Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 16, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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- Livestock '
PORTLAiN'O, Oct. 16. Cattle re
eipts 73; steady. Prime steers $12
i 13; good to choice $ 1 1 4t 1 2 ; med
ura to good 9.75 (&' 1 1 : fair to me
:lum $8.25 9.25; common to fair
75 8.25; choice cows and heif
rs $S IT medium to good cows
;5.757.23. talr to medtura $4.75 Sj
..75; canners $3 4; bulls $5";
alves $ U 4l 1 2 ; stockers and feeders
itOli 8. ,
Hogs receipts 702; market weal;
nd lower, top probably $17.50 but
o sales made. Prime mixed $17.75
-Ti 1 7.85: medium mixed $17. Baft
17.C5; rough heavies $ 16.75 Si: 15.85 ;
Jpigs $14.50SU5.50; bulk of sales
$17.65 U 17. Yu.
Sheep receipts 70; slow. Prime
lianibs $12(&13.G0; fair to medium
IJjKijll; yearlings $10ftll; wethers
4I0; efea $6.00 9.
f Hog Market
Hoes. receipts, (02: J.ic lower, tou
probably 17.fil). but uo sales made,
l'riine mixed. $l7.-."(al7.5ll: medium
mixed. 17.0()(d.l7.2": roiuih heavies,
$l.'i.0(l( l.V(): pii's. tfUMCwl'iM:
bulk of sales, 1 7.2."(5 1 7..r)0.
PORTLAND, Oct. 16. Butter firm
city creamery prints, extras, box lots,
(J5c; cartons, box lots, 6tie; half
boxes Vic more; less than half boxes
lc more. Buying price buttertat.
Portland, 69c; cube extras, 64c.
Portland Grain
WHEAT $2.20 basis: barley,
none; oats, $34 bid; corn, No. 3,
yellow, $54 bid.
MILL STCFFS Mill run f. o. b.
mill, carlots, $29.65; mixed cars,
$30.15: less than carlots, $30.65.
HAY Timothy. $30.4( 34; alfalfa.
$27. E,0; grain. $26.
Whereas, the City Council of the
City of Medford, Oregon, did. by Or
dinance N'o. 952, propose and submit
o the legal voters of said City, at
tho special election duly held In said
CMty on the 15th day of October.
1918, the following proposed Act of
Municipal Legislation, entitled:
"An Act of Municipal Legislation
relating to the holding of elections in
the City of Medford, Oregon, in con
formity with the provisions of Sec
tion 14-a of Article II of the consti-
utlon of the State of Oregon, and
amending the charter of the city of
Medford, by adding thereto a new
section to be known as Section 64-a.
ind amending sections 14, 17, 53,
4, 56, 63, and 64 of tho charter of
kfto City of Medford, and repealing
lections 57 and 58 of said charter,
WHEREAS, the recorder of said
'll.y has, In my presence and In the
resence of the city council duly eun
assed the returns of said election
und it haB been determined thereby
hat the total number of votes cast
it said election was 87; that the
otal number of votes cast In favor of
aid act of Municipal Legislation,
ibove referred to, was 68, and the
lotal number of votes cast against
jibe same was 18; and 1 blank; and it
Aippears that said act of Municipal
J.eglslation received- an affirmative
JllilJUl lly UI Mil me tureo tnni i di
By virtue of the power vostcd in
me as Mayor of the City of Medford,
Oregon, I, C. E. Gates, do hereby
issue this proclamation to the people
of said City and do hereby declare
that the votes cast in favor and
against said act of Municipal Legis
lation was as above set forth: and I
do declare said act of Municipal Leg
islation to be in full force and effect
In said City from and after the pub
lication of this proclamation as re
quired by law; and that the follow-
g is a full title and text of snid act
of Municipal Legislation and of the
whole thereof:
Chnrtcr Amendment
LATION relating to the holding of
elections In the City of Medford, Ore
gon, in conformity wltn the provis
ions of Section 14-a of Article II of
Hie constitution of the State of Ore
gon, and amending the charter of the
city of Medford, by adding thereto a
new section to be known as Section
C4-n, and amending sections 14, 17.
53, 54. 56, 63 and 64 of the charter
of the City of Medford, and repealing
sections 57 and 58 of said charter.
WHEREAS, Tho voters of the
Stale of Oregon, at an election duly
lioWl In this State on tho 4th day of
June, 1917, adopted Section 14-a of
Article II of the conntltu'lon as a
part of tho constitution of said State,
nnd the same is now in Tull force and
effect, nnd,
WHEREAS, It Is nccossnry that
the charter of the City of Medford be
amended to conform to Section 14-a
' of Article II of tho said constitution
i of Oregon,
Tho peoplo of Medford do ordain
as follows:
Section 1. That Section 14 of the
charter of the City of Medford be,
und the same hereby is amended to
read as follows:
"Section 14. The Mayor shall be
the executive officer of the city and
shall supervise Its affairs and all Its
officers and employes, but not the
council. He shall be the presiding
officer of the city council, tint tdiall
not vote upon any question, except In
rase of a tie. nnd then he shall cart
!' the deciding vote. He shall have
power to call special meetings of the
council whenever ho deems it neces
. sary. At the last regular meeting or
? the counctl before the biennial elec
tion he shall make a written state
ment of the condition of all the af
4&irij of the city, and recommend such
ineaaures Tor the government and
Improvement thereof as ho mav deem
" expedient. He shall ul the first reg
ular meeting of the council In Jan
uary, following the biennial election.!
appoint three members of the council!
on each of the following committees,!
lu-wu: hi Finance: t2 Streets.:
sowers and drains; 1 3 1 water and
light; 14) health, which shall con-i
sist of the mayor and two councilman,
which committees shall be standing I
committees lor his term, and shall '
nave general supervision over the
different subjects pertaining to their
departments, and such further pow
ers anil duties at, :e council may pro. .
scribe by ordinance or resolution."
Section 2. That Section 17 of the
charter of the City of Medford be,
and tho same Is hereby amended to
reud as follows: ,
"Section 17. At the first regular
meeting of tho council in January
following tho City election, or as soon
thereafter as practical, tho council
shall choose by ballot one of its
members as chair::uin, who Eliail pre
side in tho absence of the mayor, and
In tho absence or Inability of the1
mayor to net, such chairman shall
perform all tho duties of mayor; but
during the time that he is so ai-ting
lie shall also porform the duties of
councilman, including the right to
vote." i
Section 3. That Section 53 of the
charter of the City of .Medford be. '
and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"Section 53. Not less than fifteen
days prior to the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in November in
each even numbered year, tho City
Council shall order a biennial elec
tion for city elective officers, oi
which election notice shall be given
by publication in a newspaper pub
lished in tno city, or by notice signed
by the city recorder and posted by
the chief of police in three conspic
uous places in said city, one notice to
be posted in each ward, not less than
ten days prior to the election, which
notice Khali specify tho officers to lie
elected, and the time and places of
holding said election.
Section 4. That Section 54 of the
charter of the City of Medford be.
and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"Section 54. The City election
shall be held at the same time and
place that the general biennial elec
tion for Stato and County ofricera is
held In said City, and the election
precincts and officers for said elec
tion shall be those selected according
to law for said generul biennial elec
tions." Section 5. That Section 56 of the
charter of the City of Medford be,
and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"Section 56. All persons to be
voted for at any city election shall,
not less than seven days before such
election, file with the recorder of
said city a certificate of nomination
made by some political or mass con
vention, or a nomination signed by
not less than twenty-five legal voters
of said city, together with the candi
dates' written acceptance of said nom
ination: and thereupon the recorder
shall eater the name of all such can
didate upon the ticket to be voted
for at the next following election,
and not otherwise; and the recorder
shall cause a sufficient number of
proper tickets to be printed and de
livered to tho election officers prior
to the opening of the polls on the day
of election; the expense of printing
such tickets shall be paid by the
Section 6. That Section 63 of (he
charter of the City of medford bo,
and tho same Is hereby amended to
rend as follows:
"Section 63. Tho council shall
hold their first meeting and organize
on tho first Tuesday in January fol
lowing their election, and in case said
first Tuesday in January be a holiday
the council shall hold Its first meet
ing and organize on the following
Section 7. Thut Section 64 of the
charter of the City of Medford be.
and the samo is hereby umeuded to
read as follows:
"Section 64. The terms of all pf
flcers elected shall begin on the first
Tuesday in January following their
election, or as soon thereafter as
they shall duly qualify: but if they
fail to qualify within ten dnys from
and afler said day, then said office
shall be vacant, and the council shall
at Its first meeting thereafter fill
said vacancy by appointment: nnd all
vacancies occurring from any. cause
In any elective office shall be filled
by the council by appointment of
some qualified elector of the city to
said vacancy, who snail hold Rain
office until the next election, and
until his successor is elected and
qualified. The terms of all officers
of the City of Medford shall be, and
are hereby extended and continued
until tho first Tuesday in January,
1919, and until such successors shall
duly qualify. The term of office of
nil officers of said city whose term
would by the charter of said city con
tinue beyond the first Tuesday in
January, 1919 arc hereby so limited
that they shall expire on said day, or
as soon thereafter as their surcersors
shall qualify, and there shall be eloct
ed at said biennial election in the
year 1918, and at each biennial elec
tion thereafter, officers to fill all
elective offices of said city."
Section 8. That tho charter of
the City of Medford be, and the same
Is hereby amended by adding thereto
a new section to be known a3 Section
64-A, lo rrad as follows:
"Section 64-A. Special elections
may be called by the city council nt
any tlmo by ordinance or resolution,
nnd in such ordinance or resolution
the council shall provldo the time
and place for holding such election,
tho manner of giving notice thereof,
tho hours during which the polls shall
tie open, nnd shall appoint tbreo
Judges of election for each ward, two
of whom shall act as clerks, and
whose romptasatlon shall l.e fixed by
the council. Special elccllons Hluill
be conducted as far as practicable ac
cording to tbe laws of the Slate of
Section 9. That Seetlors 57 and
5 8 of the rharler of the City of .Med
ford are hereby repealed.
Hated at Medford, Oregon, this
16th day of October, 1918.
(Signed I C. E. GATES.
(SEAL) Mayor.
Attest: (Signed M. L. AI.FORI),
Clly Recorder.
lounty Court of Jackon County, Ore- mlnatlon of the State Water Board of B. R. 4 W. W. t.; covered bv water
gon, to be held and said election will! the Stato of Oregon, filed with tho right existing by virtue appropriation
bo held In said district on the 31stjrierkof tho Circuit Court of Jackson i of certain waters of Queens Branch
day of October, 1918 'between the
hours provided by law for tho hold
ing of general elections in the state
of Oregon.
Said election will be held for the
purpose of determining whother or
not said proposed Irrigation district
shall be organized under the provis
ions of Chapter 357 of the general
laws of Oregon for the year 1917.
The polling place for said election
Is the Grange Hall located at WLmer,
within said district. ,
The following la a description of
tho boundaries of said proposed Irri
gation District:
4 1. That, certain 24 acres of land
In Hie NEli NWVi, 3 ares in NWVi
NWVi, 9 acres In SEVi NWVi. Sec. !"
5, Tp. 35, S. It. 3 W. V. M., covered
by water right existing by virtue of
apnio'irintlon of certain waters by
Mays Creek in r,a!d district under ap
propriation of Streets, Bagloy and
Saunders made In 1 911 1 .
42. That certain 5 acres of land
in the NEW SW',i, and 9 acres in I
the NWS SWli, Sec. 21, Tp. 35, J
S. R. 4 W. W. M.. covered by water j
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Bear Branch
in said district tinder appropriation
of Ora Jones made' In 1878. Said
district being wholly In Je"k3on
county. Oregon.
All of tho foregoing water rights
were established by Findings or Fact
and Order of determination of the
State Water Board of the Slate of
Oregon, filed with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of Jackson County.
Oregon, on May 3, 1916, and supple
mental Findings of Fact and Order
of determination of said Stato Water
Board filed in said Court on Decem
ber 15, 1917, which said orders de
termined and adjudicated all rights
in the waters of Rogue River and its
tributaries, and which said orders
and all records of the said State
Water Board of the State of Oregon
are hereby referred to for tho pur
pose of definitely fixing and deter
mining the lands covered by said
rights and herein above excepted and
excluded from said proposed district.
Commencing on the line between
Sections 9 and 10, Township 36.
South of Range 4. West of Willam
ette Meridlaa. at the southwest cor
ner of the northwest quarter of
southwest quarter of Section 10 on
the south line of said irrigation Dis
trict) thence oast Vi mile, thence
north 14 mile, thence east Vi mile
to tbe center of said Section 10:
thenco north Y2 mile, thence east Vi
mile, thence north 14 nillo, thence
east Vi mile, thence north 1 mile,
thenco west 14 mile to the Section
lino between Sections 34 and 35 In
said Township and Range;, thence
north on tho Section line 2 miles
to tho northwest corner of Section
23, Township 35, south Range 4
West of Willamette Meridian, thence
east 14 mile, thence north 1 mile,
thenco east mile, theice north Vi
mile, thenco east 1 Vi miles, thence
north Vi mile, thenco east mile,
thence north Vi mile to the section
corner common to Sections 5, 6, 7
und 8 In Township 35, Range 3 West,
thence east 94 mile, thence north Vi
mile, thence east Vi mile, thence
north Vi mile, thence east 14 mile,
thenco north 14 mile, thence east 1
mile, thence north VI mile, thence
east Vi mile on the Township line
between Townships 31 and 35 to the
southeast corner of tiio southwest
qunrter of the southeast quarter of
Section 34, Township 34 south Range
3, West of W. ,V1., thence north Vi
mllo, thence east Vi mile, thence
north Vi mile, thence east Vi mile,
thence north Vi mllo, thenco east V4
mile, thenco north V4 mile, thence
east Vi mile, thence north Vi mile
to the northeast corner of the south
west quarter of the northwest quar
ter of Section 25, Township 34 south
of. finnge 3 West of W. M., nnd the
northeasterly corner of the District;
thence west 1 mile, thence south 14
mile, thence west Vi mile, thence
south Vi mile, thence west Vi mllo.
thence south Vi mile, thence west Vi
mile to the Section corner common
to Sections 27, 2S. 33. and 34. Town
ship 34, south Range 3 west of W.
M., thence south Vi mile, thence west
Vi mile, thence south Vi mile, thence
west mile, thence north Vi mile,
thence wer.t Vi mile, thence north
Vi mile, thence west li mile, thence
south 1 mile to Township line to the
Section corner common to sections
31, 32, 5 and 6. Toenshlps 34 and
35 south of Range 3, West of Wil
lamette Meridian; thence west V4
mile on said Township line, thence
south mile, thence west vi mile,
thence north 14 mile, thence west V4
mile, thenco north Vi mile, thence
west Vi mile, thence north Vi mile,
thenco west 14 mile, thenco north 1
mile, thence west li mile, thence
south 14 mile, thence went Vi mile
thenco south 1 Vi miles to tho Town
ship line between Townships 34 and
35, thence east 1 mile on said Town
ship line, thence south 14 mile,
thence went 14 mile, thenco north Vi
mllo to the Section corner common
to Sections 34, 35, 2 and 3, Town
ships 34 and .'15, south of Range 4
west of w . thenco west :i mile
on said Township line, thence north
1 ) miles, thenco cast 14 mile, thence
north 2 miles, thenco west mllo to
tiio northwest corner of the south
went qruarlcr of I he northwes t Vt of
Section 15, Township .11 south of
kuiikc I, west of W. M., and the
northwest corner of the District:
llionee south mile, Hienco west
'A mile, thenco soulli 14, mllo. thence
west 11 mile, thence south Vj tulle,
thence went !i mile, thence soulh
mllo, tlienco west mile, thence
south 1 'i miles, (hence west mile,
to the S-ctlon line liclwoen Sections
5 and 6, Township 35 south of Range
4. west of the W. M., anil tht nun h
wesl corner of the .southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Sacllon
5: thence soulh 21 miles on inltl
Suction line, thenco ea;it mile,
thence south mile, thence east S
mile, ihenee south !i mile, thence
east "a mile, thence south 2 li nilleit,
thenco east mile, thence south '4
mile, thenco easl V, mile, (hence
south I mile to (he place of begin
ning. Excepting nnd excluding the fol
lowing described lands:.
That certain 4 acres of land
County. Oregon, on May 3. 19 16, and in said district under appropriation
supplemental findings of fact and or-of Paul.S. Seeley made in 181)9.
dor of determination or said State 32. That certain 25 acres of land
Water Board filed in said Court on , In the SW Vi NE14 nnd 2 Vi acres in
December 15, 1917, which said or-iSEH NE Vi Sec. 4, all In Tp. 35 S. R.
Knn Creek Irrigation KiMrlct
Xotlip of Klwtlon
Notice Is hereby given that an elec
tion In and for the propnrcd Evans
Creek Irrigation district hereinafter
described, ua been tailed by the
4 W. W. M., covered by water right
existing by virtue of appropriation
of certain waters of Ditch Creek in
said district under appropriation of
.las. Owens mado in 1891.
33. That certain 9 acres of land
W W M covered by 1 fu the NWVi NWVi and 25 acres in
xistlng' by "virtue of ap-l"10 SWH 'NWiVi. 30 acres in -N W ' i
if certain waters of i sw 14 , I aero in SK14 SWV, Sec. 33,
4 acres in sr. ami ncre m
SKVt SEVi Sec. 32, all in Tp. 34,
S. R. 4 W. W. M., covered by water
right existing by virtue of appronria
tion of certain waters of Ditch Crook
in said district under appropriation
of ('has. Williams made In. 1S77.
31. That certain 10 acres of land
III the SW14 SW14 Sec. 34, Tp. 34,
S. R. 4 W. W. M., and that 10 acres
in tho NWVi NWVi, Sec. 3, Tp. 35,
S. R. 4 W. W. M.. covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain walers of Pleasant
Creek In sa'd district undor appro
priation of Chas. Owens in 1S77.
3;i. That certain 7 acres of land
In tho NE14 SEVi. Sec. 21. TP. 34,
S. R. 4 v. W, M covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Brush Gulch
in said jlistrlct under appropriation
of F. M. Smith made in 1882.
That certain 8 acres of land
in (ho XE 14 SEVi Sec. 21. Tp. 34
S. R. 4 W. W. M.. covered by water
right exiting by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Collins
Gulch in said district uudor approprl
atlon of F. M. Smith mado in 1904.
3S. That certain 6 acres of land
In the SWVi SEVi Sec. 1. Tp. 35, S.
R. 4 W. W. M., covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain watern of Syke.i Creek
in said district under anpropriatlon
of Wm. Hlllls mads in 1.875.
30. That certain 8 acres of land
In the SW Vi NE V Sec. 5. Tp. 35
S. R. 3 W. W. M.. covered by water
right existing bv virtue of approba
tion of certain waters of Sykes Creek
in said district under appropriation
of Elizabeth Simmervillo made in
40. That certain 2 acres of land
in the SWVi NE14 Sec. 5, Tp.
S. R. 3 W. W. M., covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Mays Crenk
In said district under appropriation
of Dan Neathammcr madu in 1906.
Dated Oct. 1st, 19 IS.
County Clerk, Jackson County, Ore
FoIiVoVntv jiti; K
Vote for M. I'lirdin
A probate lawyer who knows how
to ndtninlstcr estates. Is honest, ef
ficient, favors good roods, saving
county money nnd low taxes. Adv
dors determined and adjudicated all
rights of the waters of Rogue River
and its tributaries.
2. That certain 9 acres of land
In the NEVi NWVi and 22 acres in
theiXW NWlVi: AH In sec. 7, Tp
35. S. R. 3
water right ex
propriatlon of
Evans Creek In said district under
appropriation of Mary J. Moore made
In 1896, also all of SEVi of SEVi of
,:NE 14 Section 12, Tp. 35 S. R. 4 W.
V. M.
4. That certain 5 acres in the
NEVi NEVi Sec. 13, and 5 acres in
SEVi Sec. 1, all in Tp. 35 S. R. 4
W. W. M., covered by water right
existing by virtue of appropriation of
certain water of Evans Creek In said
district under appropriation of Mar
garet E. Taylor made In 1SH6.
8. All of SEVi NWVi Sec. 11.
Tp. 35 S. R. 4 W. W. M.
All the Southwest ouarter or
Northeast qcartor nnd also foutll 5
acres of west half of Northwest quar
ter of the .vortheust "quarter Sc. 1 1,
Tp. 35. S. It. 4. W. W. 1. Also 5
res of NWVi NE!4 of said section
1 1. That certain 28 acres of land
'n the NEli NWVi, 22 acres In
SWVi NWVi , 3 acres In NV '4 cy.H V, ,
acres In HIV! NW',J . Sec. 12:
10 acres in.NW'i SW Sec. 11. all
11 Tp. 35. S. It. 4 W. W. M.. covered
by water right existing by virtue of
appropriation of certain water of
Fyvans Creek in said district under
appropriation of Win. Hlliis made in
12. That certain 9 acres of land
in the SEVi SW Sec. 1 und V4
acres In NEVi NW4 Sec 12. all In
Tp. 35. S. R. 4 W. W. -M.. covered by
water right existing xy virtue oi ap
propriation of certain r-ulers of
Evans Creek in said district under
appropriation of
made in 1SD6.
13. That certain 12 acres of land
in the SKY, NWVi Sec. 12. and 10
acres In SWVi SWVi. Sec. 12. all in
Tp. 35, S. R. 4, V. W. M., covered
by water right existing by virtue of
annropriation of J. B. Hillis made in
14. That certain 1 acre of land In
NEVi SWVi and 3 acres In SE 14
SWVI Sec. 20, all In Tp. 34. S. R. 3
W. W. M., covered by water right
existing by virtue of appropriation of
certain waters of Evans Creek in
said district under appropriation of
O. W. Miller made Feb. 27, 11104.
15. That certain 1 Vi acres of
land in the SEVi NWVi Sec. 5. li
acres in the NW Vi SWVi Sec. 5, 15
acros In the NE14 SEVi Sec. 6, 1
acre in the SWVi SEVi Sec. 6, 8
acres in the iXUVi NEVi Sec. 7, 7
acres in the SWVi SWVi Sec. 5, all
in Tp. 35 S. R. 3, W. W. M being
the particular lands lying underneath
the Nenihammnr irrigation ditch and
now being actually irrigated there
from. 16. All of EVi NE 14. NWVi
NEVi, SW'A NEW. SE 14, NEVi,
SWVi, SEVi SWVi, and East 'A of
NWVi, Section 15, NEVi NWVi,
NWVi. '.WVi SWVi, SWVi SWli
Sec. 22. all of SEVi SEV4, NEVi
SEVi, SEVi SEVi. Section 21, lying
east of Evans Creek, all In Tp. 35,
S. R. 4 W. W. M.
18. All of SWVi NWVI, NEVi
SWVi, NW'14 SWVi. Sec. 11, Tp. 35
S. R. 4 W. W. M lying north of
Evans Creek.
19. That certain 25 acres of land
In the NEVi SEVi, Sec. 4, and 8
acres in NWVi SWVi. Sec. 10, nil In
Tp. 36, S. 11. 4 W. W. M., covered by
water right existing by vlrture of
appropriation of certain waters of
Evans Creek in srid district under
appropriation of Old Mill Ditch &
Irrigation Co. made in 1902.
20. That certain 12 acres of land
in the SEVi NWtf, Sec. 27, Tp. 35.
S. R. 4 W. W. M., covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Trimble
Creek in said district under npproprl
atlon of Kern Valo Ranch mado In
190 0.
. 21. That cortnin 3 acres of land
In tho SEVi NEVi Sec. 22. Tp. 35,
S. R. 4 W. W. M.. covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of Potter Creek
In said district tinder appropriation
of S. F. Potter mado in 1901.
22. That certain 3 acres of land
in the NE 14 NEV4, Sec. 22, Tp. 35.
S. R. 4 W. W. M . , covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropri
ation of certain waters of Potter
Creek In said district under appro
priation of S. F. Potter mudo In 1901.
24. Thnt certain 1 acres in SW Vi
SWVi Sec. 33. Tp. 34, S. It. 3 W. W.
.f., covered by water right existing
by virtue of appropri.icon of certain
waters of iN'eiuliumnier (iiilcli in said
District under appropriation of Dan
Neathammnr mnde in 1874.
25. That certain 4 acres of land
In SWli SEVi and I acres In NEV
SEli, Sec. 22, all 111 Tp S. it. 4,
W. W. M., covered by water right
existing by virtue of appropriation
of rerlaln watern of Pleasant Creel:
In snid district under appropriation
of (ieo. W. Ill.'ilock mado In 1891.
26. That rerts!!n :: acies of land
In the SEVi NWVi. Sec 22, Tp. :;!.
S. II. 4 W. W. M., covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of certain waters of I'leusanl
Creek Is said district Hurler appropri
ation of Don Cameron made In IM12.
27. That certain 5 acres of laud
III NEV, SWVi, Sec. Tp. 34, S. It.
4 W. W. M,, covered by water right
existing by virtue of approptlalion of
certain watern of l'ea: anr Creel: In
nnld district under appropriation of
Lone Star Minim: Co.. made in ISM,
2 8. That certain 1 acre of bind
In the SW 14 NEV,, Sec. 17, Tp. 115.
S. R. 4 W. W. M,, covered by water
right existing by virtue of appropria
tion of ccrlnln waters of Colleens
Branch In puld dbtrlet. under appro
priallon of J. C. Culver mado In 1S6H.
3o. That certain is acres of land
In the NWVi SW Vi . and 23 acres In
the NEli SWli. Sec 9. all In Tn
W. O. Garrett announces himself
as an independent enndidato for tho
office of sheriff of Jackson county
lying In the NW14 nwi.j sec. .1, Tp. 1 35, S. R. 4 W. W. M., covered h
...1 8. R, 3 W. W. M., covered by water right existing by vlriiic of ap
Water Right existing by vln ue of ! propriatlon of c nu'u waters of
appropriation of certain waters of Queens Branch In said dfntrlct undo:
Evans Creek In said district under 1 appropriation of Joshua, Neathammcr
appropriation or R. Carter made in made in 1S88.
IV' I. which right was established by 31. That certain Id acres of land
findings of fact and older of detcr-jln tho SEVi SEli Sec. S, Tp. 35,
I mil tho regular republican nom
inco for Sheriff of Jackson county
and will appreciate your support on
Nov. 5. If elected I promiso strict
law enforcement und nn economical
business administration.
C. E. TERILL, of Lake Creek.
FOR RENT 628 West Palm. Six-
room modern bungalow, cement
basement, garage, $12,00. J. W.
Wsftcficld. '
ASTRAY Jersey calf, three months
old. 509 Beatty street. 176
OR RENT Seven-room house. 1121
East Main street. Phone 611-R2.
FOR RENT Six-room modern bun
galow In tirst-class shapo. Range
connected, Gurngo. Phone 4S8-X.
FOR RENT Furnished house and
two brick rooming houses. One
seven-room dwelling with garage
on paved street. John F. White.
Phone 4-19-M. 187
FOR RENT One 5 and ono 7-room
bungalow. 820 West Twelfth.
-Rooms, Phone 370-L.
FOR RENT Farm partially wnt-
ored; immediate possession In
quire Box N, Mall Tribune. . . 178
WILL EXCHANGE Fine ewe lambs
for fat wether iambs weighing 14
pounds more. D. Rosenborg, .Mud
lord llolol.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey, three
years old. Economy King Separa
tor No. 6. Phono R-13.M. 177
MOVtfl TO liOAS.
MONEY TO LOAN on gooa real
estate security, and will buy Lib
erty Bonds. J. B. Andrews, No.
81 North Grape. Phone 47..I. If"
LOST On Klamath Falls-Acer road,
ono-black leather portfolio,, con
taining slide rulo, railroad trans
portation blanlvB and correspon
dence, elc. Finder plcaso commu
nicate with the Callfornla-Orogoa
Power eonrr.ny antl receive re
ward. Mntor O, F. Sever. 176
FOI! EXCHANG E Smail"furra near
Modford, for larger acroago or un
Improvod land; would assume or
pnv pome dlfferenco. Address Box
777, Mull Tribune 179
tirnisvHn HtnxxTOiu
Mining Expert.,
CAMrniOLL ft" MI.JKCRAN, mine
promltinv ititsoclallon; mining,
properties listed for Bale nscnplod
and reports tendered.- Office and
assay laboratory at 107 North Fir
St., opposite Hotel Holland, Bit tu
ples by mall given p-Jinpt atten
FOR SALE A small band of good
rango cwea; also ewe lambs and
some bucks. D. Rosenberg, Med
ford Hotel.
FOR SALE Six-year old blacfc horse
and good cuddle, $50.00. Call at
21 Genessee street. 178
FOR SALE Good work team, har
ness, wagon and hack, cheap.
Stewart, 635 Palm street. 17a
FOR SALE Three thorobrod O. 1.
C. sows, ono registered Poland
China boar. W. J. Freeman, Cen
tral Point, Ore. 176
FOR SALE Several yocag
cows, ii caivua.
Pigs, shoats and sows.
Ono team good work horses,
weigh about 2800. Mlravista Orch
ard. Phono 597-J3.
FOR SALE 19 good blooded piga
If talton In three dnys at $6.50 por
head. It mllo south Hlllcrost. 178
FOR SALE 'Reasonable, 1918 Ford
touring cur, good as now; also
Ford bug. Phono 548-Y. . 178
FOR SALE Team, wagon and bar
ncss. 3 14 wagon and harncsH good
as new. Horses weight 1450 each,
7 and 9 years old. Will sell choap
if taken at once. Harry M'ttson,
Talent, Ore. IS 1
PORTER i NEFF. Attorney-m-tan
rooms 8 and 9, Vedford Natloua
Bank Building.
A. E. Resms. Uvtoi tiarnirl
AMtn fcppll.
re operating the largest, elde
and bent-equipped plant III the F
el Ho northwest Un oar sprltjp
when other? fall. Bold nrter writ
ton guarantee. 84 North Flfteemt
St., Portland. Oregeu.
GARBAGE Get tout pretnlM
eleaned up tor the summer. CaL
on the otty garbage wnireni toi
god service. Phone 8S1-Y. V
Y. Allen.
Expert Accountant.
son, 0. P. A. Ask about our new
and simplified method of account
ing. Particularly valuable to an)
business as a time-saver glvlnl
full buslnoas detail. M. F. ft H.
Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R.
Instruction la Hjavle.
FOR SALE Household furniture.
Apply between 10 and u. 1207
West Main stroot. 17 8
I am tho republican candidate for
representative from tly 8th repre
sentative dl.ttrlct and will appreciate
your support on November 5lli.
WANTED A boy 16 or 17 years of
ago, good common school educa
tion, to learn printing trude. Will
pay $1.25 per day at start. Apply
to foreman, Medford Printing Co.
WANTED Wood haulers at Butte
Falls. . Seo Mrs. Wm. Sears, 505
Beatty street, Medford. 170
WANTED Men. $2.50 and board.
Webster Ranch, 1 Vi miles north
of Jacksonville. 191
WANTEIIYoling glrl to assist with
genoral housework. 1003 West
Main street.
Hotel Medford.
mm girl at
WANTED Women, salary $24 full
Imo, 50c an hour spare time, dis
tributing guaranteed hoslory to
wcare!. permanent. Experience
unnecessary. Apply Guarantee
Mills, Norristown, i'a.
WANTED I'aslure
all winter. F. V
for two horses
MetH, Tslilmu,
1 SO
I'bono It-13-11.
a root cutler.
WANTED - At once, bopsekeeper for
two In country, close In, Box 89,
Mall Tribune.
WANTED Toggenbcrg
milk goat, now fresh
Elsoy, Merlin, Ore.
Goo. T.
WANTED Sell youi cream to the
JohDnon Prod. Co., Central Point.
Ore., where tbe tests and cash
ropolr or wreck
to move, build,
Phcn.8 4 88-J4 or
WANTED It. H. Toft buys Liberty
bonds, also mortgages, notes, Judg
ments, escrow contracts, otc-, and
makes short time loans on any old
thing. '
FOR RENT Furnished apartments.
Call 2 to T, 322 South Central.
FOR RENT One completely fur
Dished apartment, llotol Holland,'
FOR SALE SpllzenborR apples.
1204 West Tenth street. 177
FOR SALE SpiU nnd Newtown
cooking apples 35c, fancy 75c. J.
Weis, Yjt mllo north 'of Jackson
ville 180
FOR SALE Seed wheat, Little Club.
This wheat mado 71 bushels to tho
acre Ihlc year. C. IN. Hansen, Silt
North Central. 181
FOR SALE Dodgo touring cur, good
condition, new tires. Bargain
price. Box 943, Medford P. O. 179
FOR SALE Foueral truck. Apply
James Roscberry at Medford Fire
Dept. 177
FOR SALE Tomatoes and onions.
Phono 267-Y. 177
Salnway peaches.
FOR SALE Federal truck. Apply
James Roscberry at Medford Fire
Dopt. J 76
FOR SALE Bicycle, used only a few
times; nlso a small heating stove.
W. J. Schonek, Hole! Holland. 180
FOR SALE Hay. S to 9 tons first
class nlfalfa In slack; best price
lake;; It. Central Point, phono 318.
Ft) It SALE 501) bushels of first
class yellow corn: also grain hay.
Call evening:;. C. W. Isaacs.
FOR SALE -Dresser, oak dining
table, gas ranges, phono 2 4 7-L.
222 South Holly. 179-
FOR SALE -A No. 1 full Hedged
linking equipment, with all neces
sary accessorlos. Will closo these
out cheap for casli If disposed oi
soon. Wrllo to or personally Inter
view Abe Duller, Oak street, Ash
land, Oregon. 184
FOR SALE -Dry oak slumps. Web
ster Ranch, 1 Vi miles north Jack
sonville. 191
l.osve Medford for Asniand, Tnlom
and Phiietilx dull, except Sunday al
8:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m.; 1:00,
4:00 and 5:15 p. tn. Also on Satur
day at 10:15 p. m Sundays leave al
10:30 a. m. and 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30
p. m. Leavo Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m..
and 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 and
5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights
at 5:30. Sunday leave Ashland al
9:00 a. m., and 13:10, 4:30 and
6:30 p. ui.
i'HED ALTON HA JO-RT- Teacher 4
piano and harmony. Halght efnsV
C'urilo, 401 Oamott-Corey 81d
Phone 73.
ALICM HOLLOWAY Fire, Accident .
Automobile, Liability policies writ
ton -with best English and Kater
Companies. Office 408 Gaxuett
Corey Bldg. '
EARL 8. TUMY General Insurance
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plate Glass, Hay or
Grain lu field or barn; also Lire
stock. Contract and Surety Bonds.
Excellent companies, good local
service. No. 210 Garnett-Corey
Bldg, L. L. Cathcnrt, Manager.
Ploolng Mill.
THOMAS MOFFAT General mill
work, sash, doors, mouldings and
screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phone
Phyalcuuu and est eon.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician. 303 (? rnett-Corej bntld
lug. Pfcone 130.
DR. J. J. EM MENS- Physician a0
snrgeon. Practice limited to eye
ear, nose and throat. Rye scien
tifically tosted and (lasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. V
H. R. Co. Officii M. r. H. O
Bldg. Phone 667.
416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg.
Phone 9 D 4-1,.
Residence 26 S. Laurel Street.
Printers and 1'diiMSnera.
bust equipped printing office i
Southern Oregon. Book blndln
loose lear ledgors, billing arstvmr
etc. Portland prices. 11 Nortt
Fir BL ,r
Office 43 North Front 8t Phone
815. Price right. rv la guar
10 ncres good soli, some fruit,
good welt water, good five-room
hoiiso, new; old barn, fivo acres un
der Irrigation. The owner took a
good crop off this sen ion but is leav
ing (be slate and offering tho place
for sain for $1700.00, half cash, tho
balance on easy terms. This Is an
exceptional opportunity for ono who
wants to go Into poultry, berrloe or
gardening, etc.
Brown & White
! Boatn Fir Street.