PA HE RTX MTCDFOT?r "NfATL TTUTCUXE. MEDFOTCD. OTiFlOW TUESDAY. OCTOP.FJ? 1.". IfllR HUGETRANSPORT SINKS AT DOCK: NO LIVES LOST Transport America. Former Hamburg American Liner, Second Largest of Government Shins Mysteriously Sinks at Hoboken Dock Just Before Sailino Soldiers and Crew Escape. HOnOKRN X. J., 0 t. 1."). Short ly before the American troop trans port Amorlra, formerly tho (Jerman trans-Atluntlo pasaenKer Btoamshtp Amerlka, was alotit to sail today for Europe with BoldlerH and supplies, the vcskcI foundered at her pier here. In tho early niornfns darkness, while the troops aboard were sleep ing the America settled with her keel in the mud, leaving only three of her eight decks together with parts of her funnels above water. So far as was known up to noon, ttaero waB no loss of life. Karller re ports wore that between 30 and 40 of the crew had perished after being trapped in the boiler room. Sinking it .Mystery Troops were placed on guard out b!(!o the pi or and details regarding 1ho sinking were denied to inquirers. The cause of the accident remained a mystery even to navy department of ficials. A theory expressed in some quarters that water poured into the holds as a result of uncompleted re pairs apparently did not conform with the fact that tho ship wus ready to weigh anchor today for a foreign port. It was learned that a gang of ma chinists was nt work at the time the vessel settled and It was suggested that one of those men inadvertently opened a sea cock under the impres sion that he was closing It. HViid Biggest Ship The submerged America, next to tho largest of the government trans- ports, 22.205 tons, hns a capacity of carrying 8000 troops, and a crew of 12 U0 men. It was said only 200 or JtOU soldiers were on board at the time. All the coal had been placed In the bunkers except a small portion to hnvo been loaded toduy. The America sank in about 3." feci oC water ii lid (lie rniinir nf Ibu hip in not regarded us difficult. Six weeks ul'o, il was learned to day, an explosion of n steam pipe on tho America rust the lives of two men, several others linntr injured. No fire or exnlnsiun accompanied to-i'-'h mishap. Coupled with rciKirlM of alletrcd r itwpection und defective shin fittings on the America were indica tions that arrests would be made bc 1'or the duv is over. ilOO Soldiers Aboard AVASIlIN'UTOX. Oct. 1". He ports to the navv department on the Miikiuir of the transport America at her dock nt llolnikcn, N. J., tnduv said there were MOO sohlrers on board in addition to members of the crew, nnd that all hands except three pri vates and two sailors have been ac counted for. It was thouuht proba ble that the tnissinir men were safe but had failed to report. The transport is believed to have hern sent down bv water pouring into her ports, open for loading coal. She H resting on the bottom on an even koel and wreckers are preparing to raise her. A court of inquiry has bet n ordered. 100MIL 10 SEE PAIilS, Monday, Oct. 14. Pr. Chus. Nicotic and his colleague, nr. Ijpltatlly, who Isolated the microbe causing Spanish Influenza at the Pasteur Institute at Tunis, nnuounc od that the germ in too small to be visible with I he microscope. It lias been cltiarly Ideal If led. however, be cause by Its use the mulady has been reproduced In a monkey and a man. WILSON S REPLY 10 HONS PLEASES ALLIED MAINS Prevailino Spirit In Paris One of Ju bilation London Press Expresses Satisfaction Over Guarantees Ask ed ami Censure of Wonton Destruc tion by Germans. PARIS. Oct. 15. President Wil son's reply to Germany was Riven to the public In extra editions of the afternoon newspaporB published at noon today. It immediately became the absorbing topic of discussion In all public places. Tho tone of tho sentiment was distinctly favorable to tho reply, the prevailing spirit beinj? one of jubilation. UXVDOX, Oct. 15. The text of Prosident Wilson'B reply to tho CJer man peace offer, received thru press channels, was placed in tho hands of the members of the British govern ment oarly this mornlm;., The noun cil mot shortly after 1 1 o'clock to consider the president's response. Iteply Plejihes IKiiuh.i.dl LONDON, Oct. 1.1. The Gorman autocracy must no Is tho heading placed over President Wilson's reply to the German peace note by tho Lib eral Star, which like moat of the lib eral newspapers considers this one of the first conditions of peace with the central powers. A condition In the reply which Is Riven great display by the newspa pers Is that which asks for guaran tees for the maintenance of the pres ent military supremacy of the allied armies. Satisfaction also Is expressed with President Wilson's reference to con tinued sinkings by German submar ines and the "wanton destruction" In occupied territory, whilo his decision that tho conditions of an armistice must bo left to tho military advisers of tho entente appears to agreo with tho phrase so often quoted in news papers during tho laHt few days "leavo It to Koch." GIVES CITY A SCARE Westennan Whillock, Western I'n ion mesM'iiLrer bo v. umvil tinulv I'ave I he eilv a scare last iiiirht, ami caused the fire department to run riuht out. wait around the corner of Main and Front streets, ami run riuht back iiiratn. It all took place in a few seconds, hut I he blowim; of I he siren whistle, and never did it blow louder, caused ieotde to burrv down town from all directions to see the fire. The lad had a message In deliver fo the niulit police. Not fimlintr an ol--ficer about be opened the lire and poliro alarm box in front of the Com mercial club hiiildiiiir. intending ti flash on tle ml Hl-M. Instead he pulled the wrotir lever down, which summoned the tire department. Then tiic excitement began . SOLF LIKELY TO SUCCEED IX AS CHANCELLOR Another Turn-over In German Minis try Likely Letter Written Last Winter Shows Maximilian Reaction ary in Political Attitude and Supporter of Royal Family. LOWDON, Oct. 14. Dispatches from Holland report there Is a prob ability of another turnover in the Oerman chancellorship. Tho Jterlfn National Zeitung prints a report of a discussion by an inter-party cominlt teo, of tho letter Prince Maximilian wrote to Prince Alexander of llohen lohe, which showed a markedly dif ferent attitude In political affairs from that proposed In his relchstag address. The committee recognized the sit uation rendered Prince Maximilian's retention In office doubtful. Humors In iterlin that Prince laxlmilian's retirement is inevitable also are re ported, In the National Zcttung. Itotterdatn reports to the Telegram that Prin (jo Maximilian's probablo successor will be Dr. W. S. Solf, the new foreign minister or Pbilipp Scheidemann, secretary of state with out portfolio. The correspondent at tributes this development to the "im minent abdication of the kaiser'' which he says tho kaiser wisned to announce two months ago, hut was dissuaded by the empress and others. The text of the letter referred to above showed that Prince Maximil ian was reactionary In. his political attitude and that he was nt that time, January 12, 191R, a firm sup porter of the German royal family. ALLIES CAPTURE PORT OP DURAZZO WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. Italian troops have occupied Durazzo," the Albanian port which Itrltlnh nnd Italian naval forces recently raided and destroyed tho important Aus trian naval base. A dispatch to tho Italian embassy from Homo today announcing tho occupation says the Italians, forcing their wnv thru en emy defenses on the hills of Palpa- mab and Sasso Kosso. entered the city yesterday morning capturing prisoners and war material. East bf Durazzo, Italian columns. advancing from Hlbassan Sunday, overcame stubborn resistance of en emy rear guards at Kraba pass and continued their inanli. SEVEN MILE ADVANCE. (Continued from pano one.) with their teams were captured just as they were about to withdraw. A vint or Play Part "The Hritlsh. Belgian and French aviators played a great part in the battle. They bombed enemy concen trations und trains and fired their machine guns on enemy infantry. Itritish monitor also aided material ly In the operation. ltaidlng operations on several por tions of the Hritish front, notably near Sainphln-en-Weppes, south west of Lille, ore reported In t ho state ment. Prisoners were taken by the Itritish parties. ROM B, Oct. 15. Italian forces In Albania after storming the Austro- Hungarian positions on tho heights in front of Durazzo penetrated the city yesterday morning, taking pris oners nnd capturing war material the Italian war office announced today. LOA IVON, Oct. Ki. Serbian forces advancing north of Nish on Sunday captured on a large front all the heights which dominate both hanks of tho Mornva river; says an official announcement today. Took Out Dreadful Snrenesa When tho kldncjs ure weakened or Overworked so that they fall to filter and throw all Impurlths out of the blood, tho poison remains in the sys tem and backache, soreness, lame- ; ness and rheumatic ruins are likely j to develop. Mrs. Duv id M'MirV, i;.. S. j Lincoln Ave., Washington, N. writes: 'Koh-v Kidmv Tills are do- lnff me much good, bulh iny kidneys 1 and tho rheutuatSm They took all! the dreadful Mrines nut of my , limbs. For nale by M.drrd Phar macy. Notice to Merchants. 'The Seiit.-inU-r sii'-.-.r -.m'.I- will frrnrd in to .l'lii-c nt' L'mwIi- M.muv. j Medfnnl Nnh.uuil h:ttik ImmMihl. i Kimtlv keep Ihem in.m.'i'd in alpha-1 betionl order if tlt.v .m- f.h-d In vo'ir ftore. . . l oi.iiKK, fount v Fn.l Adtnini-lrator. H. . M. n. :W. H' lnilur nie-liutf Tues day, Oct. Kith. A. V. NOTIt, Sivy. lfroUtjiueo llmkcn WITH TDK niilTlSH AliMY IN UKUIUWI. Monday. Oct. 14. 9 a m. I P Associated Press.) l'nemy re sistance in Inlanders which at first appeared to he exceedingly heavy, is reported broken After the Itritish. French and ltelyirm adv.mce today there were indication that the en enemy was ulthdrawinR the remain der of his troops from llolnlum. lteports were slow cumin C In. but :nos! sicntfie.iiit of all the features j of the battle was the fact ihat the iterman nuM batteries were not fir- inn. The eu"iiiv nrtU'ery reacted beav-t i!v smith of Kouler after the allied j attack was In im-hed but north oT the' city this fire was vcr slight, Jndt- i utir.fT til at I be vlei man guns had j been withdrawn The German rear K nurds v ere o'. ercoaie and further I tmrib (lie eU'Mu nsisiam e gradually i crew In liter as (he a-i-aalt pronresi-j BIG U-BOAT EFFORT AMSTERDAM, Oil. Tllrre Is pooil n'a.-dn lo bellrvo that tho Ot'r inan submarine warfare will reaih a climax ilurliiK Hie wlnlpr, nrrordlim to tho lllKMi.-ll Wistphnllan llazette uhl. h says thai It will produce an economic crisis of unanticipated di mensions in entente countries. hut WASHINGTON". Oct. la. Ameri can shlnhulldcrs were called upon hy Secretary I'anlcls today to snevd up their output of destroyers to meet the meaace of the new and greater suhmailne effort which Herman)' Is kno'n to he planning. 1 In1 -ivnt.irv hcL-an n cric-J of tt'cicn. , , will rTiiri'-int:itm nt the huil.l.M-. Mo-t of the plants are worknu; now i,imv!v to eai'aeitv. irratit men's ninde to noun a- nian a'.dilional Xi-i!s a-yo-ihic. Scr.'.,rv Ii.,., .U nl, 'r.-il. oC V .-I. V 1 .!, , How's This? crfor en, tlui.drr-l v,tUtt n-ward f.T any nij.' ..f r,st:rth tt.t . anriot 14 cured tiy ltnll n I'.it.-irtn Mciirln. llairB cm,.. rl. i t . ... vl. Aiiioiik the prroneis wan a com- i,v caiartii uit.t.i r..r ii- n.., ...,,. plrle recinieulal slaff and a battalion ttve ycara. an.! hna N'c.imc known as the coinuiandi r I n"!" r'il.ilUe lr Oalairh. Ilall'a . ... , Catarrh u,-i iliru tl. Itt-iMl 03 only n thin enemy l arrate iW en-1 , ,., ,,,,.,.,, ,., ,,,,,. counter. .1 Uy Hie Itiitli-h diirins; their ton from li e n.Hd und lir.i;iug the ilia South of l.h htervelde the ! porll-nu. Itritish have driven Weil ,o the JZTZlX? They have passed 1 hru lloub'rs and khuI linprovi'tnnt in vmir cnrnt are wf til ndvaneinp. The are also lx. H''lrV V.Vr""r"f,lrrl! M-'Mi opcratliu: unite a dhtaiue east of fer tntn.i.i!-. rr the main lioulers road. J.;' vl 01"- ,,.r;.. fi,.ht..r ii.,.r..l,..t..r lieen held, with results better than untiei rulted. Ill S'leed the -)iiule lioilt is itiit to eiiunl tho destroyer ot ti lew i , , , . i i who underwent an operation lor up. venrs nuo nnd to excel it in sea uoin;: heilule eanv next veur. Mtul -lr- ddtls Bt tne Sacred Heart hosol- """!'tU'i, ''""ItK'tion now will pro- i).!s. thlg mornlngi waa reported this ceei . Flie Jonl intnt mnhliii" the , 1 , mvnrnlitB Kntrles will read, the peak of ils The condition of Miss Ruby Ouches ' afternoon as favorable. SAVE am) SERVE BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS UmiMoih KREAM. c er used KRISP Of course she did! Mother knows that pie crust short ened with Kream Krisp won't hurt the youngster or any one of the family. For Kream Krisp makes pie crust light, flaky and easily digested. Perfect pie crust is only one of many perfect baking results you can attain by using Kream Krisp for shortening the pure product of big, rich peanuts. Kream Krisp is better than butter or lard for frying because it has no flavor or odor of its own and does not absorb either from food fried in it. For this reason it can be used again and again which makes Kream Krisp highly economical. Try Kream Krisp today for shortening and in frying. Then you will be sure of its quality and satis fied with its economy. BROWN. COMPANY, Kream Krisp; Department, Portland, Me. PXtfOhp rchnrd wlilto? Itu ofesjhavo a quarter pint of tho best ' 11- . !.! A I... ID U1IU lUll lUllUII. nilU kUIUl'tkA' Eieautltlor, at very, very small The Universal sn.tno ur grocer has the lemons and JlniR store or toilet counter will three ounces of orchard white few cents. Massaso this sweet' Krant lotion Into the face, neck, A-h.jtji nnd see j i-LRSAL"SHO.TD'j All Ounce of Prevention, Etc. To reduce your chances of havlnq the Sponisa lufluenia. you should u?e pome Aniiseptle spray for Mouth nnd Nose, such as Unoiis. l.lstirlne. lter.ithymol. lloroly-ptol, ltnl.l Thymol, (ilvco ThMiioiine. Korniolld. Alkaline Antiseptic Tablets, or Ze I'yrol . Ze Tyrol, the greatest of them all. l'hone KHI. Heath's Drug Store Tho Snn To store House Painting, Tinting, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Sign Work Hone first-class by the R. J. Miller Decorating Co. All work guaranteed. rrlcM Moderate. Klrst-c!a?s references Phone 376-L.