Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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ftrrcnroTtH matt; Trcmuyrc,- medford, okeoox, -moxday, jttxe s, iois
Medford Mail Tribune
Offle Mail Tribune Building, tlt-'ll-'l
North Kir Htreet. I'hono 70.
The remocrnlic TIiih-h, Tli Met! ford
Mall, the AW-dfnrd Trlhuno, The roulh
eru OruKonlitn. The Ahlund Tribune.
One yur. hy mail ... ..$! 00
One month, hy mall......... . .60
Per month, lt li"ered by carrier In
Mmiford, Anhland, Phoenix, Jack
sonville nnd OntrM Point .HO
Pntnrdoy only, by mail, pur yar 2.00
Weokly. imr your 1.60
Of f feUil paptr of lb flty of Medford.
Official jKip'tr of .lrt:lo;on County.
KnUr,;d iih H(''ond-('laH mat tor lit
Medford, Oregon, under 11m act ot March
8 IS71.
Sworn Clrcnlatlon for April, 2,973.
MiOMitKii ok 'run: associated
Full iined "Wir.j H.rvirfl. Tho Ah
BOriatd I'n-HH 1 exoliiHlvoly .-nttild lo
tho us" fur riiihtir,imu of nil ik-wh
dlftpatchoH erdlid it u t,r not otln-r-wImo
cn illlcil In this .V-r, and a. I ho tho
Jocul rii'WH pnl)llnhi'd n'rHri. All rU:li!M
of rpuM leal Ion uf HyvAul dUputuhoH
heroin uro alttu rTVi;d.
. I K yon fall to receive tho Mall S
Tribune promptly and on tlino
PhoiiH G0U-J
When Mnyor dales recently espied
an article In (ho Apostolic I'uitli, a
publication of lliat religious organi
sation, that Jin regarded as Kmlitlous,
In that It voiced Bonllnionts adverse
to war, contrary to government rul
';. Inns, he lmmodlatoly instituted an In-
vosllKiitlon of tho nttitudo of tho
i'mombors of that church. Tho follow.
I Ing resolution, Blirnod by tho niem
I bers of tho local Apostolic Knlth Mls
F slon, speaks for itself, and Mayor
Gates Rtatcd last night that ho would
vouch for It. Tho statement follows:
"Wo, tho undersigned citizens or
Medford nnd worshippers at the
Apostolic Faith Mission, 33 North
Cirapo slreet, 'Medford, Oregon, here
by desire to Inform the public of our
loyally and patriotism,' most all hav
ing freely contributed to tho J ted
Cross nnd not having nny conscien
tious objection to the laws and rules
' of our country regarding Its proced
n ro In mllltnry tactics.
"Itesardlus tho article In tbo Apos
tolic Fuith paper, wo heretofore had
no idea of It appearing disloyal and
wo stand by our country and officials
from tho president down. Tho paper
belni! published In Portland, wn are
not responsible and the urtlcle will
be promptly ntlcmlcd to at that plnco.
J. J. (lard, l!:r North Holly street;
''rnnrcs 11. (lard, 11! "i North Holly
street; Frank Kp.gcnspcrgei', Huered
loart hospital; Mrs. A. V. lllalr, 220
South tirupo street; A. M. KhnndH,
220 North Bnrtlott; Mrs. A. M.
hhoads, 220 North Hartlett; ("alba
Sulder, 1212 AVest Tenth street; Ella
May Snider, 1212 West Tenth street;
ltobert Ulltlon. 1022 West Tenth:
Mrs. A. M. Illltton, 1022 We.'t Tenth;
Mrs. 1. M. Hhelby, 301'. King; Mrs.
Ollle Conley, 31 II King; Mrs. Kens
llarr, S2 1 lleckiiiuu ; .Mis. It. It. Mc
('onocble; 1,. II. Itoot and Mrs. I.. II.
ltoot, .12 South Crape: Mis. I'. A.
Slieurburn, KHi West Second; Mrs.
Maud 10. Day. 21 Smith Tench; Mrs.
Al .lurlln. SOI South Central; !'. II.
llusby S22 Hast Twelfth; Mrs. John
Busby, 22 Hnst Twelfth: Mm. 11.
Dressier, 211 Cottage; I-'. II. Dressier,
211 Collniie: Mrs. l-'unnle Miller. It.
it, llux, 1.".", Meilfoi.l; Mr. Alfred
Miller, 11. !l. Hex l.'.T, Medrnrd; Mrs.
A. it. I'blpps, li. .1, Medford; Mrs.
Annlo Ni'wmau, It. ;:, Medford; A. T.
Nowmnii, 1!. 3; W. K. lllalr, 220
Houth drape; Win. Stuiley, ."01 South
Oakdale; Mrs. Wm. Siailey. iMM
Booth Oakdale; Miss l alth Tyson.
SIM Apple; Chloe Kessler, 1022 West
Tenth; I.. II. 1'ieslar, 1o:.2 West
lOleventh; Mrs. Josle 1'ieslar. 10.ri2
West Kleventh; Miss liuliy Slielliy,
and KIiik; Miss Mario Shelby. I'.Oii
Kins; Mis. S. P. Hammond. 020 West
Klevciilh; Mis. Fred llnrtisliuh. .'t;il
Apple; ltev, l-'rcd llui'iisbuh, 211 1
WASHINGTON, .lime a. The mi
ircme toni-l, in an iininn tMla
held tliui. iln i.l. ini-i to slorL-
lioldcrs infnipor;itiitM-i cut of Mir
gdiiH accural. I;i I ,1 in inr to (lie In
come lax InWyf Hi:t, ore not income
nnd thorcinro-Ji .t lovable under lin
net. '-,
NF.W YOliK-Tie l uiled Stales
now has a larite num ci- uf Hrst-cian
unttloshlps "opcraltiiR : l,le by i.ldo
wtin the IichI ships o' the liritlfh
ncvy for an enuagement which l ex
pected with Hie Onus, nfieet at any
tlmoM, according to a statement made
In an address hy Kear-Aduilral Allien
Till; U-boat offensive against American sliippinjf in
American waters lias been expected since the dec
iaralion of war. The American navy is prepared to combat
the menace witli adequate nielhod.-i. The principal losses
will be the initiai losses, inconsiderable aside from the in
convenience to commerce.
The submarines operate under difficulties, a long way
from their base and even if they art; accompanied by other
submarines fitted up as .bases, their -operations will be
limited. Having been mastered in European waters, the
U-boat will bo the more quickly mastered off American
Aside from the purpose of terrorizing Americans! the
main objective of tin; submarines is the destruction of
American transports carrying troops to France. The fact
t hat in a year not a single American transport, loaded with
troops, has been sunk, despite constant effort, does noti
promise greater success for Hit! (iernians in their last,
effort. ' !
Instead of shattering American morale, the U-boat
atrocities will have the contrary effect. They will help
us to understand that we are at war for national existence
with a foe that knows no scruples. Like the ze(pelin raids
on London, they wiil stiffen- resisteneo and increase our
win-ardor. Unrestricted U-boat warfare spelled the
downfall of the grandoise (ierman schemes of slaughter
and enslavement of the world by bringing in America. The
slaughter and enslavement goes on for America has as
yet only laid the foundation of her military edifice but the
superstructure is rapidly being erected, and German, effort
is doomed. , .
German armies are still being sacrificed to win a final
victory that can never be won. They are urged forward
by the iieeessi.y of relief for the war stricken population
from the almost unbearable burdens imposed by war and
when the promised victory turns out, to be merely a will-o-the-wisp,
as it will turn out, national collapse is inevitable.
Upon the U-boat, German autocracy built its rainbow
promises of success two years ago. Tht-y failed to ma
terialize. Xow the U-boat has been mastered in Europe and
the promise of success is transferred to America. J ere also
it Is destined to failure. The U-boat as a source of final
victory, has been eliminated tho the German people do'
not yet know it.
(-amp Johnston, May.l, 1I11S.
Heareft Mother and family: This
Is Mothers' day and 1 am surely
thlnkiiiK of you but not any moro
than any oilier day. I think of ail of
you all of tho Unto.
There Is not much of Interest to
wrllo about. 1 rocolved my first let
ter from Hull yesterday and was BUre
Ijlad to hear from him. lie seems to
think ho has a goid chance and I
hopo ho makes nood. I wish I were
with him. (Hull Norcross is an
armorer at Wilbur Wright's flying
field.) Friday nlKbt about 1.10 ne
groes escaped from tho detention
ciiuip here. They wero mostly from
.lucliKonvlllo nud havo been In Hie
army about a week, sltll wearing civ
ilian dress. Well, thoy called out the
guards and mounted men and comb
ed tho woods thoroly and captured
about fifty of them. Tho fellows wero
out all night was on duly hero at
tho otrico so I missed that hut at
(I o'clock Saturday morning I went
In for broakfast and they asked for
20 volunteers. I volunteered. We
bad'a wild ride out thru tho country
ami they posted us two in a place
at all Hie brld'-es nnd crossroads to
waltii for the negroes.
Well, J ere anil 1 were put together
al a crossroads, there was a big farm
house witli big trees and a swing next
lo tho (inner so wo put In a dandy
day sitting In that swing and all we
had lo do was to stop all negroes thnl
rnmo along thoso roads and question
them, then mako them roll up their
shirtsleeves on tluir left arm lo seo
it tliey had been vaccinated, (These
negroes that escaped had all been
vaccinated lately. I Wo stopped lots
of negroes but did not calch any ol
tho deserters. It was funny to sou
how scared some of them would gel
when we hailed tliem. I guess they
think a soldier with a gun Is a very
dangerous person. Wo were relieved
about four in (lie afternoon and had
such a lovely rldu back to camp.
. Saturday night at 6:30 we wero to
march in N review past Colonel Wll
lard, Hie commanding officer of tills
camp. 1 lliol on account or not many
of the fellows having any sleep for
forty-eight hours thai we would be
excused bill 1 was not. We were
called out of the barracks at .Vail by
l.letit. 1 'alley who by the way was
our top sergeant until lately bo was
udvani 'd lo 2nd llcueliianl. lie cer
talnl; ibvcrnil n. never knew
more of a prince, of a fellow. Weil,
ho picked out sixteen men enough
for a platoon I was one ot the hon
ored ones, ns 1 learned later It was
an honor to lie one to march In the
lead of the fip't review ever held at
Camp Johnston,
Wo sixteen men with l.leul. Dalley
inarched up lo headquarters w here
' we were to start. We were nil dieted tty ulU.e and wore our arm
, hands. The parade started at K:;i0.
'our platoon In the lead, then came
jlhe bniid, (I, .-a tho rest of the cein
j panics, each separated by about 100
foot. All tho men in camp marched
and I had never known there were so
ninny men in camp.
You should havo seen the crowd
that was out to witness the review.
Machlnos lined the street all along
nnd wo got a hand from everyone.
tho only company that did, so natur
ally wo feel stuck-up over it. ' The
captain told Lieut. Dulley to toll us
this morning lliat ho .was very proud
of tho way wo marched in such per
fect tlmo nnd line.
I was certainly ready to quit when
the parado was over as it kind of
hothorcd me. I went to bod nnd have
slept most all day toduy. I haven't
hoard anything of my transfer for a
week, but I certainly hope it goes
thru for 1 know I'd llko a truck com
pany flno.
Tho cookies and other things hnve
corlalnly been enjoyed. Wo have good
eats boro but something from home
goes so good between meals. And 1
seem to bo always hungry.
1 had a hitter from Clut McCrcdlo
about tho first of tho mouth nnd he
Ihut ho would soon ho put of tho hos
pital. Ho also said Morrltt Mcrriman
was Improving and so optimistic and
kept tho rest laughing nil the time.
I certainly can Imnglno him. 1 sure
hope they both got out of tho hospital
Last Thursday night was boxing
night tit tho outdoor arena and I thot
I'd dlo laughing at one act. Three
negroes put on gloves nnd agreed to
fight until (wo wero down. Two or
ilieni kept arior tho other one unlit
he got mad nnd wouldn't fight any
moro. Then those two hud it out. It
finally was called off.
I think I havo about exhausted lay
wind so must quit. My best wishes
lo everyone nnd 1 like to hear from
you so much. Lovo to nil.
PAl'l. (N'OltCItOSS.)
la'eiil. Sltinrl Tomey completed hi:
liaitiiie,' in pursuit May .11, and ha:
been aligned to duly nt ("erstnc
Field, Lake Charles, as u-Msliin to
I. lent. I'nttci-Miu, in charge of the
aero squadron and three hangars, lie
may he there Unco or lour months.
lie has three lionn flying- n day and
Hie lust day of his new usMgmnent
went up 1 .".(( feet with an llispanp
Suizu motor, climbing the first -1,0(01
feel in four minutes, "That motor is
some climber, believe inc." IVrl'ectl
willing to lake your word for it.
.iierrni aicrriuiuu is improving
and doing us nicely as possible. An. I
a boy as sick us he is who can keep
the others laughing is hound lo get
well. Chitons M.i'rcdie is now hav
ing bis eyes treated. If he doesn't
liae any worse trouble he will soon
lie oat of the hospital.
Camp ,lnluiHt,,n, Flo..
Mav .ill, IOIS,
Hear Mother: Well, school lias
started at last, and I am sun- clad
ol it. 1 lay annual ns
enough. We have two i lasses of .Km
men each. One class goes out on thr
iriu-ks in (ho morning and the other
in the afternoon. Th,. t'i . t clns was
yesterday and I was mil, when Ihev
called lor experjs, I st,.,K,,i
I hey took us over in a big sand field
and we went to it, and things began
to happen. Xwo-lhiids uf tho fel
flruff old papns,- tiio have been
tolling- Tommy and 'little Joe lliat
there'll be no big circuses here this
year, are in for' a bad ten minutes,
for Sells-Kioto Circus is coining- l
Medford, June 8.
Jinny pnins over Hie countrx- have
dad lo bock down from just Ibis pre
mntiire Ktiiteineul, soy the circus
men. 1'iipos have hod some reason to
make tho dccliirntion that only small
circuses would lie able to get about
their home territory .'this year. The
rnilroud congestion nil over tho coun
try, especially in the middle west,
pnve reason to nil such talk, liuj
lows bad never driven jff the pnvc
mcnt in their life so when fliey bit
that sand, they went all lo pieces. Out
of the filieeii that were on the truck
I was on, two of us qualified nnd 1
was one of the two. You can iniag
ino how much prnclice I needed driving-
an empty truck iif'thc sond nfler
my experience- lit the lilue l'.cifge
mine. I think Hint vV6 who (piulify
will bo given a traction course and
then we will be sent back. I know
we will be sent back ns soon as we
fjiinlitfy, but 1 don't know just how
much we w ill hnve to do.
You wanted lo know who Hie Ap-
pleirutcs were I met in Choeiigo. Well.
1 don't know myself, only 1 guess 1
met nil of Hicni. 1 sure hud u good
lime. I will come bock Hie southern
route so os to come through Med
ford. I'll lake chances on felting lo
Chicago some other lime. 1 have
received nil your letters o. k., nnd the
address is right. Yon see there tire
no regular ('. A. C. companies here so
this is culled the 1st Provisional com
pany, the new tinny regulations re
quire that on every soldier's letter he
shall hove his overseas number on
it. My number is ,S.!-i:iliS, put right
oliei' in y name on the same line like
Ihis v! S. W. (SilllltiS). This is
alma; as hard a place to get ac
quainted in ns iinv place 1 ever saw.
I've heard n lot about sonUiei-n hos
pitality, hut I haven't seen much of
it yet. I've got ue,uaitited with one
little girl 1 go mid see. Her folks
are very nice. They have a nice home
and also a nice ear, in which we go
out riding, so i guess k'l! have to get
along. I'll wire if I start home sud
denly, so you will know of my com
ing, l.ovinglv,
V. S. S. South Dakola.
April 2:1. 11I1S.
Ileal Friend: 1 received your let
ter toduy nil'1 was very pleased to
bear from you. I expect it must be
rather dull in the old town, hut it will
be buck In normal when we nil come
marching home again, let's hope. 1
am rather surprised to hear Hint Ouke
is in France already. I have met
several men and boys 1 knew here
in New York, but none from Medford.
I certainly would like lo get a fur
lough nnd go home for two weeks,
but presume I'll have to lake mine
niter the war. They nre only giving
10 day furloughs now and that
would hardly give me lime to get
across, let atone return.
1 suppose you remember (ilcn T. aid
ley, do you not f lie is on this boat
but 1 see little of him os lie works
on the bridge, while 1 work below.
There nre hundreds of fighting eruf
of nil sorts nnd descriptions here
now. warships of 11I kinds, neroplanes
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. ; Drungists
refund money it it fails. Jdc
Cncle Sam stepped ill and said that
the people should be niuused in limes
like these, and, as n result ot gov
ernment encouroirement, H lie big- cir
cuses are out. And here comes Sells
Floto circus to town with its lung
trnins getting- over the mils without n
hitch, due lo Hie fact that Hie White
Father nnd his chiefs down in Wash
ington, recognize Unit t lie circus is
the most beloved of American amuse
ment: enterprises.
Sclls-Floto circus, soys the nd
vance men, is bigircr than ever, better
than ever, of course, and a thrill
patriotic spectacles and sturtlinij new
fen tu res.
by the hundreds in t lie air. Also they
have a great many balloons guarding
and palroling for the lurking subma
rine. The camouflage prncticcd on (he
ships is very wonderful. Some ore
miide to resemble icebergs, while
others are liurdly distinguishable
from huge rocks and still olhcrs are
ns a part of the sea itself.
Well, I'll qujf now, so I'll have
something to sny next time.
Sincerely vours,
The town may get back to normal
a long while after but it will never be
so fur from normal, hid, as it will be
when you boys come iiinrchiug home.
Kntrlca for tho O. & C, grant lands
In Jackson county closed May 25th
and tho drawings were made May
2Sth at Uoseburg. There were about
125 applicants in Jackson county but
the list of winners has not yet been
mado public. It is known, however,
that C. Chntlatn of Montana, won the
"prize" tract of 123 acres, in the so-
called "dosort district" known as the
Fads and Perduo property.
The land unentered will he thrown
open again Juno 10th without regard
to units. ' In the first drawing the
units ns arranged by the government
could not bo broken, the undcslrahlo
land going with the desirable land,
but In the second drawing the appli
cant may file oil any property that Is
adjoining regardless of tho original
Washington Secretary Daniels
announced n new world's record for
warship construction, Mare1 Island
navy yurd turning out torpedo boat
destroyer Ward in 1AV4 days after
keel was laid.
Holds False Teeth
Firmly in Mouth
It rrevcnta Soro Gums
Gums shrink or swell and Plates
become loose, which Is no fault ot
the Dentist. An application of COR
EGA sifted ovcnly on the Dental
Plato relievos these conditions. It
holds .the Date firmly and comfort
ably A position. Also promotes
mouth hygiene. -
25c at Drug Stores and Dental Sup
ply Houses. Your Druggist can get It
from bis wholesaler. Free sample
from Corcga Chemical Co., Clevoland,
hlo. (Advertisement.)
Lnd Assistant.
Phone M. 47 and 47-J1.
Automobile Hoars Service,
into Ambulance Sarrlc. Caranar,
(Hy Charles 11. N'ewell, Editor of The
Dallas Dispatch.)
SAX ANTONIO, Tex., June 3.
Seven cnrloii'is of Ciermnu propa
ganda destined for distribution in
Mexico hnve been caught here in the
mail censorship net nnd burned since
February .
More information of vital import
once in catching (ierman spies in this
and other countries has been caught
in the same net than bus been un
earthed in New York.
For the Alamo city hns been and
still is to some extent the great relay
point in this country for spy mes
Kstablishmont of tho bureau in
which mail to nnd from Mexico has
bceifc censored since February 1, was
leconnneniled bv Postmaster (Jeorgc
j. Annisted of San Antonio, the first
of lust September. Armisted is a
former newspaper nmn, ns well post
d ns any one along the border
about Mexican affairs.
lioard of Censors.
The censorship bureau is not ad
ministered by biiu, though its ex
pense is charged to bis office. It is
administered by a board composed ot
AY. I. Yotnw, chairman, who for
years headed the Division of Foreign
Mails in New York; Captains J. J.
Dickinson and l.ouis Agostinin, rep
resenting t he army; Lieutenant Hew
son, representing the navy; and M. K.
Gordon, representing the war trade
Two hundred clerks work in the
hitrcuu, which is housed in n buildin;
oil its own near the postoffice.
.More than 2",00U pieces of nmil are
handled through the bureau daily, and
it bus brunches in the border towns,
which handle mail for Mexico that
originates in those towns or between
San Antonio nnd the border.
The enormous amount of German
propaganda caught in the San Anto
nio censorship net accounts for the
declining power of Hun propagan
dists in Mexico to paralyze Mexican
olficiut circles.
Moro than ,18,0(10 names of dis
loynl persons nnd firms in this nnd
oilier countries aro on a big list that
is used in the ceusorship bureau.
Many of those names were gathered
as a direct result of the work of that
bureau. Others came from similar
censorship bureaus elsewhere.
Letter Mull Head.
Letter mail read there has result
ed in the government's learning tlie
Homes of (icruinn nnd other enemy
ngeiits in this country 11s wellas in
Mexico, nnd nccounls for Hie effec
tive way in which many ambitious
plans of the kaiser have Iiriscnrried.
Tw'o months "ago, telephone wires
ncross the Kin (Irunde were cut in
ninny border towns. This was done
nf the direction of one of the officials
of the eensorstiip bureau, nnd did nol
to health
Dr. Daniels' Renovator Powders
A True Conditioner
A Spring Medicine lor that Tirtd Feeling
Make the old horse look and act like new one.
Ask your dealer lor them and one of Dr.
Daniel Books on the horse this book telle
you how ao locate lameneii, how to treat
tpavln, curb and all lameness, how to cure
:ollc end treat distemper or other colds.
Heath's Drug Store
Can serve you With Dr. Daniels Horse
and Cattlo Medicine. Come In and
seo us and get a book.
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Alto CfMnlno, Pmsslna and Altwtni
9t r Mal UPSTAIR
Stock Ranch
For Sale
10 So. Fir St,
178 acres, two sets of buildings,
lull equipment of machinery and
stocked with sheep, horses, hogs, etc.
75 acres In alfalfa.
For rent 8 aerca In garden, grain
and alfalfa, under Irrigation.
1 W-P" '
I f ron !
meet with the approval of the army
authorities.. . .Colonel Dnrfce, chief of
stuff; hud telephone communication
across the border, restored us soon as
he could, , ,
Tho wires were but to avoid trans
mission of. spy mosstigos, but a mora
effective way of dealing with them
than hy cutting telephone wires has
been devised nnd is working satisfac
torily. The llun propaganda burned RO
far has consisted of newspaper,
book anil magazine matter published
in Spanish and German.' It came to
San 'Antonio from Spain, Cuba and
Argentina.' . -
WASHINGTON, June 3 An Amer
ican flag, made hy four Scotch wom
en, and a Scotchman, and used at the .
burial at Islay, Scotland, of American
soldiers who lost their lives In fhe
torpedoing of the transport Tuscanla,
has been sent to President Wilson,
and 'by him deposited in the National
Museum is this city. The flag was
made In order that the Stars and
Stripes might ave over the graves of
the men.
The flag, 37x07 "Inches, showa
plainly by its workmanship how It '
was made. It was transmitted to the
president by Melville E. Stone, gen
eral manager of the Associated Press,
and has been placed on exhibition In
the entrance hall of the older build
ing -
Hothsr's Friend
, in Every Hess
Comfort and Safety A&mnxl Btfoftf
th Arrival of tho Stork.
tii thnuqnniTq ' of American " homes ieRi la
a battle nf tlm splendid and time-honored
remedy, Mother's Friend, thft has nldcd many
a woman through the trying ordcnl, saved
her from suffering and pnin, kept her In
hen Iih of mind and body in advance of
hiiby's comlnjr, nnd bad a most wonderful
Inflnenco tn developing; a healthy, lovely dis
position in the child, ' 1 -
Mother's Friend relieves the pain and dis
comfort cnttsed by the strain on the llra
mcnls, makes pliable thoso libers and muscle
vrhich nature is expanding:, and soothes too
inflammation of breast glands and other
rareness. The tendency to nervotrSheM and
to morninjr slckue&s or nausea is counter
acted. . - ' , 'i '
By rtffrutrir npo tlurlng the period thtTmuii-
clou ex pit ml with ease when baby lsorn.
tension Is reduced nnd the pain and danger
nt the crisis is naturally less. v.- ,
Mother's Friend is an external remedy, ,
Is ohnulidcly n:ife and Wonderfully cffectiY. '
It nut only nlhy.i distress lh advance but
assures a speedy recovery far the mother,.,
This splendid preparation may be had at
every drujr store, and is one of the greatest
blessInK ever discovered for expectant moth
ers. .Write to the DrmHleld Regulator Co
Lnmnr Bids;., Atlanta. Ga for their :
"Motherhood Book," so valuable to expectant
mothers, nnd In the menntime do not fall
'( net n bottlo of Mother's Friend at 'the
rirnp; tnre nnd thus fortify yourself against
paiu nnd discomfort - " .
China Herb Store
Herb core tor earacna, . neaaaeh.
oatarrh, diphtheria, ion UirMt
lung- trouble, kidney troabl, itom
ach trouble, heart trouble. cnUli ad .
fever, cramps, eonghi, poor elrcal
Uon, carbuncle., tumara, Mktt
breast, cures all kinds . goltara,
Medford, Oregon, Ian. 18, ltlt
This Is to certify that I, th
designed, had rary serere itomaek
trouble and had been bothered for
several years and last August waa not
expected to live, ana hearing of Glut
Chung (whose Herb Stor 1 at 141
South Front street In Medford) 1 d
elded to get herba for my itomaek
trouble, and I started to (e-llag bat. '
ter as soon as I used them, and today
am a well man and ean heartily r
ommohd anyone afflteted as I waa t .
see Qlm Chung and try hi Herb. :
(Signed) W. R, JOHNBOM,
H. A. Anderson, Medford. '
8. B. Holmes, Eagla Point. ;; "
Frank Lewis, Eagla Point. ' ' ' ' .
Wm. Lewis, Eagie Point.
W. L. Chlldreth, Eagla Paint,
C. E. Moore, Eagla Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Eagla Point.
Qea. B. Von der Hellen, Eagla Paint,
Thoa. 10. Mol. Katfa Paint
Camera Shop
The Only Exclusive v ;
Commercial PhotographeB
in Southern Oregon.
Negatives made any time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-J. '
Well do the rest.
Medford. - ;
808 East Main Street,