Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 11, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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WTUTITET? Maximum Yesterday, 7S; Minimum Today, 44. FORECAST Tonight and Tomorrow: Fair.
Porty-etjrhth Yew.
Daily Thirteenth Tear.
NO. 172
lhuii ncuiuii
Hundinq Line Behind Laon Turned
Forcino Immediate Evacuation of
NSt. Gobain Forest Chemin-des.
Dames in Hands of Allies Grip of
Germans on Northern France Loos
ened and Process of Herdina
Them Back to Borders Proceedinq.
Cleanino Uu of Great Forest bv Per
sinq's Trooos Completed Yanks
Make Proqress On Both Sides of
Meuse and Reach Grandpre in
Smash Throuqh Line.
LONDON, Oct. 11, 1 P. m. (By As
sociated Press.) Today's advices
from the battlefront indicate it is
virtually certain the Germans will
have to evacuate the St. Gobain for
est almost immediately.
The Germans are evacuating the
Chemin Des Dames under the pres
sure of the converging attacks west
and south of it.
Hunding line behind Laon between
the rivers Serre and Sissone hns been
turned, making the Germnn situation
in the Laon area most difficuTt.
In the Champagne the French and
Americans Joined hands north of the
Argonne and in the Grandpre gap
have occupied the Grandpre station
while patrols are said to have en
tered that town itself.
On tho river Mouse, northwest of
Verdun, tho Americans have cleared
out a little pocket in the direction ot
Sivry which has beld them up a long
Capture Chemin Ilea Pnmra
PARIS, Oct. 11. Krench troops
last night advanced In the region
north of the Aisne and captured the
towns of Chivy and MouMns and then
pushed on beyond, the Krench war
office announced today.
Itulian troops reached a point
south of Courtecon on tho Chemin
Des Dames, which highway the
i Krench have gained possession of as
far as the heights of Cemy-en-Laon
In the Champagne French troops
,' crossed tho Sulppe nnd gained a foot
ine between St. Etlenno and Doalt
snr-Sulnne as well as at Warmeri-
ville. Vandetre and St. Masmcs.
Farther east the French are pursu
ing the Germans who are in retreit
On the front west of (he Argonne
forest French infantry has captured
Kemlile nnd Mont St. Martin. The
French also stormed Corhon and
I Brleres.
rAIilS. Oct, 11. (1 l. in. Hv the
ssociuted 1'rcss.l The clcanim: ur
of the AruoniM forest has been com
pleted bv the American troons. No
Germans now remain m that ureal
ooded area.
(Hv the "Associated l'rcss, noon.)
Heavy artillery fiirlit mir in 'he re
rion west of the Meuse river heirim
early todnv. The Americans started
the action before duvliuht and the
lionilianlincnt was 'responded lo bv
the Germans. Fires are reported in
the region of inanv towns behind the
lines mid it is believed these wen
tnrtcd bv I he American shells.
Argomic Cleared
WASHINGTON. Oct. 11 General
Pershine's coiiiiiiuiiioiie lor vester-
lav savs :
"On the ri-.'bt bank of the Meuse.
French troops fihtimr wilh the first
American arniv. continued the ad
vance and vaiinnuv nciu ineir roiiiiu
mains! ilespcratc atlacks. llciuhts
cast of Sivrv have been idea red ol
hoslile troops anil remain in our
tin tlnUuft of Ike Mouse the ( ole
Dame Marie was stormed and taken
liter severe liuhtiiiL'. 1'iirther to teh
west the enemv has been driven from
the Argentic forest which lie so ten
lciouslv held and our trooos haw
reached the line Sonimcrance-Marco-
Chcviercs and opposite Granupre.
"Atnonir the prisoners taken, which
number more than 1.110(1. there are
one colonel ami (wo complete battal
ion stuffs."
drip of Hun Loosened
The grin of the Germans on iror
thorn Krance has been loosened and
the process of herding them back to
their borders Is proceeding at an in
creasingly rapid pace under the al
lied lash.
Alreadv. since the beginning of the
July offensive, which Initiated the
loosening nrocess. the allies have
pushed the enemy back a maximum
of 45 miles, from the Ancre near ai
bert, to the tip of the present Anglo
American wedge at Lo Catcall.
A scant 25 miles more will bring
them on this line to the Belgian fron
tier south of Maiibeuge. But long
before that point Is reached the pres
sure on all sides, if continued at the
present rate, will have resulted In
tho clearing of the enemy from vir
tually all Frewch territory and
great part of Belgium.
Skilful Itetreat
The Germans, indeed, are already
carrying out a general retreat. But
It Is a retreat under pressure, nnd
altho being skilfully conducted, is
bound to cost them heavily in men
and material.
General Ludendorff patently has
been desirous of withdrawing to
shorter line where he could reorgan
lie his forces, but the steady, unre
lentlng pressure which Marshal Foch
Mail Steamer Leinster Sunk in Irish
Channel bv German Submarine
Which Fires Two Torpedoes
Without Warninq Only 150 of
Those Aboard Saved.
(rniiilpi-e- Itcachcd
(Bv the Associated Press.) Amer
ican iorccs struck the German lines
iust east of t lie ArL'oiinc lorest to-
dav. The captured the villages ot
Sonitiieriince. Chevicrcs and Marco.
The ridire ol Dame Marie was
termed after hard fiulitinir. More
than one tliou-mid prisoners were
taken. Tlie.-e include one colonel and
two balta ion stalls.
Kiuhtimr opened this mormncr with
the infantry sweeiiiinr Ihrouuh the
northern portion of the forest for a
maximum distance ol ncarlv five
miles. Little opposition was encoun
tered from the enemv. who had prob-
iblv retired during' the iimlit to es
cape from the untenable pocked
formed bv the American llankin
movement on' Mondav.
Somnicraiico Captured
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the
iiicrienns were in Marco and Che
vicrcs, haviii!.- taKcn t lie i.aroie iiirmi
and the Richard farm, and advancing
on the Neu'cmont woods, the onlv
niece of forest land between them and
Qnrndpre. 1
Half an hour Inter thev had cap
tured Sommerance and had advanc
ed north of that villaee. Hv this
attack the Americans have taken, a
firmer crin on the territory iuM
north of the broken Krietnhilde line. there were detachments
of German machine gunners and in
fantry to be met. the Americans
found that the German nrtillerv fire
was very Unlit. Thev had little dif
ficulty in advancing and found ex
tensive use of their own artillery un
necessary. Fires were caused hv the Germnn
shells at Chevcrics.
LONDON. Oct. 11. So far as
porlcd there were no Americans on
hoard the mail slcamer Leinster
when she was torpedoed. Anions the
missiicj: is Ladv Alexandria Phyllis
Hamilton, daughter of the dowager
duchess of Abercorn.
DfllLIN. Oct. 11 It is believed
that (illtl lives were lost in the sink
iii'' of the mail steamer Leinster bv
a toVpedo in the Irish Sen yesterday.
it was said todnv at the ollice ot
her owners. Only about 1. "id person
it was added, were saved.
Alter the Leinster had been struck!
bv the first torpedo, the submarine
tired n second torpedo. This mis
sile struck the vessel amidships, en
tered the ensrine room and caused an
explosion of the ship's boilers.
Fired Without Warninil
There was some confusion ns the
piisscneers tried to enter the boats
and manv persons were thrown into
the sea.
As soon as information reaardint
the Leinstcr's plieht readied Kiuus-
town Inns nnd destroyers haslcncii
to the place.
Survivors said thai the submarine
fired the two torpedoes without
warniiur from a ramie of uboul l.'dl
va rds.
Details of the lost and saved have
not vet been obluiued. Captain
Hindi, the Lein-tcr's commander,
was anionu those lost. (
Fourth Engineer Jones said thai
if the second torpedo had not struck
the Leister, all on board excepi
those who had been directly kille,
bv the first torpedo probablv would
have been saved, as there was plenty
of time to launch the bonis.
Blew t p Ship
The explosion of the second torpe-
uo. However, lie sum, oicw uic ship
up like matchwood.
Jones saved himself by iiinil iti'
lie was in the water one hoar and
was i-liiiL'iii'-' to a raft when rescued
bv a destrovcr.
The rcscuinu ships picked up score
of persons from Hie water wher.
thev were still eliicdnir to upturned
bonis, rafts and broken timbers. The
survivors were brought to Kinirslown.
All were ill a desperate state a
result of (heir hour's cxposcurc
the roach sea. A number of dead
bodies also were landed.
The Leinster was the fifth channel
boat sunk bv submarines.
i v,wf.ijp2(iC
Emperor Summons Sovoreiqns of All
German Federal States to Berlin
for Consultation Before Answerinq
President Wilson's Inquiry Poles
Plan Independent State.
lVimf laim;.iaii of Ilcsvo, who
hns tho job of cammilui;iiix denim
racy for the kaiser.
COPKNIIAflKX. Wednesday. Oct.
(JiMirye llernurd. writ inr in t i o
Berlin Yussinelu! Zeituni:. snvs thnt
tin submarine warfare would never
have been irof'lninit'il if the (ierutnn
people hud tint been deeeived and mis
led. Diseussini: the euee steps tak
en Sit Wiisliiuutoa in ISUli ami 11117.
the writer .- vs :
we had known that I'residen!
Wilson had been continiuillv re
quested to net ii pence mediator ami
even llint speeitied conditions had
heen snhniit led, our action would
.m iiUN. Oct. 11 Captain II. It
("one. in chnn:e ol" the Anieriraii na
val airship service, was nmo;i.' tin1
passengers of the steamship Leinste
which was sunk hv a fiennan siilima
fine, rntitain CVuie is sulferinu from
a broken le:r.
(Continued on Pago Six.)
HASKT., Switzerland. Thursdav.
Oct. 10. Cholera in nlnwlv" spreailiiiir
in Berlin notwithstanding the preven
tative measures taken, n Berlin dis
patch today state. Seven eases
were reported October 8 und l"i
deaths occurred.
AMSTEROAM, Oct. A. Emperor
William him summoned tho sover
eign of all tho (loiman federal
states to llerlin for a consultation
before answering President Wilson's
note, according to a Cologne dis
patch. Such a conference is unique
in the history of Germany.
General March Announces Personnel
of Troops Who Won St. Mihiel
Battle Must Have Suuport for
Them and Next Two Millions
Liherty Bonds Must Be Subscribed.
Polish Manifesto
AMSTERDAM. Oct. 11. The Pol
Ish regenev council at arsaw has
issued a manifesto In which after re
fcrrlng to the peaco principles as set
forth by President Wilson which
"will lend to the creation of an Inde
pendent state, comprising all Polish
districts," announces that the coun
cil has decided:
I'lrst, to dissolve tho s'.ate council;
second, to summon immediately a
government composed of representa
tives of all classes anil-political ten
dencies: third, to Impose on this gov
ernment tho obligation In conjunc
tion with representatives oj tho po
litical groups to work out an elec
toral statute for a political diet based
on broad and democratic iirlnclples
and within a month at tho latest to
lay this stututo before the regency.
Immediately afterwurda It will
summon the diet nnd submit for Kb
decision tho question of the further
establishment of n supreme static
authority In whose hands tho regency
liavi Iieen different. Had wo known
that at the moment unrestricted sub-1 ''""neil in eonrornmy wun us oai
marine warfare was declared I'resi-
lent Wilson had agreed to acept the
role of mediator, the (ierman people.
the t'reat ma iorit v. would never
have tolerated a policy which hrouirhl
upon them the reputation of hcin-r
All this, says Bernhnrd, itoch far
town rd niakiii'.1, President Wilson's
harp words uuderslandahle.
"It also explains Ambassador
Gerard's unmasured speech, when
one recalls that the German overn-
nt permitted him to make a friend
ly address in the presence of hiuh
officials at the very moment when
the submarine campaign was already
decided upon." he eoncludcs.
has to place its authority.
Mn Promise Justice
AM'STICKIMM, Oct. I I. Prince
Maximilian, tho ' Cienuan Imperial
chancellor, has telegraphed to tho
Polish roKen'ry council, now meotlns
at. Moscow, assurance thnt ho "1b
firmly resolved to shape the relations
between tho (ierman empire and the
nowly-nrlsen kingdom of Poland In a
spirit of justice and underHtandlnK of
the vital i nl uresis uu both sides.
I.OXnilN'. (let. 11. Chancellor
Maximilian' peace proposal to
President Wilson was made in direct
opposition to the views of l-'.mperor
William cordini: to a report
broiihirt to London bv a neutral who
left (icrmanv a lew davs nuo. It is
suffuestcd that Ibis mav be the rea
son for tch suintiioniri of the emu,
mnn sovcreiens for a conference. No
oftieiiil continuation of this can be
obtained here.
I'OliTI.AS'll. lre., (let. 11. Fiflv
cases o influenza had been reported
to the health authorities here todnv.
The order prohibitim: all crowds and
public mithcriiiL's of everv sort was
liciicr ricidlv enforced.
The miivor of I'cnillcton touuv
ordered all public places clo-cd when
eiuht cases of iiif!iicna were found
Sixtv cases have been reported in
Vancouver. Wuh.
XKW YlMIK. Oct. 11. As an aid
1,1 the litht ii'jainst the spread of in
fluenza IhroiiLdioot the comitrv, the
iiianulactiirci's and dist ribut int: aeen
cics coiiiiiriili'j the Nalioniil ,Asso
I'iution of the Motion IMcliin' Indus
try deciileil tod.-iv not to release new
tiiovint: pir-liire reels to exhibitors
from October 111 to November !l ex
cept Unit coiitt.-icts for serial pro
ductions nnd iiiiiiiiatcd new reels will
not be brol;cn.
The a--oriMtinn. as-crtimr thai il
was niiikili" a sacrltlce ,ohinla rilv
in n period ot cmcruencv sent tele
grams to motion picture .-tuilio--
throiiLdioiil llic i-ounlrv nskiiiL' actors
mid netrcssc. to forcao lli-ir saluj'ie-
durini; the pi-pod ol curtailment.
WASIIINOTdN. Oct. in. Ten of
ficers and 111 enlisted men of I he
American steamer TiemideniL'ii, sunk
bv an enemv submarine September lid,
were reported mtsMmr m an an
nouncement toiluv bv the navv de
partment. I.ieuts r'rniik I.. Miller.
Oakland, fahf.. and Julius . Ful
ehcr, Frisco. N. '.. were taken pris
oner bv 1 lie I -boat crew.
' Savon T.u!iiltaj t'altcd
COPUXHAdKN, Oct. 11. The
working of the new leaven in tier-
many Is Illustrated by a decree of the
crown council of Saxony, summoning
tho landing to convene on October
211. Tho decree directs the minister
of tho Interior lo draft a menstiro
'which shall substitute for tho fran
chise now obtaining for tho landtag's
second chamber n franchise based on
a broader foundnllon."
Hnvony has today a franchise sys
tem of four comnlcln classifications.
Prussia's system has three classifica
To Continue 1-lffort
LONDON, Ott. III. According to
n Copenhagen dispateh to the Central
New.t, President Wilson's reply to
the Ocrmiin peace proposals was pub
lished in the newspapers of Herlln
last evening. The official North Ger-
nnin Gazette says:
"We have reason lo bnllevo thai
the peace step which has been com
menced will tie continued."
Austria ColliiKiiijr
11ASKL. Switzerland. Oct. 11
Kmperor Charles of Austria will soon
Iv.huo a proclamation dealing with
the right of the definite nations of
the empire to decide their own fu
(Continued on Page 8lx.)
AMSTKKHAM, Oct. 1 1 Gcr
manla of Merlin today fore
shadows the resignation of two
leading German commanding
generals ns the result of the
appointment of General von
Schetirh us minister of war.
The German newspaper prob
ably refers to General Luclen
dorff anil Field .Marshal von
lllndenliiirg. who recently have
lost much of their populiu liy In
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Amer
ican troops sent overseas hnvo passed
the 1,900,000 mark. General March
announced today, coupling his state
ment with an urgent appeal to the
country to support the Fourth liberty
Tho present Is no time to hang
back. General March said, for the
maximum resources of the nation
and men nnd money must bo "hurled
nt the Hun" to make victory certain
and whilo tho movement of soldiers
across tho water Is vont Inning tho
war department Is preparing anolhor
I 2,0-0:0,000 men to follow tho first two
Must Support liollds
The department hns askod con
gress for eight billion dollars to enrry
out Its program, ho added, and the
financial support of that program
must not be withheld by tho nation.
Summoning the battle sltuntinn on
tho western front General March said
with the capture of Lo Cateau by tho
British the allied forces woro within
14 miles of tho railway junction of
Aulnoyo, which Is ajltal strategical
point for tho enemy. Tho Liego
Maubongo railway and tho lnteral
road thru Sedan at which the Amer
ican army is striking on the Mouse
meet each other -at Auynoyo, and
theso two linos nro tho main artorlos
for Gorman supplies nnd troop move
ment in France.
Oregon Troops Trainlnir
Locating various divisions In re
sponse to questions. General March
said the 01st (Alaska, Washington,
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Montana, Wyoming nnd Ftnh Nation
al Army) wns still In the American
training areas; tho 7Sth (wostern
New York, Now Jersey nnd Ilelnwaro
iN'ntlnnnl Army) Is on the lino with
the First orps, but Its position not
specifically stated. The 2Sth (Now
Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland
and District of Columbia National
tinrd) Is on tho line In tho Vosges
as Is tho 37th (Ohio Natlonnl Guard)
the lllh (Texas and Oklahoma Nat
ional Army) Is on the St. Mlhlo!
front: tho 82nd I Georgia. Alabama
and Tennessee) Is east, of tho Ar
gonne, and the 42nd (Rainbow) Is in
the Woevre.
Troops Winning SI. Mihiel
General March announced the
American divisions which cleaned up
I lie St. Mihiel salient 111 the fight
which prepared tho way for the pres
ent operations north of Verdun.
Pointing from left to right on the
map ho said the divisions wcro In line
as follows:
Fourth (Regular).
Sl'.lh (New Kngland National
Guard ).
First (Regular).
4 2nd (Rainbow).
S'.lth (Kunsas, Missouri, South Da
kota, Noliniska, Colorado, New Mex
ico anil Arizona National Army).
Second (Regular).
This Is the first Information mnde
public ns to the constitution of the
army with which General Pershing
achieved a brilliant nnd swift victory
in his first wholly-American effort.
The first courier from General
Pershing carrying the hospital rec
ords of tho expeditionary forces for
slightly wounded men has arrived
General March said t lie list Includes
approximately ic.iioo names. This
number, he said, was the ncciiniula
t frii of all (ho period up to the time
It was decided to bring the lists by
Many accidental Injuries not eon
Great Battle Being Fouqht On 30
Mile Front With Allies Everywhere
Victorious Pursuit of Germans
Rapid but Not Swift Enouqh to
Catch Manv Prisoners Four Mile
Advance Scored and No Siqns of
Halt Le Chateau Left Behind.
PARIS, Oct. 11. O n. m. Bv the
Associated Press.) Ilrilisli armies
under commund of Generals Iiuwlin
son, Ryn nnd Homo continued their
advance ibis mornintr under favor
able conditions. Hritish troops cap
tured SI. llilaire les Ciimbrai. Aven
ues and St. Aubcrt. Munv prison
ers were taken nnd .liucli material
was captured.
pre-enl ir,it x ilnniri pri' ll lloii'jhis
lir timber will remain in cllcct I nun
inidiiiL'lit October l.'i to inidiiielit .l.-iti
uarv I-', under an iitrccnicnt renche
toiluv between ttie West eojiM biiiilu
iiinniiliM-liirei-s and bmeers, ami tin
prn-e tixiii-.. coiiiiinl tee of the war in
dttstries bo.-tril. This limber
nlr'.'elv used ill ships and aircraft
The prices for lot's ranee from
1"' to ( Ill"- tl'OMs:,i(l feel. TilosC
for roiieb and dressed ship t"
average ?Hn per thousand and for
uii'crult timelier $00 per Ihoiisund
(Continued on Page Six.)
DRAI.Oct. 11. (By Associated Press)
The great battle now being fought In
this region is on a front of nearly
thirty miles today. It having been.
extended to tho north. The British.
are gaining everywhere. There is vir
tually no enemy opposition. V
The only resistance worth men-.
Honing - Is coming from the enemy
ninchine gunners.' The bulk of the
enemy artillery seems to bnve (led so
far cast of tho battleground as to be
out ot range.
The high ground on the elght-niilo
front between St. llilaire and LeCa
toau to the southeast was found to he
nllve with machine guns when the
British avproacheil and the cavalry
patrols woro hold up for some time.
Hons in HemlliiiK Flight
North of tho LcCateau-St. Hllalro
line tho Germans aro in headlong
flight airplane observers report. Tho
Douul salient has been made Btill
deeper and the ncw that tho Germans
aro beginning to ovacunto that city
may ho expected nt any time.
Cnmbral Is being rapidly left be
hind In tho battle nroa. As the ar
mies push forwnrd there are no ap
parent signs that nny Germans In
tend to mako any stand, but the Brit
ish are going n littlo slower now as It
Is Impossible for tho vast organiza
tions in tho renr of tho armies to
keep pace with the advance, altho
what has been done so fnr will sound
almost Incredible when it may be
Advance Four Miles
I'p to n late hour last night tho
British Third army had within IS
hours made nn nverago advance of
moro than four miles nnd the Fourth
army from ono to throe miles, while
the First army northeast ot Canibral
had made general progress of three
miles. All tho armies were continu
ing to movo eastward.
Fast of Bohain tho British aro ap
proaching Mennevret and the An-
illgny forest, whilo east of Vuux-
Andlgny they aro drawing closer to
From LeCateau which wan taken
after a struggle, the troops are strik
ing in the direction of Bnziiel, 2 !'j
miles southeast of Lo Catoau.
To the cast of SI. Ililiare region,
in which town there was heavy ma
chine I'Mii diielinir before it was cap
tured, the liritish are driving in to
ward Solesiiies.
New Buttle Lino
Last reports indicate the followiuu
line which iilwavs can be counted
upon lo be well in the rear of the ad
vance patrols und citviilrv;
The l-'reneh are i upiu the line
of the liivcr Oise ami then ioiniii!? lift
with the liritish east of Fontiiino-No-
trc Ibnitc, the hue tbence riinnini' eust
of I'eiititroix, cast ot' Seboncoiirl,
cast of Yiiiix-AniliiMiv t li rrmirli St.
Benin, east of Le Chateau, west, of
Montnv. smith of N'euvilv, each of
cl cdl rjDTun huz
(Continued on Page Six.)
WASHINGTON. (Id. II. -A vcrv
severe eailliiiuiikc wns belli'.' recorded
on the .scizinocrnpli ot (ieriitoun
I'liiversiiv ob-erviilorv at li):llil
o'clock Ibis uioriiinL'. Father Fran
cis A. Tiuiilorl'. the observer, suit!
there was no indication where it was
located, but ii looked' lis tlioii'jh it
niiu'bt be centered Iodic wcsl of
IIASKL, Oct. 11. The fiermnn
minister lo Mulearia left Sofia vestcr
ilnv alter roiifuiimr (Ierman interests
in Hint c Mintrv In tile representative
of Holland, il was announced today
by the I'raiil.l'orl tiazcttu,