PAGE TWO MTDFORn MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOIH), ORECION. FRTDAV. 'AT'firST 17, 1D17 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT KBWPAI'KH PrHLIKHEP EVEHT AKTKItNUON KXi-EPT SI'NIiAl BY Tltt HEI.H.i:!. I'KIN'TINti . l.ff.v-r Malt Trihjt. Hullil':fc- 2..-V.-:v North r-'lr .tr-l if ..-pt.o;-.- 7S. Th (Vmorratte T.m,-. rt- M--lf..rd Thr ilr-tford Tr.Minr. Th South-k-i. OreicoriiHi.. Trif Ar-t..iin-J Tril.u'.- OEOHGE 1'fTNA.M. SUBSCaiPTlOH RATES! tn fear, by n.;,n IS ri :n month, by in-.l!..... .SO Prr month d.-!lt r.-d t currltr In McsKur.l. As'lUn.i I'li.Hc.lI. T.ti nl, Jacksonville anj OnlriU Point It 3aturdar only, by mail, per year I - Weekly, per year l.t(. official paiT at tl.e City of t.Mfortl Official jailer of Ji.t-kson County. r Knl r as cvnl-cln k nianer M -1for4, r-teun m.Wr it- Ret of Varc1 'Sworn Circuial.on lYr 1V. .41 Full least-d wire Aasoeiaud l'r-es dl- tches. $500 FINE, SIX MONTHS IN JAIL The botle';.'iiir trip ariil jt.y rifle of J. O., n marrit-.l man of Albany, urn) Mi-s Carrie Kvan of Corvallis bas cntlcil in serious con sequences for until. They arc in iheon cells today, the man jiroltalily for years to come and the jjir! for a period at-1 lie 1110-t of six months, lie is about ;(S years old and she is 2. Altogether, Mr. Winm r seems to he a stronjr loser. They are the who cs.-ntct irom Hie c ustoilv of lie onler mier of Ashland late Tuesday niirlit on the Pacific hiithwuy, when Winner lev eled a rifle nt Winier and made him get out of the auto. Then they speeded ittvny. Wednesday they were ea.turcil near C'anyonvillc, in 1 lunulas einiii ty, by Deputy Sheritf Hopkins and his assistants. When ordered by Hopkins to hall, Winner seede up his car. In another ear they were pursued by the offieers for miles but were, not Mopped until the offi cers had shot all their tires- to piecen. Locked t'p in Jail. Special Liquor (titieer Porter of this county brouuht the couple to Medford Inst nijrht ami they were locked up in the city prison here. This morning they were talen liv Porter and County ProeeutorloU'ri to Ashland, where they were arraigned t before Justice of the Peaee Ticl'n-ii.! Prosecutor Huberts had not in tended to hold tile woman, hot t'ol- lowiiiir their nrre-t new ewlcnee cU -! reluprd which led him to want to hoi 1 her as a witness nmiinst Winmr m other discs that may be bn :ii;ht. h will be remembered liiat when tlu'j couple were arrested Tne-dav lnii" j in the Siskiyons, Officer Porter anil: Recorder Wimer found a tlozen bottles of whisky in their ear. in cluding two in .he woman's- sait ease. Ia 1-lnetl t.-,(MI. Winner pleaded pailtv todav to tin ehaiye of import uiu' li.iuor into the state and emlcatoi, ,1 lo shield 'le woman from all Trefren iiuK.s,-,l a s,ntene on la.;, of six months' iui:i-iun, nt and a 1500 fine on this eh.irv'e. Wituu t was then arraigned n t!i- moiv ser ious charue of a-sau!i vi;ii a i.i:.i;r- OUS Wesiu. on vtlmli cli.iry.- J bound otcr to the L'l.m.i i-u. Misa Kvan was ti the charge of iinporin.j li. , the state, she p..i.l,. n." The jnsliee f'Mind l-.rr iiiit an. ocd the same mii! e oi, ;r Winner rtle, ived. hut et IV -, Koherts' siuve-tioti reiiMlt. ! ; n and left the length of tn-a- ,.! t months' stntiiin- 1., - t . ' discretion of the pt.-. 'ii. r. luttir will kf-cp b,-r i" pn "ii at until her testimony i- i the cram .inn' and v.: .... ,r! '' Mill! charge .i ... V. lille Slate ( 1, Pnsecii',,r !?..'.; ! out t harje- svi-1 V r iliST ATI!:, l-min; !' n-. sessmn Shtl of T,-.-:i;. loit has dc'. .!t d I --1 t- e, at ha-! :'.,e Th re is n s federal a- T. QUENTIN II f- tlcsi nil-linn nf tin- calhi-di-jtl nf St. Qiit ntin citlifi- liv Fi-t iii li shells, ns clahiiftl lv tlx- ( It riii.-ins and denied i i v tlie I'reni li. iv ly the (iVnnaiis -arryii)o; mt Their enstonjary jiinoiain of wlidlesak' destruetim before i.'vacu.-ilinn, as el.iiineil hy the J-'retirh, removes one of the historic- and most .ictni-esine sti iivtiiivs of JCurojie a landmark of civilization, a loss that cannot he replaced. The cathedral of Si. (iicntin one of the finest Oothii- structures in the north of France, and in Europe. It was erected durin.t; (he twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, on the slope of a hill dominating the window curtain lnanuracturhiir city of St. Queiitin, which he fore the war had a population exceedintr 50,000. The Imildijip; had no west facade, terniinatinp at that end in a tower and portal of IJoiiianesijiie architecture. Jt was Iliti feet lonir. the height of tlie nave 124 feet, and the choir, rescmhlino; that of Reims, was decorated with poly chroinic pamtintrs of the thirteenth century. Under the choir was an eleventh century crypt containino; the tonihs of St. (Juentin itnd his fellow martyrs, Yiotoricus and (leiitianus. St. (Queiitin. like all the region now heint,' foii-rht over, has licen a hattlefield of nations since the dawn of history, standing at the meet in": 'lace of five military roads built by the Romans. It was the scene of the martyrdom of (iaius (.liiitinus in the third century, who had been sent from Rome as a preacher of Christianity, and thencefor ward a famous place of pil":riina,rc. St. (,uenthi was thrice ravaged by the Normans, and was surrounded by walls in SS;!, and was the first char tered free town in northern France. It was successively occupied by Frsnks. llurundkms and Spanish, and in .1 .")(() was assigned as tlie dowry of Mary Stuart. Jt was heavily fortified by Louis X TV. and in the Franco-Prussian war repulsed ierman attacks, and the loss of the bat ile of St. ((lueiitin in 1871 marked the collapse of the r reiii-li cause. E OF WIZARD ISLE ProfoiMr H. K. Morris, roomily bo lcrt vd by t li ct con n 1 y ctl urat ionn I lniaril to succeed I'rofssor I'eterson as rural srboul supervisor of Jack son county, arrived in Medford this week ami will spend tlie next few days in petting arquuiiitcd with con ditions In the valley preparatory to taking up his official duties just be fore our Fchoolft open in September. It was announced Foino time ago that Mr. rike nf Marion county would be our twi supervisor, but it was im possible for Mr. Kike to ncccpt at this timo due to urgent work In connec tion with the extension division of tho Oregon Agricultural College where he Is now employed. Mr. Morris Is a normal and univer sity student and has had about nine years experience in the school room, the past si years of which were siout as principal of the grammar schools of Koripburg. Or 011. He has made a study of supervision and the rural school problems and is entering the work in anticipation of marked re sult. . T Professor 0. K. Ilvslop, cliief of , faryi crojs nt tiie Orey.011 A.Lrrictil tunil college, will be iu the valley on ; the iMth and -."tli ot' this montli. His ; sulijccl will cover the bet methods j of lmrvetinz beans and a dUcus ' sion for an increase in fall crois. I which is in line with tlie national ap I peal i"r an increased iroilnctim to i meet the exigency of the war. Ad-dre-cs will be delivered nt tlie fol j lowing plai-cs : j liosj'.ie ItivtT on Kridav altomoon1 jat2. j i'hienixT Sat unlay nfternon at 2. j Central l'oiiit, Saturday evening at S. T. ('. CATK County I'atboloist. , j MS MAM j Chicago Grain Cillt'Alio. A at-. 17.- Oiolatioiis: Op. II. (Ills... Who i - Sept. . s.'.Ol SJ ol l oin ),c I I ;t , l.l.-'s May .... .. 1.10 -v l.o:i v Portland Livcstcck IM'lM'I.AMi. .Ik. 17. t'.utle licc.'ip: , 1 i.umI ;.,-ite. '- II. v- I.',-.-, iii.nkr I j str..iL'. 1'il-, -1 c I ' .. lii. I "" Sh.. p Ii,-., ..- i n;:irl,. t '''lr.m-.'. Yi n ;-. so ',0 .. j 11 -, . "'t j Withers. ei.L' Ill; - s .. V -.,1 ' ' I Auction Pwr ' ; New V"! k - ( t.,ii;..s, ' ;o ,;.rs. at. r.. e .V'.ss. j ,v l(..-t,,i. c,.i... .re, ;.,t j-, ; t-. s;i. i ' " 1 1 'o.... .. - i . Sit. .t..i4 ..,n: T'-. !,..., ! ' Ptvtl.mH Grain ' 1 !'"!; 1 I.'ANK. A tv. !.'. No .i..t.i. ;i;e. j 1 , r f. : ' -at S. ''"-"'j lr GROCER. --- i L J TOLD ME" Under Use M om ) ,w. i..,e..i..r ' 'S '-'l '', '), i'V'"' ;4 BoiH-Hs I:,, , ;, f, :n ..,1 trUVv.yAv.'j Ibfcd.n.lae,....,, .V.asc. I tMjtiiim ' Winn, r i- a .. n.. r t. !r.,.i- and 1 I 'iif f VVfe4J b n-,.: w . , - v m avi j : and has oork-'ri u K:ii.r :n t-.e 4 ?-kJ ft' M -l latter n,v M u,, , ,fr,,-,;,r t,-r. '"' 'lT n . ,. r, J,r.i iods, Ilv b"l 1 "I; - jtt . p sj-;. ir-A bv '. f i.,...., a:.,.,,, ; -it'e e'. oi. n I -! Mis Kvan r--!. ,.:jt . . r iiar-1 ...i. ,,i W i ;,. r i kliy.. I!.; i'i.ali COURT HOUSE REPORT Keported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Kir SU. Prolwtto Court. Sarall P. Adams Kstate. Releases. Order U record releases. J. T. C. Nash Estate. Proof of publication of notice to creditors. Circuit Court. W. n. Van Uouten. vs. Roptie Hir er Pal-lie Service Corporation. Stip ulation. Farmers & Krnitprowers Bank vs. Chat. 1.. Ilonfou ct at. Write of at tachment. Summons. Theodore C. l.ovelan.l ct al vs. E. (!. lov. Motion ami affidatft. Karl .hnies et al vs. (i. A. .Morse ct al. Summons. CltATF.Il LAKE, Aug. 16 (siwcial eorre-pontlenee). Onee more the members of the Talisman lode, No. .'U, Knii;!tis ttl I yth-as, have conven ed in the crater within a crater and iu the majestic silence of the mighty mountain top surrounded by the blue waters of this reat lake have held their solemn initiation services. Tal isman lode is of .Medford, Dr., hut participants in the services were from ail parts of tlie l uited States, for the Crater lake conclave of the Medford lode has heeorne famous at ross the land and will hereafter he an annual event. Today many of them have departed. Two vears aL-o the members of Knights of Pythias met for the first time in the extinct volcano's crater in the center of u lake of the bluest blue water thousands of feet deep. So .treat an impression did tiie splendor anil ditniity of this iinitiue. natural lodirc room make that this year n sec ond miefration took place. The mem bers arrived August 11 and remained three days, (in the first day a danc p;irly was held in the spacious lobby of Crater like Lodirc, thru the courtesy of Alfred I,, l'arkhurst, owner and manager. In addition to the dancinjr was a program of tin;; injr and speaking. , Steel MnJiCs Adilross. Will G. Steel, park commissioner, made the chief address of the even injr. lit- welcomed bus visitinjr broth ers to Crater Lake National park and told them something of the plans for the future of this wonderful sjH.t. As the knights had all enjoy ed Crater lake trout caught by mem bers of the party, Air. Steel told of brinirinir the first rainbow trout to the lake thirtv-two venrs affo. lie said he carried them in a bucket and owine; to the condition of the trail, was obliged to walk. 1 Wednesday w-as the busy day for the visitors. Itisintr at (i o'clock, they made the climb tn the crater. 7o"t feet altove the water's cd-e, by 8 n'clock. They crossed the lake to the island on the lar.'C launch which plies the lake. They returned to their campini: ground at 1 o'clock, where luueheon was enjoyed. In the afternoon they repeated .i1ions of their work in the crater In-fore a mo tion picture camera operated by A. C. Allen of .Medford for the (iuumont Motion I'icture Corporation. In the eveninu- daneimr was iiL-aiu enjoyed, the music U'ini: provided hy the K. l orchestra. Mrs. l'hil the California artist, sanu'. ami tiiiks were made bv a number of the vis-1 ! itors. locat ing for Uonie. Today was devoted to sayinir t-ood-hyc and many left for home. A num hcr will remain in camp for a week or two enjoyintr the fishing in tiie lake and tramping nlon trails etlged by inaenilieeiit natural scenic ef fects. Crater Lake Lodire was filled to overt lowing by the knights and beds were intj.roviscd for many. Kullv .'i'lll tci prts-ent. The splendid trail bein buiit to the water's edi:c attracted favorable comment from the visitors. Work on the I rail "was delayed during the ascent of the kni-hts. M. A. Itader. a fonst ranker, prc sentt d a vti!,l man in soni;. The pro--nim si ited the savage hail been captured stviiTiniiii: in tiie w;;t.r- near the .hant..m ship. It dcve! later that the nild man was no les than liatler himself and that he had sliped from n ltc- during the ex. it inir events described in bis sonir, ami lost bis safety raior. Professor Kr.d Alton llailit of Medford interpreted his Crater Iike March as n part of the evening' proL-ram. Much enthus iasm was won by the presentation of his own niunbor. Grand Chaneelor II. G. Wormian and the grand keeiHT of records and seals were anion? those present. The candidates init iated in the crater were .1. Gore, W. I!. .Mi-Cloud, K. Wallace Sears and 1. X. Gobi of C'o.iuillc. There were other members of the class, but their work will be completed in the lodire rooms. Members of the committee on arrantiemejits were U. .1. Trow bridiro, chairman; lin Anispiwr and liiilph Ewinir. Al the final even ing mcetintr a vote of thanks was ten dered Messrs. Steel. Sivirrow and Parkhurst for their efforts inichalf of tljo visitors. When the Skin Seems Ablaze With Itching and Burning There's jttst one thing to do. If your tkin crni5 attlaic with the fcrv htirnirc and itchinff of Eczema, rcai and lastine relief tan only come itom treatment that goei below the surface that reaches down to the very source cf the tronMe. So cr,lled kin-iicascs come from a di cr.lcird condition of the Mood, and the proper treatment is through the tl"fd. Stjreh far and near, and you tan- not find x blood remedy that ap proaches S. S. S. tor real eiticiency. It has been on the market for fitly years, during which time it has been civinir uniiorm satisfaction for all manner of blood disorders. If you want prompt and lasting relief, you tan rely vjpon S. S. S. For expert advice as to the treatment cf your own individual ease, write r-day to Chief Med-cal Adviser, Swift Specific Co, Dept. C Atlanta, Ga. author ; - BoM-bnrp .f t-o.'t't.i: could not g ' . r;v . ,i. atrninst him. Kvan f -i ... rnU iu Cr'ii.s nial on the recent tup. be was marncl u...:;. JOHN A. fERL CKDKSTAKJDS lady .wilnnt. S SOI TH BAItTl.VTT. ltoDe M. IT and 47sl a. AuitomoM'.e HearM Serrlcn, AsbuUne SerTict, j iMedf ord Sample Store Where Cash Beats Credit Lmlii s' Sam.!,- Sli.... siy.-s 2' '. tn '. $2.45 Li.ii. ' Sani.f!s. L' 1 t r " S1.&5 H'Mis,. l)r. -si s ' 98c to $2.25 1 ImiwJ.iw Aprons 75c ('..L.tvil r. itifnats 60c, 98c, $1.25, S1.65 White l'i uii-'ats 65c. 75c Silk lYtti.'oats $2.95 tn $3.93 Suit Cases Ladies' and Children's Shoes Men's Shoes Boys' Shoes Men's Suits -I I i- GIRLS! MAKE A BEAUTY LOTION WITH LEMONS Htfrt ! t At the cost of a small jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonder ful lemon skin softener and complex ion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons Into a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice, thru a fine cloth so no lemon pulps gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Jlst try it! Cet three ounces of or chard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is truly "marvelous to smoothen, rough, red hands. J. CAPITAL MP $100,000. I:l ft MEDFORD cKUlill!l!;&2S 1 Safety-First WHERE are ycur deeds, mortgages, notes, bonds, Insurance policies and other valuable papers? Why take chances with fire, burglars and forgetfulness when you can keep them just as acces sible and a whole lot more secure in one of tlie First National Bank's Safe Deposit Boxes? A verv few dollars a year is pretty eeoii'Miiieal projection cost, ll., n't for.-et that a lianu Account is a Safety iii-t method, too. WM. (!. TAIT, President. OREGON mix Everything Conceivable In the lino of auto accessories from metal polish to roller bearings. We stand behind tho things we sell, so that there, is complete, satisfaction lor the purchaser. Como in and see hot pleasantly you can bo waited on. C. E. Gates Auto Co, si-i (r, for AND COLDS I uenn s cucaiypnis uinimem AT ALL ORUO STORES Tubes Z5c jars 60c There is inore nourishment iu a loaf of Nurmi's Butter-Nut Bread Because it's made with milk. BUY A 15c SIZE It's bftter and most for your money. Nurmi Baking Co. HEINZ Quality Vinegar If you are going to do any pickling you must have the best. We carry Heinz PURE CIDER PURE MALT TABLE SPICED SALAD WHITE SALAD There is nothing better Personal Attention Prompt Service & BENNETT PHONE 252 MARSH '3cji I A7TM 1 . 5 1;JJI ' tto cn nit if? Uts OU L- tt IX- S A LT ihoiyoucan veil afford 'the besi LESLIE DENNEY&GO. Fruit Marketing Agents! SALT Specializing in the dis tribution of northwest ern boxed fruits. M.E.ROOT, Rcpre sentative I Medford, l'hone 294 Main Office Chicago. III. Western Office Payette, Idaho F. II. Hojnie, Western Manager, ... -...iv..e;.!..y..,.-,.,f,.:.y,.(.,v(.v. MEN WANTED Weed Lumber Go. Weed, California Men wanted in Logging Camps, Sawmills, Lumber Yards and Factories. Good lumber handlers in our yards earn from $3.50 to 56 per day on contract work. If you arc looking for permanent employ ment with us, write us for particulars. We operate our Factories the entire vear