jrETVFOTlB MATTi TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1913 PAGE TITREE TALY 10 MODEL NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Chimeos in le public education'.il system of Italy, ased uuuii methods in yuimio in the , 'iij ted States, ao one of the indirect QSHihilitieK of the war, according to ountess Maria l.oschi, envoy 't" the tubnn coyernment to the Vniteil tatcs, who is obtaining data tn this Quntrv reiiardiiiir betterment IctiiMa iOn in Itnlv for women and children. "The oOO.OOO American wddiers 'ho went over seas in the first con indents, 1 am told, imdnded nianv hovs of German parentnse or extrae- Yoiute Men's Christian Association lion. Their splendid loyalty mid brilliant t itrlit inr was the admiration of all," said the conntos. "Only the nrictmdcs of democracy tmiirlit in the mihlie schools of America could have brought it about and that is whv I believe Italy will adopt the American educational idea "Teachers in Italy are poorly paid and overworked. It is one of the aims of the suffraiiisU of Italy io improve their condition. "The war has uiven an impetus to education in Italy. Kverv vounir per son is more than ever desirous of learninsr new thir.us. In the1 bospita'. 0-34, between I'almanova and (ur inous, near Clori.ia, where I served t or a time as n nurse, educated vnitntr women tauuht the illiterate vounir sol diers dimmr their convalesence how to read and write. The government hi'.? supplied the nurses with millions of primary school text books. "The Anterb-an b'ed Cross mid the have done inestimable pood in Itnlv They have dealt bountifully with our impoverished people in invinr lh m food, clothinir and shoes. I am hope ful tbev will introduce the idea .t the AAmerican public plavuround in It:.lv, also public baths and dormitories such as they have here. It is foi im provements such as these that the women of Univ. if ever thev - en franchised, can be depended upon to secure for the people." SENATE DISMISSES CONTEST OF NEWBERRY'S ELECTION WASHINGTON. Nov. 21.--Proceedings before the senate election committee contesting the. election nf Truman H. Newbcrrv, republican, as senator from Michigan, were ordered dismised today bv the committee on a vote nf mx to five. ALLIES PROTEST PARIS, Nov. 21. Tho ullleil gov ernments havo ilecitUul to semi mi oT ficlal protfct to tho Dutch govern ment agul.ist the violation of Hol land's neutrality as n result of her permitting German troops to cross the province of Ltmhurg in their re treat from Belgium, according to the Echo de Paris, l.imliurg Is a lone irroirulnr prov ince of Holland, nenrly 105 miles In length. Kor 2S miles from Its lower extremity It lies between the prov ince of l.lmliurg, llelgitim, and lthlno province, Germany. At tho widest point In this region It is 19. miles be tween Belgian and German soli. Just north of Slttard, Llmburg province narrows down to loss than five miles. It was reported from Paris on No vember 11) that German troops re turning to Germany from Hclglum had to cross tho Dutch province of l.lmhurg and the charge was made that the passage was mndo with tho authorization of the Dutch authorities. TZto K1ST arssl&iier The CIJ Reliable Round Package HMICHESTtR S PUIS V,r H'ilK 1HAMONW nilAMK A 1 I.aillut Ar-h ywr OrucMtl fir rillilin in,i (.aid nf. I-. i.-,. h:Ji IIIi.a KilJ. TnUo no olhfi-. Jluv uT your Ifrurirl't. A-fof4"IU. in-Ti:ifa IHAiJONU J'.K.YMI I'lLI.K. ijr y ytirt b'iBM Ilcst.Saieit. Alw i Ktli.il W SOLD bi bKUu'.iSTC EVESVUNME ism INFLUENZA Horlick's Halted Miik Very NistSlimis, SStijestlhlo Tho REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by tho OH1GINAL Horlick process an J from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. SndgeSE'lor Hck'S The Original Thus Avoiding Imitations iZlyZfZfrZZyZZ!' 4HTH lltttltl t$illX$l&l& I Be One of the Jolly Throng to Celebrate the Re-Opening of f nru c t; inc 1 age lucaucaaiuiuaj uiiu cue icw juiuciiy x iiuiiivsgi ving i. vvasn t tnis a gay old town with every show house dark: rorget it now. lou can go to a show oaturduy. sho : on! kept The House of Big Features FIVE PIECE ORCHESTRA 1 TiT .I 1 ii .1 i : i i . .1 f uiuicias uiayiny. mayor vjaies wiseiv ciamoeo aown tne no eanv ounne me As a result the number of cases was small and it is now safe to attend the movies I I The lid will be off then. You e curtain's up the most or the cities 5 (iUEAiCS.T PLA:7lOK&lSEI1tT I r x t t t r f f r f r r r T X ? t t t t 1 JUNE CAPRICE BARBARA CASTLETON "The Heart of Romance" "T t S 1 ' " FOX'COMKDY, PAT1IE XKWS. ONE DAY OXLY, SATPU- JUSt OyiVltl DAY, NOV, 2:5 .Aatinoo awl Evening. CliiMrcn 10c. AdtiKsOc. TUESDAY, XOY. '26, AND WEDNESDAY HATINEE CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG LEOPOLD GODOWSKY "The Savage Woman" World's Famed Pianist SUNDAY AND MONDAY Nov. 2-Mh and 25th. WEDNESDAY EVEN I NO, NOY, 27. Thk, Nov. 28 Friday, Nov. 29 Saturday Nov. 30 Extra Big Features Coming "STILE ALAIv'.M" "KO.MAXCK OF TARZAX" Charlie Chaplin's latest '.'SHOULDER Al MS" "EAEFl.l'.S" EDITH CAVELL, the woman the Ger mans .shot. 1TALVS FLAMING FRONT AMERICA'S ANSWER Watch for Dates olm-oKr ne Greatest Melodrama Ever Presented bUilliCiy To The Public. A BIG THANKSGIVING PROGRAM A THRILL A MINUTE 55 o pening o f N ew i nej itre Thanksg ivioguay With Extraordinary Attractions From Our Superb Service Up-To-Date Equipment We have the World Renowned Paramount-Artcraft Service Featuring sin-h artists as Mary PiekTord, Douglas $ Fairhanks. Margaret Clarke, "Fatty" Arhn.-kles, Dorothy and Lillian Gish, "log" I'ill Hart, Elsie; Ferguson, ( 'aruso, I orthy I )altoii. Cliar'es Hay, Pauline Fredeiii-k, Wallace Ried, A'ivian Martin, Jack Pii-kl'onl. John Earryiiiore, Lila Lee, Mack Seiinett and Montgomery Flagg Comedies. lis fiMpiwa 'Hi ,1-3 - 1 1 fi..r ;'..'r TsrT,v.;.y?Ar,;i-.7. wr HENRY HARCKE Manager THEA T R E We have received and are now installing the most modern machines for Moving Picture Thea tres. The Lilierty w ill he in the location formerly oe eii'ied I iy the Star. The house is Leing thoroughly overhauled, re-arranged, and put in first class shape for the convenience of the public. f t f f T t f y t f I t ? 3f ? ? f t t ? ? ? ? y ? t t t t y y y t y t ? t t t ? ? ? FIRST CLASS MUSIC "Where Those Who Know Will Prefer to Go" y ? i V ? ? t X