"MET)F01?T) MATH TRTBTTNTC. MEDFOTIT), OTJEflOX, FT?TDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1017 PAOE KIX MEEfMG Y.F.SLC.L ASHLAND SEPT. 29 JUSTIFIED ' i ttrvr Deutschland iibex alles. Spread of German "Kulttir" in "Matle-ln-Germany" Text book Arouses School Officials. HoFFlliX tot Fallerblkbes BY TALAAt BEY i roast cornf ti KAISER'S A FINE FELLOWilT MUST BE SO IT'S !N THE SCH00LB00KS;rVIASSACRES BY 1. Deuuchland.T)i'DlicbliU'rV 1 . U-r al - Jes la Ier Mi ASHLAND, Si.t. 28 The first annual rmivciilioii if tin- .Suiiilii'ni Oregon Chrislian Endeavor societies will lie liflil in this i-ity on Saliiidnv ami Hnnilny, September anil at til' Presbyterian clmi-i'li. Mis?.' Cilailys 'nrrinlian, i-lniinntin of tlie convention t-ouirn it t , will preside. Tlie theme of tin- convention will lie "Complete, in Mini," supplemented liy tlio utTiriiuttion, "I i-an ilo nil tilings in Him tliiit t iciiiit hiiii-il iln-.'' Krimi 10 ti) ,11 on Satnnlav morning rcyis ti'atigii will take place, I'iiIIiiwi-iI liv an opcnine; sonr service. I lie pro e.rnm incorporates the following or ili-r of exercises, licinninu: -at 11:1" u. in, on Sudirduy: 1 (;vol ioti ii I service, "His Knvor I SulTicicnl," led liy lii-v. Jircll, Con- uri-alioanl i-linri'li. , Keynote, address, "Complete Jinn, I ! I h a l.illiinil, tliinl vice- irisiii-nt Oregon (!, K. Union. llusiriess si-ssion, a)oiiiliiiLnl of i-oiainifti-i-s. Saturday afternoon there will lie a fiinj; service al 2 o'clock, followed liy a (li-votiuniil service, -'Let the Word of Christ Uwell in Von liielilv, " Itev. Mclline.er, ChHstian elinreh. Thu Jl'iyrtitnt ion of Oregon's chal lenge -liiliiniiiit, y Kdiia Al. Whipple, ji'i-sit!eiit)n'iiii ('. K. I'nion, will also fakr--il'.tciv . , -.), u A number of conferences, includ ing tha prayer mectinir, war service, lookout missionary, flower inusie, social, press and uoimI literal uri.- com mittees will lie held, the meeting of rioiniuatin mid constitution commit tees to follow in order. On Saturday evening from ti to 7:4."i there will lie a "heap leed" in I.illiia park. The uouduiiiinc; -om-millei! will also report, the election of officers to follow. An address, "I'nion Work," by Kdna M. Whipple, will precede the elosin-,' watch led by Mabel (iulcy, the subject beine;, "I'or I am determined not to know any thing amoii-r you save .lesus Christ, and IJim crucified." Sunday iiiurniiit; will lie ushered in by a quiet hour, the subject lor med itation beini;-, "And my Cod shall supply every need of yours," this special service beinc; led by Mary Spencer. 1 luring I he hours from 11:45 till 1U, dcli-piles will allcnd divine sei'viec hs individual preference die Jale.v, Oil Hunilay afternoon them will lu ll Knue; and devotional service, Hie lalti-i- to be led by Dr. Carniihan, Id eal I'resliylerinn pastor, the inspira tion. topic lieinu' "All lliiiif-.s work to gether for jfood to tlloc who love Ilim." The new imi-ni officers will bo installed by Kdnu Whipple. A re port of the couliliition cumuli lc ' will.Jn- in orilcr, also an address on missionary work by liev. W. I.. Mel linger, anil a meet in:.' wherein union and state, officers will confer. 'Sunday cvcuini; will licfjin with a prnyer service, followed by n specific Christian Kndcitvor pntherinir, al which the deebiralion, "1 can do all tilings in llim thai streimthcncd inc." will Ihi ri'iiffirnu'd, tin- meet invr to lie led by (Isenr Cooper, liev. I,. M lliio.ur of llrnnls Puss will addics, the union church service, aller which the convention will Icrniiimle with the closii'w; ivatch, '"file Power ef Pur pose," lo be Jcliucd by llic.ncwh elected union president. COPKN M Al'.ir.V, Sopt. 11 S Tin clmiKt!!! Hint certain KowriMiiunt an thoritlcs arc KiipportlitK Llto ijan-dlr mnu ami cdiifiiTVHtlvo foivcn in tlio aKitalion to nucrno tint reiclistuK itiltjorlty pt'iwo rcHuImiun niul rom- mll (li'inuiiiy lu tlio no-called lllinlrn- burn Vviuts may ln nuulo i ho nhji'd of n ti Inh'rpcllatlon at tlt pn-Hi-itt KOHxion (if tlio n'ii hi;ta. Ilcrlln ih'Vvh- pApi-l-ti whlili arlod loiiii;lit aflt-r a thica-!as Inl ci rui'i luu Imlu.iir that I ho lutorpollatinii was (H usmmI at a luiM'tlnir of the strorlnj; lllnmtII,' of tlio rvlchstaK on Wodiu-Mlay, It'fciia tlci-ldril tu pustptim action In order lu i;iv rhaio'i'Ilor Mlchaolis it nil hln alili-K an oppoi lunity to inukp rortaln explanations. This, I'hllllpp SohcidiMtiann, Ilir MX'talii Icadt-r, ex plains!, would allow tho coniuilittv t ho (U't ermine v liet her t lie foi m wlifeh tho Inleri'ellal ion shmiM take, hilt II will not head oft a hi deliale on tho huhjei-t, (iei)r . uohour. the radical foclftlhd, made h vain attempt to not tho dato fur today. Wonl Iiiih been rcrelveil in tin city th.il llatih McCurdy, who U ntlenillns the iccoiid officers' re nerv vCamp at Sun r' ran ci:u o, hut lidcti appolnloil n corporal lu his com pany Of fellow tludcllts. Tho Aphlund Itcconl eontalns a "plpo druam" of nn ullotret! in'iotinB between tho mayors of Modford and Ashluml at tho eotinty fair on Ashlund day a meeting that never occurred, nltho thoro were almost a score of AHhland pooplo utteiuiing tho fair on Anhland day. The Itecord's tale Is as follows: Thursday was Ashland day at the Jackson eounly fair and tho mayor a ii i many ot Its citizens were there. They Jiint dropped In, and during the afternoon represented from two- thirds to three-fourths of the crowd tho balance being from oulrdde points the only people present from .Med ford were thoro retailing their wares. or course Ashland did not furnish a brass band and inarch In with its head and tail up or othorwl.se conduct Itself In a spectacular manner. This peeved the royal gyastricutus of the town and ho proceeded to unravel a grouch In tho presence of tho mayor of Ashland. Just how long the grouch would have re-iched had It been all unwound was not estab lished, but It was Homo grouch and was wrapped around tho Medford mayor very closely. That grouch may have been a mile long und It may have been thirteen miles long, and perhaps It would havo reached clear arrow and over tho California state lino If It had elongated Itself fully. It Is not necessary to repeat what th mayor of Ashland told tho mayor of Medford, hut as both are foreor dained and predestined and come from a long strain of Scotch ances try, tlio meeting ran ho Imanlned. They talked about entertain nients, and the purveyor of perambulators got so Infatuated with his county fair ho thought ft should have drawn Ash land llko So Long I.etty and .should havo been us well attended as tho Hon n (1 it was by Medford. Tho may or oT Ashland protested that howling about attendance was a waste of wind i lid should be conserved, and recom mended tiiat (ho father of tho other town learn l) "1 looverlzo" on holly-; nelie; that It was his observation the people knew entertain menlH when they saw them and asked Pop where was Medford on Medford night at the county fair they were over patroniz ing Tho High Cost of Loving at Iylb ind DIM and left the pooplo of tho country to fraternize In tho Xat by themselves while tho Medford bunch wero sipping from n moro juicy line, of entertainment. After tho mayor! f Aithlaud got tho mayor of Medford tangled up by demoiir.t rat ing that his! contention that a social function could be compared to an Ashland at traction was absurd, irrelevant. Im material and ridiculous, and that his county fair was a rather jejune pro gram at best, the mayor of Medford concluded that his grouch was rather dry and asked the mayor of Ashland to hospitalities. On account of the present High Cost of HootleKuing tho hospitalities were. grnpo Julco. To this Mayor (lutes has replied as follows: Sept Kdllor Ashland Itecord, Aidiland, Oregon. My Dear Sir: I :u 1 I have just completed reading your article regarding a conversation sup posed to have been held between your mayor and myself and In reply will state that evidently some one ha: had a pipe dream or an awful ease of nightmare. I can truthfully say that i have not seen or talked to your mayor in several mouths, and furthermore I was not at the fair on Ashland day until U o'clock in the evening. 1 did not talk to nuyom from Ashland on that day to my knowledge. There is one thiiiK that 1 pride my self with not havtns, ,ml that is a grouch, and I am willing to leave the decision as to whether or not 1 am subject to such moods, to a num ber of your cit ieiis. whom 1 have the pleasure of catling my friends, and believe that if you will consult them you will find that Ashland has not a better friend tu the Kogue river alley t ban tiie presi-nt mayor of Medford. Sinct iely ours. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. OnopncUace prows if. 2re;it all t!nii:;fs. 1 llli;liesi Mimltty, Jewelrr ri'imtrtiiK, TO ORDER 5.00 UP AU Cleaning, ftrssiua nnd AltaJni 128 E. MAIN. UHSTAIBi (SUITSfta CINCINNATI, O., Sept. 28.KaI Bcr Wilhelm'a first w;U is to servo the (iermau nation. Tho militaristic crown prince Ip i greatly beloved by the German peo ple. Germany mnt have a great army hecauHe It la Hurrounded by enemieH. Germany is great because of the Bismarck "blood and Iron" formula. The Germans have proven on many battlefields that they fear no ono. King Wllhelm of Prussia, RIs marck and Von Moltke, Germany's "blood and iron" welders, were great men. INono of Germany's children lovo her bo much ns tlio Germans who lutve come to America. Germans who have left "tho Fa therland' must never forget tho Ger man tongue, hut must hold ft as tho dearest of all gifts, or woe bo to them! Not true? Sounds like a German conspiracy? Don't believe It? Well, it all must he true, for every one of these statements, und others like them, are found In the one place where abovo all others "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," Is found or should be found a public school textbook. . , Tho book Is "Im Vaterland," a text book for dusHon In German used in high schools all over the land, and just now tho storm center in a drive on German "kultur" In Cincinnati,' Columbus und other Ohio cities. j , "Jm Vaterland" is un Imaginary j trip thru Germany In which, by the, dialogue method, American boys and girls studying tho German language are expected to assimiliatc German "kultur" in the same way as on an actual tour. Those who have started the Ohio drive on this bit of the kaiser's propaganda in America claim that is exactly the result. They point out pupils studying "Ipi Vaterland" get a sort of rear-platform-of-the-obser-vation-car, idealized view of Ger many, and find extolled tho very world-menuco which President Wil son has said America cannot tolerate. The frontispleco of "1m Vaterland" is a full-page portrait of the kaiser, with all his medals. Tho German im perial eaglo is Imprinted on tho cover of tho hook. The author of tho text, Paul Valen tino Huron, in his preface, announces tho book's purpose Is to glvo the American student a better "apprecia tion of the Germans,' and to "broad en and deepen his knowledge and; lovo" of Germany and things Gor-, man. The preface takes pride In the fact that "Im Vaterland" was "made in Germany." and Is based on actual, personal experience. Paeon snys the manuscript was reviewed nnd criti cised by teachers lit Prussia, Saxony mid ltavaria, and therefore Is presum ably entirely satisfactory to them. It Is. Hut it Is not satisfactory to teachers in Cincinnati and Colum bus, at whose hands it Is now com ing in for n little, after-publication review. Columbus school officials have barred "Im Vaterland. It. .1. Condon, Cincinnati superin tendent of schools, has ordered a kultur hunt in ull German textbooks. The sort ot appeal tho book makes to Americans of German descent at a time when President Wilson has Inheres c. L- vAsi difference LESLI is woaclerfullj pure consecjuciiily of $rcfc.f s trench r.. Ev"e the hot lffrT,J ... .1 W at the 1'ortland tliis Sunday. Sunday Dinner, ft With Afujic The Portland nn.r1lrB af .. 2, Deul-HcbeFrau - en-pf Kl nlg-licii ui.f SH hfllt, von der Maan bis n. Kltuig. uus zu ed ler 1 ut Hand I Ei .nlg-kelt uud Keebtui' -. ' 7 TTelt, wenn es .leu iu K ' Js'A dtr " Ii3h 10 - sam-ni ' 8.ng, sol -len . .lr C"-4H ifr&Pr a-" al " i ii :aj. Tlie knlwr in all liis ftloi-y ami "Driitwhlniiil I'i-Ikt Alles," some of ttip "kuftur" in Uic M-liiHil ti-vt "I'm VuU'rluiiil." aiil;ed their. allqKlancn to tliij fight of tliiilr.iiew liamoland against PruKslan treachery IS indicated (ty' lliei folloW liili traiialations of xcrptK from the poetry whli-h, with (ioi-nmli hoiiks (I" eludliiK "Deiitschlund Uber Alles"), supplements the Imaginary trip thru Germany: In a poem to "The Cermnns in For eign Lands" Kellx Dahn snys: "Yon Germans, beneath utrange stul'H in distant lands across the sea, do not forget your language reson ant with harmony, strong and gentle, your only mother tongue In all parts of your old country, that echoes with in your souls. "Woe and shame to him who forgets.lt. and your boys and girls should hold, as tho dearest of all gifts, the treasure of tlie German language." Kuno Krnncke'B "America's Greet ings to Germany" contains a German Ainerican viewpoint hardly consonant with war conditions: "O Germany, of all your children. It's Pretty Comfortable in. Your Office Your coat is off, the windows are open, the electric fan is on the job; there's a box of cigarettes handy, and a pipe when you want it, with plenty of tobacco also a box of fine cigars in one of the drawers. But it's different over there in France Those Sammies of ours are awfully shy on good smokes; they don't like the French tobacco, and they want the kind they're used to. . Help send cigarettes to the soldiers. It's easy to do: we've arranged to take care of anything you give. Here's the way: The Medford Mail Tribune Tobacco Fund has just been started, to supply our boys with their favorite smoke. Will you help to make it a success? This has been endorsed by the Government. Through the efforts of this paper, arrangements have been made with The American Tobacco Company to send d5c worth of Tobacco for 25c. Here is what they will get: 2 packages of Lucky Strike Cigarettes, retails at 20c 3 packages of Bull Durham Cigarettes, retails at 15c 3 books Bull Durham Cigarette Papers 1 tin of Tuxedo Tobacco, retails at 10c 4 books of Tuxedo Cigarette Papers t.-3S.V,'.- . ' A return post card is enclosed in each package, so that ceivc a personal acknowledment of his gift. You will the trenches. Everybody bv doing your bit? r' Contribute! Organize your club, your church, your town, your office, your factory and give the boys just a little comfort their 1 favorite smoke. THE MEDEORD it-sc!ier weln uml aeutscuc-r - m j v. v. ... . Jet r 1 uch bia an den Bt,t- - Sr gan- tea 1 -ben laag ,md des G1U - ckos ITn- ter - pfand. crcs. none love you so dearly "as wo Ger mans, far from you across tho sea! - "You aremuch more to us than mother, you are tho peace of our lives; you are our dreams und our laughter, you are a blessing to our work. ' . "O Germany, glory of all the lands under the wide heavens, accept, to the day o.' honor, greetings from the now world.'' RUSSIAN DESTROYER SUNK BY A MINE PETnOGKAD, Sept. 2S. The Russian destroyer Oehottiik was sunk by a mine in the Haltie on Wednes day. The O.-ludmk, '2 Hi feet loiitf, of (11 ."i tuns distlaeeuieni. v:is built in H)0.". She was armed with two 1.7 ineh ji1 uris uml six (i-pounders. ller normal roiiipleinent was DH- uicn. wants to give a little. Will MAIL TRIBUNE AMSTKIMJAM, Sent. 28. Tur key's entry into tin- war was justil'U-ii by Talaat Hoy, the craml. vizier, in n Ions speech -losin the eonaress of the party of I'nion ami l'ro-rross, nc coriliiii? to a dispatch from ('onstanr tinople. lie ik-fendcd Hie Turkish treatment of the Arineninns, but ad mitted that tlie' deportations could not be carried out by rcaiilnr forces because the i;enda rmes hail been drafted into the army and order could not be maintained. Irregulari ties in connection with tlie deporta tions huil been investigated, lie snn., and the guilty parties hail been pun ished severely, some with death. Kefcrrins to the pope's peace note, Tijlaat Bey declared that Turkey ad hered to the .principle of arbitration. Ite-rnrilinu disarmament, lie said: "We shall oppose no solution which is compatible with our vital inter ests." He concluded by saying, that no one could say when peace would come, but it was obvious that the end was approaching. IB VVA S 1 1 IfX'GTO NY Sept. 2 S ..-Members of the special eommisalon headed by Secretary Wilson and appointed by the president to InvestiKate labor unrest in tho west today were com pleting final arrangements for the trip which will befn Monday. In cluded in the itinerary are Arizona, California, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyom ing, Colorado and possibly New Me:;i- j An intensive study of lo:al condi tions In each state, together with con . fereiieer. with governors, manufae : turorn and labor leaders will reveal the basic causes, it in hoped, of the industrial troubles which have im peded the nation's war program. 45c every contributor will re treasure this message from you help make it a success TOBACCO FUND A- C ioastmg v lakes things' delicious :, J?' 1 ' You!! likei VVSTRIKE " .sv H?-' ?0 si zms&s i; ice n Cmranlecd y rf f . OS GIM CHUNG 1 -; . ... -.,. v. f If V a If Ii& . China Herb Store Herb cure for earacne, tioaflacm, catarrh, diiihtliorla, sore throat. ' lung trouble, kidney trouble, ' atom ' ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and tever, cramps, coughs, poor ctrcuia ' tlon, carbuncles, tumors, cakei breast, cures all kinds of goiters. NO OPEHATION. Medford, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ' Tula Is to certify that I, the 6 designed, had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August was not oxpected to live, ana hearing of Qltrt Chung (whoso Herb Store Is at 241 South Front street In Medford) I de cided ; to get herbs for my utomacli trouble, and 1 started to feeling botr.J tor as soon as I used thorn, and today -am a well man and can heartily reo- ' omniend anyone afflicted as 1 was I ' see Qlm Chung and try' his Herbs. (Signed) -vr. R. JOHNSON, Witnesses: " ' f. A, Anderson, Medford. S. B. -Holmes, Eagle Point, Frank Lewis, Eagle Point. Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point. W. L. Chlldreth, Eagle Point C. E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point. Geo. D. Von der Hellen, Eagla Point. Thou. R. NIhola. Eatle Point. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusive Comniprci.il Photographer in Southern Oregon. t Negatives Made any time bi plarc.hy appointment. Phone 147-J. We'll ,lo (he rest. J. B. PALMER. ;:it i'i : i