Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Mim Helen i'l.,cro' of !rulitn PasK
w;is the week-end kwmI of hor aunt,
Mrrf. (!eon;o Comm..
See Uuvo Wood about that fire In-Hiiritin-e
policy. Offlco, Uoom 404
M. 1'. & II. lilllldillB.
Mrs. A. C. Lewis of (Intritg l'ass
Is malting tin extended vlnlt In this
Johnson for hlt;h-clRss watch ro-
It Is requested that all societies
and orKani.ations anil neliuol child
it.. ...I... ...... I.. II. .1 Mom
4 vii iitinumn lu i.inu iii i in .in- .... .
oral Day purado will bo at the Uy ; pairing.
park at 1) a. in. Thrusday. j Miss MnrRiierltn UeynoMii of limine
Itodinen and Porolionlas are re- Itlver arrived in Ito.ieliuiK last Sat
quented to meet at tho wl'.;w:im on unlay to upend tlio miiniuer visltiiiK
Tliurnday inonilrm, at s o'cloik to relatives.
partieipato In the .Memorial parade.
Upholstering, furniture repairing,
mattressea niado ovur, feather reno
vated, earpcta and rugs cleaned and
laid. Oo. W. Douglass, 201 S. Itiv
orsldo. l'hono 1 B2-.I. tf
Miss Paulino r.reaven of .Medford
and f.iisi) Amorelto (!. Crossley or
Portland, yeormiliettes v.ilh the naval
rcci uil ing party Pi Corviillia during
tile ra-;t weeft, were honored Tues
day by tile ii:em!ie:'s of the C'orvallls
All Medford women Interested In
the. making of wheat Inn war bread
are Invited to attend the war bread
demonstration lo lie given (his even
ing at St. Marli'n hull at 7 p. to. hy
Jllss Anne McC'ormlek.
Yon can get an electric vacuo. n
cleaner at Paul's Klectrlc Storo dur
ing May for $1.00 down and uaiaueo
easy payments.
Mrs. Roso Klfert and daughter.
Miss Kill el, left this morning for
Bremerton, Wash., to visit with Mrs.
Leigh fiwlnnon. Mr. Kwlnson, a for
mer Mall Trlbuno reporter, Is In (he or Auto Co.
naval reserve service and lias lieen
Htatloncd for some lime at the Bre
merton navy yard.
Storage battery ciinrglng. Power Carl W. Ilellbro.'iner, the former Med
Auto Co. 42 So. Fir St. 7:! ford man now serving ill tile naval
The public library will bo closed reserve, will assist in establishing
all day Thursday, Memoral day. the orflco.
Watch tho window at 'No. 10 South! why ut eat your noonday lunch
Central avenno for prices on shoes. , nt Holland Cafe?
Ani .hi; visitors In Ilio city today j ( has. K. Tun and Dr. .1. U Helm
from Klamath FallR are K. II. Henry,: were among the Medford men vlslt-
Palrlutie peoplo of Medford are
considerable worked up over A four
page religious publication, "The Apos
tolic I'liith," which is issued by tho
Apostolic I'aith sect whose headquar
ters are In Portland, being distribut
ed about the city Sunday night and
.Monday by two women members of
the local society of the se.:t whose
placo of worship Is located at 'Mi
North tlrapo street. s
The Indignation is due to the fact
that in the publication aro several
seditious uttcrames. Mayor Gates,
who received a number of complaints
C.lrls Honor Guard who entertained concerning the publication and Its
with a lif.nquet In the new ConRrega-1 distribution, today placed a copy of
tional ciiuri h.. -Corvallls Gazette-Times.
Columbia storage batteries. Pow-
Judd l ow and G. F. Kelly.
Soo Mrs. Paul Hansen about Nil
Bone CorsotB. Phono 685-H. &9
Freeman Newport, tho Pacific &
Eastern railroad local agent Is In
Portland on a business visit.
Paxson's superb dahlias,
now and up to June !!0th
ing at Klamath Falls tho first of tho
One of the horrors of tho war now
making t lie; rounds In .Medford Is tho
following conundrum: "Why Is a
slacker like a custard pio?" The
Tlant nuMYOr Is, "Hecause ho Is yellow all
Field- thru and hasn't crust enough to go
grown roots, eight for f 1, eleht for vnr the top.
2, eight for $3. and up. Parcel post) The Patriotic club will meet at tho
paid. Write II. II. I'axson, Central j i,0,u ur Mrs. Dora Hess, 72.1 Oak
Point, Oregon. i streel, Wednesday afternoon.
Miss ISrina Spni-kn of .Medford, Ore. Tlio library Is again In receipt of
spoilt a few hours In Yroka Inst Sun-!m.w tested wheatlnss recipes and ad
day. Miss Sparks Is known In Yreka dltlonal potato recipes. There are fa
havlng boon In (ho employ, an n duties for copying theso at tho II
nurso, of several Siskiyou county, brary and somo may be (alien home,
physlcluns during 1317. In a few charged on cards the samo as books,
days she will lenvo for her homo In vm. .1. Ilryan, (ho "Great Cqm
Mlssouri and will complcto her nioner." passed thru Medford en
course as a professional nurso. 1 route to Grants Pass Tuesday on tho
Yroka Dally News. j Slixsla United. After a Chautauqua
Dr. 'Hartley tills and extracts teeth lecture (hero, be will Immediately rc-
wlthout pain. M. F. U. Illdg. .turn tn Cult I urn In.
All resident members of tlio F.Ik A verdict of $75 was returned by a
lodge aro requested lo make no on-1 jury in tlio circuit court In .lacksoii
gagomonla for .Memoral Day which vm0 yesterday, Jn favor of tho Rogue
will conflict Willi tueir marching in River Fruit and Produeo nssoclalion
tho Moinoral Day parudo at 10 o'-
clock. Tho lodge has accepted the'
invitation or tlio (i. A. II. lo lake part ; fruit association claimed Mr. Rosen
the paper and tho other facts In the
hunds of I'nited States Marshal Alex
ander, who was In the city today on
42 So. FirSt. 3 oilier oiiHiuesB. .jarsuai iwexanuer
The navv will establish a pormn-: ut "':0 l0OK P " l"aco mo mat
ncnt recruiting office for Hie valley """ oeforo the United Slates district
nt Ashland Ibis week. Chief Yeoman j attorney's office at Portland.
On tho editorial pago of the "Apos
tolic Faith," under the caption of
"Doctrines," Is published tho follow
ing: "It is our firm conviction, sui4ort
ed by (he word of God, our con
sciences bearing us witness, that w-e
cannot take up arms against our fel
low man, however great (he provoca
tion or however Just the causo might
seem, It being tho spirit of tho gos
pel presented by Christ in His ser
mon on the mount, Matt. 5:39-40."
On another pago appears a column
of religious testimonials purporting
(o bo given by soldiers Ih service,
none of which ure signed nor are any
names given, In which ono soldier is
euoled as thanking God for having
heard his prayor to bo transferred
from a niacliluo gun company to the
hospital service "True, many aro
killed lu tho hospltul service,'.' ho Is
quoted as saying, "but In that branch
of service I will not have to kill any
one." Tho local Apostolic Faith mission
was established In this eily last fall
by a band of workers from tho 'Port
land headquarters who held a series
of tent meetings in thot city. The
big Portland party of workers stopped
'at tho Hotel Holland for several
weeks and had two big automobiles
to aid them in their work. Altho no
.collections wero taken up at these
The new passenger train schedule Jue League oi ino r-iam-
of the Southern Pneif.e which goes aln al8mcl "msnea us annual meet
mto ell'eet Sunday, June limf, und ! lnB at Glanls PaBS electing tho
which has just been announced makes j '""owing officers for the ensuing
a number of material cliiiupes in tliei5'ear:
arrival , and departure of (rains at ''resident, josepn uatemau. aieu-
Medl'oril. The only radical cln.nye in !for"; flr8- vice-president. Minnie
the new schedule is the abolishment I K'ncado, Ashland; second vlce-presl-
Ail persons interested in ilniryiiur
are invited to attend the meeting: at
the public library tomorrow which
will he addressed li.v ' I'rof. 1'. 51.
r.rnmlt, head of the dairy ilepni'lnienl
of (lie 0. A. C, and Prof. K. U. Pitt,
another O. A. I'. expert.
From VtiiO (o 12 Prof. Kitts will
discuss "Jlny ('urine under Western
Oregon Conditions." From 1:30 until
3 p. in. Prof. l'ninilt will discuss
"Judging of Piiiry Cattle und Fitting
lor Show or Sale." Profs. Brandt
and Pitts, accompanied by C. C. Cote,
addressed dairy meetings at Ashlund
Indnv. '.,( i !
Mrs. M. Seaman of Rogue River
who had been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. "if. Lance, in' this el'ty, left this
morning for San Francisco for a visit
there with anodier daughter.
new scbei
of the Just and luxurious Shasta
limited trains.
No. 13, south bound, will arrive
dent, Kathleen LeRaut, Wilbur; third
vice-president, Dora Herman, Grants
Pass; fourth vice-president, Lyle Per- i
rom Portland at 11:40 p. m. instead j rin, Roseburg; secretary. May I.ind-j
of 11.1!) as heretofore. This (ram ley, -Meutoru; treasurer, f.rnest Jeti-
ill leave Portland at 8:110 a. in. and ry. Talent; Junior League supcrln-
nrrive nt Sail Francisco n( 0:50 p. in.
Xo. south hound, will arrive at
.Medford at 4 :20 p. m. instead of :i::i(l
p. in., leaving I'ortlnnd nt I u. m. nmt
rrivine; at Sun Friineisco al 8:;()
. in.
No. 1:1, south bound, will reach
Medford nt l):H3 a. in., instead of
1 0 :H5, leaving Portland nl 7:15 p. m.
and arriving; at Sun Francisco at
8 U0 a. in.
Xo. .14, north hound, will arrive in
Medford nt 7:35 u. ni. instead of
S:012, departim; from San Francisco
at 10 n. m. and arriving at Portland
at 10:30 p. m.
Xo. 54, north hound, will arrive in
Medford nt 5.27 p. m. instead of 3:47,
leaving San Francisco at 10:20 p. m.
and arriving at Portland at 10:30
a. m. ,
Xo. IB, north hound, will arrive in
Medford nt 7 p. m., leaving San
Francisco 'ut. 8:20 p. ni., and arriv
ing lit Portland at 9 :35 n. in.
tendent. Miss Tooker, Ashland.
Those present were: Ashland
Jean Anderson, Josephine llarber,
Minnie Beaver, Kdna Stennett, Min
nie Kincaid. Medford IJossie Jack
son, Georgia Williams, Illanche Lontz,
Joseph Ilateman, Mary Tinker, May
Llndley, Curtis Darby, Clarence A.
Meeker. Roseburg -Lois Gededs, !
Margarile Homey and Lylo Perrin. j
Wilbur Leo Holgate, Kathleen i-e !
Rant, Edith Ilrown. Talent Ernest
Jeffery. Gold Hill Susan Stearns,
Alice Johnson, Ina Gardner, Eleanor
llyerley. Central Point Verona Bren
ner, Joy Hamr.uck, Gertrude Wiley,
Iris Marshall, Donald Brenner.
against Klla Rosenborg, ndmluistra-1 meetings (ho religious band seemed r,.mlt ,- ,,,
trix of (ho Rosenborg estate. The '" '" '.lllppe,l wltn runils.
1 V5 W
America's Choice;
Used by the Army and Navy."
The shine that stands the weather.'
Preserves and softens leather,' '
iStiiNoiA Home Set
Send one to your soldier
boy to dust and
polish his
Ask Nearest Store
TjrrrnttisTf - -
F.imARDSVILI.E, 111. Jury to
try 11 defem!iin(s charged with mur
der in connection witht he lynehintr
of Robert Paul Prugcr, enemv alien,
DKS JIOINKS. Iowu Theodore
Roosevelt in nn nddriiss here declar
ed Knglish should be the "sole lau-
uage for schools, newspapers and
ther usage."
We Don't Know of a
sure cure for poison oak but we havo all the leading remedies,
your favorilo as well as the ones your friends and neighbors will
advise you to try, tho kind that cured them.
Heath's Drug Store
Phone SSI.
Goods delivered.
In tho Khort jmrariu, uml It n hop"!
to havo not Ichb than -Hl Klks hi
"When llottor Automobiles Aro
nullt, 1UTICK Will Hulld Thorn."
8. S. Smith, who hurt luvn viMitini;
At his old home, HI lionulo, Knn;i".
for sovoral weeks, wrilrs that ho will
return to Modford about .In mi I .
During his piosent visit ho sold hh;
proporty In Kl Dorado, which has
greatly IncrouHod In value In tlio rant
few yenrs duo to tho blj; nud rapid
growth of tho city.
John son for hlKh-claH3 watch re
pairing, l"
Tho Parent-Teacher council of Med
ford held Kb UvM HC f ton of the school
year at llio public library late thi
nfternoon. Office fin tlio tict year
woro elected.
Mitchell aharpens lawn inoweir..
31 Ho. ItlverHldo.
51 Ins I. mile Martial) of Die Kla
math l-'nllrt liih Mrlitml taiitv ha
roturncd home fur (he niianner, the
Klamath Kalb school:. Ji;nim; cIikimI
hiHt week.
iXow location. Power Ant n I'o. -K!
Ko. Kir Kt. 7i'.'
l. T. Kawton. distt b t tale In: p.- I .
or of welhtH and mea aire ;, in nmv
at work In tlm Ktaaialh :ui
counties terrltorie:.
Kor tho beat insurancr, nco llidinei.
tho l.i luiinco
Iti'vau ruriiham b ii ;( t toi
for ii'vciitt at't'T spend int; a l'n
ilavf' .arloui:h vlsllhiw Iriemh; ami
The llrnnswb'K, nil phonognipliH lu
onn. Wntcrs Paint Store. tr
T. (. lie: UU, fiuaner clerk vi lie
poJdofriee, 1ms n-tiinie! tn ,. ( tel
lowihv; bin two vveel.f.' ..; I on,
Vno Valvollii'i nit In your 'lntor; tl
makes a dltrereneo. Pn,er Auto Co
42 So. Kir St. 7;'.
.Mr. Ilfn'er Kenm-ii ,inl : m I'r-in
cl lert la.-t nii'.bt frr N-.: li.i, Mt, to
Join Mr. Iteiiiiell, who 1m niiiuipuir
h f h molher'K bin fat in m at there
Tho Hoiinctln expect tn mat.e tiieir
permanent homo at NV da, at b a t
until thu war is o r, I iaio i;, Mt
to go Oil from Nc(:ili;i alter a ; ii
with his father and enlhl at l int.i -u
In some branch of the army .s ri.
Mm. llaney for honn.tltcbtnr; una ,(
pccotlnff. Cernolt-Corey It.dK. !
Kiineral ncrvteeH vi re held t bit
afternoon from the Wei l.,; & Ateil.nv
n com pit uy chapel o;r the latn K
Jouett. ThO (1. A. It. and W . K '
mom hern were proMMil In furco
Kurlnl waP nt the (Vuirl Point ci-me-Iprr.
liiirK, before bis death, agreed to pay
certain storage charges on fruit,
which wero not paid, "Walter Tl. Al
len of Seattle, attorney for the ftonou
Iur enlalo nuilutaiiied that the
aureemont was to pay charges on pre-,
cooled fruit only. This was the view
taken by the Jury apparently for they
allowed an amount to cover this
charge. Attorney P. .1. Neff, ntlorney
Tor tho fruit association was unable
to bundle the cae at the last moment
;o hi-t place wa.'t taken by Prosecuting
Attorney Huberts. Tht trying of this
case occupied tlio entire day of the
open hit: of the May term of court.
I Ur I f i ii:o. ("Ininett-Corey Hldg.
' W. A. i'oliu-r today received the
( fallow ini! icte'iam from the federal
looil ad nihil st nil Inn : "I Uglily ap
jprie.e .lacksnn county plan to limit
Minor rale., liakers bread to lie nold
only ami to contain t'.o per cent wheat
j Hour and ft p r cent substitute.
1 1 ovcrn nn u I w ill take and pay tor
all surplus 1 b ur for export."
Miss lie:;: ie VYeks, who lias been
at lending SI. .Mary's academy, left
loil.iv fur tier boaie at Klamath Kalis,
biuiiit, been called home on a fare
well j :jt u iih tn r brother-in-law.
lr. V!.irter. whci ha- been called Into
active military ,Mriie.
Tin' r w ln i-lothlm; fnr the
.-alv.l;;e denarinient nf tlie lied Cross ;islt., to bae It tied In bundles
ami on a pnr h of the parking of a
paved i licet. The gal hirers can not
o to the deoi aini ring, 1 1 !ive the
pai I, ai:e teadv by !' n'clork S ltll!'da
mo!!ili!i;. Jute
Tlio b!i; I'olcy Pork company
i'ini;i il aTier bahu; spent Monda
and mo: f n1 led. iv ill cttitii- (imioU
-tiled v ill tor'-ially open lor tlie
fl. totii;hl.
the !o
SI ill ,',
:H' I
i:ciy Htifiirtlon ol
nitvx eol'.iplrle and lu-
.'iii,I Mrs
.h.i ar,1
A. i:. l'er.iol
liMiri.-ts i.eein
of Si
I he
elal i luii
.1. U.
w let h' m
i'l'Oir 1,11
pa itmi-nt
Willi. 1m i
l u
were eiillers at the 'inmuer-
I o.l.i
or I'r.uu I t o.
;''! vi 1m; f.iiiM.rinten,len of
hliiM, n' lae t!i'aiil .!.
i i iu tlie city tn iii;.jMi i tlu'
il. I'.olii' In ri'lmhitttm (lie
i t ll:!u:s el Cie tiitt i !tr t,:
lift' luiiltlinu
Hi'V. illi.'iii l. II. .ullit.n lasl
nklit !nr n shert KI in I'urll.uiil.
The iiieilliu', nf the (I renter Mvil
feiit ilult r, tii'ilnli ,1 for teilay was
lMiKtliiiit', iiinll June
,l'. l."U I'. Je'Kn left Monday
nli:lit for a u !i :in fil-ntln nt Salem,
PAHIK, Mniulny. May 7 Three
iei-iiiiH were killei! uml 11 injured in
tlie liiilnliartliueiil ot' I'nris tmlny by
tile lierninii loin' i:ini:e yilll.
PAIfIS, May 'JS.--flelinall avia
tors iitleuiieil nitlit In raiil
I'lirii. They ili'oipet IioiiiIin in Ihe
Milnnlii, lint, were preyeiileil l'roiu
1 1 villi; over the eiiy.
I.HNIiON. May L'S. -Ainlrew Bonar
Law toilav tohi tile lower liollse o'
parliament thai MH) i'auallies In hns
iilal i a-es lintl heell eailM'tl liy tile
lioniliiiie; of li,,-tilal in
l-'rante h (Jennan aviators.
MAY REACH $18,000
Mi'ilfor.l $1 1,122.00
Itutte TalN Ii;'2..',0
Knell ... JI2. nn :
A lit Inch 1 7 1.7.", .
tlriffin Creek 212.7.1 Creek 7,Mt.lio 4
Central I'olnt lisn.tio
Stoi litiK 7 . en
Wiitl.lns Ml. Ml
.Int k.sonville 1. ton. (Ml
dak Crove 222. .'0
Tahle Hock 1 7 ,.,". 0
Uo.:in HhiT 17ll. U
Cnlil Hill uml Sams
Valley 4 S.Oll
rro.siei't I7.",.,",d
Aiplennte HM.00 4
Tolo 1 2 . en
Kacle Point 7.',o.u0
Tot nl ) I 7.7 I,".. Ml
I OH S.M.K Well mproveil 5a.
Iiarl two miles west uf Meilfortl
on .lat k-ti'ltvlMe road, It. ;. 2, I.ox
7t''. Metliord. Cre.
w.imm' i.nivanled tank, ruin to
I null i:nl. eueacit.v. Krmik WU; lit.
It. :. M.iliortl. M
yOU ItKNT -To llhely f u rnlnlied
llouse. I'hotiP 1"2S-V. t'.l
I'lH! Sl.i: -Minl new piano. $!'.,
easy iniyineiitr. Plume VV'.'-W. ill
AMSTKKDAM, Mnv ilS.-Tlie kai
ser now has a siet-iul press nielli
whoso litisiness it is lo keep the (ler-
liiiiu people in n properly worshipful
alliliule lowanl I he nll-limhest.
Ilis is Karl liosiicr. lie is
stipioseil lo lie llu rresponilent nt
Merlin Loknl Anie-
er, lint we luite to think what wouui
ippen to nil editor who tollelled u
peneil lo his stuff.
ores his latest el fusion, (leserih-
ii. how William the licnd Hun, uml
llimlciilmre:, Hie first nssistnnnl 1 Inn,
ii'led mil for u motor lour of n
bat He field:
The supreme war lord elanihers
into the ear. lie summons llinden-
bure; lo tuke n seat alongside of him,
ind even spreads the luprobe over
the lielil nuirsluirs knees with his
own imperinl hand.
"How kni;:htlv that is! It is more
nil that, it is n token of respect fill
dieitiiile, t'ries of 'Hurrah' rend Hie
a i r.
'Tlie kniser and Hiiiilenburi:! Whur
ipeetaele! Ah, the sight of these
two men toiietlier is enotiiih to tell us
that all is well.
"Tiie ore hesitle themselves
with fervor. 'What ii hit of luck.'
they niunner gratefully lis tho car.
villi its !iui:u-t pa.-eut:eis I'atles from
IJt'MK, M.u JS. - Italian
triHips nn Monday nijjit broke
into tlie Au-d n-( Icrmun de
t'ene nt I'apo Silo, on tLc
biwer Tiavr iront In a depth f
7."ui y;iri-. Tlie Italian- e;ti
I iii'cd l:l;t pri-i'iier.
f .
S 0.1 G
New Blue Serge Coats .
Men's Jumpers
Summer Hats ........
Heavy Calf Skin Shoes .
Men's Tennis Shoes . . .
Men's New Wool Suits .
Men's Underwear.
Union Suits, Special at . .
Trunks and Suitcases
Cheapest Store in the West
ATLANTIC PdUT. Tlie I'mltd
Steles suliMiersilile H-14 nrrived here
enuippe.l with n fn!-o wotulen how
a Her r.i'iiniin her mother ship SOU
mil,- in -ea.
If your old leuscs are not giving the
-a(lra Hon they onco illtl, yon prob
ably need new ones. You will get
satisfaction hero.
Suite 1-2, ovor Mnv Co.
M iM ford
We Pay 20 Cents Per Hour While Learning
After Learning Paid by the Yard at Good Prices
Daylight Modern .Workroom Clean and Sanitary
Good Opening's Also for Men and Boys