MTCDFOITO MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOTiD, OltEOOX, . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER .r, 1917. PAGE THREW KERENSKY NOI DICTATOR BUT PUBLICSERVANT People of Russia Repudiated Idea, " Not the Man, When They Overthrew . , the Czar Mass of Russians Not ' Misinformed or Ignorant, But In--, telligent Kerensky Star Orator. This is another of the series of articles by Charles Edward Russell, who hus just returned from Russia, where he spent three months ns a nember of the official United Stutes commission to the new Kussiun gov ernment. (By Charles Eilward Russell.) (Copyright 1917 by tho Nowspaper En terprise Association.) "Where is the Napoleon of Russia t Who is he? Do you think ho is Ke rensky?" I huve these questions every day from scores of Americans. Appar ently the persons that put them are convinced that Russiu, having thrown off one king,, necessarily and of courso proceed to choose another. No going without a' king. All Knglnnd, naturally enough, be lieves this, but what puzzles me is that nny American should cling to a notion that belongs, to the world's antique. Idea Repudiated. Americans might reflect that it was not the man, Nicholas Roman off, the Russian people repudiated, but the king idea. . Having waited so long and en dured so much to get rid of it under oi name, does it seem likely they Would rush joyously to get it back under another , "Where is the Napoleon of Rus sia 1" Well, dear ojd sleep walker, there ain't no sich animal. There is none now and there will be none so long as the Russian peo ple have anything to say about their affairs which will bo' until the Huns' flag flies above Pctrogrud and Mos cow, anyway. Tho Germans believe in that sort of thing, but tho Rus sians do not. That makes a dif ference. , .... Let me tell you now an odd little fast -that f should"-throw no "send of light ontho actual situation between the United States and Russia. Xo Dictator Needed. ."What Russia needs," sings a large chorus of American cave dwellers, "is a dictator.". So, Russia, not being sufficiently wise to pick out one, these gentle men proceed to create one for her. .. It is literally true that is what they have lurcadv done. Ycn Kerensky succeeded to the place ot prime minister the Ameri can press was deluged with tho as "Siortion that ho had been made dic tator of Russia. Jt was said so posi tively that the entire nation became convinced of it. "Dictator Kerensky" some newspapers always called him, as, if that were his regular title "Tho man 'that rules Russia" is an other fuvorite reference. "It was an impressive spectacle," observed many journals, meaning the meeting between Kerensky and the lute czar, "the man that used to rule Hussiu face to fuco with the mull that rules Russia now." Kerensky Not Dictator. . , This is all the most nbsolulo rot mid rubbish that ever was devised. There is literally not ono word of truth in it. 1 y Kerensky is no more the dictator of Russia than you are. Ho was never made dictator nor nnything like dictator. He comes no nearer being a dictator than his predecessor enmc. When he was named to sile nced I.voff tliere was no more thought of making him dictator than there was of making Hill Deverv dictator, . Beyond all this, Kerensky himself who is a most unselfish, sincere and liigh-minded patriot, would be hocked and gTicvcd to learn thnt America believed him to be capable i betraying the revolution. As No 'one that knows him or knows 4ko Russians ns they really arc would O'er go so far astray. CftiTlej) Out Popular Will. Kerensky, iike the. rest pf the min Ifjatrv, holds office to enrry out the 1tnl of the Russian people. And if ynii think that the Russinn people will ever tolerate n dictator, let me prowjse something for your enlightenment. Ou n Sunday afternoon an out to the meeting that cover the great Kield of Mars in l'etrograd and sug gest such n thing. Yon will not huve to prepare any argument about it. Just suggct it. Only a word in your ear take along plenty of good strong huskies for a bodyguard You'll need them.' The idea that Ritin needs anil will have a dictator i horn of fun damental disbelief in democracy and the fixed delusion that ninny persons huve that the people of Russia, being very Jfmornnt and totally without e.ericnce, cannot mnnuge their own affairs. . Hut that is just the point. The people of Russia arc not very ignor ant and are not inexperienced. Kxtraordiiuuy Capacity. They ore people of extraordinary capacity and instead of being inex perienced their peculiar form of lo cal government has trained nnd de veloped among them an unquestion alblo talent fufr the self-governing job. .H .;'':... !,..- They havb factions among them, of course, anil some of the factions stund out for wild, visionary and impossible things. ) They arc also plagued, cursed and bedeviled 'With n German' propagan da almost as industrious and insidi ous as tho movement that is trying to induce the United States to turn dirty yellow. Hut the masses of the people have a great fund of great, plain, hard common sense. . Also, while thev may have little book learning, they undcrslund the principles of democracy just us well as we do, and nre at least ns de termined to hnvo them and nothing else.- lofty in Character. Kerensky is one of the foremost men of his ago, as lofty in charac ter as ho is unusual in ability. In a nation of orators he is one of the greatest. Ho has the orator's gifts, magnetism,, presence, a splendid voice, a marvelous command oyer speech. In our own country prob ably nobody this sido of Wendell l'hillips has equally swayed men. He gives you at onco tho impres sion of sincerity, of a man that is on the level. As a prime minister, ho undoubt edly understands the situation as well as anybody in Russia; he knows that there can be no peace in the world until German militarism is put out of it The Inst time I saw him ho' was carrying his right hand in n sling because he had strained it shaking hands with the people. Hut I think that with his left lie would have assaulted anybody that called him a dictator, tho betrayer of the young republic. The only dictator in Russia is the majority oF the people. It is a dictator that knows its job and will do it if left alono. TO-BE EXILED I'KTHOURAD, Sept. 5. General Gurko, former commander on the southwestern front, charged with treasonable conduct toward the revo lution, will ho exiled from Russia. General Gurko, according to reports, is the first person against whom such a measure has been taken by the revolutionary government. He will be permitted to choose tho place of his residence. A commission has been appointed by the government to draft a law for the summary punishment of trea sonable nets "in the rear." which is intended to include all Russia. AFTER ' AMSTERDAM, Sept. 5. The Hus seldorff Anzeiger, which, like all the German papers, publishes the state ment recently made by Dr. Von Hcth-niann-IIollwcg, tho former imperial chancellor, to the Associated Press, appends the following remarks : "Hy the way, while the United States kept up tho sham neutrality, the gentlemen of the Associated Press frequently acted as intermediaries for statements from leading Germans, which could have gone direct to tho German press. What is the mean ing of this, that while we are at war with the United States, a represen tative' of the Associated Press is IMTmitled to carry on his profession in Germany unhindered?'' ASCERTAIN FACTS ON . ' NORTHWEST COAL SEATTLE, Sept. 5. In order t gather facts on the threatened coal famine in Washington state, a con ference of the coal operators of the state at the Scuttle chamber of com merce has been set for Thursday afternoon, nt the request of Dr. Hen ry Suznlhi. chairman of the stale council of defense. Dr. II. A. Gnr- field, national coal administrator, today telegraphed asking for all the facts in the situation, and expressed his willingness to begin an investi gation nt once. BOYiSCOUTS OF AMERICA CAN HELP. WIN WAR : !BY FOLLOWING EXAMPLES OF BRITISH COWIRADES GREAT BRITAIN'S "SEA SCOUT S" DO EFFECTIVE SERVICE AS AS SISTANTS TO THE NAVY. By Kenneth W. Payne. LONDON, England, Sept. 5. Boys, here's a special d:spatch from the world's war center meant just for you for every Medford youngster who wants to help Uncle Sam with the war! Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Ba den-Powell, founder and chief ot near ly 300,000 boy scouts in the British empire, has glyen mo this message for you. To begin with, this war is really your war. Your fathors and uncles and big brothers are coming here to fight and die for your sakes. They want you, when you grow up, to bo able to live in a world which is happy and safe. They don't want you or your children ever again to go into the trenches and be killed. And they know the world will never be safe for you until tho kais er's army is beaten. Because they are fighting for you, you will want to help them beat that army. Since the war broke out the boys of great Britain have been helping. Sir Robert Baden-Powell showed them how. "There Is hardly anything tho boy scouts haven't done." "The day the war broke out we had more than a thousand scouts mobil Ized for maneuvers. And from more play, they went into the coast patrol In real cearnest. The government was glad to get them, and their ser vices wore so valuable today about 1G00 of our sea scouts aro on dally const guard duty! '...,.' "A tremendous lot have entered the navy, and others have joined the army, where, becauso of their prac tice, thoy tako to trench life like ducks to water. "But the young boy scouts back home are accomplishing marvelous things. Get Your Moneys Worth Save waste in buying as well as in eating! For net food results Grape-Nuats In using Grape-Nuts you "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts The Food With TheSnappy Flavor SIB. ROBERT BADEN-POWELl "After an air raid the boy Bcouts help clear the bombed nreas, work with the wounded and handle the crowds. The London police have 7000 boy scotit orderlies. "in a recent air raid I was riding in a train which was hit. I escaped injury, and when I turned to holp an other man who had been badly woundod, I found a boy scout already there ahead of me, giving first aid! "When the war broke out, Germans in this country sought to destroy cul vorts, bridge, electric light wires or cables. Tho boy scouts were on tho job so quickly that practically no de struction was accomplished, "That Is tho best mossage I can send to the boy scouts of America. "Know what to do, know how to do It, nnd bo ready to do It." Save in Buying Save on Cooking Save on Serving Save on Waste Save on Spoilage Save on Health WOMEN TO HELP We were talking nbont the world war and tho women of Europe who aro giving everything which they hold dear to the sacrifice "It makes ono proud to bo a woman," she said. "Everywhere they aro taking up the hard work of the world. I would give anything if 1 could ro "somewhere in Franco' nnd help." And even us I pictured "somewhere In Fiance" I saw Medford, our own Main street, and the big flag float ing from tho window of the local Red Cross. A company of soldiers in olive drab fatigue uniforms crossed tho Hear creek bridge and marched under tho international emblem of neutrality and humanity and I knew that she did not hnvo to travel six thousand miles nnd moro over luud and water to "do her bit." Have you over visited our Red Cross ? Thero arc many hundreds of wo men in Medford who never have been thero. In fact so few of our women go thero that the rooms aro opened only threo days a week and even then it is hard to get enough workers. Throe days out of seven! Think of it I When every hour of overy day could bo used to udvnn tnge! When every hour could tally enough work accomplished to save a score of lives and an etcrnityof of suffering. Would you, oh, women of Medford wish your countrymen to bo so in need of surgical dressings Hint the bandages stripped from tho wounds of tho dead should bo immediately applied to their wounds? Or would you have them go with out dressings altogether? Hero is your clear choice. It has occurred and will continue to occur unless yon bestir yourselves in such numbers that a continuous stream of Red Cross goods shall go forward to tho front. . Wo hnvo not chosen to go to wnr. Never wcro pcoplo so pntiont. Hut war bus come to us and wo must meet it. There ,is money nvnilalilo for ma. tenuis but that which money cannot buy, devoted and continuous volun teer work, is lucking . Kvory woman in Medford should feel a personal responsibility towards insuring enough worker, We should not be satisfied to have tho rooms opened thrno days n week I he cannons belch forth death an wounds, endlessly, hour alter hour every day of the week. Wo should beg, aye, diimend thai tho work rooms be opened six duys a week. Wo should make it necesary to have them opened several evenings a week as well. And wo should sec that there are always plenty of workers on hand. In this way, wo who renin in nt is an ideal cereal practi cally 100 nutrition. home, can ease many a pain from the, tearing wounds of pieces of shells. the deep, jagged stab of the bayonet, the burns of liquid fire nnd save tho i GOlN&l G-QING!. GONE III fiEKPl IClTEVVILUAYEir HEBP1CIDE WILL iAYE IT TOO LATE FOftnEHPIflBS 1 ISjYOUR HAIR SLIPPING?, TL. ............ .1.....T cr J t J; v T . : . -L T 1 a. ! The credence of dandruff and fall ing hair conveys a warning which it ia beat to heed. At first the loss of hair may be bo slight as to be hardly noticeable. Hut no matter how little may be the fall each day, it is work ing toward tho same and inevitable result, and that is total baldness. I You may have hair enough today, but how about tomorrow and the day after? Dandruff and falling hair mean baldness sooner or later and demand the immediate regular and energetic use of Newbro's Herpicide. It keeps the scalp free from dirt and dandruff and allows the hair to grow abundantly and naturally. By this means total incurable baldness may be prevented. Herpicide does not stain or dye and has a most exquisite fragrance which makes it especially pleasing to tho Dont ask for Crackers sag WE Marslt & lion nclt Warner, Wort man & ftoro John Jliuwiilco J. K. Olmsteiid C. 1'. Ki'lbs In Snow Flakes RIGHT BUSINESS METHODS Tho Jackson County Hank onjoys a reputation tor sta bility and conservative busln ens methods which gives It tho confidence of all tho people It Is a strong banking Institution, nnd growing stoadlly In deposits. Your account 1h Invited. JACKSON COUNTY 1MNK Medford, Oregon. ' Established 1888. OVER BS V4ARS UNDER O N E MANAGE M E NT' DONT UK DKCKIVKI) HY A NAM KI.ESS IMITATION PUT VI' IN SIM I I.Alt WHA1TKUS. You wouldn't buy other urtieles without a mime why Dread? Ask for "None Better" ami look fur the name. Jlailo by I ho PULLMANiBAKING CO. Mm ( THE lives of muny of thoso who have. counted the cost of their sacrifice nnd have gono suiling "somewhero in France." AN AMERICAN. ladies. It stops itching almost in, stantly. You may be told that there are remedies "juntas good asHerpicide." You cannot afford to take chances with nor can you expect to obtain results from ''an off orond" article. Insist on having genuine Herpicide, the Original Germ-Remedy for Dand ruff. You can get a sample of this de-' lightful hair dressing and a booklet on the care of the hair by sending ten cents in silver or postage to The Herpicide Co., Dept. S, Detroit, Mich. Try Herpicide once and you will never Be without it Sold everywhere in 60 cent and $1.00 sizes and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Applications obtained at the better barber shops and beauty parlors. Whether you buy SNOW FLAKES In bulk or In package, you aro Dure of a dainty, crisp, cracker that will add zost to a meal or light luncheon. Sold In threo sizes of packages, and in bulk. 1'ACIFIO COAST 11ISCUIT CO. l'oi'tland, Oregon. SKIjIj 'KM 3. G. llilibord Jones Cusli Grocery 'uts Cirmory Company Clms. L. .Sclilcffclln m m YOU MAY THINK Hint any .storage buttery will do. It might for tho first hundred miles. After (hat tho material nnd work manship begin to kIiow. Wo handle Militaries thai store current' anil give it put as needed. C. E. Gates Auto Co. ECONOMIC and' MILITARY' PREPAREDNESS .... UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In addition camplal coura In aanaral and) aclanllflo aduaatton, affara full appartunltlaa In' MILITARY DRILL, DOMESTIC SCIINCC ARTS AND COMMERCE Plan far affaetlva fulura aarvlaa. Vaur eauntry naada It. Sand far fraa llluatratad boaklata,"Traln tha Brain for faaeaorWarfandHTna Woman and tha Unlvorolty." Addraaa Raglatrar, UNIVR9ITT OF OREGON. Euoene.' Oreata