EAT COIOJ WEATlIliR Maxinimn Yesterday, r); Minimum Today, SO. FOKMCAST Tonilit and Tomorrow: liain Medfo M A IT lYJLiiULU EU BUNE FOOD "WILL "WIN fei V! Forty-eighth Tear. Dally Thirteenth Tur. MEDFORD, ORKCOX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER .215, .11)13 XO. 185 i THREE GREAT BATTLES HAG E IN FRANCE IN LOSSES mm "vTSKL WW'S peace disbanding of I m& WIAIHTA1NED IN "Sa.4'. uKbi FAINTS DEBATED AUSTRIAH ARMY .uj.P b.. MFIISF MM....... lV- UK RFOM HOW IN MR! v -a mm a B M 1 ka mm a M w I t . . t , U I ll U l I A V V I ' " VANCOUVER. H. C. Oct. !6. lJCJf V " rilllllllLlIil l'rlvate advices received here j3wS8yr M I U U 1 1 UllIU Pershina Reports Heavv Fiahtinq On today stated the Canadian Pa- oC8! ' clllc Kauwuy company's passen- W88 " I ger steamer Princess Sophia. f5j- A I which grounded near -Skat;way, - tr ! Alaska, .Thursday, with 300 t r nassenKcrs aboard, foundered Allies Take 15.000 Prisoners and 200 Guns British Continue Advance Towards Mons While French Push North and Eact of Laon and Strike on 17 Mile Front From Sissones to . aCliteau Porcien. Advancina Over a Mile. Pershina Reports Heavv Fiahtinq On Both Sides of Stream Resulting 'in Capture of ; Enemy Positions Strona Counter Attacks Reoulsed Except at One Point. PAIilS. Oct. 2(i The untile lias flareil "D nirnin mid heavy ltlitiii',' is now under wav from Valencieimes to the Mtmse. TheGei'innns are i'iulit iiiff well everywhere hut the nllic continue to make substantial nrourc.-s in the tusk of ilrivini back the cue niv oil the Mouse line. .Althouuli the recent fii;liliiir has been marked 1iv no sensntiiinnl de velopments it is huvinir a cumulative effect which, apart I'rom the urouml Uliined adds considerably lo (lie wnst uae of men and material wilh which the Germans must reckon, The last four dnvis the cnemv has lost well up ward of 13.000 prisoners and 120(1 cms. His total losses euunot be less than 30,000. Three llatlles in Progress Strictly speukiuir there are three larue battle's in progress, all of which are bciiiif roiiiluett'il with ennui suc cess for t lie allies. The first is beiiiu carried on by the lirilisb Third and iKourlh armies, which, pushing on to ward Mons, have reached the Vclen-eicnnes-llierson double truck rail road. The second is the atlack of General Mnnuin north and east oV l.non, which has resulted in a twin on a front of eiuht miles for a distance of two miles. He has carried bis line out of the swamps around Sissuns. The third battle is beimr IniiL'lit by fieneral (liiillaumuut. on a t'roni of 17 miles from Sissones to t'hatcau Poreein. where the I T ntnliiii; line joim ibe Krieudiildc system of defenses. The overuse 'in has been a mile, al though at some points the advance has been creator. French Statement PARIS. Oct. .'ti.On Hie Sorre front, French troops captured Mor tiers after violent fiu'htini:. Itctwoen the Oise and the Scire rivers, the French maintained contact wilh the cnemv. Between Sissonne and Cha teau Porccin the French carried their lines forward on a front of four and n half miles to n depth of two mlies at certain points thrniiL'h the German position. Durius the hiu'lit there wn heavy artillery t'iL'htimr between the Oise nnd the Sorre. Contact was niain- oftninod wilh the enemy all alone the front reached vestcrflnv. "On the south bank of the S river the French attacked the villa of Mortiers, wllich fell into their hands nfter a violent I'iulit in which the? took lfi" prisoners, inchidinc two officers." llreak lleminiin Mne FRENCH HBADQUARTKRS IX FRANCE, Oct. 26. (Reiner's). Oen eral Debeny's army between the Oise and the Serre Is attacking General von Hutler's socalled Hermann post Hon on a front of 15 "miles. The Germans have converted the village. generally situated on the crests of ridges, Into fortresses and are resist lng bitterly, knowing the safety of the German army facing General WITH TIIF. AMERICAN' A II MY XOKTI1WF.ST OF YKl.'Dl X. Oct. ill. (2 p. in. ltv the Associated Press.) The trains made Friday bv the Ameri can troops east and west of the Meuse wore maintained today in -pite of violent enemy opposition ;iml harrassinir artillery fire auainst t!ie American front lines and areas in ibe rear. On the extreme left the Anicri.-ans l.ave strengthened their boid on the liiuh C-'ouud in the southern ua.-t of Hours. tsue wood. VANCOUVER, R. C, Oct. 2li. 'rlvate advices received here today stated the Canadian Pa- ciflc Railway company's passen- ger steamer Princess Sophia. which grounded near Skagway, Alaska, .Thursday, with 300 passengers aboard, foundered during the night with all the passengers and crew. Local Canadlan'J'acIfic offices could not confirm the reports. (Continued on Page Four.) V U-BOAT ACTIVITY io'ATUMST EBB LONDON', Oct. 28. German sub marine activity reached such a, low stage this week as to become almost negligible as a war measure, notwith standing that' many more F-boats arc lurking In the Atlantic and the Med iterranean. The llrltish admiralty looks upon this situation as part of the German peace offensive. It Is believed at the admiralty that If Ger many elects to fight lo Hie end of her resouroes her greatest sulimnrine ef fort may be expected late In lit'eem lier and In January. Heavy Fighting on Mouse WASHINGTON. Onct. 2ii. Ilenvv fishlius on the Yerdnii front is de scribed in General Pcrshin's commu nication for Friday. Strons Gorman ( onnter-attiicks ea;-t of the Mvitsc cv ( rvwhere were repulsed except in the Holluc wonds. where four ci.-oessivc assaults forced a partial withdrawal bv the Americans. West of liie Mouse the American lines wore further ad vanced in face of determined resist ance, s The statement reads: "On the Verdun front the buttle lias continued with violence oa-t of the Mouse. Lute yesterday our troops cwlar'-ieil thojr important sains south of the ('onscnvovo-llonivillo railroad and occupied completely the Hois d'Orinont. Today the cnemv counter allocked repeatedly with strons forces on the front from tin Hois il'Ormont lo the Hois d'Klraves Kliemy ltopulsed "Altboush supported by violenl'ar lillory his attacks were repulsed will extremely heavy losses. Only in Hoi Helluo did ho succeed in slishtly push back our line. At this point altc three assaults failed before Ibe stub born resistance of our troops, the fourth attack forced us to withdraw Irian the eastern part of Ibe wood. Hostile forces which attempted to penetrate our positions northwest of the Hois Hclluc. were driven back i Iter n severe strussle lusting throiisout Hie dav. 'West of the Meuse our troops have advanced In Ibe face of determined 'istnnee on the slojies northwest ot Grandpre and have entered the southern portion of Itnis d'Hoitrso-sue." SAILORS REFUSE 10 CARRY PACIFISTS LONDON. Ocl. Jfi n.i-utcr'.O Arthur Henderson, leader ul the la bor nartv nnd his s-eeretarv and n Belirinn socialist. Cnmille llnvs munne. wore unable to tro. to Kninr vosterdiiv with Albert Thomas ami M. Vandervehle beenu-e the crew ol their ship refused to end if ihev won abqnrd. The men said that thev would no sail wilh pacifists and pro-Oernmi' Mr. Henderson nnd his two commit' ions left the ship and hailed a taxi eab but the driver refused to take them and thev had to earrv their lui'- iraire to the station. Mr. Ilender-.ii subeiiuentlv stated in London that he was iroinir to laris to meel Sainue' (ioinjiers in connection with the or ganization of the world-- labor con ference alter the war. E COURT TO REVIEW CASE WASHINGTON. Oct. 2(1. A re view of the case of Thomas ,1. Moon ev of San l-'ranciseo, was asked to dav in n petition filed bv counsel fin Moonov with the United States su preme court. Moimev is under sen tence of death for murder in connec tion with an explosion which occur red during a "preparedness' parade. SAN I'UAXnSCO, Ocl. 2(. The, application for the write of review fil ed bv Thomas ,). Moonov ihrouuh his attorneys in the United States su preme court followed two separate lusals ol the state supremo cour to unint him a now trial. Moonev's eonnel contended in th- California courts that his convictions was hrouiht about through malfcas- uiece and misfeasance practiced bv District Attorney Clmrles M. Kickorl m'd Iho San KraiH'ico police depart ment, hut that such alleged wroiiL' doiii- did not hci'ome evident until after his trial. The state supremo court hold that it could not m out side Iho record in the case and af lirmed the sentence of death. A write of error was nked lor and re fused and the case was then prepared tor the hii:het tribunal. Mooiiev is in San Oucntin peniten tiary nwnitintr execution. f 1 , WASHINGTON', Oct. 211. Violent fighting continued to- ! day on the line where the ltal lans with the British co-operat- lng launched a new offensive. ngnlnst the Aastrfans yesterday. A Rome disputcli to the I nil km embassy says the Fourth army has frustrated attempts of tho enemy to reconquer territory lost yesterday and has enlarged its gains. Solf Says Proaram Will Be Loyally Fulfilled Denies Cruelties In Evacuated French and Beluian Towns Only Men of Military Aue Deported. Ol ALL Of SERBIA LONDON. Oct. 20. Krnveln. sixty miles northeast of N'lsh, has been oc rupied by tho Serbian troops, says t Serbian official statement Issued to- dav. in the saino region the Serbians linvo crossed the Ternltfa river. The kaiser, tho crown princo and the son of. tho crown prince. So unpopular. Is the crown princo that the kaiser, could he. perpetu ate his dynasty, would pass over the -crown princo and bestow the succession upon his grandson, itiuc WUhclm. I 7.000 MILES OF WITH THE ALLIED ARMIES ON THE KKUlilAN FRONT, via Sulonlkl .Monday, Oct. 21. Illy Associated Press.) WJth tho capture of NIsli sufficient rolllng'stocU was taken to establish railway communication from tho Serbian front to the sou. The enemy, in addition to showing his Intuition of evacuating Sorlila as (luickly iih possible, apparently de sires to give evidence of a nmro con ciliatory splrjt- At tho Important gold mine near Ziiyleher which was abandoned last week, tho machinery lias been found Intact. II. was In charge of an Austrian superintendent who was left -behind wilh Instruc tions to turn tho mine over to the Serbians. . FLU GAS MASKS YAM I MA. W-h..N Oet. l!fi. C'itv ofliciaN today issued an order, thai bciiitininir (i o'clock tonight, nil clerks in stores, hnnk-4 orpublic of fices should wear maks and a No forbade tho street ears earrvini; more ns-onyers than can be seated. Open lir meetings Scheduled for Sunday niuht wit he permitted but after that none mav be held. There are now 1."U caes in the fit v. There have been ix deaths. WASHINGTON', Oct. Sum marizing the situnUon on'the western front today, General March said the Germans have evacuated or been driven out of 7'ion miles of Hellun and Krench territory since .Inly IS. During the pant week 410 pijuare miles have been freed from the cn emp, General March added. All tho coal fields In northern Franco have been recoiupi'-red except for a five mile tract where the allies' advance is now being pressed near the Uei glnn border. General Marrji pointed out that the Franco-American lines from the Meuse to the Oise Htand nearly paral. lei to the sreat railway line near the Belgian frontier nnd constituted a tnreal against inai line inrvom entire length. feel in if ii -idont Wil- HKItNK. Oct. 2(1. The Oermnnv in regard to I'rc son's new nolo apparently is much di vided. Tho conservatives, militarv and pinker papers on the one cade fare ervintr that (lie premeni in ;tenU to subjugate ami annihilate ;(iermanv. The liberal papers on the s appreciation at ort toward Wiirhl- other side, expre. Ihc -pre-ideal's el f wide pacit icalioti. The reactionary elements are struuuliiii! desperatelv tor their tra ditional priib"jc ami traditions, hut their opponent expre-s conlideiiec that the liberals in (he reichstat! am the yovornmetit are siiflicienllv pow erful to master them. The vote ol confidence in the reich-Oai: is re yarded a 'favorable to the conclusion of peace. "Shall We Dissolve Partnership or Fire the Boss?'r L COMI 10 ASSIST BELGIANS TIIK HAH UK. Od. 20. II i scmi ot licinllv explained in dipat'dic from Iterlin that neutral residents of r.russe!. who have cone to the troJit to inveMiuate conditions there have been formed into a commiyee of i uiiirv. It is said th"rr vi-its to cit ies near the battle lino was made tor the purpose of nccrtaijiiiuf what eouhl be done for the ref n-jee. Thev have enmmunicnted their report to the German nuthoritie in Ilehjiuni and to the Ilck-ian. French and Hnl-uowrnuieiil-. MIIIIMILJlWMMMMBMMMWMllBlltllllllllWIW I ij .feaag ; .iV-l Official Statement Published in Vienna Pa tiers for Demobilization Peace at Anv Price Popular in All Ranks Sifctv First Principle Governs. LONDON, Oct. 2ti. The Gorman I'ovoruuicnt is not contemplating at the iircsont lime anv further note to President WiUon, snvs an Exchange despati'h from Copenhnuon. It is probable thah the .government will make a declaration in the roichstai: lo the effect that Germanv is await imr peace oondilions of the allies. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 2(i. Dr. Solf the Gormnn foreiun secretary, speak inir in the reichstair Thursdav said 'As for Alsace-Lorraine, it is clear as they were expressly mentioned amontr President Wilson's fourteen points, wo iutoo fo regulation of these (lUOftions. Havititr accepted Wilson's pruiirnm as a basis of pence we wil loyally fulfil the program in all di rectious and at all points." Speakiii" in the reehistau on Thurs dav, l)r. Soil'. Gorman foreiun minis ter, said that Spanish ' Minister Vill- alobar, roiirescntinL' I'";'ish and Mel "inn citizens a d Commissioner Van Hree, of the M'-iyian relief orjani. tion .visit od Tournai. Valeneiennes and Hcnain on October 18 and re nnrtod that the (icriuan militarv nu lltoritics had done e ervthinir in their power to relieve the condition of fu uitives and residents in llie lioni Ijarded towns. , Tried to Protect People Dr. Solf also said it had boon re ported to liim that (rermail authori ties Imd tried lo protect the people! of tho.-e cities auain-t plundering and' that efforts had been ituule to safe-; L'tiard food supplies and save art treasures, Onlv men of military aye had been removed forcibly. Or. Solf asserted, and even then exceptions had been made in the oases of physicians, clergy men, firemen, policemen and those employed in supplying food. Ii'eferrini: to uuclioiis asked on the previous da v. he said I ho yov crumcnt repudiated unv doubt of it. honeslv to earrv out tlw principles 'aid down bv President Wilson. "Having in replying to (lie presi dent, taken its stand on his messages, the envernmenl is resolved" to act ac cordingly," he said. Alsaee-IOrralnc The question of A!ace-Iorraino is purely a German internal one. I ion, declares Karl Haass, the new govern or of Alsace-Lorraine, in n state ment published in the Strasshnry Gazetle. The statement is a replv to declarations made in the rcic'jstm; bv Or. Kicklin. a deputy from Alsace Lorraine, mid amounts to a govern ment manifesto. It is i-m-d in agreement with other deputies in Alsace-Lorraine. The statement of llerr Haass de clares that the future of Alsace-Lorraine must be decided bv a vote of the population and that it is an in ternal i pies ion of German v with which a peace conference eouhl have nothing to do. It conclude- bv sav ing that n new era is opening for Alsace-Lorraine which will enable J he two provinces to form a point of re conciliation bdu'eon France and Ger many, "and to collaborate in estab lishing a compromise bet ween t wo 'ivjtiat ions called to work in com- LONDON, Oct. 26. An official statement that demobilization of the Austro-Hungartan army is being pre pared is published by newspapers of Vienna an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Copenhagen says. PARIS, Oet. 26 In well-informed circles it is stated that the nomina tion of Count Julius Andrnssy as sue. censor to liar on Hurlnn, the Austrian foreign minister, is above all, Impor tant from the viewpoint of a conclu sion of peaco and an application of the "safety first" principle in Aus tria. It is said that peace at any prlco Is now popular at Vienna and Budapest. Peace at Any Prlco j The Zurich correspondent of the -Ion rnul Hays that the new foreign minister Is understood to bo a parti san of direct peuco negotiations with the entente without recourse to the offlcea of President WtlBon. He says that, the situation In AuBtrin-Hun-gary is such that tho monarchy will soon capitulate nnd throw itself on tho mercy of the allies. Tho Czechs are now mastors of the situation at Prague, It Is said. The Slovaks havo decided to chango the name of Pressburg to Wilnonvlllo. Tho Ruthonians of Gnlicla have de cided for a senuratn tlkrulnlnn state I comprising regions of Austria-Hun gary Inhabited by Uuthenlans. Anarchy In Hungary It is reported that anarchy reigns En the ancient imnuhian monarchy of Hungary. Tho correspondent snys I hat In Austria no notice is being taken of decisions urrived at by Ber lin. Vienna newspapers are publishing articles relative lo preparations for demobilizing the army. One news paper says that two Infantry regi ments Htalloned ut Karlowitz have revolted. Karlowitz Ja a village In Croat ia-Slavon in, Hungary. (Continued on Page Four.) Here you nee (thanks to Hie cer-ready nrtiM) the four kings of Oermnay iwho tnid "Knur Deuces"?! In session nt Potsdam, called by Kaiser Pill for the firt royal conferenre in yearn. There nto King WUhclm II of Wuoritemherg. WUhclm the Damned of Pruf-siA (boss of the concern). Lurinig or Ba varia and Krlcdrich August of &ixony Sonic ay th other three kings of Germany are bkvly to wive Prussian Hill the boot. . . ZURICH, -Oct. 26. Prince Fred erick Lnbkowltz and Huron Nadherny who represents the strongest nntt German tendencies nt Vienna havo left that city for Switzerland charged with n mission 'about which no de tails aro given, according to tho Xensle Journal of Vienna. INFLUENZA CASES DECREASE AT FKO SAN ERANCISCO. O-.I. 2fi. Tho San Francisco heallu board reported H02 new cases of Spanish influeu7.ii and 22 deaths at 11 o'clock todav, n decrease of 'SAT cases nnd Jl deaths compared with the report made a the some hour vosterdav. Medicnl authorities allribuled tho decrease to the general wearing of masks and other preventative measures. Orders have been issued that io outdoor clrnreh services he hold to morrow unless all attending 'wear aia.sks, The same order was issued for concerts ami other publie gath erings planned for mil doors. T WASHINGTON. Get, 2. At o'clock tomorrow morning th Fnlt ed Slates will complete Its test of daylight saving. At that hour clocks of the naval observatory here and oilier agencies by which time Is reuu lated In this country, will be slopped for one hour, while the sun, which dally has been lugging further be hind the nation's docks, has n chance lo catch up. At the same time the train on all railroad:! of the country will utop by order of Director-General McAdoo and rf'iimin motlnnlosH for oiif hour and then proceed on tlotr journey. DEEP DENIS DRIVEN with th io num. iii aumy in l''l(,W('i:, ici. Tho prmiin with Nulitln'.'. ilciiiicriiivly today on III" new llni' ulnim th Hi-hnlilt cnniil mill I hi' Uhnni'lli' rlvor In tlio rrglon of ViiliMi.-lpiiiHn lo which (hoy hnil hi'i'ii forri'il by iho llrlilsh enrlicllni! innvi'niont north anil i'oulh of Valou rliMinim. In Hid flKhtliiK Krlilny thu IlrlllKli iiinilo ili'i'P ilonls In thi (irrmiin ilo fi'imi'ii ii r.rtli mnl iinuth of Vnlcn oi. ' ti ti . In spllo of the di'tormlueil loiiinliiiiri' of uii oni'iny.