Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlio canteen Rial Ion ut Ashland
would greatly appreciate the dona
tlon of Jellies, Jams and preserves by
the people of Hertford. These arc
given to Ihe soldiers on passing
trains during the half hour stop ut
Ashland. The fruit men of the valley
are asked to give one or more boxes
' of apples or pears, which the fruit
association will keep In storage.
Attorney Newton W. Borden has
moved his law office to the Palm
block, 107 East Main street. 177
Mrs. Lou I). Jones left this morn
lng for a several days visit with rcla
tives at Hilt.
Orres, the ladles' tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Tuesday after
noon; high class only. Kit and work
manshlp guaranteed. 172'
There was very light frost In Med-
ford this morning and a heavier one
in other parts of the valley, especial
ly In the Central Point district. There
are many tons of tomatoes yet to be
picked for, the canneries, but County
Agricultural Agent Cate was of the
opinion that this morning's frost did
them very littlo damage. The offic
ial lowest temperature In Medford
tills morning was 34 degrees, which
would mean a temperature of from
,'i'2 to 31 degrees In some other parts
of the .valley.
Hamilton & Ellington pianos. H.
N. l,ofland, 225 South Oakdale.
Look them over before you buy. 182
Howard 1 1 III. who took the 30 days
officers training course at the Unl
. verslty of Oregon and only recently
returned home, has Just received no
tice of his acceptance to the army of
ficers training school at Camp Pike,
Ark., and orders to report there for
; duty Oct. 10. However, a few hours
. after having received these orders
' Instruction by telegraph arrived for
him not to report at Camp Pike until
further notice because of the Spanish
Influenza epidemic.
Singer Sowing Machine Shop, ad
justing, ropalrlng, cleaning. Phone
903-It. C. A. Chapman, 245 S. Central
Mrs. If. I' Morris of Delolt, Wis.,
following a visit horo with Mr. and
Mrs. II. II. Hoyor, left this morning
on the return trip homo. She and
Mrs. Iloyer are cousins.
, For the best Insurance see Holmes,
Ihe Insurance Man.
The war Industries board has Is
sued nn onlor that no building per
mits shall he Issued for structures to
cost moro than 13.100, without first
taking up the mutter with the war
; Industries board. Notice of tills ac
.lion by tho board has been received
in Medford.
Dnlly's Taxi. Phone IB.
Wesley McDonald who is In army
Borvlco and 'taking a training course
at tho llenson 1'olyluchnlc school of
Portland, loft for tho lattor city last
night after n day's furlough spent
nnro nnd at Trail visiting relatives.
uno ann turco-color stock pear
labels for Bale. Medford Printing
Co. tf
The Neighbors of Woodrrnft will
entertain tho fhllilron of the circle
tomorrow everting at tho I,odgo hall
It will lie a llollowe'on party. All
those desiring may come drcssediu
Hallowo'en garb. It will also ho a
family reunion for tho grown-ups as
won as tho children. All aro Invited
Dr. Itelno, Gnrnott-Coroy Illdg.
Miss Delia Whipple left on the
morning train today for Redding.
Calif., whero she expects to remain
for tho school year and take a civil
cnrrlce course Last 1'rlday night a
pleasant surprise In the form of a
farewell parly, was given Miss Whip-
uiib nnu inree-cnior stock pear
labels for salo. Medford Printing
Co. tr
In Justice Taylor's court on Satur
day Hoy Silos was held to tho grand
Jury under $r,uo bond on tho charge
of stealing a number of automobile
accessories, valued at about $100,
from tho sales rooms of tho A. W.
Walker Automobile company, by
which company bo was until recently
employed. These stolen articles
wero found In Sales' homo when his
wife returned home unexpectedly
from K'ugcne and on finding another
woman's wearing apparel In the
house phoned for Chief of Police
Tho fiirnlturo hospital fixes It.
General upholstering, muttress reno
vating, clocks, sewing machines,
phonographs nnd umbrellas repaired.
All work guaranteed. Feathers
Kteamed and cleaned. Feather mat
tresses made from your old tick.
Douglas, 201 South Hlver.-ddo. Phone
102-J. .
The four volunteers wanted by the
draft board to bo Inducted Into ser
vice for spo ial training at the Hi-neon
Polytechnic school at Portland,
notice of which was published Satur
day, have been obtained. A quirk
response to the hoard's call was
made by a nuiulier of applicants.
The congregation of the First
Presbyterian church on Sunday mor
ning gave a free will offprint of omt
three hundred dollars as an evidence
of their desire to extend the useful
ness of the church In the coutmiinltj ,
The congregations morning and even
ing completely filled the auditorium,
nt night overflowing Into tho parlors
of the church.
The Presbytery of southern Ore
gon meets in regular fall Mvudon in
!lvndalo. Tuesday anil Wednesday ol
this week. The local church will be
represented by Elder C. .1. llroaiiner
Slid L. Myron Poorer, Ihe latter bo
lus tho moderator of the 1'reshj ter.v.
A. R. Hammond, former Medford
constable, and wire and children who
spent the week end In the city have
returned to their home ut Yreka.
Visitors from (irants Pass over
Sunduy attending the services of the
First Presbyterian church were Mr.
11. II. Allyn, city auditor, Mrs. Allyn
and son Whitney, Dr. und Mrs. liea
tul, Mr. and .Mrs. T. M. Stntt. Mary
Jane Stolt, ThomaB Stolt, Mrs. Mary
Mallory, .Mrs. liora Cleveland, Mrs.
Pobien. Margery llobzlen and Par
ton Pobzien. All were guests of Hev.
L. Myron lioozer and family.
-Merely because E. C. Jerome
leaves tomorrow morning for a
week's hunting trip in the hills
causes no worry to the deer family
at all, but all bucks will get a little
bit anxious when they learn that Sam
Sundry will be his guide and shoot
ing companion.
To date .137 cars of pears have
been shipped from Medford to the
eastern markets, and from 15 to 20
more cars are to go before the season
Kawles Moore received a letter to
day from Dr. K. II. Porter who is so
journing at Worceste-, Mass., stating
that the Spanish Influenza epidemic
$83,158 OF QUOTA
Another Jackson county district
went sailing over tho top in its local
liberty bond campaign when today ItTcelved by A. G. Churchwood of
Is In the New England region, and
tiiat from tills dread disease there
have been 100 deaths dally in Boston
nnd 12 daily In Worcester. He also
wrote that there were 77 deaths In
one concentration camp.
Miss Gladys V. Cox who Is well
known In Medford, having been for
the past three years Instructor In
music and art in the Grunts Pass
schools, anil who Is now instructor in
art In the Portland schools, will soon
tnko a government position as her
application for It has just been accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Corlies will
celebrate their fifty-sixth wedding
anniversary tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Pelton of Fort
Klamath, are here visiting -Mr. Pel
ton's brother-in-law, John S. Orth,
and family.
Shipment of the apple crop of the
valley to tho eastern markets has
Just begun. Four cars have already
gono. It Is estimated that only from
100 to 12.1 cars will bo shipped,
which will be about one-third of the
cars of apples usually shipped, be
cause of tho light crop.
The clock In the Southern Pacific
depot this morning stopped, a thing
which was never known to have hap
pened before, which caused A. l'
Noth, tho day ticket clerk, to remark
that all of Mr. MoAdoo's clock thru
out the United States discontinued
work .because of oxclteinont over tho
German peace move.
Alan llrncklnrned Is In receipt of
a telegram from Colonel Carter, who
Is In command of Camp Zachary
Taylor, Ky., mating that the provost
marshal general will temporarily in
duct men in tho new draft without
orclor numbers. All civilian applica
tions for nilmlttniice to the camp
now or hereafter accepted by the lo
cal cotnmltlno on military training
camps association will, If drafted,
have to report their numbers by wire
to Camp aciiury Taylor In order to
obtain admission to the camp.
Tho eight auto trucks which re
cently went to tho chroino mines
near Oregon mountain In Josephine
county to engage in tho hauling of
chromo to n railroad shipping point
roiurncd to Grunts Puns lust Satur
day and left for Central California.
They encountered difficulties which
made tho hauling unprofitable.
Italph 'Dayman of Phoenix left for
Portland this morning to resume his
army training at the llenson Poly
technic school after a week end fur
lough spent with relatives.
Attorney Elton Wat kins, special
examiner for the department of jus
tice, who was hero last week attend
ing the federal term of court, has re
turned from Portland und Is a guest
nt the Hole) ledford.
Five more men were sent by Fed
erul Employment Service Superin
tendent Junes to( work In the lumber
mills and logging camps of Klamath
county, making 12 In all sent there
by him in the past seven days. The
majority of the men were non-residents
of Medford and vicinity.
II. iN Edwards of Medford, who
has been engaged in government
woik at the itrenierton navv yard for
some time last, is in tho city
several days vacation. Mrs. Edwards
Is still in naval rosorvo servlco at
Some of the newspapers In the val
ley made a mis-statement In regard
to the estate of tho late Clyde lllrodcs
in saying that he was managing his
father's ranch. This Is an error, as
he held n clear title deed to the prop
erly, which Is valued at $2000.
Guests registered at the hotels to-
lav Included A. t). Weiss of -New-
York. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Chadwlck
of Chicago, Veda Congdon of Alle
gan. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Troy-
Mrs. Trover and W. P. Donnoy
of Seattle, W. II. Ware of Ports
mouth, ., W. T. Heed of Kansas
city. .1. W. Flnlgan of Oakland.
ii UT., K. Frenilenthall, William
Muff, Mr. ami .Mrs. F. .1. Keller, und
ieorge H. S.imllgo of San Francis
o. Mrs. I!. K, Sutton of Klamath
'alls, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. lllngham
ami Miss Madeline lliugham of Santa
Durham, Calif . Mr. und Mrs. .1. O.
Ferris and child. A. II. Peel, Elton
Wniklns and E. II. Montague of j
Portland, II. i; Duntnn of London.
Ore., It l lllgliiim of Hercules, Cnl.,
.1. II. Simmons and Feed Pettlgiew of
llnseliurg, ami Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Llidwell of Yreka.
was announced that Talent had sub
scribed $13,C0U, whereas Its quota is
$12,360. This action of tho patriotic
little community by vaulting over the
top with subscriptions to the amount
of $1240 to spare, certainly shows up
Its big boob brothers, Medford and
Ashland, and slow poke sisters,
Eagle Point nnd Central Point.
Monday Slow Day
Monday is always a slow day in a
drive and this noon the Medford dis
trict Total stood just as it was on
Saturday night, $215,000, and with
$S3,1.18 to go to reach the top. The
I local committee is going to make a
determined effort to raise the full
quota by next Saturday night and
has planned a week of strenuous ef
fort. "Wg've said about all that can
be said why the people who have not
yet done their full duty In the liberty
bond campaign should subscribe,"
said Chairman Kldd today, "and the
only thing loft for us to do is to go
after them with a club.
"The German peace offer, whether
bluff or sincere, should make no dif
ference whatever with patriotic per
sons In subscribing to the llberyt
loan, for the government cither In
continued war or If peace should by
any possibility come within a few
months, which I doubt, needs, money
and lots of it for war expenses, and
must have it. Why if peace were de
clared today the hoys at the front
and In the camps would have to be
fed and cared for for some time yet
and then brought home, to say noth
ing of the other tremendous war ex
"Then, too, a liberty bond Is BUch
gilt odged and safe Investment.
Dave you noticed that every time
there Is a big allied victory the value
of liberty bonds Increases. Why even
the pence talk of ovor Sunday shot
the value of a liberty bond up to
Many Aro Slackers
Tho committee is wondering ir a
lot of known pntrlotlc and hustling
men of Medford havo forgotten all
about there being a liberty bond
campaign on. This morning it was
tho same old story, only n few solici
tors on bund to carry on the day's
work with a few moro promised for
tho afternoon. "We ure almost pow
erless to do anything without suffic
ient aides," Bays Chairman Kldd.
"Wo nro very grateful and apprecia
tive of the servlcos many solicitors
havo already rendered, but the work
must be kopt up and wo still need
not only their help hut that of many
others, if only a sufficient number
of hustlers come forward the district
will quickly go over the top where
wo bolonged long ago."
The following letter from the Unit
ed States geological survey just re-
Grants Pass, in response to a letter
inquiring into the chrome situation
Is of much interest to mining men In
"The government hns not been
buying chrome ore nor Is it at the
present time contemplating doing so.
The production of chrome ore In this
country has become large and the
market somewhat unstable. The
principal consumers report that they
have considerable stocks on hand
and the demand for chrome ore Is
not so strong. However, It Is hoped
that the production may be kept up
to near what it is at present and that
the action by the administration un
der the mineral control bill, which
is expected to be pnsred by congress
soon, may stabilize prices.
"The prices of chrome ore vary
with the place ami conditions of sale
and the geological survey is able to
quote only general pVlces, published
In the mining journals. The latest
Scientific Press, of San Francisco,
September 14, fs $1.25 to $1.50 for
38 to 4 8 per -cent ore, f. o. b. on
mainline cars. Late news by wire,
and letter indicate a slight decline in
the price or ore and low grades are
not desired. Expensive new projects
to open up prospects are not encour
aged under present conditions."
SEATTLE. Oct. 7, Official an
nouncement was made toilav that sev
en men have died from inl'liiena dur
ing the past 4.8 hours at the United
Stales naval trnininir station here.
Four died vesteniav and throe to
day. 'Onlay's dead were Mark L. Crow
ell, fireman. I'roekton, Kns.: E. II.
I.nmke. npnrentiee scniiiun. Jnrdon.
Mont., nnd Andrew Sabol, appren
tice seiiinan. Stocked. Mont.
. Seattle's imlilic uutlieriii-r places
remnined closed today in eoninlianee
Willi orders of eitv olTieiaU who arc
'oinbnttinirthe spread of Spanish in-1
lluenzn. Hospitals reported two
deaths from pneumonia today.
lT.TIiOtlKAl). o,.. 7. Cracow is
receiving Hour in small (lunntities ut
ter inanv months of famine. Butter
is offered in exchange for petroleum
or suiiur, hut the ponsiinls refuse
Mionev us of no fixed value.
NANKIN'S Died ut her home.
North Hnrtlott on Sunday afternoon
October l. l!kS. Mrs. Helen Lawton
llaskins. She was born nt Uiitland.
Wis., June 'J.S. 1847. Later she mov
ed to Iowa, ami on .Inn. "Jl, IS7.1, wns
married to George II. llaskins, who
missed nwnv March, 1IHI7. Mrs.
llaskins had ninde her homo in Mod
lord since l.SN-l.
She loaves a daughter, Frances H.
Ila-kins, a son. Leon 1!. Ilu-kins.
both of Medford, two lirnnddnmrli
tcrs, Helen Claire and Gertrude, anil
nUn two brothers, ). T. Lawton and
.1. W. Lawton.
r'niiorul services will lie held at Ihe
lioiue on Tiiosdnv at 11 p. in. Nov. L.
Mvron will nl'ticintc.
Interment will be in the I. O
ihe last mm
Keporl of public health n .-so,
Jackson countv. September, 1'JIS:
Nursing visits (to general cases.)
Instructive visits (to general cases,
Visits to school building's. XI.
Other visits (to doctors or agen
cies concerning work.) six. ,
All visits, .Vi.
Number cases during month. 44.
X umber cases discharged cured,
Number cases discharged, improv
ed (to family), two.
Number cases remaining under
treatment. 40.
Number examinations of children
fur plivsicnl defects in. schools, (ill.
Number of children not defective.
Number talks ::iven in class rooms,
4'.'. 1
Talks given to children were aloii"
tliclino of preventative measures for
all contagious diseases, including
Spanish influenza. Parents will do
well to not only help the children to
observe the use of the separate
drinking cuii and to use Ihe hand
kerchief properly, but to practice the
same filings themselves in the homes,
at work and in public places.
" he New York health commissioner
gives out tins week the following
'Mont's for Spanish Influenza" which
thicatens the whore eountrv.
1. Sneeze, cough or expectorate in
public places.
(let into crowded places.
'i. Vse common roller towel.
4. Tako patent medicines if voti
think vou hnve the disease.
5. Sweei) in dry places, and bv all
means don't put lips to a public tele
phone transmitter.
1. fie careful what vou drink out
of or cat with.
2. do to bed if vou have chills and
fever and call family doctor.
.'I. Keep as far away from popple
as vou can.
4. Have plenty of ventilation. In
sist upon it in theaters, churches, nnd
other public places.
.1. Try to keep in perfect health
and there will be absolutely no dan
ger at all. 1
Dr. I'arrish, city health officer of
Portland, issued an order vesterdav
(hat sneezers must idnv out of thea
ters in order to prevent the spread of
Spanish Influence nnd other coniuiu
nienhle diseases. , i
The countv nurse is working
principallv in the schools now. In
office Snturdnvs R:!!0 to TJ a. m. The
office is in the Kirsl National bank
building. All parents or others inter
ested are welcome to call,
Countv Health Nurse.
0. V
Notice to Merchants.
The September sugar cards will lie
turned in to office of llawlcs Moore.
Medford National .hank building.
Kindly keep them nrrauged in alpha
betical oriler if thev are now so filed
in your store. W. A. r'OLliKlt.
County Food Administrator.
Mrs. W. .1. ravin of llule Kails,
arrived In the city this mornlnK from
her visit at Portland.
Announcement hns been made by
the postofflco department that "in
order to convey remittances to mem
bers of the P. S. military forces in
Siberia, a P. S. postal agency hns
been established In t lint country un-
ler the name of P. S. Postal Agency,
Siberia." Tills will be especially In
teresting to the people of the Pacific
coast as ninny soldiers from this sec
tion are In Siberia. A number of
.luckson county soldiers are known to
be en route to Siberia.
ROCK ISLAND, Ills.. Oct. 7. Fire
of unknown origin broke out at the
WnKli Construction coiuiianv iibint nt
lioek Island arsenal nt !) o'clock this:
morning. The camp is situated near
the big T. N. T. plum at the nrsenal
and every effort is being made to
prevent its spread. The cifv firemen
are out on strike.
In addition to th" fire department
it the arsenal, outside help was call
ed for from the fire departments of
Davenport, Rock Island and Molinc.
With the Hook Islnnd fire depart
ment on strike, the city will bo able
to respond with less Ihan.balf a
dozen men who had not gone out. and
a few volunteers.
At 111:4.1 the lire had been brought
under control.
MAXAOI A. Oct. 7. President
Chainorro has issued u decree that I
October 12. shall bo celebrated
throughout Nicaragua ns a festival
day. The president iiImi asks the
public to subscribe to the American
Liberty loan through the .National
Hank of Nicaragua. I
nutter is $7 a pound in Belgium;
eggs, 30 cents apiece.
Yet Suffered with Functicnal
Disorder and Was Cured
by Lydia . Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Sprinff Valley, 111. "Formany months
1 sutrered from periodic pains I doc-
, toreu wun our ium-
I jjlljjfl ily physician but re-
ir1 AJy, J jjj then 1 explained my
r p iy trouble to another
i5' ri" !l doctor and he ad-
- t. r .( 'o vised me to take
: Z in 9 t.vU P. Pinlrhm'
u Vegetable Com-
! pound. Soon after
taking it I beun to
notice a chance for
the better, and af
ter taking six bot
tles I am in nerfeet
health, and I cannot thank you enough
for the relief it has given me." Miss
Kate Lawkencb, Box 125, Spring
Valley. III.
School girls and girts who are em
ployed at nomc or in some occupation
should not continue to suftVr tortures
at such times, but profit by the experi-
vrr vm- t t - t .1. ui miss jju uriitt) uuu ujoushiuis
, .N'ji - T ? of others who have tried this famous
ol 4H.! in the number ot Spanish in-; nnd hOTD modv, Lydia E. Pink
tliicnza cases reported lor the L'4 ham's Vegetable Compound, and found
hours ending at 111 a. in. as-coniparcd i relief from such sutTering. If compli
with n previous similar period, wns cations exist write the Lydia E. Pink
atmouticcd here today bv the iiei.llii bam Medicine Co , I.ynn, Mass. The
advisingfcgirls on this subject is at your
i I service.
cn.-.s totalled 1
The number of
V TI1F. lllAMOV.l lln.VNn.
1J u
l'UU In IW1 kn.l iiuli) Ire till,;
rib in i: Riw
A MONO IIHAND -ll.l.4.ri
tin nB-tHint.SfttL AiH Ktlis! tf
Vaj rhono: roclflc 227.
Nljjlit l'honos: F. W. Weeks,
1-adr Assistant.
Tho Original
Malted Milk
por Infants and Invalids
l-'Olt SM.K Nice cooking anil eatiuit
apples. Will deliver, oll South
tirnpe. 16!i'
KOI! S.M.I-:- Nice barred rock cork-1
i-rels. I'hono S-.I2. 1T0
WANTKl) llaby earrlaito In Rood
conilitton. Keeil or urcen wooden i
body preferred. Call CTS L. 16S
Have You a Prescription
To be filled. Let us fill it, we use care nnd skill and the best of
cnemhals and druss. The Doctor's orders aro followed exactly. We
do all In our power to help the Physician help the sick.
Heath's Drug Store
I'hono SHI.
Tho San Tov Store
We will win this war
Nothing else really matters until we dot
The Flavor Lasts
And wear twice as long as the average Fabric Tire. Guaranteed
3,500 miles.
Our Service Station Is now equipped with the latest mechanical Tire
Hiangor, Up-to-Dato Vulcaulzlng Equipment, Curtis Air Free
from Oil.
T" our Tire Servlre It's Different,
P. K. Roberts 132 S. Riverside
House Painting, Tinting, Paper-
Hanging, Decoraimg, Szu ?ork
Iikio first-class by tho
R. J. Miller Decorating Co.
Ml work !:tiaran!oo!l.
Pir. !,
I'rices .Moderate.