MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNTS, MEDFORD. ORF.OOT. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2S, 1018 PAGE ..FIVE TODAY'S MARKETS 'J- Portland livestock . . POM'LAXD, Sept. 28. Steer. prime, $12.0(Vi.i:i.0(l; good to choicei n.(0(rf'rj.OI); medium to good, $!).7.r (nll.OO; l'nir to medium, 8.'2."(ir .!).2.r; common to fair, $".7.i(tf S.A'i: rows iiiul heifers, choice. $S.(Mifn 0.00 medium to good, .7(a.-: lair to medium, $4.7"Jt'.'.75: enneii, 4.00. Hulls, $.5.(M(o'7.UI); culvis, 9.00(S)12.n0; stnekers mid feeders $l!.(lll 8.00; Hogs steady; reeeipts, 211. Prime mixed $l!l."0Wl!).7.")i medium mixed. " 19.04ICo" l!l..'t'; rough heavies, $18.0(1 (u l8.:i;; pigs, if16.(IO(n)17.00:.l.tilk of sales, $in.:,-(ai0..-.0. Shetfp steady, no reeeipts. Prime liuiibs, $12.00(11 14.00; fair to medium, $0,000.11.00; yearlings, $lil.0O(Vi 11.00; wethers, $0.00010.00; ewes $G.!)0(S 0.00. " ' Iliitter nnd Eggs PORTLAXI). Sept. 28. P.uHer, firm; creamery prints, extra. l.o: lots, 01 eenls; cartons, box lots, (i2e; half boxes, half eent more; 'ess tlimi half box, le more. linyim.' oriee, butter fat, Portland. (:."; mIi? ex Iras, ")8e; seeonds, f.V; dairy, tliie. EGGS Buying price, candled, cracks and rots out, 4 8c; selling price, candled, 51 52c; In cartons, 54 55c. HENS 2627c: springers, 27 30c; old roosters, 15c; turkeys, geese nominal; ducks, old, 25c; young, 30 33c. their home, Derby, that nfternoon. Henry MeCabe of Herns, Mike Han Icy, (Itto Meyer of Uike Creek, Mike 1-unins, Homer Dedswol, Jiimes Kro jiby, Dan (iuin of Toronto, Cnnada, were amomt the dinners here Tues- luy nlso. Charles Fellows and Howard Ash of Trail were here for medieal treat ment Wednesday morning. . Mr. Fel !aws lmd a badly hurt hand nnd blood poison had developed and Mr. Ash had n badly inllamed eye, but lifter being treated by our M. 1)., Dr Holt, thev started lor home Weilne? lav in (he mail truek. On his J rip ti Persist ami b:i"k Monday and Tuesday Mr. Job i Win-niiurhnm,- the eoulraelor, had trouble witli his ear ami had lo amply a map with a truek to help him out 'o lhal neecinnts for his having the liueli to arry the uifiil. Duriiiv the prtst week your coiris poudenl has been busy working in I he interest of the Salvation Army in Ku rt, pe. The other members of tie committee appointed to solicit funds for the eause were unable to tlj then- share so it devolved on him to "no it alone, '' bat owing to the deep in terest manifested in the cause we went over tho top' like u whi :i- wind. (Vur quoin was $."0 nnd v; lmd to report Siill. The nionev was The City of Medford dot ordain vacancies occurring from any cause 1'ortlnnd flraln "WHEAT $2.20 basis; barley, none; oats, $00.50 bid; corn, No. 3. yellow, $67.50 tild. 'MILL STUFFS Mill run f. o. '). mill, earlots, $29.65; mixed cars, $30.15; less than carlots, $30.05. TIMOTHY $301(34; alfalfa, $27.50; grain, $20. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS as follows Section I. That there be and hereby is submitted and proposed to the legal voters of the City of Med ford for their approval or rejection, the following proposed act of munici pal legislation relating to the holding of elections in the said city; AN ACT OF MUNICIPAL LEOIS I.ATION relating to the holding of elections In Die City of Medford. Ore gon, In conformity with the provis ions of Section 14-a of Article II of the constitution of the State of Ore gon, and amending the charter of the city of Medford. by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 64-a, and amending sections 14, 17, 53, 54. 5(i, 1)3 and 84 of the charier of the City of Medtord. and repeallug sections 5 7 and 5 8 of said charter. 'WHEREAS, The voters of the State o! Oregon, at an election duly held In this State on the 4th day of June, 1917, adopted Section 14-a of Article II of the constitution as a Dart of the constitution of said State, and the same is now in full force and effect, and WHEREAS, It is neceRBiiry that tho charter of the City of Medtord be amended' to conform to Section 14-a of Article II of the said constitution of Oregon, 1VOW, THEREFORE, The people of Medford do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 14 of the charter of the City of Medford he. and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 14. The Mayor shall be the executive officer of the city .".ml turned over to the Salvation Army shall supervise Its affairs and all Its fund through William Guru of Medford National hank. COURT HOUSE REPORT Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co.. Sixth and Central At. I'roliule- Court Clyde Rhodes estate. Order for salo of personal property. By A. C. flowlett A man by the name of Adamson and his family of Trail, passed through here Saturday on his way out jo the valley, with a motor truek to' pet fruit, and returned with fruit and' vegetables on his way home. Roy Stanley, who has been in llie Khncherin country for some time, returned home Saturday evening. John IllaaiS, who lives at the l'reo Ferry, was, a business culler Sutur diiyjvenmgy and while here renewed his subscription to the Daily Mail Tribune. . We had our school meeting Sat urday afternoon nnd there were just six in attendance and two of them were so late that they did not pet to vote, iiiid the budget was voted oi: ns a whole, but as a could not get a copy am not able to paiiieularize, but ns near as I can remember, lln' amount we have to raise the coming year, is about the same ns what wc had to raise last year, about $:1.000. A. J. Florey was nlso elected clerk. Deputy Sheriff Anderson and fam- i'-: were here Saturday afternoon He came out to serve some papers C. A. Pickle-iiml 3. C. Kmbry, two electricians, were here for dinner Sunday. They were out looking over the 0. & ('. K? I.. Co.s lines as the lightning' had put the lights out of ( mmission. P. E. lliiney and wife of Medford. and K. L. Knight and wile of Port land were nlso here Sunday for din ner. Thev were on their way to Crater Lake. Mr. Knight is the pro priclor of the catsup factory and eider mill of Medium and savs that lie wants all the apples he can get. J. 11. Apolegatc and wife, Mrs Knimct Perl of Ashland. John Mc- Cnll of Klamath Palls and I.idia M. Call of Ashlnnil. A. W. llubbs of Medford and Miss l.ola King of Chi eaiio, III., K. (I. High nnd family nnd flcorue (. Ward ol Asliland, were here for their duller Sunday. licv. John W. Sharp of Medford come out on the P. & K. Monday inorniiiL' and took the K. P.-Persist stage lor K.Ik creek. J. M. Kin'.' and wife of 'Derby were here for dinner Monday, anil so was John Allen anil his son Waller of Derby, George Given and his son Dewey, and Wilbur Jack of I'.agle Point. Mr. Allen, (iem-ire Given and Jack brought out a lot "f beef cat tie for Mr. Cult nil. While John Allen wits here he renewed his subscription to the Daily Mail Tribune and they all except Walter Allen contribute to the Salvation Army fund. Willer being onlv a boy. his father con tribuled for him. Charles Humphrey was also here for dinner and he ha contributed to the S. A. K. Mi- . Kuselta MeGrail, Jnek-on connlv public health nurM-. was here for dinner Tuc-day and during Ihc iny examined the children in our school as lo their health. She spent the night nl the Siinny-iile. John Nichols and family, who have been over in Siskiyou county f Circuit Court Harriet J. Henry vs. W. II. Harris. Summons; writ of attachment. L. S. Hrown assumes the business name of "Ashland Trading company'" Ethel Lnwrentz vs. Delbert J. Law rentz. Divorce. Medford National bank vs. Roy L. Maule ct al. Summons; writ of attachment. Catherine S. Van Seoy vs McAllister (administrator). mons. Denny & Co., vs. George Summons. State industrial Accident Commis sion vs. C. If. Natwick. Wilt of execution. W. D. Thompson vs. R. J. Miller. Summons. Writ of attachment. G. C. Sum- Wolff. Ileal Kslnto Transfers Citizens Hank of Ashland vs. Myrtle Hamlin, lot 23, Galey Add. to Ashland....? 1 100.00 Albert Jensen of Oak Bar sold his stock cattle to Jacksonville buyers and, with the help of seven drivers, is delivering them today. Mr. Jensen bought tho Gosney cattle and is dls posing of them also. Three nun dred head were sold to the Oregon buyerB. Yreka iNews. Appointment Mxccniriv In the matter of the Estate of Joh A. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County Oregon, duly made, rendered, and entered upon September 6, 1918, the undersigned has been duly and regu larly appointed executrix of tin above entitled estate. All persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present thesame properly verified to the undersigned at the office or nor attorney, t. m. Roberts, in tho Medford National Hank building within six months from the date of Ibis notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, Sept. 14, 1818. SARAH J. HAI.L, Executrix of the Estate of John A. Smith, Deceased. M. ROilERTS. Attorney for said Estate'. !r a few days visiting their sen Arty And Inmilv returned home Monday. J. M. Kin.; and wile relumed from Medford Tuesday am! look dinner nt Iho Sunny ide uad wint on up to Notice of fjinrler Amendments NOTICE IS IlEltEHY GIVEN Hint the following Is a full and correct copy of the title and text of that cer tain act of Municipal Legislation amending the charter of tho CHy of Medford, Oregon, proposed by Ordi nance No. 952, of said City, passed by the city council on the 17th day of Septemher, I IMS, and approved ly the Mayor on said 17th day of Sep tember, 191 s, to lie submitted to (he legal voters of said City for their ap proval and adoption or rejection at the special election to be held in and for said Cily on Iho 15th day of Oc tober. 191N, together with the num bers and forms in which the ballot title thereof will bo printed on the official ballot, as specified and pro vided In said Ordinance No. 952, whi':h Ordinance ordains and pro poses said amendments to the legal voters of said City at such special electlpn for (heir approval and adoption or rejection. Dated this 2th dav of September, 19 IS. (Signed M. I.. Alford, Recorder of the City of Medford. Oregon.) An otiliiiiinie submitting lo the leftal volers of Hie CHy of .Medford af n sK'clnl election In Ik held in sai I Cily on Tuesday, Hie l.'ith liny of l:c lolier. IIIIM, it proHiseil net or munic ipal legislation iiineliiling the i barter of the said city Willi i-csperf lo Hie holding of elections therein Ordlnnncp. Xo, O.VJ AN ORDINANCE submitting to Ihc legal voters of the Cily of Me Iford nt a special election to bo held In said city on Tmvilay, Hie 15tli day of October, 191, a proposed net of municipal legislation amending th charter of ihe said city with re.-pe?t to the holding of elections therein. officers and employes, but not the council, lie shall be the presiding officer of tho city council, but shall not vote upon any question, except in case of a tie. and then he shall cast the deciding vote. He shall have power to call special meetings of the council whenever he deems it neces sary. At the last regular meeting of the council before the biennial elec tion he shall make a written state ment of the condition of all the af fairs of the city, and recommend such measures for the government and improvement thereof as he may deem expedient. He shall at the first reg ular meeting of the council in Jan uary, following the biennial election, appoint three members of the .council on each of the following committees, to-wlt: (1) Finance; (2) Streets, sewers and drains; (3) water and light; (4) health, which shall con sist of tbo mayor and two councilmen. which committees shall be standing committees for his term, and shall, have general supervision over ine different subjects pertaining, to their departments, and such further pow ers and duties as the council may pre scribe 'bv ordinance or resolution." Section 2. That Section 17 or Hie charter of the City of Medford be, and .the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 17. At the first regular meeting of the council' In January following the City election, or as soon thereafter as practical, the council shall choose by ballot one of its members as chairman, who shnll pre side in the absence of the mayor, and in tho absence or inability of the mayor to act, such chairman shall perform all the dutlos of mayor; but during the time that he Is so acting he shall also perform the duties of councilman, including the right to vote." Section 3. That Section 53 of the charter of the City of Medtord bo, and the same Is hereby amended to read as follows "Section 53. Not less than riftecn days prior to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November In each even numbered year, tho City Council shall order a biennial elec tion for city elective officers, of which election notice shall he given by publication in a newspaper pul lislied in tno city, or by notice signed by the city recorder and posted by tho chief of police in three conspic uous places In said city, one notice to be posted In each ward, not less than ten days prior to the election, which notice shall specify the officers to be elected, and the time and places of holding said election Section 4. That Section 54 of the charter of tho City of Medford be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows "Section 54. Tho City election shall be held at the same time nnd place that the general biennial clee tion for State and County officers Is held -In said City, and the election precincts and officers for raid elec tion shall be those selected according to law tor said general biennial elec tions. Section 5. That Section 5(i of the charier of tho City of Medford be, and the same is hereby amended lo road as follows "Section 50. All persons to be voted for at any city election shall. not less Hum seven days before sue election, file with tho recorder of said cily a certificate of nomination made by some political or mass con ventlon. or a nomination sicned by not less than twenty-five legal voters of said city, together with tho candl dates' written acceptance of said nom inntion: and thereupon the recorder shall enler the name of all such can dldates upon Ihe llckd to lie vote lor at the next following ele-tlon and not otherwise: and tbo record'1 shall cause a sufficient number of proper tickets to lie printed and d llvered lo the election officers prior lo llie opening of the polls on Ihc day of election; Hie exp'-nse of printing such tickets shall lie paid by the cily." .Section 0. Tliat Section 03 of Hi charter of tho (,'itv of ..,cdi'ord be and the same is hefeby amended rend as follows: "Section 1.3. The council sha hold their first meeting and orcaalc on the first Tuevdav In .lanuary fol lowing their election, and In ca'-.e said first Tuesday In Janiniiy lie a holiday Ihe council shall hold its first m ing nnd organise oa ihe followin day." Se tion 7. Thai Section r.l of the charter of Ihe Cily of Medford be and tho snmc Is hereby amended to read as follows "Scrtlon IM. The ternir. of all of ficers elected shall bcln on Ihe fl Tuesday in .lanuarv following their election, or as soon thereafter thev shall duty finality; Ion If th (all to ounltfv within tn flays from and after laid day. ilicu said ofiice shall be vacant, f nil the ro ineil Khali at i;s firl meeting Iheieafier till said aiaucy by appointment ; and a!! in any elective office shall be filled by the council by appointment of some qualified elector of the etty to said vacancy, who shall hold said office until the next.'' election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. The terms of all officers of tho City of Medford shall he, and are hereby extended and continued until the first Tuesday in January, 1919, and until such successors shall duly qualify. The term of office of all officers of said city whose term would by the charter of said city con tinue beyond the first Tuesday in January, 1919 are hereby so limited thut they shall expire on said day, or as soon thereafter as their successors?; shall qualify, and there shall be elect ed at said biennial election In the year 1918. and at each biennial elec tion thereafter, officers to fill all elective offices of said city." Section 8. Thut the charter of tho City of Medford be, and the same Is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 04-A. to rad as follows: "Section 6 4-A. Special elections may be cnlled by the city council ut any time by ordinance or resolution, and in such ordinance or resolution the council shall provide the time and place for holding such election, the manner of giving notice thereof, the hours during which the polls shull bo open, and shall appoint three judges of election for each ward, two of whom shall act as clerks, and hose compensation shall he fixed by tho council. Special elections shall be conducted ns far as practicable ac cording to the laws of the State of Oregon." Section 9. That Sections 57 anil 8 of tho charter of the City of Med ford are hereby repealed. Section II. Tho ballot title for such measnr'3, provided and returned to tho city recorder by the city attorney-is hereby adopted as follows: The following is tho form in which the foregoing measure will ap pear on tho ballot: Special City Election, Tuesday, Oc tober 15. 1918. Charter amendments submitted to tho voters by the City Council by Ordinance Xo. 952. Mnrk a cross (X) botween the number and answer voted for. BALLOT TITLE. An act relating to elections in the City of Medford nd amending the charter of said City by adding thereto new section to be known as Section 4-A, and amending Soctlons 14, 17. 54, 5(1. (S3 and 64 of said charter mil repealing Sections 57 and 58 of said charter in conformity with the provisions of Section 14-a of Article II of the State constitution. 400 Yes, 401 No." Section III. That a special elec tion be held in the City of Medford and the several wards thereof, on the 15th day of October, 1918. for the purpose of submitting thereat to the qualified voters of said City for their approval and adoption or rejection said amendments to tho said charter as specified in Sections 1, 2, II, 4, 5, 7. 8 and 9 of this Ordinance Said special election is hereby ordered to be held on the above date between the hours q7 seven o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock IV M. ns pro vided bv the citv charber. Soctlon IV. The following nlaces nro hereby designated as tho polling places within the said City at which such election will be held First Ward, 237 East Main Street Second Wnrd, lO.i Wost Main street Third Ward, Council Chamber City Hall. Section V. Tho following named persons nro hereby designated judges of said election: FIRST WARD. Judge, D. T. Lawton, Judge, J. W. Jacobs-, who shall also aci as cieru. fudge. John Perl, who shall also act as clerk. SECOND WARD. Judge, fien J. Trowbridge, Judgo. II. N. who shall :ilso act as clerk. Judge, I), A. Wood, who shull also act as clork. THIRD WARD. Judge, Tj. L. Cat heart. Judge. T. W. Miles, who. shall also act as clerk Judge John !.. Demmer. who shall nlso act as clerk Section VI. Tho recorder of the City of Medf rd, Oregon Is hereby directed to notices of said elec tion In the manner provided by the charier or raid City. Passed by the cily council this 1 i tli day of September, 1918 and sinned by me In open session In .ultbentle.illon of Its passage this 17th day of September, 1918. (Signed) C. E. GATES, Mayor. Approved by me this 17th dav of September, 19 IS. (Signed) C. E. GATES, (SEAL) Mayor. Attest: (Signed) M. I.. A I. FORD. City Recorder. Tho following Is the form in which the rorngolng measure will uppenr on tho ballot: Special City Election Tuesday, Oc tober 1 5th. 1 9 I s. Charter amendments submitted lo the voters by the City Council by Ordinance No. 952. Mark a crons (X) 'bftwecn the number and answer Voted for. linllol Till.' An net relating lo elections In the City of Medford and nmcndluK the 'barter of said City by adding there to n new sc.::lon to be known as Sec tion fil-A. and amending Sections 14. 1 7, 53, 54, 50, (!3 and fil of said charter and repealing Sections 57 nnd 58 of said charier in conformity with the provisions of Section 1 l-a of Article II of lh! State constliuilon. 400 Ye-f, 401 No. First Ward. 237 East Main' street. Second Wnrd, 105 West .Main street. Third Ward, Council Chamber, Citv Hall. The following Is the form In which the foregoing measure will appear on the ballot: Special Citv Election, Tuesday, Oc tober 15th, 1918. Charter amendments submitted to the voters by tho City Coun.'ll 4iy Ordinance No. 952. the Murk a cross (X) between number and answer voted for. Ilallot Title vAn act relating to elections In the City of Medford nnd amending the charter of said City by adding there to a new section to be known ns Sec tion 64-A, and amending Sections 14 17, 53, 54, 5ti, 63 and 64 of said charter and ropeallng Suctions 57 nnd 58 of said charter in conformity with the provisions of Section 14-A of Artlclo II of the State constitution. 400 .'. Yes, 401 , No." Dated September 28. 191S. (Signed I M. L. Alford, Recorder of the City of Medford, Oregon. FOR KENT mrsEKKKPrXQ ROOMS. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Cull after 0 p. nl. 322 South Central or phone 403-X2. 166 FOIl EXCHA7f6li. FOR TRADE A fine one-horse two- seated rig. fli'st-class order; cost' when new $175. DC. Will trade for five cords tint-class wood. 16 North Central avenue. ' 161' FOR REXT FURNISH HD ROOMS. FOR RENT Rooms, 223 North Con tral. 161 FOR RENT AFARTMENTO. FOR RENT One completely fur nished apartment. Hotel Holland. FOR RKN1 HOUSES. FOR RENT Cozy five-room bunga low with garage; range connected. Phono 001. 161 FOIl RENT Modern six-room bun- gnlow, good location. Phone 652-11. Hi 3 HELP WANTED Male and Female. FOIl RENT- bungnlow. WANTED 'Man nnd wifo on close in ranch; glvo full particulars. Uox M, Mail Tribune. WANTED -Apple 408-R3. pickers. hone 161 FOR RKiXT Furnished, handsome residence on South Oakdale. Very reasonable to deslrahbi. Tenant All convonionces. Tel. 409 oi 524-J. 104 GOVERNMENT CIVIC SERVICE EXAMINATIONS everywhere In October, 12,000 clerks to bo ap- .polnted at Washington. Salary 00. lCxpericne unnecessary. Men and women desiring govern ment positions wrlto for freo par ticulars. J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner,) 1058 Kenols building, Washington, D. C. 163 WANTED Prune pickers, families preferred. 12c per box. Pnone 86U-R, evenings. 16 UEIjP WAXTKIJ FKMAliK WANTED Experienced lady stenog rapher. One with some liookkcep- ing experience preferred, lint not necessary. Good salary to right party. Dig Pines Lumber Coin pany. WANTBD Ten bright capable Indies to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to ostnbllshed dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per woek; railroad fare paid; weekly advnnce for traveling expenses. Address at once Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 133, Omaha, Nebr. WANTED Pruno pickers. Carpenter, phone 201-W. F. WAINTED Ranch cook. Tribune, Uox A. Apply Mall WANTED Dining room girl. Medford. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework In family of three. Ref erence required. Address W, enre Mall Tribune. 161 WAiNTED Practical nurse for sov ernl weeks. Phone 572-R4. 161 'OR RENT Six-room modern bun- galow in first-class shape. Range connected. Garage. Phone 448-X 166' -Five-room furnished Phone 929-W. 165 FOR RENT One 5 and one 7-room bungnlow. S20 Wost Twelfth. FOR RIO.NT Two tirlck rooming houses on West Main street or will change for office rooms two Boven- rooiu dwelling houses on paved street. John F White, phone 4 4 9-M. FOR RKNT MIHCKIXANKOIIH. FOR HUNT 140-aci'o ranch near Eagle Point. Phone 910-Y. 163 FOR RENT OR SALE 1 CD-acre farm in Sams Valley. Terms very reasonable if taken at once. Phone 257-X or cull at 911 Nnrrcgan street. 161 FOR RENT Store building with good show windows. Rest location in city. Opposite Jackson County Hank. Rent reasonable. Apply evenings at 301 South Central avenuo. FOR 8AMC RKAT, 1WTATF- FOR RENT i:S00-ncro stock for, 6 miles from Eugene, 100 acres plow land, usual buildings. F. L. Cham hers, Eugcno. ' 16 4 TO EXCHANGE Choice income reulty In Grants Pass, Ore., for good clean stock of merchandise. J. D. Drake, 611 D street, Grants Pass. Ore. 1C0 MOXKT TO liOAlT. MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate security, and will buy Lib erty Bonds. J. B. Andrews, No. 81 North Grapo. Phone (147.J. tf TAKEN UP. TAKEN UP Spotted sow. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Phone 19-F21. 165 TAKEN IN Two milk cows and one bull calf. Owner can claim by de scribing stock nnd paying charges. Phone (I7-J2. BUsrVKssi iHKrrroRt Mining Experts. CAMP11ELL & I.1LJEORAM mlno promltlng association; mining properties listed for sale, sampled and reports rendered. Office and assay laboratory at 107 North Fir St., opposite Hotel Holland, Sam ples by mall given prompt atten Attorney.' WM. M. COLVIO Attorney-at-law. Medtord National Bank Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF, Attorney-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford Nation' Bank Building. A. E. Reames. Lawyn. Saraatt Corey Binding. Anro Bappnva. LATTER. AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating the largest, Ideal and best-equipped plant in the Pa elflo northwest. Use our aprlngi when others fall,' Bold ander writ ten guarantee. 31 North Fitteeatl Ht Portland, Oregon. Ckutxht MUST SACRIFICE 1 1 1 7 West Ninth street, ono story bungnlow, lot 50x 100 recently taken In exchange by us for New York property, want offor. Calin & Pittmnn, owners, 406 East 149th street, New York City. 163 FOR SALE Ilouso and gnrnge on tho Jones ranch, Ross Lane. Can be removed or torn down. It con tains enuf first-Tlass lumber for severnl houses. Reasonable price and terms. Mrs. Daisy Dodge, Phone 534-X. 161 QAKBAGE Get yoor pramlMS cleaned np for the lummar. Call on the city garbage vacant toi god service. Phon' IS1-T. ' T. Allen. ; Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wil son, C. P. A, Ask about our new and simplified method of account ing. Particularly valuable to an business as a time-saver giving full business detail. M. F. ft H. Bldg.. Medtord. Phone 167-R. Instruction in Haalo. FOIl SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaned pigs: also 50 lb. shoats. Phone 408-R3. 161 FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ! piano and harmony. Halght limit fitudlo, 401 Oaxnott-Corey Bid Phone 1. WANTED Women, salury $24 full imo, 50c nn hour spuro timo, dis tributing guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Permanent. Experience unnocossnry. Apply Guarantee Mills, Norrlstown, Pa. FOR SALE Two horses, weight 3200 Iho. Price reasonable Phone 565-L. 102 HELP WANT llli MAU. WANTED Man to look nttor stock. Phono 319-It. WANTED A boy nbouu-lu or 16 years of age, of common school education, to Icnrn the printing trndo. Wages $1.25 per day at start. Apply to foreman, Mail Tribune. WANTED SITUATION. I!l(i FAMILY WASH WANTED I do a tiibful of clothes In fifteen or twenty minutes. Very careful. No danger of tearing your linens. Will do your whole week's wish for less than five cents. All wash ing done In your home. Sond for mo on trial. Thor Washer, phone 90. 172 WANTKIl SIlfSCICI.LANKOllS WANTEI)---Good second-hand nuto rnsings, IHix-l'i. or 37x5. L. S. Patch, 30C, Apple street, Medtord. Ore. 162 WANTED To rent, 20 ncres good land, till or part In nlralfa, close In. Address I, ox Acres, Mail Tri bune. 163 to Notice of Special election NOTICE IS IIEItKIIY GIVEN' Hint n special election will be held In and for the City of Medford, Oregon, on the 15th day of October. I91N, Tor the submission to Ihe levat voters of said City for their approval and adoption or rejection or proposed amendments to the (charter of said City, ns set forth and Rp"clf!ed in ordinance No. 9,i2 or Kibl (:iv. NOTICE IS FI'DTHEIt GIVEN' that said special election will be held on the above date, between Hie hours of seven o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M., al the following places In the several wards of laid Ciiv, l.i-wlt: W..VVTED TO RENT Ford antft truck. Cull at 306 Apple street City. 12 FOR SALE Seven sows, will farrow In October and November. Inquire 428 West Fourth. 161 FOR SALE Ten good Jersey cows. E. E. Emerson, Uutto Falls. 161 ALICE HOLLOW AT Fire, Accident Automobllo, Liability policies writ . ten with best English and Eaatera . Companies. Office 408 Garnett- Corey Bldg. ,' FOR SALE Two young cows, and othor stock and machinery. On Sams Valley ranch. Soo C. Itrower, Mountain Terrace Ranch. Phono. 16 1 FOIl SALE -300" head breeding ewes; nlso 1000 acres land for snle or lease. Hrown & White 10 South Fir street. EARL S. TUMY General Insurance office, Fire, Automobile, Accident, ' Liability, Plato Olass, Hay or' Grain In field or barn; also Lite-, stock. Contract and Surety Bonds. Excellent companies, good local' service. No. 210 Garnott-Corey . Bldg., L. L. Cathcart, Manager. FOR SALE Threo burros, with sad dles, $50.00, if taken quickly. 1103 Nluntle. 161 roil H.U.IC POUIritY AND KtiUK. Kill SALE Spring hens, soon start laying, mixed breed leghorn, $1.00 each. 7 HI-L. 1205 ..nst Main. 161 THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, mouldings and screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phon 184. , FOR SALE Three and four months old thorobred brown Leghorn roos ters. O. A. C. Btock, 707 West Eleventh street. Phono SSO-R. 161 FOIl HALK MISOKLIiANKOI'H. I'OH SALE -Good piano, very cheap. Phone 6-FI2, or address Cope llurilwaro Co., Phoenix. lf2 FOR SALE 12-Inch sldn hill plow and one John Deere Plow 12-Inch Phono 19-F13. n;: WANTED Wells to drill nt once. Water guaranteed. Address or see A. R. Enyeart, Jacksonville. 162 WANTED A farm horse for lib hoard for the winter. Ilox 88. Mall Tribune. 162 WANTED If In need of n planing mill mnn address I'lniier Man, 157 Terwllllger street, Portland, Ore. ICR WANTED TO It l')N.T Centrifugal pump from one to two Inch. A, (I. I'll hop. Englo Point. 161 WANTED Sell youi- 77eam to the Johnson Prod. Co., Central Point, Ore., where the testa and cash counts. WANTED Houses to move, sblld, repair or wreck. Phono 488-M or 4HX-X. WANTED II. H. Toft buys Liberty bonds, also mortgages, notes, Judg ments, escrow contracts, etc., and makes short time loans on any old thing. Umt. LOUT lletween Ah bin ml and foot of mountain on Pacific highway. iiiiifK limp leather looKC-leaf cash and acfount book with post cards, films, etc, enclosed. Suitable re- wurd will be paid for ll return to tills uflicc. 16 FOR SALE 10-foot Perkins wind mill and 30-foot wood tower with three-way pump, on John W. Cox Ranch, ono mile southwest Med ford, Oakdalo Park Add. 167 FOR SALE Young llelglan . hare dressed, . 'Hie lb. Phono 29H-M. 161 FOR HALE 1918 Ford louring car 22!l North Riverside. 162 FOR SALE - car. Mrs. Point. 1917 Sludebaker Six Ernest Wchh, Central 16 FOR SALE Mu ko inn nn ofrcr on about an acre of kal'flr corn in field, for row feed. 716-L. 120 East Main. 161 FOIl 8ALE-tachment. -Ford truck, Smith at I.. 11. Hrown. INTKItUltlUS AtTOUAK CO TIME CARD Leave Medford for Tnlonl room house In .Medford. Inffurfuaoew Planing Mill. Pbysiclaua and Ba corns. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physician. 303 C rnett-Corsy build- ' lug. Phono 130. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aso surgeon. Practice limited to ay ear. nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tosted and glasses sup piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. K. II. Co. Offices 14. T. ft H. O Bldg. Phono 667. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAIi.- CARLOW OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS -116-417 Gurnett-Coroy Uldg. Phono 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street. Printers and Pntittstinra. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has Uu best equipped printing oti'loa la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,' eta. Portland prices. 17 Nortt Fir Bt, WMtU. EADS TRANSFER ft 8TORAUH) CO Office 42 North Front KL Phons 815. Prices right. Harries guar Look at These 10 acres rhino in under Irrigation, new 5-room house, modern; will tako $ 1800.00, nnd this Is sumo bargulu at tho prico. 10 acres in Wagner Creek district for exchange, for n good luodorn fi end Phoenix dull, except Sundny at 8:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. in.; 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Satur day at 10:15 p. m., Sundays Icavo at 10:30 a. m. and 1:30, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. "Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 0:00 a. m and 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 nnd 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 5:30. Sunday leave Ashland St 9:00 a. m., and 13:30, 4:30 and 6:30 p. m. 17i ncre stock and nlfulfn ranch, either with stock, feed nnd equip ment, or without. This place Is a splendid piece of land and ono of the very best stock propositions In this valley, and wo am making a price on It Hint will Interest anyone in the market for a real ranch. Brown & White 10 boutJj Fir Street, J!''ilV