F0TJ7I ftrEDFORD MATTj TOTBTTNTE, ' MEDFORD, ORFION, FRIDAY, 'AUGUST 24, 3917 Medford Mail Tribune ' AW INHKIMONIiKNT NK WSPA I'M K PUBMH1IMD KVKKV AKTKllNOON JSX'MCIT KUNIMT HV "MB MKUKOItD I'iCINTINO CO. Office MhII Tribune Building, 25-27-20 North Fir iitrept; telephone . Th Democrnlte Times, Tha Medford Man, The Mcumra Trunin, i ne boui.ii rn OrcRonlun, The Ashland Tribune. . GEGHttK l'UTNAM. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION BATII One Tear, hv until One month, by mail.. .16.00 per month, dolivrd by carrier In ' Aicuiorn, Ahhinna, 1'tioenix, rai ' ent, Jacksonville and Central Point . .50 Saturday only, by mail, por year 2.00 Weekly, por yur - 1.60 Official papor of the City of Medford. Official paper of Juckson County. Kntprpd an second-clans matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I, 1879. Sworn Circulation for 1916 2,491. Full leaaed wire Associated Press dispatches. 1 ! AMSTERDAM, Aug. 24 Tho pro poned prohibition of bathing ut home In Germany to save fuel and soap Is called rank folly by tho Vosalaclio Zeltung of Berlin. Tho paper says many puMIc baths already aro closed owing to a lack (if coal and attributes potable Increases in skin diseases, dysentery and other dlsordors to en forced unclcanllncss. Tho Nord Dcutscho Ollgcnmine Jioltung also points out tho Increase In cuius of dysentery In Ilcrlln, a high percent age of which Is filial, whllo typhoid, which Is spreading, also Is causing uneasiness. . , ' i THE NEW CHEVROLETS IE ARRIVED HERE ; Tho first cnrlond or tho 191 S 'M0" Chovrolot cars have arrived and aro now on dlKpluy at tho show rooms of W. K. Do l.ny on West Main street. Mr. Do Lay says tho 191H models havo many Improvements ami new, attractive, featuics. Tho model "190" comics equipped with n xliinllng two plero windshield that makes It morn pleasant, to ride In with the top lip or down. Tho top ts n one-man Btyln, with curtnlns encased In out-nf-lbo-way supports fastened to tho bows. Tho body hns had Its lines altered lo conform with tho stream-line Iden, and shulii's from front to rear nloiih' easy, plcnalng lines. Tho fenders 111 front havo been altered with a souse Df beauty and uprnus havo been ex tended which completely protect tbo radiator from the mud of tho road. At tho roar ot tbo car unothnr apron has boon Installed which pre vents tho dirt from trotting nt the back of the car and also eliminates somewhat tho dust eddies which fol low many automobiles, A tiro rack is placed nt tho rear or the car. Tbo finish In all details far excels anything that tbo company lias previously attempted. Somo allahl changed havo been made in the Kcar-shlil control rod on Iho car, and both foro doors can be iipened on tho new model, Tho motor la tho samo vnlve-ln-hciid which re cently pulled one ot the cars from Portland lo Eugene, making faster (lino than the Shasta limited. Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Whlllnrk have just returned from a trip to the east that consumed six weeks. Mr. Whll lock spent most of his time In New York city, buying Iho fall uud win ter slocks for the Golden Kulo store ot Medford. As Is generally known, there Is a cbiiln of (iohlcn Kule stores In the west. Iho entire number being under co-operative, and interlocking owner ship, wbldi, It Is asserted, gives to their buyers a distinct advantage In tho purchasing of all stocks. Twice, nt least, each year, buyers from the Cj (ioldell llillo stores meet 111 the country's metropolis and do tin pur chasing for tho entire rhaln. Mrs. YVhltlock visited for several Wonka at lliimntiRVlllo, Mo,, which Is tho old home of tho Whlllncks, us well as tho homo of many (loldon link more progenitors. Whlllnck later re joined Mrs. Whllloek there, and to gether they visited relatives at Con ine. North Dnklta, before resuming their return Journey to Medford. , JOHN A. PERL ' DlTDERTAKim . . IacIj Assistant. M (BOOTH It UtTI.KTT. . rtione M. 41 unci 47-J.. Austomoblle Hoarso Service, jnbulftuo Betylo Dvronet SAME OLD LIES KAISER AVIMIKIE is still peddling to liis credulous dupes the hunk that England started the war. Be tween his exhortations of hate lie still profanely appeals to his pod of f rightfulness, in whose name, like the heathen kings of old, he promises victory. He says: "All Germans have realized who is the instigator of this war and who is the chief enemy England. . . . England is particularly the enemy to he. struck down, however difficult it may he. . . . "With God's lielp we thai! see the struggle through and he victorious." England is to he struck down because the English navy and army cheeked, the German plan for a speedy conquest of the world tho England was the last of the seven nations to declare war and then only because Germany violated her pledges and invaded Belgium. ' It was recently stated by a member of the German rcichstag, and not officially denied, that the war was planned at a conference held between Germany and Aus tria early in July, after which the kaiser went fishing to prove an alibi. After the ultimatum had been sent Serbia, Austria was willing to submit her grievances to arbitra tion, but Germany refused to permit it. For half a cen tury Germany had prepared for war, her industries, re sources and man power mobilized for action. "When it was deemed propitious, the blow was struck. The war found England non-military and wholly un prepared. She had, as the kaiser said, only "a contempt ible little army" of ' 50,000, and no universal military training. For a century England had dreamed of peace her war industries had ceased to exist. Her steel and iron industries had been supplanted by Germany, the Krupps made her guns, her shipbuilding plants had been allowed to decay. Raw r.-alerials from which explosives were made had been shipnedout of the country by crafty Germans. There was no adequate military or civil resources or or ganization, no desire for war and no belief that war could come. Even a year after the declaration of war,' England was shy a million rifles and short on munitions. Germany had trained every citizen for war and had an army of five million in the field. Every industrial force had been marshalled for war, while possible enemies had been crippled industrially, economically and defensively. An elaborate secret service system covered the world. Germany was so sure of quick victory that before a blow was struck, medals were stnick to commemorate the capture of Paris. Even the date for the kaiser's triumph an entry had been fixed. . The kaiser cuts a. sorry spectacle, shamelessly repeat ing and reiterating falsehoods and appealing to God for victory to nerve tip his people to continue a losing strug gle. Only against demoralized Russia, can his' invincible army" make an advance, livery day sees a little more of pillaged territory taken front his grasp every day sees more of his coiinijymcn slaughtered to realize his vain diva ins of world dominion. Every day sees Gernianv grow weaker as hjs enemies grow stronger hastening towards collapse -anil a ruin which is necessary to make the world sale lor civilization. Yet he clings to the old lies and the old blasphemy in justification for the crimes he has committed in staining all Europe red with human blood. ALL VEHICLES SHOULD BE LIGHTED THE district attorney's office is conducting a badly needed campaign for the elimination of the glaring auto headlight nuisance as provided in the Oregon motor vehicle law which became effective August 1. Many acci dents have been caused by these brilliant lights, which are unnecessary upon a paved road like the Pacific highway. The section of the law concerning them reads as follows: When the convenience or safety of the use of any public highway demands, the front lights or every motor vehicle shall be dimmed so as to prevent any glare therefrom, or shall be so directed that the center rays thereof shall strlko the ground at a distance not to exceed 75 feet In front of such vehicle. The driver is, under the law, apparently given the option of either dimming or properly focusing his lights so that the road in front will lie illuminated, and not an indeterminate stretch of highway. I he use ol diiiuuers, however, necessitates the enforce ment, of another section of th law, reading as follows: All vehicles, other than motor cars, shall bo required to display hut one lighted lamp, Mich lamp In be placed on the front of the vehicle so that It shall he visible at least t (ill feet in the direction In which tho vehicle Is proceeding ami show red light to tho rear. Wagons and buggies should carry such alight, for their own safely, as when a motor car is driven with dimmers, in compliance with law, they cannot, be seen by the motor ist and are apt to be run down in t he semi-darkness. Two autos passing each other with lights dimmed are likely to collide with an milighted wagon, invisible in the darkness. GUNNER'S MATE IS ?itii't i:rontoflt time tn n woman's life, nlmnM by nil tin-juts ivmlrr nature lulplntf hand. "Muilior'n Kvlrnd" han ln-on iifu by Ihntmntiiiii of women. Ity rrtgulnr ue the. in 11 nt-1-11 rliix nuturully nmf without nirutn when bulty Is born. Tho work whMi n uuro 1m petfortnlntf In untidiTfuHy abU-d Jiv Hi in fc.il)', ml.'iil UW-.illv ptvpnrod invn-ariHi..-i. 'i ho tiiin.il utr.-i. hlnK j'.iin.i dur ing tho pot ioU uo avoiilvd mi if thu tliuo be foro Kiby arrives Is olio of quid rcpoae ami ioyr.il antiotnntinn. Tho expectant mother should not (to n ulntrle ntRht without applying It liomelf. Wrlto to Tho ltrndfield Kegulutor To., Pent. A. S00 T.nmnr Hid., Atlanta. Ox, for iht'ir nook, ' WioiitcTtH'oa nni tho lmoy It wtll bo went nt nnro without eh area. ".Mother's Friend" H proourablo from any urug more As for id louuy. SALE Closing Out Summer Hats Making K'ooin for lig Kail Line Now Here $2.50 to $1.00 HATS at 950 $5.50 to $3.50 HATS at 2.50 MISS LOUNSBURY-Millinery M. M. Department Store IIOSTOV, Aiiff. '.' I. -Mayor Curlcy announced today that lie !iU() receiv ed a telegram from the navy dejiai't incnt ut Washington givinir official information that Jnmes llelaney of Muldcn, chief gunner's unite on the tore(loC(l steamer Cuniimna, wns a prisoner in the bunds of the crew of tho tlermun Kiibmurine. The news was received thru tho Spanish embassy. Previous reports lincl indiented that the submarine which look De laney and several oilier gunners from the Camiana miht have been sunk later. You likeXl your meat cooked Dont you? t f Why not 1 your tobaccoy J mum i (the real Burial IVcigarette J J ff Its wasted ...... you ccvn flavor most deintiiy with LESLIE SALT it is full flavored free flowing strong without bitic rnoss W'O O D l'ir and Oak. Special prices In carload lots. i:st sniK wool) V.lUl) .11 1 I'nM M:ln St. riiimo 3.13-J. WELCOME To the Dealers' Motor Car Association of Oregon A Carload of the New 1918 "490" 3ars Jias arrived and are on display at our show room Here is the famous Chevrolet Model "Four-;Ninety" in i new flress, with details that make this car most complete, embodying features of higher price ears. The finishing touches we have given this model leave nothing more to wish for. It is complete hi every way. . Chevrolet Model "Four-Ninety" always a dependable and trustworthy automobile, now js in a position to receive the attention of those who de- sire completeness in equipment with the minimum in price and utmost in performance. This model, now more than ever before, is entitled to the term econ omy car, for it embodies everything necessary for enjoyable motoring, with the least expense. . "We know that a motorist, in order to enjoy peace of mind and satisfac tion, must own a car which possesses all of the essentjals for comfort and convenience. If any essential is missing, the loss is felt, for it entails extra labor and effort. It is these es sentials that we have supplied in the new series, Avhjeh are enumerated elsewhere. ' From a mechanical standpoint, this model has reached a standard"of ex cellence that is not surpassed in any motor car. Vanadium steel is used for every part that requires unusual strength. It has ample power proper spring suspension correct weight smart appearance well finished. It has unusual records in gasoline economy. The fact that there are nearly fine hundred and fifty thousand Model " Four-Ninety " cars in use is ample proof that this model is .doing the work demanded of it in a most satisfactory manner. We carry a complete line of REPUBLIC TIRES and automobile accessories W. R. DE LAY 230 WEST MAIN STREET, MEDFORD Claud Miles, Salesman rXXX)0X3XXOOqOOOOOOOpX53 Buy Federals Over 1000 car owners enjoying the durability of Federal Tires Best of all, we guarantiee them. No sending ayay for adjustments. You deal only with us. C. E. Gates Auto Co. Medford; Oregon a