Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 15, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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ImllratlonH this noon were that
one of the lightest votes In tho hlR
tory of Med ford would he cast in to
day's special election to make the
city charter conform to the mute
election law. Only about twenty
votes had been cast at the three pre
cincts by noon, including those of the
judges. The polls close at 7 p. m.
Attorney Isewiou W Horden has
moved bis law office to the Palm
block, 107 East Main street. 177
SiibHcrlhers of the Mail Tribune
are requested by Circulation .Mnn
uner Owney I'uttnn to exercise pa
tience for a while If their papers do
not come on time or are wrongly de
livered, as three of his carriers are
nick in bed. and the other carriers
have had to double up to cover the
sick ones' routes, with which they
aro unfamiliar, as well as their own.
The situation will be straightened
out us soon us possible
Orres, the ladies' tailor, will be at.
Hotel Holland every Tuesday after
noon hUh cluss only. Kit and work
manship guaranteed. 200
The Installation of Rev. I. Myron
Jloozer as pastor of the Presbyterian
church, which was scheduled to take
place in the church tomorrow night,
has been Indefinitely postponod be
cnuso of the prohibition of public
meetings during the Influenza scare.
Hamilton & Ellington pianos. II.
N. Lofland, 225 South Oakdale.
Look them over before you buy. 182
Whitney Allyn and Lamia Gillette
were motorcycle visitors in the city
yesterday from Grants Pass.
Singer Sewing Machine Shop, ad
Justing, repairing, cleaning. Phone
03-U. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central
Tom Roseherry arrived In the city
this morning, having been summoned
home .by the critical illness of his
mother, who is ill with a paralytic
There will he a public auction sab
Saturday, Oct. r.Mh, at the Turker
ranch, 1 miles above tho Hatchery.
The Red Cross w.111 serve lunch at
Among county visitors registered
nt the hotels last night and today
woro Mr. nnd Mrs. T. It. Plttnrk, Geo.
(Hoffman nnd John Obrlcn of Apple
Kate, Mrs. II. M. Nicholson, ( L.
Dusenbury, Perry Knotts, and Tony
Ross of Gold Hill. William Walker
of Central Point and George Klomus,
Snm t; Sundry, Arthur H. Myurs
nnd A. T. Mrllvaln of Rogue River.
Sewing, plain ninctihio work, hand
sewing and braiding, 408 V. 0th.
phono 4 11-K. 175
On account of tho mayor's influ
enza proclamation tho regular meet
ing of tho Wednesday study club. on
the HUh will be postponed.
Auto repairing. Valley Garago.
Representative V. KJ. Hnwley has
appointed Reginald Daddysman,
grandson of W. X. Offutt Sr., ns a
candidate for admission to the Unit
ed States military academy nt West
Point. (Nov. 1, 1!1S, but ns Mr. Dad
dysman has enlisted In tho Students
Army Training corps and Is now at
tho O. A. C. at Corvnllls, Ore.; It Is
not known whether he has taken the
examination or not.
Found Diamond brooch. Anyone
can have same by describing proper
ty and paying for this ad. Pantorium
Dye Works. ITS
Manager Glem of tho Western
I'nlon Telegraph company, Is In re
ceipt of orders from headquarters to
the effect thnt hereafter nil night
letter telegrams will be delivered
thru the poatofflce except those
which arrive nfier the early carriers
have loft the office. Tho telegrams
will be delluM-ed on the first morn
ing delivery.
For the best Insurance see Holmes,
(he Insurance Man.
Miss Margaret Allen and daughter
MiLxine left today for a short at
Ono nnd three-color stock pear
labels for sale. Medfonl Printing
Co. tf
Roy Mauto who has been In the
limited service, of tho army since last
September nnd on duty at the Van
couver barracks, was transferred
back homo m- tho adjutant general
last week to act as nslstuiit tlerk
to the county draft board. This
transfer was not only pleasing to Mr.
Maule but to the draft board who
were badly In need of his services.
More Fomhiim at Warner. Wort
man & Gore's. Uring our bucket.
1 ,s it
Not In months has ti been so quiet
nt tho hotels a- this week. There
are ciunparaiivcly few mie.Ms now
that the tourist sea.snn has ended.
Principal Raker and his brother-in-law,
Mr. McKoMiobK who Is bead
of the commercial department of the
high tii-hool went fishim: lat Satur
day on the river, and were claiming
today that each caught a l,tr.;e num
ber of stcclhead and awful big trout.
I'ndoubtedly them tiny did
catch a small j.u k salmon.
Car wa.-M)iii:. -iVi:-!tlni:. inu-nlr-.
Ing. Valley Garage. IT;"
The der bunting seamen tomes to
A close at i. p. in. U day. ;it;r Mi-h
nil hunters in the ;js wilt be allow
ed 72 hinii" In vhith to bring home
tho game they have kilb d.
Daily's Taxi. Phone K.
From last night up until 8 a. m
today the rainfall totaled one-tenth
of an Inch. Then It continued to
ruin fairly hard until this noon, and
there were several showers t ti it
afternoon. Yesterday's prediction of
partly cloudy for today, was repeated
today for tonight nnd tomorrow,
hence a deluge may bo looked for.
One and three-color stock peai
labels for sale. Med ford Printing
Co. tl
Restrictive measures taken In
Kugeno and at the Pniverslty of Ore
gon are resulting in a gradual lm
provement In the influenza situation
At tho university the report given
out by the committee on student liv
ing last Saturday, placed the num
ber of cases of cold, grip, and influ
enza at 2G.. Of these, 170 were
members of the S. A. T. C. While
there are many severe cases, in none
Is there any serious danger, accord
ing to tho report made to the com
mittee. Fruit wax. Warner, Wortmnn &
Gore. ISO'
William !. Vawter, who a week
ago was married nnd who with his
bride has been visiting his mother
here, and Claud Stevens have bp'n
inducted Into limited service by the
county draft board. In the spruco di
vision, nnd left this morning for
Vancouver barracks where they will
receive their assignment to a spruce
20 per cent discount on women's
button shoes. Schmidt's "Good
Shoes", 21 North Central avenue.
Mrs. Ilertlui Drew Gllmon of Hep
pner. Ore., who Is state president of
tho Women's Relief Corps auxiliary
to the (i. A. R.. Is In Medford today
as the guest or Mrs. Clay. Mrs. Gil-man-
came here to inspect the local
corps, but tho inspection had to be
postponed because of the mayor's
edict against public meetings.
Dr. Heine. Garnett-Corey Bldg.
The new food administration cards
will be out some time this month.
This new card is uniuue as well as
Instructive, giving housewives and
others Information and instructions
regarding the conservation of food.
They will be distributed thru the
A Ford car for rent. Phone 300.
Rates reasonable. 175
The report of the committee on
credit for private music study as
authorized by the department of edu
cation under the direction of State
Superintendent of Instruction J. A.
Churchill, has been rccontly received
at the office of superintendent of in
struction, of the Medford city schools.
Credit for outsblo work in music In
tho schools will ho given only in ac
cordance with the plan and regula
tions as outlined definitely by the
state department of education. Pri
vate teachers of music if Interested
in the details of tho plan are cordiul
ly Invited to confer with the city sup
erintendent of schools. Students in
terested in such study aro urged to
find nut as to the details of the work
as outlined for as mentioned above
credjt for music taken outside will be
given only upon strict compliance
with all thn conditions as outlined.
Cabbage for sale, wholesale prices.
See Charles Ray or phone 134-11. 177
Hen F. Collins today received a
message from his brother at Colum
bia. Mo., slating that his son, Ivan
Collins, a member of tho V. S. navy,
died at Rremerton on Friday. Octo
ber 1 I, a victim of Spanish influenza.
Grants Pass Courier.
Judge Calkins of Medford, con-!
vened court here Monday, but there
was little or no business to transact.!
Grant Pass Courier. j
The furniture hospital fixes It. j
General upholstering, mattress reno
vating, clocks, sewing machines,
phonographs nnd umbrellas repaired.'
All work guaranteed. Feathers
steamed nnd cleaned. Feather mat-'
tresses made from your old tick.
Douglas, 2U1 South Riverside. Phono
162-J. -
Included among guests registered
at the hotels today were Fred Marx.
T. F. Misch. F. S. Johnson. F. A.
ShuTer and C. II. Miller of Portland.
W. Wolf and T. R. Teogle of San
Francisco. Albert J. Jensen of Oak
Itur, Calif., T. tJ. Hradley of Copeo.
I. W. Council of Hillsboro. A. A
Prim of F.ugene, Syd Fvans of Klam
ath Falls W. K. Raymond nnd I,, j
lMilcy of Sacramento, and L. F.
Swanson and sister of Kagle Point.
Another ln men draw who regis-1
tered S.-pt. 1- were given their phys
ical examinations and Instructions i
by the draft board today in the fed
eral building. The third hundred of
class one men between the ages of 11'
and ;'i't u fit bo examined tomorrow.
A daughtt r was born to Mrs. Mary
Dailey. widow of Patrick Dailey who
v;n drowned In Klamath county last
summer, at the Sacred Heart hospital
se eral da s aco.
The dauco given for the benefit of
iho Talent Red Cross at Talent Sat
urday evening was a complete suc
cess, both In attendance and finan
cially. Over $200 was cleared for
which the ladies of the Red Cross
wish to thank all who attended and
especially the men from tho Ander
son Creek sawmill who promoted the
LONDON. Oct. 1."). The Duchess
of Mni'lhouHih, formerly Mis Con--iuello
Yitndcrbilt of New York, to
day was elected a member of the I.on
ln count v council, to repre-ent
Wet Kouthwiek, u working clni-s dis
trict in London.
The Duchess of Mnrlborouidi was
:lie progressive candidate in West
The couiieillnr tue elecied for
three years nnd there it re 118 of litem.
They are elected bv the tax pavers
and the councillors in turn choose the
The Duchess of Mnrlliournuh is
the first American born woman to
be elected a member of the London
county council.
Mrs. D. A. Price 1ms returned from
Portland where she attended the
Mate convention of the Women's
Christian Temperance l.nioii on the
!hh. Kith and 31th. She reports n
verv itereMing session at which
there were were near l."( delegates
from the various parts of the stnte.
and attendance and interest shown
bv others eood.
The stale officers elected were:
Mr-. Sleet li. president: Mrs. M. Fran
cis Swope. vice president: Mrs.
Madge Mcars, corresponding secre
tary; Mrs. Donaldson, treasurer.
The topics claiming deepest atten
tion were tlie patriotic departments
and social welfare work. The Mute
ehninnnn of the Cnuwil of Defense,
L. S. naturalization itLrent for Port
land and the judge of the juvenile
ennrt. the superintendent of Y. M.
('. A. nt Vancouver barracks, nnd
mnnv others, addressed the conven
tion, giving able outlines of their
work and itktm the co-operation of
the Women's Christian organizations.
" The work demanded of this organi
zation in these wjir times is verv
heavv. as appeals keep coming from
a!! direct inns for tiie e-peeinl lines
f dutv. their members are fitted and
trained for.
While in the eiiv Mrs. Price bad
'be pleasure nf visiting Dr. and Mrs.
.1, Lawrence Hill, also Dr. nnd Mrs.
('. K. Seelev. who ere verv bappv in
their' new homes, but remem'er all
their Medford friends with deep
LONDON. Oct. K -Great Rrltaln's
reply to Turkey, the Evening .News
say.- It understands, will bo a de
mand for unconditional surrender.
The Turks will be required to nego
tiate an armistice with General Al
lenby. commander of tho British in Palestine and Syria.
KKKDKliiCKSIU'liC.. VA.. Oct. LV
Dr. Patrick -Hues Moll 't' Atlanta.
who dew-ed the sv-tem of weather
Mnnls u-ed bv the I'nited States
weather bureau, died here todav. aged
Following the example of Medford
and in accordance with the reuticst
of the surgeon general of the 1'i.itcd
State, Ashland thisjnorninu' ordered
al llhe churches, schools, and thea
ters closed and prohibited pubii
gatherings until the danger of Span
ish influenza gninine a foothold is
past. The proclamation was issued
!) Mayor Lamkin und the board of
health and went into effect this morn
ing. As is the ease in Medford there are
but few if anv real cases of the dread
disease in the sister eitv. and the
closing and prohibitory order was is
sued as a matter of precaution. The
general health of both Medtord and
Ashland is iood. although there are
an unusual number of grippe and
pneumonia cases in each city.
The state medical authorities have
announced that all phvsiciuns are rc
ouired to report contagious cases and
anv one who fails to report all Span
ish influenza cases will be prosecuted.
PARIS. Oct. 15. French troops
have made an important advance
toward tho important town of Rethe
and have captured the town of Nan-teuil-sur-Aisne(
2 Vj miles west of
Bethel, says the war office statement
In the Argonne the French have
reached the Alsne west of Grandpre
and have captured the villages of
Ollzy and Termes. Nearly S00 pris
oners were taken in this region.
South of the Serre the French also
have made a marked advance. ,The
towns of Remies. Rarentoncel and
Monseau-le-YVast have been taken.
LONDON, Oct. .1 ."i. Several or
Germany's lnrgest torpedo boats re
cently left Zeobrugge. one of the Ger
man naval bases on the Belgian coast
during a stormy night, according to
a Dutch frontier message forwarded
from Amsterdam on Monday to the
Central News agency.
The German worships were filled
to their capacity with soldiers nnd
proceeded to Germany. The Germans
also are reported to be evacuating
MA Din D. .Mondav, Oct. 14. The
I'overniuent todav announced that
(iermanv hud accorded Spain the
cession of several of the German
ships interned in Spanish ports. The
vessels are named the Kriphm, Kti-
thenia. Oldenburg. Klio, Matilde,
Trtnfield and Rudolph, with a total
tonnage of 'Jl.tUMl.
Spain, it was dded. could also
claim nt a h-.ler date tonnage to make
good "ptvvion-. lo-. os on other torpedoing,"
Y. KU'lI. Oct. L". Because a
member of the Austrian chamber of
peers nnd two members of the cham
ber of deputie. have refused to va
cate a railway compartment that an
Austrian general might have it to
hiui''lt, the, wt-ie driven out bv mx
oiilier with livd bnvonets.
Chrome mining has received a set
back if not a knockout blow from
the refusal of the war Industries
board to fix a price. With a lower
market threatened for the next year.
there are no buyers of chrome. All:
of the chrome mines, developed at I
earnest solicitation of the govern
ment, are closing down, except those
under contract for stated quantity,
among which is the Reddy mine n
the Slsklyous.
Regarding the chrome situation.
II. M. Parks, state director of the
bureau of mines, is quoted as fol
lows: It is evident from the authorities
at Washington that the United States
Is facing a surplus of chrome. This
has come about seemingly from one
of two reasons either the govern
ment was misinformed as to the true
status of the chrome situation In the
I'nited States and went too enthusi
astically after the Interests to stimu
late production which was not as ur
gent as represented, or the big steel
interests are pulling the wool over
the eyes of the government in order
to obtain a cheaper ore.
"The situation among the Oregon
and coast chrome producers is just
where it was before any negotiations
were undertaken. The interests lo
cally Tegard the statement that the
price has been adjusted when there
is no apparent fixed price at all, as
merely a camouflaged statement on
the part of certain interests designed
to promote domestic tranquility.
What the producers want is a defin
ite statement as to what the price
will be, as the industry is on the
verge of collapse and the misinform
ed capitalists who have put thous
ands of dollars into the chrome
plants will not risk adding any more
money in their industry with no
more assurance for the future than
they have now."
IJOME. Oct. !.". Count Luca Cor
test. nn adventurer, together with his
accomplices, was recently sentenced
to nine years' imprisonment and
heavily fined for defrauding a bank
of over lt) The trial lust
ed through 7t) sessions.
Next 77m q
dossn't suit
ycu why no-fc
xry -
When you step to
think -that tens of
thousands of
familiss now use
it in pref erencs
"to coffee, you
must realize
"There's a Rcszori"
Needs But Little
I'Oli SAI.K - HiuiM'hoM furniture.
Apjiiy trtwt'in 1" nml l.". U'I
Vt Main street. ITS
1'OU S.M.K -Slt.'tit.orit npi'liw !
! JhI wt ivnth Rtuvt. 17T I
l'oii Sll.i: Si.ii- ni!. I N.-tiiwn
ri'itUlii: ai-nl-H ::,,o, J.m, 7..e. J.'
u.'U. i,i:or.l. is";
lnjr riionr: I'm Kir rJT.
Mtlit I'Uonr: V. V. IO;Wa.
Snip' l-'J ocr M,i Co.
Medford Sample Store
For this WEEK only we arc going to offer LADIES'
SHOES at prices that you cannot afford to pass up.
These are all new, up-to-date shoes and well worth from
$1.50 to $2 per pair more than we are asking for them.
Ladies' Gun Metal Good
year welt, Trench heel
Ladies' Gun Metal, cloth
top, welt
Ladies' Gun Metal, gray
cloth top, low heel
Ladies' Vici, low heel,
Goodyear welt
Ladies' brown Vici, French
heel, Goodyear welt
Ladies' Vici, gray, cloth
top, French heel
Own Your Cleaner
We will rent io more Electric Cleaners until
all danger of: tho Spanish Influenza is prst and
the possibility of carrying germs is over.
Meanwhile we urge everyone to use their own
cleaners frequently and hurn the dirt.
This method lessens the possibility of germs
being picked up by members of the family and
carried about.
Paul's Electric Store
of loose
Buy Your Christmas
Gifts Now
In the Jewelry Store for this War
time Christmas.
Xot for show, not for vanity, will
Jewelry be given this Christmas.
Each gift of jewelry will be more
truly than ever this year a gift of
love. There is nothing In the world
that a woman cherishes as much as a
fine Jewel. There' Is nothing that
she wears so constantly day by day,
year by year. Xor is there anything
so easy convertible Into money, if
The gift of a diamond today Is an
investment which constantly ad
vances in value. The gift of gold and
silver seems to be the only one fitting
to represent the love which is welling
up in every heart at the thought of
coming separations, of the days when
a sea will stretch between, of the
days 'when people on this side and
people on that side will be strivina
for right. ' '
The man who expects to lie ordered
to Prance any day wishes to give his
wife or fiancee an unforgettable
symbol, if that were needed, a sym
bol intensely personal, perhaps a
ring, which will always he yrn,
which will become a very part of the
( The son off for the front thinks of
.his mother; he wants her to have a
tnlrnn from hint' enm.lhlncr nf tvhlnh
flij'o be proud; perhaps a diamond
"''brooch or bar pin.
. .. of
For Tilings that'are appropriate for Gifts as a war time present
Wool! Wool!
Why buy new clothes at the advanced prices when you no doubt
have suits, dresses, skirts, etc.. In your trunks or closets that can be
made practically as good as new by having them dry cleaned and
i:i:ci.aimixg vol i: old ci.othixo. .master service goes
Tlit undersigned will offor for sain nt public miction, tile following
descrilxil iM-rsonul iimprrty, sitimted on the Tinker much, 114
miles atxiYo the Hatchery on Rhkuc River, on
Saturday, Oct. 19, 11 a. m.
r.iy mnre B years old, Mmk mare 8 jrnrs old, liny gelding 8 yenrs
ol.l, Iron simy tt.-ldintf :! years l,. Kry gohiimj.m oldi j.
n:; l ? 2 years old, Jersey row years old, red 1Pn,.r B yrnr9 oW,
It months old calf, a sets work harness, set .single buggy harness.
- s i 1 lie;. John Deere wagon, hack. j,B thfvTf. rky plow
John Doere ll.lmh walking .lo,v. IcMnch walking plow, center
s'.'ti. n spring tooth harrow. John Deero mower .Vfnot rut. Van
Drum drill with grass seel attachment, rmns, forks, shovels, nh-k,
N.nal.treo. doubletrees, garden ,,1, w. butchering tools, square
grand piano, household and klti hen furniture complete, nnd other
unities too numerous to mention,
UEII ri!().S WILL SERVE l.UXC'l AT Xn: .
TKUMS OK S.U.Ri All sums under SJ-..O.I, rash in ,( M utm
over '.o, slv months- time on nppnive.l serurlty with interest t
per rent, 3 per rent dix-ouut f,r vash.
WM. ULR1CH. Auctioneer