' PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ORFiON'. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER ?. 1918 f OCAL AND J PERSONAL lr. and Mrs. I'. W. 1 1 ii m 111 arrived 1;o!iio thi:; iiiuriiliiK fronj Uielr two wnclvfi visit at San Francisco, liavinK j)iuf" il i h'-ir khi John in I lie Hltrh rork niilitai-y academy at San Katuel. Mr. iianiill lixjit-cts to be able to have 1 he. east, wlmli lias been on his leg rvr-r Fince he was injured In un ui:(:I di nt r.ome timo ago, removed witliln u day or two. Fancy Klberta poaches at orchard or delivered. It. H. Ouches, phono ST.7-.1, Griffin Crook. 140 The regular drill mee::ns or the Midford unit of the University of Oreirou officers' trainliiK school will bo held tills evenlnn, at S o'clock Hharp, in the Davis block, corner of North Ciniral avonuo and Sixth mreet, over JtSelileffulln's grocery. Tho 'ajilii ation of tlio rule enforcing fines for alisenco without leave will liouln with this meeting. l'or tlio best Insurance see Holmes, tho Insurance Man. .1 in. O'lirlen, the tonsatorial urtlst who has been camping with his wife at McAllister Springs chasing the eluMvo deer, has relumed to the city. Miss .lean Steel, ilnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Will li. Steel, returned from ('rater Lake park Monday to enter it. Mary's academy. Her parents will remain at tlio park until October. Special for tchools, book of SJ'J koiiks of tho I'nlled States and her nlllos, 2."c, at Palmer's. Mrs. H. Vrndenburgh and son Kichard of llutte Talis, nave been visiting friends In Medford for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. I.. W. Kilniondson of Ittilio Kails, were In Medford on bust Hess Monday. Onn nnii threo-colo stock pear labels for sale. Medford Printing Co. tf Mrs. I l. iXetherland received a letter from her son Lowell saying, he had arrived In Camp Abraham Kustls nil u. K. but found some awfully warm weather. Ir. and Mrs. ,1. Lawrence hill re turned home today from their two months sojourn at Seaside and i'ort lapd, wlilih was of great benefit to .Mrs. Hill's health. During the month of September I nrn going to glvo the public a chunoo to buy shoes, first-class goods, at 10 per cent discount below the rogular prices. This Is un opportunity you won't got again soon. L. F. Stroud, No. 10 South Central avenue. tf Mr. and Mrs. l- M. Smith returned home to Itegue Uiver this morning after n day's visit in the city. Clans Charley of the Urownsboro district left this morning to begin nctlvo servico In Iho navy at the naval training station at Seattle. .Ml ho he enlisted in ilio navy on June 17th, ho only received his orders to report for duly ten days ago. Dr. Helno, (Inrnott-Corey llldg. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Mr Hons Id of Van couver, 11. c, arrived in the city last night and departed this morning for u visit wltli relatives at Kaglo Point. Mrs. L'llraheth Cravetle, mother of Jlrs. Winifred llalley, has gone to Ashland for a short t lino In hupes that It will give her relief from asth ma with which she suffers. Ono and threo-eoTor fltock pear labels for sulo. .Medford Printing Co. tr Aiming Hie motor louring parties at the Hotel Holland today were the following: .IndiAo and Mrs. II. C. Hills, .laila M. Klnyon and Cathryn Manny of llend and Mrs. .1. A. Klce or Itedinund: ti. (i. Harper, John I. Frame. F. W. Curpool. V. .1. lirnn llch and V. F. li run licit of Porter vllle, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ma lono ami dene Jenkins of Crescent City; and A. II. Clark. M. II. I.nke. Jack llelor. liube X. Hare and J. C. Helper of Portland. Daily's Taxi. Phone 15. Mi:S ll.i.il Dltsworth of Prospect was a Medford lslinr .Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. H. Ilrewn and daughter Mlos Helen arrived home la.' t S.itunlsy frnni a three weks mo tor I i l i in Porlliind, Seattle and thru 1 II I I i til (i 1 II 111 ! ill . 1 itrnllnre pinking, eratlng Doug las, L'lll 8. Riverside, phone ill J .1. ' The Old Soldiers and Sailers asso (lallon re, linen will coinmeiue in tne nulla n. iv el cptc:ircr at llrants Pass and innti .Ml me:i,l.ets a thi'lr icnis if pb lily n( pi. lliilll Sept. I Ith. eilie-led to bring i b;i e ii ii ; nl-.ii ns. Conledi'lale veterans a tend .1. I niandin::, I 1) It. Andr t cordially iiiMled ,i n( i'et "l ! n. i otoliel coin lies ibe :ilow order thru a I hi'.tnt. Mrs. Paul ll.iin,.ii. , ii ni-m ,)r Nubotie CuiM-ts Pli.ine ,e;, H. l.'.t; H. II. I My, a pioiniiieiit stoikinan of Modoc (iii;i!, C.il., anived 111 Medford Mondiit (-wiling with his family on an ami, to il ing tup. They had visited teiiu plan's 1 Interest In north cenii.il r.ilirorula and will return home h tty of I'mter Lake and Khimnlli l-'alli. While here they nro vislllug "lib the fauiily of Mr. Jiay's cousin, A II. Williams. Fruit Driers for homo use. Pacific l'uru. & Klx. Fui-lury. no 1. V. Close, who has been mastor mechanic at the Crater Luko Motor company's machine shops for the past two years, left last evening for tho Astoria marine works. Altbo Mr. Close is above the draft age, he feels it his duty to help the govern ment In overy way possible during the present war crisis. Mr. Close ex pects to return and take charge or the Crater Lake .Motor company's shops again when the rush of ships are over. Mrs. Close will leave in ubout two weeks to join her husband. Mattress making and furniture up holstering. Douglas, 201 S. River side Phone 162-J. Thru having beon misinformed the Mail Tribune Monday published the erroneous Item Hint Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I.aunspach had returned homo Saturday from Napa, Calif. They will not return until Sept. 8th. Because of Monday .being a legal holiday the eastern auction fruit markets were closed. Mne carloads of pears were shipped east from Med ford yesterday, making a total to date for the Beason of HjO cars. Pocket hook of songs the soldiers sing, only 15c, at Palmer's, 23 South Main. Motor touring parties which left tho Jlotol Medford today for Crater Lake Included Miss Norway, Master Jack Hiicklngham, Otis Uuckingham, Frederick Loomls and 11. V. Buck ingham of Pasadena, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jones of Portland. Other touring parties at tho Hotel Medford wore Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunter of West wood, Calif., and. J. CI. Stevenson, Mrs. Stevenson, and Mrs. Agnes S. Iloutson of Klamath Falls. Mrs. E. E. Sams, following a visit with friends In Jacksonville and vicinity, left today to resume her teaching In the school at Fort Klam- alh. There will he a meeting of the Woman's Belief corps Wedncsduy, Sept. -Ilh, at the usual time and placo, and a good attendance Is ex pected. Frank II. Madden hns returned from .Seattle to spend some time hero looking after the marketing of Ills apples. Mr. and Mrs. John II.,C'arkln and son Earl and .Mr. Carkln's mother, and Mr and -Mrs. Frod W. Mours and children arrived home Monday night from a ten duys camping sojourn In tho'.McAHlslor springs dlslrlet. Mrs. L. J. Hears of Sanlord, Idaho, termor well known resident of Med ford, Is the guest of Mrs. II. L. Ilas klns. Mrs. Raymond L. Ward and maid of Sow York City, nro guests ut tlio Hotel Medford and will depart Wed nesday for Crater Lake. John S. Orth, cashier of the .Med ford National bunk, and Vernon Vaw ter, cashier of tho Jackson County bank, arrived home last night from Klamath Falls where they attended tho convention of group four of tho Oregon Bunkers association. Mr. Adamson, the Talent bnnker, and V. O. X. Smith, J. W. McCoy and tleo. (. Eubanks, bunkers of Ashland, were also In nltendatico. Mrs. D. It. Wright and son Dan ford loft today for (ilendale to join Mr. Wright who located there about it month ago. Mrs. Nellie Scott of Cold Hill, re turned homo today afler n visit with Mrs. Ktta Slevonson. J. Percy Wells, former county school superintend!, and Mrs. Wells returned homo from ljp-iln-burg. Alaska, about a week ago. where for the past year Mr. Wells had been the government agent having charge of all government ac tivities there, including Iho native school, co-operatlvo store and saw mill. They will leave the last of this work for lone, Ore., where Mr. Wells will havo charge of the public schools this year. While they enjoyed their stay ut Hydatiurg, which Is lo cated on the sea coast and therefore has a mild climate but a rainfall of -OP Inches per season, yet they did not care to spend another year there, hence Mr. Welis resigned and will again till. C up educational work. Fifteen drafted voung men from this coiinly will depart tomorrow night for one of the military camps to begin their war service. Lorenzo (I. Hamilton, high school pupil tmed 111 years, left last Friday lor a visit at Portland, and on Sun day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hamilton were surprised lo receive a telegram from him stating that he had stopped at Corvallls and enlisted there In (he army officers training school. He Is expected home within a few days for a visit prior to report ing for duty nt the training school. P. E. Baker, high school principal, and family, and .Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McHeynolds and four children, late of Oaksdale, Wash., arrived In the city today by motor car from near Eugene where the Baker family spent the summer. Mr. McReynolds Is the new commercial instructor of tho high school, and he and Principal Baker called on Superintendent Dav enport this afternoon to get acquaint ed and discuss school matters. Fort Hubbard left this morning for Portland to attend the tractor exhibition which will be held In that city the last three days of this week. The fair directors and the business men interested In the fair are re quested to meet at the California Oregon Power company, tonight at. 8 o'clock, to make final arrange ments for the school fair. Mrs. II. E. Vroman left today for her home at Los Angeles after two months visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Vroman. The city council will hojd Its regu lar meeting - tonight at which two police force appointments are expect ed to bo confirmed. Severuf Impor tant matters will also he up for con sideration. E. It. Vroman, who Is in the infan try servico at Camp Lewis, arrived home Monday on a ten days furlough to visit relatives and friends. He expects to he transferred to Camp Meade, Md., shortly after he returns to duty. The hanks did a rushing business this forenoon because of the two days closing on Sunday and .Monday. Among visitors registered at the hotels today were (1. A. Hopper ol San Diego, W. B. Beatty of Denver, Ida Burjaurt of Kansas City, Mo., J. L. Graber of Grand Forks, N. D., Chns. Tehely of Oakland, Ihirdotte Leas of The Dalles, A. Caro, Thomas Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. ,Ecker of Portland, F. L. Kinsman of Al plno, Ore., A. C. Peterson of Dallas, Ore., Q. W. Parker of Eugene, J. F. Adams of Prospect and ' Uriah Vaughan of Derby. Olon Arnsplger and Italph Cowglll arrived today from Portlund where thoy, with F. C. Dllllard, took the mentnl and -physical examinations for commissions in tlio engineering corps of tho urmy. While ull three passod the mental examination with flying colors, Arnsplger and Dllllard failed to puss Iho physical test. Arnsplgor, however, was passed conditionally in hopes that -by suc cessful treatment he will bo able to reduco a small goiter by next Octo ber when he will be given another physical examination. Illlliard is hopelessly out of it us far as obtain ing n commission Is concerned us he was found to be color blind. Cow glll who will be commissioned captain expects orders within the next week or so to proceed to Camp Taylor to take the 14 months special engineer ing Instruction course. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T .MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose -with Be and mall II to Foley & Co., SX.'l.i Sheffield avenue, Chicago, HI., writing your name and nddress clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and bnck; rheumatism, backache, kidney and Madder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Tor ronstrpatlon, lilllousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. For sale by the Medford Pharmacy. A'dv. CRATER IRAVEL Travel to Crater Lake this season up to Sept. 1 has exceeded In atten dance of visitors to tiie great .world wonder over that to the same date last year by 2139 persons, and so far 41.1 more autos havo entered the park than last year. Will G. Steel, commissioner 'of Crater National park, who Is spending today In the city, gave out the above Information. Travel to the lake thlB week Is un usually heavy and a number of motor touring parties and tourists arrived in tho city Monday and today en route lo the lake. Following are the figures relating to attendance last year and tho present season up to Sept. 1: Visitors In 1918, 10,101 as against 8022 for 1917. iNumber or autos for 1918, 2421, as against 1978 In 1917. HUNS RETIRE 50 MILES FRONT. (Continued r-rom rage One.) i four miles. This seems lo elnnlia- rsi.e the cleanness of the lirenk, uuil with the jurge capture of pri-oners, points to the demoralization of the German forces. Hun Line Out of Joint s.k H is too early to estimate whut cf feet the present drive may ultimate ly produce. The fall of Ilonai end Cnmlirni would put the entire fierma.'i line out of joint between !li norlli eii anil lilieims, however, ami would be likely lo force the evacuation of a great purl of northern France now occupied by (lie Germans. Operations by tin: French uml Americans in the south nuiy lie count ed on to work towai-il such n resul There is n hint in today's dispatches that some development of importance is impending on the .southern front, where t lie left flunk of the llindcn hurg line is under I'raneo-Ameriaen pressure. The Germans are in retirement northeast ol' Soissons. The entire Soissons plateau is now in the hands of Ihe Franco-American troops un der command of General Mungin. The advance north of Soissons which started six days ago has been one of the most stubborn linllles in which American forces have vet been en-gnired. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Trailer, slightly used, 1.000 lb. capacity, axles 1 "4 Tiinken bearings, Tlmken roller, 1 :)i solid rubber tires. . Oil tem pered seinl-elleptic springs, 1 k Inch lenf. Body 78x42, 9-Inch panel, ft-lneh flare hoard, drop end gate with chains. Bargain. Call lull South Ivy. Phone li:H ror price and particulars. Medford. 140 WANTF.D Waitress for dining room a nil young lady to attend cigar stand. Hotel Medford. WANTED Second-hand typewriter; must be reasonable, for cash. Box A. Mall Tribune. 141 if! ,Hhj mSfm RICKERT DR. V. IX HCl F.N 11 11 CAM.Y Tl-STF.lt, AM) til.ASSKS PROPERLY. FITTED Hulto 1-12 over May Co. .SO MtOlU I'tiKD TODAY-TOMORROW Vivian Martin in A PETTICOAT PILOT 'oim iiimI mt ih chiinuliiH m'l r") In l lit1 Ih.I slnrj she tins vwr (limp fur I lie m rrrii. HVXiX I.Alt AIMlSsl WEEKS & McGOWAN CO UXDKKTAKKll Day Phone: Pacific 1121. Nllit l'linne: V. W, Weeks, 10;.J'J. Lady Assistant, At Your Service in Time of Financial Wealth or ' Woe Chns. M, Kngll-b Henry Hart (corgc W. Dunn I. II. Cooley I . K. Ileuel Charles Strang W in. !. Talt rmsT NATIONAL BAKU I - r , y MF.DFORD. ORE. jFJ 11, mi 7 iiWU ll.i nl 'i ""'i , E A fore.-t fir., nei.r to and in the rear of l'i( ton Peak in Northern California not far from Hie state line Monday, together with Hie smoke haze that prevented a clear view euuKed tlie alarming- report to start in circulation Hint Preston I'eiil; was erupting and benching forth fire and ashes. Such n report reached Hie federal 1'oreslry office in Vreka, Monday af ternoon, which office; culled up the federal forestry office im Medford by phone and reipiesled that the forestry lookout on Windy i'eak in this dis trict he instructed to see if lie could get n view of I'reston l'eak and veri fy the rumor. The lookout nt Windy I'enk report ed hack thai because of the smoke lie was unable to see I'reston Peak. Tlie local forestry office coininuni ented with Hie Star ranger station in tile Applegale district iliis morning mid learned that the lookout there had received ill formation that I'reston l'eak was not erupting, hut Hint there was a forest fire back of it which gave it that appearance. 10,000 HUN PRISONERS. are well Inside the Drocourt-Queant line. The determined German resistance at the cross roads north of Vlllers-I.ez-C'agnlcourt was overcome by the British this morning and llaig's men are now shoving forward in the dir ection of ambral. As fur as learned, no organized counter attacks have been developed by the Germans hut on the extreme British left determined opposition is developing. British troops today advanced well to the east of Peronne and are mak ing steady progress. TUB IDKAIi WIKK The mornings the past week have been gradually growing cooler and if this keeps up a frost Is not far away. This morning's lowest temperature was 4 4 degrees. with Medford trarm Is Mndforrl mad One of the most successful men of thlB country recently wrote: "What ever 1 am, and whatever success I have attained, I owe it all to my wife. She has ever been an Inspira tion and the greatest helpmate of my life." To he such a successful wife should he the ambition of every woman, but how Impossible when dragged down by headache, dragglng down pains, nervousness and "the blues." Kvery woman In this condi tion should start at once to build up her system by a tonic oC specific powers, such as Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, which for three generations has been restoring Amer ican women to health and consequent happiness. Adv. (Continued Prom fags One.) ther southwest captured Villers-I.ez-Cagnicourt. These captures were effected after most bitter fighting. Cambrai the (.oal A strong British force Is driving forward on the northern reaches of the lllndenburg line. The British $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this puper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Us sTfiges and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treannent. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is token intern.iliy and acts thru tlie Blood on tlie Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the di-smse, Klvinn the patient -strenijlh by buildlnu up the con stitution and assisting nature In duins Its work. The prnprielors h-ive fo much faith in the curat l e power of Hall's Cntnrrh Medicine tlmt they ofTer One Hundred Dollars for nny cae that It fails to cure. Send for list nf testimonials. Address V. J. CHKN'KV A 0., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Dizziness Causes Fall Head Injured "A year ago my stomach bloated so badly with gas that I fell uncon scious and cut my head badly on cor ner of door. I had suffered from stomach trouble for several years and no medicine helped me to speak of A druggist patched up my head and advised mo to use Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for my stomach trouble. 1 have never had any sign of my for mer symptoms since." It is' a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intes tinal tract and allays the Inflamma tion which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ail ments. Including appendicitis. One dose will -convince or money refund ed. For sale by druggists every where. Adv. Largest collection of Second-Hand Organs over in Medfoi'il, ranging in price from $5.00 to $50.00. Some fhoico chapel organs tor schools and churches. Palmer's Piano Place 28 South Central. You Lose the Doctors Service if his prescription is not filled as he ordered it. We follow the physician's orders. "We use the greatest of care and skill in our prescription department. It will he a pleasure to fill your next prescription. PIIOXE 884. Heath's Drug Store THE SAX TOX STORE COMMENCING Saturday R.SALTO COM. SAT. V7 At TWICE DAILY 2 P. M. - 8 P. M. an ACCOMPANIED BY A GRAND Symphony Orchestra "A Romance of fhe Great War" and "The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told" D. W. GRIFFITH'S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IHE.AR.TS OF THE WORLD MEDFORD IS THE THIRD CITY TO GET THIS ATTRAC TION DIRECTLY OUT OF PORTLAND WHERE IT IS NOW PLAYING ITS FOURTH BIG WEEK. PRICES MATINEES 50c -75c Loges $1' EVENINGS 75c-$l Loges $1.50 NOTE Children under six not ad mittedAll others full price. Vatrons are requested to he in their seats at 2 and 8 prompt. Seats Now;Selling at the RIALTO