Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 11, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Pershing's Operation On the East
Side of Meuse Thrusts Back Battle
Line to Position Occupied When
Germans Launched Offensive
Aoainst Verdun.
Ucr uf tho Aimtro-llunKiii-iaiiB wcro
taken In their lnHoin.- tho absence
of artillery lire wnrklnK to prevent
their heiiiK nwuro of wlmt wiw hap
pen in k until tho iittackliiK waves
woio on them.
Slvry 'iiIiU'mI
Virtually the entire. Aiistro-llnn-surlan
tieitor of the front win i lenn
eil up by thin thrust. It wan German
troops thut attacked the around tak
en HI Mollevillo farm, nltho without
lining able finally to shift the line
there while the front was advanced
n'.IH further alonic tho river to the
outskirts of Slvry.
(Continued from pane one )
(Continued from page one.)
(Itouter'B.) The American operation
east of the Mcusn, which now has
been extended some miles hoyond the
river, was planned with skill and
daring and proved entirely success
ful. Tho result has heon to thrust
tack the hntllo lino to tho position It
occupied when the Germans launchod
tholr formidalilo offensive ugalnst
Vordun In 1918.
Tho helKhts of the Meuse narrow
ed down to a inero holtle neck where
the Amorlean front joined It previous
to this operation nnd It was this nar
rowness that created the difficulty
for tho a'tack. With tho river and
Its marshy lowlands hehlnd them,
tho Amorlcans attacked and justified
the hold maneuver by their success.
Austrian Km-privcd
Tho cnomy hail massed his troops
and batteries in slnmKly-fortllled po
sitions and had left Austro lIunar-
U n troops to hold the line cast of the
river. These troops were taken com
pletely by surprise. There was no
artillery preparation becauso It would
hive required four or five days of
artillery fire to clear nway tho
masses of barbed wire. The nature
of tho ground precluded tho-uo of
tanks, nnd tho attack was uniiio in
IbionklnR thru tho strongly wired de
fenses by tho surprlso method.
Tho Amorlean advance was made
behind a rolling barrage. It was so
much of a surprise that a large num
rnchv. east- of Ilel lieneoiirf . oat of
I'ravelle. wnutliwcst of Oitierv. well
t of llevillicrx. in front "f SI. Ilil
aire, r;i-t of Avesnes-lcz-Auliert and
east ol' Hieuv. Tlience llie line runs
ulcttfr the Krelin river, iricliidin!-! thoso of today along t'.-.e wide battle-
has applied all along tho front has
mado It Impossible for hfm to detach
himself for such an operation. He
cannot break contact with his adver
sary, as lie would like to do, and con
sequently Is obliged to fall back slow
ly, fighting hard and losing heavily
in his backward course.
Accelerate Its I'aco
Last night's developments nnd
N'nveK and Tliun-St. Martin and
north alul well e:it of Kstrnn and
nlon? the line of llenze canal Miuth
of lleni-I.enylet and I'Ve -ies.
I,nt nii'hl wn fine of clear star
litlit unci the Kritisli bomber were
out in force intensive!' ullackincr
human nnd other laii'els and ereat- In which tho French to the south nre
iriir ureal havoc among the lleeinir aiding notably. General Potaln's
enemy, troops nave pusneo 10 too river uinu
front only served to accentuate the
extent of the German retreat and the
acceleration of Its pace. Tho official
reports reveal the Itritlsh and Amor
lcans co-operating with the still wid
ening tho great wedge in the German
lino southeast of Cambrnl, a process
that a move by the Germans to evac
uate louui is imminent.
In the Champagne and Argonne
Rectors, the Krlemhllde line, built by
the Germans to be the ultimate de
fense of the region, appears to be
broken and the Americans and
French are storming thru it on each
side of the Argonne forest.
(Continued from page one.)
The Americans are kceuin1 nerfeel
naee with the I'ritish on either side
of them.
Itritlsh orricial IteiKirt
LONDON'. Oct. 11. American
troops operating with the Itritlsh on
tho front southeast of C'anibrai com
pleted last night tho capture of Vaux
Andlgny and St. Souplet, Field Mar
sha! Ilaig unnounced today.
The lllver Selle has been y-rosred
by tho Itritlsh north of l.e Cateau.
Fighting is going on in tho eastern
section of that town.
In tho region immediately east of
Cambrai the Itritish have reached the
outskirts of the villages! of St. Vaast
and St. -Aubert.
The British aro continuing to push
forward on the front between Cam
brnl and Lens. They mado progress
during the night In the direction of
Izel-los-Kiucrchln, five miles west of
Dounl. ' They aro also progressing
east of Sallnumlnes and along the
northerly hank of tho Saute Dcule
canal east of Lens.
to a point almost as far north as
Guise, wiiero they Join up with the
Lrltlsh and Americans who are rap
Idly neaiing tho Important railway
junction of Wassigny, south and east
of Lc Cateau.
ll'essllre of French
This drive In the center Is matched
In efflracy, however, by the terrific
pressure of the French armies south
I 7mV" 1 '
BoeeKTs famous
m& -me
mm x - v?
of Latin uud along the Man north of
the Alsne and In the Champagne.
This movement, In conjunction with
the drive to the north, Ib according
to today's advices, making It Inevit
able that the Germans retire from
Latin and the great St. Gobaln mas
sif. The withdrawal, indeed appears
to be under way here as elsewhere.
The Amerirons are with the French
In applying the pressure In the Cham
pagne and the American First army,
in its drive In the Argonne area, has
Joined hands with General Petaln's
troops at Grandpre. Farther east the
strong line on which the Germans
stood to resist the American drive
west of the Meuse is trembling under
the blowB of General Pershing's
troops and further advances by the
American forces are .looked for here.
To ("lose Pincers
On tho far northern end of the
battle line the Anglo-Helglan forces
are apparently being held In leash to
thrust again for a closing of the
pocket In which Douai now is en
closed, together with the great man
ufacturing city of Lille, as soon as
the northeasterly thrust of the Brit
ish First, Third and Fourth armies
has progressed to the desired point.
The Germbns In tho Lens area, how
ever, aro not waiting for this trap to
be Bprung and are continuing their
withdrawal from, that part of the
pocket, which is the one- most imme-
uiaieiy uireaieiieu. i.aiiieiiuni r-nec(eu wlth ,l)0 operations at the
ports indicate an expectancy inerefront nre ,nchl(,e,, , tne flrst ,ot of
tures, according to Vienna advices 'to
the Frankfort Zeltung. '
The Pesti-Hlrla of Budapest claims
the right for Hungary to be repre
sented at the peace conference by n
special delegate and suggests Count
Albert Apponyl.
AMSTERDAM, Thursday, Oct. 10.
Count Apponyl, the opposition lea
der in the Httngurlan parliament, has
approved of the peace proposals of
the central empires, according to a
Frankfort dispatch to the .Nleuwe
Courant of Rotterdam. ,
"It Is not we who bring about the
fall of the dual monarchy." he Is
qucted as saying, "It has collapsed
of itself."
names. The lists are now being
checked and soon will be ready for
Khakcn Hun Heslstiince
Describing the operations at the
front during the past few days, Gen
eral March said the Anglo-American
drive between St. Quentln and Cam
brai had shaken the enemy's resis
tance and resulted In at least tem
porary disorganization In the Ger
man ranks.
A total of fourteen miles In three
days has been gained by the allied
forces, marking tho most rapid ad
vance made since the counter-offensive
East of the Meuse the American
and French forces have pushed for
ward a mile and a half on a four
mile front and are now within ten
miles of the Valenciennes-Metz rail
way system, the cutting of which
would break one of the Germans'
main communication lines back to
(Continued from page one.)
Dance nt Talent
There will be a dunce Saturday
evening, Oct. 12th, In Talent nt the
Ames hall, given under tho auspices
of Talent Hed Cross. Everyone is
Invited to attend. The Jersey calf
and other articles that have been do
nated will be disposed of at this time.
A supper will be served. Gold Hill,
Central Point, Eagle Point, Jackson
ville, Medford and Ashland are espec
ially invited to attend. 173
Grandma Talks
About Babies
Ifal akr(C!re)eof Lbtanen WboProf
it by Her Wisdom and Expariraca.
In almost inv comtnunltv (here ia n m-aml.
ma who knows Mother's Friend. Not on);
1j she reminiscent of her own experience,
but It wad through her recommendation ttmt
so many expectant mothers derived the com
fort and biasing of this famors reircdy.
Mother's Friend la an external application
prepared especially for expectant mother
after the formula of a noted family pliysl
clan. It certainly has a wonderful effect
In relieving' tension brought about by ex
panding muscles, and Is a most grateful c:i
couraffvnicnt to the woman awaiting muth
Tbo action of Mother's Friend makes the
muscles free, pliant a::d responsive. M'hen
baby arrkes th:y expand easily, and pain
and danger at the crisis la naturally less.
Strain upon the nerves aid ligaments Is
lessened and In n!nre at n ncrlnH rt rtur.
fort and con9cque..t dread. It Is a season ol
(fuiin repose anu nappy anticipation.
Mother's Friend enables the mother to pre
serve her health and natural grra and she
remains a pretty mother by having avoided
the pain and suffering which more often
than otherwise accompanies sucn an occasion
when nature is unaided,
Wrtto the Bradfleld Regulator Co.,
Lamar B!-!p.. Atlanta, Ca.. for their "Moth
crho&d Bool:," so valuaWo to expectant moth
ert, nnd in the meantime do net by uny
chance 'nil to purchwo n bolile of Muther's
hrleud from tho druggist and thus fortify
yourself nyainflt pain nnd dlicomfort. Moth
ers t riend should bo applied night and morn
log with the utmost regularity.
H 50 new "WiMlinior" Waists made of
fine voile, nicely trimmed. Ileal $2.00
values. "While tliey last,
Saturday, each
HieWomarfs Store
14-23 N. CENTRAL
25 beautiful new all silk Petticoats, in
the latest fall shades. Cheap at $4.50.
On sale Satur-
$3.98 I
i New Winter Coats
Women's heavy Cloth Coats, made of all
wool materials in navy, brown, and black.
Kcal $22.50 values. On sale
Saturday ,each
WoWn's1 fine, grade Plush Coats, lined
throughout, with livrge shawl collar, all sizes.
Cheap at $30.00. On sale
Saturdav ".
"La Vogue" exclusive Coats in Cloth and
Tilack Satin Skirts. Xew styles.
On sale Saturday, each
$25.00 up
New Winter Suits i
10 beautiful new suits made Vf all wool
materials, good colors and sizes,
On sale Saturdav
New navy blue, all wool serge and poplin
Suits in tailored and belted styles. Very
special Saturday,
Xew Silk Dresses in a wonderful line of
colors. Cheap at $12.50,
On sale Saturdav
s Dress Goods and Silks
:"(! inch Wool Serge, all
new Fall shades. Cheap
jj todav at $1.25.
sale Saturday,
98 c
Xew Fancy Plaids, suit
able for children's
dresses, trood nualitv.
- (--1 i ,- -
(n sale Satur
day, yard
54 inch all wool liroad
cloths in a wonderful
line of colors. Cheap at
$5.00. On sale ffO QO
Saturday, yard p370
Ileavy velour Coatings,
in all the popular
On sale Satur- C AO
r(i inch Fancy Silks in
plaids and stripes. Val
ues up to $.1.()Q. yard.
On sale Satur
day, yard
:( inch Lining Satin,
guaranteed to wear, all
colors. Satur
day, yard
Xew Mack Satin for
dresses and skirts, lt(
inches wide. On sale
Georgette Crepe, all
colors. On sale
Saturday, yard..
25 women's all wool Sweaters, good styles
and colors, up to $15.00 values.
Oii sale Saturday
Bargains in Domestics . I
inch Bleached Mus
lin, cheap at 25c. On
sale Saturdav, 1 Or
vard .". 101
Meached Bath Towels,
large size. Cheap at
.".5c. On sale Sat- W
urday, each L0t
Colored Outing Flannel
in plain shades, a 35c
grade, Satur
day, yard 0b
Cotton Batts, good
grade, cheap at 20c. On
sale Saturday, j" Q
pound 101
Heavy White Outing
Flannel, cheap at 35c.
On sale Satur- 09r H
day, yard 01
Fine white Nainsook,
Big bargain at 35c. Sat-
Oood size, heavy cotton
Blankets, cheap at $3.
On sale Satur- TO
day, pair U0
Fancy Cretonnes for
Comforters, worth 25e.
On sale Satur- 1 Tp
day, yard I Jv
Saturday Sale of Corsets
23,000 Seattle People SawThis Picture
here: tonight and tomorrow
"Fatty" Arbuckle
in .
"The Waiters' Ball"
Mutt and Jeff
"My Tour Days
in Germany'
Women's Coutil Cor
sets, good quality, cheap
today at $2.00 a pair. On
sale Saturday, QQr
H pair Ul
Women's fancy brocad-
cd Corsets, ill white and
H pink, Cheap at $1.00.
H On sale Satur- AO
5 day. pair p.iO
H Children's knit Waists.
cheap at 25. 1 Q
Saturday, each 0t
Women's Brasseries all
sizes, cheap at' 75c. On
sale Saturday,
"Coodwin" Coi-sets, up
to $S.00 values. To close
Agents for Warner's
and Redfern Corsets,
all stvles and
itm" $1.50 UP
Saturday Sale of Underwear
Women's Union Suits,
fleeced lined.' Cheap to
day at $1.50. Onff 1 lO
sale Saturday ....1.10
"Athena" Union Suits,
for women. Cheap at
$3.00. On sale AO
Saturdav Jt0
"Athena" silk and wool
Union Suits, all sizes.
Children's Vests and
Pants, fleeced lined.
'Cheap at 75c. On sale'
SS1:: 48c
Children's fleeced lined
Union Suits. A bargain
at, $1.25. On sale Sat-
Wimen's fleeced lined
Vests and Pants. Real
$1.50 values. in
Saturday, each .yll0
98c 1
MANN'S-The BcstlGoods'.for the Price,
No Matter What the Price--M ANN'S 1