'MEDFOTCD MATH TRTBTTNK, - MET)FOTtT), OREOOy, : RATOUDAY, OOTOBKR 19; 1918 PACK TTIR'Ufi ITO LIBERTY L TOTAL $315,000 Despite the fact that the Medford diBtrict cleared the top, of Its quota of 1298,158 yesterday 'noon with subscriptions amounting to (308,000 and the committee decided to make no further effort to obtain subscrip tions, the latter continued to flow in yesterday afternoon and today. This noon the total subscriptions had reached the sum of $315,000, and It was estimated that by the time the banks closed this afternoon . when the Liberty bond campaign came to an official close thruout the United States the total would be swelled to not lesB than $320,000. - As the subscriptions continued to come In .today from patriotic people the committee members leaned back and smiled with pleasure, thinking of how several days ago the reaching t of the quota seemed an almost hope less task, whereas, now when sub scriptions were not needed to fill the quota there seemed to lie no stopping of their coming. , The large subscriptions of yester day not mentioned before and those of today,, included $3000 from the Weyerhauser Timber company, and $1700 by the Southern' Pacific rall iu..d employes. The Rosenburg estate of Seattle purchased $500 worth of bonds, and from Salem came the sub scription of Cnas. P. Cay, tile former well known Medford. resident, for $400. Frank L. Earhart subscribed for $500 worth, and from Worcester, Mass., came the subscription of Mrs! E. H. Porter for $500. Dr. Porter had previously sent a subscription ot $150. Frederick William Whitman subscribed for $300 worth, and W. K. Price of Albany, former resident of Medford who owns considerable land near the city, purchased $200 worth of bonds, personally handing Chairman C. M. Kldd $200, cash to pay for the same. Among subscriptions received Fri day were the following: SUIT TO FORECLOSE DDR CHOSEN' MORTGAGE AGIST TO SUCCEED DAVIS K. N. fcamnliell H. l' Montgomery Kannle Whitman Vftn. CI. Steele I. . K. Belknap Wm.. Bntlx K. L. fteillngfleld Mary r. Wright 11. K. Kountz Leo Furry K. II. WesterriclU H. Reed Vera Merrlman Slabel r. Hall Wni. Brown H. B. Rankin (50 .1. W. Lnwton P Hansen Drs. ('allow & Cnrlor.' Jennie M. Hutchison cnas w. Dlils Mary Fletcher v w, Oresory Pearl Nunn Mrs. itawles Moore Ilawleg Monro SKt. .1. J. 11111 A. E. Hnle Mrs. II. Neff M. Stephens Kthtt -W-.- Ttiuycr (100 U. r. Church of Piatlvlty A. 1.. Nelson W. K. c'rowcll W. Crews C. K. Drake II J. Ilnreke l-'lu. Throckiunrton Florence M. Rearle. . C. IinTemtiB Adillu M. Swlnson Olga UlclicrstuUt It. lilctierslcilt Ells. BleherHtcilt Anna Nyo Jno. Lnucrman . Aira. M. T Htlwanls (ISO L. E. Smith Kmnia L. MInear ' (300 Alex Sparrow Kmnia L. Minear P. W. Manilll B. Mollcr (350 w. . Wi Frederick ' 3 Bli SrW Chas. B. Gay (500 KlIKh B. Nhelrtnn Itosenliurg Kslate Hen. C. Shelilon .liisi-lllllne P. Purler Frank L. Earhart P. ,S. Anderson Mrs. D. It. 11111 (3000 Associated Oil Co. (4000 Zach Cameron ' ti ''. - Proceedings to foreclose' the $t0, 000 mortgago held by him on the Southern Oregon Traction company property wore begun several days ago by W. S. tfarnum thru his attor neys, Emmens and Webster ot Port land, and Associute Attorney Gus Newbury. Following the Instigation of this suit Attorney Newbury In a separate action Thursday filed for Mr. Uarnum, brought suit to restrain the Southern Oregon Traction com pany and the Bullls company from selling a logging engine. A motion to dissolve the restrain ing injunction was heard betorc Judge Calkins vcstertlnv afternoon und the restraining order wan re moved when the oomininv filed a bond of If J.OOO to cover the value of the enuinc. 0. M. Thomas is flic coteiianv nllornev. ; An important point to be settled in these actions is as to whether the traction company and the Bullls company aro one and the same con cern. The mortgage on the property was given when S. S. Bullls bought the railroad from W. S. Barnum In 1915. The purchase price was about $62, 000. Of this sum $5000 was paid In cash and a blanket mortgage was given for the balance. It was stipu lated that anything that should be acquired in the future for use on he railroad should be Included in the mortgage. The claim is made by Mr. Barnum that the Southern Oregon Traction company has failed to pay the inter est due on the mortgage, has endeav ored to sell the rails and other por tions of the property and has violated the conditions of the mortgage. ' It appears that the Incorporators of the Southern Oregon Traction company are S. S., It. S. and S. M. Bullls, and that S. S. Bullls recently attempted to sell the logging engine that had been acquired since the pro perty passed from Mr. Barnum'B hands. Mr. Bullls now claims that, the en gine belongs to the Bullls company and Is not subject to mortgage. The plaintiff .claims the Bullls company has the same make-up of incorpora tors as the traction company, In fact ,are one and the same. Hence the Independent suit filed yesterday to restrain the compauy from selling the logging engine. In this suit the plaintiff asserts that not only nre tho two companies practically , the same but thnt the Southern Oregon traction company provided money to the Bullls company to purchase the engine, taking- It in the namo of the Bullls company so as not to be sub ject to Hon of mortgage,, and that in reality the engine Is the property of the traction compnhy. ON CITY COUNCIL Tho city council nt Its meotlng last night elected J. W. Dressier as coun cilman from the Third, ward to suc ceed Chas. W. Davis, who resigned to accept a position In tho immigration service nt Tucson, Arls.; elected Councilman Karl (inddiB as president of the council to succeed Mr. Davis, and decided to retire about $33,500 worth of street Improvement bonds. .Mr. Dressler's appointment was only until January 1st, when the hterms of tho mnyor and all the coun cilmen expire, and he will then be a candidate for election. It developed last night thnt Mayor tJatos and prac tically all the other councilmen will stand for re-election. The mayor and Councilmen Gnddis and Catkin are sure to run again. Dr. Emmens would rather not but will do so un less a candidate congenial, -to the oth er councilmen and who Isaiu thoro accord with tho presen refinancing plan of the city, can lie found. JJr. Hargrave,. who will soon be home from San Francisco, writes that he thinks he had better not run again, but the other councilmen feel sure that he will do so. Dr. Keono while he seems undecided now, It is- felt will stand for re-election. In fact there is a disposition on the part ot all the councilmen to stand together and see the refinancing plan thru to the finish. The council last night issued In structions to City Treasurer Samuels to call approximately $33,500 worth of Main street and Oakdale avenue improvement bonds and $1200 Inter est. This cleans up the Improvement costs on these two streets entirely, covering the first pavement laid in Medford from tho Bear Crook bridge to Laurel street, and on Oakdale avenue. This last authorizing of paying off bonds makes a total of almost $70 000 worth of improvement bonds paid off by the present council In tho past IS mouths. BUTTS In Fourth Libert John M. Allen Nate Anderson Cecil Alilstroin Fred O. AhlHlrom Ni 11 Ahlstrom U. W. li. Albert Glenn Albert Krncst Alhert .ilga Abbott Goo. W. Barker Hael Barker Elenor llarki-r Lornine Barker J. V. Uerrian J. E. Browhlee , Ben Brophy Alvln lli-ll.erstadt Carl Cobleiuh John Cadxow Unlit. Cadze-w I. I, t'umlelle .' 111'-! Wife A. Dupray Rei-nlce l-Mmonitson Itoht. ;ili.ionilson Chi.s A I'.iluiondson ljiura i-Mimm.lsoil A. E. Kilirnnilson I..MU Eit'i.cn.lion K li. I-jiiersun Katie Foley J,.ltnii: n tlenpert 1'rn. U 'ni'tion (I. M Gtwtl Macule E. (joss A. Jl. C.av C V. 11 t:-'eluernan .1 Hughes E. T. lie. f Viola IP.t'.in K. A litlilreth Sr. N II. lllblrcth Kllzn A. llllilreth E. A. IIIMr-lli Jr. llernfce Hargmve laell John Miry lsell W. L. Jones Winnifrcd Junes PALLS y Loan To Date. ernou Juno ClH-sler l.ille.l W. S. Kec Ha Mclntyre II. M. Mclnlyro Mrs. II . M. .Mc 111 tyre Anna Morris Elizabeth Mills Ala N. Mills Harry 1). Mills boren Moore Mrs. I-:. 11. Morse Win. Moore i Mcllrall V. II. Norrls Mary O'Brien r rank NUkey Thus. O'Brien M. H. Otis I.. G. Palmer ('. E. 1'owe.rs (Jen. ItlchanlHon John Swfcnson John hcheiilenar Etta E. Stewart Etta E. Stewart I'lim-a E. Stewart Norma E. .Stewart Lester Smith Polk Smith Ella II. Smith Hat-Inn Seiber N. H. Sloddanl Thos. Stanley ItHlph Stanley Fred Stanley Jnspar TuiiRate Gladys TnuRato Alice TllllKalc A. Vestal Elule Wright El Walker Alice It. White Charles O Wlilto J. E. Woods Emerson Wheeler W. L. Welch I Cut This Out It In Worth Money DOiX'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,' enclose with 5c and mall It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shoffleld avenu, Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. for roughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides anH back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladded ailments; and Foley Ca thartlc Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly, cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and; sluggish bowels. For sale by Medford Pharmacy. Xollre , Freeman Wiley & Co. will demon strate a 1018 J. I. Case tractor and Little Genius Orchard Tractor plow, one-half mile east of Central Point, Ore., Tnesduy and Wednesdny. Oct. 22nd and 23rd, 10 to 4 p. m. ISO- Livestock 1 POKTLA'.V'D, Oct. 19. Cattle re ceipts 140; steady. Prime sloors $12fil3; good to choice steers $11 ?! 12; medium to good $9.75; (ft) 11 ; fair to medium $ S . 2 5 (Si 9 . 2 5 ; com mon to fair $5.75 ifti 8.25; choice cows and heifers $s?i !l; medium to good $5.75$) 7.25; fair to medium $ l.75(iii 5.75; canncrs $3$i4; bulls $5rtt7; calves $!lli l2; stockers and feeders $6 Co 8. Hogs 'Receipts 250; steady. Prime mixed $17.25 it 17.50; medium mixed $17lft 17.25; rough heavies $155115.50; pigs $14. B0f 15.50; bulk of sales 17.25tt 17.50. Sheen IteceintR nnn. Lower. Prime lambs $1 l.BOft 12.50; fair to medium $sifil0; yearlings $10 & 1 1 r wethers $9 Hi 10. Mrs. Delmar Fredrick and Miss Rose Bullock of Medford, were en tertained at dinner at the F. M. Pal mer home Thursday. Miss Bullock leaves soon for a visit with her sister Mrs. Albert Forgey at Astoria. Colonel George P. Mims made a short business call at Seven Oaks Monday morning. Mrs. Burdntte Dodge and Mrs. H. C. Kentner of Medford, were visitors at tho William Thompson home Sat urday afternoon. Messrs. Tetlterow and Welcher were fishing at Hay Gold Sunday and of course got their share of the day's catch. Herbert Harris Is much Improved and ulile to bo out. Ills brother Ernest has boen qulto III for a few days. The Uli'kliolz family dined at the R. W. Klden home last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Cobb Law has been, quite 111 and under tho doctor's care. The Inclemency of the weather is seriously interfering with the thresh ing of the stacked grain in this neigh borhootl. The Davis,. Kldenjind Pen nlnger grain Is still to bo threshed. Billy Pennlnger Is confined to the house with la'grlppe. Mr. and Mrs. John Luckman of Crescent City, wore callers at the "Crossing Ranch" a few days ago. They were on their way by auto to spend the winter In Xew Mexico, on account of Mrj". I.uckman's health. Miss Ieah Parker returned to her home last Monday as her school in Ketby is closed on account of the infliienxa epidemic. Mr. and .Mrs. .1. Single were Grants Pass visitors Monday. .Miss Anno McCormick and Miss McGrall, district nurse, will meet with the Parent-Teachers association at the home of Mrs. Roy Xfthols. on Saturday afternoon, Oct. lnih. Mrs. Karl Heft will, entertain with Mrs. Nichols. Friends here will he murh Inter ested to hear from old neighbors. In a recent letter from Miss Blanch McKec, to Mrs. Wm. Thompson, she tells of her mother's work at Camp Fremont. Mrs. McKoo Is doing can teeii work In tho Y. M. C A. building there. Billy McKee sailed with his company for Siberia about Sept. 1st, while Kvoretl, when last heard from, was on the firing line "somewhere In France." Frank Is still at Mathers Field. Sacramento. COURT HOUSE REPORT , i ,' deported by Jackson County Ab. txsot Co,, Sixth and Central At. , Probate Court Cnthorino S. Van Scoy, vs. G. C. McAllister, administrator, ct nl. Mo tion. Answer. Motion, Default judgment. J. A. Morev estate. Hond. Marv 0. Kiishbaum, estate. Proof of will. Circuit Court 11. II. Krixtow vs. Ncelv & Younir ct til. Foreclosure. W. S. Itanium vs. Southern Oregon Traction Co. et ill. 1'or restniininir order. K. W. Huberts et nl vs. Alllct;ate Lumber Co. Answer. L. H. Iirowti vs. Win. A. Dtittun. Summons. T. K. I'ottcnwr vs. Wm. Ulrieh (ntlin.) ef nl. Answer. Yniita (in Stcll'cn vs. Frank A. Stcffen. Order. Affidavit. Spencer A. .Muvliuith vs. Soul hern Oregon Traction Co. F.xecution. Itenl KsUito Transfers KUu S. Dnvis et vir to George S. litiekbce. Northeast of southeast of'soclioti :i(l. in townshin H.". range I) west $ Mnntiiret Herbert et vir lo Chester A. I'lirvin. I.tiiul in C'itv of Medford James Huslionir to I. X. Skitl- more. Lund in sections II and 4, townshin' ;iS, rtwure 1 ' west Mnrv K. O'Neil to Klinbelh Wilcox. Laud in 1. L. S. 7U. township 37. range 2 west ) 10 10 How's This? TVe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Mall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty Ave years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy (or Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine actfl thru the Blood on the Mucoua surfaces, ftxpclhng the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will sec a groat Improvement In your general health Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F, j. chekki t co.. -roieao, umo. Sold by all Drugfrista, 76c between the hours of eight o'clock a. m. and olght o'clock p. m. Tho following officers are to be elected at said election: One mayor, One recorder, One treasurer, Two councilmen from the first ward, Two councilmen from the second ward, ' Two councilmen from the third ward. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following places are hereby designated as the polling places with in said city at which such electlcn wlll be held, the same being the pre cinct polling places designated for the Btate and county election, towlt: Precincts nml Voting Phices Medford Korth Main, Smith's Hall, 12S N. Grape St. Medford South Main, 209' West Main St. Medford North Central, City Hall. Medford South Central, 32 S. Cen tral Ave. Medford North Riverside, Lincoln school North). M'odford South Riverside, Back of 01 7 S. Riverside Ave. Medford Oakdale, Oakdale Grocery Modford Newtown, Washington School. Medford Park, 4 S. Orange St. North Medford, 510 Hoatty St. Northeast Medford, Roosevelt school. East Medford, Pacific & EaBtern Depot. Soutlioast Medford, 836 E. Main St. Southwest -Medford, 1022 W. Elev enth St. West Medford, 3U5 W. Second St. Northwest Medford, 009 W. Jack son St. The same persons nre designated as election officials for each precinct as those selected for the state and county election. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this ISth day of Octobor, 1918. (Signedl M. L. A 1. FORD, Recorder of the City ot Medford, Oregon. (SEAL) HELP WAXTKIt FKMAIH WANTED tllrl for gonorul house work, two In family. Call Mrs. Lincoln McCormnck, 41 Ross Cort. Tel. 6S19. ISO WANTED Crirl or woman for gon eral housework; no washing or care of children; good wages. Mrs. F. Corning Kenly. Tel. C11-J3. WANTED Ten bright capable ladies to travel., demonstrate autl sell well known goods to established dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week; railroad faro paid: weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address nt once Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 133, Omaha, Nobr. WANTED Dining Hotel Medford. room girl at WANTED Women, salary $24 full Into, 50c an hour spare time, dis tributing guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Pormanont. Experience unnecessary. Apply Guarantee Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. FOB ftENl HOUSE. FOR , RENT Four-room cottago on Riverside . street, Immediately ad joining Advent church on the north. Large lot for garden, $5.00 per month. Wm. M. Colvlg. 17!) FOR RENT 028 West Palm. Six- room modern bungalow, cement basement, garage, $12.00. J. W. Wialtoflold. Butter PORTLAND, Oct. ,19. Butter city creamery prints, extras, box lots 65c; cartons, box lots rt Or half boxes '&c more; less than half boxes lc more. Buying price butterfat, Port laud, 69c; cube extras 6-lc. barley, No. 3, Portland Grnin WHEAT $2.20 basis; none; oats, $54 bid; corn, yellow, $54 bid. MILL STUFFS Mill run f. o. b. mill, carlots, $29.65; mixed cars, $30.15; less. than cnrlots, $30.65. HAY Timothy, $30 li 34 ; alfalfa, $27.50; grain, $26. Notice to Gasoline Distributors. The Slate Council of Jlclciisc hits rciitiesli'd Hint the sale of all nelro letirn products int'liidiiitf ajusoline. dis tillate. luiiricnlitiL' oils, etc., tit car niM's and public filling stations lie discontinued between the hours of 0 p. m. and (i n. ni. one week davs nml from 0 p. m on Saturday until I) u. m. on Moiidnv of everv week until further notice. It is expected that everyone ilcul intr in the above will cheerfully com ply with the nlinvc reime-t. f!KO. T. COLLINS. 4 hnimtan .lnokson County Stale t'oul- eil of Defense. October HI. HUH. With Medford trad Is Medford mads (losing Xollce We. the undersigned garage men and gasoline dealers In compliance with the request of the State Council of Defense, agreo to keep our places of business closed on Sunday until the order of the Council of Defense has been withdrawn, anil to close at 6 p. m. week days anil 9 p. m. Satur day. No gas after fl p. m. Saturday Power Auto Co. Barnum Garage. ' C. E. Gates Auto Co. Crater Lake Hardware Co. Medford Furn. Hdw. Co. A. W. Walker Auto Co. Trch-hler Pelrson Inc. Garnelt Bros. Hardware. Prtiltt !III!:,on Auto Co. C. A. Ho Voe. Valley Garage. Crater Lake .Motor Co. Young's Cn-age. Pacific Highway Garage. Riverside Garage. Adv. F. C. Doremtis left today to spend several weeks In a logging ramp near Dolls, Calir. Resolution No. 14 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MED FORD, OREGON: Section 1. That there be . and hereby is called a regular city olec Hon In and for the City of Medford to bo held on the 5th duy of Novem ber, 1918 for the olootlon of city offi cers pursuant to tho charter of said city. Said election Is hereby ordered to bo held on tho above date between the hours of eight o'clock n. m. and eight o'clock p. m. as provided by tho city charter of said city, and the state law. Tho following officers shall bo voted for at said election: One mayor, One recorder. One treasurer, ( Two councilmen from tho first ward. Two councilmen from tho second ward. Two councilmen from tho third ward. Sec. 2. The following places are hereby designated as the polling places within the sild city nt which such election will be hold, the same being tho precinct polling places designated for the state and comity election, to-wlt: lrecinct ami Voting Place Medford Nor'.h Main, Smith's Hall, 128 N. Grape Si. Medford South Main, 209 West Main St. Medford North Contral, City Hall. Medford Kouth Central, 32 S. Con tral Ave. Medford North Riverside, Lincoln School (North). Medford South Riverside, Back of 6 1 7 S. Riverside Ave. Medford Oakdale, Oakdalo Grocery Medford Newtown, Washington School. Medford Park, 4 South Orungo St. North Medford. 510 Beatty St. Northeast Medford, Roosevelt School. East Medford, Pacific & Eastern Depot. Southeast Medford, 82 0 E. Main St. Southwest Medford, 1022 W Elcv enth St. West Medford, 335 W Second St. Northwest Medford, 609 W. .lack son, St. Sec. 3. The same persons aro designated as election officials for each precinct as those selected for the state and county election. Sec. 4. Tho recorder of the City of Metlford Is hereby directed to give notice of said election In the manner provided In the charter of said city Passed by the clly council this ISth day of October, 1918 and signed by mo In open session In niithentlca Hon of its passage this ISth doy of October, 191S. t Signed) C. K. GATES, Mayor. Approved by mo this ISth day of Octobor, 19 IS. ( Signed ) C. E. GATES, (SEAL) Mayor, Attest: (Signed) M. I.. ALFOltD, City Recorder. iNotlco of Final Account Iu the matter of the estate of Walter M. Kennedy, deceased. Notlco is hereby given . that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate of Waller M. Kennedy, de ceased, has filed her final account In the County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Jackson County, Oregon, that Saturday, November 16, 1918, at tho hour of ten, o'clock a. in. has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto, and tho settlement thereof. Dated this 12 th day ot October, 1918. ROSAMOND WRIGHT, Administratrix ot tho Estato of Walter M. Kennedy, Docensed. G. M. ROBERTS, Attorney for Administratrix. N tire of Clly Lice! Inn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular city election will be held In and for the City of Medford, Ore gon, on November 5th. IHIS, for the election of city officers pursuant to the charter of said city. Said 1 Hon will he held on the above date POLITIC.V it A X XOl'NCKM EXT FOU COl'XTY .ll'IKJE Vote for M. ilMirdiii A probate lawyer who knows how to administer estates. Ib honost, ef ficient, favors good Toads, saving county money and low taxes. .Adv. FOR RENT Six-room modorn bun galow In first-class shapo. Range connected. Garage. Phono 488-X FOR RENT Furnished house and two brick rooming houses. One seven-room dwelling with garage on (paved stroet. John F. White, Phone 449-M. 187 FOR RENT One 5 and ono 7-room bungalow. 820 West Twelfth. FOR REST APARTMENTS. FOR RENT One completely fur- nlshod apartment. Hotel Holland. FOR RENT FUK PUSHED ROOMS. FOR RENT Furnished . or unfur nished rooniB for housekeeping; rates very reasonable. Kenelwoith rooms. 130 W'ost Main stroet. 179 JIONTU TO LO.V. MONEY TO LOAN on gooo real estate sonority, and will buy Lib erty Bonds, j. B. Andrews, No. 81 North Orape Phono 647..!. C FOR KXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE Small farm near Modford, for larger acreage or un improved land; would assumo or pay some difference. Addrcrs IIok 777, Mull Trlbtino. 179 Bllnlng Krpcrt. CAMPBELL & LII.JEGRAN mines promltlng association; mining properties listed for dale, sampled and reports rendered. Offleo autl assay laboratory at 107 North Fir St., opposite ilotol Holland. Sam plea by mall given p-mipt atten Attomnys. PORTKR J. NEFF, Attoriuvr-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Mdrurd Nattnna' Bank Btilldtrifr. .'lainoM A. H. Heames, lawyer Corer Bnlldln:. Auto bpp!Ee. LA HSR AUTO SPRING CO.V are operating the largest, eldest and best-equipped plant In the Fi elflo northwest. Uue our aprlnpj when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 31 North Ptftooati 8t, Portland, Oregon. GARBAGE Get Tour otanitew cleaned np for the umrn- !; on the city garbage wnani f:T god service. Phone lil-V.. T. Allen. Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. R. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Ask about our, new and Blmpllfied method of account ing. Particularly valuable to an business as a time-saver giving full business detail. M. F. & H. Bldg.. Medford. Phone 1C7-R. Instruction in MjuIc. FOR RENT Furnished rooms very reasonable by week or month. Kenelworth Rooms, 130 West Main street. 179 FOR RENT Furnished rooms $1.75 and $2.00 per week. 215 'North Grape. ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WILL EXCH ANGE Fino ewe lambs for Tat wether lambs weighing 14 pounds more. D. Rosenberg, Med ford Hotel. ' FOR SALE A small bnntl of good range cwoa; also ewe lambs nnd somo bucks, ford Hotel. D. Rosenborg, Med- FOR SALE Good work toifln, har ness, wagon nnd hack, cheap. Stewart, 635 Pulm street. 179 FOR SHERIFF W. O. Garrett announces himself as an independent candidate for the offico of sheriff of Jackson county. Adv. I nm the regular republican nom- ineo for Sheriff of Jackson county and will appreciate your support on "ov. 5. If elected I promise strict law enforcement nnd nn economical, business administration. C. E. THRILL, of Lake Creek. FOR ItEI'ltESEXTATIVE I am the republican candidate for representative from the Sth repre sentative district anil will appreciate your support on November 5th. Adv. .1. A. WEBTEIILDXD. FOIl STATE SEN ATOR Dr. (liarlcN T. SwiM'tley My eight yeurs residence In south orn Oregon, Intituuto knowledge of the needs of every community of our county, and experience In the lust session of the last session of tha leg islature. I feel amply fits me to look nfter Jackson county's interests. (Adv.) HELP WAN1BK MALE. WANTED Men. $2.50 and board WebBter Ranch, 1 Vi miles north of Jacksonville. 19 WAXTWIV MiMCKLIiANKOOH WANTED Woodsaw outfit without the engine. Berkeley Orchards, 179 WANTED Pasture all winter. F. V Ore. for two horses Mets, Talllnui I 80 WANTED Toggenbcrg or other milk goat, rlow fresh. Goo. T. Elsey. Merlin, Ore. ISO WANTED Sell you cream to tho Johnson Prod. Co., Central Point, Ore., where the tests and cash counts. WANTED House to move, lulld repair or wreck. Phone 488-M or 488-X. WANTED R. H. Toft buys Liberty bonds, also mortgages, notes, ludg- ments, escrow contracts, etc., and makes short time loans on any old thing. FOR RENT M1HOKI.LANKOU8. FOR RlkST-929-W. -Typewriter. Phone 1S2 FOR RENT 10-ncre fruit and berry ranch, close In. Phone 929-W. 1S2 FOR SALE Several young fresh cows, lo calves. Pigs, shoats and sows. Ono team good work horses, weigh about 28110. Mlravisla Orch ard, Phono 597-.I3. ' FOR BALE MIHOKLLANKOUH. FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher i piano and harmony. Haight Musli Studio, 401 Oa-vnett-Coi'-iy .i& Phone 72. Insurance. ALICE HOLLOW AY Fire, Aeoliloni, Automobile, Liability policies writ ten with best English and Emst-orr. Companies. Office 408 Urjuott Corey Bldg. c EARL S. TUMY Genoral Insurance office, Fire, Automohllo, Accident,, Liability, Plato Glass, Hay or Grain In field or hum; also Live stock. Contract and Surety Bonds. Excellent companies, good local service. No. 210 Garnott-Corey Bldg., L. L. Cathcart, Manager. Pinning Mill. THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, moulding and acreens. Shop i37 8. Fir. Phone 184. Physicians and Ra txua. DK. W. W. HOWARDOiatecivthie physician. 303 l nuitt-Corej bull-! Ing. Phone 130. 1 vw iii The text of the German note, as r "In accepting the proposal for an Gorman government has started trot of this evacuation and of tho eondll I ha military advisers and that the utf In the field lias lo form the basis for untcclng this slniidurd. "Tho German government suggest should ho brought about for fixing Ihl of tho United Slates will approve of r Hs 'f. Uf.h'Mft.'lI.lll.liiTJttiiM as now. Horses weight 140 each, 7 and (I years old. Will sell cheap If laken at once. Harry Muhou. Talent, Ore. 181 DR. J. J. EMMENS Phjsiclan anil aargeon. Practico limited to eyj, ear, nose and throat. Fye-i scien tifically tented und glssr") im plied. Oculist, and Anrltt. for li. V. R. R. Co. Offices hi. S. & H. 0 Uldg. Phone 567. DR. F. G. CARI.OW I)R. EVA MAi, CARLOW OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS 116-417 Garnett-Cotoy Bldg. Phono 9U4-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Stroet. FOR SALE Spllz and Newtown cooking apples 35c, fancy 75c. .1. V'els, mile north ot Jackson ville. ISO FOR SALE Seed wheat, Utile Club. This wheat made 71 bushels to tho ucre this year. C. i.. Hansen, S19 North Cenliul. 181 FOR SALE Dodge louring car, good condition, new tires. Bargain price. Box 9 13. Medford P. O. 1711 FOR SALE Bicycle, used only a few times; also a small heating stove. W. .1. Si In-licit, Hotel Holland. ISO FOR SALE 500 bushels of first class yellow corn: also grain hay Call evenings. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE Dresser, onk dining table, gas ranges. Phone 247-1 222 South Holly. 179 FOR SALE A No. 1 lull fledged Imklng eiiilpmcnt, with all neces sary accessories. Will close these out cheap for cash It disposed or soon. Wrlto to or personally Inter view Abo Butler, Oak street, Ash land, Oregon, ls-l 'OR SALE Dry onk stumps. Web ster Ranch, 1 Vj miles north Jack sonville. 191 ItlHIXESS OI'POttTl'MTIICS FOR SALIC Established real estate business. Choice ground floor lo cation. ' Have been In the business hero for 8 years and have made good but will be away for months and will sell for vnltte of furniture, or will rent. Come over where there Is something doing A. A. Mehaffey, Klamath Fulls Ore. 179 Printers and .Talillshori. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hj. tin best equipped printing office h Southern Oregon. Pook hiudlis. looae )af leduern. billing ayele;ni. eto. Portland prices, il No'ti Fir St, vcrKnNtei. BADS TRANSFER & STOKA.GW CO. Office 42 North Front St. Fhonn 215. Prlcoa right. Snrrict f".r nted SPECIAL 10 nrrea Hoorl soil, somo fruit. Bond well wulr Rom, five-room houm?, nnw; old burn, fi vc anvH uti d(ir Irrigation. T!i owner took u Rood rrop off this season but In le.tv iiiK the Hlato and offering Ihn place, for nalo for $1700. on, hit va-. h, the bulanco on caB.v term. TtiU U an exceptional opportunity for ono who wantit to ko Into poultry, iKrl'-t or gardening, etc. , Brown & White 10 Houtli Fir Klr.t. IXTERl'HH.t At MM Alt CO TIME CARD Leave Medford for Asninnd, Talent, and Phoenix dail, except Sunday at B;00 a. m. and 19:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur day at 10:15 p. m., Sundays leave nt 10:30 a. m. and 1:30, 5:30 and !:u p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, nt 9:00 a. m and 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 mil 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday ntghtt at 6:80. Sunday leave Ai.hlnnd nt 9:00 a. ra, and 12:30, ( ;M Mil 6:30 P. m.