Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 03, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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, i I i -" i " ;
W. H. Scott, federal manager of
the Southern Puciiie-l'ncific sjs
tcui Hues south of Ashluud, Western
Pacific railroad, Tidewater South
ern ruilroud, und Deep Creek railroad.
today made, announcement uf the fol
lowing npoointments to he effective
011 September 1st:
J. II. Dyer, general manager; G. W.
Luce, freight traffic mnniiger ; Chns.
S. Fee, pasenei' traffic manager; F.
V. Taylor, purchasing acent, of the
Southern I'noilic-I'iicil'ie svstein lines
south of Ashland, Western Pacific
railroad, Tidewater Southern railroad
and the Deep Creek railroad.
,W. II. Kirhridc, chief engineer; T.
Of. Edwards, general auditor; W. F.
Ingram; acting federal treasurer; of
the Southern I'aeific-l'acilic system
lines south of Ashland.
T. J- Wyche, chief engineer; J. F.
Evans, general auditor; Charles El
sey, acting federal treasurer of the
Western Pacific railroad, Tidewater
Southern railroad and the Deep Creel;
Officers reporting to the above are
to continue in their present duties un
less otherwise advised.
Other appointments arc:
By General Manager J. II. Dyer:
F. L. Burckhaitcr, assistant general
manager of the Northern district; and
T. 11. Williams, assistant general
manager of the Southern district:
Southern Pacific-Pacific system lines
south of Ashalnd.
LOXDONY Sept: 3. Oxford Uni
versity has conferred the degree of
Doctor of Music on Ernest Macmil
lun ,u noted Edinburgh musician, now
a prisoner in Germany.
1'oitlniul Livestock
PORTLAND, Sept. 3 Cattle slow;
receipts 70S. Steers, prime $12.50
13.50; good to choice $111012;
medium to good $9.75 1 1 ; fair to
medium fS.759.75; common to
fair $5.758.25; cows, heifers,
choice, $8.35 9.50; medium to good
$6.25 7.75; fair to medium $5.25
16. 25'; canners $3(8 5; bulls $rfa7;
calves $812; stockers and feeders
$C8. .
; Hogs lower; receipts 483. Prime
mixed $19.7."i 51 20; medium mixed
$19.25(8 19.50; rough heavies $13.25
i?C 18.50; pigs $16.75(8 17.75; bulk
of sales $19.75.
Sheep higher; receipts 1542. Prime
lambs $14 13.25; fair to medium
$1113; yearlings $10.50 g: 12 :
wethers '$!)(& 10.50; ewes $79.
and her mother, Mrs. Dawning have
returned from Union Creek where
they have been spending the sum
mer. T. J. Ohara has returned from a
business trip- to Pendleton.
Mr. Boles, our S. P. agent here
has keen enjoying a visit with his
mother of Philomath. Mrs. Boles
left for. her home Friday.
Rus Moore of Lake creek was call
ing on relatives and friends during
the week. - '
Miss Eads who spent the summer
with her aunt, Mrs. George E. Fox,
in this city, returned to her home
near Portland Friday morning.
Mrs. Hawk was a business visitor
to Grants Pass during the week.
Edward G. Martin, who spent the
last year with his mother, Mrs. R. H.
Ellsworth here, loft for Seattle the
last of the week to make his home.
- Johnnie Green, who has been with
his uncle, Georgo Wilcox at Corvallis
for the past year, is again at the
Grim home here.
Mrs. Sanford Richardson and chil
dren of Millionaire Row spent Thurs
day with Mrs. Nettle Green.
. Little Ruth Hawk who has been
visiting Mrs. Katie Eldred of Grants
Pass, has returned to her home in
this city.
Miss Georgia Henry of Beagle, vis
ited friends here Friday.
Willie Price of the U. S. navy, who
was here ou a short furlough with
his mother returned to Bremerton
Friday evening. ;
Alvln Williams and wife and little
daughter of Ashland, were week end
visitors with relatives.
Miss Zelma Kenney of Sams Valley
came Saturday to her grandmother's
place, Mrs. George Little. She will
attend school here this year.
Miss Eduma Carrol and Miss Mary
Elliott left for Medford Saturday
evening where they have employment
during the fruit season.
Mrs. W. E. Price is at Medford
nursing Mrs. George Merrlman.
William Musty and family - who
have 1ieen residing here for several
months left for Pendleton Saturday
where they expect to locate.
L. L. Palmer of Seattle, spent Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pax-
son en route to San Francisco. Mr,
Palmer formerly resided In this vic
Prof. Greenleaf of Santa Monica
Calif., spent the week end in this
vicinity looking after his property in
Mrs. Monroe Brown and children
of Divide, Oregon, who have been
visiting relatives and friends In the
Antloch district returned to her borne
Saturday evening.
been workiug at Glendulc for some
time, has returned to Gold Hill, as he
has been called in the draft.
.Mrs. W. . Bluckert left Hie first
of the week for an extended visit to
Portland friends.'
Porter J. Nelf, family, and a par
ty of friends were motoring to Gold
Hill and surrounding; territory Sun
day. Perry Kindts, who has been at Fort
Klamath for some time, has returned
to Gold Hill.
A. ,1. Olsen of Kaues creek was in
town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Reed spent a
few days in Northern nClifornia recently.
Butter and Eggs
PORTLAND, Sept. 3 Butter firm
City creamery prints 53c; cartons
64c. . Buying price butter fat Port
land 58c; cube extras 51c; seconds
48c; dairy 3 tic.
EGGS Buying price, rotten and
cracked out, oOc; selling price., can
died. ole; selected candled in cartons
POULTRY Hens, 232fie; broil
ers aCtfii.lUc ; old roosters, l(!e ; turk
cys, 28:)0c; geese, 22c; ducks,
young, 30(ffi:i3e; old, 35c.
Portland Grain.
WHEAT New crop, $2.20: barley,
feed, $fif); brewing, 02; oats, ifl
bid; corn. No. .'1, vellow, $7".
MJLLSTUFFS Bran, $31; shorts,
33.; middlings, $33.
liny Buying price, timolhy, $30
34; nlfalfn, $27.50; grain, $20.
Coiuthcd Fifteen Years
Coughs that hang on and grow
worse In the night and weaken the
sufferer are relieved by Foley's
Honey and Tar oftener than by any
other remedy. R. F. Hall, Mabe, Va..
writes: "For 13 years I was afflicted
with a troublesome bronchial cough
and Irritation of the throat. Foley's
Honey and Tar relieved me; after
taking one bottle the cough ceased
and has not returned." No medicine
stands higher as a family remedy for
colds for children and grown-ups.
For sale by the Medford Pharmacy.
Llla Moore has .been spending this
week with Mrs. Cora Kenney at Sam?
Mrs. Thornbroe spent Wednesday
with friends at Phoenix.
Jim Grieve and wife of Prospect,
spent a few hours here with Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Tex Wednesday.
Mrs. Torney Is back after a very
pleasant visit at Portland with
friends. She bIfo attended the W. R.
C. and O. A. R. convention and en
campment there.
Mrs. 1. E. Boswcll and children
Mr. and Mrs. ,J. H. Xewton of Salt
Lake-City, Utah., are guests of Mr.
and Mi's. A. E. Kimbal on Sardine
creek. They have been ntteding the
G. A. R. convention at Portland and
arc returning the southern route,
stopping also at Los Angeles.
Tom Miller of Myrtle Point is vis
iting relatives i nthis city and vicinity.
Mrs. George Stone went to Ashland
Sunday to visit friends.
A. K. Howard is the new S. P. agent
at Gold Hill.
A large delegation of men went
from Gold Hill hist Saturday evening
to fight fire in Sams valley, other
than slight damage to the fences on
the Duel-Strung ranche no damage
was done.
Mrs. Grace Ilinmic! of Myrtle
Creek, Ore., was visiting friends on
Sardine creek Sunday and Monduy
of Ibis week.
Mrs. Milton Slciinnetz, who has
been visiting friends in the east-returned
Saturday morning with Mr.
and Mrs. John Cook of Sams valley.
Coe Thompson left for Portland
and Taeoina Sunday morning.
Charley Heed, son of Postmaster
II. 1). Reed, returned Saturday from
MuTshfu'Id, where he has been em-
ployed in the ship yards.
Henry Knv was an Ashland vis
itor Sunday. He states that his
brother Irvin, who is now at home is
recovering rapidly from Iris recent
Mrs. Flora A. Kclsey and daugh
ters Dalorcs and Yolando, lelt Sun
day morning for Portland.
.Mr. Davis of the Sylvania mine re
turned from Sacrnmentd Sunday
morning. Mr. Davis is now in
stalling a 10. stamp mill on the mine
and will soon bo grinding ore.
Joe Hatnmcrslcv- is leaving for
Bremerton to join the nnvv.
Jack Stills and family are visiting
mends at 1 oneolla and Portland,
Marv E. Hitter of (lardenrow, who
ha been ill for maiiV months was able
I" be in Gold Hill Sunday.
Hoy K. llackctt of Grant's Pa
and J. II. Fuller of Talent, met al
Gold Hill Kundav evening. Mr. lliick
ett returned to Grants Pass Monday.
Lloyd Miller of Ashland was on
Hogue river I'ishinf Sunday, and also
calling on Gold Hill friends.
Arthur Laner, third trick operator
at the depot, left Tuesday for Oregon
Miss Maud Sutton left Suuiday ev
ening for Caldwell, Idaho, in remain
for some time.
Clarence Van Iluutcu, who lias
The.urniy canteen service located
at the depot, and conducted by a
baud of devoted itnd'self sacrificing
ladies under tied Cross auspices, is in
need of more fruits to meet the eager
demands of the soldier lads who arc
passing through here almost daily.
Especially are jieiiches, grapes, plums
and eating apples desired, for which
the canteen will pay the prevailing
market price, although lit the same
time donations in this line art' grate
fully accepted, inasmuch as they are
disposed of without profit. This ap
peal should he heeded outside as well
as inside of Ashland boundaries, the
canteen here being conducted as a
countv Red Cross activity and not
pecil'ically by the local auxiliary.
The welcome services are simply ren
dered here on account of the terminal
stop for one reason, and the further
one that meuls are arranged for the
drafted men at this station. This can-
teen is thronged daily during troop
train hours, the ladies doing their ut
most in supplying the hoys with ne
cessities at a merely nominal charge,
while many of the minor luxuries arc
supplied gratuitously. Thus it is that
personal comforts are supplied in ad
dition to practical needs. The local
service has recently received a letter
from n director of these activities in
one of the leading cities, compliment
ing the ladies in being connected with
the most efficiently conducted and
best appointed canteen feature of nay
similar organization of the kind be
tween Portland and San Francisco.
The service here is a veritable clear
ing house in affording supplies and
information to the soldiers, whose
grateful acknowledgement is the re
sponsive impulse prompted by kind
nesses conlerred. Ashland lolks
diould visit the depot section often
luring train hours and note the scope
of wort: which is being done in this
respect, and it is safe to wager they
will be prompted to lend a helping
hand. Returning to the request for
supplies us above outlined, parties
ohoning to Mrs. W. L. Maxey or Mrs.
Walter Everton, will cheerfully be
supplied W'ilh specific information de
sired. Let all do their bit in this
prnisworthy service.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson have
returned from n trip to Portland.
Representatives of the Simon and
Puishall families of Montague were.
among numerous friends who attend
ed the funeral of the late T. J. Nolton,
held in this city last Saturday. -
Rumors arc current that II. G.
Enders will take over a lease of the
former Payne block, located between
his big department, store and the
Citizens hank, have notable improve
ments to the frontage installed, olid
add several other distinctive features
to his colossal merchandising estab
lishment located in the heart of the
Kndersville addition. The Payne
block is now owned by the Pendleton
estate of Santa Alio, Cal. It formerly
housed n bakery and realty office,
the hitler of which still docs business
at the old stand. There arc also va
rious suits of offices on the second
floor. In order to further consolidate
the department store bran'hes, it is
also reported that the jewelry store
will-he moved to the new leased sur
Substantial repairs are being madi
to the postoffiee equipment, all add
iug to the mutiitual convenience ol
employes and patrons.
Fire calls vie with draft requisi
tions, and of late bulletins are pla
carded a'pe.ililig for men to light the
flames in several neighboring forest
locations, notably 011 the Siskiyou.
; 1 The Bugley cannery at Talent, has
begun operations to such an extent
that outside help is needed, and to
workers who call be secured from this
vicinity free transportation is offer
ed ns an inducement.
Butter at titl cents per pound ill the
local market is driving many to the
use of eggs at 50 cents per dozen,
10 cents thus being saved, to invest
in thrift stamps, the batter coming al
ready stamped.
11. L- Gilkey, at one lime mayor of
Medford, later mayor of Grants Pass
and cashier of the First National
bank in that city, is to supplement the
service of three sous iu (he army by
a voluntary enlistment as an active
worker under Y. M. C. A. auspices in
France, where two of his boys are
already with the American expedi
tionary forces. The third son is in
camp at Fort McDowell, Cal. This
patriotic circumstance is a reminder
that( in coining to Southern Oregon
years ago from Montesano, Wash,.
L. 11. Simpson .of this city was ac
companied by Mr. Gilkey, Mr. Simp
son lias two soldier hoys in franco.
Robert Xewnian, manager of the
Mini Vista orchards in the Medford
district, has resigned and accompa
nied by his wife, who was formerly
Miss Bculah Caldwell of this city, will
go to Portland this week on a pros
pecting tour as to future liues of em
A. F. Abbott, roundhouse mnehinist
in Southern Pacitic local yard
leaves this week, accompanied by his
wife and daughter, Etha, for a visit
in Portland with bis son Leith, arid
numerous other relatives, includin,
his brother-in-law, Gust Edlund, lo
comotive engineer on the northern df
vision, who has promised to take the
Ashland family 011 a joyridc over the
long extent of the Columbia highway
G. M, Grainger is superintending
the construction of extensive repair
work on the bridge which spans Ash
land creek in Hie rear of the Peil
wareohuscs on Park avenue. This
bridge is used bv all the business
firms on the west, side of the Plaza
from Park avenue to Xorth Main
street. .
Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Yining of Port
land, , Mr. and Jits. Clay Myer of
Seattle, and Frank Yinning of South
ern California, am visitors with oth
ers in the fumily of G. M. Grainger.
This incursion of old time residents
into familiar Ashland territory is is-
siiming llie proportions ot a mobili
zation camp of jolly kiufolk.
Zenas Moody has bossed the mov-
ol" 11 lot of machinery from the
sawmill at the Ashland 'mine, which
was purchased by J. II, Chambers, ol'
Cottage drove, and will be used by
him iu milling operations in the vi-
eimtv of Latham, Ore.
may load to chronic lunir trouble, or
mean tint the chrnu ittaeo iU"edy
Is recited, la ottiiei qas try
Thlt tonlo and tlcBU-rpiitr-r sup
plies tho fieknowledjroit b'-'m-tttri of cal
cium truauiiuut wltaout auturbtar ilio
stamich. Ctiiitali.H 110 AlioUul, Nar
cotic or Habu-Votuduir Drug,
$2 iie, bow $1.50. $1 tin, now 80c
rl.'- Includes war lex. All dnnr-rlBti,
m hvktuuu laboratory, Plillitdclimli
Notice Is hereby given thnt on
Tuesday, October 1st. 118, at 2
o'clock p. m., tlio Hoard of Directors
ot the Medford Irrigation District,
acting as a Hoard of Equalization,
will meet at the office of the becre-
tarv of the District, in the M. F. & II
Building, in Medford, for the purpose
of reviewing and correcting the Dis
trict Assessment and Apportionment
of Taxes for tho tax year 1918. Such
assessment list, as approved . and
adoptod by the Board of Directors, is
now filed In the office of 1he Scrro
tary where it is open for tho Inspec
tion of all persons interested.
Secretary of the Hoard of Directors
Medford Irrigation District.
Dated, Medford, Ore., August 29th,
WANTED To buy vetch feed; also
feed barley. II. W. Bingham,
phone 597-J3.
WANTED To buy corn
Phone 607-lt.
for silo.
WANTED- Sell your cream to the
Johnson Prod. Co., Central Point,
Ore., where the testa and cash
repair or wreck.
to uiot, build.
Phone 488-M or
WANTED R. H. Toft buys Liberty
bonds, also mortgages, notes, judg
ments, escrow contracts, etc., and
makes short time loans on any old
FOR SALE Must sacrifice, 1117
West Ninth street, Medford, one
story bungalow, lot 50x100, re
cently taken in exchange by us for
New York property want offer.
Calm & Pittman, owners, 406 East
14th street, Now York City. 144
FOR SALE Houso and barn and
lots on corner Thirteenth and
Front streets. Would make Rood
warehouse location. - Will sacri
fice, tiold Range Orchard, phone
403-11. 140
The "Come-back" man was really
never down-and-out. His weakened
condition because of overwork, lack
of exercise, improper eating and liv
ing demands Btimulutlon to satisfy
thn cry for a health-giving appetite
and the refreshing sleep essential to
strength. GOLD MEDAL Harlem
Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of
Holland, will do the work. They are
wonderful. Three of these capsules
each day will put a man on bis reel
before bo knows it; whether his trou
ble comes from uric acid poleonlng.
the kidneys, gravel or stono In the
bladder, stomach derangement or
other ailments that befall the ovor
seulons American. Don't wait until
you are entirely down-and-out, but
tuke them today. Your druggist will
gladly refund your money If they do
not help you. Accept no substitutes.
Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on
evry box, three sizes. They are the
pure, original, Imported lluarlem OH
Capsules. Adv.
of gasoline is in its boil
ing points.In"RedCrown"
they form a continuous,
uniform chain, giving
easy starting, quick accel
eration, power and mile
age. Look for the Red
Crown sign before you fill.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oresou for the County of Jackson.
A. L. Cross, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Kre-
d en burg, formerly Km ma Coffman,
Andrew Coffman, Wilbur Coffman,
Delia Coffman. Robert Coffman,
unknown heirs of Albert Coffman.
deceased, also all other persona or
parties unknown clulminp any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described In the
Complaint herein, and Herbert
Coffman, Defendants.
To the above named defendants.
Andrew Coffman, unknown heirs of
Albert Coffman, deceased, also all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the real estate describ
ed in tho complaint here:
OF OUIOCON, You are hereby sum
moned and required to appear in the
above entitled Court and cuuso and
answer the Complaint of the plaintiff
on file therein against you within six
weeks from and after tho dnle of the
first publication, of this Sum inn ns
which (Into is August 27th, 1U1S.
said period of six weeks being the
timeVixed by the order of Hon. K. M
Calkins, Judge of the nbove nnmed
Court, within which you should so
appear and answer or bo adjudged to
be in default, which order bears date
August 2 mi, mis.
You will further take notice that
if you full to appear and annwor said
Complaint ns u foresaid, plaintiff will
apply to tho Court for Ihe relief de
manded in the Complaint, a smrinct
statement of which is for a decree of
tho Court determining tho conflicting
claims, Interest and estates of defen
dants and each of them, iu and to the
Southwest quarter of tho Southwost
quarter of Section 2S, and Northwest
quarter of Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 3.'t, Township 34, South Range
2, Kast of Wiilametto Meridian in
Jackson County, Oregon, nnd decree
ing that plaintiff is tho owner of said
premises in fee simple, freo and clenr
of all claims of defendants, or any of
them, therein or thereto, and that
none of said defendanta have any
right, title, interest or estate therein
or thereto, together with such other
and further relief as tho Court may
deem just and equitable.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Re Gasoline
SUTinl ,Arnl Kliiiidlll'd Oil
Pasteurized Milk
Always pure und baa better keep
ing qualities. This modern meth
od hus been u.'cd by us for some
Milk depot C01 North Grape
street. KverylnlDg sanitary. In
spection requested at auy time.
roll SALE Very cheap, one teiiin
horses. iuOO lbs. each, fine condt
tton. Will sell tonm for $35. l'lione
881. ' 131)
FOR SALE Three burros, with sad
dles, :j0.0u. It taken quickly.
1103 Mantle. 101
FOIt SALE 34 bond of shoats,
weighing from 30 to 50 pounds.
Address Wig Jacks, Eagle Point
Ore., phone 17-K11. 140
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Berk
shire boar, four years old, $40.
Frank li. Kay. Tolo, Oregon. 138
FOIl SALE Pickling
Phone 713-X.
FOR SALE Good clean wheat hay
in mow. V. H. Nutter, Midway
llond, 2Vi milos north. 13!)
FOR KENT One completely fur
nished apartment. Hotel Holland.
TAKE THEM Apple atir.::p:t Rhea
away If tukeu at om'e. - I'huno
MOjrar to w)i:-J.
MONEY TO LOAM on frooo real
estate security, and will buy Lib
erty Honds. 3. B. Andrews, No.
31 North Orape. Phoue 047.J. tt
LOST A pup, Mack v.illi malie
spots, with thin, Irm;, f::;c c:it
Reward. Phone 4 53-11. 1 i
MiuiiiK Experts.
CAMPBELL & I.IL.TF.nh'AM mines
promittr.g nRfoniation; mining
properties listed for pale, iviniplcd
and reportH rendered. Office ami
assay Inborntory nt 107 Nrcrth Fir
St., opposite Hotel Holland. Sam
plea by mail given prompt alien
tlon. At.'rfirjr
WM. "m" COlTviGUornOT-aUlBsr.
Mudford National Bank lllrtif.
POHTHR J. NEFF, Attorny-t-M
rooms 0 and 9, MedXoi d National
Bank UnJldlnc.
A. H. Reames, Lawyer.
Corey Unildlnic.
Auto vppllaa.
are operating tho lrj-auM, elci;",:
and beflt-qulpped plant in 'o Ta
dflo northwest. Vm our aprln
when others fall. Bold anow
ten guarantee. S4 North Firtot,u!,
Bt Portland, Oregon.
POIl SALE This week only, bicycle
30x3 Pennsylvania, vacuum cup
lire; also some furniture. JW.
Shirley, 28 Almond street.
GARBAGE Out your nrorpi'd
cleaned np for the sunrWr. tliit
on tha city garbage w.?'.nt f, i
god aerTlce. Phone 351-Y,
T. Allen.
Expert Accountant.
FOR SALE A No. 1 uiuln buy,
, baled. N. J. Merrell, Ueaglo, Ore.
FOR SALE Fine Muic peaches for
canning. Phone 220-R. . 140
FOR SALE Dodge touring car by
owner, recently overhauled nud In
good condition. Good tires,' box
943, -Medford postoffiee. .M43
.'Oil SALE A prlvnlo automobile nt
a bnrguln If taken within the next
five days. Court Hull. 140
FOIt SALE Flrat-clnss corn crop for
silo. Tol. C7-J.1. 112
FOR SALE Couch, tnble, chairB,
bookcase, carpet, Chevrolet car.
J. W. Shirley. 28 Almond street.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
for one or two people. Addresa C,
Mall Tribune. 140
WANTED Man with
hay. Tel. 40S-IU.
baler to bule
WANTED Man with suw outfit to
cut wood. Phono 4(iS-ltl.
WANTED Eight men. and one
flunkey for Crater Jjike work,
13.00 per dav and board. Fare
freo. Court Hall. 141
WANTED At once, a messenger hoy
for the Western Union. Apply at
Medford Ice and
WANTED Good cook; also socond
maid. References required. Mrs.
Frank Owen, phono 74 1. 1 40
WANTED Government civil service
examinations, Oregon, In Seplem-
Der. Government Clerk, Railway
Mull, Teacher, Immigrant Inspec
tor, Typewriter, Research Clerk
Salary Il200-I2unn. Experience
unnecessary. Men. Women desir
ing government positions write roe
freo particulars, .1. C, Leonard i for
mer Civil Serviro Examiner), 10SK
Konols Building, Washington, I).
C. Ill
WANTED Lady cook for short or.
dor restaurant. Phone nt my ex-
P"nHo. E. L. Clark, llornbrook,
Calif. 141
WANTED Woman to cook on ranch.
Phono 5 !"-.! 3.
WANTED Office girl with exper
ience, cnpalo of bookkeeping and
stenographic work. Bon A. II.,
Mall Tribune
WANTED A kodak, postrard siic.
Paul's Electric Store. 140'
WANTED Hogs. Fat hogs and
feeders, at oncn. V. Ilursell, phone
inuioru 411 -1(3. 140
FOIt SALE Third crop alfalfa hay
in field. Call 411-J3. 140
FOIt SALE Fancy Elberta peaches
at orcnard or delivered. R. II.
Ouches, phone 857-J, Griffin
Creek. 140
FOR SALE Ford touring car, eloc
Irlo sturtor ond Wlllard battory.
Bargain. Powor Auto Co.
FOIl SALE Body for Ford lV4-ton
truck, cheap. Kuss Mill.
FOR SALE Ford truck. Smith at
tachment. L. B. Drown.
for nnNi houses.
FOR RENT On October 1st, eight
room house wllh two sleeping
porches nnd garage. Cuu be seen
nt 5111 West Jnckson street. Fur
nished or not as desired. Infor
mation liy addressing owner, Mrs.
G. B. Vormeer, 523 Fifteenth ave
nue North, Seattle, Wash. 14(1
FOIt RENT Modern, well furnished
bungalow. Five rooms nnd bath
Garage. James Campbell, phone
311-K. 13H
FOIl SALE OR RENT Modorn six-
room furnished bungalow In Ash
land. Phone .'I20-.I, Ashland, be
twenn 9 and 1 1 n. m. '
FOR Rl'JNT Two brick rooming
houses oh West Main street or will
change for office rooms two seven-
room dwelling bouses on paved
street. John F. While, phone
4 49-.Y1.
FOR RENT Flvo-room house, hnrd-
wood floors, full cement basement
gnrage. Phone 370-W.,
FOR RENT From Nov. 1st, tho
brick warehouse occupied by the
Modford Fruit Co. Apply Archie
S. ASn. 139
TAKEN IN Two milk cows and one
hull calf. Owner can claim by d
scribing slock and paying charges.
Phone r.7-.f2.
son, C. T. A. Ask about our ne
and simplified method of account.,
fug. Particularly valuable to an?
business as a tlme-savar giving
fall business detail. M. F. & II.
Bids., Modford. Phone 157-R.
Instruction ia Manic.
fRED ALTON HAlG'rlT Teacher 1
piano and harmony. HslUi. !u"
Studio, 401 Qarnolt-Corer '"in-i
Phone 72.
AIJCIO HOLLO WAY. Flro, Accident,
Automobile, Liability pnllvler, writ,
ten with best English and Ktotcrc
Companies. Offloo 408 U&rnett
Corey llldg. c
EARL S. TU.MY General Insurance
office, Flro, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plato Glass, Hay or
Grain In field or barn: abo Live
stock. Contract nnd Surety Bonds.
Excolleut companies, good local
sorvice. No. 210 Garnett-Coiey
Bldg., L. L. Cathcarl, Manager.
Planing Mill.
THOMAS MOFFAT General mill
work. Bash, doors, moublliij;:' uud
screens. Shop 437 U. Fir. Phone
Physicians and 6a "vkiils.
DR. W. Vv. HOWARD Oitcupaion
physician. 303 (.' roeU-Coro? bulla
lug. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS I'hysiuiau n
surgeon. Practice limited Ij .
ear, nose and throat. Eyen scien
tifically tested and glio,sB sua
plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P.
R, R. Co. Offices M. F. ft U
llldg. Phone 567.
410-417 Gnrnctl-Corey llldg.
Phono 9U4-L.
Residence 20 S. Laurel Street.
Veterinary Surgeon.
lillld. Oregon, Veterinary Surgeon.
Cattle specialist. Hospital phono
59; residence phono 20H-H. 140
Printers and ruiiilsiirs.
m15DF07iDpTuNtTnU "i;anaTtha
best equipped prhulir-; oCi'lie li.
Southern Oregou. luio'4 binding,
loose leaf ledgem. billing
te. Portland pricwi, it Noilh
Fir 8U
Office 42 North Front St. Phoiu
815. Prices rlaht, Murvic guaranteed
Leave Medford for Asmand. Tnlent
and Phoenix dull, except Sunday at
8:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m.; 1:00,
4.00 and 6:15 p. m, Also on Satur
day at 10:16 p. m., Sundays leave at
10:30 a. m. and 1:30, 6:30 and 9:30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m
and 11:00 a. m.; 1:00, 4:00 and
6:16 p. m. Also on Saturday nights
at 6:30. Sunday leave Ashland at
9:00 a. m., and 11:30, 4:30 and
6:10 p. m.
Will trade a good, well equipped
280-airo stock ranch, 120 a rca In
grain and alfalfa, good bulbllug:', and
good outside range, for a good Med
ford home. Some cash ami the bal
nnco on long time nnd eic.y terms.
Will trade a well improved small
ranch for a good flvo-room moiiern
homo In Medford, and a small eu.'li
A small ranch, well Improved, the
crop 1b estimated to bo worth $'j"0.
This place goes for Jl'.'iOO.
-stiUaVM.:' . ,
Brown & White
10 South I lr SixettC