Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 21, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Judae Griffin. Who Tried and Sen
tenced Aoltator Writes Governor
Uruinq New Trial Because of Evi
dence of a Freud Conspiracy
lAqalnst Him Shown bv Evidence
(Continued from page one.)
letter from JihIsto Franklin A. Grif
fin, who tritfd and Benk'm'Ccl Thomas
J. Moonev, to Governor Stephens,
OKkmg that Moonev bo given a new
trial because of evidences of u fraud
conspiracy atrainst liitn. was made
Public hero todav. The letter was
written November 1 0.
Commenting on his previous plea to
II. S. Webb, United States attorney,
that Moonev be re-lried. .Indue Grif
fin said in the letter:
"I behoved then that simple justice
nnd fair plnv demanded such action
and from that position I have never
for a moment receded. On the con
trary that Htand has bv later develop
ments been irreatlv strenuthened."
Kvtdeneo Attuckml '
In the letter Jiiiluc Griffin char
acterized tho testimony of Frank C.
Oxman, Durkce, Ore., cattlemun;
Airs. Mell Kdcau and lier dauuhter
Sadie, and John MelJonald as open
to nttacli. Defense attoruevs had
contended that the testimony of these
witnesses was subject to impeach
ment, and in Oxmttn's case pcritirv
had been committed. Oxmun wus
tried for attempted .subornation of
periurv nnd nciiuitted.
'The situation of Moonev is that
lio stands condemned to death upon
evidence concerning the truth of
which, to say the least, there has
arisen a very ernvo doubt." the letter
said. "Since his trial, facts anil cir
riiniKtanccs have come to light which
seriously reflect upon the credibility
of threo of the four witnesses who
link him with the crime of l'rcpnrcd
ness Day and which shako tho very
foundation of the case upon which
thu people relv fur his conviction.
No Pei-Noiml Intorest
"The hiuhest courts in the slate
and nation have declared themselves
to be without power to relieve him.
Upon the shoulders of the chief exe
cutive therefore, rots this ureal re
sponsibility." Jmlno Griffin said he had no per
Bonal interest in Moonev. "but I have
a very deep personal interest in the
"I can only snv that rielit and jus
tice demand n new trial for Thomas J.
Moonev," Judge Griffin concluded.
(Continued from pane one.)
that tho radicals aro wisely refrain
ing from indulging in any Utopian experiments.
hbert nnd Schcidemnun nro not
feared. I.ansberg is n professional
lawyer credited with poise nnd mod
oration. He asserted todav that tho
present time above all is not suited to
tampering with capital and industry,
llanse. DiUniunn and llarth have been
less satistuctnrv. llanse is crcditrd
with being an extremely astute poli
tician, lie inherited nnnv leadership
from Ferdinand August llchol. former
socialist chief in the reichstac, but
lost command when his party split
four years ago.
No serious friction in the cabinet's
ileliberalions has been reported al
though the left wing has not declared
for an early convening of the nation
al assembly. It desires to exploit the
interim to fortifying proletarian rule.
Khcrt and Schcidemnun, on the othei
hand, are contented to rest thcir
cause in the elections.
Now Party Komicd
The coming week will bring the
middle class parlies into action, 'flic
merger of the national liberals umi
the progressives has virtually been
effected. I. calling nun and women
all over the country issued a Stirling
call for the founding of a new demo
cratic purl v today. The appoinlmcnl
of Karl kaittkv and Kdward Horn
stein as under secretaries of foreign
affairs and fiutince brings two of
the best known theorists into. the sol
diers' and workmens' government.
Ilolh are convinced, however, that
Gennnnv is not in lit spiritual or
physical condition to warrant experi
ments. Kospon-ihilitv for the disorders in
the first dnvs of the revolution re.-.;.-,
on the Sinttueus croup, in which
I.iebknecbt and Uo-u Luxembourg
carry little of the int'lucncq thev held
at first. Soldiers and sailors nic
ready to suppress nnv plot against
the gox eminent and arc insistent mi
their demand for non partisan poli
ties nnd for convening the national
assembly, at wliirli the greater tier
man republic will receive its baptism.
LONDON. Nov. -Jo The situation
in the east is causing greet anxiety
in Germany and the l.oknl Anzcicer ot
Derlin learns that a great German
nrinv is inarching eastward accord
iug to a I 'oiieiihngcn dispatch lo the
Kxchane Tclcrmph comiwnv.
Light cruliierB Bremen, 4.000
tons; Brummer, 4,000 tone; Frank
tart, 5,400 tons; Koeln, tonnage un
certain; Dresden, tonnage uncertain,
and Kmden, 5,400 tons.
Aniericnn Fleet Present
WASHI'.VGTON, Nov. 21. An
American battle squadron probably
Including five dresdnaughts, com
munded by Hear Admiral Hugh Rod
man and operating aB a unit of the
British grand fleet participated today
In the passing of German bce power.
American dreadnoughts originally
sent over wore selocted because they
burned coal, as the British govern
ment had difficulty in maintaining
the supply of fuel oil. The first
group may have been relieved, and
more modern BhlpB sent In their
place. The American squadron has
boon on duty with tho grand fleet for
15 months.
(Continued from page one.)
A. It. Fox nnd II. H, Wylle, repie
nentlng the Western '!'"'cr of Port
land, are In the rtlv for a few dins
on business.
I'-lloiits Turned Over
Wodnosday, Nov. 20, 5.60 p. m.
(By Associated Press.) Twenty Gor
man submarines, the first of the
German fleet to surrender, wero tak
en over by the British 30 miles east
of Harwich this morning. Tho trans
fer, by admiralty orders, was mado
silently and without demonstration.
The German crews sullenly obeyed
the orders which had been given them
and tonight the U-boats lie moored
under the British flag near a British
submarine base.
During the surrender American
sea planes flew low overhead whllo
American submarine chasers carried
British crewB to the undersea boats.
Jlwlo in Sllenco
From the time tho leading submar
ine was sighted there was not a word
of communication with tho Hermans.
Only once they spoke to tho British,
complnlning of the speed and saying
that the wonker ones wero unable to
keep up. "Hlowor, my last boats
cannot keep up this speed," was the
wireloM mcsRngo from a commander,
who did not sign the name of his
boat to tho message.
'I'll o scene that began about sun
rise, when tho first submarine was
sighted, until Into this evening, when
tho last one was rounded up, might
have easily been mistaken for fleet
maneuvers. Tho work was carried
out with n'.i'.li procislon that thoro
were few Bigns of the momentous
significance of it nil. Tho crows ot
tho British ships lined the mils but
scorned little Intarcstcd. Kvldenco
of strain and doep chagrin was un
mistakably written on the faces ot
somo enemy officers. Tho machinery
was generally in good shape, but the
veaHeis woro extremoly dirty and do
vold of all unessentlals.
("Vows Sent Homo
Tho British ships, with their crews
at quarters nnd every gun manned,
took precautions that nothing un
toward occurred. Ono of tho IS Brit
ish destroyers In the fleet took a po
sition ahend of tho two Gorman
transports accompanying tho sub
marines. Other destroyers Bteamed
along on each sldo when tho column
stnrtod towurd Harwich.
Tho column was divided Into five
divisions. In addition to tho sea
planes, dirigibles kept company with
tho fleet nnd nn observation bnlloon
which was anchored to a cruiser kept
vigil. Ten milos from Harwich tho
fleot was met by moro British de
stroyers which carried crows from
British BUbmnrlncs. Thoro men were
divided into parties of fourteen each,
nuil each was transferred by Amer
ican Biibmnrlno chasers to tho lT
boats where a British officer quickly
took charge
Tho German crows wore placed on
a destroyer nnd taken to tho two
transports which had accompanied
them. Thoso vessels wero escorted
by destroyers to tho rendezvous of
tho morning whore they wero left to
make their return trip to Germany
Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens
So Naturally that No
body can Toll.
i Yo can turn gray, fatUJ hair beau
tl fully diuk unit lufttrouft nlmost ovr
niirlit if you'll pi-t n M cent bottlo of
"W'yrtli'ft Sapt nuj Sulphur Cnmp.iunt,"
nt any dtup storo. Million of hot Ufa of
t!iU olj fittuotis S.i l?o Tea llicipr, im
provp! by tho mMiiion of otlirr tMirniii
i tits, are sotd annually, tuns a uvll
known rim;?i?it here, lnvan.c it darken!
the kiir i naturally anj ewnty tliat no
one e.m le'l it ha Iktii applied"
TIiomo w ht e luiir is turninij prav or
lnvonnnp Tuloj havo a nurprUe uAvnitiug
tlirni, tuvaine Hftr on or two npntiea
tiors t!ie (-ray ii.iir vanishes Hn. your
!. I,s Ikvuiho iuv.rUutc.' Uark mul U-au-fiful.
'lliin la the ai. of youV. Crav -hatred,
lumMin.-ine folk a-'.i't t -U arouinl,
l p't hnty wil'i Worth's J'.in :m,l Si l
thur '.Vmptu-nl to my t aM un'H I d.
liyiile.! with oiir dark. lutiNonie hair
and uiT jouthfnl fti'iii-airttK v.itliin
f v d:i
l hi pret aratlon n It.iVt ripihit
nnd ia not .nJ.-iMHi for the cure, uittji-
vt'inbtT 11. niMro Until fJ.000 motor
vtfliiclt's of all descriptions.'
Kvcn (it th present stiiue of the
uimistifsf', it is not permissible to
hint at the vast fcton-s of munitions
and armament held in readiness. The
Associated I'ress, however, is allow
ed to irive approximate 1'icurejj sliow
itiK what has heen aeeonipli.'-lied in tho
accumulation of food supplies.
Immense Food SujmlicM
In urniv terms, one ration repre
sents the Quantity of each article
each is entitled to daily. It is inter
esting to note tho supply of somo of
the principal ration components on
hand toduv. Kor instance, the Amer
icans have .'iilU.OUO.UUU rations of
beans nJoiie; I83.UU0.UUU rations of
flour and flour substitutes: 207.UUU,
UUO rations of milk; lu'l.UOU.UUU ra
tions of butter or substitutes: 1411,
U00.000 rations of suirar: 8..UUU.U00
rations of meat; G7.U(t0,O()U rations
of coffee and 113.UU0.U0U rations of
rieo, hominy and other foods. There
are rctiuisitcs such as flavorings,
fruits, caiulv and potatoes in propor
tion, while for smokers, there are
7lil.OO0.OU0 rations of cigarettes and
tobacco in other formes.
The Associated 1'ress is informed
that the American armv had eniratred
to trive the French two millions
pounds of meat. 3.50U.UU0 pounds of
beans and rice flour, and milk in pro-
iifirtimi To ill.' llntiOl HUltK.IMlO
pounds of meat were promised, white !
the eHluians were assured that they
would receive 4.."00,OUO pounds of
rations of all kinds.
ItockaKC nnd AVarcIioiiscs
It is difficult to describe in exact
fiirurcs what the Ameriean expedition
ary forces have done in the construc
tion and improvement of dockage and
warehouses. This work has been pro
portionate to the whole effort in oth
er directions. Ten steamer bertbs
have been built at Bordeaux, havinir
a totnl leimth of 4,100 feet. At Mon
toir, neat St. N'azare, ci:;ht berths
are under construction wilh a total
lemrth of over 3,200 feet. Ware
houses haveinir an airtrrcirale floor
space of almost 23.0U0.0UU square
feet have been constructed. This de
velopment of French ports increased
facilities to such an extent that even
if the (iermans had captured (.'alius
and other channel ports, as thev had
planned. Ihe allies' loss would have
been strategically unimportairt.
Thee li'.'UH' serve m n nicr.tiro t"
-( i
v i-v j
WASHINGTON', Nov. 21. Spread
of Bolshevlkl doctrines in the United
States has been watched carefully by
department ot justice agents with a
view to undertaking prosecutions if
the agitation develops into sedition,
officials declared today. Thus far
the propaganda has not reached what
officials consider dangerous propor
tions. In New York'and San ''ran
cisco, the Itolshevik movement has
become more pronounced than in
other e'ties, officials said.
To some extent this Bolshevik pro
paganda has been promoted by en
emy aliens, and this is one reason for
continuation by the department of
justice of its policy of Internments.
show the mntrnitudc of Ameriaen ac
complishments, nnd the ercnt machine
is in oiierution todav as the American
Third nnnv moves forward into Ger
man territory.
Kidney disease Is no respecter of
persons. It attacks all classes, re
gardless of age, sex or conditions. A
majority of the ills afflicting people
today can be traced back to tho kid
ney trouble.
The kidneys are the most impor
tant organs of the body. They are
the filterers, the purflers, of your
blood. If the poisons which are
swept from the tissues by the blood
are not eliminated thru the kidneys,
disease of one form or another will
claim you as a victim.
Kidney disease Is usually Indicat
ed by weariness, sleeplessness, ner
vousness, despondency, backache,
stomachache, stomach trouble, diffi
culty when urinating, pain In loins
and lower abdomen, gall stones, gra
vel, rheumatism, sciatica and lum
bago. All these derangements are na-
iture's signals to warn you that the
kidneys ned help. You should use
UOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
immediately. Tlic scorning, healing
oil stimulates the kidneys, relieves
inflanimution and destroys the germs
which have caused it. Do not watt
until tomorrow. Go to your druggist
today and insist on his supplying you
with a box of GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four
hours you should feel health and
vigor returning and will bless the
day yon' first heard of GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil.
After you feel that you have cured
yourself, continue to take one or two
capsules each day, so as to keep In
first-class condition und ward off the
danger of other attacks.
Ask for the original Imported
GOLD MEDAL brand. Three sizes.
Money refunded if they do not help
you. ' Adv.
(Continued from page one.) r
Illinois, democratic whip, introduced
a resolution proposing permanent
government ownership of the tele
graphs, telcphonos, ships, railroads
and other public utilities.
Opposition to a League of Nations
was voiced lato today by Senator
Kecd of .Missouri, democrat, who in a ;
speech in the senate, declared any j
arrungement mat wouia cause ine
United States to be embroiled in
European troubles was "the most
monstrous doctrine ever proposed in
this republic."
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Helieves Head-Colds at Once.
If your nostrils aro clogged and your
head is tutted and you can't breatho
frerty beenusn of a cold or catarrh, just
f?et a email bottle of Ely's Cream lialm
nt any drup store. Apply a little ot
this frarunt, antiseptic creiim into
your nostrils and Irfc it penetrate
throuph every nir passiipe of your head,
soothing and healing the inflamed, swol
len mucous ineinlmino and you get in
stant relief.
Ah! how fiood it feels. Your nos
trils aro open, your head is clear, no
more hawking, pmillling, Mowing; no
more headache, dryness or struggling
for hreath. Ely's Cream Halm is just
what Bulferers from head colds and C(b
tarrli need. 0 It 'a a delight.
Contrary to the opinion of some
we are still doing business
at 310 East Main.
We will, however move to our
new location soon and if you
desire to
Take Advantage of the
Discounts now being
given which have applied
since the fire, you will
have to do so at once.
All prices will be regular when we move.
We Have Some Special Bargains in
Damaged Clothing and Furnishings.
Model Clothing Co.
mnn,wni i iniwwmirii.iii nmrtjiutitmmmmmjl
November 30 Last Day to Senol Gifts Overseas. Note carefully directions in Red Cross Container.
Never, has there been neverwill there be so much cause for Thanksgiving as this year. War and pestilence
removed from our midst the Heavens again smils en America and the world. And just Around the corner hovers
a glorious Christmas.
The Store of a
Million Gifts
. M. Department Store
The Store of the
Christmas Spirit
Secial Showing of Newest Winter Coats
Every One Crisp, Fresh and Beautiful, Special Priced at $16, $18, $20, $25 and $35 x
r.nttoii. (inn Metal, Si.', to 11 $2.7
r.uttou. (tun Metal. llf-MoS SjW.OO
Lii.v T.m "Work Shoe ..." JjvJ.SO
Klai k ( "ironic Shoe $1.2.
lliirh Top, ilonMc sole 91.75
Men's (inn Metal I.aey 86.50
Glen's Knjtlisli Neolin Soles $0.50
Men's Chrome, donlile soie Work Shoes
it $4.50
Men's Chrome iloiihle sole Work Slmes
at $5.00
Linen, Kmhroidered Corners 29
Linen, Colored Embroidered Corners. ...29
Hatist. plain or colored. Enib. Corners. ...25
Initial Handkerchiefs 10, 15. 20, 27C
Men's Khaki Handkerchief's, special. ...25
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, special 35
(toovjUftte and Crepe de Cliene Collars
59 to 79?
(ieonjette Collars, lace trim. lar;j;e or small
OS? to $1.75
lilack Kid Buttons $5.00
Black Kid Lace $5.00
(inn Metal. English $5.75
Black Kid. grey cloth top, sport shoe $6.25
(ircy Kid, doth top, military heel $7.75
Grey Kid Boot, high heel $9.85
Brown Lisle Hose 59?, 65?, 75?
Holeproof Lisle Hose, all colors 75?
Holeproof Silk Hose, all colors $1.15
I ALL KINDS OF MEN'S WEAR Sweaters, Underwear, Shirts, '4
Neckties, Socks, Shoes