Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 10, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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WEATITEIv Maximum Yesterday, 74; Minimum Today, 47.."). FORECAST Tonight and Tomorrow: Rain.
Medford Ma
Forty-alfhth Tear.
Dally Thirteenth Tear.
XO. 171
Railroad Junction East of Cambrai
Reached by British Allies Con
tinue Rapid Advance Quar
ter Million Germans In Flight
First Step is Inevitable Retreat to
Belgian Border Made Possible bv
LONDON', Oct. 10. British cav
alry today reached the outskirts of
Le Cateau, the railway junction
Boutheast of Cambrai. which Is the
Immediate British objective, the Ex
change Telegraph company says It
Situation in Turkey Believed to be
Desperate Pro-German Govern
ment Faces Utter Collapse Ap
peal Mae to Saloniki National
Autonomy to be Introduced in Aus
tria Hunaarv Plans Separation
and German State Favored.
BHA1, Oct. 10. Morning. (By As
sociated l'ress.) British and Amer
ican forces continued to advance rap
lly and are driving the demoralized
Germans before them, according to
all available reports on this front.
The whole battle is on a field that
was aflame thruout the night. The
many fires have completely destroy
ed towns and farm houses.
Quarter Million I'lco
PARIS, Oct. 10. A quarter of a
million GermanR now are In full re
treat between Cumbrui and St. Quen
tin with the allies hot at their heels,
according to the battlefront reports
today. At some points the advance
has exceeded 15 miles In the last two
This forward movement of the al
lies Is regarded as the first step In
the great general retreat of the Ger
mans which now seems Inevitable.
The success in the Cambral-St. Quen
tin section of the front was in a large
measure made possible by the splen
did achievements of General Gou
rand's men and the Americans from
Ithelms to the Mouse. Because a
break in that part of the front would
have much worse consequence for the
enemy than anywhere else, the Ger
mans concentrated most of their re
serves there.
Vouzloi-s Object ivo
Yesterday General Gouraud's
forces advanced still farther toward
the Important Junction of Vouziers.
while the Americans pushed forward
and joined the French south of
Grandpre, thus completing the con
quest of the Argonne forest.
The result of Marshal Koch's skill
ful strategy is that the region of
l.aon and the St. Gobain massif has
become so dangerous that the evac
uation of this vast and important
pocket seems imperative.-
Vigorously pressing the advantage
gained by the breaking of the Ger
man line between Cambrai and St.
Quentln, the British, Krench and
American armies have widened the
great wedge In this area to such an
extent that the entire German front
from Rheltns northward seems to be
The disintegration of this line is
being hastened by the vigorous
strokes delivered by the t rench
along the Alsne, while farther east
the German left flank In the active
battle area Is being hammered lmrd
by other Krench forces and the
American first army. In the Cham
pagne, Argonne and Verdun regions.
Most telling in Its Immediate ef
fect Is the thrust by Kleld Marshal
lialg southeast of Cambrai, where
American troops also arc operating
WASHINGTON. 0,1. 10. The
nun-aiipcariince of a Turkish peace
note, reported to have been sent the
same wiiv a.s (icrmnnv's and Aus
trias. and the report from London
and Paris of innientlimr and lur
rcucliinir events in Constantinople
have strengthened the view here that
the situation in Turkev is desperate.
It is believed bv ol'l'ieuls here thai
tlie pro-German .'overniuent faces ut
ter collapse, if indeed it has nut al
ready taken place and that the new
uovernment will make a direct appeal
to (he allies for peace at nnv price.
The state department has heard
onofficinllv Hint representatives of
the. various factions in Turkey al
ready have appealed to ofiicials of
the allied mivcinnients ut Saloniki.
proinistnir to accept unconditional
Autonomy in Austria
LONDON', Oct. 10. It is reported
from Vienna that the Auslro-llun-
L'urian ministerial council mis de
cided lo introduce nnlional autono
my "in order to make President Wil
son's stipulation an accomplished
fact" suvs an Kxclinirje lelegrntih
lipateh from Copenhii'-cn toilav.
The Czech partv did not lake part
Hie ili'liberatiolis, the advices add.
It is holdim; an important meet nr.:
A movement favoring a proclama
tion separatiujr Hungary and Austria
is making extremely rapid progress
nmom; the public in the dual mon
archy, according lo an Kxchani;
Telegraph dispatch from Zurich.
Hungary lo Secede
Conn! Theodor liatlhvamvi, former
minister in the Hungarian capincl.
peaking at Hndnpcst, emphasized
the urgency of bringing about a sepa
ration between Hunaarv and Aus
Czech newspapers declare Hint
preparations an! under way lor tiie
regular working of a further Czech
state and indentical statements are
being published regarding the Jugoslavs.
Telegrams from Warsaw announce
that a proclamation U about to he
issued for the union of all Polish ter
ritories into a Polish state.
The congress of German associa
tion in Austria, advices sav. nave re
ived to favor the creation of a
German state in Austria.
(Continued on Page Six.)
10 $1.10 10 EAS1
SALKM. Ore.. Oct, lft. A .mni:
of .rMMi.iluit has In-en elfceteil to tin
pie urowcrs in On-gon, Wiif him-tnti
i ti1 Mnho thi venr, ut-conlm? to K.
J.' Millrr. chairman of tin Orecon
public .ervice entnmi--Mon. who trie
trra plied from Wunhinifton vetrnln
thnt the mil rout ndmini-t ration lia
iTitnteil n redtictinn ir-un !H.L' to
T-l.lO per hundre' pound in the
trniw-coiitiiMiital freight rule toi
First Biu Bombinu Exploit of War
200 Bombinn Machines. 100 Pur
suit Planes and 50 Tri-?lanjs
Drop 32 Tons of Explosives on
Germans Pershina Breaks Main
Line of Defense and Completes
Capture of Araonne Forest.
(Jli.iiO t. m. Bv the Avocinted
Press.) An American hoiubinir expe
dition consisting of more than IHtO
machines lroppeil '.'2 tons of explo
sives on German cantonments in the
area between Wavrille and Damvi
ers, about 12 miles north of Ver
dun. The American homhinir exploit
marks one of the hiuh spots in the
air tleet operations of the war. In
the expedition were more than 100
hoinbiiiir airplanes, llUI pursuit ma
chines ami 0 tri-planes.
The hnmhinir machines were given
splendid protection during the aerial
battle which took place dunn-.-" the
operation. Twelve enemy machines
were destroyed. Onlv one entente
plane failed lo return.
In addition. American airplanes
vesteninv destroyed or brought down
five (terman machines and one bal
loon. Thev also took a luroat num
ber of phoUun-nphs and dropped
newspapers to the American troops.
Pershing Resumes Attack
General l'ershinii's infantry to
day a min went into action on the
left win ;.r f the Araonne forest front
after a violent artillery bombardment
lasting till niiilit.
The (icrmaiis are throwing in re
serves on their left flank which now
I. as been exposed in the Arifonm
pocket. .The enemy also is endeav
oring lo wiiiinrnw his troops at oili
er points mi as to restore the line.
The American artillery on the
riuhl wine was active all ni'ht. The
bombardment met with little reaction.
In the center the American are
iiohlimr 11 M the advanced positions
which thev uained yesterday.
Katlv Ibis morninir the German--laid
down a hnrrasiii" tire iir'tne
areas to the rear of ihe American
positions .
Kires have been seen burnimr on
the east bank of the Mease lownn's
Maurauniont. northeast of Yiolcsncs-siir-Meu.M'.
We-t of the river ct,n
llauratiotis have been reported m the
towns of Anereville, Pun and lhmthe
ville. Main Mm' 1Vuc(iatcl
WASH I XGT( N ( tel .- 1 ft.-1 'ci.e
(ration of the German main line of
resistance west of Ihe Meiise bv llie
Americatis. nmiinM fresh enemv di
visions, is reported in General Per
shing's eommunioue tor WednoMlnv.
Kast of the Meuse further ui.i
were made durine the da v. in spile of
violent counter-attack-, while in the
Argonne forest the American l-trvcs
captured important heiuhN south of
Marco and joined hnmU with tlie
KrTeh al I.nncjni. More i;i;-ti JMVti
additional tui-oncrs arc rM"i'l
WpT. Qwer A isdp' ( Coxtrtrajt i
M3r Pol tv. Lw
Greatest Allied Victory of War Forces German Forces Into Precipitate
FliiiM With Cavalry and Tanks Leatlina Pursuina Infantry and Ar
tillery Throttqh Open Country British Smash Remaining Defenses
And Wine Out Entire Garrisons Greatest Artillery Concentration of
War Destroys Eenemv's Defense Systems German Losses Great.
i v j i r or inn
4;, V ! spniliK till
News or Uio slnkinK ly a miljinnrlni"
of a largo American stcanishtp with
Iho prohuTJlo loss or many of her
crew was brought here today by a
Hrltlsh freighter. The Ilrltlsli ship
had aboard twenty survivors of the
Ameiiian vessel.
Ttie American steamship, snld to
have fairled a large crew, was shell
ed and then torpedoed, according to
officers of the rescue ship. The at
tack was made five days alio.
It was reported in maritime circles
that the U-boat's victim was the Tl
conderosa, formerly the Herman
steamer Camilla Itlckmors of 51 DO
gross tons. The ship was interned at
Manila at the beginning of the war.
WASIIIXflTON, Oct. 1". Reports
from an Atlantic port today of the
sinking of an Anrerican steamer bo
lieved to have been the Tlconderosa
developed the fact that the navy de
partment recently was notified that
tho Ticonderoaa had been separated
from her convoy at sea. Sine then
nothing has been heard of the vessel.
Heavy black line Is battle line win n allies lvj;wi nt tensive in August.
Inl(ei vvhlli line is Hiiulenlniru line. Uht'r lino is present bailie line.
Ihe ureat iuIviiiko today is lietvvei'n Cainhiul ami !t. yiicnlm vvlicco Iho
allies have broken thru nil (-remmii defenses and are nistiinn Hie linns
hi the open.
AMSTKIiDAM, Oct. 10.
has broken out in ltrui;cs.
-A revolt
ihe I'.iinipe
Oil. 1(1. Knuii
in ncnlnil cuiiii-
tno populace havinu risen aKi.inst tne n(. m,.lv , ,, , , t ,.,...., . s;,t,.
atlempts of the Oermuns to deport ; ,.,..,.,, ,., t,,,, (;,,,., ,..! ,mlcn-
tlio civilians
velles. Cernian troops used their
Kims and killed or wounded numer
ous lielRifins.
Thruout Flanders, the newspaper
says, those an? deported who ale
incumbered with cattle, horse-i and
plus, whit It arc lieing transported to
e mill
:i rm v.
i p!r. . ji-iiil col.
'd cniiiiiiiini ol
Dr. .1. .1. ilinmens arrived home
Thursday from liis hiititlnK trip.
I'ASKI.. Switcllali.l. Del. III. -:.!
nil I.H'i.'ii'Iorl i ha nrrncil ii
j I'crliu tinin l!ic licrniaii u r:i lu I licuil
..i'intcl- In l ii.c pall ill CMlili'rclli''
In be li'-!l at I in- lii'i'iiiiin cai', in
corililrj In l.:' received licr'
STOCKHOLM. Oct. in. There Is
ii Tiei'niment rumor here I hut Kllllier-
or William ban ubdicati d.
Arill'RN'. N. Y.; Oct. 1ft. Secre
tary of Slate Uobert l.anslnn, who Is
hern attending the centennial of the
Auburn Theological .enilnury, In dls
cussing the rumor which came from
Stockholm today that Kmperor Wil
liam had abdicated, said:
"Thai has been current for some
time, fnless we know in whose fa
vor the kaiser is abdii ailna, the story
has no significance wnaii ver. If It
Is simply senilis up one of his sons
in his place the situation would not
be rhaniied In the least; but If he
should abdicate In favor of a demo
cratle fiermany It would mean some
thing." Tlie secretary also warned a.ilnst
a let-up In the Liberty loan drive.
lly Hie National Conference of Army, .Navy, Civilian Hoctors,
1 - If nii pot ii cold, KO tf l'i I" well ventilated room. Keep
'1 - Keen away from oilo'r people. Do noi kii-s any one
; . rhi. individual harlim and knives, tor ks, Hpouii:', towels,
handkcrclili ls, soap; wa.Oi plnles and caps.
4--K very case of Influenza shoiili) o lo :td at onro under tlio
earn of a pliVHielun. The jniileiit t-hould filar in 1" d al lenl ! Ii r o
days alter fever ha dlHappi-arcd and until cunvnlci-eenen la well
.' Tlie patient must not rrnii'h or sneeo cxrept when n think or
handkerchief Is htdd leforf' Iho face.
C,--;- hlioitld ho In n warm, well ventilated mom,
7---Thero Is no hpecllli: for the f I uac. S inplo.ii Humid h
met as they ai I; n.
Ho; r-at dnir.vr Ir from pneumonia. Avoid It hy tayln in
pd while actually Hi mid until ronvalesi nee Is fully eHtahIlrher.
If The after oHmcIb of Inllionu lite worxo th.m th
Tnk cat1' of yourself.
10-Strletly oi.ervo the atfi nnd city mien and rcKulutlons or
tho control of Influciun.
MtOXT, Wednesday. Oct. 9. (Hy
Associated Press.) Hy Inst niKht tho
Hritish nnd Americans had reached
the (lorman lines which could he j
cracked. As a matter of fact cavalry
mteht have gone thru Hie Clorman
lines last night In confilderahle num-
rj nors. uniy pairois were eni oui,
' however, while tho main hodles were
j held just hack of the line.
After a night of henvy riring rrom
the Hrltlsh guns, tho Third and
Konrth armies nKaln attacked this
morning from Canihrai south to the
front hold hy the French nt the same
lime tho Canadian and Kngllsh troops
alter n "crash" hai-rago, launched u
powerful attack extending somo
miles north from Camhrul.
anadians Sweep On
miles tho front suddenly
Into net Ion. Tho Canudlaus
hud hnril going at one place Just
north of Canihrai, 'hut with groat gal
lantry swept on after annihilating
tho Germans who tried to bar their
way. From there on, tho resistance
wonkeued and tho Canadians, with
tho Knglish hurried eastward smoth
ering tne usual screen ot tierinnn
muchlno gunnoiH ua they wont on.
Canadian and Hrfiish troops met i
in tho center of Cambrai, which was
entered from hoth north and south
and quickly mopped up. Many Ger
mans had escaped hut many hun
dreds who had been held thero to
lunch a counter-attack wore either
killed or captured. Somo of the en
emy troops are still In deep cellars,
two stories under ground and In the
tunnels the (icrmans dug during
their occupation of the city. Those
aro being routed out nnd sent hack
to tho cages.
Altho many fires were started hy
Ihe Germans, the town was found not
to bo as badly damaged as had been
feared. The solid buildings with
stood tho names well. It was quite
evident, however, (hat It wns no
fault of the Germans that tho city
had not been razed.
(HTinnns in I light
South of the city tho Third and
Fourth armies rapidly ovorcamo en
emy opposition. Tho Germans start
ed fleeing soon after tho attack be
gan, for they realized they were
fighting a battle in which they could
hope for no success.
Tho front lino for twenty miles be
gan moving rapidly eastward. Then
ciinin reports from air pines, with
which tho Hky was literally crowded
that Wambaix was taken. Soon the
capture of llarcourt was reported.
From then on tidings camo in rnpld
Kucc-ession of vl tinges falling before
the allied advance.
Solvlgny, f'aullery, IJgny, Mon-
tlgny and Ma rid, were quickly re
ported and passed and soon Ih
allies wore cloning in on Caudry and
At the same time from tho north U
was reported that Kscaiidoeuvros
ca.-d of Cambrai had been taken and
that Incliy was being approached.
Tin- Cambral-I.n Cateau road was
cro-ised and then the railway betweer
St, Quentln and Hertry vas cut. So
honcourt wan then In sight and Fon
taine, iNotro l)ame, further south,
had been reached by tho French. Hy
I hut lime It was clear tho enemy was
badly smashed and the Hrttlnh and
Americans sood on tho threshold of
the wido open country.
Cavalry In Pursuit
It was about that tlmo that the
cavnlry which had 'been waiting pour
ed thru tho wldo breach In the now
shattered llindcnburg system and
streamed out Into the country be
yond. Fast "whippet" tanks and ar
mored cars also crashed forward and
came Into action. They performed
extromely valuablo services In pursu
ing tho fleeing Gormnns killing many
nnd rounding up a largo number of
prisoners. They smashed down
strong points held by rear-guards
who had been waiting for the cavalry
knowing that It had come thru the
Cavalry forces aro now apparently
well east of the towns reported enp-
turod. . Tho allies, having thus bro
ken thru, tho Gormuns north and
south for many miles nre endangered
for their lines aro being turned. He-
treats on oven a broader scale than
J Mint now in progress may be expect
Officers directing the attack were
distinctly satisfied as the news came
back in reports from ulrplanes and.
by runners, hut finally one came
back that showed hotter than any
thing else how completely the enemy
had been defeated. This was a re
port from a nair patrol that Hrltlsh
Infantry had been seen marching as
If on parade in a column of fours
into tho nnd thru the town of Hertry.
The men were swinging along entlro-
unmolestcd hy the enemy.
leaving I-41 Cut en u
Another patrol brought word of
tho Germans fleeing in tho greatest
disorder as far east as Le Cateau.
Knemy troops and transports were
streaming along tho road and over
the fields for, with tho Hrltlsh cav
alry galloping over tho country and
with "whippet" tanks and armored
cars working, they realized that it
was extremely dangerous for them to
tarry anywhere.
Hetwoen Lens and tho Hcurpo the
Hrltlsh also aro advancing and are
In touch with tho Germans to the
west of tho lino of Vltry-en-Artols,
Azol-leH-F(iuorchin and Houvroy.
Such a thing as troops who have
Just attacked marching thru a town
10,0(10 yards from tho place where
thoy started Is a thing that has not
happened In this war for a long time.
Such a thing could only happen now
when tho enemy Is defeated, disor
ganized, disheartened nnd running
for his very existence. Tho troops at
Hertry did not tarry there but kept
rinht on marching. Where tho Ger
mans will stop Is, of course. Impossi
ble to tell. It Is known that they
have been working on a line running
generally back of Lo Cateau, but
prisoners isay that this lino Is In an
embryo condition and cannot offer
much protection. Kven If It did tho
Hrltlsh would not havo much trouble
In smnshlng It, ronsideriiK tholr
overwhelming preponderance of guns
munitions and men.
Artillery hi Pursuit
Hrltlsh cannon havo been on tho
move eastward all day long. In many
cases baterlen would gallop over Iho
(Continued on Page Six.)
COI,i:ll.c,r.. Oct. ID. Accord
ing to n setnl-offlrlnl report from
Merlin ihe resignation of (Jeneral von1
PAULS. Oct. in (limns.) Lieu- stein ns Prussian war minister nan
tenant Itene rum Ii has brought down been nccepled. Major C.cnerul
four Herman nliplnnes within tweu- Schciich. It Is said, has been appolnt
ly minutes on the sanio iluy. i-'niick ed his successor.
now Is credited wllh seventy official (ienenil Kchonrh has been at tho
victories nnd han actually liioiisdit head of the department of munitions,
down lus Herman machines. nt Herlln slnco Annua 1...