Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 18, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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First Co, Upper Reservation, Fort
McArtliur. Onlif.. Oct. 10. '18.
Editor Moil Tribune:
- Denr Sir. It is a pleasure for mo
to write this storv of two of vottt own
Modl'ord bovs who are milking uood
for Uncle Sam.
Stanford S. and II. A. Aiken were
coiled to the colore on Jul v Gth. al
Jredford. Ora. It was both literally
and figuratively a case of "brother;
in pnns." Thev were called to Fort
McDowell and later transferred to
Fort MeArtliur. Son Pedro. Cnl.
The salt uir and bahnv breezes
seemed to agree with these two Orego
nians. for thev soon bloomed forth
as corporals,
Orcgoninns are sometimes called
"rarss backs," but the term was cer
tainly missnpplied to these bovs.
Not content with promotion nlonc.
the bovs decided to back Vncle Sain
not onlv with their lives, but to invest
their dollars in ammunition for their
Sit up and take notice, vou yellow
back Klackers who not onlv "hide out"
at homo, but refuse to loan vour dol
lars on the security of the entire na
tion with Food interest to supply
these men who will .perhaps make the
"supreme sacrifice'' that vou mav
continue to enjoy the freedom for
which vou refuse both vour craven
lives und dirtv dollars. These two
bovs like hundreds of thousands of
other real, red blooded. Americans
now in uniform, are not content to
eive their bodies to the defence of
their nation and vour nation, hut their
money as well. The man or woman
who enjoys the fruits of peace
this country and who refuses to do
his or her "bit" and not onlv "bit"
but "best" in this solemn hour of our
nation's peril will hnvo no place in
this country when peace has been es
tabliidied upon a decent and cudnr-
ini basis.
When the bovs come mnehmg
home again, when America is once
more a safe place for women and
children, every real American will
wish to he able to look these victo
rious heroes, in the face and sav;
"boys, I did all in mv power to back
vou up!"
Buv bonds! Buy more bonds! Keep
on buying bonds until our uuota is
raised and then buv more for good
luck and future nnfefv!
837511 i:. 8. A.
In the tiliove imiv be seen I'ornonil
Stanford S. Aiken and bis brother
Corporal II A Aiken buying from
Private Knlk8:i7.ill V. S. A. (Dwight
II. Robinson 1st Co.) who has raised
over one and a ouurter million dol
lars during fourteen months of ser
vice at Fort MeArtliur.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 18 Cat
tle, receipts 8:1; steady. Prime steers.
iH'-'.OOi'a'Kl.OO: good to choice. $11.00
12.00: medium to good, .$0.7.
11.00; fair to medium. If8.2.5(a'9.2.i;
common to fair. $r.7f(ff8.2.': choice
cows mid heifers, .f 8.0000.00: me
dium to good, if f.7o(fi)7.25 : fair to
meduim. $1.7.5(5 "m.') : ennners, $3.00
f4.00: bulls. $3.00(57.00: calves.
!).00(o 12.00; stockers and feeders,
liogs. receipts, 808: steady, prinie
mixed. $17.25(u 17..50: medium mixed.
17.00(il7.2."): roavh heavies. l.i.Mli
oil.ViO: nigs. 14.."0(S 13.30: bulk of
sales, $17.23(o '17.30.
Sheep. reeipts. 210: slow. Priaie
lambs. $12.00(o 1:1.30: fair to me
dium, $!1.00(o 11.00: vearlings. $10.00
(riill.00; wethers. $!).00(m 10.00: ewes.
$G.30(T 0.00.
Duller f
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 18 Butler
firm, city creamery prints extra, box
lots (3c: cartons box lots. (ilic: half
boxes I'tt'i more: less than half boxes
le more. Buving price butter fat.
Portland. G!)c: cube extras. 04c.
Persons Weak and Rundown 1
Victims Fortify Yourself
Against It by Taking
According to late reports iBsued by
state and federal health authorities
the Spanish Influena epidemic Is rap
Idly spreading to all parts of the
country, and it now seems that prac
tically every state in the union will
tie seriously affected before it runs
Its course.
It bas not only become a great and
terrifying menace to the public
health, but unless checked, it is apt
to seriously affect the progress of
war work in all its various depart
ments. Already the Shipping Board
has announced that ten per cent of
Its workers had been affocted.
Tha iOdcqdo l,an , a .1 tin HMulaut
progress in the east where it has
claimed its victims by the thousands.
Reports from other sections, how
ever, are equally alarming; and both
civil and military authorities have
warned the public to take every pre
caution to prevent its further spread,
in many cities schools, churches and
theatres have been closed1 and public
gatherings of all kinds forbidden.
Medical utahorltlcs agree that peo
ple who are weak and rundown are
the earliest victims of the Influenza
epidemic. If you find yourself tired,
weak and losing flesh, or If you are
In a generally run-down condition, or
if you catch cold easily this warning
should be hoeded promptly. You are
really In great danger, because the
germ of this disease is very catching
and you are apt to fall an easy victim
If you come In contact with the
germs. People who are well and
strong are not likely to contract the
disease because they are able to
throw it off. The common-sense way
to keep from taking It is to fortify
the system against attack by building
up tho constitution.
In other words to use the old
adage, "An ounce of prevention Is
worth a pound of cure." And if you
are In a sub-normal condition the
proper thing to do Is to begin lnime
dlatoly to build up your powers of
resistance. To accomplish this, noth
ing on earth will strengthen you and
build you up like Tanlnc, the power
ful reconstructive tonic, which con
tains the very elements needed by
the system to give you fighting
strength and ward off the influenza
First of all Tanlac begins Its action
by creating a good healthy appetltle
for wholesome, nourishing food, and
assists every organ of the body to
perform Its natural functions, thus
helping to build up health and
strength In the natural way.
Tanlac is also the Ideal strength-
ening tonic for persons who are suf
fering from the after efforts of Influ-
enza, Grippe or Bronchial troubles
and hundreds of thousands are using
It dally with the most gratifying re
sults. .
In connection with the Tanlac
treatment. It is necessary to keep the
howolsopen by taking Tanlac Laxa
tive Tablets, samples of which are
Included with every bottle of Tanlnc.
It Is also Important that the every
day rules of hygiene be observed;
that Is, sleep In well ventilated
rooms, get plenty of fresh air and ex
ercise and keep sway from crowds.
Tanlac is sold In Medford by West
aide Pharmacy. In Cold Hill by M. D.
Bowers. In Central Point by Miss M.
A. Mee, in Ashland by J. .1. MeNalr.
V . AdV'
Portland Grain
WiliiAT $2.20 basis; barley,
none; oats, ' $54 bid; corn, No. 3,
yellow, $54 bid.
MILL, STUFFS Mill run f. 0. b
mill, carlots, $29.65; mixed cars,
$30.15; less than ctrlots, $30.65.
HAY Timothy. ?3034; alfalfa,
$27.60; grain, $26.
merging tho telegraph and telephone
sorvlce with that of tho postoftko
under Joint government control of
those utilities. -
Word received from the Puget
Sound naval station, directed to
friends here, Indicates that Jerry
O'Neal, former plumber at Provost
Bros., and who lately enlisted In the
navy as shllitltter, Is Bariously 111 at
Bremerton as a result of the prevail
ing Influenza epidemic.
Mrs. C. A. Wester, wife of the
Southern Pacific resident engineer
with headquarters at Dunsmiilr. died
In that city recently after brief ill
ness. Besides her husband she leaves
three children. Mrs. Wester was
well known here and had many lutl
mato friends In the local railroad col
ony, notably In the family of Con-
I doctor George Gillette.
Tom Hudson Is home again from
northern shipyards, for a belated va
cation after a busy season at con
struction work where lntenslvo oper
ations are tho order of the day.
Walker Thorno of Seattle, was vis
iting relatives hero early In the week
and renewing former homo associa
tions In the family of O. H. Johnson.
He has been connected with impor
tant business interests In the nor
thern metropolis, but like many oth
ers, has sacrificed the opportunities
of private life in exchange for the
exactions of military service. For a
year or more he has been attending
tho officers training, school In Seattle.
Tho seven combined war activities
which are merged In a big national
drive to begin Nov. 11, will require
the raising of $170,000,000 as a min
imum amount to meet the demand.
Jackson county's quota will be $20,
850, and the share which Ashland
will be expec ted to raise, the district
Including Talent and Phoenix, is
$950. Ashland's specific contribu
tion, is supposed. to be afforded by its
war chest as replenished thru patrio
tic fund pledges.
Preliminary to leaving Ashland
for an indefinite stay in Portland,
the George Ganle family havo been
rocelving a visit from Chan. Reason
er, Mrs. Ganler's brother, who for
morly rosidod here and who has re
turned from India, where he relin
quished a lucrailvo dental practice at
Bombay In order to enter the U. S.
military service.
"Cough and sneeze In private, and
don't spit In public," Is tho slogan
embodying all precautions necessary
to ward off the approach of Influenza
Jack True, foreman on county
highway operations which have been
going on for some tlmo past cast or
town In the Souger Hill locality, has
gone to Portland for a brief vacation,
accompanied by his wife and her sis
ter. Miss Amy Grubb. The party will
also visit relatives at the northern
military camps.
from Mlarch each year to November
every two years In nccordunco with
the stato constitution.
All city offices will expire Jan. 1st,
1919. And there will bo to elect at
the regular election Nov. 5th, one
moyor, one city recorder, one city
treasurer and six councilmen, all for
a torm of two years each.
As wo write Wednesday afternoon
there is no Spanish Influenza In our
city up to date. Mayor Cowley Is
taking every precaution to koop same
out. Schools hero are not closed as
yet but the school board aro on the
watch and at the first appearance of
tho disease school will be dismissed
until dangor of an epidemic is past.
H. W. Duvlsson and family have
removed from the Tritt property
north of town to tho residence at tho
northeast corner of Sixth and Alden
streots In south Central Point.
Mrs. Annie' Kelso and sons nro
hero visiting her mother, Mrs. S. 11.
Murray and will spend the winter
Mr. Thornbrue who spent the sum
mer at Crater Lake doing roud work,
is again at homo here.
Mrs. J. W. Merrttt of Gold Hill,
was here Tuesday visiting her many
Mrs. W. C. Kenney of Sams Volley,
was visiting relatives here recently.
.Mrs. Waddoll .left for Portland
Tuesday where she will Join her hus
band and remain permanently.
George Ben Little who has been in
government Borvlce at Lake of tho
Woods. Is now at homo here.
Jess Neff, who is working on Ap
plegate, spent Sunday with home
Dr. William H. Hcckman left last
Thursday evening for Helena. Mont..
where he will enter the medical ser
vice of tho United States army,.
Mrs. May Childers of Klamath
county, is here visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. MeJiiusey spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Eldrod in Grants Pass.
Boyd Potter' who has resided for
some years on tho Cochran property
northeast of town, has moved to Ash
The Methodist and Presbyterian
Sunday schools have united and have
elected Mr. Henderson superlnten
clout, und will hold all meetings at
tho Presbyterian church hereafter.
Tho ninny frlonds of A. O. Bailey
extend to him their sympathy In the
loss of his esteemed wife.
Mrs. Jessie idary who hns spent
the summer at the Spruce camps with
her husband. Is here visiting her
mother, Mrs. Nettie Green.
o.eportod by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., BUth and Central At.
Probate (Xillrt
Allco Martin Estate,
and appralsoment.
Circuit Omit
J. II. Cooley vs. L. K. Hook. De
murrer. F. B. Malory Co. vs. Ashland Box
fc Lumber Mfg. Co. Dismissed.
M. A.. Walsh vs. Southern Pacific
Co. Order.
Ashland Hotel Co. vs. Charles W.
Soldier boys passing thru here of
late havo been regaled with portions
of an elaborate birthday cake, "1111111"
after plans and specifications afford
ed by an expert In the porson of Dr.
Maude Hawley, whoso custom has
been for years pa3t to provide a flno
specimon of the pastry cook's art as
a reminder of her brother Virgil's
blrthdny anniversary. Now Virgil is
22 years old, and the Hawley family
history Indicates that at each succes
sive birthday of the brother he has
been tho recipient of this token of
sisterly thoughtfulncss and affection.
However, at present Virgil Is serving
with tho A. E. F. In France, and as
birthday cakes cannot very well with
stand the nsage of the long haul
overseas, recourse was had to the
method of disposal as above set
forth. As a result, various other sol
dier boys will devour Virgil's birth
day cako by proxy as it were, and the
Red Cross ladles of tho local canteen
service are arranging that a Just and
impartial distribution of It is being
made, a second holplng to the luxury
being out of the question. It is
needless to add that this birthday
cako, tho of ample proportions, Is
disappearing fast.
The city library Is exempt from
the embargo regulations as to closing
during the Influenza period, with the
Implied understanding Hint patrons
will stand upon the order of their go
ing as soon as they have availed
themselves of that Institution's priv
ileges, and not possibly add to com
plications by lingering about the
A proposed charter amendment is
being suggested whereby city offic
ials shall lie elected for two year3 In
stead of one year as at present. The
Idea Is to eliminate at least half of
the overhead cloction expense ac
count by Introducing this plan which
Is classed as a municipal reform
Hev. M. C. Heed is home from the
lntermountaln Chautauqua platform
circuit, a temporary vacation enforc
ed by the Influenza epidemic preva
lent In certain localities.
Tho lied Cross directors meeting,
quarterly schedule, will bo held on
Friday evening. Oct. IX, at 7:30
o'clork nt the organization's perma
nent hoadquartcrs.
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Barr, of Grln
nell, Iowa, have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Lay s this week, re-
newlng the acquaintance offormcr
years In the HawUeye state.' They
are on the way to southern California
for the winter. Mr. Bsrr Is a veteran
of the civil war. and attended the re-'
A special meeting of the W. 1L
Harrison W. H. C. was hold Monday
night to receive and entertain Mrs
Mertha Drew Ullmoro, of lloppner
Oregon, who Is stato president of tho
Woman's Belief Corps. Mrs. Gllmore
Inspected the corps here and reported
Fame In flno condition and congratu
lated the officers upon their work.
G. N. Doris has moved his family
from the Willow Springs district to
the Kylo property In this city.
The city council has called s special
election to bo held Tuesday, Oct. 22
from 8 a. m. to 6 p. rn. at city hall
to amend tho city charter, changing
tho time of holding city elections
Spent Money Foolishly
"I have been a great Buffcrer from
stomach trouble and sail Btonos. No
one knows tho pains I havo suf
fered. Since taking tho first dose
of Mayr's Wonderful llcmrdy am
feeling fine, can work lal dya and eat
anything 1 want. Have no more
distress or palpitation of the heart
from gas on my stomach. I have
spent a great deal of money on
doctors and medicine but gut noth
ing to help me," It Is a simple,
harm less preparation that removes
(he catarrhal mucus from the In tee
Una I tract and allays the inflnmma
tion which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal ail
ments, including appendicitis. One
dose will convince , or money refund
ed. Sold by druggists everywhere
T&ke a gUm of Salts if your Back hortit
or Bladder bothers you Drink
more water.
If ywi imrtt'liavu your wat awry dny4
eat it, but flush your kida with salts
occasionally, says a noted authority who
wns us tJinx meat lorms una acid which
aliuost panuy.p-s the kidneys in their ef
forts to expel it from the blood. Thry
become sluggish and wraknn, then you
surfer with a dull misery in the kidney
region, sharp pains in tlio back or sick
npnancDc. divines. Tour stomach soi;rs,
tonjmo is ennted ond when the wcatlwr
is l:id you have rhetimntro twines. Ilia
urine pets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channrls often uot sore and irriUlcri.
oMiim? you to snck relief two or threo
time di:nn( the night.
lo neutralise tliese Irritntim? acids, to
elenn.if tho kidneys ond fltwh olT tin
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
J1 oaits irom any pharmacy hero;
take a tshlrnpoonful in a class of
water boforo break f ant for a few day
and your kicincys will then act flno. Thi
famous suits is made from tha ncld of
jrraa and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for fenerations)
to flunh and stimulalo si uppish kidneys,
also to neutralize the acids in urine,
so it no longer irritate, thus ending
Madder weakness.
.Tad Palts is inenensiv; cannot in
jure, and makes a doligbtful ellervceccnt
Got Dr. E;lw?.rcb Olive Tablol
.c3 Dr. lUvn.-is p-ritotiGlr.'c'i.uJ:
.3 sutitiLU or
Cr. iiilvvards, n rmctidns physician for
years ealoncl'a old-time enemy,
icovtrcd tha fcr-nrii for Olive Tableto
.14 tresUns p:t;s-is tor chronic cw
. u. n and toroid livers.
r. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
.'. '.-! r.-lomd, but a bra' in,; ecothinj
. .tujlo laxative.
i-.'o cr-pins is tha "keynote" of these
"tic senrcnted. c-!ivc-co!arod tnblav
They rauio tha bowels and liver to aci
r.orm.illy. They never force them to
unr.ntunil action.
li you have a "dark brown mouth" now
end then a bad breath a dull, tired
feeling sick headache torpid liver and
are constipated, you'll find quick, sure and
only pleasant results from one or two lit
tie Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every ninht
just to keep right. Try them. 10c and
25c per box. All drugsists,
iogan ot nl. Ordor for sheriff to
oxoouto deod.
(corse Cllno V3. J. O. Rlgg. Stipu
lation of dismissal.
Ileal Kstnto Transfers
Pauline Slurgls to M. T. Mur
phy ct ux. Land In Med
ford . $
Mary Peter vs. William Bark
loy. Land In I). I,. C. 90,
Twp. 87. It . 2 W 300.00
George Rlfors et ux to Otis
A. Mack and J. Pearl Mack
Land in D. L. C. 42, Twp.
38, U. 1 W 22,1.00
Tt:w 6 BeUrANS
ut wafer
' Sure Relief
Ir.l3;i sum V
TOR RUNT Furnished apartments.
Call 2 to 6, 322 South Central.
FOR RENT One completely fur
nished apartment. Hotel Holland.
TOUn'd At the library, ladles'
sweater. Owner may have same
by paying for adv. and proving
FOR HUNT Typewriter.
WAINTKI) CHrl or woman for gen
eral housework; no washing ot
caro of children; good wages. Mrs.
F. Corning Kenly. Tel. fill -J 3.
Hotel Medford.
room girl at
WANTED Women, salary $24 full
Imo, f0c an hour spare time, dis
tributing guaranteed hosiory to
wearer. Permanent. Experience
unnecessary. Apply Guarantee
Mills, Norristown, Pa.
FOR KENT Three-room cottago on
Klvcrsldo strccl, Immediately ail
Joining Advent church on the
norlh. Largo lot for garden, $5,110
per month. Wm. M. Colvlg. 179
WANTED Men. $2.50 and board.
Webster Ranch, 1 V miles north
of Jacksonville. 11
WANTED Wooilsa-y outfit without
the engine. Ueikulcy Orrhnrds.
WANTED Pasture for two horses
nil winter. F. V. Mets, Talllma,
Oro. ISO
WANTED At once, hopsckecper for
two In rwun'.ry, close In. Hoi til).
Mall Tribune.
WANTED Toggcnberg or other
milk goal, now fresh. Ceo. T.
Elscy, Merlin, Oro. 180
WANTED Sell youi cream to ine
Johnson Prod. Co., Central Point,
pre., whore the tests and each
WANTED House to mo?, kulld,
repair or wreck. Phone 4H8-M or
FOR KENT 02S West Palm. Six-
room modem bungalow, cement
basement, garage, $12.00. J. W.
Wakefield. "
FOR RENT 10-acro fruit and berry
ranch, close In. Phone 929-W. 182"
FOR RENT Farm partially wat
ered; Immediate possession !n
quire IIox X, Mull Tribune. 178
FOR RENT Furnlshod or unfur
nished rooms for housekeeping;
rates very reasonable. Kenolworth
rooms. 130 West Mnln stroct. 179
No Cooking
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages.
Quick Lunch; Home or Office.
MONEY TO LOAN on gooo real
estate security, and will buy Lib
erty Bonds. J. B. Andrews, No.
81 North Orane. Phone 64T.J. tf
FOR EXCHANGE Small farm near
Medford, for larger acreage or un
improved land; would assume or
pay aohio difference. Addross Box
777, Mall Tribune. 179
Mining RxpeHa.
promltlng association; mlnlnx
properties listed for sale, sampled
and reports rendered. Office andt
assay laboratory at 107 North Fu
st, opposite Hotol Holland. Sam
plea by mall given ptmpt atten
Attorney a.
PORTER J. NEFF, Attornr-Haw.
room and t, Mtdfort NaUowl
Bank Bnlldlnc
A. B. Ream, Lawyer.
Corey Balldtng.
Aato kapplMa.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms very
reasonable by weok or month
Konclworth Rooms, 130 West
Main street. 179
are operating the largest, (Ideal
aud beat-equipped plant In tha Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold ander writ
ten guarantee. 84 North FlftMBtk
Bt., Portland, Oregan. '
WILL EXCHANGE Fine ewe lambs
for fat wether lambs weighing 14
pounds more. D. Rosenborg, Med
ford Hotel.
FOR SALE A small band of good
range owes; also owe lunibs and
some bucks. O. Rosenberg, Med
ford Hotel.
FOR SALE Six-year old black horse
and good sadillo, $."0.00. Cnll nt
21 Genessco street. 178
"OR SALE Good work team, bur
nous, wagon and hack, cheap.
Stowart, 033 Palm stroet. 17'J
GARBAGE Oet your pramtaat
cleaned up for the lumniar. Call
on the olty garbage wagona tot
god service. Phone 161-T. I
T. Allen.
Expert Accountant.
soh, C. P. A. Ask about our new
and simplified method of account
ing. Particularly valuable to an
business as a time-saver (lvlnl
full business detail. M. F. ft H.
Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R.
Instructlqp in Jtfjulc.
plnno and harmony. Halght luil
Studio, 401 Oarnett-Corey Bid
Pboue 71.
'OR RENT -Seven-room house. 1121
East Mnln street. Phono C11-R2.
FOR RENT Six-room modem bun
galow In first-class shnpo. Range
connected. Garage. Phono 4 8S-X.
FOR RENT Furnished house and
two brick rooming bonnes. One
seven-room dwelling wllh garage
on paved streot. John F. White,
Phone 419-M. 17
FOR RENT One ! and ono 7-room
bungalow. 820 West Twelfth.
WANTED R. II. Toft buys Liberty
bonds, also mortgages, notes. Judg
ments, escrow contracts, etc., and
makes short time loans on any old
ithia-water drink.
Leave Medford for Asnvnnd. Talent
and Pboenlx d all, earept Sunday al
8:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. in.; 1:00,
4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Satur
day at 10: IS p. m., Sundays leave at
ment at Ponland. vl.UI... rlM.;.l 10:30 m- d ni1 ;:3U
and friends at Eugene, Salem and
Ashland, en roule to California.
District superintendents of (hp
Western I'nlon and Postal Telegraph
companies were in consultation here
early In Iho week wllh feiiei al
authorities over the question o'.j-jo p Q
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, excopt Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
and 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 and
5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights
at 5:30. Sunday leave Ashland at
00 a. m., and 12:30. 4:iU and
In Hie Clrruit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for .(:iekrion County. I lonsle
Mackensen, Plaintiff, vs. Allien
Muekensen. Defendant. To the
above-named Defendant :
OF OREGON. ou are hereby re
qulred to In the nl.ove entitled
court and eauie and nnpwor the com
plaint of plaintiff on file therein
against you, within six Itli wccl:ft
after tho date of (he fir! publication
of lhl:i fitinunuriK. or within r.lx (til
wccas after the personal service
thereof upon Jnu v.-ithlii Iho Stato of
Oregon; said period of six ( 1 weeks
being the time fixed by F. M. Calk
Ins, Judge of the auovo namt'd court
In his Ordor directing bervl. o or
summon by publication, wblili order
bears date si-'ptcmher filh. 1PIX.
within whlfli you rhall no appear and
eimver or be adjudged In delault
You will further taltn notlro, that
If yon fall lo so appear and answer
said romplatnt within the time afore
said, plaintiff will apply to Hie rourt
for tho relief demanded In said com
plaint, a r'atcmcnt of which Is as
follows, to-wit: For a decree of the
court dissolving Ihe bonds of matri
mony exlnlns between plaintiff and
defendant, and divorcing plaintiff
from defendant alisolulelv, together
with such other and further relief as
to the court may seem Just and equit
able. Date of first publication Is Sept. 6
A'H'w for rfa'n'iu.
FOR HALE Established real estate
business. Choice ground floor lo
cation. Havo been In the liuslnoss
hero for S years and havo made
good but will bo away for 6
months and will sell for value of
furniture, or will rent. Come over
where there Is something doing
A. A. Mohaffey, Klamath Falls,
Ore. 179
i nit t in i v .ii ixiE
Vote for M. Ptinlllf
A probalo lawyer who knows how
to administer estates. Is honest, ef
ficient, favors good roads, saving
eounly money and low taxon. Adv
I (111 Slll.ltll-T
"W. O. Gnrrett announces himself
as nn Independent candidate for tin
office of sherilf ot Ja kson county.
I nm the regular republican nom
Inco for Sheriff of Jackson rounty
and will nppro lalo your Kiinpnrt on
Nov. r,. If elected I promino strict
law enforcement and nn economical
buslner-s administration.
C. E. TEltll.L, of Lake Creek.
I am the republican candldato for
representative from tho 8th repre
sentutlve dir.trlrt nnd will appreciate
your support on November .'plh.
Dr. Charles T. Sweeney
My eight years residence In south
en Oregon, Intimate knowledge of
the needs of every community of our
county, and experience In the last
session of Ihe last session of tho leg-
Islnlure, I feel amply fits me lo look
afc-r .Inchson county's Interests.
FOIt SALE Severn! young fresh
cows, 15 calves.
Pigs, shonts and sows.
Ono toam good work horses,
weigh about 2800. Mlravlsta Orch
ard, Phono 597-J3.
FOR SALE 19 good blooded pigs
If taken In three days at $0.50 per
head. '4 mllo south llillcrost. 178
FOIt SALE Reo car; truck body
for $1200 lbs., nnd passengor body
in good condition, $350. Lance &
Co. 178
FOR SALE Orchard run Spllxon
borgs at 75c per box. Conner Pack
ing Co. 179
-'OR SALE A Ford, In Al condi
tion. Clnronco Jeffery, Talent. 179
FOil SALE Reasonable, 1918 Ford
touring cur. good as new; also
Ford bug. Phone 548-Y. 178
FOR SALE Team, wagon and liar
ness. 3 wagon nnd harnees good
us new. Horses weight H50 each
7 and 9 yoars old. Will soil cheap
If taken at once. Harry Muson,
Talent, Ore. 181
FOR SALE Household furniture.
Apply between 10 and 5. 1207
West Main street. 178
FOR SALE Spit?, and Newtown
cooking apples 35c, fancy 75c. .1
Wels, mile north of Jackson
ville. 18(1
Automobile, Liability policies wru
ten with best English and Banters.
Companies. OfUce 408 Garuett
Coroy Bldg.
EARL S. TIIMY General Insurance
office. Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plate Gloss. Hay or
Grain In field or barn; also Lire
stock. Contract and Surety Bond.
Excellent companies, good local
service. No. 210 Garnett-Corey
Bldg., L. L. Cathoart, Manager.
Planing HIIL
THOMAS MOFFAT General mill
work, eash, doors, mouldings and
acreens. Shop 487 S. Fir, Phone
184. "
Physicians ana Ba 'eon
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physician. 803 O rnottnCorey bull
lng. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician aid
surgeon. Practice limited te eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically testod aud glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlat for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices JL T. ft II. O
Bldg. Phone 667.
416-417 Gnrnott-Corey Bldg.
Phono U04-L.
Residence 2(1 S. Laurel Street
FOR HALE Seed wheat, Little Club.
This wheat made 71 bunhels to the
acre this year. C. 'N. Hansen, M9
North Central. 181
FOIt SALE Dodge louring car, good
condition, new lires. Bargain
price. IIox !M3, Medford P. O. I"!i
FOR SAI.IO- Salnwoy peaches.
FOIt SALE Bicycle, used only n few
times; also a small heating stove.
W. J. Kchenrk, Hotel Holland. I Ml
FOR SALE 5(1(1 bushels of first-
class yellow corn; also grain hay
Call evenings. C. W. Isaacs. '
FOR SALE Dresser, oak dining
tnblo, gas ranges. Phone 2 4 7-1
222 Solllh Holly. 179
FOR SALE A No. 1 full fledged
baking equipment, with all ne-es-
snry accessorlos. Will close Ibece
out Kheap for cash If disposed of
soon. Wrlto to or personally Inter
view Abo Butler, Oak street, Ash
Tand, Oregon. 181'
FOR SALE -Dry oak stumps. Web
ster Ranch, 1 'A miles north Jack
KvRVillO. ' IH
Printer anil Publishers.
best equipped printing office Ik
Southern Oregon. Book binding,
loose lint lodger, hilling system,
etc. Portland price. 7 Nortk
Fir BL
a t os rm.
Office 48 North Front St. Phone
116. Price right. Banrlce guar
10 acres good soli, soma fruit,
good well wiiter, good five-room
house, new; old barn, five ncres un
der Irrigation. The owner took a
good crop off Mils season but IsToaV
Ing the state ami offering the plnco
for sale for $ 1700.00, half cash, the
bal.eico on easy terms. This la an
except lon.'tl opportunity for ono who
wants to go Into poultry, berried or
gardening, eto.
Brown & White
I ooatb Fir Street.