Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 13, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Wedfohd Mail Tribune
an lnhki'kni'knt nkuscai'kk
Kjbi.ikhkh i:vkiiy aiti:unoon
KXt'Kl'T Sl'NI'AY IIY Tllfcj
Offlco Mnll Tribune llilllillng.
Nnrth Kir Hiroi'l; t.'li-iihoii 70.
rT,JIE senate committee probing the utterances of Son
ator La Folletto to ascertain whether 'they are
The DmocTiitlu Tlrnt-s. 'I'll" Mi-ilfnrd
Mull. The IK'ilford Trltiilnf, The Houtb-
rn Ori'icutilim, The Awliliiinl T rlbuiif
OKllllfiH l-UTNAM. K.lltnr.
One year, by mull ...15.00
One month, by niiill .10
t'er month. uVllv r.-il by rnrrli r In
Mfdlofl. AHhlaml I'lioi-nlx. Tii!
ent. Jacksonville and Central
Point ..... .CO
Hitturilny only, by mall, per year 2.00
Weekly, in-r year ..... 1.60
Oflelnl paper of the City of Meilford.
Official iaP'-r of J.-uiison County.
JCntered lis B.i-oii.l-i-lusa inatt''r at
M"ilford, OreKon, under the act of March
I, 111 7 11.
Kworn Circulation for IIMti 2,4111.
; I'ltKSH
Full I.eftMcd Win- M.rvlco. The Anao
claled l' Ih 'xcltislvely entitled lo
the use for r fniblie.tllon of all notva
cretllled to It or not olhertvltfe t-redltcd
In thtH i:P"r. and iiIm, the local newa
pnblbOied li.r.ln. All rlt-'lll of rfl.uli-
llcation or eja cial dlsp.-itche.i Jt..'ielu an
uleo r'Hi rvcd.
CfiNION M? 1 -Bi
(Contlniird from rage On.)
prool ol
!n the
Williams .1; Fuller 1. Umpires,
O'l.utiKlillti behind llio pinto; Klum t
first, Klgter tit second; Kvuns at
third. Tlino 2:37.
New York won today Iho toss for
location of ho lust (,'iimo to ho played; (.i1(y
in Llio mil ill t M.TH!H, '
Store ly Innings.
l-'list liiuiujr.
Hiirns mi. Hull mm; Lull hvn; hull
Ihree; Hunts wnJkoil ; I'onr pitched
bulls, licrzug up; I, all one; bull two;
Inill lliroc; limns walked; four pitch
bulls. Ilerzog up; bull uini; strike
tine; llerzng singled In I field mll
Iliinis (Inslieil In thin?. Cirollo anil
Williams were now wnruting up.
Km ti IT up. liiirus seined on Kn it IT's
two-hasp to Hut i-iit Ji,., IVnee,
Ilcrzog going- In (hinl. Zimmerman
up. Unssell was Inkeii from I lie lmx
III Ibis stage lltlil Cicollc wns sent ill.
t'ieulle is warming up. He hinl only
it low seconds Id wnnn Up in (he ,m
field before taking bis place ,,n
rubber. Tho crowd botit'il Ziiiiiucr
iniin. Strike, one. Weaver look Zini
liiennan's hot grounder an. I licrzug
was run down belween third Ull,
liome, llio play being Weaver to
Nflmll;. Knurr In Ihinl. Fletcher
Kniiir nioveil on i,, ii,,. Kleieliur
up. .MeMnllin Innl; i'lelelier's bol
smash mill Ihrrw lo Selmlk, who
Inilellt'il out KniilT us be sli, into the
Jilnle. Hubert -nn took Thorpe's place
ill I lit' U.ihcrlsnn p. ; ,,(,.
hall wo, ininieniiaii senreil on Jiob
orlstui's single to eeuler.. On .'eseh's
throw lo the plale, Fletcher went In
Ihllil, Ifnlierlsnii tu secollil. Ilnlke
1 t 1 Inill one; (mil strike ne; tiui!
strike two. Cientle threw mil Ilnlke
at first. Twn runs, ibiTe hits, nu er
rors. 1'ilst Iiinini;, Sntiml Half,
.lohn Cnlhiis up. ,,,hn f,.ins p.ip
l't'il to Ziliiliiitinan oil the titst ball
I'Heheil. MeMnllin ; b.,n . ,.,
two; hall three; sllike Hue. .M,.Mulin
slrolle,i to I'iisl. Kildio Collins up;
Imll one; hall twn. Sallee's eui'ves are
IneakiliL.' tvule Mt.l he c,il,t ... ,f K,
In c.inlnil il. Snike nne. Cullins
sinel, , eeuler. MeMnllin ;,,in!r ,,
M-ennil. I 'I I I 1 1 Wal lllin;; up l or New
ork. .liiek-i.ll up; hall nne. Jiurns
took .l.icl,..'s tv. ',...,., up. ,a
one. I'lcMier bnulcl 1'eKch's
;:iniin,Ur an, I Iie haves vern lilleil.
tialultl up; I, Ml sllike; sllike tun;
hall nne. Caiulil p.ippe.l In Ilnlke.
Secinul liming, first Hair.
linri'U p; hall
s" " r" ns. baili e in
1 l.'.neh ti at seeoml, lla.nlil In
Heater. :
nne; strike
trea.soiiiihle, should also take into consideration the sedi
nous actions oi me. n isconsnme, wno nas oniiuea no
o)iiorl unity, so far as lay in his power, to hamper and
impede the conduct of the war. Jle litis introduced
amendment after amendment to war measures, to make
them unworkable or impracticable.
Tho senate litis ample power to expel one of its inem
hers for disloyalty or for any other reason, or for no rea
son at all. The constitution in Section V, Article I says:
Knelt house may (lelerniino tho rules of Its proceedings, punish Its
nininliom for disorderly behavior, und with tito concurrence of two-thirds
expol n membor.
The senate has expelled, since its organization, fifteen
members for disloyalty and dropped six members from its
rolls. .Moreover, such action is made compulsory .when
the member is guilty of treason, in (Section 3 of the 14th
Amendment: , .
No person shall bo a senator or representative ln conxress, who,
bavluK previously taken an oath as a member of couKrcss to support the
constitution of tho United Slates. Bhall have ttiiKuKod In insurrection or
rebellion iiKaiiisl tho same, or Kiven aid and comfort to tho enemies
The procedure, as shown by precedent, is vei'yimpl"
A mere resolution by auy member is sufficient. The sen
ate may act directly, as was done in the, civil war, when
.John (.). Breckenridgc of Kentucky was charged with dis
loyalty. Of the twenty memhers expelled during the civil war,
all except three had expressed their allegiance to the con
federacy, anil all but, one had vacated their seats in the
senate. Jesse 1). i.right of Indiana was expelled by a
vote of to 1 1 for having sent an inventor with a valu
able patent on firearms to .Jefferson Davis with a letter
of recommendation.
I lie senate, being a sort; of gentlemen s club, is loth to
take drastic action against one of its members unless
direct assistance to the eneniv is ovorwhelmino.
case of La .Follctte, they seem convincing emit.
is everv utterance litis inveii aid antl cnmfnrt to iho
lie has been witlelv ouoted to create division and
discord among the allies as well as at home, and to hearten
the enemy in the belief that America was not in earnest
in the war.
li.'i J'ollette stands convicted bv Jus own actions of
sabotage in behalf of Germany for trying to throw a mon
key wrench in the legislative war machinery of the gov
ernment. His over-weaning egotism is the source of his
blind fatuity, (trandiosly he compares the opposition of
Webster, !lay, Sumner and Lincoln to the war with Mex
ico with his own opposition to the war his country is wag
nig against (lerniau aggression and German irightfulness
for national preservation. The great statesmen he maligns
opposed a war for the extension of shivery to benefit a
slave-owning autocracy, while he opposes a war to prevent
the enslavement of the world by a ruthless militarv
J lio assassination of Americans, the destruction of
American properly, the piracy of the seas, the effort to
have Mexico and Japan declare war upon us, the plots to
blow up our industries, interfere in our politics and control
our congress ;i II these German crimes and German in
fills afford no cause for resentment to this bemuddled
mouthpiece of the German propaganda. "
La lAillette's declaration .justifying the sinking of the
Lusitania and his assertions that America had no just
grievance for war can hardly be extenuated as patriotic
utterances, lie is as guilty of sedition as nnv of the alien
enemies find hyphenated editors now interned. He should
not only be expelled from the senate, but deported to Ger
many, where his sympathies and allegiance evidentlv be
long for he does not hesitate to sacrifice national honor
to benefit the national eneniv.
able to stand a high first-cost for
irrigation than most other districts.
The next Blx weeks will probably
see the investigation sufficiently ad
vanced so that a recommendation as
to which source of supply Is most
available may be made, and tbe field
work narrowed down to work for the
purpose of doterminlni! tbe cost of
that particular project.
Hespectfully submitted,
District Engineer.
Jlr. Ilammatt will be in Medford
Oct. 19 to Investigate the water sup
ply at Btaver creek and go over the
property of tho Itogtie itiver Canal
To the Kilitor:" ' ;
Will the editor of the Mail Trilmne
plense tell me. as well lis lots of other
mothers, where lie keeps bis consci
ence when he prints his articles ttre;
inif Inbaee.o sent lo the soldier boys?
What is t lie use ol' our nnti-ciiirotte
laws? What is the use of mothers
bringine; up their ..boys to bate tbe
filthy stuff if, as soon ns they are
old enough lo go with the army, they
will be lauglit lo use it? lluw long"
tlo ytni expect the younger boys to
leave cigarettes uloiie, while you and
others like you preach the good vir
tues of them for the snhliers?
If this war is to betler humanity,
tvhy not use your influence in a bet
ler cause than helping cigarette mak
ers? I expect thev arc afrnitl thev
will soon run nut of customers if llio
anli-eigarelle laws arc enforced.
When cigarettes have been proved
beyond a tlnubt nut only physically,
hut mentally mid morally hanul'iil,
why encourage their use?
Yours respectfully. .
Meilford. Oct. II).
$200,000 LIBERTY
Deafness Cannot Ie Cured
by Itval uppllcntioiiB. ns they cannot reach the
ip"eiinetl itTllon of the ear. Tln n' In only one
wtiy to eiir1 uYafness, und that Is ly constitution
al rt iiii'dfi i. HciifnesH 1m caused Lir tin IntlMiied
condition of lln- miirotil lining of tln r'ustacMutl
Tnlie. When thin tulu ! Itiilninetl you linvo
mm lil 1 it c nound op lmi'rfcct hearing, and wlu'D
It Ih I'lMlrelv closed Deafness Is the result, und
miles Itie lnihiinmntU'ii euu bt token out nj
this tnhc restored to It? normal condition, hear
.ItiB will he destroyed forever; nine chkcm out o(
ten tire canned l.y Catarrh, whlcli In mitliliiK tint
uu liitlimied condition of the mucoux surfaces,
We will give imp iluodretl H'llnrs for miy ease
of IVeafncw uniiseil hj- catnrrb) that ettnnot he
rtved hy MuH'a t'utarrh Cute. Send foe circu
lar!, fie.
F. J. C!IKNi:V Ci CO., Toledw, 0.
Fohl by IrupRlts.
TaWe HuII'b rnuii'.y i'ills for rootMnattoiu
li.iriilen sin-1
I iv
''- !: -Ini.e hall!
i . I bit n- wiii 1 1 c,t. lot . I
"-' "ii a km,, !,;,, ball I',.,- t!ur,l'
H. iv.. ; up; ,,,.. Wcater!
" 1 ll.'r.' sroiiiider.!
. ' . ' " 1 ' '""vln.lieal
' " u im' ii ! al lir .1. N,. I ,
1 "'" Inl. mi, , I
""'"nil Intiiii)., r.ei-,i,n u.ilr, l
V' 1 ' '!.; I... ! -.,.,,. ,.. ball
": J'.nl '"; .. .... ri.:..,er
i "1 ' ' ' 1 U mi, I i h", Imr i
S ' !' ' ;'" I .".., r
'! 1 ' ' :r.:,,. ..,.. bail'
": l-.ui; 1...1I Ihive.i
L' '' C,.:l.n up; hall
I'll- f..i ..... I -1' J -ii "X
''"'i n...-. Vtt il.,.' '.I!,! ---'A V'1''
Cnlln.-. ' , 1 1 I .... i .... i v , 1 n. 1 1 ..l.ii n
runs, ,, ,, .. ,. ' 'lib if
I i,. i ii ,lr --r
I'. iiaarni-.-in tip-I
his i n, v, .. .! , : i
ni - . i i ... , 1 1
1 i . ..r.".,',:! v
i 1'ii rrr i.ii i iii'i-
'I'bilil Intiiii
llitll .II' .
inln . .
in the mim.
bull two; f' i i' m,.
Imll lltree.
(Coutlnut i oi
luvesliKittion.s of possible sources
of supply for tho Medfurd irrigation
district wore Btartud on September
-Otli. Six possible sources of supply
wet-o tinder consideratloti, and all
possible data Is bcitis collected on all
of these sources of supply. All data
VKardiiii; witter measurements In tho
vicinity buve been collected from (he
office of tbe 1'. S. ti. S. In Portland,
from tho state engineer's offlco in
Siilein, nnd front private sources; and
additional meastii einents are beini;
mailt! where neeessaiy. A field party
in cburi:e of Mr. .1. It. l'latt, a Med
ford engineer of experience, lias
been cnlbcllni; data lu the field since
September L'tllb. Data In regard to
water rij-.hls has been furnished by
the statu elieliieer. 'I'lie district enni
neer has made personal trips over all
pto-sible snurees of supply lo tbe
nnrtll and ill t.
I'be study of the situation to date
s the luvrowitm of tbe intes-
tinn to nnly about tbren of the
suiltves nf siiiu!y as pt-iictical. Tbe
itiveslb'.aliun also liulieules that tllere
will be nn illfflculty In oblainlii-.: an
mlciliiale mipplv-, but the en.-t will be larce. '1'ho remoteness of
the sources of supply and tbe nature
nf the i nnntrv silt t oiinilin Meilford
V7 . liir 11 1 loM lilt M. a.
litj Asttiiiit.
Stll TII ll.HTI,KTT.
I tn. lie M. 4 nn 4-J-H
Auktouiobtle HearM 8rf lc.
Aoibultue BvrTlc. Corst
Is such as to put that district at a
dlsadvantaKO as compared with many
other districts where the lrriuable
land and the water supply are closer
tOKOther. Tho nature of tho cultiva
tion in tho Medford district, however,
and tho Increased production of val
uable crops which irriKation will ac
complish, makes that district better
It' a garment that
always fits and wears
forever. You'll like it
very much,
In Used Cars
ithrt, ll.iv r lour
M:t. A - fT IIM lit -.TI'II'
"Ml till f . wa
rnl, 200.00. Trrins.
h'tii'tl. -JS.-i.tM . T. rtMS.
Slightly used 1D17 Fonl.
Call and Look Them Over
All in Good Condition
W. R. DeLay
CAMP I.KWIS, Tacomn, Wusli.,
f)ct. l.'J. The liberty bontl enmpttign
nt t-tinip i.cwis is rapidly gaining
momentum. The iliOtlt depot brigade,
comprising less than 2000 men, bits
subscribed $ll'i,000 for liberty bonds,
the ratio running practically $57.50.
Subscriptions from the entire camp
total more Until $200.000.. ;
Military authorities at Cump Lewis
yesterday asked the active co-operation
of Tacomn nnd Pierce county in
their fight to keep vice and its at
tendant evils away from lite soldiers
at the army post.
A private meeting wns held at lite
court house yesterday, attended by
Major David L. Stone, construction
quartermaster; the lour superior
court judges, the three county com
missioners, nnd prosecuting attor
neys. Tho object of the conference
was to give the iirmy authorities con
trol of the amusement zone strip of
land near the army cump by condem
nation proceedings ns soon as pos
sible. This was promised by Judge
Clil't'ord, who is hearing Hie case.
Want your hair to stay?
OKe It some attention, sunlight and
NKWtUttl'S MCWPICIUK. tha original
remedy that kills the dandruff term.
Don't use "hair grower and germ
laden hair brushes. Herplclde cures
dandruff and stops itching of scalp.
Almost inarclous results follow its use.
Three Factors in Long Battery Life
W'illard Plates, Willard Threaded Rubber Insu
lation and Willard Expert Service those Hires .
factors give you tile strongest assurance of long
battery life.
The first two mean the best plates made, pro
tected by insulation that is impervious to tbe cor
rosive action of tho battery solution, and Wllard
Service protects the battery while it's In use, put
ting regular care by battery experts right Into
your hands, and when you do need repairs or re
charging. providing the men and the equipment
to do the job right.
JCext time you're near come In for the booklet
"The Story of 196,000 Little Threads" It tella
all about the "StIIJ Detter Willard."
The:ElectricIShop "
Free inspection of any battery at any tlm
n ;i it .
Api 'icationa at the better barber ihopa
Guaranteed by The Heruiclde Co.
Sold Everywhere
To Give the Alarm
Call 50 Medford Fire Dep't.
To Insure Your Property
CALL 123
McCurdy Insurance Agency
Medford National Bank Building
Some folks prefer to do the latter first
and what it means to you
We help you get just what you want just when you want it
Our stock is closely connected with a big sup
ply of implements selected especially
for this section
There is a bit; nilvanlace lo you in knowing
precisely nil that you want to know about a sup
ply of anythinsrr bcl'orc you fret it. The more
you remove uncertainty from your fanning bus
iness the more will you prosper.
Wc make it possible for you to count nbso- .
lulcly on one of the very bitrirest factors in your
crop-producing farm implements.
We keep right nt your band, here in our store,
for your investigation, a choice stock of highest
quality implements especially adapted for this
Yet this stock of ours is merely an onlpost,
so to speak, for an immense supply, close nt hand
mobilized for prompt dispatch to meet the
needs of this entire section. And this bigger sup
ply is at your service thru our service.
If you are not sure ns to just what you want,
you can find out quickly thru our service. You
can make your choice, intelligently before you
buy. There is no vexatious wailing no uncer
tainty as to what you are going to get. Yon get
just what you want, and get it when you want it.
You get satisfaction; it's doubly guaranteed by
us and by the niantifncturcr.
Our service takes the "gamble" out of fann
ing, so far ns implements arc concerned. Call
on us for any farm implements you want.
"Lighten the Labor of
the home"
Fall is the time of the yeav when, vacations over, everyone settles
down for the winter's work.
No matter how small and inexpensive your home, yon can give
yourself all the conveniences and comforts of the most costly res
iliences at a surprisingly small cost.
You can wire your kitchen for the use of lahor-saving household
helps, or any room you may designate.
Electric light costs but one-tenth what it did twenty-five years
ago. Need you deny yourself this greatest of all comforts?
Ask us for details.
California-Oregon Power Company
Phone ltW