Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 19, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    Ur.l" erslty et Orcjan
WKATJIER Maximum Ycsl onlay, 91 ; Minimum Today, JO. FORECAST Tonight and Tomorrow, Fair and Cooler Toiiiylif.
Jackson cwniy ui c c
barometer tv. j j.
Quota for 1918, S28,C6).Q0
Sales to Juno 12 S7.1S0.00
dford Mail Tribune
Save and Buy for VlGtory
Buy W.S.S.Thri!t Stamps
wind'. Safest Investment
Forty-elfchth Tear.
Dally Thirteenth Tear.
NO. 75
K rmnuf m' m 'm mm
Germans Attack On 14-Mile Front In
Semi-circle About Devastated City
In Vain Attempt to Straighten Out
Lines Heavy Bombardment Fol
lowed By Attack In Massed Forma
tion to Meet Repulse With Heavy
Losses at Ewery Point Assailed,
If. St;unlin; firmly licl'iirc the war
stricken city of lMieinist the Krenrl:
have checked n new (jcrmnn drive
htunched Inst ni:lit, five dnys alter
the offensive on the Moiitdidicr
Noyon line ciiiiie to a hnlt. In the
fihtinr the nctive hut tit front 'hns
bun extended t n point live mil!"
southeast ol' the cathedral city.
The (erir.nn artillery Tuesday ev
ening lu'L-na a heavy homhanhncnl
lit t wren Vrimiy. wit of lilicims, tu
tl.e village of La l'ornie!h:t on the
north hank of thcVcslt river eat of
that city. Three hours later the Teu
U nic infantry stormed out of their
trenehes to bourn the assault. A -rordinjr
to the official statement is
sued at Paris, the Germans were no
where successful m their attempts to
nlcr I he lOrcnch lines, bv'mu repulsed
with heavy losses.
I.VMilt Front -The
front over which the new at
tack was launched is approximately
I miles in length. It lias hecu ex
pected that the (icrntans would vn
tr or later attempt to straighten out
their lines in this region hccaiise the
close of the Aisne offensive left the
ellies in a favorahle position ahm-.r
the front from the Manic, o:
Chateau Thierrv ti the region north
of Chalons. Having interior lines,
they, are ahle onickly to concentrat
their forces on either side of the Aa
Hie lmii.r its apex at Klicims.
haidm operations are Reported
nom i ne itniiMi minis in liic r-Mmmir
at:d Ivs sectors.
Official I rrndi Stjiltinci.t
PA IMS, June The (iermans
last niyht, after violent preparatory
hoiuhurdmcnl, honiin an attack on
the front hetween Vrijiny and I. a
Pommelle, the war office aimouuccd
The Krciich are resist inn the Ger
man hlow with entire success.
n the western front of (lie attach
the enemy was not aide even to reach
the French line. In the center, hc-
fore the city, the Germans were con
plctely re(ulcd. and suffered hcavv
losses. Kast of Uheitns the 1-YcnHi
were equally siicccs-ful,
Ciicliiitf Ithelinm
The front of the new German at
(Continued on Pago Six.)
JC V t
Nation On Verge of Starvation
All Food Received Is What Ger
many Doles Out From Ukraine
Bulgaria Also Suffering From
WASHINGTON, dune 1!). Aus
tria's :rave food situation, coupled
with the apparent, failure of the new
ol tensive atrninst Italy, is exciting
pessimist ic comment in the Vienna
press. An official dispatch today
fioni Zurich tpiolcs the Arheiter
Zeituni of Vienna as savin;:
"The situation will he still more se
rious in Vienna when the sanjjuin
r.iy defeat of the imperial forces on
the Italian front becomes known."
Supplies KvliauMotl
I.OSDON, dime 1!). Austria's
i ii in supplies have been completely
t:i(;n over, and all the food of this
nature she is eltini; is coming from
liat Germanv has jillntcd to her
limn the I'krainian supplies, accord
in ir In indications in a ( 'openhaen
dipatch to tlnj. Ivchaiii:e Telegraph
i oiupany.
This message ipudes an interview
with 1 Icrr Paul, t he A ust riun food
n.inister, olituincl by the Vienna
correspondent of the lierlin Tiijjo
hlat. in which the minister confirmed
the news of the recent reduction in
the Austrian bread ration. Thi-, he
said, was due to insufficient supplies
from I'essarahia and Ilunyary.
The entire 1!M7 harvest from these
.-otnvcs had been ilistrihnled ami run
smned, the minister stated, mid the
It'iinianian harvest also had been used
I tularin KIso Shy
AMSTKK'DAM, June ll. Accord
ing to the Gfrmania of Hcrlin, the
food situation in Muliraria brought
I'hout i'reniier KudosluvolTs resigna
tion. The. food problem in that country,
the newspaper adds, is becomiui; in
'rea -iuuly difficult. Its snnlics are
entirely exhausted and the nation i-n-Kin-;
advances o !rain to cover
ibe time i:nhl the next harvest. The
central powers, however, Germania
ih-clarcs, c;iiin.'l -ive! (hi-,
to the extent desired.
WASHINGTON, Jump lit The lest
in tin- senate mi llii- r-li-r:il woman
-iil'l'mjit" iiiiii'iiiliiicnt probably "ill
fin Tliiir.-iluy nl' nc.t week. The
-niilr woman suffrage riuuniitlcc ln
iln v decided In seek a vote I hen on
tin- resolution pusi'i liy tin- lioiisi- In
-I'lrnit (III- jlllll;!lllllli!lt to till' tntl'S.
Vice-President Tells Indiana Demo
crats to Support Only the Democrat
Who Is Whole-Heartedjy Behind
the President In Winning the War
, Take Fling at Roosevelt's Policy.
lXDIANAPOLlS, lint., Juno 19.
"Supiiort only tlio rtomocrat who Is
wholo-hnartodly behind the jncsliiunt
anil tlio way lio proposos to win the
war." Vko I'roxiilKnt Thomas 1!. Mar
shall said here today In addressiiiK
tho Indiana state democratic conven
tion. The vice president said that
while he wanted the democrats to
win the coming election, "at the risk
of being read out of the parly," he
urged tho members to voto against
tho democrat who was not in hearty
accord with the president and his
Ideas, and against tho democrat "who
Is not in favor of taking the Oorinan
languago out of tho schools of In
diana and welding Into u united peo
ple by the use of a common language,
all those who dwell within our bor
ders." Candidates for all stato offices,
with tho exception of those of gover
nor and lieutenant governor will be
nominated today or tonight.
What Ito Tln-jr Mean
"Just what the republican party
means by saying that its purposo now
is to win tho war most of us do not
understand," suld Vlco President
.Marshall. "What tho democratic
party stands for Is to win tho war as
soon as it can ho won anil it holds
that to tho speedy winning of It are
theso essentials: Conviction of tho
justice of tlio cause In which we aro
engaged; a fixed and dcflnlto end to
bo attained; the whole-hearted disin
terested, political and patriotic sacri
fice of personal ambition, party pre
ferment and Individual success to tlio
object attained and confidence, abso
luto confidence in tlio commander in
.Mr. Mar.-hall referred to "l-ady
Theodora" during tho course of his
reniarkH, saying:
T. H. as "Idiily Thf-oriorn"
"l.ady Theodora being left at home
concluded to take a hand in tlio war
by writing letters In derogation and
criticism of lis matifignnient to a
newspaper, which newspaper had as
its general manager a man who was,
at tho declaration of hostilities
against tlio imperial German govern
ment, an alien enemy of tho United
States, and which newspaper had
published tlio Rose I'astor Stokes let
ter and other seditious documents.
"Some men at least aro going to
object If she is (lie Republican I'arty
anil ir she is going to fight tlio war in
, tills way thru the. columns of the
Kansas City Star, and notwithstand
i lug her great desire to take charge
(Continued on Page Three.)
s'WMmrrMi VWtenfe cu
ill '
Itrlgiidii-r (encral .luimvs i. llm-hord, at left, coiiiinaiider of the Amer
ican marines ill l-'raiifc, and -eiieriil lYrsliing, cotninaniler-ln-chief of tlio
American army in l-'rnnce, photographer recently nflcr a conference., at
IVrshiiig's lieadiiiarters. Ilarbord's men have cli-ctrlfiiMl Anicrirn anil
her allies liy llio manner in which they illiiig-d into the tierinaii lino on
tlio Manic, making a three-mile Kui" and capturing several village.
10 ADD. 250,000
WASHINGTON, June 19. Prelim
inary reports indicato that more than
2.0,000 men may bo added to class
ono available for Immediate military
duty as a result of I'rovost Marshal
Gtnoral Crowder's rocont order for
revision of deferred classification
lists by local draft boards.
Thoro will be no reconsideration of
I'rovost Marshal General Crowder's
decision not to grant deferred draft
class! rjcation to coal miners as a
class. Members of congress from
mining districts woro so Informed to
day by General Crowder's office
Somo kind of, genoral ruling or
what constitutes useful and non-useful
employment under ll'rovost Mar
shal General Crowder's work or fight
order probably will ho issued within
a day or two. It was learned official
ly today that tho question Is being
studied by army offleors in co-operation
with the department or labor and
other government agencies.
Among visitors registered at the
hotels today wero A. Trask of lloson,
W. C. Michael of Chicago, II. V. I,a
l-oudo of liultith, Kugeno Neal of
Scapooso, Ore., It. Kltchle of Kilgene,
Harris Ottensieln of Now York City,
Mr. and Mrs. II. I.add of Seattle, II.
Ward of linschiirg, and James K.
Perry of Midas, Nov.
ST. I'All,, June J I).-- The biller
ness of the strugle between Nun-partisan
league anil republican rnnili
ilutcs fur success at the slate wide
primary clectimilast jMuniluy, lias
been reflected by t lie record break
ing vole. In llilti the primary vote
was jlH,:il)K. Availablo returns
from 2,-711 of .'1,1 111 precincts give u
total of 2H.ri,li7K votes.
Governor J. A. A. Ilurniiuist lends
bis opponent, Charles A. I.inillierg liy j
mure man au.nim. j ne micsl ligures,
represenling :il!IH precincts out of
.lllll in the state, give liurnipiist
lll,l."i(i; Lindbergh,l!i:i. lieturns
from I'iI.'I precincts gave 1'Ved
Wlicalon of Miuneiiiiolis fur demo
enilie candidate for governor, 11,170
vol in; Y. j. Ciiin.slock of iMiiuliato,
ST. PACL, Juno ID. A heavy ma
jority from St. Louis (l)iiluth) coun
ty put Whealon In Iho lead for tho
democrat lo gubernatorial nomination
lato today. Itoturns from 1S6 pro
ducts gave Whcaton 11,19.1 and
ConiBtock 111,710.
When the cur which ho lines In his
work as meter reader for tlio powor
company backfired Monday, A. 8.
Milton suffered a badly sprained forearm.
Self-Acknowledged Contingent Fee
Agents Hasten to Explain Opera
tions, Claiming Ignorance of Law
System of Making Commissions
From War Orders Most Extensive.
WASHINGTON', Juno 19. Many
self-aoknowlodgod contingent . fee
agonts appeared today at tlio depart
ment of justico to cxpluln their oper
ations and to ak leniency in any ac
tion tho department may tako to
break up the exposed systom of de
frauding contractors and the govern
ment out ot millions of dollars.
Jiany of these agents heretofore
had been unknown to the department
and this fact prompted tho impros
slon that the system of making coin
missions out of war orders Is oven
nioro oxtonslvo than officials had be
llovcd. Ask for Lcnit-nry
Hundreds of letloi-s telogrnms and
porsonnl calls camo to Attornoy Gen
eral Gregory and Assistant Attorney
Gonoral Houston Thompson, in diroot
charge of the campaign against the
contingent too system, Inquiring con
cerning the legal status, contracts al
ready mado, or the logality of main
taining reprosontatlvos in Washing
ton. Some admitted they had lot
contracts not knowing that this was a
violation of; the war.
Altho no formal statomcnt of pol
icy was mado by the dopartmcnt ot
Justice officials Intimated that len
iency would ho shown In all cases
whore It was apparent that tho con
tractor or tho commission agent
noither protended to ubo nor actually
did employ any sinister Influence In
obtaining orders.
A group of lawyers, working today
on tho mass of reports on raids mado
on manufacturers offices, found con
siderable now evidonco of Impropor,
if not lllogal, practlcos In connection
with tho soliciting of government war
! contraots. In many casos. It Is under
stood, manufacturers havo written to
army offleors who formerly held po
sitions with them or with American
concorns, asking thorn to uso Influ
ence in getting contracts.
Hill lo Prohibit
A bill to prohibit "cost plus" con
tracts and annual govornment con
tracts, seeurod by paytnen or prom
ises of a commission for uso ot Influ
ence was Introduced today by Senator
Polndoxter of Washington and ro
forrod to a senato Judiciary sub-com-mltteo.
nobort Pelou.o who lias been ill
with spinal meningitis nt tho letter
man general hospital In San Fran
cisco for several months, Is now alilo
to sit up and will soon bo nldo to
ninko Iho Journey homo with his
mother who has been by his boilaldo
sinro ho was stricken with tho dis
Italians Pushed Back Several Miles
Toward Venice New Foothold On
Montello, Austrians Making Des
perate Effort to Drive Italians Off
Height Gains Made Not Commen
surate With Preparations Made,
Shells Expended and Life Lost.
VIENNA, June 19. Austro-Hun-garian
troops have crossed the Foa-
I ,, , fioma Mmt. the Aus-
i . , ... . . .
trian war office announced today. It
is added that the Italians are staking
everything In order to stop the ad
vance of tho Austro-Hungariana In
their offonsivo on the northern Ital
; lun front.
! Italian attacks delivered on each
isldo ot tho Oderzo-Trovlso railway,
tho etatoniont adds, broke down un
der heavy losses. Tho Austrians
broko thru sovoral Italian linos at the
southern foot of the Montollo.
OOOO Anstrinns Captured
ROM!-, Juno 19. The Italians have
captured slnco the beginning of the
Austro-Hungarlan offensive prisoners
to tho ntimbor of 9011 and nave
taken many guns and several hun
dred mnchlno guns, the Italian war
office announced today. ', . , .
The battlo on tho Piave river broke
out again furiously yestorday after
noon, the statomont adds. Fresh ef
forts oil tho Invaders to cross to tho
right hnnk from San Andrea to Can-dol-u
woro repulsed.
An Intonso struggle also took place
in tlio Fossalta soctor north ot Capo
Knemy Uses Unserves
PARIS, Juno 19. Tho battlo on.
tho Italian front now In Its fourth
day, presents a favorable aspect, ac
cording to dlsputchos to tho llavaa
agency. Tho Austrians havo gained
ground along a lino four kilometers
In extent on Iho Montello plateau and
on a lino four kilometers long on the
west side of tho Piavo river. Losses
ot tho enemy show that he Is using
his reserves whilo tho Italluns are
protecting tholrs.
Ily tho Associated Pross, June 19.
Florin attacks ore bolng made by
tho Austrians to ovorcomo the Ital
ian resistance along tho Plave but
tho dofennlvo lino still holds. Ap
parently tho cnomy seems his only
hope of success In enlarging his
only liopo of success enlarging his
gains across tht Plavo, has been
given a disastrous check In the
moiinlaitiH from west ot Aslago to
(ho Piavo,
(Continued on Page Six.)