PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREO OX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. .1917 10CAL AND ' PERSONAL Darrel Mlnklrr, the well-known 'and talented Modford boy, nnd ftinmlier of the Seventh company, who lieciiuse of Ills proficiency In wlrelPKs pud gen eral tolcKmpliy received an appoint ment as radio servant nnd was at tached to tlio headquarters of the Coast artillery, hut fnlled to pans the examination Inst miring nt l'ort. Stev ens because of a minor (ill in out', un derwent a successful opcrutlon at the Dremerton nuvy yard lust week and will soon bo ready to eutor uctlv service again. Dr. Heine fits glasses correctly. Mlas Jcnnlo Hunter, a mitf 'grad uate from tlio University of Oregon who taught In tho Med fur il high school last year, will aguln have a po sition at tho sumo place. Miss Hun tcr, uttonded the summer session of the university this year. Hugene Dully Guard. Medford Trunsfor Co. Phone D!i 1G8 The Talent school fair will bo held at the sclioolhouKO of (hut town, l'rl dny, September 14. Premiums'' will be given on eurdcnlng, poultry, uinn ual arts, gonorul cookery and sewing SIlss Vera Moffat of ICugene, who Ib well known In .Medford and who was connected with tho -Ashland Bchools last year, will bo in charge of the gymnnslum department of The Dalles high school thin year. 8ho Is n graduate of tho llnlvcrnlty of Ore gon, clnss of 1916. Johnson for high-class watch re pairing.. Tho Ashland cannery Klnrted Its canning season .Monday and expects to use forty employes during tho busy season. About half tho cannery output is sent to eastern markets and the rest Is sold to vulley merchants for home consumption. Tito cannery has made a contrnct for 75. tons of Elbcrta poaches with orchards near Talont, which will be packed nnd sent -,out from tho Talent packing houso, Dr. Chss. T. Sweeney, Physician and Surgeon, Phlpps Dldg. Phone 30 tf Sirs. May Austin, for many years a resident of Ashland, has leased her home in that city nnd removed to Medford, whero she is mnfclng her home with Mrs. It. I. Stewart. . Gonorul upholstering, firrnlturo re paired and reflnlshed, mattresses ren ovated, fentbers steamed and rlonned carpets and rugs cleaned nnd relayed Douglas, 226 S. Riverside.. Phono 900-U i l , ' Leo Shuchnrd writes his parents from San Francisco that he us re cently received a commission us first lieutenant in the army, nud that on this account he will resign the. posi tion as instructor in oxodontlu 111 the University of California which he had accepted. Only last spring lie was graduated In dentistry from the Uni versity of California. Mr. anil '.sirs. At A. Schuchard have also received word from their other son, Milton, stating that he and the other, Med ford boys in tho University ot Ore gon ambulnneo unit which was culled into servlco last week aro wfth tho unit at Fort I-nwton, several miles from the American l,nko inlllt.iry can tonment In 'Washington, and Uit nil aro well and happy. Pork and beans with pie, SooMMa mond Restaurant. 127 Kast th St. A. W. Walker returned Wednes day from Portland and Fort Colum bia. .He reports the members uf Com pany Seven In rohust health arid en Joying lifo with vaccination the only thing to vex them. , ! A Western Klectrlc farm lighting plant will he In operation at the Jack son county fair. , Dr. C. W. II M. Ileldeman, lute gov ernment seed expert, will lecMra at Nutta Knlls, Saturday evening, Sep tember Kith, on "Commercial Secd (Irowlng; an Opportunity Now Knock ing." Bring your wheat to the Central Point Mills. We handle It lu bnlV and save you the cost of lugs. We are In the market for all kinds of grain. John Pontlng Is exhibiting "black eyed peas" which have every appear ance of beans, grown by hlin at his Imperial addition farden. He de clares they are the most prollflo, prof itable and pRlntable peas or pra prod uct grown, that, they will letd K.p bushels io the acre and can be made a source of mn.-li profit in Ihe valley as well ns an aid In reducing the high cost of living. The pods grow In clus ters, aro 6 to S Inches lu length, and containing 10 to 1.1 beans. Aprons for pickers and packers at Tent Factory In Nat. K3 All women who nr knittini; lor the Hed Crofts and all thone who wish to Jola knitting cl-tsses are asked to meet at Ked Cross headmost tors Fri day mornkig at 10:30 o'clock. Ir. Frank Roberts, dentist, St. Mark's Building. Phone s:J-Y. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Monahsn, Mr. and Mrs T. K. Daniels and Mrs, C. U Srhleftelln left this afternoon tor tw days' trip to Crater l-ake Meti ears at Riverside Garage. -Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Crutcher of Park City, Utah, left for home today after u visit In this city and at Cra ter I.uke. See Dave Wood about that fire In lurnnco policy. Office, Room 04, M F. & II. Building. Muny people from Medford and the valley attended tho performance of "So Long, I.etty" at the Chautauqua auditorium Tuesduy night, most of whom went to Ashland by auto. A Medford man who hud a financial In terest In procuring tho big thoatrlcal attraction for last night's perform ance Buys that 1800 peoplo attended tho show, by fur the largest audience ever gathered In Southern Oregon to witness a thoalcr performance. Thero Is a special prize at tho fair of $15 for tho best display of canned products from any war city garden Hotter get busy and win tho coin. Jt Is offered by tho Nutlonnl Emergency Food Garden commission. John 11. Henuillt, Knos Congwer and Chnrles P. Smith of Jacksonville, who wcro in attendance ut the sol diers' and suitors' reunion at Ashland Monday nnd Tuesday, returned to their homes toduy. Dr. Heine, oye, our, nose, throat. Wearing a $20,000 diamond ring. Mrs. I.. Garwood Menken of Now York City attructcd considerable attention In the lobby of tlio Medford hotel lust night, and at Crater Luke yesterday. Accompnnled by her young son, Ar thur, and mnld, Mrs. Menkln, who is touring tho coast, arrived In tho city Tuesday morning by train and en gaged Court Hull to take tho party in a hurry to Crntor Lake In his best auto. Mrs. Menken, the ring, the maid nnd son left toduy for San Fran cisco and Snn Diego. Fruit dryers at Pacific Furniture & Fixture fuctory. Tho W. C. T. U. will hold no meet ing Thursday, but on Friday will at tend the convention at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adrlnn of lofferson, Iowa, who are making a tour of the coast, arrived In the city this morning for a visit of several days with Mrs. Adrian's aunt, Mrs. E. A, Dyko. Evory lady in the city nnd county should exhibit somo article of fancy work, product of kitchen or pantry somo work of art, etc., at the fair next wcolt. Call Mrs. Jap Andrews for particulars. W. R. McLood, tho Prospect region merchant, is !n tho city today on one of his periodical business visits. Call Taxi 303. Mrs. Guy Chllders loft this mor ning for Fort Jones, Cnl., for a visit with her husband, the contractor, who Is erecting a brick school In that place. Mots cars at Riverside Garage. ' II. L. Walther Is spending Wednes day nt Glendale on a business mis sion. Three-pleco Aztec pottery nt your own price. See our window. Heath's Drug Store. As the result of a free-for-all tight at tho Nell lumber camp in tho SIs- kiyous on September 4, J. J. Scott swore out a complaint before Prose cutor Roter(s on a charge of assault nnd battery a'gainst Dick and Jess Thomason and Carl llllty. Before the enso was called for trial Wednes day before Justice Taylor, Prosecutor oberts Informed Scott that If ho In- tsted on the men being prosecuted the prosecutor would also filo an as sault and battery charge against him. Scott then quickly let the matter drop nnd Prosecutor Roberts had the case dismissed with the threat that If there was any more trouble of like nature nt the enmp he would press the charge against nil concerned in the recent trouble. This week, nt your own price, three pieces of Axtec pottery. See our w in- low. Heath's Drug Store. r motor touring party en route lo San Diego from The Dalles, Ore., con sisting of Mrs. C. M. Page. Miss Grace age and Mr, nnd Mrs. F. E. Dnno and daughter, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Fleming for n hort visit. Baths, Sue; Holland Hotel. Mrs. James Duncan and Mrs. James kor left last night for their homes In Kansas City, after a visit with friends and relatives in this city. Make your own price on tho three pices of .ztcr pottery in our win dow this week. Heath's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chambcrlin of Cushlng, Okla., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webb. Mr. Chambcrlin: s a brother of Mrs. Webb. Army arn In official gray. Han dicraft Shop. Mrs. It. F. H.inimott and children and Mrs. IV F. Carlton and children of Sisson, Cab. are auto tourists en joying a visit in the city. Xnias things for soldiers in France must be In New York by November 1st. Knitted gifts should be started now. Instruction free. Handlrr.ift Shop. US' One hundred navy recruits from Portland and Seattle passed through the tty today en route for the naal training station on Mare Island. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V STKI Wood splitters by dr or riird. Out of town. Hex W, aMil Tribune, 14 George Youell of Portland, presi dent of the Pacific Fruit & Produce company, is spending Wednesday In the city, on business In connection with the Medford Fruit company, and will also look carefully into the gen erul fruit conditions of tho valley. Johnson for nigh-class watch re pairing, tf O. V. Myers returned early today from hft week's combined business and pleasure visit fo Portland. Tho Medford Fluff Rug Works has moved from East Main street to 4 01 South Riverside. 143 Mr. and Mrs. William Perry and children from Delta, Utah, arrived in the city. Tuesday. Today Mrs. Perry nnd children went to Salem to visit relatives. Mr. Perry will remain here for Bomn time to Investigate Into the Oregon-California land grants situa tion. With six or eight-other -men from his homo vicinity ho plans to lo cate on grant lands as soon as they arc thrown open to the public. For the best Insurance, see Holmes, the Insurance Man. If you don't think "washday" Is "playdny" you want to see the Thor Electric Washer and the ironer in operation nt tho Jackson county fnlr. Included among the tourists and visitors registered nt tho hotels today are Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Mayer and Ralph Brett, of Chicago, Phil Cohen of rw.v York, Mrs. George Shearer and Mrs. Ernest Weinhauser of Pu eblo, Colo.: Mrs. W. F. Janncck of Boise, Idaho; John Roll, L. Rosen berg, Howard II. Startzmnn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Swunson and Ed J. Hudson of Seattle; E. S. Cooley of Yrcka, Cul.; O. V. Logsdon, of Riddle, Ore.; C. Owens, A. S. Fry and J. P. Schiller of Sun Francisco; S. A. San- ford of Roseburg;F. L. Giles, Hay Fnrrell, Tall Thompson, Burt Ilol- comb, ). Loest, II. L. Hall, W. H Mitcehll, Walter H. Grlebe-, D. J. Burns and A. W. Shoemaker of Port land; T. H. Mnnsfield, R. K. Chapman and W. E. Norton of Montague. Cnl 1). M. Lowe, who is working over tho county to secure an exhibit for the state fair, says the Interest in the county fair is wonderful nnd tho ex hibits promise to be very largo. Thero Is a big rivalry regarding the district exhibits, ns tho prizes are big, and this will be nn Interesting depart ment of the fnlr. Ho snys there It llnblo to bo n shortage of potatoes and onions because the average grow- or thinks his products nre smaller than they should be, but Mr. Lowe says exhibit them anyway as the size will ho smaller this year. WORLD S FINEST AERIAL MOTOR (Continued from Page One.) hour two nnd n third miles n min ute is the speed with which this 8-oylinilor engine will drive American bmtle planes thru the nir. 'Phis is equal almost to the hct sH'ed for eign builders have attained with their out plnnes, in which everything is sacrificed for speed. The American battle planes, heavily armed and car rying two men, will be able lo over lake nnd destroy the fastest of the lienunn scouts. About two pounds lo the horse power lUO horsepower from nn engine- weighing about (loll pounds is the secret ot the marvelous sliced this engine is able to impart to nn airplane. Think of it ! Three men enn easily lift it and vet ll will drive two men in un air plane weighing half a Ion thru the nir at twn-e the speed of the ' Twen tieth Century Limited." rilly hours run under load two SafeTllilc Infants od Invalids HORLICK'S rwr ORIGINAL MALTED-MILK Rich milk, malted (train, in powder form. For infants, invalids Klptv ing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding tlic whole body. Invigorate nursing mothers aa4 the agvd. More nutritious than tea, cottec, etc. Instantly prepared. Krouires no cooking. Substitutes Ceil YOU Same Prke : Intuitu: TO B CAPITAL 5100.000. frW i'l iNaiionaiBank I IIs MEDFORD JFQJ II I full days on end wus. the final or deal to which Hie 'ciurine wns sub mitted to test it m endurance, to the encli five hours; hut in the nctunl limit. The original schedule permit ted minor adjustments nt the end of test the piiyinol ' wns running so smoothly nt tile end of the first five hour period (lint it wiis' nol touched until 10 hours had elapsed. In ten hours n fleet of American buttle plmies driven by these motors could innkc the run from Ioridin to Berlin nnd return, pusing- on their wnv to do full justice to the Krupp works in Kssen. Tho first of these wonderful en pines was built within 21 duys alter the idea for its general plan of con struction was conceived. Al ter ,1 lm lines were laid down on paper there was never any doubt about its be ing a good emzino, for there was no leature in it that hail nut been tried out in one of the best foreign en nines. The only novelty lay in (he way in wnir-n these pints, drown from the world's best experience, were com bined. America 'hns reason to be proud of this achievement. Such nn en gine is worth a million soldiers. There will be no grcnlor victory in the war than this feut of American engineers nnd mechanics the buttle of the workshops. CHAPLIN FEATURE AT THE PAGE THEATRE A program selected for its napplfy ing qualities holds the boards today and tomorrow matinee and evenings ut the Pago theatre, headed by the million dollar king of mirth, Charlie Chaplin, in "Tho Cure,.", a sido-spllt-tlng series of Chaplinnntics which tops off the feust of fun he has fur nished in the past In great style. Taylor Holmes, the stage star, is making his debut as a screen star In "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship," an Essanay comedy-drama. Mr. Holmes, perhaps, Is the best known comedian on the speaking stage. His latest success, "His Maj esty Bunker Bean," sent a ripple of laughter across tho continent and broke all records as a hit In New York and Chicago.' He previously scored heavily In "Tho Third Party,"; 'The Commuters," "The Million'' and: other popular plays. - ' There is a finish to this actor's work which is seldom to be found on the screen. He is a master of facial oxpression and is possessed of a per- sonnllty which wins you from the! start. His characterization ot the .Youcan havea wealth' of . Beautiful Hair i INO-.ltJO'ONIE'llI Nothing - equals ' an aureole of beautiful hair as a frame for a pretty face. Without a background of nice hair a really pretty face frequently becomes plain but, with it, unattractive . features assume life and beauty. t Every woman can increase her natural charm by using Newbro's Herpicide. Herpicide makes hair beautiful. Dandruff saps the vi tality of the hair. Herpicide applied intelligently and regularly, cheese this destruction of hair life and prevents the hair from falling out, giving it a snap and luster, a soft silky flumness which can be ac quired in no other way. ( . Applications may be obtained at tfie best barber shops aed hair dressing j parlors. A It is guaranteed by The Herpicide Co. I Sold everywhere LMEKIKIUX Al-KiCAK U . TIMK CARD. Leave Medford for Ashland, Talent, and Phoenix daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m lso on Saturday at 10:15 p. m. Sun days leave at S and 10:30 a. m. and :00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:S0 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m., 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 6:30. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00 a. m., and 10.30 a. m,, 1:00 4-30. R-sn. and 10:Srt n. ro . . BOYsT I THK BOYS GOIN3 1 n G-O WW w OF JACKSON COUNTY Y THOSE who choose or are chosen from Jarkson county to serve their. Country at home or abroad, we wish to have -it understood that the 1st National Bank is prepared and Milling, to receive deposits, forward remittances and per form missions of business and finance. MEDFORD'S MODERN BANK. Ym. 0. TA1T, Pn-Milciit. OREGON whimsical Edgar of the picture is de lightfully perfect. ' On the whole, "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship" Is one of the best comedy- dramas that has adorned the screen in some time. SKXDS EXVOV PASSPORTS. (Continued from fage One.) ment from the Swedish foreign office Unit Jhe Swedish undertaking to cease sending German messages ap plied only lo North America caus ed a grent surprise here, where the facts have been well known for u long time iiinong - diplomats and others. . .... , When Hie Iliilish government took up the nuttier with Sweden in 101.1, assurances were given by the Swedish foreign office to the' British minis ter ut Stockholm und by the Swedish minister in l.onilun, it is declared, that the use of Swedish diplomatic facilities for the transmission of Ger man messages should cease. . There were no limitations or reservations of any sort, it is said. Morris Discusses Affair. STOCKHOLM, Sept. 12. Trn Nel son Morris, Hie American minister to Sweden, visited the foreign office here this nftemoon nt the request of Foreign Minister Lindinnn and the two ministers conversed for nn hour regarding the transmission of Ger man cipher telegrams by the Swedish minister nt Buenos Hires. ONE DOLLAR y At the sign of HERE IS A PROGRAM SELECTED for its happitying qualities and the entire family will enjoy it 2 DAYS BEGINNING TODAY t. lVliUU I 'OT is. "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship" featuring TAYLOR HOLMES Master of Mirthful Mimicry. EDGAR SAYS: If the way to a man's heart Is through the stomach, then the waj to a woman's Is through the auric ular sense. I have accumulated sufficient data to conclusive!! prove that it was tho superb ren dition of "Just a wearyln' for you" after three lessons on the saxo phone that won me favor in the eyes of a certain desirable femi nine person. CHARLIE . in THE Tops off the . in the past in PATHE NEWS PAGE Members of 7tli company request their Medford friends lo send them no more phonographic records of Bryan or Tult speeches, or of speech es by any one, is the wni-il blot buck from Forf Columbia lust night hy Mayor Gates, l.ust Sunday tiiulit when the mayor nnd four others were guests of the company the soldiers by w-ny of entertainment put on one of the many new records received from Medford. It proved lo be a speech by Biyau . und was quickly discarded and another new record put on. This too was a Bryan socech. It wns then developed that of the new- records received seven were Bryan i speeches nnd one a speech bv Taft. The hoys will try und cxchiiiic'c them for music records. They want no more chin music. Mayor Gates re ports that the boys nre all well anil that almost every soldier has gained from ono to three pounds since arrival n.t Fort Columbia, lie says thai there was but one case of measles. AXACOXDA, Mont., Sept. 12. At a mass meeting of members of An aconda Mill and Smeltormen's union last night, It was decided by prac tically unanimous vote that the terms offered by the Anaconda Copper .Min ing company should be accepted, and Women with Cinderella feet can buy Four-Dollar Oxfords or Shoes at only One DoIIor a Pair -Oxfords in Tan, Gmnnetnl itiid Patent. Shoes in Tan Button and a few pairs in White and CI ivy Buck. Sizes -2V1n ?, 3U and 4. Widths AA.-A and B. Our Window Backs Up This Advertisement. iS - C - H - M - I - D - "GOOD H OiE S Taken from the SATURDAY EVENING POST, AND TO SEKK superlative lerins for each C1IA1MJX Comedy as they cmne forth is hardship and an impossibility, hut the newest CHAPLIN CURE l-Ya.-t yreat f Fun I vie. he has fui'tUMU'd sl!()Vl(i Till' WORLD'S 1 ATKST llAlM'KNlMJS Southern Oregon's Greatest Place cf Annulment. IIATIflEE IF POSSIBLE that the men should return to work immediately. YOUNG ORPHAN GIRL How She Wa Cured. Had Headaches, Dizzy Spells, Awful Pains, Could Not Work. Pittsburgh, Pa. "I am an orphan girl, and when only seventeen years old had to support myseir, but 1 would have such sick spells every month that 1 would have to stay at home from work, and I could not af ford to do it 1 also had headaches, diz-. -zy spells end a pain in my side. My sis ter told me how much Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound had helped her, so 1 bepan takin" it. The result is I am. now in good liealth and never lose a day from my work, and you may publish my letter to show other girls the .sriod Lvdia E. finl'am'B Vegetable Comoound will do." Miss Marie Schmeltz, St Gardner St., TrSry Hill, H. , Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ." -v This pood old root and herb remedy lias proved unequaUtd for periodical suffering of young women ; it contains what is needed to restore healthful con ditions. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., for free advice if you need it A T - " 21 North Central Ave. II II OTIIIHI I m l ADULTS 15c CHILDREN 5c TH .COME EARLY