Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    PX3E TWO
William Davenport, tlio new sttp
1 erlntendt-nt of schools, and wife and
four children arrived in Ihe city Ute
last night from J'ark Ftlvcr, S. 11. ,
after a week's visit at I'orllund aad
went at once to their temporary
homo, the John Carkin dwelling on
Park street, near Dakota, which they
have rented furnished for two
months. The school board will prob
ably hold a special meeting Friday
niht to take up with Superintendent
Davenport the matter of filling va
cancies In the teachers force.
See our windows and seo our ad
vertisement in this Issue. Heath's
lrug Store.
T. E. Daniels and S. T. Richardson
' who have been enjoying an online at
Prospect since Sunday, are expected
home within a day or two.
Your neighbor's new car may be
his old one painted with Murphy Da
Cote Varnish. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
W. 11. Clark and T. P. Mailllard of
San Francisco, are auto tourists stop
pinjs at the Hotel Holland.
Mrs, Paul Hanson, local agent for
Nuhone Corsets. Phone 5S5-1I. 117"
C. L. Witt, ono of the postoffice
clerks. Is on his annual 13 days va
cation, which began July 1st. He
has already enjoyed an outing at
Crater Lake and will make other
trips out of the city.
Next week the Jiffy-Jell company
will make a special offer on alum
inum molds for salads and desserts.
Aa ad will be run In this paper July
1$ and IS containing these offerings.
Urocers who want to make special
displays take notice.
D. H. Cronemlller recently resign.
ed his position In the sheriff's office
and has gone to Portland to work for
a shipbuilding firm. Mrs. Crone-
miller, formerly Miss Overton, will
join him as soon as he gets perma
nently established.
Insure your grain and hay. Gen
eral Insurance. D. K. Wood & Co..
No. 7 West Eleventh street.
Henry Owens and l.loyd Stirasun
of Welien. left the first of the wee
for Portland to take their final ex
amination for entrance In the navy.
They receutly enlisted at the Ashland
recruiting office.
Don't miss our Friday and Satur
day sale. Heath's Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer of Port
land, left today ror Vlstalia, Calif.,
after a visit with friends In the city.
, Men's, women's and children's
canvas shoes at cost. No. 10 South
; Central.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of
Biggs, Calif., are visiting In the city
and contemplate locating here.
'"ull line of camp goods. C. K.
Gates Auto Co. ,
G. W. Godward. principal of Oc
Jacksonville schools is at Kgcne
taking the six weeks course at the
University of Oregon summer school
Reliable repairing at Pacific High
way Garage. 10S' j
Mrs. C. 11. Fifield is entertaining
tonight with a dinner rarty iu Iwaor
of Mrs. 11. K. Miller and two sons,
who are visiting here from Medford. I
Those Invited t!des the honor i
guests, are: Rev. and Mrs. Melville
T. Wire and Miss Catherine Mi:i.T.
Grants rass Courier.
For the test insurance see Holmes,
the Insurance Man.
W. W. Arthur of Medford, was a
guest at the Multnomah hotel. Port
land, last Wednesday.
Cottage Cheese at the Jaikson
County Creamery. ;.c a po:md.
HerNrt K. WiUmson of Krvin...
and Mrs Harl Hoots of D-inmu;r.
are the gueMs of Mr. and Mrs. Cari
Knapp. Mr. Wilkinson I Mrs
Knapp's father and Mrs. Hoots Is her
Storage batteries for all cars. C
E. Gate Auto Co. i
F. K. Chapln ent to Pa.-.-1
Wednesday nUil for a ;s;t with h: !
mother. I
Now is the time to Insure grain. '
R. A. 11 'Irnes prvtivts ;ea against
loss by fire, while statsdir-e and while i
being karvesud. tkrv.-acd aid i:i!
granary. '
The uniforms fer the V.!lori a;i: j
Ashland ceaipani'-s of C. s'a-e r.
itia are s:iii somewhere en ri:'
from New "York City to the lali, vi
They now N--a on th a
tout three weeks.
Mrs. Haaey for h!8;i;chtr.j ar..V
parotitic Garr.e:.t.Vrey (
The li xary is h in nui, jw..-..e
arrange meats with - ;o --.'
to take o-:t ' - 4 ; ., , .
ing. lie- a i-e u. .: ' . . a - o en
ahelves in fie lt ( ...j..-..'
to lend tS-i :n s-.-. .:
for loater time tVi- ' rrgj'i- !.,;
weeks ,-f ';,-rt ftor;e -r
taken e::: ! '.i.vr ihn r (:
th an.! iVre aro nne "
lories of all k r. t ..; . i i-,
ing tri;s an.l :,.. -r ..-. s.
Fnraltare tucking anj cra.l-g
PoaglaJ, 201 South I t
HJ-J. II!-
. Mr. W. CiiuJe K:e o! !-.- .(
Calif., was a C.-rarnerela! ::: v. t.i-'
Wednesday afterr.?a. j
- Among county visitors registered j
'at the hotels today were Mrs. Robert
iilalla of Hutle Falls, M. L. llowland
jof Derby, W. J. Cannon of Urowns-
boro. and C. Badersfield and L. P. ;
Jucobsou of Gold Hill. j
Mitchell sharpens lawn mowers. 36 j
South Riverside.
F. W. Kolda of Savage. Mont., who
j recently sold his 100 cattle and Is1
j touring the coast In quest of a loea-j
i tion for a stock and alfalfa ranch!
; was a caller at the Commercial clubj
today. lie Bpcnt yesterday In Gold
Hill and vicinity. j
A few minutes work and some topi
dressing will rcstoro that old faded t
Hop. C. K. Gates Auto Co.
I Mr. and -Mrs. II. I". Lumsden and
j daughter and Kenneth Richardson
j departed Wednesday to camp at j
I'nion creek until Sunday,
i Cottage Cheese has a food value!
equal to meat. You will find it at1
the Jackson County Creamery. 93
The homeeoniing of tho Ladies'
Aid society of the Christian church
was held in the church parlors this
afternoon. !
AH kinds of wood, mill blocks and
planer shavings at Valley Fuel Co.
Ail fuel strictly cash from now on.
Mrs. Augusta Wendt and son Wal
ter of Pprtland. left for home this
morning after a visit with the for-j
roer's mother. Mrs. Anna Walker,
who accompanied them home for a
continuation of the visit. j
Federal Cord Tires are here. C.
E. Gates A.ito Co. ,
Among northern California visitors
in the city are Mr. and Mrs. J-. Schu
ler and daurhter of Sisson and Mr.
and Mrs. K. K. Radcr of Dunsmuir. i
Pacific Highway Garage still on
deck. ICS
San Francisco auto tourists at the
Hotel Holland are O. J. Abraham
and L. M. Legmire. They aro en
route to Portland. . I
Spoke-tite will fix that loose wheel. I
C. E. Gates Auto Co. 10S"
Private, Ralph Helllnger of the
Seventh company was this week
transferred to the 63th artillery bat
talion at Fort Stevens which Is soon
to depart for France. He is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ilellinger.
Don't just ask for oil. Insist on C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Miss l.efha Griggsby of P,u(te
Falls, will he operated on Friday at a
private hospital in this city.
Upholstering, mattresses made over
and furniture repairing. Douglas,
IC2-J. 100!
Mrs. C. Ii. Gay left this morning I
ror Salem after a two wek3 visit In j
the city with relatives and friends.
She reports that Judge Gay has re
turned to his old position in the peni
tentiary at Salem following a six
weeks absence in Seattle where he
was connected with a furniture store"!
of his brother, lie did not like Seat
tle so he returned to Sulem where
ho resumed his former position.
Wm. T. Grieve, president of the
Jackson County Firo Patrol associa
tion was In the city today from
Prospect to attend a meeting of the!
directors of the association. Mr.'
Grieve, w ho Is this year looking after i
the oO.OO'i) acres of timber holdings :
of tho Rogue River Valley Timber:
company near Prospect and in the '
Butte Falls territory, make his head-!
quarters near Prospect. Besides look
ing after Ihe company's fire protec
tion and its building of trails he has
general charge of the holdings.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McKeany and
daughter arrived home Tuesday
night from their auto gypsying trip
thru Oregon and Idaho. They were
gone a month and on the trip trav
eled 2200 miles Tislting among other
points Crater Lake, Boise and the
Fayette lakes about 130 miles be
yond Boise. It was the first real
vacation Mr. McKeany has had (or
five years.
The hearing of Frank Gagnon, a
one-legged colored man suspected of
being an I. W. W. and hobo, who was
arrested by Sheriff Jennings after he
had set a number of grass fires near
grain fields In the Willow Springs
district, will be held Friday at 10
a. m. before Justice Taylor. The
authorities are rather reticent about
Gagnon and the arrest is regarded as
one of much importance.
Keep the Blood Stream Ture
Rheumatic pains, backache, swol
len joints and sore muscles often are
the results of Impurities In the blood
gathering in the region affected, a
result of failure of the kidneys to
eliminate waste products from the
j blood stream. Foley Kidney Pills
iheal, strengthen and Invigorate
I weak, diseased kidneys and bladder.
! W. H. Hill, Justice of the Peaco, De
! troit, Tex., writes: "I used , Foley
j Kidney Pills and say unhesitatingly
that of all I have used they are the
best, and have done the work where
George Leonard, 19 years old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Leonard,
left this morning for San Francisco
to enlist In the navy. His four older
brothers are In the army service and
two of them are In France. George
had hcen employed- In ,bi father'
hardware store for Ihe past 18
months. Mr. and Mra. -Leonard have
two morawM ot home; hot IB anoth
er year or more Ihe oiaeY one Will he
old enough for service.
An extraordinary sale.
Tooth brush and Tumbler Holder, no charge.
6an Tox Tooth Paste, as good as the best
One Sanitary Tooth Brush
One Palm Olive Soap
; 25 eta.
35 cts.
10 cts.
i. '
70. cts.
Phone 884.
Goods Delivered.
is coa.-t itKinaiit r f tho Kosiie Hivor
Timl'tT company. Is spemiins several
e'ks at Prospect with his wife, chil-j
tlrvn and aniomolule. They are cierta'
at (he ilriovo hole! and in addition
to te outim; feature Mr. Xiersereau
fs looking after the affairs pertaining
to tho company's lar-'c timcr hold-
Daily's Taxi. Phone 13. j
Mrs. Krank Johnson of Trail who
reevntiy underwent a major opera-:
tion in a MMiford private ho pit a 1 is;
jjeitini; alonp nicely. j
tr. Heine. Garnett-Coroy Bids. ,
Attorney lUvid Koltnon of Port-;
land, who is law enforcement rep re-1
.entatUe of the war eommis-sion on,
traimne cam; s, is in the city on mat- ;
ters relating to a moral clean-up o: ;
Medford and trie co-imy. Mr. Koiin-f
s-n and a matron, ia this connection.)
i!l take to a detention hospital at i
Poriland three younc t;old H;I1 eirls.
A n.imVr of supted woxen are
wnd-r surTeilUnce 1t the authorities.
ta foci f-iliMl " !-inM AITP.rVvhprA ' 1 "
ij ' ' l "
V AMKii-.V goM ?-ond-hand or-"
chard truck. Phone .'--K. (
WANTMIv - At pd In years'
old. :th ? ::e kn! die in ban- ,
dime car Crater Lake tiara ce. M f
WWTKlv To tra le f,r Port tour- j
inc ar in s--i or.di::on. a inni 1
of mares, waca and harness Will
ray i-a'.aru-e- ia (.. Address X:
i ti. care .Va;i Tr: Ine. ,
T K"V IT Thre red po eos.
i'in iv'l ! or I' on 1 -ft b;p. tar
t."! d l.i'. ie thrott.e L'rand
tr..-r c:a he fan:e t pa?ia-r.i.-l'.r'
i : an-! adT. I,e;er ii
Pa. K. K. No 1. Pox 7?. MtdfoM
TAXK I ' --S;rav sitx'k :n -;ty
rd. T; ".'i'n fiar on
I o mare, o-.e cray olt. V "
'. J'.:.y ."'h tt ; p m a; M'-'-u
Ch : it;:tn. .
tVl ,A:.K T'-o-;ehNred !ie!!eiri
il, s r;or.T!; ; a!?o sv-i
' ira te i r wood Ph-xe
: J, M:Ns Tc;trow. tn:ra;
!Vil Ai.K t-f. niich ot, fier.:i-
Tr --h.-ren; jt:i.- ; jcvi'.-.n a
. irh in tvto'er. Csti
A V. Auto Co
a--c II. S:. . s'a
TIH1. Ml 01 sl i
Sailr I oxer laj
Fashionable Summer Apparel
E.'('lti'iia ijiiality
and stylo; all t-"lirs
ami sizes
sli;..- now ..S12.50
r?18.r,0 now....$13.95
$25.(10 now....$ia50
Muslin Under
wear Ci.itsot '..vt'is 29 to
lU,wn SS (Mo $3.50
Skirts CdC to S3.75
Kiivt'lout's 9S? to
( 'amosoles $1.25 to
Wash Dress
lliucli frrade Wash
Skirts.' jral'crdine,
jH'iln or t-rasb.
sli.50 now $5.00
3.50 now :...1.9S
f2.50 now 9So
Middy Blouse
Paul Jonos Middios
in all stylos, made of
gaberdine and French
$1.2.") now '. 9Sc
$l.-0 now $1.29
$1.7") now $1.49
Amazing Shoe Values
Ladies' Shoes
Ladies patent Puniis, sjiei-ial. now....$2.49
Ladies' 2-strap Punii s. special, now $2.49
Ladies" sxm metal Oxfords, special uow
Ladies' cloth top. low heel Brown Shoes,
Ladies' cloth topjnilitarv heel. Ik-own Shoes
Ladies' smoked horsohide walking Shoes
Boy's Shoes
Boys low heel tan Sneakers 9 to V $1.79
Bovs' Elk sole Outiuir Shoes SI. So to
Bovs' low cut Hikers, no heel. $1.65 to
ipx.O ....
Men's Shoes
$7.50 and $S.0d en's Dress Shoes, special
$7.50 Xeoline sole English Shoes, special
. $600
$0.00 Work Shoes, double soles, special
Sale Starts Saturday Morning", July 13th, at 8 o'clock
This Store Cleans Stock Twice Yearly Irrespective of Trade Conditions. This Store holds Sales
Because We Do Not Ask Our Customers to Pay Regular Prices For Last Seasons Styles, Odd
Lots, etc. Neither' Do We Carry Such Goods Over From Season to Season. When You Trade
Here You are Assured of Securing New Merchandise, Newest Styles and the Lowest Prices.
y Men's Union Suits
fi-'ine S, a Wand Cotton Muusing Union
SuiTs .....$1.50
'Vine bleached iiblnd. short sleeved, ankle
Suits $1.35
Extra good Union Suits, see them at $1.00
Canvas Gloves
Heavy twill Unit wrist, full cut (Sloves 15c
Leather faced canvas tilovis 45c
Men's Pants
Heave Khaki Pants, worth $:".00. Our
price." pe.-ial - $2.00
We...Vn Work Pants, bargains at $3.00
Visit Every Floor
There ts ,-ure to bo something that is needed
around the home at prices that you can not
Woolen Serge
Navy blue Scri. special $1-00
The sc;iivt st of nil material is blue serge.
Zepher Ginghams
Zephye tiir.L'hams i;i plaids, stripes and
checks. Wei! worth 4'V yard. Our price 25c
l!-k fold Zophyo Ginghams, plaids and srt .-i.i) , 39e
French tiumhuits 4Se
Purse and Hand Bags
Fine l.ath. r .nv.L.p,. urso at .... $1.25
Fil'c i l.s.-al ei:ve..j.c Pnr-. at S2.50
IL-avy pin seal cnvil,.pe Pr,re at... $-.9S
f .t - V
Savings on Draperies
Scrims, regular 25c and oOe to close 15c
Plain saile Scrim, sale price 35 and 43c
Plum Marquisette, bargains now at ....43c
Corset Sale
Odd lots of Corsets, various stylos which
have been discontinued because of shortage
of materials.
(Big bargains on second floor.)
Ladies' Union Suits
Fine Munsing Suits, no sleeve, knee length.
Mercerized Lisle Suits, all stvles. social
Ladies' Hosiery
Fine seamless fast black. Well worth :Ve.
"al - .25c
Black Cat, fine gauze, onlv 49
Fiber Silk, fast black, oniv ......'.".'.'.'65c
Pure thread silk. Balck Cat ! S9c
Children's Hose
Fine gauze Misses' White Hose at 25 C
Fine gauze Misses' Bhe k Hose at 25
l)iille threal Hoys' Hose at 39
Lace Curtain Sale
Entire stock reduced one half.
$1.50 I,art Cm-tains. Sale price .75c
2.t Ii.-e Curtains. Sale price... . $1.00
2.50 Ii. e Curtains. Sale price $1.25
5.11 Lace Curtains. Sale price $1.50