PAGE FOTTK MEDFORD MATT, TRTRTTNE, MEDFORD, 'OREfiOX, TUESDAY, XOVEAIRKR 12, 101 Hedford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWS TAPER PUBLTHHED EVERY AFT KH NOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY TUB MKUFORD PRINTING CO. Office, Mail Tribune Buildlnf, 16-17-19 North Fir atreA. Phona 7i. A oonaolldatlon of the Democratic Tlmea, The Medford Mall, The Med ford Tribune, The H out hero Oregon ia. The Aahland Tribune. The Med ford Sunday Bun 1a furnlahed ubaorlbera ienlring a wren-day dally pawapaper. GEO RGB PUTNAM. Editor. ITBIOaUPTIOnr TE1MII BY MAIU IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Sunday Sun. year..6 00 Dally, with Bunday Bun, month. .65 Dally, without Kun-Iay Sun, year.. 6.00 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year l.CC Sunday Bun, one yar 1.60 BY CARRIER In Medford, Aahland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix: Dally, with Sunday Bun, year 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Bun. month .65 Daily, without Bunday Sun, year.. .0G Daily, without Sunday Sun, month .60 HEER HOHENZOLLERN Official paper of the City of Medford. Offlolai paper of Jacknon County. Entered a lecond-clnaB matter at Jrfedford, Oregon, under the act of March 4, 187. wont dally average circulation for Blx month ending Sept. 30 3,932 MEMBER OF THB ASSOCIATED PRES3. Full Leased Wire Service. The Auo elated Prena la exclunlvely entitled to the un far republication of all newe lapatohea credited to It or not other wise credited In thin paper, and a two tho newe puuuanud imrein. All riKhiH of republication of stxtclul dlsptituhea matin in ntiritivs ti, Tinit Htate War Induatrh-a Board haa lisuod fa foUawIna; mandatory order, among vrnnra rvuiuiinx ine newspaper bust' MM durlnr the ourlod of this wnrr "imn continue aendlna papora after date of iplratlon of subscription, untenn aub vorlptlon Is renewed and paid for." The puiinaiier naa no option but to comply. EM-TEES WE CELEBRATED Didn't von bear them whistles blowin tin tlic i'rustv midiiluht nirf Didn't Von hear old McdlWil roiirin' Morns a tool in' everywhere? Hotelier lil'i-. we're uiiehtv huiuiv 'Cause the Kaiser's left tho throne, Binned lit last is unnisliee And the bovs lire euininir home. Wllv of we won tho cmil'licl. Our limvo bovs were Hulil in line. Anil von bet they're done their duty Kar across that rolline brine. Yonder lloalH our proud old banner At the noon-tide, night and morn. Mill unstained her clnrious colors ,.. While no star from her is lorn. Ko of course we eelebraled, t In tluit crand old Modl'ord stvlo. Kvervhodv whs focliinr hnnnv And evervboilv had u smile: Old Main street was just ii-runuiu' over. Autos (oofin everywhere. And I'll bet thev heard Hie rac ket Cross the hrinev "Over there." When (lint dav brines forth more Gladness From neross Ihe brinev foam We'll force! all pnin ami sadness When the bovs i ome niurchiui 'iimie. You just bet we'll bnve mori' rneket When neross Ihe suliv wnv t om our transport, safe returning. To Ihe uoo.l old T. S. A. ' - Mrs. James Leslie. - r ..... r . - . - . r . . r .. . ll.LilA.M UVlWAUlAA'AiX OlltS a SOITV llL'tllP 111 naiiicalv fiitrht to Holland. A fVw months kmhm tlit X n - -- ..... , most powerful personage on earth, grasping at world do minion, piw laim in,'; 'ih vii divinity its tlic chosen instni mont (if Clod, sort of a l.iailien Jove blasting the world by war, I)e is today j: I':';ri:ivi from justiec with )io place to lay his hciid and none so lowly as to do him honor useful only to "point a moral or adorn a tale." The once mighty kaiser is destined never to know that peace on earth that comes from good will t'vards man. Haunted by bitter memories, humiliated by failure, hated and dispised by all humanity, his craven soul seeks saffty in flight too cowardly to face his fate. lie who boast fully slew his millions shrinks from death. Herr llohenzolleiii dare not remain in his native land lest his countrymen rend him to pieces for the ruin he has wrought. He is not wanted in Holland where crowds hail hnu "assassin!" lie cannot find refuge in any neutral land, no one wants the curse of his presence. England alone wants nun, to try linn tor the murder of Jidith tavell and for the Lusitania tragedy to give him surcease of sorrow on the gallows. Had he been of sterner stuff, the kaiser would have ac cepted his fate, or gone down with his shin of state and redeemed by a brave death, his misspent life, but his clan destine .tliglit is in keeping with Ins character as con limptibl in misfortune as it was in the halcvon davs of "glory." . . - ThefollowiiiL'rasiialtiesarcrenorI-!lam; CorP- E'lward It. Shiely, San r i dinibcu, rn t Hies aucr rvrenz; San Francisco; .Mark N. Wihtman, Kik Orovo, Cal.; ('apt. Webster S GENERAL POCH npHE sudden ei.Jitig of the war and the collapse of Ger A .niany's grandiose scheme of conquest is due more to Marshal Koch than to any one cause. The war has're vealed him the greatest military genius of the dav one of half a dozen of the great commanders of history". No general ever before commanded so many men, or so many divers fronts, so many varied nationalities, or such huge armaments. Yet he "welded them all into one. army a vast machine stretching over half the earth, but iiinciioning pcriecuy. Ferdinand Foch 'was (J7 years old October 2. He was born in Taibes, a little towii iu southern France, near the Spanish border. He lias been a soldier all his life. He fought the Germans Avhen a boy in the war of 1870. He served as a subaltern, as did Joi'lVe. After the war he be gan to win notice. At 20 he was an artillery captain. Later he became professor of tactics in the "French West I'oint" the lOcole de Guerre. Alter fin. vrenn1 (,.,,.!, inn- he returned to regimental work. He had readied the rank of brigadier general when (.'lenicnceau made him director of tho Fcole de Guerre. From this post he went to com mand the Thirteenth division, then the Eighth corps, at Brouges and then the Twentieth corps at Xancv, where lie was stati d when the war broke out. Foch's strategy won the first battle of the Marue, sav ing Paris and preventing the envelopment mid destruction of the French army. He commanded at the first battle of ) pres that saved Calais. He had under him l'.ritish J'l-encli and lielgian troops. He led the An-lo-French irmy that rushed int., Italv to stop the Teuton rush across " ,T,S' ncer ''!,'.rk' Was' 11... i -.. 1 1 . 1 "' " "' 1 F. ltosencruns. ( rnaennt. Civ rul ed bv the eoiuniiuidinu' fjeneral of the Ameriean K.vpedilioiiarv Koree-: Killed in aition, XV2; died of wounds, died from ueeideiit and other eauses, ;); died from airplane aeeident, 1; died from disease, 127; wounded sevorvly, 'Xi; wouaded (de cree iinditurmiiied) SO: wounded sliulillv. 1(i:l; missiiii.' in iietinn. 120. Tolul, HUH. I'rom tho I'arilie Const Killed in Action Sei"t. (' W. KoMiins, I.os Angeles, ( nli!.; Corp. -lulius (). Keelev. Lindsov. Ciilif.: Corp. .Maek .1. Kubidoux, liiverside, Calif.; I'rivnto Harry S. Let'ler, San liernarilino, Oil.; J'rivate Isaac K. I'endlelon, Gilmer, Wah.; J'rivate loseph Silveslro, San 1'raneisc-o, Cal.; Kenneth K. Kdmonds, San Kernar dino, Cal.; Private Clyde II. Kdwards, N'euva. Calif.; Salvatorc Jlure, San Ju.-e, Cal.; 1'rivnle Albert W. Xonne mann. San I-'rancisco, Cal.; l'rivate John K. Noyer, I'endlelon, Ore.; l'ri vate Clover T. 1'orter, Tacoma, Wn. ; I'rivnto .Inn. S. Stump, Vasailes, Cal.; Scrt. liobert W. Cooper, Oxnard, Cal.; SiTHt. Amzi II, Juffers, liedlands. (al.; Corp. Chester ('. Parmerlee, l.on;; Ileaeh, Oil.; Corp. -Maxwell If. Sievers, Salinas, Cal. ; Privnle James !t. Cutler, San Kranvi-io. Oil.; l'ri vate liobert K. Kelly, Oakland, Oil.: l'rivate Loins Scarze!lof Sun Fran cisco, ( al.; Patrick .1. Kecniin. lierk- eiey, ( al.: Private liov li. Alnrtin. Doliliin, Wash.; Private Antonio Marcbio. Colusa, Cel.-. Private Wil liam II. Morrow, Portland. Ore.: Pri vate Henry Thorsen, Stockton. Cal. Died of Wounds Private John V. Coserave. Oakland, ( a!.: Private liu nalil K. Dye, Spokane, Wash.; Private Manuel Krete.-, I.osnos. Oil.; Private Win. Ordaz, Santa llarl.ara, Cal. I lied of Disease Wagoner Daniel I). Savage. Ji.idesta. Cal.; Private Henry A. Ilawes, San I'rancisco, Cal. Wounded Severely Private II. Ilicherds, Vancouver. Wash. - Wounded Slightly in Action Pri vate Paul Trnjillo, Kiverside, Cal. .Missinu, in Action Private William l.ibao, Ties Pinos, Cal. - Killed III .Action SerKt. nallnrd It.' Powell, Sacra mento, Cullf.; Corporals Krnest W. Wall, Sacramento, Cal.; John W. Hahney, Sacramento, Cal.; Privates Simeon M. Anderson. San liaraon, Cal.; Henry J. HulsiliR, San Fran cisco; John Oairyinple, Monmouth. Ore.; .lurry Stephen llonovan. San Frani'liioo; Hurl A. Mobuek, l.os Ante-lea; Aiisus (i. John, Wenatihee, Wash.: John Dwyar. San l-'rancisi o; Clarence H. Krone, Dixon. Cal.: Chin. I II. 1'arko. Fresno, Cal.: Heron It Albertfon, Vancouver, Wash.; Pri vates Nicolas M. Chichllicas, Vnllejo, Cal,; Howard Drtscher, Chehalis Wash.; (jeo. S. Siminiuon, L.os An- golea; William F. Ware, Springfield, Ore. Died of Disenso Corp. Simon Holivar Sprlnser, Wooiiliurn, Ore.; Privates Orover S. ICowart. Hall Cirsund, Ca : Walter T. Kittse, i lolly wood, Cal.: Corp. I.xigan H. (Jreene, Pasadena, Cal.; Privates Harold C. Neermiard, Hlo Grande, Cal.; Albert Kobrecht, Watsonvilie, Cal. "oiinled, decree undeterniined: Privates Krnest Orville Anient, Loa AnKoics: Fred C. .Miller, liermosa, Beach, Cal.: Leroy Vornon, Exeter, Cal.; Chester Whittemore, Lompoe, Cal. Wounded slightly: Privates Amos V?n Zandt, Forest, Cal.; Theodore Kosenburii, Alameda, Cal.; llarry Wood, l.os Anelos. Mi:sir.K in action: Privates Harry IKr.lil, S::n Ansclmo, Col.; Allan C, WHienhl-'iOr, l.os Angeles. COMMUNICATION. To tho Editor: In your Issue or No vember lltli, you have under "Local nnd Personal'' the following; Hem: 'Central Point releliraled today by KiilherlnK up tho (ierman reHiiieiiln and mnkhiK Uiem ring the town bell." Now I for one, was one of those Oornmn residents, whom your corrcn rindent nays: "Tney maun rlni; the town boil." Now iho fact of llio mat ter Is this: After hearini; the good news of the end of this Moody war and after having celeliraied at home by rlnaltiK hells ami hIioiiIIiik aims, I wont down town on some busluivs. While near the town hall, I was hailed ly a young lady to iIiik t lit' town hell. IIcIhk In the rlnht splrtl unyliow. t Kindly responded ami pulled that bell until my breath cave nut. Now 1 consider myself us iiood an American citizen ux any one else In ibis town. One of my hoys Is over In Franco ut this lime. .My heart Is all with tho land of my adoption In this conflict. I rutin that town bell because I fell like rlniilni; It. uud then mime Hul it s lar as niuklim me rlim II, I would like to see ihe color ot the fellow's Imlr, Hint could do II. Yours very liulv, ciiAri. I-:. i.ANiii-:. Central Point. Nov. 1 . mis PKOHIA. Ills.. Nov. J.- I.eadun linseball ofltcials of lie v;iih.,i lenuues urrived in Peoria lod.iv lor Ihe openinc ses-ion id Ihe Xalionel As-oeijilioll of Proleiolial lascli;ili l.rajiics which was ealli'il to order here ut 1 o'clock this iii'tcrmion. With Ihe war over the huschntl Icn ili-r- sec cbunt'es for n biir .season, parliciibir Iv ninonx the minor leiimics nuxt vear. Jtiieh imiiortmil work is scheduled fur the nieetinu'. A complcti' re-oe-' I'.u iatioii of minor le.-iu'iie Im n ball will bo needed it is llioiullt. I ine eneiian )i;nns I'Yciirh forces in the won was supposed it lie was coniiuander-in-cliiet' nl' tin lattleol'the Sninnie wliii-li su-n-.a tim (iernians over the op,,,,,,,! w1 ,.,(.k .m.h ol tensive. Since Foch launched his offensive ;,t the second hattle of the .Manic, there has never hern a let-up in the steady 1 'fi, "'m oo one mini, men on another, sometimes on an i routs tit once, wcai'iny; down and hreakinjr the "Lin-ill. on incline iiermau army. I-ocli s strateirv me war a year earlier tlian it t;'enerallv could lie won. l'och is dcscnlied as modest, unassuniimr. ipiiet and retirin.t,', with an aversion for ostentation and display lie lore (he war he was scarcely known !n l-'ran.-e cx.-ept in the army, where he was reconiz.'-d as one of its greatest of I icers Military men in othei mtries knew him, prin cipally throuirh his two widelv studied hooks, " Principle ol' Wiir.'J and "Conduct of War." Koch's success del ist rates the superioritv of l-Yem-h strategy over (Ierman. Once .i.-.nn Kran.-e has furnished the world its greatest cotiiauder. Who the Ukrainians Are i.f. 12. -Allho- helped to feed I'ki alulaun have I WASIIINtiTOX. the t'kralno and teen rlmu liiK in the news i iilaiunn of the American press lor moro than a year, few renders have more a hairy Idea of what the l'kraine sec tion of the ltusidun emnlre rmwitts imyitiliiK of t'-e cliaracier of the people lii ii war Keiiaraphv liullelin Issued toilny (he National OeoKiaphlc society ulves an Inteiesllai; anil ac- ii rate pieiure of ihe I krulnlans mid Ihe land they inluibll. The Imllelln. which Is baied oil u Co nun u n lea I ion lo Ihe society from Nevln I) Winter U hal Is ihe l'kralae? This Is one, of the many uueslloas flint i,c- Ide are a-kiim today. The Poles a'ld ihe Lithuanians of a few centuries .mo knew well this mosi ninmlei.t e.lion over nhlih Ihcv tilleninteil li ilc. and Imperial Hussla (or a loin time mi nreallv irmitilcl l.i- tl,l. rery iiurulv pint of her expansive loinaiti. The Tarinrs and the Turks felt tin proxhe'tv of Ihe many t:iliv mtnle uoon tb,.,i, i,v in,. Wild f slenilca III re. em ,,. ln t'kralnn ha. quieted down, so thai the r...,l ut. icihs ot ,1.,, hi,-, ,,... tiu-iu w.i. diMinc-m left, livllti. In tlo- b.-lief le.a' of liie I klai le. or I.Ptle u- ts lu it. r known, In, I I,, , w.tli ,,, sinus ol I lie l'e!v,.iad and Mose, sections. The events of Die !,,,( f, iiiouins. however, haie rei real slliiatton. "The l l.r.iliie p.,., hii-l ; some eaii'et'. The wild en I I-..- mri ,ts aocaiiv ne.iilnliml n?T:r DMFI BOARDS 10 e banks of the Dnieper Were a UUHIIUU IU d thiit :ion i is it lOV.I" t'HIo! Or. at Itu . i '.lied Ihe IrotlMe '.' Illiatis lireece inul ner colonies rrom these sama endless ; steppes whence (ierinany now expects to draw sustenance. A thousand years ami Kiev was already be aim ; an In pot-tani oils still :o. Hi incctinu-piaee for inaiiy races, dt.iwn thither by commerce. Koliniou.; dif ferences had not yet ari.'en, lor all eie worshippers of libils' llien a Slav people were safely i.itnli llshed here, sowing find reapiiiK tli-'tr hiiivests and sending their surplu: i-'ialu down this river to tho Itlacl. sea. The ini'ue Ukraine ineatis 'bonb-r marches.' for cciiiuries II was Ihe i't.lw.irk that prolected Poland an.'. Lithuania from the Tartars. Talks and oliier mi.iratim; Orientals. As a result li has ha I erlt-l taskmasters. "The natlie population was lame ly Cossack a wild end unruly peo ple al that lime. They were mil Inallv a tribe, b -.v.-.-e ,'., i. ,v . went forth irto - vlld i n.- .. m find freedom. The v.,.r.,!,-i , ered with muss l i th.i heli.1'.' of a lio'se. within :., '., a .nii.iitu.le or it.cne Inrk.-il. In-. . I them on. ' I'liete wrte I'oi.', nnd Lllliuan lies and Kitn-dei.s an. I even Tur,. ii'ienu ihrm. Tury inMnne niancl o'is luii, riders, ami swimmers: tlicir hoi-sen wero f.' tor the'r sw itliii-ss and i tiditrntice. Their dl''- fercmes urailuallv blended In a unliv ot purpose and piliu'lple. "The name Zaporonluns was ap plied In Ihe li til 1 1 n 11 n 1 1 (list was the heail and soul ol the sreat t'kraliie. os ' s. .c i 1 r. ltosencruns. Crescent f'itv. Cal Albert L. I'inkham, (irass Valley Cal.; Laurlo C!. liulhcrford. Santa' 6t llnrhara, lal.: Lrwln K. Stein. Los Anneles: Lieut. William .1. Ilanley Oakland, Cal.: Sergl. Wilson II. I names, San Kranelsco: Serjit. Hoscoc U. ltunnpfl. Imh Angeles: Corporals I Holln Wilbur Doyle. Spukane, Wash.; Frank (i. Davis. Simla Paula. Oil.: llarry J. Kaw.ion, San Francisco: Privates Jesse I.. Foster, ciarden drove. Cal.: John .11. Fouste, Low den, Wash.; F.lmer Fox. Ihi!;hseii. Cal.: Kurl K. Ilornlieek. Los Angeles; Carl Hoy, Ilaker.sfiold. Cal.: Samuel M. Keallnc. Lancaster, Wash.; David Schledewilz. Fresno, Cal.; Cecil K. Thompson. Lscalon, Cal. Hied troni U'ounds dipt. C'has. It. Abercromlile, Port- forking ysrith : UndeSam! mm ' llH ! - - - I ' . Introducing The New Tea-Foi I ySBSBB Qf o 'felwxedo Their Roveriiment waa crude, but very republican in form. Kadi year the old orfiters laid down their du ties in (lie presenct! of a general as sembly, even in that day called Ihe: Kada, and new ones were then cho- j sen. I "As any member of the tribe could be elevated lo Hie highest oi'fice. It i permitted each one to aspire In this I " dlnnlty. The liiuhest official was! known as the 'heiinan.' If unpopular he was sometimes choked lo death - effective, if cruel, displacement. WASIIINCTOX. Nov. 12. - Kraft boards were onb red today to stop classifying tm-n m;.er lii or over :h; icars, and to witlibold iiuestiouiuiircs for such rciiistr.iiKs not already scni out. It wes offkiailv announced al the provost marshal ccaeral's Keneml of fice that reuisirattts of is and fmm ;:7 to l:i '.cars old who have recivcl nMe.iliofiin.ri s -icid uol till them on I. 7UPtTftctJa!acfirPiptKtdO(nnt This new package ren ders a double service it saves tin for the U. S. Government's war needs and saves smokers from the discomfort and incon venience of the old-style .tobacco tins. 1 The "Tea-Foil" Package has many advantages; it is: . Soft and pliable Decreases in size as tobacco is used Tobacco docs not cake in thispackage No digging it out with the finger Keepsthetokaccoinperfect condition Costs you less titan tin 10c a package V Try Tuxedo in the vew "Tea Foil" Package today. .: The Tobacco 6 99 ' Mow a S.ilcninn Snrfcvcd I li. .1. Porter. Sterling, Col., writes ! 'for sl month-' 1 suffered with painful bad: As a trrve'.ln Vnilesman 1 h.-.d to stonn freuuentiy to1 i n'elt up iv-' srlf . which I 8iew to! ' head us lie- ; a:;i u hi u I Mraiul'.nol up was ful. .Stiincrtitis r-'nic-lici I failed lo r.-.o h ease. 1 was In- ; iluc d to try KaS.'c Kidney Pills. 1!". .lief was Ittuneill.e-. Say. they are J ureal! Any one afflicted as I was j shoeld try a bottle or two ot Foley j Kidney pills." Good for pain In the jback, rheumatic pain., arhlne Joints. ; soro mnsileq. Tor sain by Med lord ' I'liarutui y, mum . Guaranteed by INgO(iBlu I ..U", iv-V. ..iist-, .Y.1X- JGHrl A. r-ZUL I'XIlFlt'l'AKI.H. f.slj Assistant. M HKfl'll 1UV.TI.KT. flson it. tl and 47-J1. tTert f l lr. .: -ntj ea n rza k? m si Rs fisJtKtt''') jirMVBIR?' (lii 111 it i pu Li m Ul lJ V&S SI Salted Milk',,,:; Very FsSuttltiwus, Digestible The REAL Food-IJrlnii, Instantly prepare. Made by the ORIGINAL Horllck process and from carefully sclecled materials. Used siiccessuiiy over Vi century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. SndHCirlick'S The Original Thus Avoiding Imitations No. 4j. HKroltT OF THK CDMHTIOX OF Farmers and Fruitgrowers BankJ At Medford, iu the Slat of Oregon, lit the ilo: iti:soii:ci:s Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and Warrants .' Stocks, securities, judgments, etc Furniture nnd fixtures Other real estate owned Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash Items F-xchaiiKes for clearinii: house Cash on hand e of business November 1st, ..$247,2au.4 Non 4 4.5117.116 01S.V9 5, 400. 00 1,O,')O.U0 5J, 7li. t'l 4, 730. a& .. 17,872.45 ..?3Sl,0iS. Total I.IAItll.lTiF.S Capital stock paid in - Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Cashier cheeks outstanding Certified Checks . Time and Savings Deposit: Reserved for interest and taxes Olher liabilities, contingent account Total State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss. 1. R. F. Antle. cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mr knowledge and belief. ' 11. F. ANTLE, Cashier, i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th dav of November, 191 S. HOV Ic MACLK, Notary Public, j My commission expires June 2-1. Hi2'l. ' CORHISCT Attest: Delroy Cletcucll, J. n. An-.rews, Directors. 5 on.iiuu.oe 8,122.4 .. 195. 44.0 :i.:i;)S.u5 49. 0 2.4 .. lH.sliB.S4 1,000.00 2.liS.7J .5oSl,C5S.0j 1 For After Effects of Influenza La Oriipt', and Colds, use San Tux Syrup Hypophos pliitcs coiiipfiiind. Jts a tonic, strength and flesh builder. Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 The San Tox Store The Food Administration Says Buy at Home and Save Needless Waste ; The Food Administration urges American people to buy food that Is produced near homo, as the needless wato ot transportation in- j voiced In haulliiK homo food away and other food in to take Its j place is thus avoided. Vllnio flour it a Mudl'otd and Oregon flour. Build Up Home Industry by ! Buying the Products of i Home Factories This company pays out thousands of dollars a year for wheat, I corn, barley und other products ot tho farm, thus creating an Im j portant market hero. This market will grow as tho demand for Vilmo flour grows. Demnud your local flour. Rogue Valley Milling Co. Poultry Poultry We have extraordinary marketing facilities WE PAY TOP PRICES Special demand for TURKEYS lacksonCountylreamery successors to Medford Poultry 6 Egg Company Always in the lead on prices Phones: Medford. .91 or 583. Applegatc 22-F-13 x