Ur.l o-slty s! Crern Library FORECAST Maximum Yeslevilnv, 85; Minimum Toilay, 43.' FORECAST Toirigtit' anil Tomorrow, Fair. iEDf RIBUNE J 'tt n GI AT II It I 11 f FOrty-Beventh Tear. Dally Twelfth Yenr. . MEDFORD. OREOOX. TUESDAY, RKPTKMBKU 4, 1917. KO. 141. t H II 1 il B i 7 JLLJL ra 11 SAILORS SLAIN ITALIANS DRIVE WHILE ASLEEP III 107 Killed, 86 Wounded, by Airship Bombs but No Damage Done to fe'iipyards and Docks Six Air planes in Attack and All Make Good Their Escape. WISDOM, Sept'. I.-Tn lasinslif nil- mill 107 persons were .killed nnd 80 wounded lit Chatham, it is an nounced officially. The victims were naval ratings. Six airplanes took pari in tho raid. Chatham is on the const book ol' the. Muilwuy, .'!() miles southeast of London. It is the seat of immense military and naval establishment: eluding a vast dockyard, an i mil and extensive barracks. Wiilors .SlaunhtomT. The term naval ruling applies to the pr'ade of men on hoard ships, usually those before the mast. Reports of the attack on the southeast coast on Sunday and Mon day nights said they seemed to he more for the purpose of testing the possibility of attack by moonlight. After dropping bombs over a wide area, many falling into fields or I lie sea, the raiders departed as ipiickly ;',hcy came, Willi iiriiisn jucrs in uVsuit. pur In addition to the naval casualties one civilian was Kineii atui siv vcrc injured. The annoniicemcnl lot- Bows : l-'ft'iich s Oltieial Ucpoi't. "Lord French (commander of the Hrilish home forces) reports that last night's air raid was carried out bv about six eneniv airplanes which ...... ,. Il, ..,,11, 1 1 3 1 ill.- f Hie CHATHAM YARDS ',. .1 . ( i il, l! ,,,iw'have been shattered by the energetic were dropped in the I-lo of Thnnet and in the Shcerncss Challiam area between 30:30 p. m. and 11 ::i(l p. in. There were no army casualties, fiiv- ilian casuallies reported nl present are: filled 1; injined (i. The ma terial damage was slight. Ilur ma chines went up anil anti-airciall riiur came into nctiuii, hut wtlliuut icsiilt. , The secretary of the admiralty reports that in the course of the air raid last night the following casual tics were caused to naval ratings: Killed 1(17; wounded SI!." A dispatch to the Star from Chath am snvs that part of the naval bar racks there was struck bv a bomb during last night's air raid, this can- .ill;.' serious loss of life. The Chat I nni ilocuyarn, ine messag tircly escaped damage. w state IL INST CHICAFO, Sepl. !.- The Chicago city council today in special s-es.-iuh, lifter Ihrcc hour's discussion, adopted a resolution commending (invenior Lowdcii for his stand against, permit ting pacifist agitation in Illinois and reoucsting (he slate's chief to pre vent the holding of iinv incctin : in the future which may be inimical to pub lic safctv or ili-loyal or treasonable to the United Slate-!. The resolution, which was presented by Ablernian Tonialp, was nuicmlcd before being ndopted by nvote of VI to b'. council then adjourned. 'Ji li.rii mil imiii" r-irsr liVII ill nil I linn I II I I tclluyy mt rirL PORTLAND, S.pt. 4. Forest fire, burning in the Fori Hock section on the Deschutes river, central nre-j"ii, vere described by forestry ot'Iicial lierc today n the worst in the sia!'. this year. Jlcssagcs fnmi I'ciul, Des chutes county, said forest r.ui-rcr'-und volunteers were fighting the lire nlonir its ten mile length ami were endeavoring to prevent, it from spreading to a nearby ."itIOO acre tract of yullow pine, AUSTRIAN BACK ISONZO FRONT Hindenburfl Sends Two Divisions of Bavarians as Reinforcements Capture of Monte San Gabriele Expected Raids on Western Front Airship Raid Upon Pola. CIKXKVA, Sept. 4. A dispatch from liiusliurck suys that after sev eral urgent appeals, Field Marshal Von Hiniienburg lias consented to send two divisions of Bavarian troops from tho Russian to the lsonzo front to strengthen the Austrian defense. UDI.Y14, Italy, Sept. 4. Field Mar slial Von Arz, chief of staff of the Austrian army, is' reported to bo in specUii;; the Italian front for tho pur- luise of reorganizing his troops, de moralized by many recent defeats. Continue Advance. Meanwhile the Italians continue their steady advance and are spreail ing over a larger tract of the country, especially through tho Brestovizza valley and over the Basinzza plateau, capturing trench after trench and in some cases finding contingents of Austrian troops, literally exhausted and suffering from thirst and hunger, their means of communication liavUig been cut off by tho well-directed Ital tan fire. . ' Monte San liabiiole still is making desperate ol forts at resistance, but Italian pickets are gradually creeping up the slopes, making its fall only matter of time. Since the beginning of tle present advance, the Italians have gained ground every day, while all Austrian I efforts to recapture lost positions resistance of fcadorna.s army. Airship liaid on INda. ItOMK, ' Sept. 4. Thirty Italian airplanes dropped ntne tons of bombs on tho Austrian naval base at Tola, causing destruction and large confla grations, it i.s announced officially. The la, inlis were dropped on the Austrian fleet at anchor and also on military works. All ttie Italian machines, although determinedly attacked, returned safely. The artillery fire has, grown heav ier on tho Julian front, It was an nounccd. On French FitHit. PARIS, Sept. 4.' ALtacks were niado by the (iermans last night on the French lines in the llurtehiso re gion on the Alsne front and east of Iho Meuse in the Verdun sector. The war office announced today that both were checked by the French fire. Itaiils by the French troops at Sap- igaeu', between Sonata and Soiuiuc Ky, in tho Champagne and In the Ar gonne region, rusiilted In the capture of prisoners and ninterial. On llrltlsli Front. LONDON, Sept. I. "The enemy's artillery showed great activity during tho night northeast of Ypres," says today's official statement. "We ad vanccd our lines slightly northwest of St. .lullcn. . , ! We carried out a Biiccessful raid last night directly north of Lend. Our troops killed a number of (iermans and captured several prisoners. A hostile raiding party was driven off south of La Bassee." TO MEET HOOVER WASIIIXflTOX, S.-pt. 4. IN'pro-)-nl;ili'e.-. o lllic l";im Suunr Kelin in;: imliMry will cotit'iT with MitImtI llttnvcr, tin J'ihkI !iniinitrutr, t innrinw rnn-erniiiir pMuiilishinent of a maximum prir tor their 1JU7 out put. rMt Mi'.'iir producers nlrcmly i'jtv ji.'uni to a ma Milium prx-p which they will enforce voluntmily, 1 Mi c;ne suirnr enp tun ver promiM'-; to he lie la rue-1 ever ltohii in the l ititdl States AND r '"eSTTT! ' " - AUSTRIA BLAMES CONGRESS BEGINS RIGA EVACUATED PRESIDENT FOR CONSIDERATION Of BY POPULATION PEACE FAILURE WAR BOND BILL THREE WEEKS AGO UHKLI'Ni, Sept. 4. A dispatch from Budapest says the Fester Lloyd gives prominence to a lengthy statement emanating from an inspired diplomat ic source at Vienna in which the at titude of Austria-Hungary and Ger many toward President's reply to tho pope is set forth as follow-s: "President Wilson and the entente are alone responsible for the terrible disappointment occasioned by the frustration of the pope's efforts cn behalf of peace. Complete disarma ment of the Herman peoples is In fact the aim of Mr. Wilson. It Is tho con dition he names to the pope as tho basis for participation by the United States In peace negotiations. "The suggestion that the undimin ished military strength of Germany be disrupted In this way Is not new. That strength Is based essentially on unity among tho people, army and government. "Tho demand for a cheap democra tization of Germany Is also a tlmo worn device of Its enemies. There really would be no advantage In sub jecting Mr. Wilson's note to profound scrutiny." TIL SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4. -District Attorney Fickt-rt, in a memoran dum of opposition filed In the state supremo court today, declared that the action' of Attorney-General Webb of California was "Irregular and vic ious'' In consenting to an appeal for a new trial for Thomas .1. Mooney, now under sentence of death in con nection Willi tho preparedness day bomb murders of last year. Webbs' stlpuatlon of consent, which was attacked by Flckert as interference without authority," was filed recently In view of charges of subornation of perjury against Frank C. Oxmiin, who was the state's prin cipal witness against Mooney. Ox man Is to face, trial in superior court here tomorrow. THEN PEACE WASHINGTON', Sept. 4. -The houso today began consideration of the $1 l.riSS.fl 4.1,4(10 war bond and cer tificate bill, the biggest measure of Its kind ever presented to congress. It has, In the main, the support of both republicans and democrats. In outlining the bill, Democratic Leader Kitchin declared there was no way of avoiding an allied loan If the United States was to remain In the war. . Xir. Kitchin began fortifying the bill against possible republican at tacks on tho grounds that its conver tibility and tenure features should be changed, by declaring that most of those .burdens would be assumed by the allies. Arrangements would be made, he said, so that every time a United States bond was converted Into ono of a higher Interest, the Interest of allied bonds given In exchange for them would lie similarly advanced and that the tenure of allied bonds would be the same as those Issued here for allied loans. "How much of these allied loans hnvo been spent in tills country " Acting Republican Leader Glllett of Massachusetts asked. "1 am glad you asked that ques tion," Mr. Kitchin responded. "Of tho previous loan about SO or tin per cent. I think at least 7.'. per cent of the proposed loan would be spent here.'' Hepreseiilatlvo Fordtioy, ranking republican member of the ways and means committee, followed Mr. Kllch- In with a strong Indorsement of the bill, producing figures to show thai the cost of the present war per cap ita docs nut promise to compare with the cost of tho civil war. $10,000 WORTH OF AIGRETTES SEIZED FROM SMUGGLER SAN KIMNVIsro Sept. 4. Aiir rctte-4 valued at more limn $10,00(1 were seized hy customs inpeporH on a ve--.cl 1 1 Mm n fore iyu port today. The plumes were found heiieath the Mooring in 11 slalei-iMiin. Their im- iHirtnlioll is folhiddeii by law. tW WASIHNHTON', Sept. 1 Higa was evacuated by the civilian population and foreign consuls three weeks ngo This was the news contained in Un official dispatches surrounded wit I; so much mystery ul the time, and over which .so much uneasiness was felt. PKTHOOHAD, Sept. 4 The Iius- sinn retirement ill the Higa region is being continued nlniur the. coast ill a northeasterly direction, the war of lice announced loilay. In the U.xkull district the liussiiins are retirinir northward, having been dislodged by the (lermuns in the great Jacgel river region. Hostile ships are shelling Ihe Hi; coast, the announcement hitys. KKHLLV, Sept. 4. The city of Hign was on fire al many points when it was taken by the liermans, it is an nouueed. Several thousand Kussians wor taken prisoner bv the (Iermans i their advance in the Itiua rcgiuii urmv bcadipiarlcrs announce dtoduy. More than 1.111 guns were captured bv Ihe ficrmun forces in the grVnt lacLrel river di-trict. WASHINGTON", Hept, 4.-Cnptuin Oliver of tho Amerlean tank Hteamer Canipiinn and the four naval nuntierH, lelatiey, Uopp, Kline and Jacobs, who wt-rii tahen pilHoner wlou their tshl wan Riinl; recently by a German ult- niarlne, are In a prison camp at lira n dfiilturK, I'riiHsla. The newa came to day hy cahln to tho Amoiteau Ited Cms from Cenev.i. A Kronen cruiser which rescued the other memherH of lh ('ampattu's crew reported that a Bubmarfno had been h u nk soon after tho tanker was seat down, and It had been feared that the destroyed I'-bnnt wan th ono with tho five Aniorleuiirt aboard. AMERICAN BAR HONOR PAID TO PLEDGESLOYALTY DRAFTED MEN IN TO GOVERNMENT NATIONAL ARMY 'We Stand for the Dispatch of An American Army, However Raised, to the Battle Front in Europe," Read Resolution Adopted, Declar ing Pacifism Pro-German. SAItATtXJA SI'lilNOS, X. Y. Sept. J. Resolutions pledging the loyalty of the American bar association to the government were presented at the opening; session of the nniiunl meet ing of the orgnni.ntion this mornimr by Klihit Hoot, on behalf of the ex ecutive committee, with the unani mous rcconunendution of Ihe commit tee that Ihey he adopted. The resolutions ussert that, the fu luro freedom mill security of the country depend upon tho defeat of the Herman military power, approve the entrancc'of the United States in to the war before it is too late to find success thru tho united action of the democratic powers; urge the most vigorous possible prosecution of the wnr nnd conclude ns follows: Want, Army Sent. "We stand for tho dispatch of the American army, however raised, to the balllefl'onl in Kurope, where th nrmed cuoinieH of our country cull be found ainf'fought nnd where our own territory fan he best defended. We condemn nil utlcuipts in congress and out of it to hinder and emban-ass the government of the United Slates in carrying on the war with vigor and effectiveness. Under whatever cover of pacifism or technicality such uttcmpts lire made, we deem them to be ill spirit pro-dennan and in ef fect giving uid and comfort to the enemy." lioris A. llaklunelef f, linssinil am bassador lo tho United States, in an address expressed the opinion thai the present, condition of unrest in his country was "but one of Ihe in fant diseases which will disappear." The resolutions of loyalty as pre sented by Mr. Itoul were uuauiuious ly adopted by Ihe Ipidy with u rising FRUSTRATE PLOTS MON'TItKAIj, Sepl. d.-I-YMstraliou of plot lo assassinate Sir liohert Itorden, premier of t'nunda, and Ar thur MciiHiuiii, solirilor-irenernl, and lo dynamite the parliament buildings at Ottawa, was announced by the police today uh having been effected by the arrest of anti-coiiM'riptiouit agitators alleged to have been rr sponsible for th'' blowing tip about n month ago of Ihe summer home of Kurd Alhelstau. PLACED ON III li'I'.ll DAK; Ion ii. Sept I. 'I he Hev l.ynn (icor-ie .1. Kelly was placed on trial in tin' di-lriet court today on indictment charging hiui with Ihe murder ol one ol lite eiubt persons slain with an nx ut Villisca. Iowa, one night In .lane, I 1111.'. Kelly made an alle-jeil confession last week, which his counsel have since declared he "couipelcly repu diated." SEVERE SET BACK ON STOCK MARKET. NKW YOUK, Sept. I - One of the ino-t severe setbacks the slock innr ket has hail in several months oc curred today when prices broke liivo lo ten (mints under feverish liiptiila lion, the market being nil but dctnor 1 1 1 i -1 1 during Ilia last hour. President Heads Parade in Honor of Departure of First Quota of Sol diers to Cantonments Entire Country Celebrates Event as Holi day 30,000 Strong in New York. WASHINGTON', Sept. 4. Tho vanguard of the national army was being honored thruoiit the country to day with demonstrations to celebrate tho eve of departure of tho first drafted men to tho cantonments. Typifying the spirit of the nation, sending; forth its sons to battle for democracy, the "capital gave itself over to a great house demonstration in which President Wilson, congress nnd nil tho heads of the government were leaders. Place of Honor. ; Tlio place of honor in a procession between Pence Monument, at the foot of the capitol, to the white house, was reserved for tho 14(10 drafted men comprising the District of Colum-. bin's first contribution to the na tionul nrniy. Led by President Wilson nnd escorted by senators and repre sentalives, sailors, soldiers nnd ma rines, men of the officers training camp at Fort Mycr, and thousands of their fellow citizens, tho national army uiui'chcd between lines of clieer- spced on Ihe first steps of their ,jour ing thousands, bidding them Ood uev to France. Senators liankhctid of the Confed erate army and .Mint in of the union army, inarched eogether, hut there was only one flag fluttering above them there was only ono flag flut tering over the winding, tramping col umn of thousands; it was the Slurs and SI ripes. Ilovlewed by President. All government offices closed for the occasion, poured out their cm- oyes lo join the procession. At Ihe white house reviewing stand a large parly of foreign diplomats and oilier officials assembled to wait for the president's coining at the head of the procession and join him in re viewing it. IHI,(HI In Xevv Yoik. NKW YORK', Sept. 4. New York paid homage lo her drafted men to day, as :!fl,0(l() strong, they marched ill three parades thru the centers of Ihree of the city's fivo boroughs. In Manhattan, llrooklyn nnd the Bronx hundreds of Ihoiisamls of citizens thronged Ihe lines of march and cheered them on their way into tho nutiouul urmy as enthusiastically and as affcclioiiutely Ihey gave former Nationnl (iiiardsiaen Godspeed into federal service at their Spartans burg. S. ('. cauip. 'I he .Manhattan parade was led hy r M avor M it chid. . BRAZIL NOT TO UK) JANKIHO, Sept. 4. In a do n la I of newspaper ii-poila the minis ter of war has announced that Brazil will not Head troopu to Kurope. The announcement, also Rtates that tho minister of tho navy will not leaso rcipitsllloned Herman ships to the en tente allies. . E MICHAEL JAILED FOR PL01IG I'KTIi'OtiHAi), Sept. 4. Grand llake Michaelis Alcxaitilrnvitch, a brother of tho former emperor, and his wife, have been placed under nr rcst in coiiucclioii with the counter revolutlouarv plot recently lineal th. ed. According to Ihe Den, Annul Puke Ihnilri I'uulovitcli also has been arrested.