Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 09, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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WEXTIIER Maximum Yesterday, -10; Minimum Today, T-rccipitaiion, .20. FORECAST Toniylit and Tomorrow: Raiii.
Forty-Ighth Tear.
Dfclly Thirteen tU Tur.
NO. 197
Last of Great Fortresses Held Bv
Germans In France Taken Bv
Haiq's Forces Allies Striving, tp
Drive Huns Off French Soil Before
Armistice Stoned Rapid Proqress
Made on Entire Front and but
Small Section of France Held.
LOXDOX. Xov. 0. The British
fnivcs liiive ruptured the fortress of
Mautreuiro, Field Marshal Ilaijr an
nounced todav.
South of Miiuccuire the British arc
pushinir eastward and arc well be
yond the Avesnes-Maubcnirc road.
British troops in Flanders have
crossed the river Scheldt on a wide
front north of Tournai and have es
tablished themselves on -the east bank.
Field Marshal Iiaiir reported.
Last llltf Fortress
Maubemre was the last important
French fortress in the hands of the
(iermans. Before the war it was con-,
sidered n fortress of the first class
and irnardcd the Xanmr-Charleroi
route into France bv the wav of the
Sambre river. ,
Maubeu;e was taken bv the Ger
mans after heavy tiiihtinir With the
British and French late in August.
1014. The town is within a few miles
of the Belgian border south of Moils,
which is IJl miles northward bv rail.
Kntniir is about 40 miles east-northeast
of Maubeuire and Oharleroi is
about midwav between the two.
Driving Huns Out
While the (lerman irovernnient is con
sidering the allied armistice terms,
the British, French and American
armies nre carrvinir on successfully
the task of freuinc French soil from
the invader.
On the north the British have cap
tured the fortress of Maulieuee and
driven the German's back into Belgium
in the region between Maubeuire and
Mons. Alone the Scheldt in Belgium,
where the British hold part of Tour
nia. Field Marshal llaiir's men have
crossed the river on a nine-mile front
north of Tournai.
teaching Frontier
General Betain's armies who hold
the center of the allied advance,
contiue their march toward the Bcl
jriun frontier south of Maubeuire. The
French have driven the Gennans from
nearly nil the natural defenses west
of the Frunco-Belirian border and if
their advance maintains the pace of
the last two davs the French should
reach the frontier at some points be
fore niirhtfull.
' Fast of the Meuse on the allied
right the American troops are ad
vancing toward Montmedv and the
Briev iron fields. The forward move
ment is on n front north and south
of Iiamvillers. Farther- north to
ward Sedan there has been only ar
tillery and machine can fighting.
Americans Advance
THE SKDAX FliOXT, Nov. 9. (Bv
the Associated l'rcss.) The Ameri
can nrmv east of the Meuse continued
to advance todav ite strum ma
chine (run resistance.
The Americans went abend in this
region both north and south of Bum-villers.
(Continued on Page Four.)
CONCOliD. X. H-. Xov. ).-Alexander
Munchie. ehaiminn of Hie
democratic state commit tec. todav
filed a fonmil pi'tition fur a recount
of the votes in the sen.Vorial election
lnt Tueilav. On the taee of the un
official returns i corse II. Mos, re-
pMbltcnn. dfft'iit'd .I"bn B Jun'-on
Bavaria Proclaimed a Republic With
Newspaper Reporter as Premier
Dynasty Ousted Revolt Reaches
Cologne Esen Reported to Have
Hoisted Red Flap. '
LONDON, Xov. 9. (British Wire
less Servlco). It is reported from
Amsterdam that a revolution is now
spreading all over western Germany.
It is reported to have reached Co
logne. Bavaria has been declared a re
public and the Wittelsbach dynasty,
headed by King Ludwlg III, is de
posed. The revolution is seemingly
spreading rapidly thru the great In
dustrial and maritime cities of Prus
sia, Essen, the site of the great Krupp
munition works being the latest
place reported to be disaffected.
Virtually all the North sea coast
and part of the Baltic litteral is now
in the hands of the revolutionists.
Not only has the German army
been crushed in the maw of war, but
the whole structure of the German
empire seems about to be engulfed.
Conditions In Austria are appar
ently in a wild chaotic condition.
Another dispatch from Amsterdam
says that owing to the rush on the
banks In Berlin these institutions
have stopped payment.
Barrage and Gun Fire on Battle Front
Delay Passaqe of Courier Who Is
Not Expected to Reach German
Headquarters Until This Afternoon
Decision May Be Deloved.
VASHlXGTOX, Nov. 9 The state
department late today authorized
the Btutement that another rumor
started In Washington that Germany
had signed the armistice was "entire
ly false."
WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. So far as
the American government was ad
vised late today, no word has been
received by Marshal Foch from the
German high, command Bince the
courier of the armistice envoys start
ed hack thru the battle lines last
night with the surrender terms and
the ultimatum for their acceptance
by 11 o'clock Monday morning.
Spreads to Hanover
sociated Press.) The uprising in
northwestern Germany, according to
the only direct news from Germuny
early today, is reported to have
spread to Hanover, Oldenburg and
other cities. Generally the revolt is
not attended by serious disturbance.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 9. Cases of
insubordination occurred on Wednes
day among the troops of a German
naval division quartered at Lokeren,
12 miles northeast of Ghent, accord
ing to a dispatch from Sas-Van-Gent.
PARIS, .Xov., 9. Kurt Eisner, a
Munich newspaperman and promi
nent in socialist circles, is the loader
of the revolution which has broken
out in the Bavarian capital, it ap
pears from Information received here.
Some reports designate him as presi
dent of the Bavarian republic which
has been proclaimed.
Eisner, the advices add, has organ
ized a committee consisting of work
men, soldiers and peasants, in many
respects similar to a Russian soviet.
Newspaper Man
Eisner Is on the stuff of the Mun
ich Post. He first came to public at
tention in 1905 as a gifted speaker at
socialist meetings. He Is about 45
years old. He has not held public
Eisner was arrested some time ago
for having published the news that
Germany on July 2S, 1914. was mob
ilizing her army. He was released
after serving a sentence lasting until
fifteen days ago.
Only scant messages are arriving
from Germany with regard to the
Bavarian revolutionary movement.
I.OS AX;i'I.KS. Cnlif.. Xov. 0.
rharl" S. Chaplin, mot inn ih-tiire
fniiicdi.'in, Wiih married here on Octo
ber 1M to Mi:- MiMr-d It. Harris of
I AiiL'fh'. nrrordint; lo the record
on the marriiiL'e lifne. The niar
ringi occurred at the home of the
hceii-e ch-rh with onlv the u-itneei
required bv law, nnd wn.s kept secret
at the urifcnt reiiue-t of the groom.
No Decision Today
(LONDON, Nov. 9. (British wire
less service. ) The Ilritish Press
Bureau issued the following an
nouncement this afternoon:
"Owing to the heavy German bar
rage and machine gun fire on the
battlefront the passage of the cour
ier from Marshal Koch's headquar
ters to Spa was so delayed that he Is
not expected to reach German head
quarters until this afternoon. Con
sequently it is unlikely that any de
cision In regard to the armistice will
be reached today."
PARIS, Xov. 9. -(5 a. m.) Ger
many's armistice delegates were re
ceived by Marshal Koch yesterday
morning at 9 o '-clock In a railroad
car in which the commander-in-chief
of the allied forces has his headquar
ters, according to the Petit Journal.
When the Germans' credentials had
been opened nnd verified, Mathlas
ErzUerger, leader of the enemy dele
gation, speaking in French, announc
ed that the Gorman government had
been advised by President Wilson
that Marshal Koch was qualified to
communicate to them the allies' con
ditions and had appointed them
plenipotentiaries to take cognizance
of the terms and eventually sign an
Foch States Terms
Marshal Korh then made the
terms In a loud voice, dwelling upon
each word. The Germans were pre
pared by semi-official communica
tions for the stipulations as a whole,
but hearing set forth In detail the'
concrete demands seemed to bring to
them for the first time full realiza
tion of the extent of the German de
feat. They made a few observations,
merely pointing out material differ
ences standing in the way of carrying
out some quite secondary clauses.
Then Krzberger asked for a suspen
sion of hoPlilitie-3 in the interests of
humanity. This request Marshal
Foch flatly refused.
The delegates having obtained per
mission to send a courier to Spa and
communicate with that place by
wireless, withdrew. Marshal Koch
immediately wrote an awount of the
p'rocce.dlngK and sent them by an aide
to Premier Clemenceau, who receiv
ed them at noon.
lodgcil at ItetliondcN
The German delegates nro lodged
in a country mansion nt Kethondes.
six miles east of Complegnn, and
thirty miles from Marshal Koch's
t Heir to Fallen Greatness
Should the House of Hohonol
lern continue to rule Germany,
actually or nominally, this child
of 11 years Is likely to sit on the
throne. All reports that the kai
ser will nlidiculo carry with them
!!'?,., assertion tlmt his Krnmlson,
. William Trcderlck. the son of the
crown prince, will bo Ills cholco as
a successor.
At the slile ho Is Boon with, tho
present emperor.
FRANCE, Nov. It. (By Associated
Press. The French forces today
continued their push toward the Bel
gian frontier, with tho Germans per
sisting In their delaying taetien of
the last few days. Tho Germ ins usi'd
artillery and m:ichlno gun fire at
points where they needed more time
to break contact with the French.
At other places on tho front the
progress of the French was main
tained with undiminished spend.
Nothing but tho prompt signing of
the armistice will prevent the allies
from entirely clearing French terri
tory of enemy troops before the peace
negotiations beuin.
Fires are burning In the rear of
the German Hiich all along (he front.
This IndlcateH that whatever m;iy be
the outcome of tho armistice nego
tiations a further Important retire
ment of tho German forces may bu
(Continued on Page Four.)
R. E. Neal who make headquar
ters In Medford. returned from Port
land yesterday. He a;d (hat while
In the city he bad a bad cold and
thought ho would st; y there for a
fw days to see If i a the In-
NKW YORK. Nov. H.-Cnfilled or
der of the t'nited Shite Steel cor
poration on October III were,
ton-, aecordnii to the corpora
tion' moiilhlv tatetnent iitcd to
dav. Thi p an inerea-e of .Vi.ilhH
t on , compered uil b I be unlets on
S.U.ONIKI. Nov. !. Allied troops
have entered S.untevo, in llo-uin. iic
'orditii; to itti oitieiul -.t.-itcHicnl lott
ed todav bv I In- Fnncb Im';k1om;ii hi
!ieie. It w.- nt Siirnievo lh;-t Arch
I'uke Ferdiiiitini nf A'iMna a--eMiinted
in-' prior to the outbreak
of the lirent ;ir.
SKW YORK, Nov. n. - A leleun.iii
MaiiiL' that a mnorilv of U.Uitt) ote
in New Orb-art- ai'aint woman miI
trave di'eated the proposed mtllratie
aTneiidti.enl to the Louisiana eon-tttu-t
inn la-t Tneliiv, w reeen ed to
dav bv the National American Wo
WASHINGTON, Nov. O. Wrestini:
from the enemv of his Inst hold on
ihe hei'.dits east of the Meue is re
ported bv (bnerul I'ershinL' in his
Friday eveninir eomuniiiuc.
th(! Associated Press.) The Ameri
can troops fought their wav forward
lodav aloiit: virtually (heir entire line
despile the fact that Ihe weather was
nboul as bait as could be. '
"What is the u-e oT stuvinir out
tht'i-e to bo killed on (lie last dnvf"
was Ihe eointucrit of scores of prison
ers brought in etephiv bv the Amer
ican. Tl aplured (icriiiaiis were
a more di- niL-cd hd than it-nal.
MoI ol i licm declared that since
I heir joveriwiMht i- unit I me nnd
thev apiM-ar to be convinced that it
w - it a ab-cird for them to neglect
the opporlumlv to surrender.
The Aitiej . an, slartc'l in lodav
with the know led-.-e that with Her
man's action on the nrmi.-hcc coiidt
'bons iinmini'ii!. an carlv cc-alii'ti of
hostilities iv a - ipiiore.1 the po. itiilit ies.
This fact, however, onlv ;ipicaicd to
make tin- nu ll mm'- aiiMmi, to ad
vance while in- v.i- ilceiiiu,. what
response t
The Mad Tribune mil keep Hie
i Medford polne- m touch with 4
war pp'-jre--. .uttl peace (level- T
opmenl - o er t he Asocial ''d
Pre--- lea -cd w ire S inula v.
Should nil nnniMice In- k jutted.
(hi-re will be an evtra edition ot
4 the M"dl'MriT Sim to aiiuoniicc
Ihe hew-,
Prnce Max Issues Decree Announcina Abdication of Kaiser Deputy Ebert.
Vice President of Social-Democratic Party to Be Chancellor Under Re
gency General Assembly to Be Convoked Under Universal Suffraqe
Law. to Settle Future Form of Government of the German People
and Those Who Desire to Unite With Empire.
PARIS. X,,v. 0 (6:15 n. m.l
The uhclirution of Emperor Willinm
is officially announced from Herlin.
according lo u Jlnvns disimtcli from
The Ilnvas ncencv which transmits
the announcement of Emperor Wil
liam's abdication from llasel, is the
semi-offieinl French News nirencv.
Mux Issues Ilccrco
I.ON-noy. Nov. tl. (Mrili.-di Wire
less Service.) A (lerman wireless
message received in London this af
ternoon slates :
'"The (lerman imperial chancellor.
Prince Maximilian of Itadcn, issued
the I'fdlowititr decree:
''The kaiser and king has decided
to renounce the throne.
"The imperial chancellor will re
main in office until the situation
collected with the abdication of the
kaiser, Hie renouncing bv the (ierman
crown prince of the throne of the (ler
man empire and of Prussia and set
ting up of a regency have been set
tled. Socialist ns Cliiinicllor
"For the regency he intends to ap
point Deputv Kbert ns imperial chan
cellor and lie proposes that a bill shall
be biought in for the establishment of
a la.v providing for the immediate
promulgation of general suffrage and
for n constitutional (ierman national
assembly, which will setlle finally the
future form of government of the
(ierman nalinii ronrl of those peoples
which might be desirous of coining
within the empire.
"Merlin. November !). 1 !) I S.
"The Imperial Chancellor."
Deputy Ebert. who according to
the (ierman wireless message is to be
npointcd imperial chancellor, is
Frieilrieh Ebert. vice president of the
social democratic party, ami presi
dent of the .Main commilteu of the
ItriiliMVlck AlHlirntc
LONDON. Nov P. (ISi'itish Wirc
lesss Service. 1 A telegram received
WASHINGTON. Nov. 0. - Food Ad
ministrator Hoover will leave somi
tor Europe to direct prcpnrnlious for
feeding Ihe people of redeemed north
ern l-'raiice ami Itelgiutn, and aiding in
the task of preventing starvation in
Austria, Itiilgariu and Turkey.
Mr. Hoover, it is understood, will
not rcliimiiish his position us food ad
ministrator, although his attention
will be devilled almost entirely to
working out tho food problems of
Europe along linen followed by (he
llelginn relief commission of which he
is still chairman.
j The phm I'oulcmplales relief also
, for southern Europe, including Serbia.
IWiimana and Montenegro.
The (Iritt task will l to Increase
Hi" flow of food into fumicr occupied
.districts of franco and llelulum
which In tho pant have been Riven
only enoiinh to oustuin life thru the
relief comrulKMon.
An aanounceiuen'. by thn ntuto de
part men t of Mr. lloovor'n iuIkhIom
said tho war IndiMtrlcs board, the
war trade, board, tho treasury, tho
shipping board and the food ndmlnln
tratlon are eo-operatliiR fur prompt
ip! aaeemeat of the neeesary niea-
from Copenhagen from Hunswiek bv
way of Berlin, asserts that Emperor
William's son-in-law. tho duke oT
Brunswick, nnd his successor have
The reigning Duke of Brunswick,
w-hoso abdication is nnnounced in n
telegram from Hunswiek by wav of
Berlin, is Ernest Augustus, n son of
the Duke of (.'umbcrland. On May 24.
Ill 1 3, he married Princess Victoria
Louisa, tho only daughter of Envpor
or William. They have three sons,
the eldest. Earnest Augustus, whoso
right to the Ihrone also has been re
nounced, being horn March 18. 1914.
Ministers Leave Office
LONDON. Nov. ). (British Wire
less Service.) The resignation of the
(iernian ministers of Ihe interior, in
struction, agriculture and finance nre
reported in a telegram received from
Herlin. The Prusian food controller
again has rcoiiested lo bo relieved
I'rctn oflieo and the resignation of tho
Prussian minister of public works '
has been in the hands of tho cabinet
I'or some lime.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 0 In con
neeiion with tho reported abdi
cation of the kanser which
came by Ilritish wireless, the state
department n-ked that it be em
phasized thai there was no official
illformalioll ill Washington lloit tttn
kaiser hud abdicated. '
WASHINGTON. Nov. !). The time
limit for converting four per cent lib
erty bonds into four and one-fourth
per cent bonds expires at midnight to
night, and it is held officiniiv there,
can be no extension under tho law.
but the treasury announced todav
that such bonds mailed to federal re
icrve banks before midnight tonight
" ill be a 'Pled for conversion. En
velopes must bear today's postmark.
Iteports from thruout the country
today told of lonx lines of bondhold
ers Bcoklim to change their secur
ities. It was assumed that many of
thorn would not got to the -windows
even nt banks keeping open on Sat
urday night and officials advised
prompt resort to the mails.
The law limits the period for con
version In six months after May 8,
tho date of tho Third Liberty loan.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 0. Police
today arrested (i."iO persons accused
of not wearing intlucnza gauze masks
or not having thcui properly ndiusted.
Since Ihe raids began l.'.'OO have been
arrested. Eines aggregating $2,(100
have been turned over to tho He J
( 'ross,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. Chair
man Baraeh, W tho war industries
hoard, aatlioried the Ktatement to
night that the coming of peace will
not result in immediate cancellation
of war supply contracts, hut that
contracts will be cancelled gradually