Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail Tribune
Office, Mall Tribune HutldliiK. i6-27-l!9
North Kir street. Plione 76.
The Democratic Times, Thn Mfdford
Mall, the Medford Tribune, The foulh
ern Oregonlan, Tim AhIiIjiihI Trihutm.
One your, by mail ,
One month, hy mall. 60
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Anhlant. Phonl, Jank-
nonvllle and Ccntmi Tolnt
Paturduy only, hy mull, per year 2.00
Weekly, per year ... 1-60
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jnoknon County.
Kntpred as Berond-rlnna mat tor at
Bedford, Oregon, under the act of March
g 1870.
worn Circulation for April. 3,973.
Full Leased Wire Kervlco, The As
sociated 1'rt'HH In exehmlvely entitled to
the ii ha for republication of all newa
dispatcher! credited to it or not olher
wIho credited In this paper, and alim the
local newH published nereln. All rlhlH
of republication of npeclal Uisputchcs
herein uro also rcrterved.
X If you fall to receive the Mall $
Tribune promptly ana on lime
Phone 609-J
Thorp nin't no fun ullii'in' a boy ,
Wished I was a really man.
ISel lM so iukI join Ihi' army
An' die; rijiht in for I'nclc Snm.
Guess 1 wouldn't lie n Slacker
j 'Kr wnint fer Ihc draft you know,
I'd unt get ritflit in the service.
And across the sea I'd K.
Hot I'd been the first to answer
The, biifiln class across Ihu sea;
I wouldn't turn my back on filory
Cause she means u lot to me.
I'd bo Kind I''"'0 "ti I'l i't ;
Just to i'ijrht fer Undo Sain
Sure I'd bo n regular soldier,
If I was a really innn.
Hot I'd pvl that pesky Kaiser,
I'd put him on tho run
And tlicre'd he another fcllnr
llnnnin' tit tliem bloomin linns.
Ilat I'd Ret rinhl at. Ibein (Icrinans
Till they noticed Uncle Sam.
(.Ice 1 tell you I'd do wonders,
If I was n really man.
Shaw there ain't no fun perlcndin'
That your leaden men arc Huns
A bangin' away like blazes!
With American Mulie-helivc nuns,
Course you know it Win in I'layin'
And hits Win fer Uncle Sam.
Gosh I you'd find me in the service
If I was a really man.
.Mrs. James Leslie.
'TRIKlNTi mi a front of li.j miles, lHwceti Montdidicr
1 und tliei Oisc, Ilie (ici'inans have renewed their
thrust; toward Paris, in llieir fourth offensive effect since
.March 121, wiien they smashed the liritish lines at St. (juin
till. Kneli offensives hits had less success than the previous
one, and while it is too early to make; predictions, the init
ial result of the present drive has been the costliest to the
(lermans and the most meaner in success of them till.
The new (ierninn attack is directed immediately
against ('mimieiVno as part of the campaign against Paris,
The section at tacked is it vital oiks because, of Hit; various
detached heights which lie across the head of the vallev of
the Oise and its preat railway and road to Paris. Any im
portant L'iuu in tins direction would hrini; the enemv out
in the level-country towards St. Just find ( Mcarinont, and
enable him to avoid a frontal attack on the forests of C'om-
icitnie find Villers-Oottcrcts, which fire of great value to
the allies, for defensive purposes. Such a gain, would prob-
ihlv compel a readjustment ol. the allied trout between the
Oisc and the Marne.
.Another object of the new move Is assumed to lie' an
attempt to outflank the French line into the Koissons sec
tor, and straighten the Germans lino which now occupies a
dangerous salient along the iMariie.
the Crown 'Princes Manic drive was only partially
successful. It contemplated two parallel advances, one on
the west on the road from Soissons to Chateau-Thierry, the
other down the K'heinis-Doriiions road. At the same time
fi third army was to have followed the river Oisc to tin
river Otircq, and from tlmOurcq, from which a canal leads
to Paris, to the Marne where it would have united with
the army Iroin Kheiins and crossed the Marne. The two
wings were held nj and only the center reached the
Marne and the allied counter attacks, participated in by
the United States marines, have prevented the enemv from
stablizing his gains.
Ilie Ju-ench lines were lightly held along the Crown
Prince's center, which accounts for his rapid progress
with overwhelming forces. Peservcs, however, were
quickly thrown in, which held-up his wings. The main al
lied reserves were massed in the Amiens, Paris and Ypres
sectors, and it was probably the enemy's expectation that
the Marne advance would force the advancement -of these
reserves, leaving the way clear for a resumption of the
smash at Amiens but the hope did not materialize. Only
the local reserves were called out.
1 r W's7 till "iWW?
I $U4 -1
lly Konnoth It. Ilobortn.
"Apswor Wllnon Willi tho Sworil!"
KovlnlHolio VolkR-ZeilunK.
What Ib tho 1'rusBlan sword? A
riBiuinK blailo
That leaps iintarnlslied from Its Jew
oled Bhcalli
And xtrlkcB fur truth, unit honor's
laurel wreath
A glorious weapon, strong and un
afraid? -
All no! The rrusnlaii sword Is hut n
n a mo
'or tactics foul and iikoiii Ich obscene
Tor poison Has und rulhlcss aulunar
Inn; l'or cowards' blows and deeds of
liiinilnK Hhame;
l'or nurses siuitten down at Mercy's
Polluted wells and sunken lied Cross
And food snatched out of starving
children's Hps,
And crimes that hell would hesitate
to boast!
Tho Prussian sword Is treachery ami
(!od Kraut that II lie trampled In the
A MliWICAX invention has gone the tank one better by
producing Jt five-ton armored artillery shrapnel proof
l ......J .... c... l l: c:. i .i ii ' , 1 .
i.i u mi nn- ii, lining ueni guns, which lifts passed suceesslu!
tests and been accepted by the war department.
Hooked to a -1.7 inch field howitzer, the mm and trac
tor weighing ten tons, the machine in its official tests, ran
over rough muddy ground which balked the British tank
brirania, going thru ditches find holes, cutting down trees,
ciuiniiing over'lallen trunks, ascending a 45 degree hill
where the mud was a foot dee) and rattling down a paved
niiiii jii ii speed or u miles fin Hour.
Army officials are convinced that no shell torn terri
t,.,.,, ,..;n ..i.... u : i ... .
"i.i nin rui uic i.qini movement oi juncrican Held guns
on the battle line. In the (iernian, British and French
armies only t he guns above six inches have been motorized.
It has not been found practical to put tractors on lighter
weapons, becaiuse they must leave the roads. Put all
American batteries above three inch guns up to six inch
will in the future be equipped with tractors, which are al
ready being delivered for shipment abroad.
Meanwhile, a smaller type is being worked out for the
three-inch, or "75's," with the prospect that fill American
artillery will be inolordrawn eventually. Besides an enor
mous saving in forage, every battery motorized saves
horses, which are killed by I he thousands, going into act ion.
The perfection if the tractor, which is a short easily
Handled machine on caterpillar creepers,, depended upon
turning out an engine that would function efficiently at a
narp angle. I lie engine used will work at a slant of 70
degrees. It can climb in and out of shcllhnlcs find a special
device furnishes a soft irrnuiul rin tli.-it .-.m l. .,-.i
for operat ion on a road.
LONDON. Kc. rctarv Daniels ,a
bled that Amcriran nnvul Torres in
Kurope arc not brim: weakened n
risutt of U-bonl aetiitv in Amcnaen
watei-s, anil (roups will ciiiiliniic tu
po abroad.
Holds False Teetli
Firmly in Mouth
It Prm'OnlN Soro (ilium
Gums shrink or swell and l'latcs
liocomo looso. which Is no fault of
tho Dontlst. An spplbutlon of COU
KOA sifted evenly on (ho Dental
Plato rollovoi theso coiulHloiu. It
holdB the Plato firmly and comfort
ably In position. Also promotos
mouth hyglcno.
85c at Drug Stores and Dental Sup.
nly Houses. Your DrugKlst can Kett
from Ills wholosalor. I'reo siuuplo
from Corega Chemical Co., Clovoland,
OhlA. (Advertisement )
FOKT WORTH, Tex., Juno 10. Hy
n "rcbrcalhiiiK machine." here, the
first of ils kind to be established by
tho United States jroverninent or any
of its ullies anywhere, aviators fly
ing under the Stars and Slripes
hcncel'orlh will hq classified nceord
iiii; to their ability to thrive in high
The machine is in a research labor
atory at Ilarron aviation field, and is
in charge of Lieutenant (!. II. Hanson,
U. W. Thomas and James lllair, who
arrived in Fort Worth recently fronr!
Mineola, X. Y. It produces all the
sensalions of nscendiic.; and descend
ina; and lias been in use by the (!cr air service, it is said, for five
years. !
Henceforth, no pilot from any of
Ihc local fields will be assigned to
active duty overseas until he has
passed the lesls or the conl rivance
and been classified according to his
ability to withstand allilude fatigue.
Kxpcrii'iicc has laulit that many air
asuallles are dilc; to this fatigue.
One man will be so affected that, he
will faint. Another will pi along
with his flying mechanically and
with his mind so dulled that he can
not plan or execute an attack on an
enemy. 'Still annthei- will become
I lipid and his nerves will not react
to the excitement of battle.
The pilots will lie divided into three
classes. In the lirsl. class will he
phi I Ihc airmen who arc never af-
t'ectcd by allittiilc I'atiguc and who
can asccml ami tight anywhere then
planes will mount.
In the next , lass will he those
whose menial families are dulled by
high altitudes.
In Ihc la-d, or third, will be Ihosc
who faint under Ihc stress.
Wheatless Shortcakes
Down In thn 1'ullcd Slates food ad
ministration's experimental kllrhcn
they have discovered a way by which
you can havo your cako, and eat It
loo. Try theso wheatless shortcakes
for strawberries or other fruits.
t A 11 Measurements Aro Level.)
lliuley Shortcake
-1 cups barley flour, (J teaspoons
linking powder, t teaspoon salt. 1
teaspoon sugar, I to i; teaspoons lal,
1 cup liquid.
(It desired the acid taste of barley
may he lessened hy the use of a small
unnunt of soda 'j teaspoon of soda
dissolved In the cup of Mould. )
Cornflour Sborlcako
2 2-.. cups cornflour, li teaspoons
baking powder. 1 teaspoon salt,
tablespoon sugar, ii to x tablespoons
fat, 1 cup Mould.
( "in I'loiiiMiroiiud liotlod Oal.-J
t 1-1! cups cornflour, 1 li can:
ground rolled oals, t, teaspoons bak
ing powder, 1 teaspoon salt, I table
spoon sugar, I tablespoons fat, I cup
Ulce I'lour Shortcake
I! '4 cups rice flour. I teaspoon salt
teaspoons baking powder, 1 table
spoon sugar, fi to tablespoons fat.
I nip liquid.
Method of MakhiK These Shortcakes
.Mix the dry Ingredients, rut In the
fst and Btl.l liquid. Kor Individual
servings, place dough on sllgb.ll
floured hoard, pal to -Vlneli thick
ness and cut as for biscuit, l'or fain.
lly sized portions placo dough In well
greased pan and pat to desired thick
ness. Hake In hot oven.
Nolo: Tho liquid may bo Increased
or egg added with rlco and corn flour
to make a softer dough which may
also increase its lightness somewhat.
WASHINGTON, .lane 10. A plan
for pooling all tho resources of the
I'nlted Slate and Us co-belllgeronts
Into one vast ei-onomic and war nin.
chine, on which government oiticlals
and allied representatives are work
lug will ho submitted soon to Cresl-
dent Wilson.
The proposal under consideration
Is In tho hands of Chairman ltaruch
of the war liulu.-lrirs Hoard. As out
lined, It contemplates making the In
dustrles board virtually Industrial
dictator of the nations associated In
the war against tho central powers.
WASHINGTON, Juno 10. The
new army casually list today con
tained 7-1 names divided us follows:
Killed in notion 1:1; died of wounds,
five; died of airplane accident, one;
died of disease, one; died of accident
und other causes, one; wounded se
verely -Mi; wounded, degree undeter
mined, seven.
The list includes Private Guy
Locrpabel, Holder, fire.; Jos. It.
Smith, eiser, Idaho, killed in action;
Virgil J. Gibson, Victor, Jlonl.
wounded severely.
Killed in notion: Lieutenants .Tohi
A. Kwing, Diirchesler, Mass.; Ldgar
Alfred Lawrence, Chicago; Corporal
Anlhonv Diecllo, I'otlsville. I'a.! Pri
vates Samuel lluclialtcr, Colchester,
Conn.! Clarence h'ields, Ashland, Ky
lienrv Kirby, Applclon, Wis.; Guv
Locriahcl, Mohler, Ore.; Hiiwan
Morgan, Covington, La.; Jesse Princ
Covinglon, l.n.; Oscar l' L. Sehaef-
fcr. Ilazelliin, Pa.; Josph K. Smith
Weiser, Idaho; John Volln, Alarsis-
onetleri, Pnlerra, Italv; George C
Wrighl, Itiscoe, X. C.
Died of wounds; Privutes Wulter
liruee, Lowell. Mass.; William H
Hornby, Pall Uivcr, Muss.; (lus
Kales. Chicago; John K. King Ashe
boro, X. C. ; Mac Wingate, Marys
ville. Ohio.
Died of disease: Private Ilie W
Wiiltcrinan, Kainrar, Iowa.
Died of airplane accident: Cadet
Jefferson O. Myers, l.ooueville, Ind
Hied ot accident or other cause:
Private Lewis, Madison, Ind.
Wounded in action, (degree un
known) : Captain Charles W. Aikins,
Winlerset, la.: Privutes Dwighl K.
( arson, Mount. Ayre, la.; James W.
Hewitt, Creston. la.; Anton .lirkov
ski, Cedar Wapids. la.; Lee Jones,
Andrew, In.; Jos. L. Madilcn, Was,
inglnii, D. ('.; Glen Stanley, Pittls
lonl, Mich.
STOCKHOLM, May 5. (Corres
pondence of tho Associated Press.)
Uelicf that the tieoplo of ilussla want,
ahovo all things, peaco at any price,
Is a mistake, asserts Vladimir Dourt
seff, a noted ltusslan former revolu
tionary and newspaper man who has
arrived here from Finland.
"Tho Bolshovikl threaten tho total
destruction of Russia," said Hourt
sofl to a writer in tho Dagens Nyho
tor. "Thoy attained power by tho
holp of tho Germans and by tho same
means aro maintained In power. Hol
shoviklsm is a danger not only for
Russia but for tho wholo world and
It !s necessary that tba supporters of
Its doctrines should bo thoroughly
defeated. Russia cannot be saved so
long 08 the Dolshevlkl are in control
am convinced they can be conquered
ind I hope It will not bo long before
thoy are suppressed.
'What Russia needs is .1 govern
ment composed ot democrats and
cadets (constitutional democrats)
with a man like Korniloff or llilyu-
koff at its head. The Idea that the
land above all things wants peace at
any price Is a mistake. This would
be made plain under another govern
ment which, unlike tho present, was
not dependent on German support."
llonrtscff at tho beginning of the
war was living in Paris as a refugee.
Ho Immediately returned to Russia
to offer his services to the govern
ment against Germany, lie was ar
rested tho moment he reached Itus
slau soil and sent to Siberia. After a
year there ho was released on tho
intercession of President Poincaro of
ranee. He returned to Petrograd
where ho opposed the nolsheviki.
When tho revolution broko out h Wfi
Imprisoned in tho fortress of St.
Peter and St. Paul. After four
months imprisonment he escaped and
reached llelsingfors whence he came
to Sweden.
Unceasing Misery
Sonic Medford Kidney Sufferers Get
Mttlo Itcist or Comfort
Thero Is little Bleep, little rest, lit
tle pcaco for many a sufferer from
kidney trouble. -Life Is olio continual
round of pain. You can't rest at
ulght when there's kidney backache.
You sillier twinges and "Btobs" ot
pain, annoying urina.y u.u.--.
lameness and nervousness. iou v-.. -bo
comfortable at work with darting
pains and blinding dizzy spells. N'eg-
thoso ailments aim
troubles muy follow, "egm "
Doan's Kidney Pills at the Hrat sign
of disorder. Thousands have testified
to thotr merit. Medford readers win
find convincing proof in tho follow
ing testimony:
Uaniel Platen, C St., Jacksonville,
Ore , says: "It is some six or seven
vears ago since I used Doan's Kidney
Pills but 1 cannot forget how much
good they did me. 1 suffered from,
weakness of the kidneys and other
disorders that go with kidney com
plaint. I pained and ached all over.
I began using Doan's Kidney PIUS
and received benefit from the -very
first. Soon they Had me siruiBui"-
up In good shape."
1'rico 00c, at all dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney romedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Flaten had. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.' '
Notice of School
Xniico Is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. i, ot
Jackson county, State of Oregon, that
a school meeting of Bald district will
bo held at High School ouuuinB,
the 17th day of June, 1918, at two
o'clock In the afternoon to Beven p.
m., to vote on the proposition of levy
ing a special district tax.
The total amount ot money needed
by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 17th, 1918, ana
ending on June 30, 1919, is estimat
ed in the following budget and in
cludes the amounts to ue
from tho county school fund, state
school fund, special district tax, and
all other moneys of the district:
Kstlnmled l:.cnditiircs
Teachers' salaries....!'? ,000.00
PORTLAND, June 10. Immediate
information as to tho total supplies
of dried prunes, evaporated peaches,
canned apples, peaches, pears, cher
ries, tomntoos, peas, corn and evapo
rated milk, available now in Oregon
and Washington, which could bo as
sembled In San Francisco hy Juno 20,
was asked today of R. L. Ringer of
the bureau of markets hero, by tho
dopot quartermaster of the western
department of the army at San Fran
Tho Information Is wanted for
army officals at Washington, and tho
goods must bo packed In export cases
and must ho ot standard quality or
hotter. Ringer will mako an effort
to securo the data by getting in touch
with thoso who have quantities of
such foods on band.
A PACIFIC. PORT, .luno 10. Mer
chants exchange officials here today
wondered If the .lapnucsa freighter
Otaru Maru number 2 was the vessel
which an arriving steamer last night
reported burning and abandoned at
Thn Otaru was due hero a week
ago rroin tho orient. Nothing has!
been heard from her for some lime. I
She was to have been turned over to
the I nited states government on her
Altho the imsiiinn of the burning
vessel, ::.::i; north and 1IH.17 west
was a lilt off the I Hani's path, marine
men pointed out that possibly she
drifted after heing abandoned.
WASHINGTON. American -t .
er Del ;, unk hv (i,,r.
ivan -iilimunno 7n ,m,. f( Manland
const Saliird,. .-.ruing- by torpedo.
AMSTERDAM, Juno 10. Per
manent economic and military union
between Germany and Austla-llun-Sury,
"with the gradual disappear
ance of customs duties and frontiers''
I Is proposed hy Frederick Von Payer,
Imperial vice ehancllor of tlrmany, In
n statement published in tho iNeue
! Kreie press of Vienna nnd also In the
j Vosslche Zeltung of Merlin.
! Included In this scheme of a mittel
I Kuropu under domination of the cen
tral powers aro Russia, Poland Dul
gariu and Turkey.
The vlce-chnneellor points out that,
with this union onco effected, the
peace of l.uropo would ho in the
hands of tho Teutonic allies.
The Itching and Stingf
of Blazing. Fierv RpTpma nip ,-sKin is nn nre.
Thero is a harrnssinfr discomfort
caused by Kosc.t.a that almost be-
XOIil'OI.K. a. Im ported that
two American deMroyers have been
seen wiin what i believed !o lie a
si biuarine in low oi l' Virginia.
comes n torture. The itcbinir is nl
most unbearable, and the skin seems
on fire with the burning- irritation.
A cure from local applications of
salves and ointments is impossible,
because such treatment can only al
lay the pain temporarily. The disease
can only be reached by going deep
down to its source
Tho souks ot Ec:cma U in the
blood, the disease beimr caused hv nn
infection which breaks out through
the skin. That is why the tnot satis
factory treatment for all so-cailed
skin diseases is S. S. S. for this rem
edy so thoroughly cleanses the blood
that no impurities can remain. Get a
bottle to-day at any drugstore, and
you will see results from the right
treatment. Write for export r--!:;.-!
advice, which you enn get without
cost, by addressing Medical Director,
'1 Swift J-uloralory, Atlanta, Cu.
Hie iov Of
Comisig fofotfoerfiood
A Wonderful Remedy That U a Natural
sua ana kguovbb toe A easioiw
Appurutus and sup
plios, such as maps,
chalk, erasers, stoves
curtains, etc
Library books and
supplementary read
ers Klacs
liepairs ot school
liotises, outbuildings
or fences
ImprovinK grounds....
Playground equip
ment Janitor's waes
.Janitor's supplies
UKht, power and gas
Clerk's salary ...
Postage and station
ery For tho payment or
bonded debt and in
terest thereon, Issued
under Sections 117,
14 1 to 14S, and 42
of (he School haws of
Oregon, 1917
Freight and drayago
Man. tr. dept., Dom.
Ss. Uept., Music and
Telephone and Tel....
Special assessments..
Sinking fund
(1 IHI. (10
5.000. 00
1 he expectant molher revolves in her mind i
all we urulerstund hy destiny. And It Is of
tho iitmrwt Imnnrt.'irca tliut her physical com
fort bo our first thonht, I
Thero l ft raixt splendid remed; for tliii
imrpoie, known as Motlier's Friend. It la
applied nver Uio muscles of tlio stnnmeh,
(rcntly rubbed In, nnd at once pcnetr.ites to
relievo strain on nerves, conls and H?fi
mcntji. It makes tho museles so plimt Mint
tliejr expand cnslly when b;tby nrriten and
pnln and danger at tho crisis is naturally
Mother's Friend Is for external use only.
Is nlwluli'Iy sufa nnd wonderfully ciTectivc.
It enables tho nmlhor to preserve
her health nnd strength nnd sl:e remnim
a pretty mother hy havinc avoided tho suf
forinir nnd danper which would othenvlfo
Accompany such nu rocaxion. Every nerve,
murle and tendon Is thoroughly lubricated.
Mother' Friend la prepared by tTio Brad
ftcM Ilcrulatnr Co., Lamar Bide, At
lanta, On. They Mill mall you an intcnIy
interesting "Motherhood llonlt," Write them
to send it to you, and in the meantime send
or phono to your druejlst today for a battle
of Mother's Friend.
Frery woman should aid nature In hrr
gfurious wortc, .MiMiut s Friend makes it
poihlo for you tc dt pn, nnd should he H5ed
regularly, without fail, night and morning.
I I I IN t
Total $73,900.00
l-Mimntcd Itc-crlpts
Krom county school fund
durhiK coining school
year $12,674.00
From atuto Kchnol fund
diirlni; conii.ig scaool
year 3,000. 00
Kstlmated ninount to bo
received from all other
pnurces during the coin-
ln? school year 3,200.00
Total estimated receipt?.,
not Includini; the money
to lie received from the
tux which it Is proposed
to voto
Tolnl estimated expenses
for the year $73,900.00
Total estimated receipts
not Including thn tax to
be voted 18,S74.0O
Halanee, amount to be
raised by district tax $35,9SB.OO
Huted tln utb dnv of Juno. 191$.
II. J. l'AI.MKR,
Chairman Hoard of Dlroctors.
1''. K. HKDDl-'.X,
district Clerk.
f for I '
Alto Cleaning, Pressing and Attertr
Say, It Acted Like n Cliarm.
I Ally Asslsuuit.
PBone M. 47 and 47-JI.
Automobile Hearse Service.
Into Ambulance Serrlc. Crr-
We expect to supply at new low
rate local coal of tlrat-class qual
ity, free rrom alate.
For Information regarding de
livery and prices apply to
Iloom Si), First National Buk
"big. F. II. CViwlea, Pre.
Thone 2G2.