PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, PRECOX, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTET mER 5. 1917. TOCAL AND ft PERSONAL Mr. E. G. Itlddell and Elizabeth Robinson of Medford are reentered lit Hotol Portland, Portland, Orcison. Warning! September 1st men's collars advanced to 20 cents each two for 35 cents. Until my sale closes I will sell collars at tho old price, 1J conts each. Supply your future needs now. . DnnielB for puds. : : Dr. Heine fits giassns correctly. Red .CroBS dance .lit Kngle Point Saturday nlnlit, September' Sth. , , Red Cross dance at lOunle Point Saturday night, September 8th. Mets cars at Riverside Oarage. it. A.'Junsen is making a business trip to Grants Puss und Gold Hill ce ment plant. Johnson for high-class watch re pairing. ' M. L. Erlckson, supervisor, Crater Lake National forest, Is HiIb week on a trip of Inspection In the Trail Crook district. ; Dr. Chas. T. Sweeney, Physician and Surgeon, Phlpps BIdg. Phone 30 .: ' tf The Foreign Missionary society of the First .Methodist lOplscopul church Intends to meet at the home of Mrs I. J. Phlpps, 823 East Main street, on Friday afternoon, September 7, at 2:30 o'clock. All persons who aro interested in missions are cordially Invited to attend. Oregon Agricultural College Fruit & Vegetable Evaporator, built accord Ing to official specifications at Pacific Furn. & Fix. Factory. . A fire has been reported Wednes day burning In tho district of I'.vuns crock, about 25 miles north of Gold Hill. Tho blaze is bolng fought by forces of tho Jackson County Patrol association, as inn ncenn of tho fire Is ontsldo the Jurisdiction of the Crater National forest. See Davo Wood about that fire In surance policy. Office, Room 404, M. F. & II. Building. E. h. Mualck of Crosccnt City, Cal ifornia, newspaper publisher and edi tor,' as well as an educator, accom panied by Mrs. Muslrk and daughter, arrived In Medford on Tuesday. Mrs. Mustek and Miss Mustek will visit with her brother, L. O. Howard, hero for several weeks. Muslck left on Wodnosdny morning for Chlco, to re celvo Instruction In spcciul courses at the normal school there. Mustek's Inst newspaper transaction was the disposal of his Interest in tho Argus of Crcscont City to Judge John 1.. Chllds. Within tho last few years Mustek bus been principal at differ ent times of the public schools at Red Bluff, Woavcrvlllo and Ilouldcr Crock, Cal. ' Singer sowing machine shop. C. A. Chapman. Phone 903-R. 245 S. Contral. 147 ,11, T. McN'Icholas, a mining man of tills community, left for Sacramento on Wednesday, llo expects to bo away ten days. Bring your wheat to tho Central Point Mills'. We handle it In bulk and save you the cost of bags. We are In the mnrkot for all kinds of grain. J. II. Cookson, with headquarters In Medford, traveling representative for n large San Francisco wholesale dry gods concern, left on Wedncsda) for Grants Pass on business. Cook son's district oxtends from Cottage Grove, Ore., to Red Bluff, Cal. The Cooksons reside on Pennsylvania nvo nue. Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist, St. Mark's Building. Phono 323-Y. Alex Nlbley wont to Grants Pass on Wednesday morning. Dr. Heine, eye, car, nose, throat. M1hs Charlotto Parker, n foinier Medford girl, but now a resident of I.os Angeles, begun her return Jour ney homo on Wednesday morning, af ter a two months' visit with her mother, Mrs. C. II. II. Pinker, on the latter's ranch south of Modrmd. MIsm Parker, accompanied by her mother, also visited her brother, Herbert Par ker, a member of Seventh company, at Fort Columbia, and relatives ami friends In Northern Washington, while absent from l.os Alleles. Wo pay rash for Howell pears by tho ton or hoi. J. A. Perry at Co operative Fruit Growers Assn. Mrs. ( V. Grossman and children, accompanied by .Miss Sophie Miikiiu Soti, returned to their home at Hill on Wednesday morning. Tho party had been In Medford fur several days on a shopping enterprise. Aprons for pickers and packers nt Tent Factory In Not, 142 Frederick Burke nnd l.ouls l.caeh went to Gold Hill on Wednesday. ' Medford Transfer Co. Phone !V m ' W. W. Kooiis beiian his return trip! to his home In Ccniralla. Wash., on Wednesday morning, after a vMt of three weeks' duration with l. Mm: ahaw at Jacksonville and l-;d Brown at Medford. Koous Is n friend of long standing of thee men, ami knew Brown when tho taller was a curly psted urchin. . Wlnntod at once women piece workers nt Itngtny Cunning Co., Tal ent. Como direct to plant. 112 F. X. Everett, who, with his moth er, Mrs. M. A. Everett, have been vis iting here slnco Sunday, went to Itoguo Itiver on Wednesday for a few days' fishing sport. Call Taxi 303. , Mrs. R.. Monkers, who has been a guest of Mrs. I., Gray tho past week, returned on Wednesday to her home at Brownsville, Ore. Tickets for "So Long Letty" on sale at Hotel Holland. Several detachments of C company went north on train No. 14 Wednes day to relievo other detachments. , Baths, 25c. Holland Hotel. John Winders of Rogue River, who attended to Jegal business In Medford on Tuesday,' returned home Wednes day morning. For the best Insurance, Bee Holmes, the Insurance Man, -Constitliln'Chnpinnn wont to Rogue Itlvor on train No., 14 Wednesday, to subpoena witnesses In u water case that will ho tried here before Justice Taylor on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Wanted at once women piece workers at Ilagley Canning Co., Tal ent. Como direct to plant. 142' Miss Thelma Roblnot started for her homo in Portland on Wednesday morning, after a month's visit with Mrs. Robert Renme. v Johnson for high-class watch re pairing, tf J. C. Ryan, a mining magnate of Morencl, Ariz., accompanied by Mrs. Ryan, started for Long Beach, Cal., on Wednesday morning, where Mrs. Ryan expects to remain for several weeks, Ryan proceeding to Morencl Tho Ryans have been visiting a Bon who Is an officer at the American Lake cantonment, and their old friend, Thomas II. Callahan, In Med ford. Fruit dryers at Pacific Furniture & Fixture factory. Mrs. Bertha Lusby returned on Wodnosdny to her homo at Klamath Falls, ufter a visit of several days with her daughter. Miss Daisy Lusby, at Jacksonville. Miss Antoinette DeCourcey of Portland arrivod In Medford Wednes day morning, to enter St. Mary's academy for the ensuing school year. J. G. Davies, a mining man with Interests near Gold Hill, left for Sac ramento on Wednesday morning, for the purposo of purchasing heavy min ing machinery for his property. Mrs. O. E. Rngsdulo of Lake creek returned Wednesday morning from St. Helena, Cal. She had been receiv ing treatment at a sanitarium there tho past two months. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gates loft on train No. 13 on Wednesday for a protracted visit to rolutlves and friends In Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Mrs. Gates expects to remain nbsont from tho city for perhaps three three months, while Mr. Gates Intends to return probably within a month. Mrs. Earl Baldoek and children, en route from Baker, Ore., to Santa Paula, Cal., slopped In Medford on Wednesday for a 2 1-hour visit with her brother, J. 11. Bushy. Metz cars at Rlversldo Garage. J. Nichols of Ituncom, on tho Ap plegate, shopped In Medford Wednes day. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. llerrnn of Cold Mill, aeiompnuled by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Vestndt of Taco- mn, who have been visiting the ller rons for the past two months, were In Medford Wednesday, obtaining camping supplies for a week's fishing trip around Bntto Falls, Trail and respect. I. It. Smith, formerly a Pnciflc Tel ephone & Telegraph company official, unw selling cigars and tobacco, ar rived I nMcdford, Wednesday to visit customers, lie will remain nil this week. Tickets for "So Long Letty" on sale at Hotel Holland. L. .1. Deuel recently returned from a visit with his brother, Lieutenant 1. S. Deuel, at Fort Columbia. George W. Frye of Lnko creek transacted business In Medford on Wednesday. Mrs. John Neff of Crescent City, Cal., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William O'llarn this week. The Nash hotel had as guests on Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Avellnc. McCloiid, Cal.; Mrs. A. II. Nchncbc, Yreka; Ed l-'lnley, Wnt klns, Ore.; Ed Salt marsh, Robert Orr. ltoiiiio River; Herman Pence, Leon ard y Kce. Jacksonville. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY W WTKlx -To trade :l-ln. Mitchell w.igou for IPi In. G. M. Looinls, lini Lime. H7 l-idli-s wllh Clnileivllu fivl run buy $1.(10 Oxford- at $1.00 a pair SCHMIDT'S "Good Shoes" on luster linii'y. iimmI ihhigH go ipilck, WHIlam ' Price, a pioneer ld&ck s'mltli of Central Point", was found dead. -'n. ; bed Wejlnesdii)'! morning; Heurl (rouble is thoughtjto' have end ed his life. ' ' '. . ,! , - J. W. Myers, the Central Point or chardlst, who has spent the past six months at Rlversldo, Cal., is renew ing acquaintances In the valley. W. V. Baruuni, the Phoenix or chardist, was a Medford visitor on Wednesday. He sold his entire Bart lett pear crop, consisting of fifteen pounds of fancy fruit, to the canner ies at 50 cents a hundred weight. Registered at the Hotol Holland Tuesday night and Wednesday were: From Chicago, George H. Mays, C. Pickett, George Moore, Calvin Per kins; from Yreka, H. F. Fledderman nnd wife, W. H. Young; from San Francisco, William Hahn, J. S. Ford; from Los Angeles, F. R. Rydgren und family; from Denver, Robert Hlgln botham; from Yosemite, Cal., Misses. Mary and Marjorie Curry; from Port land, ft. G. Merrill, John F. Bryant. Registered at the Hotel Medford Wednesday: From Seattle, A. A. Tagnant, O. F. Ehrlman; from Eu gene, John F. Stolz, John E. Mack; from Sacramento, O. J. Irby; from San Francisco, Ed Bolderman, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Montgomery; from Portland, jOliver Williams. I. R. Smith, W. C. Mandell, J. H. Damn, J. C. Lee, F. N. Rogers, A. B. Salmon, H. Saxund, Michael Thomson, F. S. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miley, Miss Kathryn Miley; from Boise, M. Friedcnthal; from Klamath Falls, R. M. Weimers. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS AFFAIRS PETROGRAD MAY BE ATTACKED BY NAVY COPENHAGEN, Sept. 3. German correspondents on the Riga front say that the new offensive, which was mapped out according to a favorite plan of Field Marshal von Hinden burg, had been prepared a long time. Von Hindenburg recently visited the front on several occasions. - The correspondents add that the task of capturing Riga was not diffi cult, ns the bulk of the Russian forces withdrew without resistance. Last week 50 German airplanes were busy In the GuRs of Riga and Finland, bombarding ships, natal batteries and harbors, while several days ago a largo German fleet appeared, consist ing of cruisers, destroyers and sub marines and began a violent bombardment. With Medford trade Is Medford made. The city council met in regular ses sion Tuetday night, with Councllmen Davis, Hargrave, Kecne and Carkin present, Mayor Gates presiding. Keene and Carklh were late, and as their presence was ' necessary to ob tain; a quorum, tho proceedings did not begin until after 9 o'clock. Couu oilmen Emmpns and Gaddis were ab sent, Gaddis being on a vacation. Tho question of a. municipal wood supply was not brought up, and an other holdover matter, that of the city firemen's demand for an Increase in wages from $70 to $80 per month. was, on suggestion of Mayor Gates, referred to the fire and finance com mittees, and It Is expected these com mittees will make their respective re ports at the next meeting of the coun cil, the fire committee on the merits of the firemen's request, and the finance committee on the ability of the municipality to meet their de mand. To Revoke I.lceiLses. ' City Attorney Mears was instructed by the city fathers to prepare an amendment to city ordinances that will confer on the city council author ity to promptly revoke tho license of any billiard or pool hall, or card room or Jitney or Jitneur that has been con victed of violation of the liquor laws This prospective amendment was sug gested by the fact that the city re cently found Itself without legal pow er to revoke the license of a -billiard hall, the owner of which Dleaded guilfy to bootlegging, and the nulli fication of this license had to be exe cuted by the county attorney. As the ordinance now stands such a license may be voided only after conviction on a gambling charge. The fire chief was Instructed by the council to make a list of every shack' and dilapidated building In the city, and to condemn and have de stroyed those that are a fire menace, and to have declared a and razed those that are unsightly. These shells of structures, tho lawgivers hold, are ugly, unwholesome and un sanitary, and have degenerated Into temporary abodes for itinerants and the less; fortunate 'members' of so ciety. :!,r:i::Mlno lliiSlnew. 'ipj 1 Attorney E. E. Kelly representing Thomas Flynn, proprietor of the Med ford Electric company, pleaded before the council Flynn's right to use a dis tillate pump In front of his place of business on Main street. It appeared that Flynn already has In use a gaso line pump. He wanted also to In stall a distillate pump, but probably half the council has objected to any more stationary pumps on Main streets. Flynn, It seems, then bought a portable pump from which to feed his distillate; and his legal represent ative declared that he had permission to Install- It from Acting Fire Chief Marks, although it developed that such permission could cover only the fire-menace aspects of the practice. Some members of tho council alleged tliat Flynn has not always moved hlsj portable pump back Info his store af.-, ter-serving a customer. The whole matter, wa thoroughly threshed out, but no. action was taken and the prob lem was held in abeyance. Mayori Gates, who, on a tie, may vote, Is said to have no objection to the portable pump. H. F. Wilcox was granted permis sion to conduct a pool room, to be known as "The Oaks." ' A report of the finance committee was submitted by City IJccorder Al ford, adopted by the council and war rants were ordered issued to cover salaries and other municipal obliga tions. . , LABOR IS BEHIND THE GOVERNMENT iti WAR MINNEAPOLIS, Sept.,; 5-. i Labor representatives from all parts pi Ibe country and many .momborS, of tle socialist party, tonight arareail! for; a jjlg loyalty conference. which, begins tomorrow under the auspices of the 1 Ame'Jroan Mlllstafce, !frj fUoj an'cj tfe- mocracy. ;an orsqiiiwuiHi i "u weeks !agi for (he "purpose df 'stamp ing out disloyalty and solidifying labor behind the government. Preliminary conferences, relative to the establishment of local branches of the alliance throughout the coun try held the attention of the dele gates during the day; and tonight several members. Including John Spargo, former member of the execu tive committee of the socialist party, spoke befqro the soldiers' relief or ganization. .... Samuel .Clampers, president iofrthe American Federation of Labor, and chairman of' tne alliance, arrived to night. , Mr. Gompers will be elected r buirmnn of the convention. It Is said. and .tomdrrbw'.wlll' deliver 'tie ley- note address. I.. MyrrvVrte you Af FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, September 7 and 8. Bernard Millinery Vanity Hat Shop "Will open at now location with" a well selected and iip-to-date line of Fall Millinery, on September 6th, 7th and 8th Hats remodeled and made to order a specialty. NEW LOCATION: Weeks & McGowan Building, 114 W. Main SEPT. 5-C. Starting Today PERSONAL INTEREST FILM (.100 Foot Contained in PATH E NEWS.) MEDFORD, OREGON, HIGH SCHOOL fiirls Assist in Thinning Enormous Fruit Crop of liogue liiver Valley. MARY PICKFORD AS A LITTLE SCOTCH DARLING OF A LASS, in THE PRIDE OF THE CLAN" IT IS BRIMFUL OF HUMOR -AND PATHOS. AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT STAR-lOc Any Sent Any Tlmo Children nc VIVIAN MARTIN As the "Hume llirl," anil JACK PICKFORD as ".IIMMIK HKXTKIi. TIIK t i M.I.I-(iK HOY," In n I'li.tniHii- Stnrv, "THE HOME GIRL" COMING SATURDAY MARGUERITE CLARK COMEDY MISFIT TOMORROW MARY MILES MINTER i I ; A MARY PICKFORD PICTURE that more than ever crystallizes for all time not only Till' WOXDEU FUL ClIAinr OF THE MOST POPULAR (iIRL IX TIIK "WORLD, hut affords her opportu nity to display a dramatic finesse, ALSO PAGE THEATRE ORCHESTRA under the leadership of Harry Howell will accompany this pho- . ! tp!a.-v, wit-'1 a specially prepared r: . Si,- '. - mimical program. of rare meriit. PRICES-ADULTS, 15c; CHILDREN, 5c. P A G "PICTURES THAT PLEASE-COMfORTS AND EASE' ' t t t ,