PAGE TWO MEDFORD .MATTi TRTRUXK MF.PFOUD, OREO OK. SATI'TCDAV. OCTOBER 2fi. IfllS IlEDFORD MAIL Ihibune AN INDRPENHKNT NKWSPAPER PUBLISHED KV 10 KY At'TKltNuON EXt' KPT FUNKAY HV TUB WEUFOHU PKINTING CO. orf!c. Mall Tribune BulMlnff, 26-37-19 North Kir street. Phone 76 A conflAlldMlon of the Democratic Time. The Me1ford Mall, The Medford Tribune, The Southern Uregonluu. The Aihlnnd Tribune, The Mfdford Hunday Sun la furnlahed ubscritxTH desiring ft vD-4y dally new paper. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor. TB SCRIPT I OH TE1MI! BY MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Rundny Sun, year.....$ 00 Dally, wllh Humluy Sun. month .65 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6-0u Daily, without Sunday Hun, month .SO Weekly Mall Tribune, one year... 1.50 Sundav Sun. one 150 BY CAKRIER In MedfnnI, Anhland. Jaekaonviile. Central Point, 1'hoenlx: Dally, with Pundny Sun, year....... 7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun. month 65 pally, without Sunday Sun, yeur.. 6.00 Pally, without Sunday Sun, month .50 Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Entered aa second-class matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1S79. Sworn dnlly average circulation for six months ending Sept, 30 3.932 MEMBER OV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Full Leased Wire Service. The Asso ciated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news published herein. All ritfhtB of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Notice to Subscribers The United Btaten War Industries liuurd has Issued tho following mnndutory or;'.er, among others regulating the newspaper busi ness during the period of the war: "Dis continue sending pa per a after date of expiration of mibfcrlptlon, unless sub scription Is renewed und paid for." The publisher has no option but to comply. COl'KXIIAOKX. Ot. 'Jfi.-Willi few cxeei'tionH I lit' (Jt'niinn press ciin denins President Wilson's Inlest note, fcuviim it is mi nlterntinn of his lorui er stiimlioin n ml betrays lark of comprehension of reeent events in (iermaiiv ti well as niUeuiislruetion of whnt luwl bitppenetl there. , It is ulso said that the note represents a eoneession to the demands of the al lied nations. Theodore Wolff, writing in the Tam'ltlatt, of Kerlin. expressed ureal disnppointtnent. lie savs it alwavr lias been a principle of international affairs not to interfere with the in ternal problems of other nations. President WiNon reeoi;nized this, he continues, in bis Mexican sneerh in 3!) Iti. Jmt now llerr Wolff de larei. this has been fortrotteu. lie added: "The peace which the president proposes is to be a peace la'acini; Her man v at tii tnercv of its opponents. Tresident Wilson's policy is one of brutal force. It is possible, he hopes to sow di-ciit atnoiii: the (ieriaan people. We mu-t he prepared for whatever eoiues." KULTUR MUST GO. AMSTKltlUM. (M. 'J(i. AllhoiiL'h the German newspapers are not satis fied with President Wilson's latent note, nianv of them sav that it means troi:re-s toward- peace. Tliis tcclitii; Was retlceted in operations vesterdav on the Iterlin Stock Kxchanne in an iidain e of prices. I lU'.XVKli. Oct. L'C. -llcnvv -left plnrm- lidiwct. pttiitha iuui Nurlh 'liiflc. Ncli.. anil lii'tween Kau-n-I'itv aii.l (l.irilci titv. K;t-.. toilav -c-rifu-lv hairpt ri-tl telephoni' ami tc!c Krnpli rnii'.iirinit .ii.i.u t roin Ltcmcr VH!1! Cil-t. At tin- u! !!- tt the- American Telephone an.l Tciejr.wh cimpan Ill'lV it ;.i,l hetAeeil toilT IIIhI live mill tt i. i!t - w ,-. i ilnu n m Ne-lra-ku. The nii'.l trre tm;ih!e in Kaha- ,' !ilf ,1 atxiiit '0 ll'ile- eaM nt' hmUe tn. Oi:! ntie till 'iilml.c Win'. Iltl.l tlli.l .'hi' M'!ati'ii l the L' t'rntiHUI - a w.'ii.iiiu" e.i-t '! Ivini'f, it wa -i-l. 'I'l l' W.'-t.m Vniim wire- jeM'lal'v uerc in lutter coii'lihun. ' Snow va- n i . t t ; J a! Shm; t'tiv. Inwa. vh'lc i:-n. ! t!lv !.nvr ten. per ntllrc-J llcai'eu ill Kal. alai Ni- lirakn. At t'lO ti'lt'i-h.iih' " r,; nt'i.-.1-it Hih nil irt :i v.i i-- in.Tsinj iai il lirti'ff- iuui it u i I m-. .i t.i it'-!iro sinii nf t!ir i-in-ai!- t'v ii. .n. . Oil Thl Out It l Worth Munov IXKVT MISS THIS Cut oat tins; slip, enclose with . nml mull It to Kole.v & Co., Shoffli-M nvcnv.e. CblcaKO, III., wrltlns yonr n:nn nn I , Bililrefd clearly. You will rcnive In! return a trial piukasa cont:ilnln j Foley's Honey ami Tar "(imiionn.l. , for cousin", colils ami croup: Foley Kidney Tills, (or pnln In shle. nmt bek: rheumatism, bai-kache. kiiln.'y; and Madded aliments: and Foley ( a I tharttc Tablets, wholesome and I thoroughly cleatnlnc cathartic, far; constipation, hlllouf uess. hcvlache and sluftKlsh bowels. For sale by Hedford riiarmacy. WHILE tlic (htiiijuis arc -laimriiifi for jicui't' it well to rciiicuilvr that wv arc finlitin Id destroy ''kultur'' rather than (Jennany, and that kultur is the lielief that niitcht is rifi'lit, combined with the feudal doc trine of the divinity of kiiitfs, the sanctity of the state, and the myth of the (icrinaii superman. For two gener ations the (icrinaii people have been taught kultur in place of Christianity by their rulers until the entire na tion became permeated with barbarism.' "Kultur'' is best defined in the words f the Herman philosophers and teachers, which are now repeated to re fresh voiir nieniorv. Tricfschke said in teaching German superiority: "The (lerinau is a hero horn, and believes he can hack and hew ii is way liirougn nic, aiidMctzeiie added: "Deep in the nature of all these noble races there lurks uninistalvf ably the beast of prey, the blonde beast, lustfully roving in search of booty and victory," and Tannenburg remark ed "the (icrmaii people is always right because it is the (icrinaii people and numbers cightv-scvon million souls.'' ul laving convinced the German that he is a superman because ot the ' blonde beast within hun, the tallacv that might is right, was instilled in him, JJernliardi taught: ".Might is the supyme right, and the dispute as to wlisit is riglit is decided bv tlie arbitrament ot war, and Stirrier declared: "What does right matter to me? I have no need of it, I' have the right to do what 1 have the power to do, aiul- Lasson asserted: "Let him who has the power and feels himself prepared cut the knot with the sword. For great historical questions this is the only rational and permanent solution." The "blonde beast" would not a beast without the law of the jungle, so ("rightfulness was inculcated as fol lows: "ar must leave nothing to the vanquished but tlieir eyes to weep with; modesty on our part would Ik only madness,' said Janneberg. "It makes for health that the nobler race should absorb the inferior stock declared inetsciiKe. " us liravelv organize great forced migrat ions of the inferior peoples we must coerce them. This is one of the tasks of war," taught Wag ner, wlnle mi llartinan remarked: "Terrorism is seen to be a relatively gentle procedure useful to keep in a state of obedience the masses of tKe people." General n del Goltz thus summarized: "It is better to let a hundred women and children belonging to the enemy die id' hunger than to let a single German soldier suffer." Murder, rapine, theft and falsehood were all included in the German curriculum as justifiable. Horrible crimes and cruelties, deportation and enslavement of peoples were inculcated as part of the "blonde beast's" heritage. Xeitzsche declared: "Hatred, delight in mischief, rapac ity," ambition and whatever else is caiied evil, belong to the marvelous economy of t he conservation of the race!" ar was declared "the eternal order instituted by God" and its devotees became war-crazed until defeat threatened to bring to Germany what Germany had in flicted on the world. Xow the "love of war and' the crav ing for battle" as a German trait, is rapidly evaporating. Such a philosophy of life that made man a glorified beast, was not complete witJiout a god-head and so we have the kaiser and his shining armor, prince of woe and death the mighty monarch who grandiloquently declared: The spirit or the Lord has dosieiulcd upon me because I-nm emperor of the Hermann. I ntn tho Instrument "of the Almighty. 1 urn Ills sword, Ills ui:ont. Woo unit death to till those who shall oppose my will! Woo and death to those who do not believe In my mission! Woe and death to the cowards. Let them perish, all enemlis of the German people, (iod demands their destruction! Cod, ho by my mouth bids you do His will. Ami that is why President "Wilson has informed the German people that the United States will not consider peace with the military masters and inonaivhial autocrats ruling Germany, why it is up to Germans to repudiate kultur or be crushed by the armed might of civilization. SABOTAGE MOST The following casualties aro re ported by the commttndini: i;enernl of the American expeditionary forces: Killed In action, 5; died of dis ease, I L' ; wounded severely. ill ; wounded degree undetermined i . i::u; wounded slightly. 27; died ot aivident. missing in action, ti. To tal. 2) I. .Marine casualties Killed in ac tion. I; died of wounds received In action, i: died of disease, IT; wound ed in action severely, missing in nt Ion. l.".. Total, at. Severely wounded: Private lvirnar . Miller, Spokane. Wash. Oli'il from accident nml other causes: Trlvnto George W. Overall. San Iiiego, C'al. Wounded, degree undetermined: Lieut, (leorge W. K. Martin, Los An geles, Cal.; Private William 1'. Mor tensen, Suisun. fat. Missing in action: Private lilmer II. Carlson. Mt. Vernon. Wash. Marine Corps Casualties Died of disease: Scrgt Robert .1. llrowu. Morrison, Wash. Wounded In action, severely: Pri vate Nathan II. lliatt, Portland. Missing in action: Corp. Elmer X. Lancaster. Alliance, Cal. In hospital, class 1, previously re ported died of wounds: Pvt. Seth f. ("adman. Portland, Ore. I OF THE RUSSIANS MOSCOW, Oct. 26. (Correspon dence of Associated Press.) Sabotage Is the favorite weapon of the Rus sian, lie uses It more effectively than the rijle and understands it better. It was sabot atio which overthrew Emperor Nicholas. In neither case was there an extensive military char acter to the movement which gave Russia a new government." And now the weapon which the Bolehevikl and their supporters of iho extreme left used on previous governments has been turned ucainst them. In the food situation, on the railways, In various government bur eaus. In public service organizations of all sorts, among bankers, business and professional men, and . even among peasants the government en counters hindrance and obstruction of a type which camicrt he punished and stamped out. Commissar Tsurupa, who Is "in charge of the national food supply, recently stated in a speech that 1500 persons in his department alone had retained positions for months and pretended to work, when they were in reality doing all they could to hin der the food administration. Trotzky, Lenine and other Bolshe vik speakers and agitators have made the most of' the sabotage directed against them by loudly proclaiming in all sections of Russia that the dis order they inherited from the Ker ensky regime and the opposition dir ected against thein by enemies wltii in the government, as well as out side, has prevented the soviet repub lic from bettering the food situation, and getting commerce and industry back into normal cnannels. This view was accepted by the la boring masses very generally ' for some time, but after months of the Bolshevik republic it is apparent that the laboring men are no longer will ing to accept abuse of various anti iiolshevik factions as a complete ex cuse for the deplorable lack of food. Tho loss of the Ukraine grain sup ply and the cutting off ot the Siber ian wheat stores by the Czecho-SIo-vaks stand forth st plainly that the dullest workman reads tho handwrit ing on the wall. Without gralnfields he understands there cannot be grain. And the promises of bread thru graincrusades made by armed Torres do not impress him when he realizes that the portion of Russia re maining within the jurisdiction of tho soviet republic does not contain enough grain to feed the republic's population, even If every bushel were under government control and care fully distributed. E CQ EM -TEES KaiscralisiiUMi Casualtie list on chickens on Oct. 2l!nd, 191S, at the recedence of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Prick at end of W. Palm St.. there little Floock of 33 hens and one fulU blooded rooster had to fight a war aganst some crual roo-CJerman (in there own yard) crualletie on poor animals; upon morning the next day It was a sight to see the floor covered with the sick poor animalls still living and kind of talking between themselves, but one by one slipt away about 10 kl. So may the Kaisers (fott be with them to there beautyfull home (and also rard of thanks to the broad-brave- bralned man for his brave showing spirit, wee think vou In Gods Jesus name signed! Mr. and Mrs. John S. Prick. Do to your aighbors as you wants them to do to you. Reports from all parts of the county indidfte that the epidemic of Spanish influenza has rea-ched its crest anfliis receding. At Dunsmulr there is a marked improvement In the situation. Not only aro the new cases diminishing In number but In virulence. The Red Cross now has the situation well in hand thru co operative organization. Physicians and nurses have been very much overworked, but at last reports the tense atmosphere has relaxed and an easier feeling prevails, says the Sis kiyou i.Vews. At Weed and McCloud it is believ ed the epidemic Is at its crest. Schools, churches, lodges and public places of amusement have been clos ed and all precautionary measures taken. Three hundred cases have been reported at McCloud and about the same number a Weed. Practic ally the entire office force of the Weed Lumber company is laid un and 104 employes of the sash and door factories are off duty. All de partments of the mill are operating, however, tho decidedly shorthanded. iAt McCloud the Red Cross build ing and theater have been equipped for hospitul service. In Yreka influenza is prevalent but in a mild form. The-total num ber of cases to date is not above 30, and no new cases have been reported within the last 24 hours. This is on the authority of .Mrs. Mtfyer, recent ly .appointed community nurse, who is working in cooperation with the county heatlh officer and Red Cross in checking the epidemic. Gauze masks, which are recommended by the state board of health as being very effective in warding off the dis ease, reducing the liability of con tracting it 90 percent, are worn by many. The effectiveness of the mask, however, does not lie In frightening the germs to death as a certain su perstitious resident who believes first met a masked figure well along toward the hour "when graveyards yawn and hell itself breathes out con tagion to this world." NORM PRO-ENGLISH LOXDON Oct. 26 In Sweden one is disagreeably struck by the number of people who speak German. When aked a question in English, a Swede, be he a policeman or a civilian. In variably countered lu German. At h off els and restaurants few porters ami waiters understand or speak English. In bookshops Kngltsl books and magazines are few, while Ger man are largely represented. It is different in Norway. English Is taught at school, and nearly every body one meets, from the porter at the station to one's neighbor at the dinner table, speaks English fluent ly. The windows in the bookshops are full of English and American publications. The treatment of English-speaking visitors had more of hearty hospital ity and kindliness In Norway than in Sweden. JOHN A. PEEL UNDERTAKER. Ludr AMlsTmnt. M SOUTH BARTLETV. Phone M. 47 and 47-J1. Automobile Hearae Berrle. i W ry li.linl.tiM DitHm l1., . E Walt, .uiliir. it 111- It. IRiNG I i . l.iiriit-,1 .f the i.. Il.i V.'t' rd ;) fillplc- i ti:.- Ki-J rnt nt Itor-n-c. Mum :n.-ui the ilciith ;-r. Edwin K . l.iunt'ii. nu-cd j ' ,.,i, u t, i u . rniMJCil HI j " ? k m Pntti' . C;tn-o ((" j !! -JiHr.i. Iwii-iai tuk ili'iViM'iv Tic ilci'ca-cd i.iwun in Mt iitini, h;ivm': M-!!tl i,-:v vu litun 1.T '! t :lt' if ill t ;HltlflV. t 'Vl SlllMT. ttd Imi.i-.i-i- Mr. .1 ChK, Ml. I I H t : M.'rr. Mr. I..TH-'i-ti bt mi; re ail i ltM-tltti- t.rk. t'hl.-t-lu: and tor d.tlv in WASHINGTON. Oct. C 6. -Announcement from Fratice'that A merit-an UMnoh naval gun, manned by naval mm t rews, have tome into art ion with the American army, dis closed General PeTshin's forces are now ev.iivped with ihe most pow j erful and hardt-httting weapons t yet used in the prevent war, ashore j or afloat, so far Is known. : The ltwn h rifle are similar to those design d for ue aboard the j newest American drradnauphts. They are "0 caliper, r.ior than 0 K feet In length and weUa approximately 10 tons without their ta:riaj;es. Without question they aro the longest range gun In use cvept the German super-suns whUh are re garded mwelv as a meohantcal fre.ik The pmjci-tile wctiih close to a ton and Its burstinc charge oC the moM powerful evpUwUe known ii measured In hundreds of pound anamst the few pound. in the Ger man super-nun shell, i lie tiestruc live effect is enormous. A Man Fell on a slippery step last week. He broke his elbow, a hundred dollar bill and an important business en gagement. The three calamities nearly finished him. A Little Forethought would have provided him with an Accident policy and at least saved the hundred. When you want insurance talk it over with , The McCurdy Insurance Agency" Medford National Bank Building Thone 123 j p'VT''rpr'rrrarawra" I I ill I IB) BATTLE TBI . . U AMSTERDAM, Oct. 2i. Weather beaten refugees mostly from tlie north of France are irkkllnK into the j Dutch provinces of Hraliant and Um btirg. Some 200 are now accommo dated In towns In these provinces. About five percent arlll from fa tigue or influenza and are heing i cared for In hospitals and convents, j Distressing stories are told about tho old people and babies who dleu ; from e.xplosure or! the way and were j burled where they met their end. j Further westward no exodus has yet taken place. In view of the German disclaimers of pilfering by the retreating troops, it Is significant that Dutch corres pondents at half a dozen different points on the frontier tell the same story obtained from refugees. ' "The Germans stole everything they could lay' their hands on,", a citizen of UrugeB said to the ttosendaal corres pondent of the .Maasbode.' MMffii First Presbyterian Church This church is closed during the present period of sickness by order of state board of. health and the local authorities. L. Myron Boozer. Minister. DONT LET A COLD KEEPYOUAT HOME Dr. Elcg'a New Discovery slmost never fails to fcrin$ quick relief SmsH doses once in awhile and that t-irost-trir.g, lunj-splitting'' couch ' tzon quiets dorn. Another dose cnu a hot tth before jumping into bed, a :rd Expt and back to normal in the morning Dr. lung's Ncyr Discovery, fa well known.' ior fifty ynra it's been relieving coughs, coldo and broncMai attacks. For fifty years it hs cccti 6: Id by druggists everywhere. A riibb remedy that you yourself or any rasaber of your family cza take safely, 60c and SI. 20. x raiii Those Stubborn EmreH Help nature take its course, not with a violent, ha bit -forming pur tivc, but with gentle but ccrttm nr.d r.atural-laxative, Dr. King's New Lifa Pilk. Tonic in action, it stimulate? lax bowels. Sold by druggists. 2x, CASH We Out-Pay All Others Hens, - 23. Springs, - 25 Get Oiir Turkey Prices - Johnson Produce Co CENTRAL POINT, Ore. . Do You Know WhatlFinancial Satisfaction Is? IT'S to know Uint you liaye " i r enough' rflaily ciiu, 'for; "rainy days" and sonic Komi collau-ral like LIB- KKTV HON" Its to full luck upon. We'll help you kivo that cash und liuj llioae llonds too If 'you open a Savings Account here nt the First National Hank, . Wm. G. Tait, President FIRST NATIONAl MEDFOi.J, ORE. . iTTTTTTTTTilirnriTl CAPITAL iooooo. FOR SALE at the ,. .... M Monarch Seed & Feed Co. lied Seed Oats, Oray Wiuier Oats, Rvc, Vetcli and AU falfa Seed. , ; WESTON'S, Camera Shop The, Only Exclusive i Coiutuercial Photographer' in Southern Oregon. ; Negatives made any time or, place by appointment. . r ' ' Phone 117-J. . ' Wf'H do tne rest. J. B. PALMTR. . Medford. (WHEN YOU WRITE- , Buy the Right Stationery at the Right Prices RIGHTO! Your words express your message, your papfcr re flects your good taste. Select your stationery from our largo as sortment of styles and finishes io white and tints for ladies and gentlemen. ' WEST SIDE PHARMACY SX 5LeaSJL Star lUMMl WOODFOIU), Trop. VOTE FOR G. A. GARDNER (PRESENT COUNTY CLERK) ' . REPUBLICAN NOMINEE , ' FOR COUNTY JUDGE HE STANDS FOR EFFICIENCY; ECONOMY AND SYSTEM IN COUNTY AFFAIRS. ' BUSINESS PRINCIPLES IN EXPENDING C0UNY FUNDS. A SQUARE DEAL TO EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTY. PROMPT PERSONAL SERVICE TO PUBLIC DEMANDS. PAINSTAKING AND CAREFUL ATTEN TION IN PROBATE MATTERS. A THOROUGH SYSTEM OF ROAD REPAIR ING. AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT THROUGH OUT THE COUNTY. Adv