PACE RTX M KDKOIM) 1fA I li TKIBUN'K, MEDI'DIMX OKMOY, AVKDXKSDA V, OOTOHKI? 30, 191S REFUGEES FROM BATTLE ZONES REACH HOLLAND 'Now Let's .Talk It'Over 9 Thousands of Travel Stained War Victims Toiiina Throuoh Mud and Rain In 150 Mite Tramp Seeking Asylum of Safety Weaker Ones Perish on Way Pathetic Scenes. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 29 WJifin the German retirement In Helium begun 11 was expected that 26U.0UO refu gees would seek Hufety In Holland. Up to Saturday night, however, only a small fraction of this immher had arrived. At that time about 7000 had pttHHcd thru the wire kuu?s marking the Dutch-ltetlun frontier. On Krlduy alone 4 9 9 G arrived. All but 13 were French people from the dlntricts of Valenciennes, . Douul, Cambrul and LeQueHnoy. The stream of refiiKocs bngtin to trickle In slowly. At flist several hundreds arrived each day, but the number now has Increased to thou sands. However, thero has been time to organize at frontier content food depots In charge of committees co-operating with the Dutch Ited Cross. Doctors and nurses hIho were scot to the border. , . Two Main Kilruiiis Bo fur thtire huv been two main til reams, some thirty in lies ajutrt. One point of entry Is where - the Dutch provinces nf Itrabant and Mm iKiurg meet, and the other is across the Meune river Into Maastricht, the capital of Llmhourg province. At tl:ee points the fugitives are regis tered by tho military aulhorllles and must undergo a physical examina tion. The spectacle of tho weary, travel stiilned war victims toiling thru the mud and rain was nf feci in;;, and tho sufferings of tho old and Inform men, women and children on tho l.'.O-nillc tramp wero In tonne. Most of the French civilians hud hen on, the rond a month; others six weeks or two months. All tho French spoke of the kindness of tho llclglan people wlin shared their fond with them. The futlgues of Hih journey were too much for some of the travelers, j Tho weaker ones died on the wny and a few others succumbed soon after reaching Holland. Many or the refu gees are suffering from grippe and bronchial affections. I'litlicllr liicidriifs Vany pathetic incidents occurred during the march. Among tho refu gees reaching tho Dutch border was a young mother with the body of her six-months-nld bribe chiHped to her breast. The babe had died four days previously but Hie mother refused to bury the body In coll held by the enemy. An old woman of Cnmbral traveled for three weeks In a chair tied on a cart. .Scarcely had she reached neutral soil when the cart overturned and tho woman was killed. To distribute the fugitives In Hol la ml the government hist week ord ered the burgomasters of Heventer, Asuen, Xut;'hen and Arnhem and other provincial towns further north to take care of as many of tho refu gees as they can possibly house and feed. To these renters the fugitives now nro being tuken on 14 special trains currying luoo persons. WASHINGTON, Oct. SO. Con tracts for construction of a number of troop ships at a cost of $t;o,ooo, 000 by the Itctlibhem t'nion Kblp yunlH at Alnmedn, Calif., have been cancelled by tho shipping board. Shipping board officials let It be known today that the action was taken three weeks ago. It Is Fnld to have been found that construction of additional uhlps designed particular ly to tiring troops home from Kurope niter the war wii unnecessary be cause plans have been perfected for converting laixe slei l frelbtu.-s into tin reports. The board also desires to have Ifs present program completed at the end of lit 111, and the yards at Ala meda would not have ibeen aide to turn out the transports within Hint time. It was stated today that the board is making no contracts at this lime hat cannot bn completed by the end of 1 H 1 !. This, however, docs not mean ending of ship construction then, for contracts will bo awarded during UM!) for construction to lie thru In 10;M, such future contracts lo lie based on eHttmated needs for cargo-carriers of till descriptions after the war. ASK ALLIED FLEETS AMSTKItDAM. (let. :i0. Accord ing to it Constant inoitle dituileh re ports nre current that Turkey utn'.er the (irih-c net:olijitioiis has invited the allied Heel to enter ihe DanlnnellcJ. Troop- are nut to be landed, it is said, with lite exception nf a small detach ment to supervise the dcniuhili.ntioii i of I he ( l Ionian ariuv. AMSTKIil A.M. net. :itl.-Tiie Con I staulitiupte newspaper It;dam, on jSundav printed it statement trot!) a "cn.i.pctent source" that Turkey had j o.I'liciaJ peace neotia I lions with the entente, adding that I delegates already bad left the Ttirk j ish capital. In other nnarters in Con ' slanliiiople. however it js declared the negotiations are unnf fieial. I I'AIHS. Oct. ;ttl. A dispnleh from Athens to the Matin savn the 'Vole jrcnininint: Turkish ataiv" has been J ciireii4 rate d at llulair. a town ai 'the n-.M-k of (he H.illipoli prtiiiiMilit. (The Tebatalia positions are beinu I prepared as lite sim'otuI line of ile leiise lor Coti-tantinoile. PUTS LID ON NEWS l OFFER T'AUIS. Oct. HO! The meagreness of news during this Important period In Furls Is due to the strictness of Ihe censorship. Tho foregoing relates to the pro ceedings of tho Inter-allied council at which the terms of the armistice to he submitted to Cerr.'iiny are be ing formulated. In addition to the strict censorship dispatches are being held up on ac count of the congestion of (he cables by the exchange of comtnunlcatlnns between Ihe Flitted Stales govern ment and Its representatives at the Inter-allied conference. YANKS FIGHT WITH ITALIANS. (Continued from pnKo one.) troop Willi supplies, rrOHrioil the pon toons over tho IMimv II Is expected the Austrian munition supply will give out. There are ltnl lent tons that tho cnoniy's heavy artillery la Iti n withdrawn In an effort to suvo the bin nuns. Tho American lied rros l prepar ing to assist the Italian populntloii In towns evacuated by tho Austrian. The majority of these people nre old men mid women and children. Kor ton lulled hack from the river the country has heen desolated. The Int ent reporta show the Austrian re treating steadily to snve llinmaolvej In the Plave district, where l.'xi tuns nnd a thousand additional prisoner!) were captured today. Monte tiiappa linn heen altacked violently by the enemy, however, hut tho action re united In his repulse. Mora than in.noii prisoner have been captured since the attack hcKnn j ARMISTICE TO U. S. AMSTKNIUM, Oet. :tii. -Uus-inn I'ot -eiun Minister Tilnh-licriii ad dri"scd a note o lreide,( Wil-nn on t b'tidier L' I, aei-ot dni to Pet ro und nevpapirs, ani:: "As a condition of the annUli.,' durni',' which peace tieot ait 'on- -ball he besan, von in vniir note lo tier inanv di tnain'ed Ihe e aeaatioii of oi'eupird tcrntorv. We a re read , Mr. President, to ennehide an arm-i-tiee on llus eonilhion and reoiieM vou to mtoini when .m intend to uilhdtaw our lrops front the Mnr nian, Aft'bati'jel Siberian tronl.," WASlllXtJTON. Oct. :iO. Tmki-h troops, have beijun the evacuation of Tahriz, Pir-ia. necordim; to atlviees reai-biii'. Ihe state department todav. The Turks me mi-naeed by the llrit-i-li force-, in Mesopotamia in their advjinee t.o;t!iward. TtLLS OF DEMOCRACY. (Continued on Page Six.) LONDON. Oct. ,T0. "Does the preniier intend lo tnlio.'nleps I o .Mi cure Hint (lie peace agreement shall in general principles accord wd!i the wislies of the itiajoritv of (lie ,ium (."!; f tl.i. house of commons? was Ihe (p'estioii sulituitled in iae Imps' of commons yesterday liv Sit Hieiiar 1 t'ooper, I'nioiiist froni Walsall. An drew Ionnr Law, uoverumei.t spokes man, replied that the i.". eminent must he the interpreter nt ;!:e views of the house and the nat.oii. Sir liiclinid then asked if tho c-ian trv would he committed lo u secret peace agreement. In answer. Mr, Honar Law sail: "! do not n'tite know bvhnt the liouoralile num.ier means. I do not suppose w si i;:ss (hat peace terms should be put tin to the country ns u rel'-'ini and I know of no other wav in which the country can he represented ex ci pt by the t'overnment." SUNK IN FOG OFF !' SKATTLK, Oct. 30. Tn n nVnfco fotf'eiirlv tudav the trims-I'ucific liner Mexico Marti rammed and sank the fisheries hark A. J. Fuller in Kl liolt Ha V of Seattle's waterfront. No lives were lost. Not a sign of tha Fuller remained after she went to the bottom. Even the tops of her tall masts were cov ered 'by the deep waters. The Fuller was cut almost in two by the sharp prow of tho Mexico Maru, Only two men, the second mate and the watchman were uboard the Fuller when she was struck. They jumped overboard and were rescued by small boats sent out from the Mexico .Maru. The Fuller, It -was said, had a $."'00,000 cargo of canned salmouj aboard her. She arrived here only a, few days ago from a cannery at I l-gyak, a point on Kodlak Island. j wh Ich 1 les la south western A laska waters. She was anchored In the harbor here waiting for orders. The Mexico Maru, a Japanese liner! of the Osaka Shoshen Kaisa line was! shifting from one pier to another in the dark; fog when$ho rammed the! Fuller. . .1 : j For years the Fuller has been sail-! Ing lu the fisheries trade between: here and Alaska. She was one of the best known of the many tall- masted sailing vessels plying to the northern canneries in the spring und returning with the pack In the fall. The Fuller belong to tha North western Fisheries company. She was a wooden vessel. IS49 tons, 95 feet long, built In 1SS1 at Bath, Maine. Port Townsend, Wash., was her home port. Vancouver Government unable to secure sufficient nurses due to labor shortage. NORWEGIAN VICTIMS OF U-BOAT LANDED NEW YOHK. Oct. 30. Ten Nor Heuiiin sailors were Iniuled here to iluv bv a I'nited Stiite.s nnvnl vessel, survivors of a steimisliiu toriiedoeil (wo weeks hl'o. The men were res eued from life boats in which thev hud been udrit't. and are stiff. Huf. I ferinsr from the effects of Ion:: ex t nosnre. That good i. Gravely taste t : Real Gravely is the common-sense chew for men. It is economical. A man gets his tobacco sat isfaction out of a smaller chew and fewer of them. The good Gravely taste lasts a long while. Two or three smallsquaresof Real Gravely stays with you longer than a big hunk of ordinary plug. Each piece is packed in a pouch. These are the plain facts about Gravely Plug Tobacco. fo further that's why yom tan t't tht good tastt of thii ciaxt bf tobacco without extra cost. 1 PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug lO a poucn-a7cf worthit Prlnevllle $ IS, 000 road above Oeocho dfim completed. SUED FOR $250,000 E i cirlv tndav the mde reunited t b coii.iir: l i'iim t 't tint I Andr.-i-v. tlie Aii-triaii ttireiun mini-Ier. n-kin linn tit inti'i'vitie with I lie ure'.'dent to luiti'ii ;ui :ir. nisi ice end pi'i'.rr dis-fiivMiih-. It i4 nsstimrd that tbi ti 11 -u--u.'l ii4 M'lltire was itdni'ti'd tn im rv mint) the ni'op'.e nt lnuiir the d"-ire ot the n ermnent to bnirj about iminetliate ueaee. Aitollirr eum inuriieaUnti to the president himeil' n- iit in order, no replv having been reeriwd from the hi-t. j It wit Mated later that the new j I'tuniiMinii iittnii ucole 110 change in (he . -itiialnn. The next -tep is epeete.l j h lie an jinnituiieenieiit t iom one nr j the eapilals of the eo-hcHieivtiN ' itnu-ih-e teniK. NKW YORK, Oct. 3d The Urall lan steuppdtip tiuiiraluba, wliirh ".mis recent ly reported as having been sunk hv a (ierman submarine, now is said to have e,-eaed nnd in due to arrive at iin Amertenn Atlantic port. j Informal ion to Hit! effect w as IIKI.I NA, Mont . Oct. I-Vdertil .Indi-e (leor-'e lbnitinn nndered a d.'. ioh lodav lh!iiT!,j thttl V'lilllk .1. Ilames of St. Pan!, 1- entitled I oiov one dollar e'liirai.'i'-- n the J.'tP.ltiHI -inl he Itioii-lit ipjaiu-t the V lie Permanent Caiupin- ron paiiv, II, V. Child- and Hther- m ubib n;i-:ip- PVoporllon ot ,iet 111 the eaiupillL' euipanv wm i-h.trid ami an ne eotilitmM was de!P;!idi-d. The i-oiirt linind in.'wiioi b k the -oMipanv hud lo-t it- la-ene in the Ye'lovvsiope pari, iu ir.its were 'e-M tlinn its Itubdttie-. and Ihereloie lluiiu" 1- entitled oiilv to dumiiues. j eetved here today In marine circle:!. :v iN.utvoN in. ARROW COLLARS Dividends of better health and comfort are being enjoyed by thousands who have "invested" in u INSTANT POSTUM as their regular table beverage in place of coffee Convenient Economical Delicious NOW RAISES 600 CHICKENS After Being Relieved of Cr ' game Trouble by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Orepron, III. " I took LyrVn E. T'.nk ham's Vegetable CompounO f tr an or ganic trouble wbRr. pulled me down un til I coulu not put my foot to the floor una couldjscarr.ely do n.v work, and as 1 lhv. on a small farm arid rn-ise six hundred chickens every year it made it very hard for me. "I saw the Com pound advertised in our paper, and tried it. It has restored my health so I can do all my work and I am so grateful that I am recommend ing it to my friends." Mrs. D. M. Altfbs, R. R. 4, Oregon, III. Only women who have suffered the tor tures of such troubles and have dragged along from day to day can realize the relief which this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters. Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters condition should profit by her recom mendation, and if there nre anv com plications write Lydia K. Pinkham'B Medicine Co. , Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of their 10 years experience is at your service. CASH AND CARRY Is a successful system, wherever tried. Because it is fair to buver and seller. Some prices this week at The Truax Store: ' Honey in pails '. ; '. $1.50 Shortening-, per pail ,. $1.25 10 lb. Kar'o 95 " lb. Karo , 50 Pink Beans, per lb 9 Seeded Raisins, pkg '. 12 Toffee, 3 lb. can Folger's 85 Fancy Patent Flour, 49 lb.sack $2.80 Fair Dealing and Courteous Treatment. THE TRUAX CO. 327 East Main, Medford OLEOMARGARINE For Sale at FISH MARKET ioiiTi.An.t i i.i" iti:(io A homelike place, and con venient to ihe business section Kales from ft.nO up,' Vnder MunaKetneut of Klchard W. Childs Clipped Any Coupons Yet? YOU'LL never know just what a joy and satisfaction those Lib erty Bonds nre until it eolncs time to clip off the coupons and have the bank cash them for you. It's just like finding money you'd misplaced. You'd also like to have a Savings Ac count when inter est payin' time comes around twice a year. FIRST BANK V IWV rnr.UrOKD. ORE. V V I WHEN YOU WRITE Buythe Right Stationery at the Right Prices RIGHTO! Your words express your message, your paper re flects your good taste. Select your stationery from our large as sortment of styles and finishes in white and tints for, ladles and gentlemen WEST SIDE PHARMACY aSU tteieaSJL Sham KALPII WOODFORD, Trap, fa The Fighting Quality ur Soldiers wi ' I The flKhling quality of our sol- V I illers is excellent 111 Imth defense anil Jlj attack as proven in the battles In 11 I j Milled tliry have iK'cn eiiRnKeil. IE jl I il Help pccl up vlctor3' for Uie great II I cause of freedom throughout tho IlI, ,v",'l,, 1 91 II Yt V Hiocking Accounts aro solicited. II yw LssSs. KorelRn and Jf ' 11 3"j5S?'v. lomestlc Drofta h to i ess -- ESTABLI S FORD REPAIRING I have nsaln opened the Repair Department of my shop for the win ter and will do Ford Work Only at Ford Service Station Prices. Vulcanizing and dates Half-Sole Tires in charge of experts. Have your repair work done by specialists. F. R. Roberts 132 S. Riverside