PAflE SIX METTFOTCD MATT, TUTHT'XK. MFJJFOTCT). OT?F.OO. MONDAY. Of'TOr.KR. 7. IMS A WHOLE LOT OF HUNS: HARMLESS NOW ASIILA.VI). Oct. 7. The ulluruu tivo of facing u uVt'ii.-ient wiiter sup ply durinif the Kuimnur months veur lifter year, with but few executions, or of installing notable improve' merits tit the fountain source in or der to acquire nn ahuiulaut Ktoruue durinsj the drv season, in one which will probalilv be decided upon here before the advent of another year, Am n mutter of fact, the term ''scar city" is u misnomer. On an ""Taire the year iiround there is an excess of water. Conservation is what is need ed to husband the supply, and in line with definite plans se - ted by City Knifincer Walker recently, the muni eipalitv will doubtless tackle the nuestion, which is not a problem, but simply a work of construction in ac cordance with a spccitie survey mude. this preliminary heim; supple merited by data as to extent and costs. Reservoir storaue way up at the head of the watershed is recom mended. The objection heretofore has been one of dummim; the cauvon, i'earinu-tlood couiplicalions. Solidity, however, means safctv. anil the plan as now outlined contemplate ifoinir clear up near the crest of the divide between Ashland and Wanner peaks ami utilizim: a natural basiu. With some exceptions, iao:-t of the material for the main construction is avail able in the vicinity of this I -is:-which in aires past was a pond, the bed of v-hi'-1' would form the h-:n of the reservoir. l"rOK ;o ItcM-rvoirs The eneineer's figures on a reser voir or llXMMHI.DUO trillions sloraee cunacilv. 700 feet loll" (100 f-cl wide, and 50 feet hiuli. are in the neighbor hood of $70 000. and one ,'lf feet hiirh. HtoriiiL' -to. (Kill trillions, would eost about $'jr,(MMI. The reservoir of minor heiirht could be added to in fu ture years as demands indicate. Manv other details as to additional sup tllv afforded bv -10.(10(1,00(1 gallons have been submitted to the coun cil bv the onirineer. one phase heinir that this increase would more than double the amount now available djir inur the drvest, time of the year. In other words, l.HOO homes would each he provided with an additional 10(10 uallonK of water per duv every month durinu' the season when it is most needed. , As n venture finuncinllv it is fig ured that the earnines of the system could he depended upon to meet ail additional exoense within a fixed period. Incidentally the municipal lielit plant would benefit by Hie im provement, and co'iseuiienllv this P'lbl'e utility should hear ils portion of the outlaw AInivo Tranent IuIiiIich The site of the proposed reservoir is five or six mill's above the upper intakes at the fori"- of Ashland ereek. If built, it is not proposed to lipu line a connection between the two. The reservoir eatcs would sim ply he opened at rcnuireil intervals, the wuter supply following the flow of leust resistance down to tho lower basins. Kor eii.-ht months in the venr the flow in Ashland creek is at its ercsr. for two months the volume is mod erate, and the remaindir of the year the water has to be conserved to meet irrigation needs and domestic Mipplv for fi (100 people. SENATE OPPOSES PEACE. (Continued frani puiro one.) that of nnvhodv else, we do have the rieht that when we negotiate we do it with somebody who docs not rcirurd treaties as scraps of puner. Teiico Offensive "It is not a oiiestinii now of tV- 1 1 points, or the eiirlit points or four points or whatever thev arc The oncstion now is very simple. (!cr niaiiv has bcL'iin a rrcat peace of fensive. predicted it here Ai.ill-: -0. It has come and every newspa per in the country 'duoiis ii in the headlines. Thev licet it as if it were soinetliitie we -ire to deal with seriously at this -laee. "The (leruuin proiio-.iiion i an ar.Nistirc to discuss the terms. Thev Propose to cnier a Iota: discussion of the I - -s of peace. An armistice lmit would me. Ill simply the loss of the war and all we hate I.hil'IiI for. "1 he liiischicl' now is in discussion. When (icniiaiiN bol.U no her bands and says 'we iin" t.cctcn: what terms will vou impose then llie 1 luted Slates anil the allies ,-,mi tell what terms tlicy will impose." PRESS OPPOSES HUN PEACE (Continued from puiie one.) "nmhlKUoiift ami dlsliini'iious stuff" and nsks: "Will (iei-niuny ever renllr.n there Is only one way for her, nuinelv. bv dooda and not wonlM? It Is far too Into to talk of n hauls tor peace ncso tlatlolin. The iletcrinlnution of the Blllod ))00ilen Ik the ilercat ot those who niiido war shall ho com plete and absolute. That ta?k thev have undertaken and It shall !c per formed to tho vory end mid llicre will be no peace until tlerniuny has sur rendored without condition to terms which will leave her not merely with, out a will, but without power, to brouk it." HOW TO CULL OUT Thb Is mi inhibit In (ho British zo on Iho wostoi a fmnt. IT you linvni't anything Ims to do yon mi.;rltt c oiinl ihn captured Minis fn this pi lure. They lire part of tho fi7,0U0 captured hy tho liiiiish nlotic in .-lugust. 01 OF ' DEFENSE LAON IN FLIES $1.15 RATE UPON OTHER CITIES ON FRONT BURNING I'AKIS. D'-t. 7. - l.aou. the stromr hold to which the cnr'iiiv lias been lilllMMU us, the key point of bis line AMSTKIiDAM, Oct. 7.- (icnnnnv is bcrinnin(r to realize and admit that it Is a nation of scoundrels. Press comment, nlw-.-ivs llie best uic -onlfiwcsl. i rent I v has been key lo the public opinion of a na- set afire bv the dcrmr'ns. The town! lion, is vcerintr aroui:, to liic point was reported alil.-i:'.e yestei-dav anil ' where it is I'essin (leniianj's lira were still liurntiiu there t.M.av. faults. Krankly the (Icnmin papers liheims has b. -en IVnully mid deli-j are besinnim; to admit that (bey must 'l,lv ',' :,m! 1 "!'"':"''' "i I 1 ,t ' 1 .1 , .t lit' I llll t'l MI :( . I 'I'.' It:' i IS i ll' II iinnntloii the itlcu lluit lih'ii iiiinnw . . ., , .. . , , SAI.KM. Ore, ( i. 7 Scnalor Mi' Xitrv lias Irl.-ruplM-.l Fml i. liiichtri ol" tlic Orcunn pnhlic scrviiM-iMiinnii-.-ioii. sliitiiiLr 1 1 1 : 1 1 ofTuinU (if Mio r;ii!i'i;)tl iii!Ni(iiislr:iliun ;hi1 oi tlh1 luitilif s-'i'vicp ;i '-cninil z c!i'i;irl uirul ur intiiiKiti'd to hun th;tt t)u i-oViTiiiiifht will iiuri'i; to n intr of 1.1,". per V"1 rHit(l- on npnlos for tr;.i)-i'Jnlinriil:tl -I.Ip!iit'ii; The present r;itc is ."fl.'J.". I'riiH dumi i'u':U inl t'u- ;i rati' of $1.1(1. 1tti Mr. Itn.-hifl Int- nilvi-i-.l hn Ihi' (iiMipniiiiisi' rat' Ik1 nerrpt- ri lij;litiiiLt lor iMiuncst, ami rcal- 1 1 1 i lo tin1 A hjiuiih1. ; U'I'll IIS ill i.".- Unit what th.-y niv li-htin- tor is ,1... ....;,,., ..,), , (Vinhnii. Itarc ci.-.tciu-c. I i,i iIh- t'ir-t n;tit:rl -.ri.n- (he ;il- 'It is n mattiT of ihuniiahlr Jmi- 'w uw ica -IiimI lin- Ariic. n whi. ii portuncc," mivs tin1 Cultii'iio (ia.HN I llu i iK'iuv linpt'tl in u.rk a - (. ni'. v. always ivrrlil as a somi-in Ui'iai nic s-. oii-l n- .-i-.n hr K; iti-h Knn-i journal. "whWhci wo arc or :nr m! Ar,nv ,,!,s ''' lu.l n.i.iilfi' aMa.-..--n.Bnn!r.I throia-hont Uir Wurhl a a v 1 ""' lll',!iV . ,!t l'vl lv;1 '" ;:: . !- nation of hlauanis. In.l.r.l wo ' vi.iiM ru.rt. (iiijp ",n (, lie iiciiil: so icL'anau. s,- -i The people of llie Kr.therlan.l are, , ri, ,...,. ...-ooo-als of t'-, , cut rat slowly awakening to the fact ill;, I the powers arc in no w iv iut ,-.i wj war has been luisrepiv -cute, I to avo'i the i.oiicv ot ilcsi r.a-t ion : lire llieai. The kai-i-r liiai-clt' has bet a ''V ilic (lertnan irein r.;l si.i,'. forced to warn' his soldiers of il,,'! Salbuimiiu-s. near I cms, i. liMrno-.j. American tro ps. I How i-omph-telv disillusioned llie (ienmin people been is in.idi- cb-ar by llie lolbiwin-'t ol . the Munich 'oM : "Let as r.,;v (( openly and fear- ! Icssly - (ierti:all 's sitllaiion lor the' last two years, at least has been lake- I ly and Ivill-.-ly llllsi-epie-i Hied by' my ol our liewsiM,ei-- i,i:, m il,,. ', public lillen es ol it nia.ioriiy ol t uir slate-.tiu ii. ' I i "l-'or the last loin- eas , , ,.,-,. Niw o:! ''111 tic il'i'o'--: been iis-iin-d avaui and n-ain "! ' !'-' ' 1 " I'-cueb ol ihe War onlvliv,. i.. .1 .. , d l : I,-, id. w'o b.-'ion-. , , , i ..t I .i o ir . -J- . ! .llio eillsiHIl- IM,-IOV f our enemies. V, ,, in, ,i,,m ,:. SUBSTITUTE PO!! isnnvF OF DAYLIGHT LAW w s.:i t -v. t. t. i in-;.-1 ! ;!; ri(ti.!M:X. Colo.. . t. 7.- i'r. TTi.-hanl Ii. Mn..r' of Ui.. TaiU'd S-atfx li'M-ca'i ( !iiin. in it- annotiiuf i ! iml.-v 111' tlr(ml a i - In'o t'r r:i'!!::ii v .1 iih no an iianifii o-otlmriuai. IN' will plain hi-; i'1 I'l V l- I I"'' Amh'I i- ." il 1l H As lii.'i'o ;ira i-itlv thru' ii'ini-s ol r;'.:ni'M iti lit" V'.oM'- 'iiii:' i-pv-Iv, Vi1 ni horHuM at nli'-'c 'ii'ia' 'I'hi v. "i'c a -f a -i-mMllHlt' i'T 1 ''- tin ;i! ;n liiinii tt'-s naiii- . airi!.ntc i-tiinoa and una -111; ', a. lonlim: to ty. M ...n1. WITH Tiitt AKIflt'AX l-'OWCKS Noin iiu KSf of VKinti x. ih. 7. ( V 1 j 1 x . I!v tli'.' Associated I'nss. ) (Ii'iuTal i'(n-Iiii!L''s troops this , n.ornin'i a Itac.ri'd t lie flcnaau posi Pniis on the lei! wiiiir of this front. ' rin1 Am i'4-ic.;ns madi' proLsress to a ; point 1 'u-1'i'.-.pnndjiir with their ad I a nj( la'i' ve.-tenla v in the region of i Cnni'l wi.otl, mi 1 ho lelt winir. Th" pr, ciH-o of Morin troops op-po-itc rho Au'orifi-.a ocnicr and the iai'n a -t'l activity l.chind th: (l.-r-man Macs h ads to the hclicf that the ciicfii i- planum-; counter attacks. Then' is incrca-iuir evidence that llie ( ! ; : 1 1 ; n w intend nut only to huld the Krictnlti!i!e posit ion if possible, iiiit to force a fi'ihl in front of it. nihi Miii iitlv the Aaici'icans are now !i till! iter ia the .one which Ihe (!er niaas have cho -rn for llicir main .-(arid. I Mil o.d r lac I'M 1 IH I -li.Hlid "Mil I! aMotl trie;1, d'n 1 1 11 1 ; ; (lermanv is liulmu, lor her vcy bte.,,,,. , ,,,,' h,r-. '., ,, , ,, I ins is Hie kernel ot llie whole,.',. ollcstioa. The l:ie ol' our ,eou!ej ' 1 ' ' lies in their ,. hands to ,1,,-ole.' i OPPOSITION UNANIMOUS. U-oes without s;iMli:; lu-iorc til.- I people can rlo.iilv s,-,- u.,s t font tuned from paKO one.) then- own .,,Kj , eien aiiiuxa-l ,', , tionist ,1,., , ,,mM ,,.,..,,,.,, I"'. He was at Lie state oepaiimiM "We i.l.t'.., lor l-'lade,s'"llK " '" and tor th,- Halt,,- om,c,. Austria.. Similar on- hue existence. We iir,. Il-hlin-l '' '"' A" ;n;'" ' omuiumcat ion is I, ,...,,,..,,,, I, ,, ,i ,, , -Unli-tantuilv si-itbir to 1 hnl I rom '''''' !' ,,M "ll"-'..l.rn, rid boil, n-k I'n-s.l,-,;! ' "" "' w.l-m to ,.. ., ...'...i-.tic am! II we e.ui -e. Mie m.-Ii a peaee 11- - peace nei-otu-tion-. on ,-omllllon- 1,1 Hi" teeth ol rinidable lai.l down bv the presldelil. .1 siii,.-ionty ia eti.-a-y 11, millers, we It i said neither ol I he oil icjil text -shall h,i e a-liiev e,l a t in,-- I'm-i;i eat - - dil te,-, m.itenalK Irum llu- xel'sioa "l- than env tniinh ol iiin,, could Published l'i rc-.s ,1: -putelie -. :-ive us, I I't'i'-i.ii enuort,er,!,i-i,s ,.l lite at- "l.c! i ),,, ah-.i -" liiwli' "I' i'ii- I'mtrtl Stat.-s anern- J ! ' lutnl -till ,er,' bc'll- wttllhelil l,t jlhere was a,, abatement ot tile iudt- ut.vaiuuH Ut- tiUM3 .,.,, I,,.,,!,,,.- i ro ,d tabv ,-. terclP es inl ,',olo,eatle o-illibliri-I'Ab'IS, (li t. ill. V,, I',,,-! the oiler W'l! fall l;t. of a Iiiil'c eniter a ,;e l,v a (ieinian I she aiiuai!y a -eep;c,l uithort bomb, so'ili.-rs to aid a lark's nest reservation the principle-, of peace with four c-.-'s in it iiuin inro.l. Tu,. as ivp.-atniU l.od ,iw bv l'rescu! motlier .,,-,l lie. I ,a-, left Ihe c-- Wll-oll al ii :in , ,,,, , hy , ,.. heller- I and the soldiers pl.ieed tiroleclip.- ere, ,ls the w , ,s open to peace, w ,t II i branches about the ne-t. V,r van's the w :t lid ii-w ,i of .ill th-rcai, in, : al t trees I,,,, Iieen raved I v Hn ' Iron, iniadcl leintorv as the In -t ' ioree of the explosion. ie,ii,u-:ia nt. uii.e, oiue I ,::.'..r'-:,.!::.r!vAWie nDTiinc i MAflHINF RUN m IVI III IL UUII IILVI , I'AKIS. Oct. 7. French troops last ni-jlil i-aolurcl the town ol' Si. Mas- J pics nortiieasl of llhcinis, and pene 1 1 in I ! il.e town of llauvinc. fiirlhcr (to tic ea.-t and north of the Am -s j river, the French war office annouue lid todev. 1 N'ortlic.-ist of St. Ouctifin. the (icr Miellis nltael.eil several tunes in all cf jlort to let:, l.c llie positions comiucr- 1 1 .1 bv the French. All the attacks in j 1 1 lip region oi I iiiov lann were re j ,,:il-.ed. Fiubtip-,' in that region eon tinui-s. The rount v ancnt of .laekson coun ty has made arrnrmumcnts with tiie poultry department of the Oregon Aiiriculttiral college to hold two cull intr demonstrations on Wednesday and Thur.-dav. October iltli and It). The first demonstration will be at .Mr. Dill's place in Ashland at 111 a. in. Weilnesdae. lOctobcr Kill. Second demonstration will ! held at Louie Culver's, l'hoeni.x. Oreiron, Thursday morniutr at il a. m. I'.verv one inter ested in poultry raisiiu:, and espe cially those who are interested in knowinsr how to tell Ihe hivim; hens from the non-lavcrs. are urt-'ed to be present. The nf'ernoons will be de voted to personal vi-its to dill'crcnt noultrv plants. Mr. Ilrewstcr of Ihe O. A. ('. is a competent and is well, fitted to uive advice aloliv these lines. Cullim-' the slacker hen is in the line of food conservation and helps win the war. Don't foret these dates. (Sinned.) CI.AFDK C. C'ATK. ."ountv Aircnt Damp, (hanging Weather Brings Us Toll of Sickness to Mod ford INiiph ' rhilly. damp, thaain wether if hard on the kidneys. Even more irritating are o!da, grip and pneumonia: They congest the kidneys; They hring backache and disord ered kidney action. Kor weak kidneys af:o a tested remedy. Medford people recommend Doan'E Kidney JMUs. Mrs. J. H. Gustin, 521 S. Grape street, .Medford, says: "1 have been taking Doan's Kidney Pills whenever I have felt the need of a kidney med- icina for several years and 1 have always received tho most satisfactory results. My kidneys seem to he my weakest spot and every little cold or ptrain affects them and my hack he c.imcs weak and lame. After I.hue taken a couple of hoxes of Doan's Kidney Pilhi, my kidneys become normal and in every way I fell as well and strong as ever." Price COc, at all dealers. Don't s'mply ask for a kidney remedy get Poan's Kidney -Pills the fame that Mrs. Gustln hail. KoRtor-Milhurn Co., Mfgrs., Huffnlo, X. Y. Adv. INFLUENZA CLOSES 3 CAPITOL GALLERIES WASHINGTON', Oct. 7. Tlecauso of the Spanish Influenza epidemic In Washington all galleries of congress except the press galleries were closed today and visitors except lawyers were- burred from tho supreme court. Kveii the president's galleries In the house and senate- were closed. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists' refund money'if it fails. 25c H WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY j Marguerite Clark IN ; Babs Burglar byM$iy Roberts Rinehart F0Pk SALE at the Monarch Seed & Feed Co. iKVd St'cd Otits, (iray Winter Oiits,' Ivc, Vctcli and Al falC'i Reed. t ts "- - f. 1 LrrYl I t Hirry Pvlorey AND Betty Blythe AGame of Fate" ALSO A Knockout Comedy Huns and Hyphens lit 5f t sbsM Ml TONIGHT TOMORROW LARK S NFST ?U0VVTS AMKh'H'.W iM-Aiii.TAKYKUS IN Kii.WU-!. S-uit'., v. (!. Ii.- i Ken- Tel--.) -.s inert ttuhtiiii: i:ndt-r .'n;vi:-.i:id ei ii wutiI (M.-ui::d ;;n- . It d Uilh ;;.!!' (M l !'t vtli:i ! i ' in the i i 1 a i i ip-i l-'n-Iav i;i tin C!am or. A iU-Uu-iii,n'i:t. i;m-1- m hv l-'n n- ii MdmiUvr-; under nn ,f ''-rii iiu faiSiin. .i!lark ! a Vri v ;rmu ma -iniic y'lii m-t on Ihe -h p. v l.!;tnr which had Ion r h h! an iln a;an. c. Willi tin' nt ;..) --iid I 1 lie ne-t ih eu i 'npt ! ind .-aplnird iiiid tlh' fntire i-airi-im ol lour nllh'iM' jind L.'1''1 iimmi w.-i-. M-ade .ri-un-r. Sront v-t'ie marhiiu 'H', manv ttvin'h mortal'' aiid ov .''a! irai ror- fiv taUrn. Tito Ann r H'titH did not -a! tor a sin-In oa-- Ui'ltV. GAS MASKS ISSUED TO TROOPS ON EMBARKING j WASHINGTON", 'drl. 7. GaJ aia l a ro now liiuu' iaod in all j ro:nliat;inl t vu at oioharkation i .'anil'-. Warning uivon that thovj nui-l In' hamllnl with the izn-alo-t (are and not damaged diiriiii: the voV-a'o. ! Blood Poisoning HAMLIN3 VIZARD OIL, A SAFE - FIRST AID TREATMENT . MARRIAGE FOR MONEY VERBOTEN IN .SAXONY AMSTKUDAM. Vt. 7. Slnlo ,.m i'!o i in S;ioi; an' InrlmMcn to ii nrrv tor nrv, , ,s h,.,,n n nra-'tn'o in (ho rminr oiul -or n-o to itiivorti-p lor m h wiv. M t ol the men in lii-ra an ; rniv and iliidoinatio ioo hit i nuirrn-d ilr. Womt n 't ;i-t t-narnntee a tist'd -.lit-dMlo ot :f'"'!!o ht'iori' t'u ,-aii li.airv ot'- t It'Ol . How often lockjaw, blood pois oninp, the loss of an arm or leg, or aonu'timcs even life itself, results from the nrlcet of a slipht scratch or little cutl Hamlins Wirard Oil is a fafe and etTective first aid treatment. It contains no chloro form or other d.winerous dniRs but is composed of the most healing, penetrating oihy It is a powerful antiseptic and should be applied itumcdhitely to wounds of this kind to prevent danger of blood poison ing. W1fM Oil 1 ITooit. rtrpnftAM prp n r:UMi to kf t-p lit tlic innlliluc thrNt for flmt iu.1 wliin thn d'M-tor m.iv bt tr nn-ny. It la i-f'tttlrit htk! htllnr nnil quiikly ilrUe out in atk! IntUmniAtloQ hi ff 11 f nir.ilnm I'ruisfa, cut liurna, I ilM 11 ml t injtv Jit Mn rr!tM, tio, for H(T ncch. nr frtt, r-M torra, eta 0t ft Kittl rMim your rtmritl"t for J' r.-l (Ii piflk'lh If iml fntlfflf Hll:l..l like Ih ttolt'c Nik tu him fttktl h nturn yiir money. If tiii r trAiih, with mntlpit!(ll rr It h ...,,!. trv HmiM Wij.rt 1 !,r Wtni Jnut Uttt ilr( at druell fur tu. UufttftDlMtl. WHEN YOU WRITE Buy the Right Stationery at the Right Prices lilOllTOI Your words oxpross your mossaro, ymir pnpfr re flwta jour Rood taste. Select your stiilionery fro:n our larRO as sortment of styles nml finishes In whlto anil thus for ladles and gentlemen. WESTiSIDE PHARMACY li.XU'll WOOIiroitK, Prop. 1 1 , r .' military uperations Require Money Von liavo road nluint tho Khtanlle military opem(lout of the Allied forc-os. Thry rotpiiro monoy in lai-jto a 11 mu ni' In ordor to brlnjjt victory a. MHtli!y n poHsihlo, tSuliMrilM now to Fourth l.iln'rly Vw iimii I to mi s. E STABUI S H IS SO."