CUTTER : AND EGGS r St II IN HA IN VWWI w III . WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 25. How about butlcriuid eggs? - (Already they nro: Selling . tit ' iriiil ' winter .prices butter at from 45 .'to 55 cents a Tttnl, eggs nt 50 to CO ' cunts a dozen. , iWliv tliese high prices? , . t jWill they continue to advance pro portionately during the winter? f , si .fl eggs and butter by Christmas mbv be expected. Isn't Herbert Hoovor going lo do any thing: about it? " .These nro the questions c.-erv : Ihisowife is nsking. Butter and eggs constitute a sort of fixed charge against the table, nn index by which! the housewifo gauges her cxpemli tuircs. ... jTo answer the last question first, Hbovcr is going to do something . about it. . , , . 'resent prices are high both be h clause mere is a snorttigc m p;oi:ne ition and an increased demand, and also because butter and eggs follow ed the general upward foodstuffs ! movement while congress was squab ' Ming over food control. :';Tho butter shortage is shown b.v the fact that in spite of the high prices which would tend to rest .-. ?l : consumption, 30 per cent less bult't ... Ms gone into storage than a yen ago. Also, storage eggs September 1 were only three per cent ahead of the , same date, lfllfi. .'Government figures show fM,(!-I,. 780 pounds of creamery butter in ' storage, September 1, as ngai ,st r lQ.r,8;i(i,003 pounds September 1, f -Villi a decrease of 10. G per cert Of farm and packing butter, c:,m mclly sold as "renovated" butter, the sliprtago was still greater, Ivvng ; 1,405, 028 pounds against :i,(il5,074 popnds, or- a. decrease .of 6U.5 per . cent. .. , (Viltl storage eggs on Hand Septem ber 1 were 5,705, 174 cases, ag.i.nst 5,600,109 cases last year. This was nn actual decrease for August of 013,908 cases. Normally, eggs move into storage, not out, during August. . 1 UI.W.OM llli.n.n.1 The butter shortage is blamed on tho summer's high grain and beoi prices, which made it more profitable to sell cattle for beef. Also, be Ifavc been sacrificed, the export do mand for butter has trebled. .Following soaring nrk-ts for bpe? afid pork, prices for poultry have been so higb as to induce Dinners to deplete their flocks of chickens. culling off eirg production. lint the food ndmini'iiViUion be lieves, butter and egg prices can be regulated so as to prevent any con siderable further advance during tho winter. The plan has been de cided upon and it is hoied to have 'thfi system in operation October 1. 4 The power to handle these pred iliets lies in the authority to license storago houses and" wholesale deal ers, and it is to be exercised to the limit. i roHlaml Uvcstock. il'OKTLANI), Sept. 25. Cattle steady; receipts 108. Host beef steers k9,00r.75; good beef steers $7 5Q (fi $8.75; best hefo cows $0.75 (fi 7.50; oronuiry lo goon cows j i.mnrji). i.t; j best heifers $7.00 (fi S.00; liulls $1 00 ' ftC.75; calves $7.00 (n 0.00 ; stockcrs and feeder steers $ i.00 Ifi 7.25. . T Hogs steady; recolpts 90. Prime . j llght$17.S5ffj IS. 00; prlmo heavy 1X7.650-17.85; pigs $15.00 10.50; j bulk of sales $17.75. ,f Sheep strong; receipts 400. We$t crn lambs (13.000 13.50; valley Iambs $11.75(5 12.75; ycarl!n;-,s $10. 75(Ti 11.00; wethers $l0.5or;i, 4 10.75.; ewes 8.00(f) 00. Part land Hotter. PORTLAND, Sept. 25. Uuttci firm. City creamery prints 4 8r; car tons 10c; buying price hutterfat 4 iC 0 49c Portland; cube extras 47c; prime firsts 45c; firsts 41c; dairy 35c. Portland finiln, Oats, cash, No. 2 white 40 barley standard, 51, brewing $52; bran $35; shorts $37; future oats $18.50; feed barley n$50. browing $52; bra $29.50; shorts $31.50; corn $53.30 Hartlett Tears. .NEW O IK. Sent. :i. Caliloinia I!artlett, J.87: California Coinice, halves, . 1.7(1; Washington llurtlctu 'J.'J.'i; Oregon Hartlett, .J.l-'. lioton Wiishinutuns. 1 .!" ; Oie- Chicago Orcgons, 2.1'.'; Wa-h- iligtons, $1.flo. Philadelphia Washington. .f'J.S.5 n'". 2.':i.-,. With Medford trade la Medford made TODAY'S MME1S ,i..-7T, - T -v:-,.-. -,,lr.,r Theaters andMoviesl OOOOOOOOMOCOOOCKJOOOOOOOCXJOOOOOC BESSIE BARRISCALE SURROUNDED BY THE HATED MALES OF HER BOHEMIAN COURT, PAGE THEATER TONIGHT BARRISCALE AT THE RiALTO V iviae t. ft M Marsh' 'A tn'Polly V, oFttia'. g:p Circus" . f Pictures 9,. Friday and Saturday. Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir SU. MniTiago Licenses. William Schmidt and Anna Col'f- maii. . Circuit. Henjuiniu S. liakor linker, order anulling vs. Hosier decree of VOl'I'O. Edward llrownsworlli John llrownswoi'lh et al., defaull. ' Sopheiiia Ish linker 'el al vs. John Winlgon ct al., proof of publication. Oliver S. lb-own vs. , Charles IK Colby, dismissed. - ., Mary Haily vs; James Daily, di vorce. Hcrlha .Mae Kiucrick vs. Merlon J. l-jnerick, stipiiialioii. Jackson Couniy, for Medford Con struction company, vs.. (iuardian Casualty & Ciuariintce Co. et til" stipulalion. .J W. f (rover vs. Cluy W. Connei' et al., for money. , John E. Itncho vs. Mary C. Cobb ct al., foreclosure of tax lien. John F. Kocho vs. lloratio.S. San f'onl, foiiM'losuni of tax lien. (oMirge II.' Manning vs. OeorLic W. Ilcrrioll et al.,' to recocr possession of really. Harvey K. Murphy vs. Ifeddilh Murphy, dioi-cc. Illi.abelli I'ne vs. C. A. Pop, sum mons. Charles A. Pritelt . Charles I,. Hanson et al., reply, M. L. Johnson vs. Samuel I'erfol son et al., motion. Prolmto. F.sImIc of Kosaiiah l'oKfll, bond ol minimis! rat or. F.-lale of Karl lloefll. bond ol admini-l ralor. onlh of ndininist nilor. Estate of Tliomi's M. liurr, alii dnvit of posiin-.' and publishing no tice of sMc, iiiulci inking. Samuel Morcnz-Oescr et al., hon ors oath and bond of cunrdum. l-.-talc ol dacoli I. Kilter, niisiier of guardian ad lib, proof of pnbli 'a t i n of rilnlion, order for sale of really. K-I.Hc of Jerome I. Wiiliaiiis, bond of u'luiiui-lrator. BESSIE BARRISCALE IN ..-: l! . mmmmm I COURT HOUSE REPORT Mrnwrm .'.watt; TtrmrrNn, r- i j"r"f r-r-r r TRIANGLE PLAY, "HATER OF MEN." Eslafe of T. J. Johnson, executor's first and final account, 'order of final settlement. Estate of Jerome D. Williams, ad mitted to probate. Estate of Until Keizur, final or der. Estate of Olaf .e Iljerrcgaard, petition to sell realty, order for cita tion, petition, order. GOLD HiLL NUGGETS , Miss Dorothy Smith loft Friday evening on train 10 for Seattle, Wash., where sho will enter the Washington state university. She will spend Saturday and part of Sun day with friends In Portland, pro ceeding Sunday afternoon to her des tination. Mrs. Lena Mao Avery left Friday morning for a few months' visit with her sons at Marshfield aipl Coquillo. O. F. Nelson and Cleorgo E. Grif fith of Portland stopped, over In Gold Hill on their way to Oakland, Calif. F. Victor of Chicago was In Gold Hill the last part of the week. .1. K. Drown of Oakland stopped over in Gold Hill Friday. Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Tom Cook and children of Garden How wero in Gold Hill Sunday. Fred Guy of Sardine Creek district was a business visitor to Gold Hill .Monday. K. Thompson of Hock Point was a Gold Hill visitor Monday. Mrs. Edith Leslie of lilackwcli Hill was a shopping visitor to Gold 1 1 1 1 111 Monday. Hunter .stirMo of laues ( reek was a business visitor lo Gold Hill Mon day. Mrs. J. W. Morrill was a Sunday visitor to Medford. A lurgo attendance at the church Sunday evening enjoyed tho farewell sermon ot tho liov. R. A. Hutchin son, who left. Monday morning, 9 o'clock train, to attend the Oregon conference of the M. 10. church nt Springfield. Ho has many friends In Gold Hill who are sorry to know thai, lie is probably going to bo assigned to other fields for tho next year's work. Ho lias done a good work In Ills few months' residence ln4our city and has made friends Willi old nnd young. He is admired b.v (he "busi ness men and beloved by ills congre gation who lament Hie depnrturo of the. family from our midst. Mrs. It. M. Nic holson, who lias been at Wed during the summer months, has jurt returned and reports a heavy snow fell al Weed Friday morning, when she left there. Darlelgh Hlciwl was In from the ranch Tuesday transacting business matters. ' ; Carl NeldoniVdycr or Jacksonville motored over to Gold Hill Sunday, ac companied by bis sister, Miss Anna, and Miss (!oi1iird, to attend serv ices at the M. -V.. church. Misses Hoofs of Jacksonville camo over to Gold Hill Sunday afternoon Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Autoin toxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appcn dlcltls and other fatal ailments re. suit from Stomach Troublo. Thous ands of Stomach Sufferers owo their compieto recovery to Mayr's Wonder. MP Ttcfr.Mr. rnl!k9 any other for Ktnmnch Ailments. For silo by druR- gisis everywhere. medfotid,' to visit at the pnrsonugo and attend" j evening services. , Thoy nro great nd- mirors of Rov. and Mrs. Hutchin son. Agnes Fllppen spent Saturday aft ernoon In Medford. David Ciooloy of Detroit, Mich., who lias been traveling extensively In tho Interests of mines, Is spend ing tho fall months In Gold 1 1 ill Inspecting somo properties in this vicinity. He is now located in Kel sey Arms building. Miss Mary Tuax, who Is employed in tho court house ot Jacksonville, spent Sunday with nor parents in Gold Hill. A. Schourman spent Sunday with his home folks at Ashland. Mr.' and Mrs. Cuiitse Miller of Sams Vulley wore, in from their ranch transacting business and visiting rela tives on Monday. Ed Faira and Ross Kline ot Cen tral Point were in Cold Hill Mon day. Mrs. E. C. Miner, acompanled by Miss Dorothy Nash, were in Cold Hill Monday, seeing old friends. Mrs. Minor was at olio tlmo a resident of this section but is now of Medford, and Miss Nash Is a resident of Oak land, Calif. Mrs. Louise Holiday and children of Michigan came Thursday to visit their sister, Mrs. Charles Koll. E. 1?. Enyart and family nnd Frank Enyart left for Coquillo the first of the week by autp. ' Mrs. Robert Dow returned from San 'Francisco last Sunday after n number of' weeks' visit wiUi friends living in dhat vicinity. John Dunnington, TJoweli ITincs and Tohc Garrett were hunting on Jenny creek Sunday. Mi's. Flora Thompson and Mrs. Minnie Kelley left for Rent lie nnd Vancouver, 11. C, this week on a two weeks' vacation. Judge and Mrs, F. L. Ton Vellc accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sliickmati, motored to Crater lake this week. School opened Monday with the following corps of teachers: (I, W. (lodward, principal; Miss llurd, as sistant principnl; Miss liencrof! sixlh, scvcnlh and eight grades; Mrs. Oscar Linn, third, fourth nnd fiflh grades, and. Miss I'linnia Wendl, first. second and primary grades. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Shafer have re tinned from Weed, Oil., and will spend Ihe winter in Jacksonville. W. II. Mi'Daniel of Applcgule has made a number oS business (rips lo A CHILD KATES OIL, CALOMEL, PILLS FOR LIVER AND BOWELS tiivo "Caiifoniln Syrup of Figs" if cross, sick, feverish, ' constiMitcil. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cnthnrtics. How you haled theni, how you fought against taking them.' With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physics simply don't realize what thoy do. Tho children's revolt Ifi well founded. Their tender llttlo "in sldes" aro Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver nnd bowels need cleansing, give only deli cious "Califarnla Syrup of Figs." Its ncllon Is positive but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxativo" handy; they know children lovo to take it; that It never falls to clean tho liver and bowels and sweet en (lie stomach, and that a teaspoon- fill given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druglst for a 50-ccnt hot Ho of "California Syrup of Figs,' which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown tips plainly on each bottle. Hcware of counterfeits sold here. Sen that It Is made by "California Fig Sjrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. Medford Real Estate 1 1. Reasons for buying now. All shrewd investors know that tho time to buy property Is when evnrvono Is selling,, and sell inter at a profit when everyone is buying. THAT'S IIL'SINHSS GOOD HI'SI NESS, tho world over. It Is an AXIOM that property well bought is half sold. Now Is tho tlmo to buy bargains in Medford property. Husltiess is and has been improving In all parts of the t'nlted States and Is now com ing to Medford. If you waul good property come and see us, or if you have good prop erty that you are willing to sell at going prices, lift with us and have us sell it for you. Bennett Investment Co. 102 West Main. Phone 799. Ileal Estate. Loans. Insurance. niitiflOtf. Tuesday; RErTTtttr.ET ' 2.1 i mi .l.i. - kon vil !o recently, being fire war- den for this district. Miss Corinne I. inn and Mrs. C'liaunccy Kloioy were Medford visit ors Saturday., Mrs, Dora Salliuarsh and sons were guests nt. the home of Mrs. Chris ririch last Sunday. .Mr. mid .Mrs. K. J. Kick were Ash land visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Walson Candill ex pect lo leave for Kentucky the first of October. Frank l.indlcy of Med ford will fill Mr. dunliU's position in the T aylor- illmms Co. Thursday evening, Ailarcl chap tcr, O. E. S., cnlci'luincd the grand worthy matron, Mrs. Lena C. Men dcnhall, and Mrs. Alice 1!. Coweill, grand marshal!, of Portland. After tho work had been exemplified a bampiet was served in the dining room, which was beautifully' decorat ed with asters. ' ' The wedding of Mrs. Anna Coff man and William Schmidt was sol emnized Sunday, September 211, in Hie Calholic rhnrch at Medford. Fol lowing the wedding breakfast, which was served by Mrs. Iloxie, the happy couple motored to Jacksonville and will be at home on their ranch on Bishop creek nfler October 1. EAT WITHOUT FEAR OF INDIGESTION OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH Instant relict! l'nixVs lllaneosin" cuds your stomach dis tress. Try It ! Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of tho food did the damage do you? Woll, don't bother. If your stomach is In a ro- volt; if sick, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented and turned sour; head dizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul, tonguo coated just take a llttlo Pape's Dla- pepsin to help ncutralizo acidity and in five minutes you wonder what be came of the indigestion and distress Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to have dys pepsia. A llttlo Dlapepsln occasion ally keeps tho stomach sweetened and they cat their favorito foods with out fear. i if your stomach doesn't tako care of your llboral limit without rebel lion; if your food Is a damago lustoad of a help, remember tho quickest surest, most harmless relief Is Tape's Dlapepsln, which costs only fifty cents for a largo case al drug stoves It's truly wonderful It stops for mentation and acidity and sets things straight, so gently and , easily that it Is really astonishing. WANTED SITUATIONS WAN'i'lOI) Housekeeping by lady in homo of reliable person. Town or country, llox 31, caro Mall Trlb line. 1 WANTED Position as housekeeper or work by day or hour no wash Ing. Mrs. C. L. Grant. Phone 728 J. 172 HEI,P WANTKI) FKMAJ.E WANTI'JI) Good woman for coast resort and ranch. Good homo for right party. Can seo proprietor t night. Phono 7119-L. HELP WANTHI) MALK WAN'i'lOI) Wood cutters at 'Mutt Falls. Phono 370 .1, Medford. 10 WANTKIJ Ranch and orchard fore man; responsible position; give ex perienee and reference, liox 01 Mail Tribune. 100 WANTKI) Man to operato Apply Mlravista Orchard. tractor 597-.I2 TKAMS haul. and trucks on Itlue Tclcphonn tho mine. .edge 150 1IKLP WAN'l'IOIl--2 cut-off and nlhc machine men at $1 per day with bonus of 23c; to January 1st; help crs $3 and up. Hoard 75c per day. Algoma Lumber Co., Algoma, Or ill II WANTED. Teamster. Mlrlvista Or chard. Phono 597-.I2 WANTHO MISCEI.IiANKOIJS WANTKJ) General teaming, to an load wood In car lots. Phono 473-Y. 10 WANTFD Pino logs. Wish to con tract purchase sugar and yellow nine saw-logs for 191 X delivery Will lakn output largo or small uuantlty and liny attractive figure Seo Edgar S. Hafer, Hotel .Med ford. WA.VTKI) Lady, man wife to share expense congenial woman in house; not prolit 1h Idea, Dox ' Mall Tribune. HI WANTKI) Cook on elnse-ln rani: Reply lo Mall Tribune, liox 15. WANTFI) Ilring us your eggs and Poultry. Wo pay cash. Medford Poultry and Egg Co. WANTED Houses to mora. KK-M. or 48H-X. Phon rocxn FOI'ND. Lady's agate brooch street last week. Owner call and prove property ond pay for thi adv. Fl'HMrtllED ArAUTMKNTS FOR RKNT Furnished apt.; hot wa ter, heat. The llerlien. Phone II" Kit FOR HUNT- (lao eomplelc ly furnish ed sparluiout al Hotol liullaud. 1W FOR . , BURNS, CUTS and WOUNDS Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUO STORES gdl Tubes 2se jars boo Vxn SAMS J.1VE8TOCK l'Olt SAI.10 At tho Kincnld ranch, one mile wost of tho Agato school house, 2!i owes and one rum; 1 3-year-old Jersey cow, from a pedL greed sire; 1 8-year-old bay geld ing, weight about 1 3 r 0 ; 6 pure bred White Leghorn roosters. All offered at a .bargain. Mrs. Flor ence Flaherty, Central Point, Ore gon, it. F. D. No. 2. 101 FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. R. H. Wilson, Medford, Oregon. 1112 ACRlt'ICH SALE iNino bend first- class Jersey cows nnd ono bull. .i00. Phono 372-Rt, Ashland. 10. E. Foss, Talent, Oro. 101 OR SALE Going away, must sell good milk cows; 2 holfers. Call 230 from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. 103 OR SALE -Good team mares, weight 2300; also 3-yoar-nld colt, broken; ood cow; mower nnd rake. A. S. Warren, near Ster ling mlno, Jacksonville. 100 'OR SALE English setter, 2 years old. Phono 1F-1. 150 FOR SALE Ono span work horses, 1400 lbs., sound, true; ono spun maros, 1 150 lbs.; ono yearling colt; one Oliver corn cultivator; one 7 sliovel cultivator; two wagons. 003 N. FirSt. 159' FOll BALK KMlLi KHTATB FOR SALE. 40 to 100 acres, $30.00 per aero; perpetual water right. $10.00 per aero down; no Interest, no payment until water Is avail able: mainteiianeo fee $2.50 per acre per year, llox 30, Mall Tri bune 163 FOR SALIO or rent cheap, account of leaving; small ranch with berries closo in; good houso and outbuild ings; also some furniture for sale Phono S20-R. 100' FOR SALE Cheap for cash it lakon nt once. 5-room modern cotlago, corner Shorman and Geneva sts., Medford. Telephone 7X1 or P. O. box 32G, Central Point, Oro. 100 OR SALE G-room bungalow, mod ern lot, 00x300; cheap, part cash. Telephono 419L or P. O. llox 702. 170 FOR SALE Farming land, fruit land, stock ranches, timber land, from $10 por acre up, on long time, easy payments, or might exchange for other eleur property. AddresB Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE HIlhlJEtiljANKOUS FOR SALE Two second-hand Fords first-class condition. Power Auto Co. ioa FOR SALIO 4 acres good shock corn $150. F. S. Curpenter, I'ori'ydalo. Il'hono 201-itl. 103 FOR SALIC 1 9 IB Ford touring car in first-class condition. Price $300.00 Make date ljy phono 100. 159 FOR SALE Beardless barley straw. Phono 534-X. 101 FOR SALE Ono solid oak buffet with largo beveled edge mirror; one sanitary conch. A. F. llazel rigg. Phono 395-L. 100 FOR SALE lOxtrn choice fox and coyote! bound pups, $3 each. One pair 15 months old, very fine, $20. Chas. Gilchrist, Sums Valley, Ore. 159 FOR SALE -Haled blue stem wheat straw, $S.50 per ton. Dr. c. c. Van Scoyoc, Garnett-Coroy llldg. 103 FOR SALE E. M. condition. $22 Roadster, good J'hnno 205-.I. 102 FOR SALE Furniture nnd cooking ' utonsllo cheap at 215 No. Oakdale. 109 FOR SALE Auto owners tako no tice: Magic motor, gas, 1 quart equals 50 gallons gasollno. Guar anteed by Aulo Remedy Co., Cin cinnati, O. llcwaro of Imitations. Inquire Chas. Moo, Apploguto, Or. Mrs. Mary A. Moo, Central Point, Ore. !:i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT Largo, sunny rront room, nicely furnished; breakfast If desired. Inquire after 0 o'clock. 2 2 Mistletoe. 103 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 421 I N. Central Ave. Kitchen privi leges; bath. Phono 592-L. 101 FOR RENT HOLMES FOR KENT Five-room modern bouse, with large si recti porch and garage; closo in. Address 210 S. Riverside, or phono 570-11. FOR RENT Colonel Sargent's place on Oakdale Avenue, very reason- able. Inquire of II. B. Nye. Phone 25.11. . 159 FOR RENT A fine two story bunga- : low. 0 rooms, sleeping porch, si ore room. All modem. Beautiful ' lawn. 322 So. Newtown. Inquire first house in rear. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RE-NT Farm In Sams Valley, renter lo buv horses, implement household goods. Terms ash rent. ("has. Gilchrist, Sums Valley, Ore 13 9 FOR RENT 100 acres of land about 20 miles north of Medford on Rouge river. Perry Foster, Each- Point. 159 OR It 10 NT A 7iK-.l. piano. Telephone FOR KENT Farms nnd stock ranch es, garden land. Hold Ktiy Really Co. e P A HE FT7? l,OST LOST Collie ling from tho App'v gatn nearly Ivo weeks ago. An swers to tho name, ot Had. Has front tooth broken off. $10.00 re-' ward for return to John W. Pernoll, Applegalo, Die., oi for Information as to his whereabouts. 159 FA1SM LOWS. AMORTIZATION PLAN 3 to 40 years, 5 per cent; 4 per cent on de posits convertible Into 4 Mi percent farm loan bonds; $250,000 ' In bonds sold weekly and money paid farmers. E. II. Hard, Sec.-Trons. National Farm Lonns Associations, Garnet t-Corey Ilulldlng. Medford, MONKY Tf) IrflAN WILL LOAN small amounts on im proved city properly. 10, S. Tumy, 2 10 Garnott Corey bidg. MONEY TO LOAN On good secur ity. Phono 047-J. J. II. Androws. Medford Business College Bidg., Room 2. MONEY TO LOAN From $1000 to $5000 on hand to loan at 7 per. cent, on good farm seourlty. Earl Tumy, 210 Gnrnett-Corey Bidg. tf MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on MedTord property. Kasy montu lr payments. See TV Tf. Wood IJI SINF.SS DIKECTOUY. Attorneys GEORC.H CODDING. -Lnwyer, Gar- nott Corey Bidg. POUTER J. NfOFF Attorney at law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. B. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bidg. Garnet! Accountant. E. M. WILSON Oortifled Public Ao countnnt, room 411, M, F. & H. Bidg., Medford, Oregon. Ausio Supplies LA.HFR ATJTO SPRInS CO. W are operating the largest, priest and best equipped plant In the P ciflo northwest. Use our spring! when othors fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 3 1 North FitteentB St., Portland, Ore. Collections COLLECTIONS ANO REPORTS W! collected some accounts 14 year! old. We know how to get th money. Tho Bullock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, S. Has kins' Illdg., 210 15. Main St. 'Dentlsta DU. T. T. SHAW Dentist. Orer Daw lels Clothing Store In rooms tor. msvly occupied by Dr. Jones. Phons. 92-Y. Kmployincnt Agency. HELP SUPPLIED Will furnish men for'oulsblo or lusido work at any tlmo. Apply 103 North Central av enue, or phono 155-lt. Japanese Employment Agency. " JCnglnocT nnoT ContrACIor FitED N. CUMM1NGS Engineer and contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bidg, Surveys, estimates, Irrigation drain age, orchard and land improvement Oarbago GARBAGE Got your promises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho clly garhngo wagons for good service. Phono 271-L. P. Y. Allen. Instruction In Muno FIDO I) ALTON HA OUT Teacher ol piano nnd harmony. Halght Musi Studio, 401 Garutitt-Corey Bidg, Phono 72. EARL a. TUMY General Insurant office, Fire, Automobile, Accldeut, Liability, Plato Glass, Contract and tlurety Hoods. Excellent com panics, good local sorvic. No. Hit (larnetl-Corcy Bidg. Physicians and Surgeons DR. W. W. DO WARD Osteopath! physician. 303 Garnett-Corey bull lng. Tlione 130. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose ami throat. Eyes scien tifically tented and glasses sup plied. Oculist, and Aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Co. Oftlces M. F. ft 11. Co, bidg., opposite P. 0. Phone 57. Irlntcrs nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the. best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon; Book, binding, loose leaf ledger, billing systems, etc. Portland prlcoi. 27 MorU Kir St. Transfer EADH TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front nt. Phone 815. Prices rltfhL Sorvtc xuar. ItllMri INTEHCIilSAN AlTOt AH O. TIM 10 CARD. Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent, and Phoenix dally, e-ccept Sunday, at 8:00 a. in., 1:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m, lso on Saturday at 10:15 p. tn, Sun days leave at 8 and 10:30 a, m, and :00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night nt 0:30, Sundays leavo Ashland at 9:00 a. m., and 10.30 a. tn., 1:09, t:30, 6:30, aad 10:30 o. m.