vaotc four MEDFORD MAIL TlNnUN'E, MEDFORD, OREflOX, SATURDAY, OCTOpKR 2B, 1918 f OCAL AND PERSONAL K !i viiiDinl Ithu-libtirii, who Wits In jun.'. I mj.'iio tlm nr;o while unloading In.-: ;it. lti( (luiion mill, and who is iiuw at tho Sucrod Nwirt Hospital Is V'-purU'l lu ho slowly tfmthiK bettor. I.iiiK'Tlfji maitft to ordor. llem i 'litfhint? mill pcfoting a specialty at tlio ll;iiili:raft Shop. Junt fur-l tliat the time will he liatiKf"! at: a in tuniKht. All clocks should ho not back ono hour aL 2 a. in. Sunday, Or-tohor 27. Oi'i'OB, tho ladies' tailor, will he at Hntid Holland every Thursday after noon hU;li class onI. Fit and work in a nship narnntcod. 200 Tho .lacliKon County Abstract com pany pv.'tMitly closed their Ashland brnncli oiticu and moved the records :uid oti'ioo furniture to this city. We cut windshields for all cars. C, :. (Jales Auto Co. 208 The (Diu-relo work on tho new V.hl.nul Mil on t liu i'aclfle Highway ;,;is coin plot or) am) the new road v.'UI be opi-iied for travel about the itiifldln oT November. This piece of road has hnitf been a sourco of trou ble and annoyance to the traveling piiblir ;ind the new road, cutting out ns It does, the sleep grade of tho old Kiiic hill and I ho bad grade crossing rear the Hillings place, will bo much r.ppn ciat'-d. Hemstitching In any width or Bize fltlleh, at the Handicraft Shop. Ainerlean cattle will havo to got along without barbe-: wire. The for est service has been Informed by the w:ir Industries board that all avail able hurhi'd wire Is to go overseas, tnd that accordingly the mantifactur- ih will not supply any more for range improvements. I'or the best Insurance see Holmes, "the Insurance Man. .1. ,.V. HockcrHmlth came In from hi:; Iliagln ranch to spend tho week n:id with Modfonl relatives. 20 per cent discount on woman's button shoes. Schmidt's "Good Shoes," 21 Norlh Central nveniie. W. II. Smith leavos Sunday for Hlssoa, Cab, where ho has secured Die hotel roofing contract. Wo can save you $2(10 on a new car. Ask about It. C. K. Gatos Auto company. 184 X. S. Meanett, who has charge of the fted Cross nut shell campaign, has returned from a visit to Grants Viv.iH, Kogno Itivi-r and Gold Hill, where he placed barrels for the nut sheila. Ho brought back for ship ment three barrel.- of nut shells gath ered by tho school children of Grants Pass. He n'lpicslH Hie public to re frain from throwing peanut she Its Into tho barrels as they are worthless for war purposes and must bo ro moved, entailing a great amount of ev! ra work. ' Ono and thrco-color Htock pear labels for Male. .Mod fold Printing Co. ' tf The llogae Itlver Krult & Troduco a:,tejfation iold a carload of Anjou pears in New York on Friday thru iK'iiuls, Kimball & Pope Inc., whole boKes averaging $4.7:!, halves $2.5 Successful druglcss treatment of non-inrectlous diseases. Dr. Halstead, 227 Soiyh Central. 20ft Private Van A. Cornish, husband of Mrs. Lorraine Milton Cornish, who was reported missing in action lu France, has been located wounded In a French hospital by tho lted Cross, according lo a telegram sent from the war department. We ran save you $200 on a now car. Ask about it. C. 10. Gates Auto company. 1S4 ii account of the Influcnzn scare thfi-e will be no -church services in Central Point on Sunday. one and three-color stock pear labels for sale. Mod ford Printing Co tf There was a very plentiful and v;irled supply of vegetables and tve'.ts offered at the public market tin's morning. Many people take nd . intake If ibis opportunity to obtain ;i Mipplv of such things as can not be obtiiiiH-.l at the stores. Hr. Heine, Garnet t-Corey Hldg. AM the can of la grippe or Influ enza or whatever it Is that Is troub int; ;i in. my people at this time are report d to bu doing as well as could b CAi.,,,lvd. Hal!y! Tiv!. l'linna Xo.! service from tho north has 1 een b.ullv demonilied for several o vs. iIh tht train to arrive for sev i!a- nmiig in Ibis inorntng. The l'ltrnlinre hospital fixes It. G' Mei:il upbuNierlng, mattress rcno- :it in:. ' !'n 1 s, !owhm machines. ! ;i;.b i ah, umbrellas repaired. woik -riaruntprd. Feathers ' :! ' '1 aM. . l. iitied Feather nuit 1 ':' n .i.le from your old tick. : " 1 Smith liierslde, Phone H:i 1 1 )i re I .i imirr in tii. n Pii 1 tilled St. II l " ai i ivll servi, e board hm d ie : i a i i loir- t liat bereaf lor I uonicii whose hasitauds are or naul service of tho "ill be ehuitde for the e -.annual inn and ajipo'Mtment lo po- hitiitii.M as poi il ile-ks oxceptitirt Iho'.n pnliions which are specifically itesi.;!iaied as For men onh . Hereto loi e married wo no n w ere not elig ible for appointment an postal cletk- or any oilier position In the postof. fice dep;irtment. Thee appoint nientw will bo tor the duration of the war only. Splt'enberg nnd Newtown cull np- plis for rale at the Co-operative Fruit Ass n. Countv Agricultural Agent Cate fltatof tfat no'iio of tlie threshermon have failed to report tho number of luisliolii of craln IhriHdicd this year Those reports Mioutd he made at once so as to be entered In the October re pert to the go eminent. 'Win. ilriiln of Talent was a Med-i ford visitor Saturday. Pears sold 1;; ;,a .ew York mar ket yesterday at the following prices: Oregou Hose it. h, Anjous $4.u9. Cornice $:t.09, Winter Nells, 5 and G tier, $2.1.7. ' - V. F. Hanilson of Portland, Is reg Ktercd at the Commercial club. Mr. Ilardison Is In the creamery business and Is in this section looking up creamery matters. Bernard Knapp, who was operated upon recently for adnoids and other throat troubles, is reported to be re covering very nicely. He was very siclc for several days. .Mrs. Ralph Plckel who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Schuler on West Tenth street for several weeks, returned to Klamath Falls today. 1 Jame Stewart, the bee man reports that the Jioney season is about over. 1 lo has about six hundred swarms and will have about twelve thousand pounds of honey, hut says that the yield has heen very light which Ije attributes to the dry season. An average year he should have from thirty to forty thousand pounds. In some sections of the valley the bees did well, particularly In the alfalfa district, lie has orders from private families from different parts of the state and Washington, but will not ho ablo to fill all the orders. If you appreciate artistic quality, fine finish and convenience of ar rangement In your home, tho best buy In Med ford today is the home for sale by the owner at CIS Dakota avenue. IS The local branch of the officers training school and Company F of the second regiment of Oregon State Guard met last evening and drilled in battalion formation under Major Crowson, Sergeant Lindley acting as adjutant. It was regular drill night for both companies and the work shows that It Is beneficial for all. C. H. Heimroth returned to the valley Friday from San Francisco, where he has heen located for the Inst four months. He is accompanied by his sister. Heavy sleet storms In tho middle west destroyed telegraphic service Saturday with the east, except thru British Columbia and Canada. An abbreviated service was received over this route by the Mail Tribune. Mrs. C. M. Kngllsh, after an illness of four weeks, Is ablo to he around again. Help wanted in taking care of rooms at Mberty bldg, about five hours daily. Inquire building. 1N." The condition of It. A. Koppas, city editor of the Mail Tribune, who suffered a slight stroke Friday, is much improved and a speedy recov ery Is looked for. H. A. Van Hoevenburg has re turned from a trip to Portland whore ho sold a car of hogs that topped the market. I). M. bowo, of Ashland, candidate for representative, was electioneer ing In Medford Saturday. Frank II. Madden, who has spent tho week here renewing ncqualn tances, left Saturday for Seattle. Ho expects to return later with Mrs. Madden to spend the winter on their ranch. 1). W. Beobe of Agate, was a Med ford visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bowman are hero from Klamath Falls visiting relatives while tho schools are closed there. Mr. Bowman Is superinten dent of tho Klamath Falls schools. Mayor C. H. Kainkin, T. H. Simp Hon, F. J. Shlnn nnd G. F. Hillings of Ashland, wero Medford visitors Sat urday. DEAD AI CAPITOL WASHINGTON, Oct. 2(i. JClla younK, chairman of the national women's Liberty Loan committee, died today of pneumonia following un attack of Influenza. Mrs. Klla KlaBK Yoiiiik was one of the boHt known woman educators In tho United States. She was a leader of progressive educational Ideas t( which she devoted more than fftty years of her life. She was chosen superintendent of Chicago's public schools ln-KM9. She Inaugurated many Important reforms, among these belnB tho teaching; of sex hygiene, the enlarge ment of the kindergarten course, an increaso In the scope of the vocation al training department 'and simplifi cation of the curiculum of the pri mary grades. x Sho was aggressive and possessed great executive ability. She Insisted upon the complete divorce of politics from tho public schools and fought many successful battles In support of this principle. In 1913 a faction of the Chicago school board planned to oust her from her position as superintendent Sho anticipated the move by sudden' ly resigning.' .Mayor Harrison was appealed to by the public to have her withdraw her resignation and return to her official duties altho she was nearly 7 years old at the lime. Mrs. Young declined to return' un less her enemies on 'the school hird retired. !ayo-Hariison was oblrged to accept the resignation of five trus tees berore .Mrs. Young, would again assume her official duties. She tri umphed in every clash'she had with the politicians in the school board af fairs. Mrs. Young was born In Buffalo, X. Y., .Ian. 13, 1S45 and was brought to Chicago by her parents when a young girl. She graduated from the Chicago public schools nnd was ap pointed teacher in the prlmary grade, in 18f2, when she was . 17 years old. Sho was married lo a Chicago mer chant In 1 S C, s but her husband died a year later and she returned to teaih, Ing. if" ,. ;." HUNN LOSSES 50.000. (Continued from page ono.) Oouraud on the cast depends on the Hermann line holding. The 'Hermann defenses are already penetrated in several places and with the entry today of (Jeneral Mangin's 10th and General (lulllaumn's 5th army Into active operations In the region of Chateau -Porclen, thus ex tending the Imtlefront by 40 miles, the llundlng line has been fought clean thru, tho Germans losing :oni prisoners. German rcslstunie oppo site General Debeny's army has np prciahly weakened. Operations in Itelulttin LONDON. Oct. 2il. Operations In llelglum rontlnue to develop favor ably, acrordlng to an ol'fllial state heut Issued at the war offlre today, which savs the French have eni-rled Xhlte. in spite of desperate resistance while the Mritlsh have occhpled the village or Ittnvhclm anil captured Ootechein anil are advancing trward the Scheldt river. ' The battle- continued until the end of the day between Sissonne and Chateau I'on len. The French, break ing up the resistance of the Germans lanii'il the Htrmii; positions organis ed lu I'.'IT and which tho Germans had continued to reinforce between l anoune. Iteronvrani e and the llerpv mill, on ?i trout nt seven kilometers, attaining a depth of three kilometers at certain polnn. The French push ed forward their line as far as the road from Kocouvrance t, Coudo-lc-llerp.v. More to the right the French captured the llerpv mill and several centers of resistance. We took a number of prisoners and a consider able iiuantlly of ma' "There was no change In the situa tion on Ihe rest of the front ." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOli It K.T On November 1st. com I leti'lv furnlxhcil threo-rci,i:n apart ment, electric heat. The lleiben I'houe ;!''0. I'D II SAI.K llluest.tu ami ash In Bi on llvtiil seed wheal. II. V ltinghnm. Phone ,"i:i7 .1. L LONDON', Oc t. LMi. Arthur Hen derson, leader of the Labor imrlv in the hnu-ic of coinmniw said today 1 li :i t his lirM imircsinn of President Wilson's note to Germany was that it would assist very materially in clnri fyinir tlie situation. "It is of the highest importance that the German people should lie en couraged to look, not for a tempor ary cessation of hostilities, lint for a permanent discrediting and de struction of the military and arbi trary system that has involved thein and nearly the whole world in unpre cedented sufterinir and 1oh of life,'' he said. "If the German people are honestly seekin' peace, thev should do all in their power to provide such effective safeguards and ennstttilion- al uuarantees for the future world nonce that no seetion of their popu lation would he in a position, if so deposed, to influence a resumption of military effort. As President Wilson has clearly shown, the het safeguard acainst a future war is the reduction at leatlo virtual impotencv of all the forces uimn which rests the di ved ro-poiiMliilitv for the horrors of the present Mrm-ule." PEASE POINTS DEBATED, (Continued from pago ono.) j STRANGE U.S.SHIP ' AT FRENCH PORT 5 NEVER GOES TO SEA AMHKICA.y NAVAL BASE, IN FKANCK, ' Oct. 26. The "ITnited States Ship Caroln," a craft that never went to sea and never will, a "vessel" with stono walls, under ground dungeons, twenty miles of tunnel and a vast hulk of masonry anchored to mother earth, Is one of the sight at this port. It Is a massive castle standing at the water's edge that bears this strange name. It is an ancient cha teau, built 600 years ago. in the Xlllth century, and one of the mar vels of Gothic architectural construc tion. It la used now as the United States naval barracks, and being put to naval uses, It was given, a naval christening as the U. S. S. Carola. It Is no nick-name, hut Is the accepted title known to all, officers and men. lieing christened as a United States ship even the battlements have be come docks. When down In the old dungeon, a sailor guided me upward by saying: "This way, sir, to the main deck!" ' Artd wre climbed up the "hatch way" of crumbling stones lo the main ''deck," of Gothic masonry twelve feet thlok. The way this castle came to oe named as a United States warship was this: The United States Carola Is 'in reality a small steam yacht, used during the Spanish wars. It was rather out of date and tied up to the castle wall. Here it became very 'useful in making out requisitions for supplies needed in the caatle. To make a requisition for a castle would seem quite Irregular. And so every thing was requisitioned for the Unit ed States Carola, and in that way the castle got its equipment without dlS' turbing any formalities. T POSTPONED BY FLU In the circuit court Saturday. Mark FoBter entered a plea of not guilty to the Indictment returned by the grand jury charging him with rape. Trial of this and other crim inal cases was postponed on account of tho Influenza epidemic. Hoy .'Sales, indicted thrice for adiiltryynntrlbuting to the delin quency 'of a minor, and tor larceny of a dwelling, was,arraigned on all threecounts and pleaded not guilty. Ueorgo It. Cowen, Indicted for tho larceny of a dwelling, pleaded guilty and was given 30 days in the county Jail. .The sentence was lightened be cause of his dependent family. 'Harry S. Lynch, nccused of using water denied him by the water mas ter, was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. LONDON, Oct. 26. British forces pressed forward between Valen ciennes and Tournal, capturing Odo moz and Mauldo north of Valen ciennes. They also captured .Mount Carmel Hill and Knglcfontaine on the south. inoii fur the sul'etv and pro-ncrilv of huiiuiuitv. II. .Id Wilson v.m The --oriiili-t YorwnerN of llcrlin iiv il tioes not untlett:inil whether r.miitjetc internal relornis in the ..irt of l.ertminv would make the terms ,.f surrender easier. In cont innes : "In anv event Mr. Wilson errs if he believes ihat the lorniei: holder of n.iuer in (lerinniiv can over regain their iinner. I lencel'orth there will be no power in lieriuanv but that oi the lii-rninn people. Our opponents who i!etiinti,l the ilisurmini: ol Ihe (iernuin people nnis realize llnit u urent net'on cannot pcrmnncnilv lie retl'lercil defeilM'Icss. It will lie ilent - onstrnlcl at the pence eontcivtps' whether tin- war 1ms been merelv ail. i lie,! ,' ii...,ll, ,.,1. " - Coughed So Ho Couldn't Sleep Jlronchlal coughs, tickling In throat and asthmatic spasms break one's rest and weaken one so that t'ae sys tem Is run-down and serious sickness may result. Knos Halbert, Paoll. Ind., writes: "I had a severe cold this fall and coughed continually at night; could hardly sleep. The first bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar re lieved me, entirely curing my cough." It covers Irritated membranes with a healing and sothlng coating, loosens phlegm nnd clears air passages. For sale by Medford Pharmacy. DR. RICKERT fa r V.XVS SC1KXTIKIC.W.I.V TKSTKI), AX1) (il.ASSia PROPERLY FITTED Suite l-U over May Co. NO 011018 ISLU ATTENTION ! Tractors, truck and automobile owners. Don't throw away broken parts. We can weld them for you. Wo havo In our employ one of the best acetylene weltllns men on the coast. We straighten or weld auto mobile mimes without removing the body, thereby -avlnjc extra costs. All klntls of farm machinery, bro ken stoves, Hewins machines and pitchforks wcMimI. We also make ail new part; nn be turned out on a lathe. - Crater Lake Motor Co QvcrJ In the front line trenches where American boys are facing th enemy a work is being maintained by brave, self-sacrificing men and women that holds the morale of the fighting men to the highest point. Secretaries or the Y. 11. C. A., K. of C, Jewish Welfare board and Salva tion Army are serving under shell fire arid gas attack to give these men some small metuuire of comfort. These secretaries are tangible evi dence that the people back home are behind the fighting men for it is the contributions of. the home people that makes possible this splendid ser vice. To maintain and extend this service, tho seven welfare organiza tions serving the soldier and sailor, the V. M. C. A., Y. W. O. A., K. of C, Salvation Army, War Camp Commu nity sorvlce, American Library asso ciation and Jewish Welfare board, have united in a drive for 170,500, 000. The campaign will take place No vember 11 to 18 and an appeal has gone out to the people to support this movement to Ihe utmost. The united drive is made at the request of the president of the United States who has sanctioned it and who commends the undertaking in the highest terms. It has the ardent support of General Pershing nnd thousands upon thou sands of letters from soldiers over seas have testified to the help and Inspiration which the work of these organizations has meant to them. TURKEY FILES! PEACE OFFER WIH1MJUES LONDON, Oct. 20. The Turkish minister to Switzerland has handed the Hrltifh and French ministers to that country an offer of peace vir tually amounting to surrender, ac cording to a dispatch to the Dally Mall. WASHINGTON'. Oct. 'Jli. Novem ber hoc prices' have been imreerl upon here nt conferences between food ad ministrators anil renresenlatives- of producers, commission men and packers-. Market eenlers were notified todnv, hill anuounceinenl of the prices here was withheld. THE MEN IN CLASS Al A sound healthy man Is never a back number. A mnn can lie as vig orous and able at seventy as at twen ty. Condition, not years, puts you In the discard. A system weakened iby overwork and careloss living brings old age prematurely. The bodily functions are Impiared and unpleasant symptoms appera. The weak spot Is generally the kidneys. Keep them clean and in proper work ing condition and you will generally find yourself In Class Al. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and your system will al ways be In working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your mus cles supple, your mind active, and your body capable of hard work. Don't wait until you have been re jected. Commence to be a first-class man now. Go to your druggist at once. Get a trial box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are made of the pun., original, Im ported Haarlem Oil the kind your great-grandfather used. Two . cap sules each day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Money refunded if they do not help you. Remember to ask for the Imported GOLD MKD AL Drand. In . three sizes, sealed packages. Adv. APPROVE INCREASED EXPRESS RATES WASHINGTON'. Oc t. 2fi. The in terstate commerce commission ap proved todnv tlie proposed increase in express rates. It sueests chniiL'e of contract with Hie raili-nm' administration to eive the 0Mre-, companies more of Ihe trnnsnorlal: " chnriies. Copyright rcgiaiered. 1918 Batteries Should Never Freeze If your battery freezes it's your own fault. i i . There's proof right in the-ice - that you haven't taken care of it that you haven't kept it charged, j A properly charged Willard Battery can't freeze, even in the coldest weather. Come in and we'll tell you ' why batteries do sometimes freeze, and how you can tell when yours is cold-weather proof. j While you're here ask for a copy of our booklet "A Mark with a Meaning for You." It tells just what the Willard Mark stands for. Electric Shop If You Would Miss It Spray your nose and throat with Ze Pyrol or some other good anti septic. We now have the U-K Solution. For a good tonio use Vlnol, SanTox, IJeef Iron and Wine, or Tan Lac. Heath's DrugStore lione 884. - The San Tox Store- , One of Our Yl Ji Substantial Citizens II I "A man with credit at the bank is i 1 jjJj usually referred to as "one of our I j I I substantial citizens.'.' A good bal- lV ance at the Jackson County Bank is II I V a reliable builder of credit assuring , j 31 Ij Aw AXgood financial standing, i I JJ ( Accounts subject ' t Pt0 clieek are vited' ESTABLIS H ED. 1086. Ford Repairing I have again opened the Repair Department of my Bhop for the win ter and will do Ford Work Only at Ford Service ' Station Prices. . Vulcanizing and fiates Ihlf-SoIe Tires in ctaarse of experts. Have your repair work done by specialists. F. R. Roberts 1 32 S. Riverside , ; , . , WEEKS & McGOWAN CO UXDKRTAKER Day llione: I'aclflc IKJT. Mtllit I'lionea: K. W. Weeks, Ladjp AxUtuU Hot Dishes Prepared At the Table With an Electric Grill on your talile, you Wouldn't need to go near the kitchen to prepare the daintiest and most appetizing dishes. "Wouldn't it 1 10 oniivenii'iit and easy to sit down and si-ranililo your o.y.trs for liroakfast just as you want tlioni, anil tojiavo tho liacon orip. sputtering and hot; An Klootrie drill will fry orsis. Iiroil stoaks and olmps, make uriddlo rakes, od-. It can lie attached to anv lain) socket or pin;;. Use an Electric drill and help save coal. California-Oregon Power Company Phone 168 MEDFORD, OREGON Medford, Oregon t j