Pacific 227, MtsUt Phones: V. W. Weeks. 193-J2. Lady 'Assistant, ' E RAILROAD PUZZLE A (Continued from" page one.) fleets and armies sure ot their tri umph, v Tribute to Women And what shall wo say of tho wom an of their Instant intelligence, quickening every tusk that they touched; their capacity for orsnnl latlon and cooperation which gave their action discipline and enhanced tho effectiveness ot everything they attempted; their apitu'do at tasks to which they had never before set their hands; their utter solf-sacrlflco alike In what they did and In what they gavel Thoir contribution to the great result is beyond appraisal. They have added a new lustre to tho an nals of American womanhood. The least tributo we can pay them is to mako them equals of men In political rights as they have- proved themselves their equals in evory field ot practical work they have entered whether for themselves or for their country. These great days of com ploted achievement would bo sadly marred were wo to omit that act of Justice. Besides the Immense prac tical services they have rendered the women of the country have been the moving spirits In tho systematic ceo nomies by which our peoplo have vol untarily assisted to supply the suf fering peoples of tho world and the armies upon every front with food and everything else that we had that might serve the common cause. The details of such a story can never be fully written, but wo carry them at our hearts and thank Uod that we can say that we are the kinsmen of such. Sure of Triumph And now we are sure of the great triumph for" which every sacrifice was made. It has como, come in its completeness, and with the prido and inspiration of those days of achieve mcn quick within us we turn to the tasks of peace again a poaco sure against the violence of Irresponsible monarchs and atubitlous. military cot cries and make ready tor n now or der, for new foundations ot Justice and fair dealing. We are about 'o give order and organization to this peace not only for ourselves, but for the other peo ples of the world, as well, so far as they will suffer us to serve them It is international justice that we seek, "not domestic safety merely. Our thoughts have dwelt ot late upon Europe, upon Asia,' upon the Near and the Far East, very little upon the acts of peace and accommodation that wait to bo performed at our own doors. Fiends for Colombia While we are adjusting our rela tions with the rest of the world Is it not of capital importance that we should clear 'away all grounds of misunderstanding with our immedi ate neighbors and give proof of the friendship we really feel? I hope that the members of the senate will permit me to speak once more of the unratified treaty of friendship and adjustment with the republic of Co lombia. I very earnestly urge upon them an early and favorable action upon that vital matter. I believe that they will feel, with me, that the stage of affairs Is now set for such action as will be not only Just, but generous and In the Bpirit of the new age upon which we have so happily entered. Ifcniljustinent Problem So far as our domestlce affairs are concerned the problem of our return to peace is a problem of economic and industrial readjustment. That problem is less serious for us than it may turn out to be for the nations which have suffered the disarrange ments and the losses of war longer than. .we. Our people, moreover", do not wait to be coached. and led. They know their own business, are quick and resourceful at every readjust ment, definite in purpose and solf-ro- ASK FOR and GE T The Original Waited milk for Infants and Invalids OTHERS are IMITATIONS The House 'of Bin Features. For Tuesday and Wednesday "Look Whose Coming" CONSTANCE TALMADGE "Sauce for the Goose" One of her, best SPLENDip COMEDY ORCHESTRA Regular Prices Hunt In actiou. Any leading strings wo might seek to put them lit would speedily become hopelessly tangled becauao they would pay no; attention to them and go thoir own way. All that wo can do ns their legislative and exooutivo soi'vants Is to mediate tho process of change hero, tlioro and elsewhere us we 'may.' 1 have hoard much counsol as to the pinna that should he formed and personally con ducted to n happy ; consummation, but from no quarter have 1 seen any general scheme Of "reconstruction" emerge which l thought It likely wo could forco our spirited business men and self-reliant laborers to accept with duo pliancy nnd obedience. Control of Industry Willie tho war lusted wo sot up many agencies by which to direct the Industries ot tho country in tho ser vices it was necessary for thorn to render, by which to muko suro ot an abundant supply of. the materials needed, by which to check undertak ings that could for tho time bo dis pensed with nnd stimulate thoso that wero moro serviceable In war, by which to gain for tho purchasing de partments of the country n certain control over the prices ot essential 'articles and materials by which to restrain trado with alien cucmlos, make tho most of the available ship ping, systematic financial transac tions, both public 'and private, so that there would bo no unnecessary conflict or confusion by which, In short, to put every mnterlal euergy of the country In harness to draw the common load and mako of us one team in tho accomplishment ot a great task. llnrness Taken Off But the moment wo know the nr mistico to have been signed wp took the harness off. Rnw materials upon which tho government hud kept its hand tor fear there should not bo enough for tho Industries that sup-v plied the armies havo been relonsod and put into the gonornl markot again. Great Industrial plants whose whole output and machinery hud been taken over for the uses ot tho government havo been set free to re turn to the uses to which thoy were put beforo the war. It has not been posslhlo to remove so readily or so quickly the control of foodstuffs nnd of shipping, because the world has i still to be fed from our granaries and tho ships are still needed to send supplies to our men oversea and to bring tho men back as fast ns tho disturbed conditions on tho other side of the water permit; but oven tbcro restraints are being relaxed as much as possible and more and more as the weeks go by. Agencies In KxLstcnre Xever before have thoro been agencies In existence in this country which knew so much of the field of supply, of labor and of Industry as the war Industries board, tho war trade board, the labor department, the food administration and tho fuei administration havo known since their labors becamo thoroly system atized; and they have not been iso lated agencies; they have been dlr- ected by met. who represented the iieruiuneui. uoparimonis oi mo gov ernment nnd so havo been the Cen ters of unified and' cooperative ac tion. It has been tho policy of tho executive, therefore since tho armis tice was assured, (which Is in effect a complete submission of tho enemy) to put the knowlcdgo of these bodies at 'the disposal of tho business mon of the country and to offer their In telligent mediation at every point and In every matter where it was de sired. It is surprising how fast tho process of return to a peace footing has moved In tho three weeks since the fighting stopped. It promises to outrun any inquiry that may be Insti tuted and any aid that may be of fered. It will not bo easy to direct it any bettor than It will direct Itself. i ns American business man la or quick initiative. Help for Returned Men Tho ordinary and 'normal pro cesses of prlvnto Initiative will not, howevor, provide Immediate employ ment for all of the men of our re turning armle3. Those who are of Where Those Whc-Know Prefer to Go, Tomorrow-Bargain Day The Paramount Service! is rc-issni'iitf a inunbor oi their famous successes to be known ns . THE SUCCESS SERIES. . You may have seen it,:.. You will -want to Be it again. Our first picture of this program wil be -IV- "The Eagle's Mate A Picture Story of Wonderful A pjial. "" A BRAY PICTOGRAF ALSO A GOOD COMEDY Admission for Bargain Day Tomorrow Only: - Adults, 15c; Children, 10c, including War 'Tax. LAST TIMES TON 10 IIT '.- Wallace Reid..sin."The Source" ' COMING ;. . - WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JOHN BARRYMORE in "ON THE QUIET." traluud riipuclly, I hone who uro skill od workmen, thoso who hnvo ucqulr- ed ruuilljni'tty with ustubllshod bald nesses, those who aro ready niui win lug to go to tho farms, nil thoso whoso npltudos are known or will bo sought out by employers, will find no difficulty, It Is sufo to sny.lu finding place nnd employment. Hut there will bo others who will bo nt u loss whoro to gain a livelihood unless pains ro taken to guide them and put thorn In tho way of work. Thbre will tin a largo tlonilug resldum ot labor which should not bo loft wholly to shift for Itself. It seems to me Important, thoreforo, that tho devel opment ot public works of every sort should bo promptly resumed, In or der that opportunities should ho cre ated for unskilled labor In particular and thut plans should ha mndo for ouch development of our unused lands and our natural resources as (Continued on 1'ngo Six.) LIEGE WELCOMES w KING ALBERT BACK Hia'SSI'XS. Dee. 3. (Ni'ltisli Wireless Service.) Kiiut Albert nnd the lU'iuiiiu rovul family ituulo their official entrv into Uev:o Saturdnv at the head of tho troops who conducted the heroin ilot'eiiip of thut town In 11114, suvs a Ilfliriiin official state ment. Almost nt the same lime a Bclirinn cnmlrv brigade entered Aix l.n ('h:i iiolloi Oennunvi nt the request of the flerninh authorities. HOW MR AVOIDED m 0 Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from a female trouble which caused mu much sutcmi, and two doctors decided that I would have to n through mi operation beloru 1 could cot well. ".My mother, wlio liad been helped l y 1-ydiaK.Piiikhir.i's Venotnblo Com pound, adviBed mo to try it before sub m i tcng to on opera tion. It relieved mo from mv troubles so I can do my house work without any uiuicuiw. i anviso any womnn wno is t nffiicted with female troubles to pive Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com- pound a trial and it will do as much for : tlioro." Mrs. Makib IJoyu, 1421 6lh I St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes thoro are serious condi- tions where a hospital operation is tho only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this dn,no wv.fr n.l l,avUnml I ,,,11-. Ll pjnkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors havo said that on oneration was necessary every woman who wants to avoid nn operation should pivo it a fair trial beforo submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to T.ydia E. Pinkhnm Medicine Co., I.ynn, Mass., for advice. Tho result of mony years experience Is at your service ' dOiUNoUJM' for ; DIAMONDS ' We invite a comparison of quality and price. iliPilS! i Ipi All Now in 11 Pink Wrappers To save tin foil for Uncle Sam, j WRIGLEY5 is now all wrapped n in pink paper and hermetically sealed in wax: 1.' The tangey flavor of mint 2. The luscious different flavor 3. The soothing flavor of peppermint All in pink-end packages and all sealed air-tight. Be Sure to get WRIGLEYS because 5 The Flavor Lasts! qp ro& a icsnsn THE H0USE 0F 1 1 .RM"yjggaS"rgst 1 , ,big features - 4 TONIGHT Klaw and Krlan.cr Present CARTE The , Master Magician "The first time in (lie history of theatricals that blase Broadway ever paid .J to see a nuifjieian, Alex ander not excepted." Local conditions enabled the Vngp iiianageniqnt' to secure this remarkable attract ioii atii reduced ' scale of prices. PRICES Whole lower floor $i; Balcony f 25cJ Mc, 75c; Boxes $2. '' -; 5 k First; New York Musical' endorsed uy DAZZLING A MUSICAL COMEDY OF BOOK and LYRICS ny OTTO H AR BACH AMD EDWARD CLARK music dyRUDOIPH FRIHL AUTHOR S OF "HIGH JINKS" "THE FIREFLY" Si ...2.. 'DECEMBER XJ3 Iff" a'fi REMARKABLE CA5T-W0NDER CHORUSREALSONGHITS with OlSCARI FIGMAN'and Original, company of-forty-five '.people. Mail orders for seats accepted now. PRICES: 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. ' ' ' .'urtain at 8:10 p. in. slinrp. R Cm 1 Ms - oamraay ,n Hit of the year. Highly I'oruaim papers. OSTEIN'S SUCCESS DELI GHTFUL SURPRISES ANOTHER NEWYORK CASINO1 KNOCKOUT