Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Holland and Norway Face Crisis
Over Sinkinfl of Tlier Ships By
Kaiser's U-Boats -Switzerland De
ties Berlin On Coal Question, De
manding Return of Cars.
(I)y Newnpapor EntcrprlBe Abbr.)
LONDO.V, liny 27. Once more
Gorman rntliloBBiiosB In disregarding
the rights of smaller nations Is forc
ing throo neutral countries to tlio
brink of wur.
Thoy aro Ilollnnd, IXorwny and
Tlio Dul 'U' crlHlB, recently regard
ed as settled thru concessions made
by tho Dutch to ilorlln's deniandfl for
railways thru tho little country, haB
been reoponod by tho submarine war
fare. ,
Tho Dutch government has sent a
naval convoy to protect a small flcot
of merchant vessels on their Journoy
lo east India. In so doing It lias act
ed within Its rights under Interna
tional law. 1
Tho warships In tho convoy have
been Instructd to ralst any piratical
ulompt lo interfere with he mer
chant ships. If a German submarine
is encountered, thore Is llkoly to bo
a battld, and If there is a batllo there
win he war. . . ..
Sink Norwegian Ships.
Norway uIko Is facing war over tho
tJ-boat question."" Tfio kalsor's divers
have renewed their unrestricted war
fare on tho Norwegian fishing vos
sols in the North sea and the 'Arctic
Norway has stood for a lot of this
sort, of Iblng, hut thero will come an
end to lis putlnnco. If Norway goes
to war It probably will mean Sweden
will cast hor lot with tho allies aluo.
Klvo Norwegian vessels have boon
torlioUo'jd and sunk. Fishermen saved
from them report Hint tho U-boat
commander told them he was undur
orders to sink every ship ho mot, par
ticularly 'Norwegian vessels.
The Irony of this Is In Iho fact that'
those vory vossels have been supply
ing Ourmauy Willi fish lo out.
As for Switzerland, a crisis exists
between Merlin and Heme over the
coal question. It is almllnr to the
recent controversy which nearly
forcod Holland Into the war.
Hold SwIsh l Yclgli) ('ins.
Following tho German threat to
stop Bending coal to Switzerland, the
directors of tho Swiss federated rail
roads demanded Iho return of 4001)
Clwlns freight cars now In Germany.
Hut Germany needs freight cars
for troop movements. They have not
yet been relumed.
I ill tho meantime tlio Swiss have
(reached an agreement with Iho allies
whereby the latter will supply thorn
N,".. Olio tons or coal a inoulh for flit)
a ton. This was a stroke of allied
diplomacy. It relieves the Swiss of
nuy immediate necessity for agreeing
to tho German demands.
Hut when llltle nations don't agree
to German ileiiiand.i, I be kuiscr sends
iMackensen lo crush them.
Another nation which Is having ar.
Kunionls with Germany Over Iho sub
marine question Is Spain. The Span
ish situation, however, has not yet
reached the stago ot a crisis.
JO.N'KS Died at Ills bile residence
on Sunset si rent Sunday uiorulim.
May 20, aged 77 years, K. .tones, a
native of Indiana. He leaves lo mourn
Ills loss lila aged wile, their five chil
dren having paM'd away, the hut
of whom was .Mrs. S. K. Adams who
died a few months ago.
Mr. and Mrn. Jones had been resi
dents of .Mm Ilnid for nearly four
years. Tho deceased volunteered In
1SS2, was a prhale under Hubert It
Scott and was a member of a mili
tary band, lie was with Sherman on
Ills march to the sen and was in I' 1
bullies. He was honorably discharged
at Washington In 1 Mi.",.
Mr. .lours was a carriage maker
by trade and was engaged In thai
trade for a number of years at Hub
lln, lull., ami later at Topeka, Kas
Ho then carried on a hardware
liess for over :i veal's. The last place
In which ho oas enn.igcd III business
Was ul Merlin, (ire.
Tho runenil will be al 1' o'clock
Tuesday from the Weeks Mcl'.owan
company's chapel. The services will
lie conducted by Hi v. Hr. J. (' Unl
it n . The .Mm nnli lodge and G.
It. Interment will lie In the St'cnlral
l'olnl cemetery. '
I 'A HIS. May LT. ( .i.tuiii.He 1 llin,
it is iinnoiineeil, lie- on In- lwr:i
lielh uerint victory. The rni'lnin wn
n partner (if tile bite I'tiptaiu Gtiv
licnicr, Iho I'limiMis French in c.
$17,413 RAISED
Quota of $10,000 Nearly Doubled
Me'Jford Subscribes $11,122 and
Country Districts $6,291, Nearly
Double Last Year's Effort
Lake Creek Leads County.
Itepoi't of Secretaries.
.Mcdford M,rj2,(IO
Hullo Fulls 12..i0
Unci, , H2.IIII
Anliocli 171.7.")
(iriirin Creek 'iVLVt
I.nke Creek 7."ill.llll
Ccnlral I'oiifl (iHII.IKI
Sterling 7-1.00
Welkins H:i.")()
JiiekKoiivilli! .1, 100.00
Oak (Irnve 'J'2'2..r0
Table Kock 7fl.!0
Kojine Hiver -17U.10
Gold Hill and Sams
Valley -1 IS.Oli
I'rospecl 175 "(l 4
Applcgale KU.IIO
Tub. , V2I.II0
Kagle I Vint - 7."iO.OI.I
Total : 17, 1 11 Li
Jackson county north lias ovor-sub-scrlbed
her quota for the Ilea cross
Bccond war fund 7g per cent. With
a quota assigned this district of $ 10,
000 Campaign Manager Daniels has
received roports from tlio various
tennis thruont tne .Modford district
this afternoon totalling $ I 7,4 1:1511.
Of this ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii t (lie outlying dis
tricts have subscri-jeu $11,2111. oil, u
splendid increase over 'he ciunlrv
subscription of $.'1,111 1. IS collected
during Hie first Itcd Cross drive lasl
June, while .Med lord bus subscribed
$11,122.0(1 a' decrease of Hie sub'
mi riplion of n yenr ago uttioiiuting'lo
$1 l,!IO!l.(iO.
The above comparison n.ay be part
ly explained by the fact that during
llie piit year u number of new aux
iliaries to the local Mcdford chapter
lime been organized which lias given
support and enthusiasm lo Hie eiiui
paigu in Hie country while a nuiiiticr
of llie largest subscribers of lasl
year's fund have lel'l Mcdford during
Hie pusl year in nddilioii to llie loss in
men occasioned by the large enlist
ment in the eounlry's service. Con
sidering (lie conditions throughout
Hie county occasioned by Hie war the
patriotic response of the peopleif
northern .Inckson county to the ap
peal for Hie lied Cross mav be con
sidered worthy of the highest praise.
CouiKcy's l-'lrtc Showing.
Splendid work has been dono by
nIL the country teams which in most
cases bavo been marie up of tho pa
triotic, workers of last year's cam
paign, but to Lake Creek the greatest
honor Is probably due owing to a
subscrlpllon In Hi la small district of
$7.'i0. Captained by Herman Meyer
Sr. or l.ake Creek, Iho team combed
every fool of territory assigned theni
with splendid results and the large
subscription is probably duo to the
fact that Mr. Meyer classified the
population of Hie district to deter
mine what each man should pay and
made bis campaign to tho subscriber
with a definite amount estimated as
bis donation at the time of solicita
tion. The Mediord poslofflco force lias
repealed Its splendid offering of n
I year ago by signing pledges for one
I per cent of every employe's salary
pai able inoiithly as a minimum basis.
I'or Instance one employe whose
yearly salary Is Jtlllil Insisted on
signing a pledge for J'J.voO, a won
derful example of palriotlsm Tor
many to emulate In the future
Till ill lo lb' Swelled.
During the coining week as com
plete repoTts are received no doubt
many stories of generosity and solf
denlat lo help (he great cause of the
lied Cross In JacksiM county will
he lold. At present headquarters can
only offer the flmires i-hown.
.Med ford was originally assigned a
quota of J'.hmio for llie campaign with
the I'hoeiiK district In this territory
Inn owing to a complaint of Ashland
(bat the quota of $iluoo fur that dls
;rlcl was lo large Medtord has given
Ashland the Phoenix terriMry, as
sumed f l iinii additional burden and
ever-Hubscribcd the enlarged quota
7 T per cent.
WASHINGTON, Ma IT.-- The war
department today Issued a warning
lo all youlbs attaining the ages of 21
on or before June that they mut
present llieinsolve tor registration
on that day. No excuses will he lol-
eraioil, the i"ci artmcnt said, except
when the person Is actually In Ihr
military or naval scrvpe.
- VJi I KS J llSlefiiw
"T7 .. m. JLLSMI
The cross showtt ivlioro tlio Aiistrians aro mussing troops and uii-
plliw in the Trent I no for il new di'Rvo against Italy. Tills couccnliatlon
would liullcjlto Unit n hibiv directly south is contemplated. Tile present
liattlo lino (solid black line), extends thru a- mountainous country in
tills district. If llie Huns could drive tlio Itnllaiw out of tlio mountains
intJi tlio plains below, tho whole Italian line would have to fall back,
probably to tlio line of the A.llge river (dotted line) which would menu
Hie osh of Venice. .
(Continued From Tage One.)
credit 'by their very abundance, can
prevent inflation and keep our indus
trial system free of speculation and
waste. We shall naturally turn,
therefore, I suppoce to war profits
and incomes of the calendar year
19 18. It would bo manifestly unfair
to wait until the early months of
1019 to Bay what they aro to bo. It
might bo difficult, I should Imagine,
lo run the mill with waler that had
already gone over the wheel.
".Moreover, taxes of that sort will
not ho paid until the June of next
year, and the treasury must antici
pate them, it must use the money
Ihey are lo produce before It Is due-,
It must Bell Bhort time certificates of
Itlg II I Issue In rail.
"Ill tho autumn a much larger sale
of long time bonds must bo effected
than has yet been attempted. What
aro tho bankers to think of tho cer
tificates if they do not certainly.
know whero tho money is 'to como
from which Is to lake them up? And
how will Investors take tliun up? And
how aro investors lo approach the
purchase, of bonds with any sort of
confidence fir knowledge of th'Jlr af
fairs If they do not know what taxes
they aro to pay and what economios
and adjustments of tholr 'business
they must effect? I cannot assure
tho country of n successful adminis
tration of the treasury in 1918 If
tho question of further taxation Is to
bo left undecided until 1111!).
"Tho consideration that dominates
every oilier now, anil makes every
oilier seem trivial and negligible, is
the whining of the wnr. We are not
only In the midst of the war; we ure
at. tho very peak and cilHs of It. Hun
dreds of thousands of our men, car
rying our hearts with them and our
fortunes, are In tho field and ships
aro crowding faster and faster to the
ports of l'r.iin-0 and Kngland with
regiment alter regiment, thousands
after thousands, to Join thoiu'untll
tho enemy shall be beaten and
brought lo a reckoning with man
kind. There can be no pause or In
termission. Tho great enterprise,
must on tho contrary bo pushed with
greater and greater energy. The vol
ume or our might must continually
mil rapidly be augmented until there
.an be no question of resisting it.
"It that Is to be accomplished, gen-
elemen, money must sustain it lo the
utmost. Our fliianclul program must
no more be left In doubt, or suffered
to Interfere with our program for
making millions ot men ready. These
others are not programs, Indeed, but
mere plans upon paper, unless there
Is to be nn unquestionable gtippl
of money.
Politics Is Ailioiirucd.
"Thai Is the situation, and It Is
tho situation which creates the duly,
no choice or preference ot ours. There
Is only one way to meet that duly.
We must meet It without selfish
ness or fear of consequences. Poli
tics is adjourned. The elections w ill
go to those who think the least of It
To those who go to the consllluen
cles without explanation or excuses.
wlih a plain record of duly faith
fully and disinterestedly performed
1, for one. am, always confident Hint
the people of this country will give a
Just verdict upon the service of the
men who net for (hem when the
facts are such that no man can ill
guise or conceal them. There Is no
danger ot deceit now. An Intense
and pitiless Ughl beats upon every
man and ci.ery action In Ibis tragic
plot of war that Is now upon the
stage. If lobbusts hury to Wanning-
OvV t sf.d
ton to atompt to ;urn whatl you do
in the nmtW of taxation to their pro
tection and advantage, the light will
beat also upon them. There is abund
ant fuel for the light in tho records
of the treasury with regard to prof
its of every sort. The profiteering
that cannot be got at by the restraints
of conscience and love of country can
bo got at by taxation. There Is such
profiteering now and the informa
tion with regard to it is available
and indisputable.
Crisis in Worlds History.
"I am advising you to act upon
this matter of taxation now, gentle
men, not because I do not know that
you can see and interpret the facts
and the duty they Impose just as
well and with as clear a perception
of tlio obligations involved as I can,
but because there is a certain solemn
satisfaction in sharing with you the
responslbilties at such a time. The
world never stood in such a crisis
before. Men never before had so
clear a vision of duty.
"I know Hint you will berinbe the
work to lie done lit1 re by us no more
than the men liejintilf-'c us theirs who
lie in the trenches and sally forth to
their uVnth. There is u stimulation
i.'oinriieship knittiii" us nil together.
And this tusk to which J invite your
immediate consideration will be per-
lormeil under favornhle eimim-
sanees ii' yon consider only what the
noun try is thinking and fxtpediiig
and cure nothing; at nil I'or what
heinir Mini mid believed in the lobbies,
of Washington hotels, where the at
mosphere seems to make it possible
to believe what is believed nowhere
Spirit of Xatioii Rising.
Have youiot felt the spirit of the
nation rise and its thought become a
single ami common tboiiirht siiwe
these eventful days came in which
we have been sending our boys to the
other side? I think you mut have
cud that thought, as T do, to menu
this, that the people' of this country
ire not only united in the resolute
purpose lo win this war, hut lire
reaily and willing to bear any burden
ind undergo any sacrifice that it may
la necessary I'or them to bear in or-
icr lo win it. We need not he afraid
To tax them, if we .jax justly. They
know that (he war miisr be paid tor,
and thai it is (hey who must pay for
it aint if the harden i justly distrib
uted and (he sacrifice made a com
mon sacrilicc I'nun which none es-
apes who ran hear it at all, they will
'arry it cheerfully and with a sort of
olenm pride.
"I have always been proud to be
in American and was never more
proud Hum now, when all that we
have said and all that we have fore-
it about our people is coming true.
The real days have come when the
only thing that they ask for or ad
mire is duty, u really and adequately
done: when their only wish for Amer
ica i that w nmv share freedom she
ujoy.s; when a great compelling sym
pathy swells up in our hearls for men
verywhere who suffer and are op-
pned and when they .see 11 last the
high uses for which their wealth has
been piled up and their mighty power
accumulated and, counting neithe
blood nor treasure now that the final
day of opportunity has come, rejoiee
t( spend and to he spent throuuh a
long nidi! oi' MifOnug and trvmr in
order Hint they mid men everywhere
may see the .lawn a dav of right
eousness ;in! justice mid iH-uee. Shall
we grow uenrv when they hid -
(Continued from page one.)
of per eentnge additions, ure order
ed for coal, coke, lumber, ore, stone,
grain, cotton, livestock, meats, Rtigar,
bullion and other commodities.
1'reservo Differentials.
Kxisting differentials and rate re
lation.ships between various localities
are to be preserved ho far as possible
but many readustments will have to
be made later. All rates aro subject
to review and correction by the inter
state commerce commission.
In announcing that the rate in
creases are required by public inter
est, Director General McAdoo refer
red to the $:tOO,)00,000 or more added
to the payrolls of railroad labor un
der an order published today, tojthe
rapidly rising cost of coal whicll Jie
estimated this yenr alone at $l(i(),
1100,01)0 'more than last year, and to
higher cost of every other materia!
entering into railroad transportation.
Operating expenses, lie estimates,
would be between $8:10,000,000 and
$8u0,000,onn greater this yaar than
the $2,832,000,000 figure of last year.
No pall of the increased rates is on
account of the program of nearly a
billion dollars of improvements, ad
ditions and new equipment this year,
he explained.
A-ik Public SuMrt.
"It is earnestly hoted," Paid the
director general, "that all citizens
affected directly or indirectly by this
ii. crease of rates will support the gen
cral principle of such increase as an
unavoidable wnr measure and accept
the additional burden in the same
spirit of self saerifice. in .which they
have accepted other inconveniences
mid burdens and the grevious ,per
sonal losses which are parts of the
price that he, nation is patriotically
paying for world liberty,
Mr. McAdoo called attention to the
fact that "there is no way in which
the present increases will inure to
private profit." ,
"If they turn out , to be more than
are needed to meet the grave public
vxigency, he added, "they will prompt
ly he readusted so as to prevent any
unnecessary burden upon the public,
but pending such readustment, the
excess, if any, will be for the benefit
of the people of the United States
as a whole, and not lor the benetif
of the private railroad owners of
my of them.
"To the extent that savings can
be ef fected am! lo the extent (hat re
duced prices for the things the rail
roads nitUt buy cuji be realized, it
will be the purpose of !hc director
general to make from time lo time ap
propriate reductions.''
Intranstate Hates.
The provision that intrastate
rates shall be i-hoVished wherever
substitute interstate rates between
the same points exist and that all
Was Eventually ' Cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
Philadelphia, Pa. "I Buffered for
seven lung years with a lame back.
irregularities ana
pain. I .had ona
physician after an
other but they did
me no good. I rend
about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
gave ita trial and in
a short time I felt
benefited and a m
now feeling fine,
and without weak-
l iu.-n!i ui imiii. maujr
I of my friends have
U also taken Lydia E.
rmKnam a v e Ra
table Compound
and been he ned bv
it." Mrs. Margaret Ness, ImG E.
Hrucard St, Philadelphia., Pa.
Women who sutfer from displace
ments, irregularities, inflammation,
ulceration, backache, sideache, head
aches or "the blues" r.hould not rest
until they have given this famous root
rind herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trml. If
complications exist, write Lydia E.
Ptr.khom Medicine Co , Lynn, Mass., for
special suggestions. The result of its
long experience Is at your service.
We expect to supply at now low
rule local coal oi first-class Qual
ity, free from sin p. 1
For Informatloi (Warding de
livery and prices upplj1 to
Cokcr ButteCoii M'g Co.
Itooiii 12011, riwt j Clonal Hunk
lll.l. 1'. II. Cokl, l'rcs.
Phone t2
I 1
1 iV
shall be raised to a standard national
level, develoiiH the first definite con-1
tiiet between power of the federal
railroad administration and of the
slate railroad and public utilities
commissions, which heretofore have
claimed exclusive jurisdiction over
intrastate ni.tcs. Itailroail rate
agents, will file tariffs containing the
new rates with state commissions us
well as with tho interstate commerce
commission, but state commissions
are permitted no review under the
railroad act.
Air. McAdoo announced that he ex
pects the interstate commerce conir
mission to review many of the new
schedules on the complaint of ship
pers or other commercial interests
imd changes yill he made on the 'com;
mission's recommendations. This is
necessary to readjust the nation-wide
fabric of complicated rates", each in
terdependent on score of others and
so delicately adjusted in hundreds of
of thousands of eases that a change
of n cent or two causes distinct in
dividual and commercial disturb
ances. The commission probably will
be busy for months hearing com
plaints and protests.
Inceptions lo Order.
Passenger fares in some, sparsely
settled regins now more than three
tents will not be reduced. Although
.existing excursion and tourist fares
the abolished, the order permits the
re-establisliment of round trip tour
ist fares somewhat lower than the
three cent rate.
Exceptions to the three cent rate
are 1 made for soldiers and sailors,
who may travel at one cent a mile
when on furlough at -their own ex
pense and for persons attending the
national encampment of the Grand
Army of the Kepublic at Portland,
Ore., and the United Confederate
Veterans reunion at TuUa, Okln.
Both these -organizations are permit
ted rates of one cent a mile and
for various state meetings of the vet
erans two cents. will be charged.
Children- under five years of age
will be carried free as' at present and
those between five and twelve will
be charged half of tho new higher
By Mary lully
"Mary's Ankle" a Peach.
FriGes 50g, 75g, $1.00, $1.50
The Blood'Swtatmg Behemoth
Among the Wiid Beasts in tht
DlK 1 il THE
irt? Orn' Oa Hour Eil!f.
I "j,or f i n. 4
fvtf 8IN.HI6H b J
For Many JUilfmil Household.
To have the pains anil aches o a
bad back removed to , be entirely
fro., from annoying, dangerous urln-
,nnp,inr Is enough to make any
kidney sufferer grateful. The follow
ing advice of: one who lias suiierea
will prove helpful to hundreds ot
Medford readers.
Mrs. Ida Kenworthy, 508 S. Grape
St., Medford, says: "1 have taken
Doan's Kidney Pills when 1 have no
ticed my kidneys haven't been acting
as they should and they have never
failed to do mo good. I also give -Doan's
Kidney Pills to one of my
Krunrichildren who Is often both
ered with weak kidneys and they are
very beneficial."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Kenworthy had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ' Adv.
"Bill" Famum is
"3T1ic3irin!cftfcd'i(ent Gnt."
Gladys Brockwell
"Her One Mistake"
NORMA tai,m.ik;k
KlfiENK O'lHtlKN
"1)1.; LUXE ANNIE"
Bright, Clean and Snappy.
San Franciiro Chronicle
- Seat Sale Saturday, June I