Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    Unl.erslty ot Oreflon
1 Ihrarv
AVKATIlEIi Maximum Yesterday, 07; Minimum Tortnv, -l:!1 j. FOKECASTr-Touiglit and Tomorrow: Pali'.
ebforb Mail Tribune
Kvery liian, woman, rhild
In the V. 8. is called upon
tills day to pledge Ills or her
full quota of War Saving
Stamp purc-lin-sei for 10IH.
lh(Iou1 War Savings luy
Iiuh conio. Sign your plodgo
for Viiclo Sam uml help will
tho war. .
Forty-eighth Yrar.
Dally Thirteenth Tear.
NO. 83
Copenhagen Dispatches Carry Uncon
firmed Reports of the Overthrow
of Bolshevik Government By Gen
erals Korniloff and Ka'edines
Grand Duke Nicholas Proclaimed
Emperor Reports are of German
Origin and Lack Coherence.
WASHINGTON', June 28. All re
ports of sensational development in
Kussia are treated by officials here
with the utmost reserve and with a
disposition to believe nothing until
the information comes direct
and official channels. Tliev recall
many stories set afloat by the Ger
mans with the hope of trapping the
United States and allies into compro
mising their position by a stand for
or auaiust one of the liussian fac
tions. LONDON', June 28. Awor.Iina lo
unconfirmed reports today tiie bol
shevik government in Moscow Pus
been overthrown, says a dispalcn to
the Kxchunge Telegraph company
from Copenhagen.
Moscow, t lie report adds, has been
captured by General Korniloff, sup
ported by German troops.'
Advices from the same sources as-1
sort that Grand Duke. Nicholas has
been proclaimed emperor.
General Ktilcdincs is said to have
eo-operated with General Korniloff in
the capture of Moscow.
l.eiilne In Flight
Nickolai I.cilinc, the premier and
Leon Trotzky, the minister of war.
are said to have lied to the Mur
man coast.
The Copenhagen newspapers, the
agency dispatch nods, gives promin
ence to tho 'Tunes Zeitung of that
city as saying that it had received
a message from its IVtrogrnd corres
pondent, reading as follows:
"It is believed here that the TSol
shevik government will be soon over
thrown and Hint Kerenskv is the man
of the future in Ilussiu.''
The advices declare that the sup
porters of Grand Duke Nicholas have
overthrown the Soviets throughout
the Siberian provinces of Irkutsk,
Klugovicshtchcnsk and Khiibarosvk.
The defeat of the Ilolshevik is said
to have been made posssible by the
victories of the ('.echo-Slovak forces
and the treachery of the lied Guards.
Several ilctnchmcnM of the Keil
Guard are said to have murdered their
officers anil 'then su;Tcnii;Tcd.
The Kxchnngc Tc egraph company
publishes its message containing the
reports of the Ilolshevik overthrow
and the accompanying details "with
reserve"' ami points out that the in
formation emanates mainly from Ger
nuin sources and should be received
' with caution.
. Lack of Coherenro
June 28. Dispatches from Copenhn-
( Continued on Page Six.)
"WASHINGTON, June 2S. -Arrangements
have heen completed for
the transfer of about 230(1 enemy
aliens held at Hot Springs, N. C,
from the jurisdiction of the labor de
partment to the war department, an
announcement tonight said. While
the formal transfer will take place
July 1, the aliens will not lie re
moved to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where
tho Internment camp of the war de
partment is lorated, until about July
The ramp at Hot Spring will he
taken over by the surgeon-general
tor a reconstruction hospital.
Nicholas Romanoff Slain as Result
of Personal Quarrel By Red Guard
Sts'.es 1 Dispatches Assassination
Confirmed From Many Sources
Russian Foreign Minister Wires.
AMKTKIillAM, June -JS. 'II..
V'ollf bureau, the senii-o! ficial ti -r-
rauii news agency, says it jus Icariud
tioin llus-:ii,n sources :!i it !hc IVvm
cr Russian nnperor wis iiiimlcrcd in
a train while leaving Kkaterinburg
iicmciliuti' after that city had been
captured by ('zccho-Klova'i f trees.
The Woli'f bureau also repeals the
report that Alexis, the tonnee Kus
sian erow.i prince, died a fortnight
ago after a Ions illness.
raine newspaper reports (putted in
German official wirelcs bulletins say
the former Nicholas was killed
by a liussian Red Guard in a personal
quarrel. Another German bulletin
stated rumors are current that the
family of the Czar has been taken to
Confirm Assassination
PARIS, June 28 The court mar
shal at Darmstadt, Germany, has re
ceived a telegram signed '"I'chil hcr
in," announcing that Nicholas Ro
miinofi, the former Russian em
peror, has been assnssinacd, snvs a
dispatch to the Matin from Heme. The
assassination took place between Ek
aterinburg and Perm.
LONDON, June 28. The Frank
furter Zeitung reports that M. Tch
itchcrin, the Russian foreign minister,
has telegraphed the Russian minister
at Darmstadt that the former Rus
sian emperor was murdered a few
days ai;o between Ekaterinburg anil
cini, says an Exchange Telegraph dis.
patch from Copenhagen.
Weight Given llcpolts
The dispatch from Heme gives
weight to the increasing- number of
reports of the assassination of the
former Russian emperor. Darmstadt
is the capital of the grand duchy of
llcsse anil the former Empress Alix
is a sister of the reigning gl-and duke.
It is not unlikelv that the Russian
government through Foreign Minister
Tchileherin, would inform the Hes
sian court of the death of Nicholas
Romanoff before making it public
through regular channels.
Hcrlin had reported recently thai
the former emperor was being re
moved from Fkaterinburg to Mos
cow, Perm is on the northern rail
road ro-.tte from Fkaterinburg to Mos.
cow. Czech-Slovak troops control
the southern route and it is prob
able that jf the Itolshcvik did take
the former emperor from Ekalcrin-burg-
they took him bv the railway
running through Perm.
The former Russian empress u p.
Inst erportcd as being in F.kiileriu
huig with her hu-baiid and daughter.
WASHINGTON. June, 2H, Plans
for send in u a coiiimission to Kiismh
to assit that country veniiomiciilly
and industrially have alv:iuced to the
point where it is possible to anaoame
on official authority that the person
nel of the commission is now being
en familiar with industrial cmid:
tinns in Rus-ia mid e-pecially tlio-e
iaerptaintcd with transportation sys
tems of the country are beiiJi.' -otiyht.
It is hoped to find men for the enm
mi 'ion who have been intimately
connected with hi-; indu:nal enter
prises and who can approach the
Riis-hms with -irejlvne-s of purpo-c
to ntier expert advice on inleraal re
lonstruction. Tin object of the commission will
he solely to help Kus-iu.
i a
Germany and Russian Soviet Govern
ment In Secret Agreement Co-operate
to Crush Polish Nationplht
Aspiration Rccognie Aiisiro-Hun-garian
Heycnomy In Poland.
LONDON', June 28.- fimu;my unci
I he Russian bolshevik nvi-nmu'iit in
a stMTt'l convention n-iianlinir tin fu
ture of Poland have virtually agreed
to -o-ot-nile in rrushin I'olisli na
titinalist aspiration.
(Mails of tho treaty hail hern
printed in The Nation's Voice ol' Cra
cow, (iatieia, necortlini; to a dispa('h
lo the Timex, from Milan.
The Ilolshevik jrovernment pledged
itself to recognize Austro-Hunjrary
heiieiuouy in Poland and to aid in
defending it against the former allies
of Kussia.
The Cracow newspaper deserihes
the treaty ns a ''scandalous doen
nient, showing the treachery of the
bolshevik 11 ml the baseness of the
Kiffht Articles Sijineil
It "jives the i.-t of the eii;ht arti
cles of the agreement as follows:
Kiist, the Polish policy shall lie
eondueted by Germany. 5
Second, the Russian government
pledffe itself not to interfere wit-h tke
urpinialion of Poland.
Third, the liussian liovernment may
keep in tomb with demoerntie and
revolutionary eiuhs in Poland
throuuh agitators known to the Ger
man information bureau. i
Kourth, the sending of niitntnrs to
Germany and Austria shall be sus
pended by the Russian government.
Fifth, Hti-dn shall exercise strict
viilaiiee over Polish national i: roups
so as to prevent them from enlisting
in the Russian territorial army.
To Quell Revolt
Sixth, Russia shall consider viola
tion of the frontiers of Lithuania and
the I'kraine by Polish troops ns n
deelaration of war on Germany nnd
Austria -11 unwary ami shall aid in
crushing such troops.
Seventh, Russia shall prevent Rus
sian citizens from inveshnf their own
or French, Mritih or American cap
ital in anv industrial undertaking in
Kiyhlli. b'ussia pledges itself to
recniiiii.e the eventual new state of
tilings to be created by Germany and
Austria in Poland and (o defend it
auain-d Russia's loniter allies.
WASlllNtiTON. June 'JS.- Indefi
nite postpniieiiient of a ote in I hi
senate on ihe wouian siittrae reso
lution, blocked c-tcrday, Mituallv
was decided upon today bv senate
siil t'raL'e leader-. They are ready to I
j.aiii'uii the plan to top'e a vote next
M'ek and to withhold action until at-I
Icr the proposed recess of congn-. 1
Atlcr uiakiui: polls of the probable i
vole if the resolution should be fore-J
"d to a final issue next week, leailiiiL
st'iiporters were convinced that an I
eflorl to pass the resolution before
the conurcssioital recess would fail
on account of absentees.
AMS'f KRDA.M, June 'JH. Ru.
iimis are in circulation, say the
Kcho Peine, that an epidemic of ty
phoid i ragin-; innnnL' I he German
-oMii-r in northern France. Several
units arc reported In haw had ur
lually their entire personnel atlVctcd
w lib this di-cHse.
Tli, loiiclhcr uith biases in the
last ntfen-ivc, is said to account tor
the delay in resuming the oiteu-iM'.
-8. There are s vet no outward in
dications as to when and where the
German command will launch its next
stroke against the allied lines. The
fihtin; lull on the western front con
tinues with only raids ami local at
ta !;-, while on the Italian front the
Aiistrians, reeling from the shock of
the repulse on the Piave seemingly
are content to allow the Italians to
hive the initiative.
It is two weeks since the eGrman
crown prince ceased his ineffectual
efforts to reach Coinpieirene nnd the
breathing space, which has been long
er than between the offensive across
the Aisiie and that on the Noyon
Monlilidier front, has been sufficient
to permit the Germans to prepare
fully for a renewal of the offensive.
Allied ea lata Is look for another
enemy blow soon. .Military observers
believe it will come on I be front be
tween Monldidier ami Vyres.
For the In-t lew days the German
artillery lire has been violent on sec
lors south of Arm-, the northern find
southern les of the Lys salienl, ami
south of the Aisiie.
tempt to surprise the allies bv nt
tackinj: where they ho e they will lint
be expected.
War Savings Meetings in Jackson
County on June 28, 1918
The prcHidf-nt of the. Fnlleil KtnlcR has i.een fit 1o rnll loRcthnr nil
citizens of the I nllcil hihHh on .lune 2sth, ISIS, sil H p. m. for tho pur
pose of attain meellnK u Nutlumil War meamiro In tho form of tho
War SaviiiKs movement. The meetings in Jackson county will bo held
In the Hcliool houses of the. respective dlHtrlcts With the. sIllKle excep
'tlon of DlKlrirt til voniprlslni? Ihe cily of Medfonl whitrn two mcetlnnit
will be held: namnly, at the I'niio theuiro for all citizens nmldliiK east
of Ihe railroad, and at the Itlnlio tlieiitro for all citizens residing west
of the railroad. The KoYernors of the slates of our union and tho
mayors of our cities, have Jollied to vnt ting unldo this day for the pur
pose of pIimIkIiik our iiuolas of tho two billion dollar loan and for tho
further purpose of orKanlzlnn ourselves Into YVur Savings societies.
The people of this county a r- expected to milwcrlbo fur nnd pur
chase during mis War SavlnKH siamps of Ihn maturity value of 2:,H.. In order to distribute Ibis allotment of War Savings stamps
cnuitaldv among the various parts of the county, a quota has been
assigned to each school district, which will bo stated at tho opening- of
tho meeting In Ihe school house on Juno 2sth. 8 p. ni., which you are
expected lo alieml. No matters, however pressing, should prove a Jus
tification or absence since our president has commanded. In order to
raise the total amount from this county, It will be necessary thut each
school district subscribe the amount allotted to it. This will not Im
pose any burden on any persons In tho district If each person doea his
duty. Pledges only are asked for Ihe regular purehuso of siamps for
the remainder of 1!U8. (Signed) IIKXHY 1IAKT,
War Savings Chairman for Jackson County.
Appointed by state war savings director. C. H. Jackson, -I Oregon,
tinner the authority of tho secretary of tho t.'nlted Suites treasury.
PARIS, June 28. There hnve been
rebellious outbursts among tho garri
sons of the cities of Gyor nnd Pees,
Iluniiary, as a result of which 2,000
of the military involved in the mutiny
have been condemned to death, u
cordimr to reports received by the
Matin today.
Holh Austria nnd iruns.iry arc af
fected y the revolutionary movement
which is said to be in progress on a
larye scale in Austria, the newspa
pers advices declare. The spirit of
revolt is said to be stronyly pervasive
in the urmy.
Violent demonstrations arc report
ed to have oeenrreiPiii numerous cit
ies. Pecs is the Hungarian name for the
cily of Kunfkirehen, 10f miles south
west of Budapest, The city bun u
population of about 4.,000.
Gyor, more commonly known fls
Raab, is a cily of some 'JH,000 popu
lation, o7 miles northwest of Buda
pest, Mrs. C. C. Murray ban returned
from a vhdt with her husband, who
1h chief yeoman at tho Portland navy
reerultlntf office.
WASHINGTON, June 2 8. The
army casualty list today contained
flfty-slx names divided as follows:
Killed In action 23; died oC wounds
four; died of disease, three; wounded
severoly, 22; wounded, degroe unde
termined, two; prisoner, one.
The list Includes Private William
J. Whlttakor, Clurkston, Wash.; kill
ed in awtion; Idoiitonant Theodore S.
Slen, llowltt Landing, Sask., Canada;
Corporal Goorgo W. Van Voost, Tur
ner, Mont.; Prlvaloa Goo. 13. Milne,
Yamhill, Ore.; Clayton S. Wlckland,
Kduionds, Wash., severely wounded.
Killed lit Action
Lieutenants Karl If, Kyman, Lan
caster, Ohio; Jerome I,. Goldman, St.
ouIk; Norman J. McCreary, Volant,
'a.; James S. Timothy, Highland
Falla, N. Y.j Corporals Robert If.
Jackson, HoBllndale, Mass.; Alexan
der A. Jankowlak, South llend, Ind.;
John J. Kelly, llolyoko, Mass.; Tuo-
maa E. Peden, Gray Court, S. C;
lohn J. ltyder, Jlrooklyn; Jotliro
Shoemaker, Clem, Ga.; Furrier Wil
liam Mc.N'ally, llolyoko, Mass.; Prl
valoa Alfred M. llonsnas, Ilrooklyn;
Isolds M. Croteuu, llolyoko, Mas.;
Klvln A. Frost, Clearmont, Wyo.; Jun
Gajdn, Detroit; Herbert F. (iledhill,
Sigurd, 1,'lah; Charles H. llarsch,
Urockport, X. Y.j Tony Lubeck, Chi
cago; Harry Mck'lnnoy, Kvansvlllo,
Wis.; Sarkis H. Semonlnn, .Nashua,
N. II.; Joseph Suskl, Cleveland; Loo
Walls, Wellington, Ala.; William J.
Whlttaker, Clarkslon, Wash.; Gilbert
Wilson, Woodford, Ky.
llleil l-'niiii Wounds
Sorgeant Fred A. Ploggor, Carrie,
Va.; Corporul Arthur 1-1. llond, Sciplo,
Okla.; I'rlvnlcs Albert II. Jester, Gal
veston, Tex.; Howard Vim Campen,
Haven, Kans.
Died of disease: Major Albert L.
(Jrubb, llorkley Springs, W. Va.; Pri
vates Geo. Holmes, Springfield, Mass.
Louis ltoseiiburg, Plllshurg.
Huston, Juno oH. ,r js(,p,
Homer, u dmli-l of I.os Aii','ele-, was
found guilt v by a jury today of rob
bin.,' Mr,. Madge K. Wilbur of jewels
valued at I7,."I0. Te-timony dur
inc; the trial n lo the effect that
the robbery look place ill Dr. Homer's
room in a hotel in this city when Mrs.
Wilbur, llirough fear of the dentist,
obev,d bis orders to have her maid
brim the jewels to the room and turn
them over to him.
The defctiKO asserted tho jewels
went a Vulunlury gift.
Intimate Picture of President Drawri
By Hurley Says Wilson Handles
All Work Systematically and
Scans Details of Various Prob
lemsInterest in Winning War.
CHICAGO, June 28. An Intimate
plcturo of President Wilson's famll
larlty with the industrial phases oC
America's war preparations was given
today by Edward N. Hurley, chair
man of the chipping board. In an ad
dress before a meeting here ot the.
Illinois Manufacturers association,
'.'Wo are applying manufacturers'
methods to the Bhlp building busi
ness and -we find these methods sue
eessful," Mr. Hurley said. "Inciden.
tally. It may interest you to know:
that the methods adopted have Ibeea
followed with, close interest by Presi
dent Wilson,
"I think there Is no impropriety In
tolling you that the president ban
dies all his work so systematically,
that he rinds time to give a part ol
his lime even to the more Intimate
problems ot tho various departments.
"The presldont knows more about
costs than any of you would believe
to' bo posKlble. You know that coni
gress allotted he prosldent an appro-,
prlatlon ot $100,000,000 lor emeri
goncy war purposes. He personally,
kept his own accounts and you may
be confident that every dollar was
carefully expended under his direct
tion. ,
"The presldont has been steadfast
In Ills determination there shall bo
no profiteering in this war.
"President Wllson'8 whole thought
Is given to the successful prosecution
of the war and when tho end ot it
comes, America will havo the com
sclousness that there will be no repe
tition ot It, and that the peace of the)
world will lie secure."
I'AKIS. June 2S. Eleven nersona
wero killed and I others inured by
bombs dropped by German uinncn in
inst nights raid over the 1'iiris disi
Hcpnrts of the raid iniliento thcrd
wero si'veral croups of enemy ma.
chines which took different courses)
in the effort lo break through tho dew'
tenstvo barrier fire.
There whs bhorllv a lull, nfreit
which tho bombardment ne-ain irrptf
in intensity and then finally subside
There were several eases of earn
less onlookers bciti)? wounded by frag
ments ot shells liom anti-aircraft
Mr. Tevssiere. chief of the ViirU
fire department, died of suffocation
while directine; tho rescue of victims
of Wednesday night's raid.
1'AlilS, Juno 28. French troops)
last nigiit carried out mi operation
on tho front soul beast of Amiens by
means; of which their lines wero ad
vanced in Si -at wood on tho Avra
river, (lie war office announced to
day. In this ueliun ami in ptlieu
ligh!in. ehveen Ihe Murno nnd tho
Our,, koiiIIi of Iliinimanl, pris
oners lo the number of Vii wen
rOI'KXIIAOKV, Juno 2S. Couni
Von Ilerll c:.', Iho (lermiiii inipeiiiit
cbanccllor, will pay n visit today to)
Geriiimi iinny hciiilipinri -r-i to intend
an import lot confer) urn, aeeorilinj
to Iho Herim Yossisclio luitung. j