Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 18, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' PAfiTC TWO
A telegram received In the city
this morning Muted that Robert
Btewart, who is taking the officers
training course at the I'nlverslty of
Orogon was seriously ill with Span
ish lnfltienuz and pneumonia. Ills
mother, Mra. K. 1. Stewart, will leave
this evening to he at IiIh bedside.
All millinery at reduced prices.
Vanity Hut Shop. '
The stato militia company will
hold Its regular semi-weekly drill Douglas, 201 South nivcrsldc. I'hono
Hr. W. II. Hickman of Central
Point, Is one of four Oregon physic
ians .selected by tho government for
ppecial medical duty incidental to tiie
Spanlch Influenza epidemic over tho
country. He is stationed in .Montana
with headquarters at Helena, and his
duty is to travel from place to place
w'hero the epidemic is bad and see if
there are enough physicians and
nurses and If they strictly enforce the
health rules.
The furniture hospital fixes it.
General upholstering, mattress reno
vating, clocks, sewing machines,
phonographs and umbrellas repaired.
All work guaranteed. Feathers
steamed and cleaned. Feather mat
tresses mado from your old lick
meeting tonight. Sergeant Dudley
will bo In command In tho absence of
Captain C.'anaday and Lieutenant
Heddcn, who aro in 1'urtland.
Orrcs, (ho ladies' laiior, will bo at
Hotel Holland every Thursduy after
noon high class onI. Fit and work
manship guaranteed. 200
Mrs. J. H. Comey of I.eon, la., and.
Jlrs. U. F, Hillings of Ashland, were
visitors in the city today and callers
at the Commercial club
Hamilton & Ellington pianos. H.
N. Lofland, 226 South Oakdalo.
Look them over before you buy. 1S2
Claronco Cook, ono of tho dold
Hill hoys at tho (). A. C, and former
"woll known employe of tho Pantor-
lum in this city, hus been seriously
ill In tho hospllal at Corvallis. His
mothor received a letter from the
nurse, dated Oct. I I, stating that lie
was better and that his temperature
was again normal, but that he was
still very weak.
Singer Sewing Machine Shop, ,nd
justing, repairing, cleaning. Phone
903-K. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central
Y. ( A. Itodgers and family of fiOK
Angeles, are auto tourists en route
home from Seattle who are guests at
the Nash hotel
Klslilng Is good this cool weather
at Mod ford l"lnh Market.
A. C. Miittelstaedt of ICaglo Point,
was a business visitor In tho city
Tin will he tho biggest Jewelry
Christmas In the world's history war
Xmas. Martin .1. Iteddy.
A train load of Konlsons left De
troit, Mich., Oct. 10 and will urrlve
on tho coast by the 2 lib. Tho train
will carry (O.'i of the tractors and
will require 110 cam. They will be
divided equally between the slates
of Oregon anil Washington.
Krnit, wax. Yl'nrncr, Wortman
ODro. ' ISO
Desplto tho vigilant search by all
tho pollco and sheriff!) of southern'
Oregon and northern California no
trace has yet been obtained of Norrls
H. Pyron who while being taken from
Los Angeles to Hie federal peniten
tiary at McNeils Island, Wash.,
escaped on the night of Oct. Illlh
from a moving train near Ashland by
slipping his shackles ami leaping
from a moving train near Ashland.
Pyron was being taken norlh to
servo a sentence of 1" years. It was
his third term on Ihe same charge.
Ho la 1111 years old, weighs lll.'i. Is
5 feet nnd 7 Indies lu height, and Is
of medium build.
For tho best Insurnuce soe Holmes,
tho Insiiranco Mnu.
Pours sold In the New York auc
tion inurket Thursday as fnllowi:
Oregon Hose $l.rr, Anjou ?:!.(;.", anil
Nells :i.42.
Car washing, polrsliing, stnmnlz
Ing. Valley Carage. 1 7 :i
Mrs. . A. Klmoro of Hornbronk,
roturaed home today afler having
boen In Medrord to have some dental
work dono.
Ono and three-color stock poar
InbclB for salo. Modford Printing
Co. If
Arlhur I'Miuiiuds of Montague, fol
lowing a vlsll hern with his aunt.
Mrs. M. C. .Medley, left today (or
Han Francisco where be will try to
enlist lu the navy.
.More sorghum af Warner, Wort
man Here's, llrlug your bucket.
Mrs. Peier Ingram spent Friday
vislllng friends In Ashland.
Daily's Tal. Phono 15.
According lo vegelable gardeners
now Is Hie t lino In buy ciihliaile for
Ihe mulling of snuil.ruiil or Liberty
cabbage, m tin- name has been sug
gested since the war with Cermanv.
At Ihe present time cabbage In sound
nnd firm, and tlneio who wait until
nfter Ihe first hard irosi ate liable to
find the vegetable h not In as good
condition. Some of Ihe head.; then
will be cracke.l open and ihe ra:.l.'
will have a str.umer taMe.
Ono nnd tin -co-color slock near
laliels for rule. .Mcdfuid PriiUIni:
County lslloi.i re,;i,.tei-ei at the
hotels liiday In. In.!. I W. D Cross
nnd ('. I-,'. I'onnrs o; Hulle Falls. .I.
T. Adams of rr..-e.-, i. and liobert
INiv.l and . D Hell nt
I Hen ,iW:,ur In letter tin
Ills father, til;. NiwKny. iu-1 ri celv-
Cd, WrllCS til., I t,, ,,. ;;,,.,
of SpanMi IntliM :,i r.un,, .I,,,-!
son. near Cidn'n'.i.i, :-!. c.
20 p.-r cent li
lllltlon slloe-l.
onix-a , i .v.iw l.alral a,Miue. '
Mrs. F If. Mi Malieu ,.f Iti-vel-leke.
II. C, w ho en i em,. i.,,, Ani.el,- ,,
Stopped off bi-ie r..r a i.. Willi ber
brother. 1'eler l:-i r.iai. b it t li ) mor
nlng for a vl.-li at Hornlu nik
.Mrs. S IV l.ii -i-ui.n anil , hlhlren
Of Monlague. hillewiiij a VImi lth
her sister. Mrs .it. t Medley, bit to
day for Sun l'i-:n :, w hero tV
Will Illlike their rillu:v home.
William Itanium Is seriously '11 at
tho Ilnrnuin apartments with what is
thought to bo ono or the few cases of
Spanish influenza in Medford.
Regarding tho apple market situa
tion K. M. McKeany today received
tho following telegram from New
York from Donnls, Kimball & Pope
"Good red upples selling here: extras
$2. 7a; three-quarter funcy from
$2. ,10 to $2.75. A few Orogon New-
towns -sold at $2.27."
Mrs. C. E. Nelson of Oakland,
Calif., who had been visiting her
mother, Mrs. A. H. llookor, left for
homo today.
Auto repairing. Valley Garage. '
Charles II. Ilnrggraf litis boon ap
pointed district, deputy grand exalted
ruler of the order of Flits for the
Jurisdiction of Oregon South. This
(date Is divided into two districts and
Mr. Hurggraf's territory Includes all
of western Oregon south of Oregon
The Sun wants a boy to sell Sun
day morning papers, beginning this
Sunday, at Ihe morning trains. Call
at Sun or this office for particulars.
Hr. Heine, Gnrnott-Corcy Bids.
The grand Jury will convene next
Monday end tho sheriff's office Is
busy serving subpoenas for witnesses
to appear before the Jury. Prosecu
tor itoberts is also busy preparing
criminal eases which will be aired
before the Jury. Tho circuit court
term will begin on Monday, Aug. 2S
Mr. and Mrs. F. .M. Corlies, Miss
Maude Corlies and Mrs. Everett C.
.McArlhur relumed Wednesday from
n weeks motor trip to Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Corleis. Mrs.
10. C. McArlhur and sister, W. N.
Campbell of Medford, aro registered
at the Hotel Portland. Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Chester Kubli of Applegato.
was a .Medford visitor toda . y
Tho city council for Iho third time
this woek will attempt to hold a
meeting tonight. Each attempt has
failed because of lack of a quorum.
X. (). I'owoi'fl, I ho Tnlrnl m prelum t
has riH'ulvi'd u telegram niimr.mriiin
Iho (truth at Fori. McDowell, t'al., of
hl:i son, Orltn I'oworu, hk'mI Uti, a na
tive of Talent ami a private In the
national army, who iIhmI of tmeiimo
nia Thurmlny. Oct. 17. at tho army
h. piial, where lie was taken a week
( trlli Powers was ono of llie 'iniwl
popular ami estimaMe yoiiu men In
the county. At the outbreak of the
war, lie tried twin to enlist, hut was
rehcted for minor physical deferta.
However, In wan accepted win a call
ed to the colon a month ago. lie was
well known as a musician and was u
im'tuhcr of tho Klks IoiIko of Ash
land. Mis parents received a wire
Thursday morning tolling of the ser
lousnt':i of his condition and bad
prepared to ntnrt for San Kraneist-o
on tin afternoon train when a second
wire nnnouueed his death.
The remnlnM will he shipped to
Talent for Interment.
SAU'NIKI. Tlmrsdav. Del. 17.-
(Jreek troop- tmlnv completed (lie re
oeciipnt 1 1 hi ol" t he regions hi' (JreeU
Maeedoiun which have hecu held U
the Mulgiiriiitis am) Turks.
nit on, women's
hmhlt' "Hoo.l
Rheumatic Pains
vfcnH -
A s:fo, liirmlcss and effective
preparation to relieve the pains of
MK-tnnatism, Sciatica, I-ftine Hack
Kill J u m ha mo is Hamlin's Wizard
CMl. It contains no chloroform or
other (I.uiiicrou dniKS but is com
posed oi the most expensive of
lie:uux ils. It penetrates quickly,
drive- out the soreness, and lim
bers up the Mitt, ju hintf joints ami
inusi Ics.
Wi7in1 Oil is a Rood, dependable
preparation to keep in the medicine
chet fnr lirst aid when the doctor
may be far away. You will find al-tuo-it
il.iily use for it ill cases of
Mtddfii initliaps or accidents surh
:is spT.iitH, bruise, cut, burns
biles .md stints, lnt as reliable
too, (or raraclic, toothache, croup
and coli,'.
iiur itrtt f'r
'-f If urn Tilr!
I'irk lo him nJ ,
1 vMi rotiHr-ittrtn
iWAXTKI) lilrl ror t; hotis,.
work, two In fainil.i . Call Mrs
l.lneoln McCorma. k. 11 Ho
Court. Tel. t;'.".'. imi
Pny IMionr: rt Ifle M'27.
M(;ht riiones: l V. Wci k, !lt;l.JJ.
Lmly A"lnt4Uit. I
A raid made bv Chief of 1'olice
Tiinoiiiv and Niultt Poln-euian Adams
on a room in ji roominu' house nt mid
night la-t n i lit broke no a driuUiitLr
Pjrtv and resulted in the arrest, of
State l'ol iceman Charles Siuither,
lit) year.s old, and an individual uiv
iiiiT the name of Itrown. of Josephine
coiiniv, and two vounir women. flie
room raided was that of Serjeant C.
C. Triplet! of the state police who was
in Tortland at the ;ime, but who will
be arrested on hisjvturn from that
city tonight, as Chief Timothy claims
that lor some lime lie has been mnk
intr his room the headquarters for so
cial (hiuliiiiL' parlies.
Triplet's home is in Kprinafield.
and Smithers is a resident of Salem.
These two officers Imvc been sta
tioned in the Siskiyons for (several
months for Ihe especial purpose of
eatchimr professional boot lenders
snunriiliuir whiskey into Oregon from
lIoollejiKei'H (iot Hy
Tn view of last nii:Hf's raid and de
velopments it is claimed ore eoiniiiLT.
it is not hard to understand why
liuuor in wholesale; ouantities lias
tfoilen b these officers the past few
weeks. The sniu".irlers in nearly ev
ery instance were later caught near
Woscbure; by Deputy Sheriff Hopkins
d' Domilns rouiit v. 1 1 ami reus ol
ui::irts ' whisky have been eoiifis
f'ali d in Douglas euuntv and about
-JMMf in finj-i impoM-d at lloseburr
in (lie p:ft two weeks from the sever
I wholesale auto Muui:i:lcrs appre
hended. ('hief Timothy had been watching
Triplet's room for a week or more,
lie savs that la.-t Tuesday niLdd (he
Mime two voiiipj women, and Trit)iet
and Smithers were in Ihe room drink
ing, l-'eclinir sure of his trround, the
chief ohlained a search warrant yes
terday nftrrnoon. nnd at midniuht
made the raid. Trinb-'t was absent
at Portland, for which eitv he left
Wednesday with Deputy I'nited
Slates Marshal Tiidieimr to lake
weue hontle prisoners to the slate
Complete Confess I on
f')l(ivb'"' ) !'( rf id i 'ri-P v IVqcip-
cutor L'oherN w as summoned from
home and the prisoners were taken
to his ofiice where tney were closely
ouolioiicd. Smithers and al! others
of the party talked IVf-ly and made,
it is elaimed, a eoinpl"te confession,
implicating Triplet t. The charge
au'itinst Smithers is that of maintain
in a public nuisance, lirown. whose
first vi-it it was to the room, put no
cash bail of $!i0, ami v;n allnwed to
:o. Tiie women are. held as wit
nesses. A 'A'nrninl ehiir.Mntr Trip
lett with maintaiuiii" a nuisance by
L'iviny ,!iv,;iv into::ir::tii!;r lio:iors in
bis vcotn. h; been vorn out.
Tho Btate authorllierf have been
j notified of the char against Trip
lett and Smfthors, and their inimedi-
ato discharge from the Rtate police
force Is expected. It is elaimed that
tho chief of police of Ashland has
also some interesting evidence rela
tive to the conduct of Triplett and
Smithors In Ashland. State Police
man Ireland, whose home la in
Grants Pass and whotie headquarters
are in that city, is not Implicated in
any way with Smithers and Triplett.
Ktnntliiig Totlay
Central Tolnt...
HukIo Point
Cold Hill
Unite Kalis
Quota. Subscribed
..$298,158 $JOS,000
19, SlH
9,94 4
v.-ill bo no extension of llio Liberty
Loan subscription period past Satur
day nlKht, Secretary AlcAdoo stated
cniplintically today.
Furthermore, said tho secretary, it
I will be necessary to have a fifth and
j perhaps a loan regardless ot tho
! outcome of the Germans' present
' Ileum iips-nHnttnna
Consequently it bihooves the na
tion now to subscribe its utmost,
-both to reduce the amounts of these
prospective fimire loans anil to
strengthen the nation's moral posi
tion at this critical time, the secre
tary added.
Secretary McAdoo expressed full
belief that tho six billion total would
lie achieved, adding: '"I do not Imow
exactly where nil that monoy is coin
ing from, but I know it is coming."
.Mr. .McAdoo denied that tho gov
ernment contemplated selling Liber
ty bonds continuously and abandon
ing the Intensivo campaign method,
but that if any efficient moans could
lie found of marketing comparatively
small amounts of bonds between
drives it will ho adopted.
Total ?.-i71,704 $580,000
Hurrah everybody! The Medford
district went clean over the top today
in the fourth Liberty loan campaign
oxceedlng Its quota of $298,158 by
tho safo margin of $10,000. The
total of subscriptions reached is
$308,000. Jackson county is also
over the top with a margin ot $15,
000. As soon as It was known that the
quota had been reached, and passed
tho committee decided to make no
further effort to get subscriptions
ill fact called the campaign closed
then nnd there. However, people who
desire to make subscriptions between
now and the official close of the
campaign tomorrow afternoon can do
so at the banks. Such subscriptions
will be welcomed.
There is no doubt but that before
the hanks close at 3 p. m. Saturday
a number of belated subscriptions
will be received and the total consid
erably swelled.
More Suliscriptions
Late this afternoon V.". A. Lanna.
agent of the A?sociated Oil company,
received the following telegram from
- the company's headquarters at San
Francisco: "Notify Fourth Liberty
loan committee that this company
subscribes for additional $3000 thru
the First National bank. Please draw
at sight on this office to order of
First National bank for $300, being
Initial ten per cent payment." Tho
company had taken a $3000 subscrip
tion last week.
Tho largest subscription made yes
terday was ono of $4000 by Zach
Cameron. Mrs. P. U. 0111 and P. S.
Anderson made $500 suliscriptions.
There were three $200 subscriptions
and ten $50 subscriptions.
The committee desires to express
its heartfelt appreciation to all who
helped make tho campaign a success,
realizing that It was tho earnest ef
forts of tho men and women sub
committees and solicitors, as well as
the loyalty, patriotism and and fine
Bplrit shown by a large majority of
the people that enabled the district
to reach and go over the top.
Ashland's quota was raised with
out solicitation, 1134 persons volun
tarily purchasing bonds a unique
record speaking well for tho commu
nity's patriotism.
WASHINGTON'. Oct. 18. The sen
ate I'oroiun relations committee alter
brief consideration tmlnv ordered t'"'
Italian draft trealv favorably re
ported to Hie semtto. Tim treutv is
similar to those negotiated by the
I'nited Ktntes with Orent lirituin,
Ktiiih'c and (ireece. J
ECKilAN5 ,
A hard- ralrium compowrifl that f
ITtiftr.l against chronic luna nnd throat
troi-lites. A tujiC-rftoralvo prepared
without liBrmful or huUl-(urinin .iruea.
Try thi-m. toiiay. . ... r
50 cents a box, including war tax
Tor oa!c by it'.l IwcRlt
i;cluaaa Laboratory, l'hiiulJpbJ
Lift Off Corns!
"Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus
right off with fingers No pain!
rrop little Freezone on an aching
corn, instantly that com stops hurt
ing, then you lift it right out. It
doesn't hurt ono bit Yes, magic'.
Why waitt Your druggUt. sclli a
tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents,
sufTicicn& to rid your feet of every
hard corn, soft corn, or corn between
tho toes, and calluses, tr'thout sore
ness or irritation. Try It! Xo huxnbup!
Protrf that Some Women
Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says:
"I suffered from female troubled which caused pierciiiR pains
wt liko li knife thniii:;li my back tiiul side. I llnnlly lost all iny
Firengiu so l nun in go in ucu. j no inn-mi iiui.-u .in tivitiiiiii
but I would nut listen In it. I tliouirht nf what I had read about
I.vdia K. I'iiikliiiui's Vi'itetablo Compound nnd tried it. The lirst
' bottle brought (treat relief and six bottles have, entirely cured me.
All women who have female trouble of any kind should try
Lydia K. l'inkliam's Vegetable Compound."
How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation.
Canton. Ohio. "1 suffered from a female trouble which
caused me much nullering. and two doctors decided that
1 would have to go through an operation belorc 1 could
pet well.
" Jly mother, who had been helped by I.Tdia TvPink
ham's Vegctabl'; Compound, advised ine to try it be
fore siibiiiitiiiigtoaniiiH'ratinn. it relieved nu trotn
my troubles so I can do my house work without any
tliMicult y. I advise any woman who tsaiiiictcii witn
female troubles to give l.ydia ).. I inkliain s cite
table Comnoiiiiil a trial ami it. will do as much
for tbem '--Mrs. M.uuu Horn, l t-l 5th .St.,
E., Canton, Ohio. '
Everij SickWoinan Shdul
Before Submitting To An Operation
US i
1 -TTr I.. IV; 3 '
' .-rJ X N'W. f ,ft II
srrt ' tjfi ilia
' zip m n
Magazine Subscriptions
On account of shortage of holp und slow transportation, maga
zine subscriptions should be sent in now for Xmas or to begin the
first of the year, otherwise they will he seriously delayed. Pub
lishers have sent us this Information. Owing to several causes,
principally the new zone rate, there will bo sharp advances in prices
soon. A tow Illustrations of advances coming follows:
Hog. Price Club Price
American llov Now $1.50 $1.25
'Xov. 1st 2.1)0 None
Century Now 4.00 3.50
lYov. 10th 4.00 None
Everybody's - Now l'.ilO . None
We;. 15th' None
Good Housekeeping Now 1.50 None
.Ian. 1st 2.00 , None
McClures Now 1.50 ' ' 1.25
- yov. loth '"' 2.00 ' lms
'Delineator Now 1.50 None
Dec. 15th 2.00 None
St. Nicholas Now 3.00 2. B0
iN'ov. 10th 3.00 None
Hand us your subscriptions NOW. You can Btnrt with any num.
ber In the future hut If you wait until the last minute you are go
ing to be disappointed.
Is a Fair Deal to Euyer and Seller. Profit by these
Special Prices.
. 25
Sec our window for punches and grapes.
Fair Dealing anil Courteous Treatment Always
The Truax Company
327 E. Main. Medford.
Sack high grade flour
Sack barley flour
Coffee, :-U). can
Uaisins, pkg
Soda. :5 pkgs
Puffed Wheat, pkg. ...
edford Sample Store
For this WEEK only ve are going to offer LADIES'
SHOES at prices that you cannot afford to pass up.
These arc all new, up-to-date shoes and well worth from
$1.50 to $2 per pair more than we are asking for them.
Ladies' Gun Metal Good
year welt, French heel
Ladies' Gun Metal, cloth
top, welt
Ladies' Gun Metal, pray
cloth top, low heel
Ladies' Vici, low heel,
Goodyear welt
Ladies' brown Vici, French
heel, Goodyear welt
Ladies' Vici, gray, cloth
top, French heel
Our Home Cannery
Puts up Fine Goods
We call your attention especially to their
Solid Pack Tomatos
AND ' '
Kentucky Wonder Beans
ASK for the HOME Brand
"With Medford Trade is Medfoid Made."
Personal Attention. Prompt Service.
PHONE 2.-2