Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 18, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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FORECAST Tuiiiylit and Tomorrow: Fair, Liglit Frost tonight; Warmer Saturdav.'
dford Mail Tribune
forty-eighth Tear.
Dally Thirteenth
NO. 178
CITIES FED Z -lam submarine bases
IN ONE DAY asKS-sss no airdromes captured ey
111 UI1L Ull I Demonstration Nn Unter der Linden Steps for Ornanizatlon of a Confcd- l,jiij(11 dollars to i-omplote. the Fourth Lil.crtv loan. I inTOnim 101 RniAMniMO Al I irO
Reported Publication of War erate State Announced in Procla- Onlv two davs arc left, within wliichto mis.- iliw v:isi. If II flllvlllllXl V AllllAlMI llll Jll I ll-V
I . . I UMUUIIIllllll Ul I II .1
Lille. Doui and Ostend Delivered From
Hun Afer 4 Years of Enslavement
Anglo-Americans Smash Thru
German Position South of Le Ca
teau Takinq 4.000 Priosners
Whole German Defense System
Eastward to Meuse in Peril.
Demonstration Nn Unter der Linden
Reported Publication of War
Statements Cease New State of
Affairs Created by Wilson's Re
ply "Open to Objections." .
' PARIS, Oct. IS. (Ilavas.l Llllo,
Do u al and Ostend. three great cities,
have been delivered from the enemy.
This is the most glorious day for the
allies since the battle of the Mnrne
and it fittingly terminates a wonder,
fill battle of three months, which was
opened by General Mangin's victor
ious counter-offensive on July IS.
Many cities have been liberated
and hundreds of square miles of ter
ritory retaken. The results have
been splendid. But the victory in
Belgium is not all. The British south
of Le Cateau havo broken Into the
German positions and now threaten
the lliindlng line. The whole Ger
' man defenso system eastward to the
Mouse is in peril.
Sups KiuMny's Defenses
The first result of the forcing of
the liormans back to the Ghent-Tour-nai-Valenciennes
line during yester
day's fighting has been to sap the
enemy's defonses before they have
been able to roach them further
south. Without exaggeration it may
be said that the prospects of tho fu
ture are even more important than
the actunl results attained.
The road to Brussels is open. Ac
cording to latest" advices the French
and Belgian armies are advancing
rapidly towards Bruges and Ghent.
Tho capture of Ostend makes it pos
sible to land reinforcements and
throw powerful forces against the
extrome right of the German army.
General von Arnlm is no longer
strong enough to sustain operations
on the extended front from tho
Krench to the Dutch frontier. It is
therefore, reasonable to expect that
Its march across Belgium will be
rapid and thnt King Albert will re
enter his capital earlier than was
New Offensive Launched
At tho very moment the Flanders
battle wus won another offeusivo was
started in the direction of llirson and
Vorvlns, by Anglo-American and
French forces. The object Is to take
the armies of the crown, prince, un
der shelter of the lliindlng line on
the flank and condemn them to an
early retreat toward the Ardennes
across the front of the powerful al
lied right wing.
The way back to Germany lies
thru two bottle necks separated by
the Ardennes the one between
Liege and Dlnant and tho other be
tween Montmi'dy and Verdun. The
latter Is already partly blocked.
While It may be admitted that the
Germans are fighting well and con
ducting their retreat with great
skill, sober military opinion hero is
that (ho groat German military ma
chine is in danger of collapse at no
very distant date.
IOIK I'rl.Mmcm Taken
LONDON', Oct. IS. Moro than
41100 prisoners were caplured by
Field Marshal llalg's forces yester
day In tholr offonslvo In the Bohaln
Le Cateau region the British war 'of
fice announced today.
tional banks inuv lend without limit
on Libert v bonds .according to John
iVrnn. chairman of the board of the
federal reserve hunk of San Fran
cisco, who culled attention todav to
n statement hv John Skelton Wil
liams comptroller of the currency.
sociated Press.) A demonstration
by tho German Independent socialists
in Unter den Linden, Berlin, Berlin,
today Is reported by" tho Cologne!
Volks Zeitung. The crowd sang the
Tho police, adds the newspaper,
prevented the demonstrators from
reaching the imperial palace. There
was a clash, in which some of the
crowd, were slightly injured by the
police sabers.
Silence on YVnr
ZURICH,. Oct. IS. (Havas). Of
ficial statements issued by the en
tente war offices no longer are pub
lished in Germany.
Rumors reaching here are to the
effect that there havo been outbreaks
among the soldiers at tho front.
Abusive placards concerning the
emperor, the crown prince, Field
Marshal von Ilindenburg and Gen
eral Ltidcndorff have been posted la
various railroad stations In Germany.
Steps for Organization of a Confed
erate State Announced in Procla
mation of Emueror Country to be
Re-orqanized Each Nationality to
Form a State.
Hoply Discussed
B RHINE, Thursday, Oct. 17.
President Wilson's reply to tho Ger
man note has created a new state of
affairs in diplomatic discussions rela
tive to peace It is reported here from
German sources and the German re
ply it is said will make it clearly
understood that the tone employed!
by the president was open to objec
tions. There have boon passionate dis
cussions of the president's reply at
meetings of all the groups of the
rclchstag but no line of policy has
been determined.
Tho presence of Meld Marshal von
Ilindenburg in Berlin is believed to
foreshadow tho drafting of the Ger
man reply. Under the circumstances
It Is uncertain whether tho reichHtag
will meet tomorrow. In any case
there will be no plenary meeting of
tho -parliament before tho reply Is
LONDON. Oi l. 18. The Herman
dream of dominating the Flanders
coast has come to un end, the morn
ing newspapers sav, and tbev speak
of Tliur.-ilav as a memorable day in
the war.
The Belgian coast ports, savs the
Daily Telegraph in referring to the
German withdrawal from the chan
nel coast, were symbols of the ene
my's U-boat campaign ami the threat
to Great Britain. The evacuation of
these places, it adds is doubly lui-
uiiliatiiiL' and morally ruinous lot '.he
authors of the war.
The Daily Mail savs that by the
re-eue of Lille the British nation and
armv has been able in some measure
to repav the debt tliev owe to France,
1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 lt : "It i- eiinally glorious that
the British navy has been able to
rescue Ostend and to re-lore to King
Albert and bis people the coast fur
whi'h tbev battled sit long."
tionnaires Jor men, of the 37-to-l !
and IS year ate classes under the
draft were ordered released today by
Provost Marshal General Crowder, In
all local board districts where the
classification of other groups has
been completed.
loonl boards Handing out ques
tionnaires must release ten por cent
n day.
VIENNA, Oct. IS, via Basel,
Switzerland. Steps for the organiza
tion of Austria on a federalized basis
were proclaimed by Emperor Charles
today. The plan does not include the
union of Austrian Poland with "the
independent Polish state" tho emper
or declared. Tho city of Trieste and
tho Trieste region will be treated
separately "in conformity with the
wishes of tho population."
The Austrian emperor has issued
the following manifesto:
Proclamation Issued
"To my faithful Austrian peoples:
"Since I have ascended the throne
I have tried to make it my duty to
assure to all my peoples the peace so
ardently desired and to point tho way
to theAustrian peoples of a prosper
ous development unhampered by ob
stacles which brutal forces create
against intellectual and economic
"Tho terrible struggles In the
world war have thus far made tho
work of peace Impossible. Tho heavy
sacrifices of the war should assure
to us an honorable peace, on the
threshold of which, by the help of
God, we are today. 1
"Wo must, therefore, undertake)
without delay tho reorganization of
our country in a natural, and there-j
fore, solid basis. Such a question
demands that tho desires of tho Aus
trian peoples be harmonized and
A Confederate State
"I am decided to accomplish this
work with the free collaboration of
my peoples in the spirit and princi
ples which our allied monnrchs have
adopted in their offer of peace.
"Austria must become, In confor
mity with the will of its people, a
confederate state in which each nat
ionality shall form on the territory
which ii occupies its own local auton
omy. "This does not mean that wo arc
already envisaging the union of Pol
ish territories of Austria with tho In
dependent Polish state.
"The city of Trieste with all Its
surroundings shall, in conformity
with the desire of its population, be
treated separately."
I.OXlJOX. Oct. IS. The ovili ll.llinn
of the territory ul Serbia. Albania
und .Miui!cii('Lro bv 1'tirn-s if the Cen
tral imwi'ls lias hi'i'll ItrL-un. lii'rnril
iiii' tu a ilipiit' li I'nini Vienna for
warded hv the .Vnsti plum corres
pondent ul the Cent nil News Anonev.
LONDON', (let. IS. The nllieil
troops in Serbia continue s'iri-i-stii.
Iv their tidvunee iiortlnvnril I'roih
Nisli. A statement from the Serbian
war ol'tiee amioimees (hat tho Serbs
have captured Kflielicviits Mi miles
northwest of Nish.
I'AlilS, 1K. Anslro.fienmin
forees in we-tern Serbia luive retired
into Moneiie'.To anil have evacuated
tho of I'inkovn on the Serbo
Montcnerin frontier, the Freneli war
office llMTI'Mllieed t'llii'llt.
I.ONIlON. Oct. IS. Si rl.iiin Iroop
eniriiz' d in o'wiiru ll fierinans aiiii
Austriuns fnen Serbian leriilorv
have eaphired Kni-lievatz. iieeonline
to ailvi'-es received todnv. I Ins town
is ;t(t mites northwi'- of N;-h.
The French operatinc to the we-t
have eaplmed Ipek, Montenoirrn,
nboiit 111 utiles we-l of the Serbian
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Oct. 18. Subscriptions
reported and estimated up, to noun Thursday
amounted to four billion dollars, leaving at. least two
ion dollars to complete the. Fourth Liliertv loan.
Only two days are left within which to raise this vast
sum. No country on earth hut America could raise
so vast a sum in so short a time. American can do it
and must do it.
The destinies of the world and the hopes of civ
ilization are centered upon America. We shall fail
in everything we have fought for and hope to gain
in this war if the Fourth Liberty loan is defeated.
Let every true American citizen today examine
himstf under the white light of patriotism and say
whether or not he has done his utmost in this emer
gency. The highest obligation of duty and patriotism
command every-true American to go immediately to
his banker" or to his Libertv loan committee, and sub
scribe to the limit of his abilitv to the Fourth Liberty
Don't delay, don't wait to be urged, be as quick
to do your part in this Fourth Liberty loan battle as
our soldi eve in France are quick to obey the order to
charge tlie.eneinv.
Buy Liberty Bonds on the installment plan if you
cannot buy them for cash: Fvery patriotic bank will
help von.
i e 1 1 '. i . j .ii -i . . .
ii every patnoiic emzen win do ins tlur.v
victory forthe Fourth Libertv loan is certain.
The continued victory of our armies in Kurope,
the certain defeat of our enemies, and the glorious
triumphs of the cause of liberty, depends upon wat
the American people do in the' last two days of the
Fourth Liberty loan campaign.
Ci. W. M'ADOO.
Germany Loses Whole of Belqian Coast Enemy. Demoralized and De
feated, in Full Retreat with Allied Cavalry In Full Pursuit Broqes
and Zeeurutme Left in Flames Tarcolnq Captured bv British Ger
mans Inundatlnq Low Lvinq Lanled Cavalry In Full Pursuit Bruqes
From Lille South Slower Immense Captures of Materials.
PARIS, Oct. IS. Tho Germans
havo begun a new retirement move
ment in the area between tho Oise
and Sclle rivers, between Kaon and
Cambrai, according to the official
statement from the war offlco today.
French troops udvanclng from Acli
ery and Choigny are In pursuit of tho
Gorman rear guards. Anguilcourt
has been occupied by the French.
In tho Argonno region the French
have crossed the Alsno near Vou- reached in a few days.
FLANDERS, Oct. 1 S. ( I lavas ) . In
their plans for a retirement from
Belgium, the Germans had prepared
three successive lines upon each one
of which they intended to halt and
reform. Captured German officers
say the two first lines already havo
been broken and uie third will ho
ziers. Fighting continues In the area ;
west of Grandpre. j
FRANCE, Oct. 17. Considerable op
position has been met by the British
in the region southwest of Uouai,
but this righthm died down some
hours ago. In Hie Mile area allied
troops havo reached Ronco,.
A new Crosslin; of the Lys has been
effected south of Wulverphem. Thore
was little opposition north and south
of Mile and the British moved ahead
The Fourth Hrlflsh army launched
a rpowerful aitnek from heCatnau
southward this morning. American
contingents are participating In tho
fighting. First reports Indicate ex
cellent progress made everywhere
against the desperately fighting Ger
mans, who are being driven back
toward tho Oise. The Hello river hns
been crossed at Ht. Benin and the sta
tion has been captured. At last re
ports the allies were well east of the
river and still advancing.
At the beginning of tho allied at
tack October I t there were eight di
vision In the Germans' first lines.
These were reinforced by seven now
divisions, bat the new divisions al
ready were exhausted and were or
little help. Duriag the night of Oc
tober l."-ii two divisions from the
..tiKsUin front were thrown Into the
battle, but their strength had been
greatly reel need ami their morale was
very weak. The 17 divisions have
lost heavily.
Tho retreating Germans continue
acts of barbarity. At Isnghem, Ger
man soldiers threw bom lis Into a
dugout where civilian refugees had
sought shelter and were waiting for
FLANDKKN, Oct. 18. (Renter's.)
Belgian infantry forces entered the
city of Bruges loduv.
LONDON, Oct. 18. (Via Montre
al.) Zeebruirue. (be port of llnmes
and the second important German
submarine base on the Beltriun coast,
has been occupied lw allied forces.
LONDON, Oct. 18. Bruges, seven
miles south of Zeebnmire, bus hern
avaeuated bv tho Germans, according
i in information received ul the Belgian
army hcudiuut'ters.
j LONDON, Oct. 18. Turcoing, a
Icilv six miles north of Lille, lias been
entered bv the British troops, uccord-
ing to tho Kveninir News.
Belgian Cuvnlry Pursuing
LONDON, Oct. 18. f 1 p. m. IW
the Associated Press.) Belgian cav
alry is pursuing the retreating enemy
on the Flanders front today with the
object of cutting off his retreat to
Ghent. The artillerv is following
swiftly and carrying out n vigorous
bombardment with the same object.
'Die town of BlankcnhcrL'hc. on the
Belgian coast southwest of Zeebrui:ge
was occupied bv allied forces.
LONDON. Oct. 18. The Germans
arc preparing lo inundate the low
Iving lands south of the river Scheldt
in Kastern Belgium, according to tho
Central News. The inhabitants have
been ordered to abandon their homes
AMSTERDAM. Oct. 18. Huge
fires have been seen in Ihe direction
of Bruges, reports from Flushing sav.
The flames are siu'cading.
It also reported thai. Zeebnigue
is partly i flames. The outbreak
of the fires was accompanied bv ter
rific explosions, suggc-ding that the
Germans are destroying munition
dumps ami hangars
Belgian Coast lAist
17. Germany has apparently lo-t
the whole of the Belgian roust, whirl;
for four years has been the base oi
submarine and aerial attacks against
England and Emrli-h sliipnni'.'.
brnggc, 0-.lend and BniL'e have hcei
taken. Lille lias been oreiiiiied und
Dimai ha fallen to the allies. Ger
man Ioi'itn, defeated ami virtually de
moralized, are ii i f 1 to be in full re
treat tow ard Ant wrrp.
Over a wide section of the front
in Bel'-'itim and northern France the
British, Frcm-h and Belgian Armies
have swept forwnrl with relentless
speed, crushing rear guard detach
ments left behind by the German' to
retard pursuit. Immense nun tit it ies
of materials have been raptured bv
tlic allies and the number of prisoners
taken is steadily mounting.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. All trading
In coffee and sugar future was sus
pended today bv tht board of man
agers of the New York Vuff- and
Sugar Exchange "pending the result
of negotiation with tho federal food Germany In term.- bv a.r ton e, that
administration at v asningion. js f.(.rMj
WASHINGTON. O. t. tH. - Lord
Sydenham. British authority on fortification--,
in ii IMC"-'- a ue li'cei veil
here today by Major Grin-rul Kentv,
director of military aeronautics,
!-nvs :
"Impress upon vour people than
lO.O'K) airplane at thi juncture are
worth more than Vm.O'in troop on
the ground and will not require near
ly m much trnu-port. We ran bring
Keepinn- step with (his movement,
although at a slower pace, the allied
forces farther south have been mov
ing ahead.
No Sign of Halting
The German withdrawal from west
ern Belgium and (ho coastal region
shows no signs of -Jialtiiig. Tho nl
licd troops are pressing rapidly aflor
the retiring nrinv and additional cit
ies mid towns havo been occupied.
From Lille southward the (iermnn
retirement is not so rapid but tho
British maintain strong pressure nil
along the line east of Cambrai. Fur
ther south (he enemv is retiring from
he nnnle between tho Oise and tho
eebrugge, the second nnd Int- of
the submarine bases on the coast, is .
reported occupied bv tho British
forces, probably nuvnl units and tho
enemy iw reported to have avaeuated
which Belgian cnvalrv Ium
In the center the French
and BelL'inns continue to advance to
ward Ghent bv wav of Thielt.
1000 Captured
In the Lille region the British nrc
working eastward toward Toureoing
and Itouhjiix nnd the fall of these
cities would appear to be a matter
only of hours. East of Dotmi. Field
Marshal Huig is marching toward
Valenciennes. In the operations
Miuth of Valenciennes Thursday tho
British look d.ODO prisoners.
Northwest of Ihe Anronne forest.
General Gouraud in battling forward
against stubborn resistance and tho
fiubliii" front west of Grandpre has
been extended to Voiiziers. In the
neiuhborh I of Vouiers the French
have carried out an important stroke
by eroHiur Ihe AiMie river. Evident
ly Ihe French aim to advance north
east from Yoiiziurs and outflank III"
Germans in the Boiilt forest. This.
would be of urent assistance to the
American advance cast o fthe forest.
Americans Assisting
' From reports it would appear that
two American contingents are operat
ing on the front east of Cambrai
and St. Ouenliu. One is working
with the British and is aiding in the
advance into the German lofenM
east of LeCatean. The other is with
the French and is materially assist
ing in the ul tempt to smash in tho
tight flank of the German salient
northeast of Laon.
In both these regions the allien
have found Griyiuiu resistance verv
liibborn and have been forced to
ight their wav ahead in the face of
verv withering glials ol bulleU ana
hells from the Germans who havo
apparently turned at bay. II is prob-
lee that east of Le Cateau the Ger
mans are si a tiding on the 1 landing
lire of defensive zone established to
support the I lindebbiirg system,
wiiieh ts now gone. Further south
(Continued on Page Six.)
he was asked bv the war depart
meat today to report any instance of
persons rreking t ees for collecting i
suraucp or allotments of soldiers who
have died. The government makes
settlements in such cum without out
side intervention, and beneficiaries
who want legal ndvico may obtain it
wilhonl charge from draft di-triet
legal advisory hoards,
WASHINGTON, oh. 18. The sen
ate tinaiue committee iv reviewing
the war reeiiue bill today amended
the huiwe proi-ioii bv living a flat
tax of 1- P'T cent niton the net in
come of corporations and eliminated
the section imposing n six per rent
additional tax upon undisturbed earn
ings. Chairman Simmons estimated
that this change reduced the las ap
proximately .! IIUMIO.IMH!,