MEDFORD MATG TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ORFiOX. FRIDAY, JULY 10. 1918 PA'OE TWO I OCAL AND I-' PERSONAL Amlre-v .T. Kinerson who while on a fishliiK trip in the ApiilcKiitc section with his wlfo Thursday wont to crunk Ills cur unit it run ovur lilliiJ died nt 11m sanitarium In Medford tt 1:30 n. m. toilny from the Injuries received In the accident. Ho suf fered a numlier of broken ribs, a fractured splno, a fracture of the left shoulder and Internal Injuries. Mr. Kinerson was "7 years old and a re tired farmer. The Kinerson homo Is at 114 Tripp street. Funeral ar raiiitements will not lie. completed until arrival of Ills son and djiimliter In Iho clly from l.os Angeles, Insure your grain and hay. Gen eral Insurance. D. H. Wood & Co., No. 7 West Eleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. llrown, Jens Jenson nnd O. G. Colter, father of Mrs. llrown, returned homo Inst nlKlit from a visit nt Crater Uiko. Tho party left Medford Inst Monday iiml motored to Aiter, Klamath Hot SprlnRs, Fort Klamath and Crater Lake, and returned by tho Medford route. Special summer prlcoa on all mil linery. Miss Louusbury, milliner, 126 Knst Muln. 1 1 Dr. It. W. Stearns, tho Modfor" physician who enlisted some time ago la the medical reserve corps of .the army, was Riven a lieutenant's com mission and Is on duty at Camp Lewis. Furniture packing and crating. Douglas, 201 South Riverside. Phone 162-J. Ill Itev. John V. Iloyt of Ashland, is In attendance upon a conference of Sunday school missionaries of the northwestern states, in 1he First Presbyterian church of Portland. Full line of camp goods. C, E. Gates Auto Co. . Mrs. William Hrnndl and daughter left Thursday for their homo at Nor folk, Neb., after a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends. 1 Reliable repairing at Pacific High, way Garage. 10S Mr. and Sirs. E. G. Guthrie ar rived homo Thursday from their two weeks motor trip over tho McKeniie Tass and along the McKeniie river. For the best Insurance see Holmes, the Insurance Man. ' Vnlon Feed Stables. Good service. Prices reasonable. V. L. Snyder, prop. 100" Tired of waiting for Clarence 1.0 v ern, foreman of the elates auto gar age "to appear in court In answer to a complaint charging him with auto speeding on the Pacific highway last week. Justlco Taylor issued a war rant for Lovem'a arrest last Tuesday and Constable Chapman brought him into court, where he was fined and assessed the cots. amounting in all to 1 16. SO. llecause of his delay in coming into court on tho charge pre ferred by Motorcycle Cop Mclnald, Lorern had to pay 3 .30 extra in costs. Storage batteries for all cars. C. E. Gates Auto Co. O. C. Bortimeyer. the Portland civil service commission secretary who during his two days slay here succeeded in obtaining ten men for the Portland police department and one man for its fire department, left Thursday for Cranta Pass to enlist men for the departments there. Mr. Bortimeyer announced that a num ber of other Jackson county men will Join the departments of tho Male metropolis in the near future. See our line of hats. Miss Lounsbury, milliner. 110' Captain K. L. Husell, national army officer, of Camp Lewis. Major John H. Hi'.u'ard ot the Multnomah county state militia and John Kol-1 lock, secretary of the state council of defense, who will address the drat men of the county at the library tf night, arrived in the clly ly auto this afternoon from Grants Pass, where they addressed the drafted men of .loM-r-hine county Thursday night. Now ts the time to Insure grain. R. A. Holmes protects you against loss by fire, while standing and while being harvested, threshed and In granary. Mr. and Mrs 11. Chandler Kgan re ' turned Thursday from their nio'.or trip to California points ' All kinds et wood, mill blocks and planer shavings at Valley Fuel Co. All fuel strictly ca?h from now os. 105 Norman Cage of Weed. forrne: resident of Ve.UoM. .o i. cne ot this county' draftei conlirt-r.t loaves for service MoniU. arrne.1 :a the city last aigl.t. and is the t test pf his cousin. M rs Mae 1. Mitchell sharpens laws mowers S South Klversid. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VASn:i-Y,,r,i t.rl lo i. 1 FOK SAI.K- To tbnv-xsr .4 J. j (Kr ros: pn.vf ;,i;ht i"rl Kr-a- j lund. Mnllor.i K.jt i, : s Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Nichols ot Port- Included among visitors registered land are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j at the hotels today aro Karl S. Heln Arthur llrown. Mrs. Nichols and i.hardt of Koston, Muss., Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. llrown arc sisters. , M. J. Fitzglbbon of 19 Angeles. Mrs. A few minutes work and some top - Mner of Kluniath Falls. dresslnc will restore that old faded top. C. E. Gates Auto Co. The pear growers of the valley nre comment lug on Iho big rush of the fruit concerns to purchase the pres ont crop of all Kinds of pears. The commission men tiro paying $l.7!i a box fur llurtleits, f. o. b. Medford. Orders Indicate Dint there is a short-1 ago -in the pear market w hich pro- auges higher prices later on. Patriotic 'ball. Nut, Friday, July 19. Launspuch's Jazz Orchestra, lie there. " Tho Presbyterian Synod of Oregon meets nt Eugene, nt tho University of Oregon, July 23 to I'S. Ministers and elders from southwestern Oregon will bo In attendance. The retiring moderator, ltov. William Halrd, will open tho synod with ft sermon next Tuesday at 1:30. The Presbytery or Southern Oregon will meet on the days of synod. Mrs. llaney for hemstitching and pecotlng. Garnott-Corey Dldg. H. II. Thompson, the I.nko Creek merchant. Is In tho city on business and Is a guest at the Hotel Holland. Tho Elks club enfo which has been closed this week In order to give the stowurd, John I. Kudo, and Mrs, Kudo, who Is his assistant, a vaca tion, will reopen Monday noon. Federal Cord Tires are here. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Miss Mildred Douglus of Salem left for home today after a visit with Miss Leora Godward of Jacksonville. Pacific Highway Garage still on deck. 108' Miss Novle Lounsbury, the milliner loft Thursday for an Francisco where she will spend several weeks studying np the fall and winter mil linery styles. Spoke-tlte will fix that loose wheel. C. E. Gates Auto Co. 108 Miss Frances Haskins returned homo Wednesday from the hospital whero sho was operated on several weeks ago. Patriotic boll, Not. Friday, July 19. Jazz music. Let's go! Among county visitors registered at tho hotels today were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd F. Howard of llutte Falls, C. M. McPonough and J. L. Standfer of Huch, II. W. lireatore of Rogue River, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Don't Just ask for oil. Insist on Veedol. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hanley and chil dren leave tonight for Hnkersfleld, Cal., their futuro home, where Mr. Hanley, who has been Associated Press operator on the Medford Sun for the past 18 months, will servo In a like, capacity on the Dally Califor nfan ot Bakersfield. The many Med ford and Grants Pass friends of Mr.' and Mrs. Hanley regret their removal I from tho valley. Mrs. .Paul Hanson, local agent for Nubone corsets. Phone 5S5-H. 117 Mrs. Horace Proiuley, Mrs. L. Hough and C. II. McConnell return ed Thursday from a two days visit at Crater Lake. Daily's Taxi. Phone 15. TONIGHT Prc-Release Showing NORMA TALMADGE AND EUGENE O'BRIEN IN 'The Safety Curtain" N TREATED A R.KiCER SENSATION THAN IN -DE l.l'NE ANNIE " EEC EN E OT.R1EN WHO SlTEORTS Miss TAEMADtiE IN THIS WONDERFEE RRODIVTION HAS A ROl.E THAT WOEI.D RE YERY DIFF1 TET FOR THE AYERAOE ACTOR 1U T MR. OT.R1EN CARRIES IT THROEOll WITH STELLAR HONORS. THE KM ALTO ISS1IOW1NO THIS FRODECTION AHEAD OF PORTLAND ANJ) SEATTLE. TO REL1EYE THE TENSION "MUTT AND JEFF" AND Bill Parson's In "Bill's Baby." Regular Prices. .lames F. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. i E. Downs, Mrs. L. 11. Ceve-i. Mrs. T. H. Arnold, C. D. Runyon and W. (I. Fortman of San Francisco. Anna M. Turloy of Cnrvallis, T. K. P.lssoll of ' Wlnterset, la.. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. I Uurber of Sun Diego, il. Prathor of Centralis. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buck of Mt. Ayr, la., M. T. Ferrell and family of Sacramento, Claude II. Kayte of Merlin, and Meyer Abra ham, W. A. Coggershall, Iee Daven port, A. C. Harnekoff, E. A. Taft, Cliff Work aud M. C. Munley of Portland. Man wanted to drive truck and assist in retail yard. Dig Pines Lum ber Co. In line with the moral crusade now on In Medford and tho county In the interests of the military service, the county authorities sent two young girls of this city today to a detention Institution at Portland. Another one of those big times at Gold Hill, Saturday night. Launs puch's orchestra will entertain you. J01 The uniforms of the officers of the state militia or home guard company of Medford arrived In the city yester day. The other uniforms for the TTompany, which have been on the way from New York for a month, are now expected In the city next week. Upholstering, mattresses made over and furniture repairing. Douglas, 162-J. 100 Chief Boatswain's Mate Walter G. A,verill who was here to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law. Leroy Housstim, left today to resume ser vice in the navy at the Bremerton navy yard. Chas. Boussum of Port land, left today for that city after having attended bis brother's fun eral. Dr. Heine. Garnett-Corey Bldg. Attorney F. J. Newman and fam ily aro residing at Ashland during Hie Chautauqua season and have tak en apartments on Granite street in that city. Open air" pavilion dance, Gold Hill, Saturday night. 101 Among auto touring parties regis tered at the Hole! Medford today were tho following: Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Illckncll of Chico, and W. A. Cur tis of Weed; Chas. J. B. Malarkey and family and Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Hclfrlrh of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Duncan nnd Mrs. M. B. Johnson of Tho Dalles: nnd Mrs. It. C. Ward nud party and II. A. Beeman of San Frnncisco. A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office TOMORROW James F. Thompson, ft Si rfcCarror Infants OKMA TALMAlHiK HAS NO EQUAL ON" THE srRKEN TODAY. THIS IS rONCKDKD BY THE (iKEATEST ClHTlfK IN NEW YORK AND TUK EAST. IN "THE SAFETY rlRTAlVsllKHAS FY EN T I V Live With Gerard The See For t m Wm N II i ill M wmm Wi I k t Igi f M I I H r pi m. t tm m m rwm P P I I mt' ? tm jJmr 1 'wM m I F1 itmjmlwm J teri ml v ) t mlkm mM MA m U i- ml mm mmi pm T ' - - , t mm w i Wv !' m t mm n w y t x PRICES: Lower Floor 50c, Balcony 25c, Children 15c t A. SUMMER DRINKS If you want to enjoy that picnic, can-.p-ing trip, as we'll as all other occasions, take along some of these choice drinks. LEMON JUICE, LOJU WELCH GRAPE JUICE TOKO ' LUXO PEP made in Medford We also carry many other things desirable for your outing MARSH & BENNETT Personal Attention PHONE Four Trying Years In The Yourself How America 10 REELS FACTS NO FICTION Prompt Service - - : fe " t n Hohenzollern Hell Of Empire-Grabbing Intrigue. Was ForceJ Into The Great War. PROGRAM Chautauqua! ASHLAND SATURDAY !::r. 'r, TrotnU-. r t'-i t r: :it-. .. I'u.-hai-'.l. '- 'iniliC . Y.Rivrt ITrj N( r f.l . rt . ,'.!.!' a:r.- r." .'av.u I i i riii iMwy i i ii TODAY TOMORROW ONLY i T 2 An riiilii-pit-c orchestra umlrr the (iirniion of Mr. Iieary iiarckc has bivn crcsgi'd lo p!cy the music s.'oro was especialey arranged for this prinkxiiun. GIM CliTTNQ Onirta Herb Store H(rl care ror c.-.rache. headache, c.'arrah. :lip:horia, goro throat. '.:::-.c :.-o-.:!:c. kidney trouble, stomach trm:!.!; . hr.:rt trouble, chills and feT cr. cra::iij, coashs, pooclrculaUon. "n.- t?, tamers, cracked breast, s nil kinds ot goiters. NO OP- t;us. Mi'.lfonl. Orojron, Jan 13. 1917 TO V. IMM IT ::.Y CONCERN': This is to certify that I, tho un iiTsiirr.eJ. had very severe stomach tro-iMe tad been hothered for several joars and last August was not f". v;eii to '.ive, and hearing ot Glm fh'.a? ( hr,ss Herb Store Is at 214 S,v.::h Front s:reet, Medford) I de-c:-'ei to f.n hcrli for my stomach troa'iie, and t s orted to feeling bet tor as soon as 1 used them and today a:a a son r.i.m and can heartily rec ommend anyone affli.-ted as I was to see Cm Chiini and try his Herbv i!?::ae.t) V. H. JOHNSON, !. A. Andrrson. Medford I;. ilohne. Kas'.e Toiut, 'r-.i. I.owis. K.i.cle Voint , xy- Ch;:.ii.-.h. K.151 Point, r. K. X!.re. Kasr'.e ToInU V. Mc'.ntyre. KjrIo PoinU :--o. 1'.. Ven d-T llIK-n. Kaale Point, Tv ,: Kaitle Point. liiO-g, Juuv l'mU, Mar Saxius Day v f Y ? ? V