Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 12, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Two large Garford trucks, one a
seven-ton and tho other a five-ton
pushed thru Med ford this morning
on their way from Sweet liasin to
HcnoAev. These trucks have been
huuiini; lumber and on account of the
recent rains had to slop. K. 11.
Abrants, the owner, Htuted that the
- haul hadn't come up to expectation).
Hie truckH will tie used in Nevada
tir. winter for lumber hauling and
will return here in the spring. Hoth
trucks were louded down with lumber
no an to make the traction good. They
expect to reach Keno by Saturday.
Waterman Ideal pens are guaran
teed to give tmtlHfactlon. Twelve
dozen assortment no you can get Just
the point you need. Buy for Xinan
now. Medford Book Store.
II. K. Tomllnson, manager of the
Ashland Ice company, is spending the
, day In .Medford looking after business
connected witli tho .Medford Ice it
Storage company.
Wanted A bargain In a small
house and lot. Box !), care Mall
I.. It. Klwood and wife who have
bem visiting here for several weeks
have ictt'rncd to Kugene where Mr.
Kiwood iu employed In a largo auto
Or ran, high grades tailoring for
men and women. Ashland, Oregon.
Victor Burscll of Kohb l.ane, Is
shipping a car load or fine bogs to
the Portland market today.
For the best Insurance see HolmeB,
the Insurance .Man.
Pat and Men Daily and Chief of
l'oitee Timothy returned last night
from their hunting trip to Klamath
county. They had very good luck
and brought back about 5V ducks
and 17 geese.
Successful drugless treatment of
non-infectious diseases. Dr. Halstead,
327 South Central. 200
Lind Taylor of the Applegato came
In with a load of potatoes yesterday
end dlspesed of them In fast time.
Another opportunity to buy Shoes
at very reasonable prlcos during the
month of November. 1 am going to
give a 10 per cent discount on all
men's and boys' shoos. Come and
get them. L. P. Stroud, No. 10 South
Central avenue. 212
Sonator II. Von der Hollen of Wol
len, Is si ending the day In .Medford
on business.
20 per cent discount on woman's
button shoes. Schmidt's "Good
Shoes," 21 North Central avenue.
.Mr. I'rnther, representing the
Hrndlejr Sweater company, is in tho
city today cullng on his customers.
Dr. Heine, Gnrnott-Corey Bldg.
J. F, Adams came In from Prospect
Monday for a' few daya visit with
tJennlno Coca Cola nt DeVoe'a.
, l'loyd Sloan anil wifo, E. 13. Casper
and wife and T. S. Iligglnsloff of
Orantu Pass, are In the clly for a
few days visiting friend.
We cut windshields for all cars.
C. E. Oaten Anto Co. i 208
T. (). Conner and It, llrown were
nmoiiK the .Medford visitors from
ltoguu Hlver yesterday.
- Daily's Taxi. Phone 15.
Fred K. Xcnthnmmer enmn tip to
tho city yesterday from Hogno Hlver
on business and help the celebration.
(lot your milk, cream, butter and
buttermilk at DeVoe's.
John Hrownsworth of Hogno Hlver
was calling on friends In tho clly yes
terdny. '
Free storage. Power Auto Co. If
A. K. Kellogg of (lold Hill, is 111
the city today on business.
P. II. .wight of (ilendnle, spent
few hours in tho city .Monday on
Furniture, upholstering, mattress
making, crating and packing. Doug
las, 201 South Klvurslde. phono 162-J
V. II. Wall, orchardlst of Kden
Vre.'lnct, spent a few hours In the
city mixing with I he crowd and en
Joying the occasion.
.New service flags with embroid
ered stars and Inslgnn. Buy for
Xmns now. .Medford Hook Store.
Wulter Charley of Climax, tho In
ventor of a patent hammer and auto
matic rousilliig sled was In tho city
yesterday, tin expects soon to be
utile to put several of his Inventions
ou the market.
Hemstitching and pocotlng nt
Handicraft Shop. 21K
II. K. Itoxa who has been at We
nmrlHic. Wash., tor two months, re
turn! d yesterday. He expects to go
buck t(i mining ngnln this winter on
t lie Applei'.ate. and Pullman brond at I)e
William Sears who Is In the wood
and timber business near llu'to fulls
was In the rllv yesterdav on business.
Orri s, the ladles' tailor, will be nt
Hotel Holland every Thursday after
lionn. lllglwluxs work only.
l A. halcn. 1.. T Hudson, ).;.
Heltrli-h and It. K. hole were in the
city on business and help celebrate
the nit at day.
Hemstitching nnd plcntlng nt i'V
per yard at llnndb rnrt Shop.
M. Frleiletithnl and K. K. .In. k of
Portland, stopped over for the day in
llm H(v to see the celebration.
You can drink a pint of cider for
a lib krl nt DeVoe's
M. Van Patten and T. T. Kltr.cerald
of San l-Yanclsco, were In Medford
Monday on business.
Nash Hotel. Spseinl rates, week
or month. Mtenm heat. 21.'.
H. Dliikelspiel of ..New York, stoo
ped over for a dnv Monday to nee how
tliry celebrate the great day on the
Call f. I regarding sale, r.tora-e or
advance on wheat. ll'lt"
The Knight Packing company has
put up 3000 five-pound cans of to
mato catsup this year, which is 1000
cans more than last year. J. 11. Zim
mor, the manager, says they are mak
ing cider now but the output will be
smaller this year owing to the short
ago of apples.
Win. .Nicholson, bis sou and Kd
I.eever of Klamath Kails, made t lie
trip from Ft. Klamath to Medford
yesterday in a Franklin car coming
via Crater l.alie. They report J
Inches of snow on the summit and
said they had to push snow for quite
a distance but had no trouble of any
kind making the distance In seven
hours. Last week .Mr. Nicholson
tried to get thru from this side but
the snow had a crust on and he had
to abandon the trip and go around
via tiie Green Spring mountain road
thru Klamath Falls.
Free storage.' Power Auto Co. tf
Mrs. Carl Hoots of Dununiuir, Cal.,
Is visiting at the liay Satchwell home
for a few days.
Sherlff-Klcct Chas. Terrill Is In
tho city today from Lake Creek.
1 have opened a Job shop fur doing
all kinds of tin work and repairing;
fix furnaces and repair all kinds of
stoves, gutters and spouts, done to
order. Cull at Bads' Second-hand
store, 34 South Fir. 19S
K. II. Abrams of Iteno, Nov., Is
looking over the city and valley for a
few days.
Mrs. O. W. Smith and Mrs. M. P.
Cranston, late arrivals from Hcno
Nov., are visiting friends in the city.
The Hoguelunds company is en
larging its muin ditches in several
places and putting In new and larger
flumes across Lake creek and will he
prepared to sign up between 500 and
1000 more acres of land to Irrigate.
F. A. Copplo of Jacksonville, visit
ed Medford Tuesday.
lko Peterson who has been work
ing in Portland returned this morn
ing nnvlng been called by the local
draft board for examination.
Kddie Payno Is assisting in "Shor
ty" Garnett's hardware store taking
the place of Ben Garnett who is now
with the Associated OH company.
Ivor Paley, son-in-law of John
White, Is in the city for a short visit
with his rhildren. Ho is on Ills way
from Untie, Mont, to San Francisco.
Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Vance Bostwirk who died Sunday,
were held (his afternoon at the Cath
olic church at 4 o'clock, Father Pow
ers officiating. The funeral was pri
vate. There was one accident rerordod
on tho Pacific Highway Into yester
day ovoning when a Ford car from
Talent drove head on Into a Stoddard
"bug" which was being towed In by
the Ashland Jitney. The accident oc
curred In front of tho Phoenix store.
Both cars were considerably damaged
but no one was hurt.
Born To wlfo of C. H. Beery of
Jacksonville, this morning, a girl.
J. .1. Sklnnor, meter man for the
California-Oregon Power company. Is
confined to bis homo with a mild
ense of the "flu."
Gladys Bridges Is III nt her home
on Grnpe street. She Is suffering
with a severe cold.
Chas. Allen, proprietor of the Allen
blacksmith shop, is qulto III with an
attack of tho "flu."
Vera Itoundtrce Is confined to her
homo on Bartlett street with a light
attack of tho "flu."
Born To wife of Claude Chapman
'Nov. Sth, a twelvn pound son. Mrs.
Chnpninn is nt present with Mrs. O.
O. Parker at 215 Haven street hut
hopes to soon return to her home.
isr ir wit.,?, - !i
l . v.. iHA'k .
it1 ; i
I'.". . .. i: J" NMtM..V,. . .
Marlml 1"k li ill full dress uniform anil in field uiiifunii. l Uuw
roniiiimid there lias Ixx'n unending record of brilliant Tictories by allied
()JIMIIno lri(H((hiim Off
Tho MPdfonl Council of Dufonno
withdraws nil rostrlctlniiH on the sale
of msoIIho from thin ilaif.
tiKO. T. ('t),LIS.
AMSTKItDAM, Monday, Nov. 11.
rield MurHhal von MiiidenliurK Is
not In llnltund. a tonllni; to a tolo
Knim from tho Komi-orfiiinl Wolff
huri'nu of Hcrlin. Mo roinains at main
headquarter, tlio iiiphhhko payw.
Tho tclosram ndils Crown I'rlnro
Rnppi'LM ht of ltavarlu, rommaiidir of
tho Oniiun northorn nrmy group,
has not flud, na some reports haw
AMSTKIUMM. Monday, Nov. II.
tioriiian troop.i at tho Ileverloo
rnnip In Koliiiuin, havo miiliiiicd and
aro marrhiiiK with tlu-ir mini townrd
Cut This Out It I Worth Money
PONT MISS THIS. Cut out tills
llp, enclose with .ie nnd mall It to
Foley Co., ', Sheffield Ave.. Chi
cago, III., wrltfiiK jour miino ami nd
drenH clearly. You will recelvi- in rv
turn n trial package ooniainlng l'o
Ii v'b Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, rolds and croup; Foley Kid
ney I'll Is, for pain In side and h.ick;
rheuinatii m, hacUacho. kidn nnd
Idadder allmenta; and Foley Cathar-i
tic TahlciH, h wholortomo and thor-
oimhly clennsliiK calharllc. for con
stijialion, liiliousness, hcadm he. niul
DliiKcUh howi'ls. For sale hy Medford
Here aro a few prize sentences
from loiters received hy tho govern
ment insurance department ut Wash
ington, 1). C. They were assemhled
by a girl stenographer and passod
along to an Albany relative, says the
Albany, Ore., Democrat:
I ain't got no hook learning and I
hope I am writing for Inflamution.
She 1b staying nt a difaapatcd
Jmst a lino to M you know that I
am a widow nnd four rhildren.
Previous to his departure we wore
married to n Justice of tho piere.
Ho was Inducted into the Hiirfn,e.
I have a four-months baby and he
Is my only support.
A lono woman and parsely depen
dent. i was discharged from tho army
for a goitro which I was sent home
As I needed his assistance to keep
me enclosed (In clothes ).
Owing to my condli Ion which I
haven't walked in three months for a
broke leg which Is No. 7."i.
Kind sir or She: 1 enclose, lovingly
1 am left with a child- seven
motit hs old and nhe in a h;ihy and
can't work.
I received and 1 am tertr-inly
provoked tnnU'ht.
Your relationship to him? An
swer: Just a mere nunt and a few
cousins. And he was my best .sup
porter. 1 reci ived my polish and
have sinco moved my postoft im.
I am his wife and only air.
You n;-k for my allotment number.
I have four boys and two g!rl:.
Please correct my name as I could
not and- would not i-'o und-r a con
sumed name.
1 am wilting In the Y. M. C. A.
with the piano placing in my uni
form. I am pl.-ating for a little i. ore
To whom It may eoncitn.
Please return my marri.ig cer;i,"i
calo, haliy hasn't eatln In three ti.i.:.
Nnw. Mrs. Wilson. I need help b.'.tl.
Sfo If the president can't help me. I
need him to see nfi'r me.
Both sides of our parents are old
and poor. f
P lease fend me a wile's baby.
COPKNf LU1KN. v. 12. Xews of
Kuijteror William's abdication was re
ceived on Saturday utternoon nt Iler
lin with general rejoicinv which was
tempered by the fear tliat it had come
too late,
Frederieh Kbeit, the Socialist lead
er, has been appointed imperial chan
cellor, lie bus issued a proclamation
savin? that be plans to form a peo
ple' jiovernnient which will endeavor
to briiiir about spe.-dy peace.
Chancellor Kbert said he woultj eii
deavor n i'nrt;!'v the freedom wlu'cb'
the pet.ple had vvn:i. lie be::ed iijt
port in the li.;rd work abend and ap
pealed for ( n op.': :; liuii in the eonii
!ry nip! cilie- in prnbl: m di' pro-
it in I,
llerr C.i
ttuit I'rim
I raiwt ri t'd I iie
all the eeret:i
ui t n their i on-ll-'Mit,
he added
'. i, sni of IJ;uL'ti had
i..ii:-l-ll..r-liip'io liitn.
i'f s;:tti : lldvim
it. Tite ni".r jiivern
v i.nM be iir it,Mee
Victory Boys and Victory Girls do
well In Culled War Work campaign.
Lake Creek (springs surprise by send
ing in twelve names for honor roll or
jU3t one-half of entire enrollment in
school. Forty-one new names from
Medford patriots reported.
Central Point, Lake Creek, Kagle
Point, and Talent all go over the top
before the end of first day of cam
paign. Fifty-six new names are addej to
special honor roll since yesterday's
issue was published. This roll con
eists of boys and giris who have
pledged themselves to $" or more.
The new names are: Cecil Roberts,
Cold Hill; Clara Hathawuy- and Al
bert Anderson. Central Point; Kuth
Holmes, Griffin Creek; Helen Greg
ory, A irate; Loren Culbertson, Karl
Klda and Vila Farlow, Heatrke and
Raphael Gardener, Kmmett, Frank
and George Kllngie, Vernon and
Henry Myers, Lester Taylor, all of
Lake Creek; KMher Ashcraft, Lucile
Abbott, Ruth M. Rrags. Kunke Ilran
don, Helen llrown, Arleno Butler,
Opal Call, Helen Clark, Lewis Clark,
Ruby Davis, Adelbert Elliott, Rowen
and Wlnsor Gale, Ruth Hamilton,
Margaret Hamilton, Kdward C. Kelly,
Leal Klum, Milam Jacobs, Richard
K. .lonea, Lowell Johnston, Josephine
Llndiey, May Llndley, Rupert Mad
dox, Josephine Maxwell. Maurine
MeKeany. Chester and Lester Merri
man, Eunetta Morgan, Marie Myers,
Helen Nnrcross. Lillian Robinson.
Margery Seman, Genevieve Spriggs,
Charlotte Stewart. Ruth Stewart.
Pearl Skinner, Euleyn Payne, Marian
Van Scoyoc, Eugenia Viim, Ranson
Webster, Mathias Welsh.
Leora Godward, Robert Davenport,
Virginia Davenport. James Mears,
Frederick Mears, Laura York, Wil
helmina Rippey, Faye Jagg'ers, Fay
Rinabarger, William Rinabarger,
Letha Payne, Gladys Mandeville.
cut with the vari'iiw piirt.
PARIrf. N'iv. l l:--Ofriiat
nouncciiT nt of tht-: slguln?' of
armistice and terr.ifrihto:i of h:
libs at 11 o'clocl; iliis morning was
o clock. I' la;s se, tiiiy to ap
pear and prepanu i.rid were ite-ua for
a demonstration.
LONDON. Nov. t I . News of the
signing of tiin aitnl- tico soon became
known to tiio:-o p-p-.s In t'ie c;mr
o? the city as fuKS were ii.niieui.i! ely
tlown to the brece. and the issuau."
o.' evening iiewspaijer?, for which
ihero was a great rush at 1 I o'clock.
S.M.L AV. I.e-horn and It. I
co.Iverels from best stock in
t.. Pimm 'jti
WANT lit
Phone "
cotid hand lnth
FOR SAi.i: lit h. p motor, dlre-'t
conneited to 4-incli c-nt rimnal
pump complete, and iomi f,',. of
Inch pipe. I J-lnc h New Wny
Kmk ph.M ; Kingman d)c u.ini;
plow; In ..r tractor, horse
Kentii.-y r'ee.ler; Duplex llardie
spraver. tn-t particulars from F.
D. Klsmann. oj;ue River, :n
I hae tuM-n in bed Kt jeai v.r,lt 1
e dm lor and 1 Intend to try anoih-
vei.u'nt. 1 !!s m n
i r for t:r' olope
r received,
ny man nui'.y to
tiie best i':ghter I
FOR svi.i:
'i I lll.i. IU
I Chevi oli ; $i
. Mail Tribune. ;
Mr. War Risk Insurance,
you? I am well nnd hope
you are (he same.
Dear Mr. WUmhi: I have aiieady
writiMi to Mr. II .idiiuarters and re
ceived no ri pty i.nd if I don't ce: one
I inn goini; to w i i' to Fm-ie Sa::i hi - ..,,1 if . 0
i,,,f- I I have 1
We liav. yoi:r letter. I am
HiiuiilmiHlitT and : i ;-id(a t her and b'
iias tu'en k pt an. I ied ui in IHs
housi ac. ordhu lo ywr instin. 'Mon.-.
1 ain't reee ved no pa since tn
husband has n nu treat n nvhere.
You have dinned tnv little girl to j
a bov, Will that make any dificr- !
' en. e .'
I have not received my husband
ray and will be foicd lo lead an im
mortal life.
Please let me k'-.ow if John has put
in an anpliealion for i;. and rhild
i m wriiins to a. k jou why 1 have
nor rt'eeh ed my e
was I.- j' irom
'it, wJieh I nev
Yoi lU'Vc (;Il(!
fi' it as d he v;a -
ever h;:d.
nv ov wiil !.!m to ki cji n.e or
who in the hell w.P if you don't.'
My boy Ur.s lin n put in charge of n
I'bi'te ii! 1 , ct more monej
My :o'i j.. :m r.. . ir.Nth Infancy.
Pleas' till n,e tie n living ir ijcad is h:,: address,
irned that my husband
In the constipation tamp in Germany.
PARIS. Mondav. N, v. 11. The
chamber ol deiuilie.-. seldom dis
lilaved such unanimity ;is it did todav
in chcerimr each nrtude of tiie Ger
man artni-tiee terms as it was read
.by. Premier Clemeneeau. As soon as
the premier hail read a elaue the erf
time chamber jumped to its feel and
After rending the condition.-, the
premier eM'ii-ed iiimself from mukiiiir
a leauthv adi!rcs, but !-nid:
. .'"In tiie name ol' tiie people of
Kraiicu, urn i" tho name td' the uov
erntncijl. u' France, let u salute Alsace-Lorraine,'
"'There wii.s prolonged cheeriiiir. aft
er whi'di the premier added teolimilv:
"Let u honor the ureal arniv wlio
T(lar. came into the eves of uto
of tluwe in the chamber tciirs of i
'bfehiiirv of Ihe dead and tears troni ;
the powerful reaction of the moment.!
Tb-initics fnnn Ah n'0-Lorraine, ome !
ol'ttiioin had fought with the Fn-in h )
ai-tbv. 'wtre enthu-ii!slicaliv ebe"rciJ.j
''Whiti' the se-ion was in pnere-s, (
:i TiatTerv of 7"'s mail:! aim d a s)(adv
cannonade in celebration of ihe vie
ioiv icorn its p.-it;oii aloni: Ihe Seine.
VKRDl'N, Mondav, Nov. n my
Associated Press.) Verdun came into
Its own tonight. Wiiiio ti'e be' Is of
the ancient rathdral were rinMiK
the news. of peace the fortress city
was flluminmed and a military pio
eesKlon headed by the drum corps of
the Twenty-si::: !i American d'vi:--ion
swung along tho crowded ireei.-i ac
companied by a detdcimciit oi
French buglers renresea: ing t'ac fa:a
ed defenders of Verdun.
The procession wound its way thru '
the streets lighted oy flares and vari-!
colored signal lights t-t off by Infan
trymen. The entire city wan In a
great blaze of glory and the illumina
tion was visible for many miles
around, even to the Germans going
homeward In the east. Rehind the
buglers marched a shouting, singiag
and dancing column of French,
American. Senctralcne and Algerian
soldier. and civilian celebrants, keep
ing tir.:e with tbo drum beats and
shouting: - ,
"Tho war is over! Viva La France!
Vive L'Amerbiue!
Tho marchers paraded until tluy
were tired, the bell ringerr, raa:; the
chimes until they were exhausted
and tho flares burned themselves out.
And late tonight the American arid
French soldiers and the handful of
faithful civilians in Verdun went lo
sleep in peace.
and Deschutes, over the top toduy
and had piled up $Djr,00 of its
$ 7 7.2 5 0 o.uola.
Four of the 42 counties In Montana
touay had subscribed $li)4,0nu. The
quo'a is ?.' i l.-'-'J'.
Wa.s!iint;tOn had Biibgribed $10.",
r;!."i toward Its tjuota of $1,27S,750,
Idaho h:-.d $4-l,0tM) of Us 425.2:.iJ
(juota and California had $403, 70U
of a $-Lu".7r.O qtiola.
She Kept Her Locks Dark and
Glossy, with Sage Tea
and Sulphur.
"When you darken your hair with
Fatre Tea and fciulphur, no one can
tell, because It'a done ao naturally, bo
evenly. preparing this mixture,
though, at home is mus3y and troublo
some. At little cost you can buy at
any drug store tho roady-to-usa prop
dratlrn. Improved by tho addition of
other ingredients called "Wyeth'a Sage
and Sulphur Compound." You Juyt
dampen a sponge or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking one Finu.ll strand at a time.
Ity morning nil gray hair disappears,
and. after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully dark
ened, glossy and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though no dis
grace. Is a sign of old age, and as we
nil desire a youthful and attractive
appearance, get busy ot once with
Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
nnd took years younger. This ready-to-use
preparation is a delightful toi
let requisite and not a medicine. It
is not intended for the cure, mltiga
tion or prevention of disease.
vada with more th;m half of its owo'a j
raised today led the erghl states of 1
the western department in the lnii?d !
War Work campuign. Oregon hn.d j
three counties, Hood Kiver, Union
Suilc 1-2 over May Co.
i VM-". L"-' 4
I -f- f
C!oanfs Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pa la
A little, applied without rulbir.g, will
penetrate imrr.ediately and rest and
Bootlie t!:e nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective in
allaying external pain.-, strains, brut?'??,
aches, stifi joints, sore musciL-?, lur.:ba
got neuritis, sciatica, rheunuuetvjrcs
Kecpi a big bottle always on har.J
for family use. Druggists everywhere.
Tho En-'.isoniont and
W;l(in Kings are dear
to the heart of every wo
man happily married.
The sentiment involved
in thepe rinss should be
expressed by a quality
beyond question.
Hoautifu! Assortments
"We always carry a fine
s!o(k of Diamond Kn
I'asemont Kinus and
W'ediiin Ri:u:s cf pure
:)ld. liif:ht. now wo have
excellent a.syrtmentB of
hotli. We'll ho pleased
to ;!i-w them to you.
li v : iiy the ;ilt of Live.
' it. II. I.ydiard or San .lose.,
visitiue in' tho rity.
rr, ir I t c i.r- J ' r
nt ..i ill t : : i e-. x j a
r IVp n. i.: i I,,-.,, n . ,.f I ..!.
' -.1 : -.-.t;i- . : v it rl 'tr 'tii.
t. -r t;;,i . . ..
$2 l;r, tw SI.SC.
t , t.i
si .:
, r.w fSc.
Kidney disease is no rejieeter of
P"jsi;ny. It attacks youM and old
aiike. la niortt cases, iiio fe:i:n ia
warned of tiie a;ipt oaeliini; danger
Natere fights huek. Ileadaeiie,
;o;i, insoiiiniii. lame !:i k, lun.
ai'o. sciatica, rlo i-m, pain ii
.fu- loins and lower rv.'doinen, difi'i
mI'v in nrinatini;. all ere litdu;itio:i.,
o:" i:"ui'!e with the Uin'i'iy.-..
V hen s'leh syn:t'Ki.s anpear .wri
i ii!'.': t e-rtai:)!.1 tind iaiek rr'l r
i;i ti.HJ) ,K!.L Muurleia Oli t'ap-
This fj:nons eld remedy has Ft io 1
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'"THE United War Work Campaign of
J- these societies is merely another indi
cation of that unity of spirit as a nation that
fa making it possible for U3 to win the war.
That spirit and tho place which tho work of
these agencies has made fur itself in tho
hems of nlf of us gives me confidence to
believe that tha united campaign will be
crowned with abundant success. i
Woodrow Wilson