' PXGE SIX TTTTC fEDFORD SUN, OTJF!ONT. 'ITKSDAV. NOYEMBKTt 12, 1H1H TW'''. MMUUMiri III tl fill ) 'AJL K 4Wrv- 5: t ? t ? t t t t t I I I f X t ? X X ? t t t 5: And :'.uU.3iMVA l.lKIY.... a Thousand Pier Gall. Him Dad! titers Why You Should Give Twice as Much as You Ever Gave Before! Tha need Is for a aum 5o greater than any gift ver asked for alnca tha world began. Tba Govern Dent has fixed thia Bum At $t70,500,0O0. By giving to theae Sevan organizations all at once, tha cost and effort of sis additional campaigns is Saved, Unless Americans do gfva twice as much as ewr before, our soldiers nd sailors may not enjoy doring ISIS theiri 9,000 Recreation Buildings I 1,000 Milea of Movie Film 100 Leading Stage Stars 2,000 Athletic Directors 2,500 Libraries supplying 5,000,000 books 85 Hoatesa Houses 15,000 Big-brother "secretaries'' Milliona of dollars of home comforts When you give double, you make Bure that every tighter has the cheer and comforts of these ceven organixationa every step of tha way from home to tha front and back again. You provide him with a church, a theatre, a cheerful home, a store, a school, a club and an athletic field and a knowledge Uuit the folks back home are with him, heart and soull You have loaned your uioney to supply their physical needs. Now give to malnuiu Vtc Morale that is win ning the war I "TPHERE is a new kind of fighter in this war. He wears a uniform but he 3 doesn't carry a gun. He carries cheer and comfort and a great big heart JL Never mind whether his uniform shows the emblem of the Y. M. C. A. or ' the Knights of Columbus, the Jewish Welfare Board tor thel Salvation Army. ) He doesrrt care and neither does your boy. t This new kind of fighter is making a new kind of fight. He is fighting against lonesomeness and heart-ache and monotony and worry. He is fighting for that quality which wins wrrs morale 1 Your boy has it This man is fighting to let him keep it Maybe your boy hasn't had a letter for a long time. Or maybe there was something that worried him in the letter that he got this morning. Or maybe he has had a disappointment hoped for promotion and didn't get it Or maybe he'd give a million dollars just to sec his folks one minute. It hurts to lock up things like that, deep down insideT your heart It helps to pour them out And that is where this man comes in the Daddy of them all. They know that he will understand that he won't laugh or preach. They know that he is there with the right word and the right pat on the back when it's needed most You Daddies of America, you men who want to go and can't, let's keep this Daddy on the job I United War Work Campaign ' . i : ' 1 Ti AMERICAN LIBRARV fl V f .' I , ': I I ASSOCIATION vvJCaT v '.'.ii JtALVATIWAKIar JJ ; '--."ft -. ti.;. tU! ' ..." II This Space Contributed by MEDFORD GROCERY COMPANY MASON, EM R MAN & COMPANY 3 i